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Bøger om Nordirland

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  • af Claire Keegan
    114,95 - 123,95 kr.

    "Den slags små ting" er en tidløs og universel historie fra 1980’ernes Irland og en rørende fortælling om menneskelighed og mod.Bill Furlong og hans familie har travlt i dagene op til jul. Mens hans kone og fem døtre gør klar til familiens festmåltid, skal kulhandleren Bill ud med leverancer til hele byen. Midt i de praktiske gøremål begynder nogle af tilværelsens store spørgsmål at trænge sig på. Bills mor arbejdede som hushjælp, og selvom hun blev gravid som 15-årig, fik hun og Bill højst usædvanligt lov at blive i huset. I timerne op til jul tænker Bill ikke kun på, at han aldrig har fået at vide, hvem hans far var – han spekulerer også over, hvor lidt, der skulle til, før hans liv var blevet helt anderledes.Dagens sidste leverance er til byens kloster. Udover nonnerne, der har en magtfuld position i det lille katolske samfund, huser klosteret en række unge, ugifte piger, som er blevet gravide og derfor må skjules for omverdenen. Men da Bill ankommer, ser han noget, der hvirvler hans fortid op og sætter ham i et moralsk dilemma. Om forfatteren:Claire Keegan (f. 1968) er irsk forfatter. Hun har tidligere udgivet to novellesamlinger og vundet priser som The Olive Cook Award, The Rooney Prize for Irish Literature og The William Trevor Prize. Hendes noveller er oversat til 17 sprog. I 2022 udkommer Keegans kortroman Foster (2010) på dansk under titlen "Omsorg".

  • af Daniel Silva
    88,95 - 158,95 kr.

    ”Den engelske spion” er tolvte bog i serien om den legendariske spion og snigmorder Gabriel Allon, der igennem flere år har underholdt og overrasket læsere verden over. ”Den engelske spion” er, ligesom de foregående bøger i serien om Gabriel Allon, en hårrejsende og nervepirrende thriller, der er svær at lægge fra sig, så snart man først er gået i gang. I ”Den engelske spion” får Gabriel Allon stillet en svær opgave af den britiske efterretningstjeneste. Han skal finde den morder, som dræbte et ikonisk og elsket kvindeligt medlem af den britiske kongefamilie. Hun lå og solede sig på sin ferieyacht, da en bombe pludseligt eksploderede og dræbte hende. Gabriel Allons mission er at finde bombemager og lejesoldat Eamon Quinn, der er kendt for at sælge sine tjenester til højestbydende. Dette er dog ikke nemt og Gabriel Allon må igennem mange prøvelser i forsøget på at nå sit mål. Ved sin side har han heldigvis lejemorderen, Christopher Keller, der kender Quinns morderiske håndværk bedre end nogen anden. ”Den engelske spion” er skrevet af den populære bestseller forfatter, Daniel Silva. Han har udover sine bøger om den tidligere agent fra den israelske efterretningstjeneste, Gabriel Allon, også skrevet ”Den usandsynlige spion”. ”Den usandsynlige spion” er således hans debutroman fra 1996. Daniel Silva er en utrolig dygtig forfatter, der ikke er til at komme uden om, hvis man elsker at blive underholdt, overrasket og chokeret. ”Den engelske spion” er helt klart et must for alle, der elsker en god bog.

  • af Louise Kennedy
    144,50 - 198,95 kr.

    "Over grænsen" fortæller historien om forholdet mellem den unge katolske lærer Cushla og den midaldrende protestantiske borgerrettighedsadvokat Michael i de tidlige 1970'eres Belfast, hvor The Troubles var på deres højeste, og diskrimination, frygt, selvtægt og magtmisbrug præger tilværelsen. Cushla lever et stille liv, underviser om dagen, serverer på familiens pub om aftenen. Der møder hun Michael, protestant og gift. Cushla falder for ham og hans sofistikerede verden, og de indleder en affære. Da en ung studerendes far bliver slået ned, vendes der op og ned på Cushlas liv. Om forfatteren:Louise Kennedy er vokset op i Belfast og bor nu i Sligo. "Over grænsen" er hendes første roman. Hun har skrevet for The Guardian, The Irish Times og BBC Radio og arbejdet som kok i 30 år. "Over grænsen" er shortlisted til the Women's Prize for Fiction 2023.

