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Bøger om Panama

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  • af Lonely Planet, Steve Fallon & Carolyn McCarthy
    193,95 kr.

    Lonely Planet Panama is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Sip coconuts on a Caribbean beach; lay eyes on the awe-inspiring Panama Canal; or hike through sublime cloud forests; all with your trusted travel companion.

  • af Harmony Difo
    166,95 kr.

  • - Mine oplevelser, som jeg husker det
    af Frode Oldenburg Jørgensen
    158,95 - 195,95 kr.

    Velkommen ombord på‭ ‬fragtskibet‭, ‬der bringer dig Jorden rundt med mange oplevelser forude‭. ‬Du oplever det hårde liv ombord og arbejdet i et maskinrum‭, ‬hvor fremdrivningsmotoren er på‭ ‬størrelse med et treetagers hus‭. ‬Du er med‭, ‬når havet smider rundt med skibet‭, ‬der er 150‭ ‬meter langt og 19‭ ‬meter bredt‭. ‬Vi anløber havne på‭ ‬USA’s‭ ‬østkyst‭, ‬Panama og San Francisco‭. ‬I tresserne var der tid til oplevelser i de havnebyer‭, ‬vi anløb‭, ‬og de nærtliggende områder‭. ‬Du er med‭, ‬når vi går i land i Japan‭, ‬Hongkong‭, ‬Filippinerne‭, ‬Bangkok og flere steder i‭ ‬Indonesien‭. ‬Singapore‭, ‬øen Penang‭, ‬Sri Lanka og Indien‭. ‬Du er med‭, ‬når vi stakkels søfolk bliver plyndret af korrupte myndighedspersoner‭.‬ ‭ ‬Du er også‭ ‬med‭, ‬når vi færdes‭ ‬uden for det officielle turistområde‭, ‬hvor vi kommer tæt på‭ ‬mennesker‭, ‬der lever på‭ ‬samfundets bund‭, ‬som benytter alle muligheder for at overleve‭.‬ ‭ ‬ Gud bevare Danmark‭! ‬ Uddrag af bogen Telefonen kimede‭. ‬2‭. ‬mester kravlede over og tog den‭. ‬Han kom ud fra telefonboksen og fortalte i korte vendinger‭, ‬at lasten havde forskubbet sig‭. ‬Jeg kunne nu se‭, ‬at krængningsviseren bevægede sig mellem 15‭ ‬og 45‭ ‬graders slagside‭. ‬Der var ikke flere løse genstande‭, ‬der flyttede sig‭. ‬Det var ualmindeligt heldigt‭, ‬at vi ikke opholdt os der‭, ‬hvor de løse dørkplader kom drønende‭. ‬De kunne have klippet benene over på‭ ‬os‭. ‬Nu kom maskinchefen‭, ‬1‭. ‬og 3‭. ‬mester også‭ ‬kravlende ned på‭ ‬manøvredørken med møje og besvær‭. ‬Der var ingen af dem‭, ‬der viste nogen form for panik eller angst‭, ‬de var derimod koncentrerede og fattede‭. ‬Maskinchefen aftalte med 1‭. ‬mester‭, ‬hvad der kunne gøres for at få‭ ‬hovedmotoren i gang så‭ ‬hurtigt som muligt‭. ‬Skibet driver mod land‭.‬ Om forfatteren Frode Oldenburg Jørgensen er født 1942‭ ‬i Undløse Overdrev‭. ‬Han er uddannet smed og maskinmester og har sejlet som sådan‭. ‬Han har siden arbejdet som værkfører‭, ‬maskinmester og driftsleder‭. ‬Det var ikke lederrollen‭, ‬der behagede ham‭, ‬men derimod de kreative muligheder for tekniske forbedringer‭, ‬stillingen kunne tilbyde‭, ‬der optog ham‭. ‬Han har tidligere udgivet erindringsbogen Den ulige kamp‭ ‬–‭ ‬en familiekrønike gennem 150‭ ‬år‭.‬

  • af Thomas Hee
    47,95 kr.

