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Muhammad er Islams profet, han er central i en verdensreligion og i den debat, der præger vores samtid. Han er også verdenskultur: Muhammad (o. 570-632) har formet historien, men den har også formet ham. Ligesom Jesus har profeten en lang fortolkningshistorie, og de historiske udviklinger har gjort ham til den, han er i dag. Professor i islamiske studier Jakob Skovgaard-Petersen indleder sin bog med en fremstilling af, hvad der vides om den historiske Muhammad, centreret omkring de centrale begivenheder i hans liv og karriere, og derpå tages læseren med gennem en fortælling om Muhammad fra tiden efter hans død til i dag. I en række kronologiske og tematiske kapitler skriver Jakob Skovgaard-Petersen en nuanceret, levende og vidtfavnende historie frem om profeten og den måde, enhver tid har set sine idealer og ideer legemliggjort i Muhammad.
Title: The Ramadan Cookbook, Author: Anisa Karolia, Publication Year: 2023-03-09, Publisher: Random House UK Ltd, Language: eng
Fra det 7. århundrede, da araberne vandt fodfæste i Nordafrika, og tretten hundrede år frem foregik der en omfattende deportation af sorte afrikanere til slaveri dels i det arabisk-muslimske Mellemøsten, dels i de islamiserede nordafrikanske områder. Araberne udviklede et nærmest umætteligt behov for slaver, og forfatteren til ”Det tilslørede folkemord” vurderer, at mindst 17 millioner afrikanere blev deporteret til slaveri. Bag dette tal skjuler der sig formentlig tre gange så mange dødsofre, der var forårsaget af slavehandleres overfald på landsbyer, af hungersnød og af sygdomme i de opløste samfund. Slavetransporterne foregik under umenneskelige forhold, som medførte, at en meget stor del af slaverne døde undervejs.Tidiane N’Diaye betegner dette langvarige menneskerov, der fratog det afrikanske kontinent store dele af dets mest arbejdsduelige befolkning, ødelagde veludviklede samfund og påførte det så store skader, at det er mærkbart i dag - som et folkemord. Denne opfattelse underbygges af en omfattende praksis af kastrering af mandlige slaver og drab på spædbørn: Der eksisterer i dag kun meget få efterkommere efter de mange millioner deporterede.”Det tilslørede folkemord” beretter om de afrikanske samfund før arabernes ankomst, om udviklingen i den arabiske slavehandel, om de deporterede afrikaneres skæbne som slaver og om de europæiske kolonimagters meget tøvende indsats mod den arabiske slavehandel i slutningen af forløbet.
A new, updated edition of this modern classic in religious publishing, capturing the complexity, power and poetry of the early suras of the Qur'an
***** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER *****'A beautiful unique day-by-day companion throughout the Holy Month' - DR. OMAR SULEIMAN------------------------------------------A must-have intimate journal to guide you through Ramadan and deepen your individual connection to Allah for the year ahead.With inspiring reflections, practical exercises, powerful quotes and drawing from the spiritual wisdom of the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah, it offers an invitation to...- Let your heart ponder through stillness and reflection on insightful words that stir the soul.- Immerse yourself in du'a and use this opportunity to speak to your Lord in supplication.- Journal about spiritual themes and subjects, encouraging you to turn inwards and pen personal revelations for you.A journey within a journey. A space for transformation. This journal is a path with and for The Most Merciful.
At være europæisk muslim er det første og mest ambitiøse forsøg på en samlet fremstilling af, hvordan islam meningsfuldt kan indgå i den europæiske virkelighed. På baggrund af grundige studier i islams kilder søger Tariq Ramadan at besvare nogle af de fundamentale spørgsmål der vedrører europæiske muslimers sociale, politiske, religiøse og kulturelle integration. Det er forfatterens vurdering, at det er muligt på samme tid at leve som praktiserende muslim og være en aktiv samfundsborger.I bogen gennemgår Tariq Ramadan de vigtigste islamiske grundprincipper og de metoder, der traditionelt er udviklet med henblik på at ´oversætte´ og forstå de islamiske grundprincipper. På denne baggrund foreslår Tariq Ramadan, hvorledes europæiske muslimer bedst forholder sig til de særlige udfordringer, de stilles overfor, herunder dialogen, samarbejdet og sameksistensen med de ikke muslimske befolkninger, der udgør majoriteten overalt i de europæiske stater.At være europæisk muslim er udgivet i samarbejde med Islamisk-Kristent Studiecenter.