  • af Anna Burns
    248,95 kr.

    Man Booker Prize, 2018”Den dag Somebody McSomebody satte en pistol mod mit bryst og kaldte mig en tøs og truede med at skyde mig, var samme dag som mælkemanden døde.”En roman om en ung kvinde der bare vil være i fred. Og om alle de mennesker der bor i kvarteret: de fromme kvinder, manden der ikke elskede nogen, pillepigen, atomdrengen -- og om det internationale par som vendte ryggen til børn og krig og tog ud i verden og dansede og således blev accepteret af både den ene side og den anden. I et samfund der er opdelt i os og dem, og hvor bomber er mere accepteret end bøger, går mellemsøster rundt med næsen i bøger fra før det tyvende århundrede, og hendes måske-kæreste samler på bildele. En ældre paramilitær mand ønsker at indlede et forhold til mellemsøster, og hendes egen svoger sætter et rygte i gang om at de allerede har et forhold. Samtidig begynder det at forlyde at en af måske-kærestes bildele er smykket med det forbudte flag fra den anden side af vandet.”Imponerende … bekræfter Anna Burns’ position som en af vores opstigende litterære stjerner.” IRISH TIMES”Fremragende … Original, sjov, afvæbnende skæv og enestående: anderledes. GUARDIAN”Det er en kløgtig, fortræffelig redegørelse for Nordirlands sociale landskab, men Mælkemanden er så meget mere end det … [Den] er en kraftfuld og nødvendig bog med langt mere end en antydning af indestængt vrede.” IRISH INDEPENDENT ”Hvis Beckett havde skrevet et prosadigt om Troubles, ville det ligne denne roman meget.” DAILY MAILThe Orwell Prize for Political Fiction, 2019Shortlistet til Rathbones Folio Prize, 2019Shortlistet til Women’s Prize, 2019Man Booker Prize, 2018National Book Critics Circle, 2018

  • af Audrey Magee
    278,95 kr.

    "Kolonien består den måske eneste vigtige test for en roman; man bliver ved med at tænke på den, når den er slut" Guardian”Præcis og barsk … en historie om sprog og identitet, om kunst, undertrykkelse, frihed og kolonialisme. Kolonien er en roman om store, vigtige emner” Financial TimesEnglænderen Hr. Lloyd har besluttet at lade sig sejle til sin sommerdestination, en lille irsk ø, i en traditionel båd uden motor. Snart efter ankommer øens anden sommergæst, den franske lingvist Masson. Begge søger de det autentiske, men med aldeles forskellige metoder og motiver. Øens sparsomme befolkning tænker deres, mens blide sommerdage glider over i hinanden og menneskelige balancer umærkeligt forskubbes.Booker-longlistede og Orwell-shortlistede Kolonien er et humoristisk, urovækkende, naturskønt og -barskt kammerspil om kvinder og mænd, individuel frihed og ansvar, sprog og identitet, kunst og kultur – og ikke mindst kolonialisme.

  • af Anna Ingeborg
    109,95 - 158,95 kr.

    En ung pige tager midt i 70’erne til Nordirland for at være au pair i en lægefamilie. Hun skal passe to drenge og hjælpe i huset. Dagene bliver fyldt med arbejde, men i mødet med mennesker, der tænker anderledes end hun, vokser hendes selvstændighed. Langsomt giver hun slip på nogle af de dogmer, der prægede hendes opvækst. Mødet med Peter, der er musiker og 17 år ældre end hun, bliver af afgørende betydning, ikke bare mens hun befinder sig i Nordirland, men også i tiden derefter.En fortælling om at skabe relationer og miste dem igen, og en fortælling om at længes efter det, man ikke kan nå.

  • - Beretning fra det 20. århundrede
    af Bjarne Gertz
    138,95 - 278,95 kr.