    I sommeren 1986 blev lasten på det danske skib Pia Vesta beslaglagt af de panamanske myndigheder. Lasten, som i følge kaptajnens papirer indeholdt lastbiler og reservedele, indeholdt kasser fyldt med våben. AK47 rifler, raketstyr, granater og ammunition i store mængder. Men hvem var våbnene tiltænkt? Det var der mange der nu spekulerede på.I dette andet og sidste om det danske skib Pia Vestas rolle i Iran Contra skandalen skal du høre om danske skibsrederes omfattende handel med våben til krigsførende nationer. En handel der ikke ligger stille den dag i dag.Vært: Thomas HeeGæst: Henrik BerlauManus og tilrettelæggelse: Thomas HeeLyddesign: Matias BrogårdRedaktør: Andreas Lindinger SaxildUndercoverAlle kneb gælder når spioner og agenter jagter efterretninger. Under fremmede himmelstrøg lever de ensomme liv under falske identiteter, udsendt af hemmelige tjenester med mærkelige bogstavkombinationer. I Undercover fortæller journalist Thomas Hee historien om de mest spektakulære spion- og agentaktioner i nyere tid. Historier som nogle gange er så vilde, at det er svært at tro på, at de faktisk har fundet sted.Thomas Hee (f. 1977) er uddannet journalist fra Roskilde Universitet og har blandt andet arbejdet på TV2 og på Ritzaus bureau med særligt fokus på forsvars- og efterretningsstof.

  • af Thomas Hee
    47,95 kr.

    I midten af juni 1986 sejler det danske skib 'Pia Vesta' ind i havnen i Balboa på Panamas vestkyst. Den tropiske sommer varmer godt op på dækket, men det skal snart blive meget varmere under fødderne på de danske sømænd, da de panamanske toldere kræver at se lasten igennem. Det skal vise sig at være en særdeles sprængfarlig last.I denne første del af et dobbeltafsnit af 'Undercover' skal du høre om det danske skib Pia Vesta, og om hvordan det blev en del af den store Iran Contra skandale. En skandale der involverede CIA, præstestyret i Iran, kontrarevolutionære kræfter i Nicaragua og en hel masse skibe.Vært: Thomas HeeGæst: Kim PedersenManus og tilrettelæggelse: Thomas HeeLyddesign: Matias BrogårdRedaktør: Andreas Lindinger SaxildUndercoverAlle kneb gælder når spioner og agenter jagter efterretninger. Under fremmede himmelstrøg lever de ensomme liv under falske identiteter, udsendt af hemmelige tjenester med mærkelige bogstavkombinationer. I Undercover fortæller journalist Thomas Hee historien om de mest spektakulære spion- og agentaktioner i nyere tid. Historier som nogle gange er så vilde, at det er svært at tro på, at de faktisk har fundet sted.Thomas Hee (f. 1977) er uddannet journalist fra Roskilde Universitet og har blandt andet arbejdet på TV2 og på Ritzaus bureau med særligt fokus på forsvars- og efterretningsstof.

  • af Janosch
    39,95 kr.

    Het verhaal van hoe de kleine tijger op een dag niet meer thuiskwam.Op een dag worden de twee vrienden Tijger en Beer op de proef gesteld. Want de kleine tijger heeft het kleine varkentje ontmoet, ze hebben samen cakebeslag geslurpt en gespeeld – en voor je het weet woont de kleine tijger al bij het kleine varkentje. Hij vergeet bijna de kleine beer, die nu helemaal alleen thuis zit. Maar alleen bijna...Janosch vertelt een humoristisch verhaal over jaloezie en vriendschap.Janosch werd in 1931 geboren in Zabrze. Hij is de auteur van meer dan 100 kinderboeken, prentenboeken en romans, bedenker van verhalen en personages – en de trotse vader van Tijger, Beer en Co. Voor zijn boek "O, wat mooi is Panama" ontving hij de Duitse Jeugdliteratuurprijs. Janosch woont op een eenzaam eiland tussen de zon en de zee....