Ein alleinerziehender Vater, eine Teenager-Tochter mit felsenfester Überzeugung und scharfer Zunge, der beste Freund und der Nachbarsjunge auf einer Odyssee, bei der es um mehr geht als mit Klischees und Vorurteilen fertigzuwerden.Mit Spannung, Humor und liebenswerten Persönlichkeiten erzählt die Autorin in dem Roman "Der Geruch von grünem Kardamom" von Alltag und Herausforderungen praktizierender Muslime in Deutschland. Wir tauchen ein in das Leben des liebevoll engagierten Vaters Ismail und begleiten ihn und seine Tochter Sumayya auf einem Abenteuer, das zum Nachdenken einlädt."Ich kann mir beim besten Willen nicht vorstellen, dass sich ein zwölfjähriges Mädchen freiwillig so etwas überstülpt." Als wäre es nicht schon schwer genug, alleinerziehender Vater einer zwölfjährigen Tochter zu sein, steht bei dem praktizierenden Muslim Ismail plötzlich das Jugendamt vor der Tür. Sumayya war mit ihrer Lehrerin aneinandergeraten, der vor allem das Kopftuch des jungen Mädchens ein Dorn im Auge ist. Dabei will sie doch nur selbst entscheiden, wie sie sich kleidet, welche Feste sie feiert und woran sie glaubt. Nun zweifelt Ismail die Neutralität des Staates an und riskiert alles, indem er eine gewagte Entscheidung trifft, die das Leben seiner Tochter und sein eigenes für immer verändern könnte. Was sie nicht ahnen: Ein unglücklicher Zufall hat Ismail tief in polizeiliche Ermittlungen verstrickt...Jetzt heißt es Alles oder Nichts und während sich die Schlinge um Ismails Hals immer enger zieht, muss er ganz nebenbei noch zwischenmenschliche Konflikte meistern wie das Heranreifen seiner Tochter zur jungen Frau oder die Frage wie er ihr beim Verlust ihrer Mutter am besten beistehen kann. Und warum verhält sich sein Nachbarsjunge und Koranschüler eigentlich neuerdings so rebellisch? Gut, dass er seinen besten Freund - die charismatische Frohnatur Umar - stets an seiner Seite weiß. Gemeinsam stellen sie sich jeder Hürde und machen dabei so manch skurrile Bekanntschaft.
L'angélologie judaïque serait née en période de l'exil à Babylone, où les Juifs se sont initiés au savoir babylonien et perse. Il apparait aussi un développement non négligeable de conception des anges dans le christianisme. L'islam hériterait dans la même perspective lui aussi son savoir des anges, en partie des religions tribales arabes et en partie de la Perse. Dans théologie monothéiste, les anges sont traditionnellement conçus comme des entités intermédiaires entre le ciel et la terre, ou entre Dieu et l'Homme. Cette foi s'appuie aussi sur ce rêve de Jacob, dans la Genèse (28 :12) : "Il eut un songe : voilà qu'une échelle était dressée sur la terre et que son sommet atteignait le ciel, et des anges de Dieu y montaient et y descendaient."
Reproduction of "The Call of the Marching Bell" (بانگِ درا), Allama Iqbal's seminal 1924 Urdu poetry collection.
Reproduction of "Wing of Gabriel" (بالِ جبریل), Allama Iqbal's seminal 1936 Urdu poetry collection.