    Kristian har fået en timelærerstilling, hvor han i en 3.g samfundssproglig, med engelsk på højniveau, samt i en 1.g matematiker skal vikariere for en lærer, der har taget orlov for at skrive et stykke om Salman Rushdie. Et forsøg med elementære grammatikøvelser i matematikerklassen saboteres af nogle urostiftere og må opgives. I 3.g kommer det under forældrekonsultationen til en pinlig episode, hvor Kristian nægter at ændre karakteren til en oversættelse som en elev og hendes mor mener er for lav. 3. g har valgt at læse en samling kritiske tekster om TV, TV On Trial. I 1.g læses Across the Barricades, om to unge i Nordirland, en katolik og en protestant, der trodser konflikten og finder sammen, foruden tekster om kvindefrigørelse. Kristian bruger megen tid på at forberede sig og rette skriftlige opgaver. Samtalerne i begge klasser forløber godt. Kristian føler, han kan være tilfreds med sig selv som pædagog.

  • af Kevin W. Bowden
    165,95 kr.

    Experience a captivating journey of love, heartbreak, and self-discovery through the lives of dynamic characters, Kevin O'Keefe, Nelly Kelly, Elisabeth Churchill (alias-Miss Biddy Bell, alias Liz Monaco), Lucie, and Brigadier Kingsley. Set in Northern Ireland, this tale spans the turn of the century, WW1, and involves spies and the armed forces, leading up to a climactic finish on the Isle of Man. Delve into a story of humour, deceit, treachery, success, family, and friendship as each character navigates their own path to happiness and fulfilment.

  • af Martina Kilian
    88,95 kr.

    Trees that giggle and sneeze? Surely that can't be!As 10-year-old Hazel embarks on a family road trip from Inishbofin Island to Belfast for her Halloween break, she anticipates a journey filled with ordinary sights and long hours. But as the world outside turns into a blur of cars and scenery, Hazel's attention is unexpectedly captivated by the wilderness along the road.Suddenly, the mundane transforms into the extraordinary when she witnesses trees doing the unthinkable! While most would steer clear of such bewildering sights, Hazel's curiosity and courage propel her into a hidden world.Join Hazel on this enchanted journey as she unravels the whimsical mysteries of nature and discovers that the ordinary can sometimes be truly magical.

  • af Claudia Süssenbach
    244,95 kr.

    Einmal durch den keltischen Jahreskreis führt diese ungewöhnliche Pilgerreise und hebt dabei ausgewählte Schätze schottischer und irischer Erzählkunst. Figuren aus der keltischen Anderswelt, wie der schillernde Held Fionn MacCumhaill, die tragisch Liebenden Diarmuid und Grainne oder die Heilige Brigida von Kildare werden lebendig. Auf ihren Spuren wächst auf dem Weg durch die Jahreszeiten die Hoffnung, dass Verwandlung immer möglich ist ¿ für ein einzelnes Leben und für die menschliche Gemeinschaft.Als Erzählerin und Theologin schöpft Claudia Süssenbach aus der Weisheit der keltischen Mythologie die Inspiration für eine spirituelle Praxis, die sich mit dem Kreislauf von Natur und Jahreszeiten verbindet. Beginnend mit dem keltischen Neujahrsfest durchwandert sie mit ihren Leserinnen und Lesern den jahreszeitlichen Kreislauf von Vergehen und Erneuerung. Jedes Fest verbindet die Autorin mit einer ebenso fesselnden wie poetischen Erzählung. Ein Kapitel unter der Überschrift ¿Nachgedacht¿ ergänzt jeweils die Geschichten. Gemeinsam mit ihrer Leserschaft taucht Claudia Süssenbach ein in die Gedankenwelt der keltisch-christlichen Spiritualität - einer Tradition, die um die Gegenwart des Göttlichen in allen Dingen und um die Heiligkeit der Erde weiß.¿Anderszeiten¿ ist nicht nur ein Buch für Schottland- und Irland-Liebhaber, sondern für alle Menschen, die sich nach einer geerdeten Spiritualität sehnen. Die zeitlose Weisheit der keltischen Tradition bietet hierfür eine tiefe und nährende Quelle. Aus dieser Quelle speisen sich auch die Gebete, die die einzelnen Kapitel des Buches abschließen und die hier erstmals in deutscher Sprache vorliegen. Sie stammen zum überwiegenden Teil aus der Carmina Gadelica, einer Sammlung von Gebeten und Segensworten aus den schottischen Highlands und von den Äußeren Hebriden, die im 19. Jahrhundert von Alexander Carmichael zusammengestellt und veröffentlicht wurde.

