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Bøger om North America

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  • - Oplev hele verden i én bog
    148,95 kr.

    Børnenes eget atlas er en spændende bog udgivet af Forlaget Bolden i 2017. Denne bog er en fantastisk måde for børn at lære om verden omkring dem. Bogen er fyldt med farverige illustrationer og detaljerede kort, der vil holde børnene engageret og underholdt. Uanset om dit barn er en ung opdagelsesrejsende eller bare nysgerrig efter at lære om forskellige lande og kulturer, er Børnenes eget atlas den perfekte bog til at opfylde deres nysgerrighed. Forlaget Bolden er kendt for at udgive bøger, der er både informative og underholdende, og denne bog er ingen undtagelse. Hvis du leder efter en gave til et nysgerrigt barn, eller hvis du bare vil tilføje en lærerig bog til dit barns samling, er Børnenes eget atlas det perfekte valg.

  • af Karin Slaughter
    87,95 - 214,95 kr.

    Den kritikerroste amerikanske krimiforfatter Karin Slaughter, som har haft adskillige bøger på New York Times’bestsellerliste, er tilbage med en ny roman med Will Trent og Sara Linton i hovedrollerne i en historie fuld afforgreninger og forviklinger og en trussel mere ødelæggende, end nogen havde kunnet forudse. En gådefuld kidnapning En varm sommeraften bliver en forsker fra Center for Sygdomsbekæmpelse i Atlanta af ukendte gerningsmænd bortførtpå en parkeringsplads foran et indkøbscenter. Forskeren er som forsvundet fra jordens overflade, og politiet er desperatefter at finde gerningsmændene og redde forskerens liv. En ødelæggende eksplosion En måned senere forstyrres freden en stille søndag eftermiddag af et øredøvende brag, og få sekunder efter flænses luftenaf endnu en ødelæggende eksplosion. To bomber er bragt til sprængning i et af de travleste og vigtigste områder i Atlanta,som er hjemsted for både Emory University, to store hospitaler, FBI’s hovedkvarter og Center for Sygdomsbekæmpelse. Retsmedicineren Sara Linton og hendes partner Will Trent, som er specialagent ved GBI, haster til gerningsstedet og træderdirekte ind i et dødbringende komplot, hvor tusinder af menneskers liv står på spil. Da kidnapperne også bortfører Sara, gårWill undercover for at redde hende og forhindre en massakre, hvormed han også sætter sit eget liv på spil for den kvinde ogdet land, han elsker.

  • af Shelley Read
    198,94 - 207,95 kr.

    Smuk, tragisk, opløftende: Løb som floden er en hjertegribende coming-of-age roman om kvindelig styrke og ukuelighed med USAs grandiose natur som bagtæppe.1948, Iola, Colorado: En kølig efterårsmorgen er 17-årige Victoria Nash på vej mod landsbyen med sin vakkelvorne trækvogn fyldt med sæsonens sidste ferskner. Da hun nærmer sig et gadehjørne, stopper en gådefuld ung mand med tilsodet ansigt og ravnsorte øjne hende for at spørge om vej. Hun kunne være drejet til venstre eller krydset vejen. Men det gør hun ikke. ”Løb som floden,” hvisker han.Sådan begynder Shelley Reads opsigtsvækkende debut om en ung kvindes omtumlede tilværelse, fra hun forrådt flygter fra familiens farm op i bjergene og ud i vildmarken, til tragedien indtræffer og hun forsøger at genvinde alt hun har mistet. Løb som floden er en episk fortælling om kærlighed og svigt, moderskab og søsterskab, og i særdeleshed en storslået historisk roman om en enlig kvindes kamp for at forme sin egen vej gennem livet – og finde kærligheden, der hvor man mindst venter det.

  • af Genevieve Bardwell
    97,95 kr.

    Discover the comforting allure of salt rising bread, a culinary gem from the heart of Appalachia, born from the ingenuity of pioneer women. This tale, set in 1880, unravels the mystique of this unique bread through the eyes of a young girl living on the fringe of a hollow. It's a journey into the rugged yet resilient spirit of a community amidst the ancient, weather-worn peaks. The narrative, steeped in rich folklore, culminates in a cherished recipe shared on the back page, inviting you to partake in a slice of Appalachian heritage, and savor the simplicity and mystery kneaded within salt rising bread.

  • af Raymond Luczak
    217,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • af Mary Schmidt
    207,95 kr.

