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  • af Alain Robbe-Grillet
    212,95 kr.

    These two novellas demonstrate why Alain Robbe-Grillet, the leading practitioner and theorist of the noveau roman, is one of the most discussed and controversial writers of the post-war era. In La Maison de Rendez-vous, the master of the "new novel" creates a world of crime, intrigue, and passion dominated by Lady Ava's mysterious Blue Villa. Set in Hong Kong, the novella unfolds over the course of one evening, but the events of that night recur repeatedly, from the perspectives of different characters. Robbe-Grillet creates an unsettling work that challenges ideas about subjectivity and objectivity, fiction and fact, and the entire process of storytelling. A haunting, disorienting, and brilliantly constructed novel, Djinn is the story of a young man who joins a clandestine organization under the command of an alluring, androgynous American girl named Djinn. His search for the meaning of his mission and for possible clues to the identity of the mysterious Djinn, becomes a quest for his own identity in an ever-shifting time-space continuum.

  • af Juliet Lever
    197,95 kr.

    Do you feel there is more you want to experience in your life? Do you sometimes feel like something is wrong, or missing in your life?Does your soul yearn for more than what you are currently experiencing?In Relaunch My Life, Australian coach and trainer Juliet Lever shares an intimate journey through the steps she took to relaunch her own life from an anxious overworked employee in an unhappy marriage to an inspired entrepreneur and finding her soulmate. In this life-changing and inspiring book she shares her secrets so you too can live your happiest and most fulfilling life - a life on your terms.This book will help you to: - Understand why things have happened to you in your life.- Learn clues and concepts to discover your soul's purpose.- Take steps to redesign your future.- Unlock the five keys to fulfilment in order to live your most fulfilling life.- Plus gain resources, support and inspiration to help you on your journey. Because you deserve to live your happiest and most fulfilling life

  • af Andrew Klavan
    187,95 kr.

  • af Amy Gillespie Dougherty
    227,95 - 262,95 kr.

  • af Fred Nicora
    207,95 kr.

    Everyone learns to accept twists and turns as they live out the daily rituals of their lives. But what happens when an event completely alters one's understanding of their world, including who they are? Forbidden Roots brings readers into Fred Nicora's innermost thoughts as he sees his foundation swept away with a simple slip of the tongue at the age of forty-one while attending a large family gathering. This gripping and true story about being suddenly thrust into the world of adoption explores the expected and the unexpected as he seeks to understand his new identity and reframe his past. Things like this aren't supposed to happen, but they do. Ride along with Nicora on his journey of twists, turns, and bombshells.

  • af Francine Russo
    175,95 kr.

    A comprehensive and intimate guide to finding, keeping, and enjoying love after fifty, the best kind of love there is.Studies keep showing that love after fifty is more satisfying than at any other stage in life, and it makes sense: at this stage, you are more emotionally stable and more focused on the present; you know what you absolutely have to have, but also what you can live without; partnering is no longer about building family and fortune—it’s about sharing intimacy as grounded individuals. And sex isn’t pass/fail anymore, but about becoming erotic friends. So, if this is the promised land, how do you get there? In Love After 50, journalist Francine Russo interviewed the best experts in the field and dozens of couples to help show the way. Her “practical, excellent guide” (John Gottman, author of The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work) includes advice like: -How to recover from the emotional damage of divorce, the grief of widowhood, or a history of unfulfilling relationships -How to build realistic requirements for a partner -What attitudes to bring to dating -How to overcome the psychical challenges of sex and embrace your erotic selves -How to evaluate the financial, emotional, and practical results of marrying, living together, or living apart -How to deal with (hostile) adult kids to safeguard your relationship and family Love After 50 is “essential reading” (Pauline Boss, PhD, author of The Myth of Closure) that is not only practical but also unassuming and candid. It is full of real people’s stories (including the author’s), with vivid examples of couples who have overcome their pasts to form healthy and nurturing partnerships. In other words, it’s as real as love after fifty can be.

  • af Wolfgang W. Schüler
    229,95 kr.

