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Bøger om Oman

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  • Spar 18%
    - Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Oman
    af Nina Faurby & Louise Alkjær
    103,95 - 163,95 kr.

    Bogen dækker Forenede Arabiske Emirater (herunder Dubai og Abu Dhabi), Qatar med Doha og Omanmed Muscat. Bogen giver et indblik i dagligdagen på Arabiske Halvø og forklarer politiske og kulturelle problemstillinger. En række artikler går bag om landenes historie, kunst og kultur, mad og drikke. Desuden er guiden rigt illustreret med fotos og kort.

  • af Diana Darke & TONY WALSH
    213,95 kr.

    Bradt´s is the most up-to-date and informative guide to Oman, the Arabian peninsula´s most welcoming destination, fully revised and updated by an author who has been living in Oman and Arabia since 1986. Oman is finally reaping the economic benefit of its location between Europe, Africa and Asia with substantial investment in major shipping ports and significant expansion of the national airline with new routes to Western Europe and East Asia. Despite being at the crossroads of great trade routes and empires, Oman has remained an independent country through much of its long history, and today tourism and travel are a major focus for Oman´s government. This new edition covers the recent substantial investment in new airport facilities and upmarket accommodation and also features the historic UNESCO towns of Sumhuram and Al Balid. If you want to live like a local, the guide also tells you how to slow cook the traditional spiced meat ´Shuwa´ and how to be a perfect guest if invited into an Omani home. Oman is not merely a desert. While it has the classic sand seas - Wahiba Sands - home to the nomadic Bedouin and their camels, this sultanate also boasts lush monsoon-soaked valleys near Salalah, mountain villages surrounded by green terraced fields of fruit trees and rose bushes, and the reef-fringed Daymaniyat Islands. With such a varied wilderness there is huge scope for adventure. Oman is increasingly perceived as a high-end cultural destination. The new Opera House has opened, directly supported by the Sultan, with top-notch international performers like Placido Domingo. The guide includes advice on property buying, since Omani law changed to allow expatriates to buy, explaining the rules and regulations. There is also a detailed overview of language schools teaching Arabic, not found in other guides. With advice on cultural etiquette, basic Arabic phrases and political history - as well as full practical information on where to stay and eat, and what to see and do.

  • af Alison Hong Nguyen Lihalakha
    153,95 - 223,95 kr.

    From award-winning author Alison Hong Nguyen Lihalakha comes a charming and unique dual-language English and Arabic picture book that is sure to delight readers with its vibrant illustrations of the many treasures to be discovered across the Arabian Peninsula. From C for camel to R for Ramadan, this fresh alphabet book takes readers on a colorful journey to discover the people, landmarks, animals, and objects that make the Arabian Peninsula a very special place. Vibrant illustrations bring to life the beauty, wonder, and diversity of this vast and vibrant region.Did you know? Al-Hasa Oasis in Saudi Arabia is one of the largest producers of dates in the world, with an estimated annual production of over 100,000 tons (90,700,000 kilograms) of dates. This is about the same as the weight of 667 blue whales!Who are the nomadic people of the desert? What is a wadi? What is a shamal? Are there any castles in the Middle East? Find out inside!ABCs of Arabia is a versatile and engaging educational resource suitable for students in Grades 3 to 6. It's also a wonderful addition to any home library and can be enjoyed by children of all ages when read aloud. This book is dual-language English and Arabic.

  • af Hera Lind
    92,95 kr.

    Jetzt, wo das Ende ihrer Ehe durch die Scheidung endgültig besiegelt ist, findet Nadia Schäfer viel Gefallen an ihrer neuen Unabhängigkeit. Sie trifft auf den praktizierenden Muslim Karim und ist augenblicklich fasziniert von ihm. Ihre Liebe zu ihm ist groß und Karim legt ihr die Welt zu Füßen. Daher willigt sie kurzerhand ein, seine zweite Ehefrau zu werden und mit ihm in den Oman zu ziehen, wo ein ganz anderes Leben und Karims erste Ehefrau mit den gemeinsamen Kindern auf Nadia warten. Dann kommt plötzlich noch eine dritte Frau dazu...Hera Lind ist eine erfolgreiche deutsche Schriftstellerin, die bereits über zwölf Millionen Bücher verkaufte. Bei ihren ersten Romanen handelte es sich vorwiegend um Liebesromane, später spezialisierte sie sich auf Tatsachenromane. Lind war darüber hinaus als Sängerin tätig und in Film und Fernsehen aktiv. Sie lebt und arbeitet in Salzburg.

  • af Noureddine Hamdi
    114,95 kr.