    "What would you do if you just found out the man you married was a professional assassin and you were at the top of his hit list?"

  • af Kathy Lockheart
    192,95 - 337,95 kr.

  • af Jim Minick
    217,95 kr.

    The Intimacy of Spoons explores the many metaphors of the spoon: from love and marriage to the spoon of a grave that holds our bodies; from the darkness of loss and night, where "the Big Dipper is nothing but / the oldest spoon pointing us home"; to the darkness of lungs transformed into art. The poems cover a wide variety of topics-cultural, political, familial, and natural-and always, underlying these poems is the song of birds-with broken wings or clear voices, avian muses filling our forests now or long gone. There are nods to Basho and Thoreau, to Eliot and Frost, Dickinson and Milton, this last, a long poem that retells the story of Adam and Eve from the point of view of Mal, the apple. Likewise, The Intimacy of Spoons shares a variety of forms, from sonnet, sestina, and villanelle to syllabics, lyrics, and a ballad. At the center of the book is the long poem, "Elegy for My Body," which uses wordplay and contrasting voices to explore mortality, because "You can't really do time; / it simply does us, / or undoes us, / us beings in the time being being beings / on Times Squared / waiting for the big ball to fall." The poems of The Intimacy of Spoons return us to everyday stories and objects, common yet profound, that we touch so often and that enter us with every meal and every breath.

  • af Günther Bloch
    337,95 - 422,95 kr.

    Now available in paperback, this compelling book is full of behavioural insights and wolf tales that will engage those interested in the state of wild wolves throughout North America.In the winter of 2008¿09, a new wolf family from the Pipestone Valley suddenly appeared in the Bow Valley of Banff National Park, taking up residence alongside a family that had ruled there for over a decade. Within a year, these new wolves had eliminated the Bow Valley wolves and established a dominance that would last for five years in the heart of Canadäs most famous national park.The book chronicles not only the rise of the Pipestones and how they established and maintained dominance in the valley, but also how an increase in mass tourism in Banff led to a decrease in prey density for the Pipestones, which in turn led to the wolves changing their hunting strategies and expanding their summer range. Bloch explains how the Pipestones faced an inevitable fall from the top as pressure from eager wolf watchers increased exponentially in the park at the same time the wolves¿ prey base was shrinking rapidly. Combining these influences with other factors like rail mortality and old age, Bloch and Marriott knew the end was near for the Pipestones.The authors conclude with insights into how wolf and wildlife management in Banff National Park can improve. They outline steps Parks Canada should be taking to deal with the human management problems that are really at the core of the wildlife issues in the park. They also discuss whether we can continue to maintain a balance between ecological integrity and mass tourism in Canadäs flagship park and whether it is already too late. Have we passed the point of no return? And will our Banff wolves live forever after in a wildlife ghetto devoid of true wilderness characteristics?

  • af Gina M Oakley
    282,95 kr.

    With death closing in around her and war verging, can Amia do the unthinkable to save her people?

  • af Eileen Delehanty Pearkes
    177,95 - 247,95 kr.

    This is a book for anyone, of any age, who cares about rivers.This story of the Columbia River is unique. Told from the river¿s perspective, it is an immersive, empathetic portrait of a once-wild river and of the Sinixt, a First People who lived on the mainstem of this great western river for thousands of years and continue to do so even though Canada declared them ¿extinct¿ in 1956.The book¿s re-release comes at a critical time for natural systems and for reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples across North America. The Colville Confederated Tribes, representing over 3,000 Sinixt People, recently won a precedent-setting case in the Supreme Court of Canada affirming that Aboriginal Rights do not stop at the border. The important story of the Sinixt weaves together with the ongoing ecological impact of hydropower development on the Columbia and its tributaries.Central to the story is the joyous spirit of salmon, once a free swimmer in the Columbiäs currents north of the border but now blocked from ancestral spawning grounds by Grand Coulee and other dams. Restoring migratory fish indigenous to the Upper Columbia will require transboundary cooperation. With Indigenous Nations on both sides of the US¿Canada border now leading the way, many are hopeful that the fish will return.Lavishly illustrated by Nelson, BC, designer Nichola Lytle, this portrait of a globally significant river will inspire anyone who reads it to care about the future of the salmon, a fish that unites all of us in its quest for freedom and possibility.

  • af Sarah Elmeligi
    337,95 - 467,95 kr.