Dans ce recueil captivant, l'auteure, ayant elle-même choisi l'islam malgré son environnement agnostique, vous convie à découvrir les témoignages de femmes et d'hommes qui ont généreusement partagé leur vécu. Sa motivation profonde est de susciter des émotions et d'offrir une lumière éclairante à ceux qui se questionnent sur le chemin vers l'islam.En parcourant ces pages, vous explorerez des trajets variés, marqués par l'extraordinaire, la douleur, la joie, la simplicité ou la difficulté, démontrant ainsi que c'est Allah qui choisit qui Il guide et à quel moment ! Il s'agit d'un cadeau divin qui oriente nos vies à travers les complexités de ce monde.Que ce livre soit source d'inspiration et de guidance pour tous les lecteurs !
This unique series of children's stories offers the dearest children the most beautiful and precious gift in existence, namely, the lessons and wisdom that reinforce faith in the One and Only God. Without belief in God, a person lives a life filled with anxiety, tossed by the waves of events, not knowing their way or distinguishing between what benefits them and what harms them. This series has adopted a distinct approach to storytelling through captivating illustrations, artistic direction, and a writing style that appeals to the children. They can enjoy and benefit from the lessons and moral guidance to become closer to God, the Almighty.
'What if an ideology, which is meant to impart wisdom and guidance to humanity, itself loses all its control and causes serious woes to the entire world?' In the last few decades, an extremely anti-pluralistic, visibly misogynistic and terribly intolerant strain of Islam has taken control of the Arabian heartland and systematically spread out to other countries, eventually wreaking havoc across the world. Covering the expansion of political Islam in the modern Arab and non-Arab world until the dawn of Crown Prince Bin Salman era in Saudi Arabia, Hasnain's thorough research explores the radicalization of Muslim youth in North America and Europe, as well as the sectarian fault lines and rise of the Shia crescent in the Middle-East. These developments ultimately led to the rise of Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), along with the weaponization of Islamic thought through the use of various social media platforms for the recruitment of jihadi volunteers, which has plagued the world in the past decade. An important work, it exposes how extremist outfits, with the support of the religious apparatus, methodically managed to scar the face of a faith that claims to have the second largest number of followers in the world.
Learn to love Allah and be good children. Follow the adventures of Aya, Sarah, and others as they learn lessons and wisdom from the Quran. Accompanied by beautiful illustrations, your children will love each and every story.
Mit Motivation, Spiel und Spaß den Fastenmonat gemeinsam erleben!Der Ramadan ist eine ganz besondere Zeit für die Familie! Mit diesem Mitmachkalender ermöglichst du deinen Kindern, noch tiefer in die einzigartige Welt des heiligen Monats einzutauchen.Dieses Buch für Kinder von 6-10 Jahren, ist gefüllt mit unzähligen Aktivitäten, die jeden Tag zu einem kleinen Abenteuer machen. Von täglichen Koranversen mit kindgerechten Erklärungen bis hin zu kreativen Bastelideen ¿ dieses Buch hat alles, um deine Kinder auf spielerische und lehrreiche Weise an die Traditionen des Ramadan heranzuführen.Besondere Highlights:- Tägliche Sure (Koranverse) mit kindgerechter Erklärung- Alltagsnahe Fragen, die zum Nachdenken anregen- Spannende Rätsel und Quizfragen rund um den Ramadan- Tolle Ausmalbilder, die sich an islamischen Motiven orientieren- Kreative Bastelideen, um Deko oder kleine Geschenke selbstzumachen- Leckere Rezepte für Iftar ¿ perfekt für junge Köche- Ideen für leicht umsetzbare soziale Projekte
Dieses Mitmachbuch für Teenager ist der ultimative Begleiter für den Ramadan! Es steckt voller unterhaltsamer Aktivitäten, die auf spielerische Weise Wissen und Werte vermitteln ¿ und zugleich richtig viel Spaß machen. Besondere Highlights: - spannendes Hintergrundwissen, Fun Facts und Rätselfragen rund um den Ramadan- Ausmalbilder, Bastelideen und Schreibaufgaben, die die Kreativität fördern- einfache und leckere Rezepte für Iftar, ideal für junge Köche- Inspirationen für kleine soziale Projekte, die das Bewusstsein für Gemeinschaft fördern- tägliche Reflexionsimpulse und kleine Achtsamkeitsübungen
A playful vibrant storybook honoring the people of Palestine, its rich culture, and beauty.