  • af Peter Raina
    1.166,95 kr.

    «Rainäs documentation provides invaluable insight into the high-powered and high-level political calculations that made it happen. It is perhaps the most signal achievement of the era and this expertly curated collection on its genesis and evolution is unquestionably of permanent value.»(Professor Marc Mulholland, Professor of Modern History, Oxford)This is the second volume in which Peter Raina presents the Blair government¿s Devolution papers. Here, the focus shifts to Northern Ireland in the midst of the «Troubles» ¿ a situation where discrimination and bigotry in a society divided by religious and national affiliations had erupted into hatred, violence and fear.Tony Blair, his minister Mo Mowlam and a team of civil servants and others reached for American help and worked intensely with Gerry Adams, Leader of Sinn Fein, and with the government of the Republic in the South of Ireland to bring the warring factions together. Their efforts were concentrated into an astonishing single month.The Devolution plans, as such, have not stood the test of time but, with effort from all sides, a fragile truce was achieved and a virtual end to the «Troubles». This was an enormous achievement. The papers are an object lesson in how patient diplomacy and negotiation can work, even in the most intractable of situations.

  • af Glenn Patterson
    136,95 kr.

    A pair of novellas, set over two pivotal summers in the lives of two young men from Belfast, recall the constraints of the place where they were born and the times in which they are living. Capturing the innocence of adolescent boys, their passion, confusion and yearning, Two Summers is for anyone who has ever been young.

  • af David Blake Knox
    146,95 kr.

    The first comprehensive account of one of the darkest and mostly forgotten episodes of the Troubles.

  • af Kathy Curran
    168,95 kr.

    Discover how the city stood up against the evils of the slave trade, admire its stunning Art Deco façades, unearthbeautiful stained-glass windows by an accomplished yet little-known female artist, take to the windy coastal pathsjust out of town and peek into caves where smugglers once hid their loot, visit the humble cottage of an Americanpresident, uncover the mysteries of Bronze Age burial grounds and Stone Age forts, squeeze down a secretunderground tunnel or take a boat ride to see the city's seal colony, visit the place where Marconi sent his firstwireless signal across the waves, go to a cinema shaped like a ship...Small, yet bursting with history and mystery, Belfast, far from the crowds and the usual clichés, is a reserve of well-concealed treasures that only reveal themselves to those who know how to wander off the beaten track, whetherresidents or visitors.

  • af Ludivine Silvestre
    241,95 kr.

    Hyppolyte est en passe de devenir docteur en astrophysique. Étudiant à l'université d'Oxford depuis plus de neuf ans, il ne sait que faire de sa vie une fois le titre obtenu. Du fond de son bureau, entouré de livres et de théories invérifiables, il ne sait plus où sont les étoiles qui symbolisent son rêve d'enfant. Yahiko est un écrivain reconnu dans le monde de la fantasy. Avec ses mots, il imagine mille et une histoires à ses personnages hauts en couleur, mettant en péril leur vie et rencontrant le grand amour. Mais quand son nouveau roman se fait attendre et que ses fans s'impatientent, son imagination l'abandonne, le laissant démuni face à son écran blanc. Et si, pour retrouver ce qu'ils ont perdu, les deux jeunes hommes devaient simplement se retrouver...tout court ?

  • af Dominic Connolly
    196,95 kr.

    There are thousands of ruined castles, abbeys, churches, ancient sites, houses, and mills spread around the island of Ireland, and this book offers you a substantial taste of the most intriguing of these. In Abandoned Ireland, discover Athassel Abbey on the banks of the River Suir and the largest medieval priory in Ireland; marvel at the imposing Carrigogunnell Castle, destroyed during the second siege of Limerick in 1691; explore Carrigglas Manor, a turreted fairytale exterior with a bloody history; and wander the ruins of Rinn Dúin ("fortified headland") overlooking the River Shannon, a key military and trading town fought over by Norman barons and Irish chieftains.