    Now available in paperback, this lavishly illustrated book explores the complex behavioural characteristics of North Americäs largest land carnivores by examining the bear¿human relationship from the bear¿s perspective.From the first moment Sarah Elmeligi came eye to eye with a grizzly bear, her life changed. In a moment that lasted mere seconds, she began to question everything she thought she knew about bears. How could this docile creature be the same one with a fearsome reputation for vicious attacks? Through years of research, Elmeligi grew to appreciate that bears are so much more than data points, stunning photos, and sensational online stories. Elmeligi expertly weaves the science of bear behaviour with her passionate account of personal encounters. Dive into the life of a bear biologist as Sarah¿s colleagues recount their own ¿stories from the field¿ ¿ intimate moments with bears where they were connected to an animal with personality, decision-making capabilities, and a host of engaging behaviours.Join Elmeligi and Marriott on a journey that examines and shares the behaviour of black, grizzly, and polar bears in North America in a way you¿ve never seen before. What Bears Teach Us will surprise you, inspire you, foster your curiosity, and teach you something new about bears and maybe even yourself.

  • af Jocey Asnong
    152,95 - 212,95 kr.

    Come along on a new and wonderous journey to the landscapes surrounding the Great Lakes with the adventurous cats, Nuptse and Lhotse!Welcome to the Land of the Great Lakes! Nuptse and Lhotse are off on another great adventure, this time searching for the Sugar Forest Festival with their new friend Ruckus Raccoon.With only a nibbled map of the Great Lakes and the raccoon¿s nose to guide them, they make their way across the Canadian Shield near Lake Superior, learn how to make the perfect s¿more when camping along Lake Huron shores, cross the fruit belt fields around Lake Erie to see a rainbow reach across Niagara Falls, and climb high above the clouds in a tower soaring over Lake Ontario to get a better view of the world.Along the way, they will meet new friends, discover shipwrecks and city subways, play in the red leaves of a maple forest, and learn to windsurf and canoe with loons. With the arrival of the spring sun¿s warmth after a long winter, will they finally find the Sugar Forest Festival they have been looking for?

  • af Cristina Berna
    727,95 kr.

  • af Pat Lamondin Skene
    232,95 kr.

    In this illustrated picture book set in 1952, a young Métis girl anticipates the arrival of electricity in her small town.

  • af Roxie Cohen
    162,95 - 167,95 kr.

  • af Hermann Selchow
    403,95 kr.

    Der BRICS-Gipfel fand im August 2023 statt. Die fünf BRICS-Staaten planen weiterhin ¿ so wird gemunkelt ¿ eine eigene goldbasierte Leitwährung. Unterstützt wird dieses Gerücht durch mehrere Ereignisse. Aktuell erfährt die Welt massive strukturelle Veränderungen. Die Nato wird in Europa weiter in Richtung Osten und Norden erweitert. Eine unmittelbare Folge der NATO-Osterweiterung sind die militärischen Auseinandersetzungen in der Ukraine. In Afrika wehren sich zunehmend mehr Länder gegen ihre ehemaligen Kolonialmächte. Militärputsche, wie in Niger und Gabun, stürzen die zivilen Regierungen, die sich mit dem Westen konform zeigen.Darüber hinaus treten anlässlich des oben genannten BRICS-Gipfels weitere Erdöl-fördernde Länder dem BRICS-Verbund bei. Darunter Länder wie Argentinien, Ägypten, Äthiopien, Iran, Saudi-Arabien sowie die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate. Diese Länder planen ihr Erdöl in anderen Währungen als dem Petro-Dollar zu handeln. Was eine weitere Schwächung des US-Dollar nach sich ziehen würde.Es ist also nicht verwunderlich, wenn das Gerücht um eine ¿ möglicherweise Yuan-basierte ¿ neue Leitwährung angeheizt wird. Hinzu kommt der offensichtlich erfolglose Besuch des amerikanischen Außenministers Blinken in China. Unmittelbar darauf sank der Börsenwert des US-Dollars um etliche Punkte. China hält immense Dollarreserven auf Grund seines Exportüberschusses.Danach besuchte der ehemalige US-Außenminister Henry Kissinger China, offiziell privat und ohne jeglichen diplomatischen Auftrag.Der inzwischen 100-jährige Henry Kissinger wird in China sehr respektiert, hauptsächlich aufgrund seiner Rolle bei der Normalisierung der Beziehungen zwischen den Vereinigten Staaten und der Volksrepublik China in den 1970er Jahren. Als damaliger US-Außenminister spielte er eine entscheidende Rolle in den geheimen Verhandlungen mit dem chinesischen Führer Zhou Enlai.Mein Buch ¿Der US-Dollar und die BRICS-Herausforderung¿ will den Lesern die Geschichte der Dollar-Vorherrschaft und die aufstrebenden BRICS-Staaten, als mögliches Gegengewicht, näher bringen. Es will als ein Versuch angesehen werden, die aktuellen Vorgänge in der Welt beleuchten und helfen so die gegenwärtigen Umwälzungen und Umstrukturierungen besser zu verstehen. Das Buch beleuchtet die Hintergründe, die zu den Machtkämpfen dieser Zeit geführt haben, und es wirft einen Blick in eine mögliche Zukunft, um die Auswirkungen auf die globale Wirtschaft zu analysieren. Dabei werden die verschiedenen Aspekte der Thematik beleuchtet, angefangen bei den historischen Ereignissen, die zur Entstehung der Dollar-Dominanz führten, bis hin zu den aktuellen Bemühungen der BRICS-Staaten, sich dieser Vorherrschaft zu entziehen und ihre eigene Position zu stärken.Wir werden die Wurzeln der Dollar-Vorherrschaft untersuchen. Von der Bretton-Woods-Konferenz im Jahr 1944 bis zur Aufhebung der Goldbindung im Jahr 1971 werden die entscheidenden Meilensteine auf dem Weg zur weltweiten Akzeptanz des Dollars als Leitwährung behandelt. Dabei wird auch die Rolle der Vereinigten Staaten als Supermacht und ihr wirtschaftliches und politisches Interesse an der Aufrechterhaltung der Dollarherrschaft hinterfragt.