This short story, ¿Alexandra David Neels¿ is the fourth in this writer¿s series of short stories about great women in history. The previous short stories now in published form, were; the story of Sophie (Mary) Pierce (Lady Heath) ¿ in the publication ¿The Silver Lining¿, ¿Tina Turner¿, ¿Sinead O¿Connor¿ (Sinead).This story is primarily about Alexandra, as she was the inspirational influence as a result of which I set out to write her story. However, when travelling in her footsteps the writer discovered many other ¿treasures¿ in the form of indigenous beliefs, major religions and their motivations designed by wise men and women in order to make matters of life and death more meaningful and lifestyles more perfect. This writer has included aspects of these so that the reader can be better informed with regard to the beliefs and the aspirations not only of Alexandra but also of those that she encountered and studied. The research involved, led to the outlining, and summarising of, some very complex belief systems. Alexandräs personal journey and mission focused mainly on the Indian subcontinent and the Himalayan region.
In his meticulously researched and eloquently written biography, The Life of Muhammad (saw), Muhammad Husayn Haykal paints a vivid and comprehensive portrait of the Prophet Muhammad (saw), the founder of Islam. Drawing upon a wealth of historical sources and incorporating insights from both traditional Islamic scholarship and modern research, Haykal presents a balanced and engaging account of Muhammad's life and teachings.Haykal begins by tracing Muhammad's lineage and upbringing in pre-Islamic Arabia, a society characterized by tribalism, idolatry, and social injustice. He meticulously details Muhammad's (saw) early life, highlighting his integrity, trustworthiness, and compassion, qualities that earned him the moniker "Al-Ameen" (The Trustworthy) among his people.The book then delves into Muhammad's (saw) prophethood. Haykal vividly describes the pivotal moments in Muhammad's (saw) life, including the revelation of the first verses of the Quran at the Cave of Hira and his subsequent struggle to spread the message of Islam amidst widespread scepticism and opposition.Haykal's account of Muhammad's life is not merely a chronological narrative; it is a profound exploration of his character, his leadership, and his impact on the world. He sheds light on Muhammad's unwavering faith, his strategic brilliance, and his unwavering commitment to justice and equality.Haykal also addresses common misconceptions and criticisms of Islam, providing a nuanced and well-informed perspective on the religion's origins, its core beliefs, and its historical trajectory. He emphasizes the message of peace, tolerance, and social responsibility that lies at the heart of Islam, a message that remains as relevant today as it was in the time of the Prophet Muhammad.The Life of Muhammad (saw) is not just a biography; it is a testament to the enduring power of faith, the transformative impact of leadership, and the profound influence of a single individual on the course of human history. Haykal's work offers a valuable contribution to our understanding of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad (saw), providing readers with a deeper appreciation of the Prophet Muhammad's life, legacy, and enduring significance.
The book aims to highlight the magnificent and valuable work of old jurists and modern scholars in contracts and transactions.The book has been written to serve as a textbook for the subject of 'Islamic Law of Contract' studied by the students of L.L.B at International Islamic University as a part of their prescribed scheme of study. It may also prove to be helpful for students of Economics and Business Administration and for all those who are interested in studying the Business Law of Islam. The book is divided into two parts. The first part deals with the general theory of contracts in Islam wherein topics such as general principles of contracts, elements of a contract, delegated authority, division of contracts into valid, voidable and void contracts, gharar, Riba, extrinsic conditions, defect of consent, and the classification of contracts concerning their subject matter have been discussed. The second part deals with specific contracts such as contracts of sale, leasing, partnership, mudãrabah, suretyship, and assignment of debt.While dealing with these contacts, both theory and practice have been emphasised. For example, under mudarabah contracts, not only have the conditions of mudarabah in fiqh been identified, but their banking applications have also been discussed.