    « Si Oman m’était conté » est un recueil de contes et légendes "collectées" pendant des mois, en parcourant le Sultanat d’Oman, du nord au sud, d’est en ouest. Les traditions de ce merveilleux Sultanat veulent que les vieilles personnes, véritables mémoires vivantes de pays réunissent autour d’elles les plus jeunes pour leur conter et surtout transmettre oralement ce véritable patrimoine, qui pourrait un jour disparaitre. Trente contes durant lesquels vous découvrirez une "autre face" de Sindbad le marin qui aurait vraiment existé et serait 100% Omanais, de la Reine de Saba, de bien d’autres héros mythiques, de princesses pas toujours rêvées.Noureddine Hamdi est un "jeune" auteur, âgé de soixante-six ans...Eh oui, "double-six" en dés, ça rapporte, mais dans sa vie ça a rapporté encore plus gros. Journaliste pendant un quart de siècle, reconverti en fonctionnaire d’Ambassades en Oman, faute de medias francophones, et depuis, il a reconverti sa plume et devient auteur pour ce premier livre, qui sera certainement suivi d’autres et surtout dans cette même collection de contes et légendes.Passionné de voyages et surtout de découverte d’autres cultures et traditions, l’auteur se dit "amoureux de la vie" et surtout de ce monde qui bouge dans tous les sens, et la plupart du temps de travers. Mais qu’à cela ne tienne, le meilleur remède contre le "coup de barre", c’est voyager dans le réel et aussi dans l’irréel. Les contes et légendes, le font aussi pour ça, pour lui et pour vous.

  • af Marielle Risse
    520,95 - 1.465,95 kr.

  • af Alexander John Maisner
    288,95 kr.

  • af Jarmo T. Kotilaine
    226,95 kr.

    A century on from the Paris Peace Conference that redrew the map of the Middle East, and the region has endured constant conflict. Alongside the military and economic wars, the West and Arab states have fought to control public opinion by managing the narratives that explain and validate their actions. This story charts the often hidden information war, from the propaganda coup of the entry of British forces into Jerusalem in 1917 to the campaign of perception management that sold the case for regime change in Saddam's Iraq in 2003. As the West has embraced the abstractions of public diplomacy and soft power, the propagandists of Islamic State have developed global reach and impact using a simple message and cutting edge digital and social media to generate publicity and harvest recruits. In the Trump era of fake news, media manipulation, and cyber warfare, the battle to control public opinion in the post Arab Spring Middle East has raised the stakes for winners and losers.

  • af Gösta Hoffmann
    323,95 kr.

    The geology of Oman is spectacular - for the touristic layman and the geologist alike. Exceptionally well exposed rocks offer a fascinating outcrop experience, second to none. The scenery is unique, and often breathtaking. The Samail Ophiolite (former sea floor you can walk on), mountain ranges, of more than 3000 m altitude, and deeply incised canyons with turquoise-coloured perennial streams, contrast with dry but golden sand deserts. Coastal areas with kilometres of white beaches are waiting to be discovered. This geological guidebook has two parts: The first provides a general introduction to the geology of Oman, and enables the reader to put the variety of geological phenomena and observations into a scientific context. The authors emphasise describing the processes that led to the formation of Oman's rocks and landscapes formed over millennia of Earth history. Following the introductory chapters on archaeology, climate, and vegetation, the geomorphological and geological aspects of Oman are presented. The second and largest part of the guide consists of meticulous descriptions of 99 excursion points located across the northeast of the country. The challenge in Oman is to decide where not to stop, rather than the other way round. The authors, therefore, have carefully selected the most interesting and important sites. The excursion points can easily be located by their coordinates, or may also be visited using the detailed roadmaps provided for each single outcrop. A large number of colour illustrations, a geological overview map, an index, and a list of references complete the content of the guide. As the book is written in a textbook style and presents the geology in a comprehensible way, a broad understanding is facilitated. Therefore, this field guide not only addresses geologists but also amateurs, visitors and travellers exploring the beauty and the significance of Oman geology.

  • af Maria Zdybska
    16,95 kr.

    W Londynie właśnie spadł pierwszy śnieg, nadając miejskim dekoracjom świątecznego blasku. Jednak w tym roku Baylee postanawia spędzić święta z dala od domu. Wybiera się do koleżanki, z którą razem studiowała na Oxfordzie i nieraz imprezowała do białego rana. A że Mel mieszka w Omanie, może liczyć na wakacje w ciepłym klimacie. Dziewczyny spotykają się na lotnisku w Maskacie i już tam Baylee dziwi strój koleżanki. Pamięta, jak chodziła w miniówkach, a dziś występuje w bogato zdobionej tunice i chuście na włosach. A to dopiero początek niespodzianek. Okazuje się, że żarty Mel na temat jej królewskiego pochodzenia mają swoje oparcie w rzeczywistości. Tak naprawdę jest bajecznie bogatą omańską arystokratką! Mel chce przedstawić Baylee swojemu wujkowi, który jest sułtanem o konserwatywnych poglądach. Ma nadzieję, że koleżanka ze studiów przekona go, by przychylił się do decyzji dotyczącej przyszłości dziewczyny.Maria Zdybska – polska autorka literatury fantastycznej i obyczajowej. Pochodzi z województwa świętokrzyskiego, obecnie mieszka w Krakowie. Inspiracje do utworów czerpie z mitologii i symboliki pochodzącej z różnych kultur. Zadebiutowała w 2017 roku powieścią fantasy „Wyspa Mgieł". To pierwszy tom trylogii „Krucze serce". W 2019 roku ukazała się jej druga część – „Jezioro Cieni".

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