    Vom ausdauernden Laufen im Selbstversuch gelangte der Psychologe Prof. Dr. Alexander Weber zur Laufforschung. Von ihr wiederum zur lauftherapeutischen Praxis einschließlich ihrer methodischen Vermittlung. Kein anderer im deutschsprachigen und europäischen Raum hat das Feld der Lauftherapie so initial, umfassend und systematisch bearbeitet - letztlich lehr- und lernbar gemacht: Ausbildung von Lauftherapeut:innen - wie er. Was ihm anfangs Idee war, ist heute anerkannte Praxis im Dienst der Gesundheit (Psychologie, Psychotherapie, Sport-/Bewegungstherapie, Medizin, Physiotherapie, Pädagogik).

  • af P J O'Rourke
    157,95 kr.

    With his typical wit and keen analysis, O'Rourke looks at the way the post-war generation somehow came of age by never quite growing up and somehow created a better society by turning society upside down.

  • af Sita Romero
    162,95 kr.

  • af Sylvia Taylor
    208,94 kr.

    What happens when your thoughts are full of sparks and spirited stories are bursting to be told? Treena Innes has provided life thoughts in a Mind Doodle style that lets the reader unzip the colourful words, then unpack the free-wheeling, zig zagging ideas and questions around these lively, genuine reflections. Readers will join this Mind Doodle journey that will challenge their own experiences and entice an endless flow of questions while being entertained. Vibrant, raw and quirky just begins to describe these stories within stories that will perk you up to contemplate your own life musings.

  • af Tobias Leinenfelder
    327,95 kr.

    Das Einmaleins des erfolgreichen InvestierensViele Menschen wünschen sich ein passives Nebeneinkommen. Gleichzeitig sorgen sich Millionen Deutsche um ihre künftige Alterssicherung. Eine Möglichkeit, beides zu meistern, ist die Investition an der Börse. Dies erscheint vielen jedoch als zu riskant. Die Deutschen gelten bekanntlich als "Aktienmuffel".Der Ratgeber für Kleinanleger zeigt, wie man durch Investieren an der Börse sein Geld vermehrt. Von Aktien über ETFs und Fonds bis zum Zinseszins: Erläutert werden grundlegende und allgemein bekannte, aber für das Thema relevante Begriffe aus den Wirtschaftswissenschaften und wie man sie erfolgreich anwendet. Auf diese Weise wird bisher Komplexes verständlich und praxisnah erklärt. Dabei wird deutlich: So kompliziert, wie viele glauben, ist es gar nicht. Mit den geschilderten Kenntnissen können Anleger erfolgreich an der Börse agieren und die sich hier bietenden Chancen nutzen.Dafür muss man nicht reich sein. Das Buch zeigt, wie sich Normalverdiener mit einer kleinen, aber regelmäßigen Sparrate eine Rente aufbauen können. Es vermittelt ein Verständnis darüber, wie Investieren und Geldanlegen funktioniert. Dabei macht es deutlich, wie sich Anleger die notwendigen Informationen beschaffen und eine nachhaltige Investitionsstrategie entwickeln können.

  • af Marco von Rodziewitz
    173,95 - 259,95 kr.

  • af Tammy Anczok
    197,95 kr.

    Women Who Influence is a collection of 29 influential stories to inspire your soul's journey. In this special edition cover, dive into co-author Tammy Anczok's story of her life's trials and triumphs as a wife and mother of four. Discover how her personal identity crisis led her on a path to reconnect to herself and God when faced with an empty nest for the first time in three decades.

  • af Stevie Gardener
    144,95 kr.

  • af Carys Whittaker
    247,95 kr.

    The beautiful new `Whittaker Journal¿ from content creator and youtuber, Carys Whittaker.

  • af Werner Stolle
    415,95 kr.

  • af Ulla Fels
    169,95 kr.

    Mit Humor lassen sich Widrigkeiten und Konflikte leichter bewaltigen. Menschliche Schwachen, soziale Unterschiede und Tabus konnen angesprochen und besser toleriert werden. In vielen auereuropaischen Gesellschaften wurden deshalb sogenannte Scherzbeziehungen entwickelt und in das soziale Leben eingebunden. 2014 wurden sie von der UNESCO als immaterielles Weltkulturerbe anerkannt. Am Beispiel Westafrikas zeigt Ulla Fels, dass diese originelle, kommunikative Methode erlernbar ist, wann sie angewandt wird und weshalb sie in Beziehungen das Gefhl von Freundschaft und Verbundenheit frdert.