Muhammad, The Last Prophet presents a comprehensive account of the life of the last Prophet - Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). This translation allows young English-speaking Muslims to benefit from Syed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi's renowned Islamic scholarship. The work covers the historical background to the call to Islam as well as provides an authentic description of the experiences encountered by Allah's Messenger as he struggled to bring his wayward community to the Divine Path.This book offers guidance and inspiration to young Muslims seeking answers to the evil's in today's society. Relying on the Holy Qur'an and its contemporary sources, the author illustrates how the natural order was restored from chaos 1.400 years ago.SAYYED ABUL HASAN 'ALI NADWI (1914-99) was one of the leading Muslim scholars of his time. He was a powerful and eloquent writer and orator, both in Urdu and Arabic. He wrote prolifically, and many of his books for children have been translated into English: among them are Stories of the Prophets; A Starlight View of Islam's Past; Stories from Islamic History and The Minaret Speaks.
"Portraits from the Life of the Prophet" offers a captivating glimpse into the extraordinary life and character of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. For almost fourteen centuries, his name has stirred the hearts of millions, and this book beautifully encapsulates his resplendent legacy.In a world once clouded by misunderstanding and bias, this book stands as a beacon of enlightenment. It showcases the unwavering respect and admiration expressed by thinkers, philosophers, and scholars from diverse backgrounds who have recognized the greatness of Prophet Muhammad.Annie Besant, in "The Life and Teachings of Muhammad," hails him as a "mighty Prophet" whose teachings inspire reverence. W. Montgomery, in his writings, finds in him a man of integrity, and his readiness to endure persecution for his beliefs only underscores his authenticity.Yet, despite these accolades, the Western world has struggled to fully comprehend the brilliance of Prophet Muhammad's message. Misunderstandings persist, and it falls upon conscientious Muslims and their fair-minded non-Muslim friends to bridge the gaps through dialogue, communication, and informative publications.This book, "Portraits from the Life of the Prophet," invites readers to explore the life of this noble Prophet, providing a platform for interfaith dialogue and promoting the universal good that Islam and its teachings seek for all of humanity.As the world grows smaller, we must build bridges of understanding and harmony with our non-Muslim neighbors, emphasizing that Islam, through its Prophet, heralds blessings for the entire human race. In presenting this insightful treatise, we hope to foster mutual respect and appreciation among all readers.May Almighty Allah accept this effort as a sincere act performed solely for His sake, and may it serve as a source of enlightenment and inspiration for all who engage with it. Amen.
This remarkable book offers a comprehensive overview of the history of the Islamic Caliphate and its influential caliphs, spanning up to the era of Imam As-Suyuti. Renowned for his prolific scholarship, Imam As-Suyuti's profound insights are invaluable despite limited biographical details. With references from his extensive works and contemporary accounts, this volume delves into intricate histories, chronicling figures like Khalif Abu Bakr, Umar ibn al-Khattab, Uthman bin Affan, Ali bin Abi Talib, and Hasan bin Ali.Encompassing the Banu Ummayyah dynasty, the book provides sketches of each caliph, unveiling their characters, ascension to power, pivotal events during their reigns, and eventual downfalls. It explores the Ummayad dynasty, from Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan through civil disruptions to the brief reign of Abdullah bin Zubayr. The narrative extends to Abdul Malik bin Marwan and his successors, notably Marwan al-Himar, followed by Abbasid rulers starting with Abu'l Abbas al-Saffah.The book traverses the Egyptian Caliphate after the Mongol conquest of Baghdad, culminating with Al Mutawakkil A'la'llah Abu Izz's demise in 903 Hijri (29 September 1497). Concluding with a succinct overview of the Umayyad dynasty of Spain, Imam Suyuti masterfully encapsulates significant historical epochs.With a comprehensive table of covered caliphs and an index of proper names, this work is an indispensable resource for those delving into the intricacies of Islamic history.
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