  • af Cristina Berna & Eric Thomsen
    517,95 kr.

  • af Ellen Anderson Penno
    267,95 kr.

    When she was twenty-four years old, Ellen Anderson Penno lost her partner in a climbing accident while they were ascending Mount Baker in Washington's Cascade Range. The avalanche hid his body in a crevasse just weeks before Anderson Penno was slated to begin medical school, and she soon found herself torn between deferring her studies for a year, or starting right away with a full course load.Rather than succumbing to grief and risk never beginning her medical education at all, she plunged deep into her studies, surrounded by death on all sides, struggling to maintain her way through her turbulent emotions and a rigorous med school schedule.In this stirring and often mordantly funny new memoir, Ellen Anderson Penno structures a story of mourning, loss, despair and love through the lens of the classic medical text Gray's Anatomy, showing readers what becomes of those who must rebuild their lives after tragedy strikes.

  • af Michael L Hadley
    317,95 kr.

    A member of the so-called Silent Generation, Michael Hadley has a great deal to say in his twilight years. Opening with his Depression-era childhood on a lonely lighthouse on the west coast of Vancouver Island, this remarkably nuanced memoir spans decades, countries, and oceans.Hadley’s reflections move through his years growing up in wartime Vancouver in the 1940s, his concert tours on the British vaudeville stage in the 1950s, and his early teaching career in Manitoba in the 1960s. He shares his naval service on both coasts and on the Great Lakes, and his professional experience in Germany, where unexpected friendships with former submariners trigger an interest in how countries deal with difficult wartime pasts. Human conflict, ethics, and multi-faith engagement in criminal justice reform and Restorative Justice shape Hadley’s understandings of reconciliation, taking him on prison visits across Canada, the UK, and Uganda. Whether examining ancient historical sites and battlegrounds, navigating at sea, or riding camels in the desert, he seeks universal patterns of human experience. At once a deeply personal chronicle of a fascinating life and a measured, mature reflection on some of the most cataclysmic events of the past century, Come by Chance is an unforgettable journey that will leave readers reflecting on the experiences that affect us all.

    337,95 kr.

    Now available in paperback, this astounding collection of photographs captures some of the most stunning mountain landscapes in North America.There is a reason why the Canadian Rockies are some of the most photographed mountains in the world. Rugged peaks encircle glacier-fed lakes, rise up like protective walls around tree-filled valleys, and offer a stunning backdrop to open alpine meadows. They have been photographed from the valley bottoms, from the shores of famous lakes, and from the summits of prominent peaks. They are accessible by vehicle, boat, gondola, skis, and hiking boots. But a lucky few have photographed the Rockies from the air.In the most comprehensive collection of aerial photos to date, Aloft: Canadian Rockies Aerial Photography by Paul Zizka gives the reader a unique bird's-eye view of this prized mountain range. From vast glaciers to winding rivers, animal overpasses to lakes that look like brilliant spills of turquoise paint on the landscape, these images provide a rare look at mountains that are as grandiose from the skies as they are from their better-known vantage points.