  • af Sean Byrne
    1.817,95 kr.

    This book examines the role of local peacebuilders in Northern Ireland and some of the challenges they face.

  • af Rachel Connolly
    96,95 - 146,95 kr.

  • af Leontia Flynn
    116,95 kr.

    A collection about motherhood at a time of continuous crisis - from one of Ireland's most important poets'Everyone should be reading her' OBSERVER'One of the most accomplished poets of her generation'GUARDIANThese poems emerge from the experience of being a single mother in Belfast, and against a background of seemingly continuous crisis. Political upheaval and anxiety, violence and death are all registered in these poems, which ask questions about where independence is balanced by our relationships with others, and where our inner lives meet the globally connected world. These are poems about cities - living, travelling and working in cities, getting sick and dying in cities - but also about retreating from all that: to her daughter at home, the budgie, cat and tortoise, or escaping to the park, the municipal pool, the Irish countryside, Newfoundland, or Paris, or into a Nina Simone song. This is a necessary book - a book very much of our time - with a consistent tone that is brave and bleak, but which also carries with it some much-needed humour, and a wealth of beautiful writing.

  • af Thomas Paul Burgess
    198,95 kr.

    In this compelling memoir, Thomas Paul Burgess recounts his time as a member of Ruefrex, one of Northern Ireland's most successful punk rock bands. Through a series of revealing vignettes, he traverses strife-torn Belfast and bohemian London, revealing another side of the punk rock story.

  • af Barrie Hartwell
    645,95 kr.

    The full publication of a unique Neolithic monumental complex in Northern Ireland.

  • af Ludivine Silvestre
    393,95 kr.

  • af Aaron (Royal Military Academy Sandhurst Edwards
    126,95 kr.

    In this fully illustrated introduction, acclaimed historian Dr Aaron Edwards provides a concise overview of one of the most difficult and controversial actions in recent history.Spanning 38 years of the 'Troubles', the British Army's deployment in Northern Ireland (codenamed Operation Banner) was one of the most difficult and controversial in its recent history. Over 10,000 troops were on active service during much of the campaign, which saw armoured vehicles, helicopters and special forces deployed onto the streets of Ulster. In this book, Dr Aaron Edwards considers the strategic, operational and tactical aspects of Operation Banner, as the Army's military objectives morphed from high-profile peacekeeping into a covert war against the IRA. Using personal testimony from both sides of the sectarian divide, as well as insights from the soldiers themselves, he presents an authoritative introduction to the Army's role in the Troubles, providing expert analysis of Operation Banner's successes and failures.Updated and revised for the new edition, with full-colour maps and 50 new images, this is an accessible introduction to the complicated yet fascinating history of modern Britain's longest military campaign.

  • af Peter Taylor
    133,95 - 233,95 kr.

  • af Taylor Peter Taylor
    166,95 kr.

    On the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement, Peter Taylor tells for the first time the gripping story of Operation Chiffon, the top-secret intelligence operation that helped bring peace to Ireland.'A gripping exploration of how MI5 and MI6 worked for a ceasefire with the IRA - and how one meeting changed everything' Telegraph'An extraordinary story . . . A true tale of espionage' The TimesApril 1998: the Good Friday Agreement is signed, ending decades of violence and bloodshed in Northern Ireland. The process of getting the IRA to end its so-called 'armed struggle' was always the prerequisite of the search for peace. It was Operation Chiffon that finally helped make it possible.Operation Chiffon takes us inside the top-secret intelligence operation whose roots go back to the bloodiest years of the conflict in the early 1970s, involving officers from MI6 and, later in the 1990s, MI5. The remarkable story, which has remained hidden for forty years, is now revealed by legendary BBC journalist Peter Taylor with unique access to the officers involved. Drawing on exclusive interviews and Taylor's fifty years of covering the conflict, the book narrates in first-hand detail how those involved risked their careers - and their lives - to help secure the fragile peace that exists today.Taylor vividly brings this covert operation to life and in the process chronicles the history of Sinn Féin, rising from obscurity in the early days of the Troubles to becoming the largest political party in Ireland today. It is a story fraught with uncertainty and danger that, as Brexit risks destabilising what was achieved in the Good Friday Agreement twenty-five years ago, is more important than ever to remember.

