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  • af Ben Camillo
    174,95 - 224,95 kr.

  • af Carys Whittaker
    223,95 kr.

    The beautiful new 'Whittaker Journal' from content creator and youtuber, Carys Whittaker.

  • af René Christen
    150,95 - 260,95 kr.

  • af Mony Mürr
    199,95 kr.

  • af Alfred Meyer
    162,95 kr.

    Der Autor vermittelt mit seinem modernen Marchen die absolute Realitatsnahe zwischen menschlichem Verhalten und Erleben. Sehnsucht nach Erdbeeren nimmt den Leser mit auf die Achterbahn von unerfllter Sehnsucht, Depressionen, Esssucht und Burnout und lsst ihn den Swing-by-Effekt der Gefhle hautnah miterleben. Sind Verstndnis, Nhe, Geborgenheit und Liebe etwa Saisonartikel, genau so wie frische Erdbeeren?

  • af Fi Glover & Jane Garvey
    106,95 - 166,95 kr.

  • af Tad Friend
    226,95 kr.

    "Is the father I wanted the father my children want me to be, too? Or is the father I got the father I've inevitably become? Almost everyone yearns to know their parents more thoroughly before they die, to solve some of those lifelong mysteries. Maybe, just maybe, those answers will help you live your own life. But life doesn't stop to wait. In his fifties, writer Tad Friend is grappling with being a husband and father and trying to grasp who he is as a son. Torn between two families, he careens between two stages in life. On some days he feels vigorous, on the brink of greatness when he plays tournament squash. On others, he feels distinctly old, troubled by his yawning distance from millennial sensibilities or by his own face in the mirror, by a grimace that's so like his father's. Theodore Friend, [a] ... historian and the former president of Swarthmore College, was gregarious and charming with strangers yet cerebral with his children. Tad writes that 'trying to reach him in any deeper way always felt like ice fishing.' Yet now Tad's father, known to his family as Day, seems concerned chiefly with the flavor of ice cream in his bowl and, when pushed, interested only in reconsidering his view of Franklin Roosevelt. Then Tad finds his father's files, a trove of passionate confessions that reveals a man entirely different from and more complex than the exasperatingly logical father Day was so determined to be. It turns out that Tad has been behaving self-destructively in the same way Day was--a secret each kept from everyone, even themselves. These discoveries make Tad reconsider his own role, both as a father and a son. But is it too late for both of them?"--

  • af Dawn Bates
    208,95 kr.

    International Bestselling author Dawn Bates teams up with Clarissa Kristjansson, the world's leading voice of the Thriving Thru' Menopause podcast to bring you an anthology like no other.The Potent Power of Menopause is an open and honest, frank and insightful anthology by 10 women and 1 man from various countries, cultures and faiths around the world - and has the addition of humour which the world has come to enjoy and expect from the books published by Dawn Publishing on the subjects that matter.Within the pages of this book, you will find real-life stories, expert advice and information, detailing the transformational time in a woman's life that is so misunderstood, wrapped in a silence filled with myths passed down through the generations, whilst also being dismissed and ridiculed.The mere mention of the word menopause has caused discomfort, and its name has been whispered in fear of the shame associated with infertility and ageing... That is until now."There are so many books on the market which just didn't appeal to me - not just because many of them are dry and sterile, but because they were either far too feminist or just more of the same old same old," says Bates, the lead author and publisher on this anthology. "I wanted straight forward honest information, a holistic view and have a laugh whilst understanding this transformational time in my life - not be bored out of my mind."Kristjansson says, "this book reframes our experience of this life transition and offers powerful insights into menopause as a gateway into a new and meaningful phase of women's lives."Choosing to dedicate this book to the women of the world, past, present and future, Bates and Kristjansson make their points clear that without the ancient wisdom, and the women of today sharing their stories, the women of tomorrow will end up with more of the regurgitated content aimed more at promoting the author and their business, rather than impacting humanity.The aim of this book is to encourage all the women who read it to love their body, own their sovereignty and harness their feminine power for the greatness of self, and humanity, whilst also helping men understand menopause rather than feel as though they are living, loving and working with a ticking time bomb.Bates had been developing this idea for 2 years before approaching Kristjansson, an internationally recognized holistic menopause coach who knows that perimenopause can be challenging but also the natural path to transformation and the emergence of a wiser woman.The pair make the perfect team, and with them both at the helm driving this project forward, they are set to transform the way in which menopause is seen and understood the world over.Ann Moir-Bussy, one of Australia's leading voices for women in both the indigenous community and mainstream society, joins the team along with English energy healer and leadership coach, Su Winsbury, making this the most holistic book on the subject of menopause on the market.With menopause experts such as Kate Usher, author of Your Second Phase, a corporate coach and change strategist who specialises in Menopause, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, this book brings a change in the global narrative in the business world too.Joining these ladies includes Asian American Powerlifter Laarni Mulvey, transformational stylist to the stars and American politicians Liana Chaouli, is Kate's husband Neil Usher who shares his experience putting the men into menopause.Lifestyle Reboot guide Fiona Whitfield (England), Yoga Therapist Ullis Karlsson (Sweden) and Women's Advocate Maggie Inbamuthia (India) also bring a wealth of knowledge from the perspectives of nutrition, ayurvedic healing and spirituality into this powerful book.A timeless book to journey into the future of feminine transformation.

  • af Ken Liu
    106,95 kr.

    Novellerne minder umiddelbart ikke om hinanden; den ene handler omen fars utilgivelige utroskab og hans simulationsopfindelse, der gørdet muligt, at genskabe ethvert menneske til at tilfredsstille sine egnebehov; den anden er en nådesløs skildring af en immigrantmors forsøgpå at tilpasse sig en vestlig verden og hendes søns afvisning af dereskinesiske ophav; den tredje præsenterer i bedste Black Mirror ogWestworld-stil, hvordan det ultimative overvågningssamfund påvirkersindet og menneskets frie vilje.Men alle tre historier har det til fælles, at de omhandler noget af detvigtigste og mest basale, vi omgiver os med – nemlig menneskeligerelationer – og hvordan disse relationer sættes i spil i en alternativverden, der måske ikke er så langt væk fra vores egen virkelighed.

  • af Barney Norris
    166,95 kr.

    'Lyrical' Daily Mail'Beautiful' Spectator'Skilled' Financial Times'Vulnerable' Guardian'Deft' Independent'Profound' Observer'The beginning of summer. Perhaps it crosses my mind even now while I wait for news of Amy that something is coming towards us. Like sighting the first slow swell of a wave.'Years ago, in an almost accidental moment of heroism, Ed saved Amy from drowning. Now, in his thirties, he finds himself adrift. He's been living in London for years - some of them good - but he's stuck in a relationship he can't move forward, has a job that just pays the bills, and can't shake the sense that life should mean more than this. Perhaps all Ed needs is a moment to pause. To exhale and start anew. And when he meets Amy again by chance, it seems that happiness might not be so far out of reach. But then tragedy overtakes him, and Ed must decide whether to let history and duty define his life, or whether he should push against the tide and write his own story. Filled with hope and characteristic warmth, Undercurrent is a moving and intimate portrait of love, of life and why we choose to share ours with the people we do.

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