  • af Elena Coloma Andrews
    258,95 kr.

    Aus einer Zeit vor Internet, Skype und WhatsApp.Briefe einer Mutter an ihre Freunde in Deutschland aus Panama geschrieben und abgeschickt.Kommentare einer Tochter hierzu und Erinnerungen an diese Zeit in Retrospektive aufgeschrieben.Ein authentischer Rückblick in die 90er-Jahre in Panama und der Ferne zu Deutschland. Kulturschock und Familie.Ein Buch. Zwei Lebenswelten, erzählen zwei unterschiedliche Geschichten, die parallel passieren.Eine persönliche Geschichte.

  • af Rex Beach
    74,95 kr.

    In Rex Beach's ‘The Ne'er-Do-Well’ Kirk Anthony is a rich, playboy who enjoys the lavish lifestyle of expensive dinners, fancy cars, and the New York Night Life, despite his father’s pleas for him to settle down and do some real work. Kirk won’t stop having a good time with his father’s money until one of his drunken friends is persuaded, by a man trying to escape the law, to play a fun ‘trick’ on Kirk. Kirk is kidnapped by his own friends and put on a ship to Panama with no money and the wanted man’s identity. Working to earn his passage home, Kirk is shocked to find that his father is tired of his irresponsible lifestyle and refuses to help him out of this situation. The perfect novel for fans of ‘Windfall’ starring Jason Segal and Jesse Plemons, or ‘All the Money in the World’.Rex Beach, was an American novelist, playwright, and Olympic water polo player. His novels, most of which were adventure novels, were influenced by Jack London – author of ‘White Fang’ – and they were very popular during the early 1900s. His second novel, ‘The Spoilers’ which was based on a true experience he witnessed while in Alaska of corrupt government officials stealing gold mines from prospectors, became one of the best-selling novels of 1906.

  • af Barney A. Schlinger
    343,95 kr.

    Birds, hormones, and extraordinary behavior: The story of the tiny but mighty golden-collared manakin of Panama

  • af Mi'sel Joe
    208,95 kr.

    Award recognition for My Indian ***2022 ATLANTIC BOOK AWARDS: APMA BEST ATLANTIC-PUBLISHED BOOK AWARD - SHORTLIST*** ***2022 BMO WINTERSET AWARD - LONGLIST*** ***2022-2023 HACKMATACK AWARD: ENGLISH FICTION - SHORTLIST*** ***2022 IPPY AWARDS: MULTICULTURAL FICTION: JUV/YA - SILVER*** Suliewey: The Sequel to My Indian continues the story of Mi'kmaw guide Sylvester Joe, whose traditional name is Suliewey, as he seeks out the last remaining Beothuk community. In My Indian, Sylvester was hired by William Cormack in 1822 to guide him across Newfoundland in search of Beothuk encampments. In fact, he followed the advice of his Elders and guided Cormack away from the Beothuk. In this sequel, having parted ways with Cormack at St. George's Bay, Sylvester decides to go out on his own in search of the winter camp of the last of the remaining Beothuk. Written as fiction by two Mi'kmaw authors, Suliewey: The Sequel to My Indian supports Mi'kmaw oral history of friendly relationships with the Beothuk. The novel reclaims the settler narrative that the Beothuk and the Mi'kmaq of Newfoundland were enemies and represents an existing kinship between the Mi'kmaq and the Beothuk. Rich in oral history, the descriptions of traditional ceremonies and sacred medicines, the use of Mi'kmaw language, and the teachings of two-spirit place readers on the land and embed them in the strong relationships described throughout the book.

  • af Hubertus Huber
    258,95 kr.

  • - How America Took, Built, Ran, and Ultimately Gave Away the Panama Canal
    af Noel Maurer & Carlos Yu
    288,95 - 555,95 kr.