  • af R Troy McMullin
    394,95 kr.

    Lichens are complex life forms that are the result of a symbiotic partnership between multiple organisms, usually a fungus and an alga. Though often overlooked or mistaken for other organisms (like moss), lichens are a critical part of each ecosystem they inhabit and are important sources of food, absorbers of carbon dioxide and biomonitors that help scientists detect air pollutants, among their many other functions. Written by one of the foremost lichenologists in North America, Lichens is an extensive guide to lichen species of Ontario and central parts of North America, but many of the featured lichen species are found in other parts of the world. Lichens presents photographs and detailed information on over 450 species of macrolichen, which are types of lichen with large thalli that appear either leafy and lobed or bushy and branched. Because of these qualities, the vernacular names of the species often take on colorful and intriguing descriptions, such as Witch's Hair, Toy Soldiers and Yellow Specklebelly. Each entry details the lichen's composition, habitat, distinctive features, North American range information and comments about the lichen's application or significance. The book also features an extensive introductory section about lichen basics, a photographic summary of the genera, keys to the genera, an extensive list of references and an illustrated glossary. In short, the amount of detail included in Lichens will be sure to satisfy both the serious lichenologist and the casual nature lover. The format and binding make this ideal as a field guide as well as a comprehensive reference. Each range map indicates the range into Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York -- the states adjacent to Ontario.

  • af Sarah Nelson
    92,95 - 192,95 kr.

  • - Anna, min egen Anna
    af Klaus Nørgaard Jørgensen
    147,95 - 217,95 kr.

    Hvide Svane – Anna, min egen Anna er bind 2 af 2 i fortællingen om Johan og Annas kærlighed. Det er fortællingen om Annas ankomst til Amerika og deres møde med det lokalsamfund som de, lidt tilfældig bliver en del af. Fra lille Danmark i 1919 til det sted i Rocky Mountains, hvor de vælger at lægge hele deres livsgerning. Vi følger dem i tiden op til og under anden verdenskrig, og ser deres forhold udvikle sig. Vi oplever, set gennem Johans øjne: kærlighed og kamp, drama og dåd, svaghed og savn.

  • af Sean Rodman
    117,95 kr.

    In this high-interest accessible novel for teen readers, Kai and his stepfather must stop an ancient predator before the tide turns.

  • af Hannah Inmann
    223,95 kr.

    Endlose Weiten und Wind in den Haaren - für Maddie die pure Freiheit. Gemeinsam mit ihrem tierischen besten Freund Silas könnte sie nach Jahren endlich wieder durch ihr geliebtes Land galoppieren - wären da nicht die jungen Soldaten, die Maddie auf einer Mission durch ihre einstige Heimat begleiten muss. Sie hat nicht nur mit den schmerzhaften Erinnerungen zu kämpfen, die durch diese Reise wieder in ihr hochkommen. Auch Logan Baker, der Anführer der Soldatentruppe, bringt sie gehörig aus dem Konzept.

  • af Jocey Asnong
    112,95 kr.

    All the animals are awake and ready to explore the province of Ontario and the Great Lakes in this early concept alphabet book.Make a splash in Muskoka, skate outdoors on Ottawa's Rideau canal, help turn sap into maple syrup, grab a grilled lunch with some sea gulls, and peek through the pines at a welcoming campsite in one of the province's many beautiful parks. Jocey's vibrant and whimsical illustrations showcase a selection of the regional diversity found throughout this province, and of the many birds and animals that call Ontario home.

  • af Sid Marty
    427,95 kr.

    "Sid Mary is a voice to be reckoned with. Beloved for his intimate, lyrical poetry, Marty's depiction of selfhood, connection to place and to landscape have proven him a unique and dissenting voice in Canadian literature as well as a consistent presence in the Canadian environmental movement. This first ever collected works brings together old and new poems; published and unpublished works, in a celebration of the career and artistry of this Canadian icon."--

  • af Tonya Simpson
    232,95 kr.

    "This beautiful and gentle song celebrates the plants and animals of the Prairies and the Plains while honoring our spiritual connection to the land."--

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