  • af René Christen
    184,95 - 304,95 kr.

  • af Thomas Rüedi
    367,95 kr.

  • af Oliver T. Streppel
    246,95 kr.

  • af Mony Mürr
    129,95 - 231,95 kr.

  • af Alfred Meyer
    179,95 kr.

    Der Autor vermittelt mit seinem modernen Marchen die absolute Realitatsnahe zwischen menschlichem Verhalten und Erleben. Sehnsucht nach Erdbeeren nimmt den Leser mit auf die Achterbahn von unerfllter Sehnsucht, Depressionen, Esssucht und Burnout und lsst ihn den Swing-by-Effekt der Gefhle hautnah miterleben. Sind Verstndnis, Nhe, Geborgenheit und Liebe etwa Saisonartikel, genau so wie frische Erdbeeren?

  • af Jörn Cölsch
    256,95 - 325,95 kr.

  • af Christopher Keroack
    252,95 kr.

    Foundational and practical approaches to health that will turn your path to health around. Learn how to: understand the balance of key factors related to foundational health; navigate the world of nutrition and supplements; plan meals that improve health; improve eating habits and digestion; reduce stress and improve sleep.

  • af Akono Schmidt
    198,95 kr.

    Franklin D. Roosevelt war der letzte US-Präsident, der in der Welt sozialen Ausgleich und damit dauerhaften Frieden schaffen wollte. Dieses Buch über sein Leben verquickt Realität und Phantasie und geht über das tatsächliche Todesjahr hinaus. Die Schilderung seiner ungewöhnlichen Lebensverhältnisse und seiner mutigen Politik entspricht bis etwa 1944 meist den Tatsachen. Die Charaktere der im Buch auftretenden Personen sind jedoch ebenso frei erfunden, wie deren Aussagen und Handlungen und die daraus resultierenden wunderbaren politischen Folgen.Es ist halt ein Märchen.

  • af Fi Glover & Jane Garvey
    105,95 - 165,95 kr.

  • af Jessica Turner
    143,95 - 182,95 kr.

    Personal development is a growth process similar to the metamorphosis of a butterfly. Emerge from your childhood as a caterpillar, discover what you really want in the cocoon, and take responsibility for your life. Let go of the past and open yourself up to new perspectives. Learn to feel vibrant and free like a butterfly, to flutter your wings, and to lead a more confident and fulfilled life! YOUR METAMORPHOSIS is more than a self-help book. You can pick it up again and again, refer to its tips and activities, and use it as a personal workbook. Write in it, make notes, and keep it by your side during your transformation. With your purchase, you are making a generous donation to my school project in Kenya, which covers school costs for children there. Your contribution gives them an education, the opportunity to learn a profession, and the chance to live a good life.

  • af Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir
    177,95 kr.

  • af Volker Kulessa
    334,95 - 461,95 kr.

  • af Tad Friend
    225,95 kr.

    "Is the father I wanted the father my children want me to be, too? Or is the father I got the father I've inevitably become? Almost everyone yearns to know their parents more thoroughly before they die, to solve some of those lifelong mysteries. Maybe, just maybe, those answers will help you live your own life. But life doesn't stop to wait. In his fifties, writer Tad Friend is grappling with being a husband and father and trying to grasp who he is as a son. Torn between two families, he careens between two stages in life. On some days he feels vigorous, on the brink of greatness when he plays tournament squash. On others, he feels distinctly old, troubled by his yawning distance from millennial sensibilities or by his own face in the mirror, by a grimace that's so like his father's. Theodore Friend, [a] ... historian and the former president of Swarthmore College, was gregarious and charming with strangers yet cerebral with his children. Tad writes that 'trying to reach him in any deeper way always felt like ice fishing.' Yet now Tad's father, known to his family as Day, seems concerned chiefly with the flavor of ice cream in his bowl and, when pushed, interested only in reconsidering his view of Franklin Roosevelt. Then Tad finds his father's files, a trove of passionate confessions that reveals a man entirely different from and more complex than the exasperatingly logical father Day was so determined to be. It turns out that Tad has been behaving self-destructively in the same way Day was--a secret each kept from everyone, even themselves. These discoveries make Tad reconsider his own role, both as a father and a son. But is it too late for both of them?"--

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