    On August 15, 1914, the Panama Canal officially opened for business, forever changing the face of global trade and military power, as well as the role of the United States on the world stage. The Canal's creation is often seen as an example of U.S. triumphalism, but Noel Maurer and Carlos Yu reveal a more complex story. Examining the Canal's influence on Panama, the United States, and the world, The Big Ditch deftly chronicles the economic and political history of the Canal, from Spain's earliest proposals in 1529 through the final handover of the Canal to Panama on December 31, 1999, to the present day. The authors show that the Canal produced great economic dividends for the first quarter-century following its opening, despite massive cost overruns and delays. Relying on geographical advantage and military might, the United States captured most of these benefits. By the 1970s, however, when the Carter administration negotiated the eventual turnover of the Canal back to Panama, the strategic and economic value of the Canal had disappeared. And yet, contrary to skeptics who believed it was impossible for a fledgling nation plagued by corruption to manage the Canal, when the Panamanians finally had control, they switched the Canal from a public utility to a for-profit corporation, ultimately running it better than their northern patrons. A remarkable tale, The Big Ditch offers vital lessons about the impact of large-scale infrastructure projects, American overseas interventions on institutional development, and the ability of governments to run companies effectively.

  • af Franz Liszt
    218,95 kr.

  • af Contesse de Ségur
    248,95 kr.

    L'action se déroule dans un château de la campagne française du Second Empire où Sophie habite avec ses parents M. et Mme de Réan. Sophie tente d'être une petite fille modèle mais n'en fait qu'à sa tête au grand désespoir de tous. Heureusement, elle est entourée par des parents qui prennent soin d'elle et qui apportent un soin particulier à son éducation. Curieuse et aventureuse, elle commet bêtise sur bêtise avec la complicité critique de Paul, son cousin, qui est bon et tente de lui montrer le droit chemin. Elle a pour amies Camille et Madeleine de Fleurville, des Petites Filles modèles qu'elle peine à imiter.

  • af Henryk Sienkiewicz
    70,95 kr.

    Aspinwallin majakanvartija lahella Panamaa on kadonnut jaljettomiin. Panamassa asuva Yhdysvaltojen konsuli on vaikean paikan edessa - hanen pitaa loytaa uusi majakanvartija vain kahdentoista tunnin aikana. Sopivan oloinen ehdokas ilmestyy yllattaen. Han on puolalaissyntyinen mies, joka on kuitenkin jo seitsemankymppinen. Miksi vanha mies haluaa asumaan yksin saarelle? Onko hanesta huolehtimaan majakasta?Majakanvartija ym. kertomuksia sisaltaa viisi novellia Nobel-palkitulta Henryk Sienkiewiczilta.-

  • af Sofia Betancourt
    469,95 - 1.133,95 kr.

    In Ecowomanism at the Panam Canal: Black Women, Labor, and Environmental Ethics, Sofia Betancourt constructs a transnational ecowomanist ethic that reclaims inherited environmental cultures across multiple sites of displacement. Betancourt argues that women in the African diaspora have a unique understanding of how a moral refusal to compromise their humanity provides the very understanding needed to survive what was once an inconceivable level of environmental devastation. This work is guided by the experiences of West Indian women, imported to Panam by the United States from across the Caribbean, whose labor supported the building of the Panam Canalthe so-called silver men and women who faced mud, mosquitoes, and malaria while building a literal pathway to the American empire.

  • af L. Frank. Baum
    89,95 kr.

    In the second book in ‘The Boy Fortune Hunters’ children’s adventure series by L. Frank Baum, we are reunited with our hero Sam Steele. Now the captain of his very own ship, Sam is travelling around South America to California. The quirky inventor Duncan Moit is a passenger aboard the ship along with his latest invention, the Moit Convertible Automobile – a car which can travel on land and sea. When a storm forces Sam to make land off the coast of Panama they encounter the descendants of the Aztecs – and they do not welcome visitors. A thrilling adventure full of suspense, treasure, and excitement from the popular children’s author. The story was originally published under the title ‘Sam Steele’s Adventures in Panama’.Lyman Frank Baum (1856 – 1919) was a prolific and well-known American writer. He is best known for his famous series of modern fairy tales set in the imaginary land of Oz. The first of the books, ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ is widely considered to be the first true American fairy tale and was the basis for the hugely popular 1939 classic musical ‘The Wizard of Oz’ starring Judy Garland. Born and raised in New York, Baum held a range of jobs including as a poultry farmer, clerk, and storekeeper before pursuing his talent for writing at the age of 41. He wrote 14 novels in the Oz series, as well as over 40 other novels and over 80 short stories. He died in California in 1919.