  • af Graham Walker
    226,95 kr.

    Ties That Bind is a fascinating and timely study of the historical, cultural and political relationship between Scotland and Northern Ireland, at a seminal moment in the constitutional history of both places. It conclusively shows that both places have been politically, as well as culturally, entwined, even if this has often been unacknowledged and seldom explored in any depth. In the twenty-first century, devolution provided a new context for public discussion in Scotland of old questions of religious divisions and the extent and nature of sectarianism. This was a theme that clearly brought Scotland into a frame of comparison with Northern Ireland; issues around sectarianism in Scotland have roots in Irish influences in Scottish life and have fed off the conflict in Northern Ireland. In this compelling book by two leading authorities on the subject, it will be argued that the impact of the independence debate in Scotland has given a new twist to this phenomenon. All these themes are explored against the background of the deep historical and cultural links and bonds that bring together Scotland and Northern Ireland. It is a relationship which has always been a close one culturally, but an awkward and problematic one politically. This book deftly illuminates the complexities of the relationship and poses pertinent questions about its future in a period of intense political turbulence and uncertainty.

  • af Anne Marie McAleese
    153,95 kr.

    In this warm and personal book, Anne Marie McAleese, presenter of BBC Radio Ulster's Your Place and Mine, together with birdwatching expert Dot Blakely, write about the places visited and the birds they found. This uplifting combination of memoir and nature writing is illustrated with more than 100 stunning photographs.

  • af Imogen Tyler
    158,95 kr.

    Stigma is a corrosive social force by which individuals and communities throughout history have been systematically dehumanised, scapegoated and oppressed. From the literal stigmatizing (tattooing) of criminals in ancient Greece, to modern day discrimination against Muslims, refugees and the 'undeserving poor', stigma has long been a means of securing the interests of powerful elites.In this radical reconceptualisation Tyler precisely and passionately outlines the political function of stigma as an instrument of state coercion. Through an original social and economic reframing of the history of stigma, Tyler reveals stigma as a political practice, illuminating previously forgotten histories of resistance against stigmatization, boldly arguing that these histories provide invaluable insights for understanding the rise of authoritarian forms of government today.

  • af Michael Magee
    193,95 kr.

    WINNER OF THE ROONEY PRIZE FOR LITERATURE 2023WINNER OF THE NERO BOOK AWARD FOR DEBUT FICTION 2023WATERSTONES IRISH BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023Sean is back. Back in Belfast and back into old habits. Back on the mad all-nighters, the borrowed tenners and missing rent, the casual jobs that always fall through. Back in these scarred streets, where the promised prosperity of peacetime has never arrived. Back among his brothers, his ma, and all the things they never talk about. Until one night Sean finds himself at a party - dog-tired, surrounded by jeering strangers, his back against the wall - and he makes a big mistake.'Staggeringly humane, unfaltering, taut and tender... [It] feels like that rarest of things: a genuinely necessary book' Guardian'Every detail rings true, every character is fleshy and real and heartbreaking... Michael Magee has a remarkable talent' Sunday TimesSHORTLISTED FOR THE SUNDAY TIMES YOUNG WRITER OF THE YEAR AWARD 2024SHORTLISTED FOR THE IRISH BOOK AWARDS NEWCOMER OF THE YEAR 2023SHORTLISTED FOR THE WATERSTONES DEBUT FICTION PRIZE 2023SHORTLISTED FOR THE EWART-BIGGS PRIZE 2023SHORTLISTED FOR THE AUTHORS' CLUB BEST FIRST NOVEL AWARD 2024SHORTLISTED FOR THE JOHN MCGAHERN PRIZE 2024LONGLISTED FOR THE DYLAN THOMAS PRIZE FOR LITERATURE 2024LONGLISTED FOR THE DIVERSE BOOK AWARDS 2024ONE OF SARAH JESSICA PARKER'S BEST BOOKS OF 2023BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023 ACCORDING TO THE TIMES AND IRISH TIMES

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