  • af L. Frank. Baum
    89,95 kr.

    In the second book in ‘The Boy Fortune Hunters’ children’s adventure series by L. Frank Baum, we are reunited with our hero Sam Steele. Now the captain of his very own ship, Sam is travelling around South America to California. The quirky inventor Duncan Moit is a passenger aboard the ship along with his latest invention, the Moit Convertible Automobile – a car which can travel on land and sea. When a storm forces Sam to make land off the coast of Panama they encounter the descendants of the Aztecs – and they do not welcome visitors. A thrilling adventure full of suspense, treasure, and excitement from the popular children’s author. The story was also published under the title ‘The Boy Fortune Hunters in Panama’.Lyman Frank Baum (1856 – 1919) was a prolific and well-known American writer. He is best known for his famous series of modern fairy tales set in the imaginary land of Oz. The first of the books, ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ is widely considered to be the first true American fairy tale and was the basis for the hugely popular 1939 classic musical ‘The Wizard of Oz’ starring Judy Garland. Born and raised in New York, Baum held a range of jobs including as a poultry farmer, clerk, and storekeeper before pursuing his talent for writing at the age of 41. He wrote 14 novels in the Oz series, as well as over 40 other novels and over 80 short stories. He died in California in 1919.

  • af ITM Publications
    118,95 kr.

    One of the world’s great travel adventures is sailing through the Panama Canal, which we did last year (see cover photo). Panama itself is a large enough country that the canal, which is visited annually by millions of passengers, cannot be shown in meaningful detail. So, whether one is on board one of the many cruise ships squeezing into the Miraflores Locks or are a visitor ashore watching, the canal is a great attraction. The map is double-sided, with central Panama (the part most visited) filling side one. Side two is divided in half along the central fold. A very detailed map of Panama City fills the left side, and the first-ever map of the canal itself fills the other. This is a marvelously portrayed rendition of the most important canal in the world. Even at this scale, the locks themselves are thin lines on the sheet, but they’re there. Scale 1:300.000

  • af William J. Jorden
    809,95 kr.

    ';This magnificent diplomatic memoir-history by the American ambassador to Panama at the time should be required reading for every diplomat... A classic.' Foreign Affairs The Panama Canal Treaties of 1977 were the most significant foreign policy achievement of the Carter administration. Most Latin American nations had regarded the 1903 treaty and its later minor modifications as vestiges of ';American colonialism' and obstacles to any long-term, stable relationship with the United States. Hence, at a time when conflicts were mushrooming in Central America, the significance of the new Panama treaties cannot be overestimated. Former Ambassador to Panama William J. Jorden has provided the definitive account of the long and often contentious negotiations that produced those treaties. It is a vividly written reconstruction of the complicated process that began in 1964 and ended with ratification of the new pacts in 1978. Based on his personal involvement behind the scenes in the White House (19721974) and in the United States Embassy in Panama (19741978), Jorden has produced a unique living history. Access to documents and the personalities of both governments and, equally important, Jorden's personal recollections of participants on both sides make this historical study an incomparable document of U. S. foreign relations. In sum, this is a history, a handbook on diplomacy, a course in government, and a revelation of foreign policy in action, all based on a fascinating and controversial episode in the US experience. ';Jordan's closely knit account of those negotiations brings the whole question of colonialism into stark focus... a vivid account of diplomacy in action.' The Christian Science Monitor

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