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DO YOU FIND YOURSELF REPEATING DESTRUCTIVE PATTERNS?Are you determined not to repeat the same mistakes only to find yourself doing the exact same thing again, sometimes years later? It could be drugs, alcohol, overeating, obsessive spending, sexual permissiveness, explosions of anger. It could be pretty much anything - you fill in the blank.Having experienced a lifetime of tragedy - from a dysfunctional upbringing to being pregnant at fourteen and giving her son up for adoption, empty sexual relationships, multiple pregnancies, abortion, a violent marriage and divorce - Joy shares her difficult journey to redemption in this life-changing memoir. She gently guides you through her process of finding healing from her past, true peace in her present and worthiness in Christ.Joy no longer doubts who she is or what beauty God has in store for her. Jesus turned her mess into a masterpiece and He can do the same for you!Includes a study guide at the end of each of the ten chapters for personal or group participation!
Whenever Christa Black looked in the mirror, she was waging a war with herself. Her hatred of her face and body drove her, as a young woman, into frantic overachievement, addiction, and an eating disorder that landed her in rehab. A preacher's kid, she'd grown up imagining God as a "thou shalt not" tyrant. It was only when she miraculously discovered God's unconditional love for her--physical imperfections, moral failings, and all--that she finally began to accept herself. As she tells her story, Christa shares the tools she uses to combat the self-rejection that harms so many people's lives. In this raw testimony, Christa Black takes women on a step-by-step journey of faith and positive belief to reveal that if God loves ugly, then we can too.
Our lives are made up of moments. Some we hope to remember forever and some we long to forget. But it's the tapestry of these moments that come together to write the story God is telling through each of our lives. In ETCHED . . . UPON MY HEART, Jill Kelly shares some of the unforgettable moments in her life-some sorrowful, others filled with joy-as a "living epistle" to her daughters. Kelly's raw and honest reflections provide encouragement and inspiration for women and mothers who long to pass on hard-won knowledge of God's steadfast love and healing grace to their children. As she writes, "God will break our hearts, but He will hold the pieces. He will cradle us and redeem every tear we cry." Although great personal pain informs these pages, Kelly's story is ultimately one of forgiveness, reconciliation, and hope. Through the moments in time that Jill Kelly recounts, you will recognize the daily reality and eternal value of God's plan for your own life.
Grace Hill, ein 16-jähiges Mädchen, zieht in das kleine Städtchen Rosefield und besucht dort die St. Davies Highschool. Nach kurzer Zeit findet sie auch neue Freunde und somit wäre eigentlich alles perfekt. Wenn da nicht Evelyn Garcia wäre, die von vielen Schülerinnen gefürchtet wird und vor allem Grace das Leben zur Hölle macht. Aber zum Glück hält Graces Clique zu ihr und gemeinsam versuchen sie, Evelyn mit allen Mitteln zu bekämpfen. Jedoch ist das nicht ihr einziges Problem...
Calling all new moms and moms-to-be! How would you like to have a real instruction manual for parenting at your fingertips? Well, you are in luck! This book offers many tips and resources to help navigate you through the first decade of motherhood. Yes, ten years of life! It helps you plan for your baby's arrival, learn how to keep them safe and healthy, plan their birthday party, and so much more! Understand that being a mother goes beyond fertility, so it doesn't matter if you give birth, adopt, or conceive through surrogacy. The common factor of motherhood is performing a maternal role. With that said, every mother can use some help and support. Let this guide be a part of your village necessary for raising your child. A good mom does the best she can. A great mom seeks ways to be greater!
Everything in my life was on track, just like it was supposed to be, and exactly how I had planned. I was in a loving relationship, had a nice house, a good job, a great family, and was just about to welcome our son into this world. We couldn't wait another moment for our new adventure as a family to begin. But the moment Theo was born, everything changed. I was met with challenges and emotions I did not plan for and had no control over. I lost my identity and had no idea if I would ever see that person again. I muddled through, longing for my old life back. Why did I feel like this when this was all I had dreamed about for so long? Feeling ashamed of how I felt, I isolated myself and my feelings. But as time went on, I began to realise that there is no normal and there is no shame in missing my old life. Everyone's experiences are different; all babies have their own agenda, and our bodies and minds do not always react in the way we want or plan for. I decided to share my journey to help mothers to be honest about the reality of motherhood - the good and the bad. As a first-time parent, I had no former experience and perhaps unrealistic expectations of what parenting really looked like, and I was overwhelmed with the reality. I was too ashamed to speak up and say how I felt in fear of not living up to the picture-perfect mother, but the only one who suffered was me. This book exposes the reality of motherhood beyond the perfect Instagram posts, and the pleasantries shared between mums over a coffee. But as time went on, I started to find my own unique path, being the best mum, I could possibly be. Finally letting go of my unrealistic expectations of motherhood. I realised (maybe later than others) that the rewards to motherhood are priceless, more extraordinary than anything I ever expected. They are unpredictable, incomparable, and irreplaceable. They are to be kept safe inside us as a reminder of why we embarked on this beautiful turbulent journey in the first place.
London - Partys, lange Nächte, Musik, Freiheit und unwiderstehliche Versuchungen - und mitten drin lebt Kehya.Bisher hat sie in ihrem Leben stets das Gute, das Schöne und das für sie Richtige gewählt. Jede ihrer Herausforderung meisterte sie mit Optimismus und Zuversicht, egal wie schwierig oder ausweglos die Situation erschien. Doch dann tritt Adam in ihr Leben ¿ ein begehrenswerter DJ, der in der Clubsszene Barcelonas gefeiert wird und nicht nur Ruhm und Glanz in Kehyas Welt bringt.Zwischen ihnen entfacht ein unbändiges Feuer, das genauso leidenschaftlich wie explosiv ist. Und plötzlich steht die Welt der beiden auf dem Kopf und noch bevor sie es merken, ist nichts mehr so, wie es war.
"Schneeflocke und Rufus: Eine Freundschaft ohne Grenzen" ist eine herzerwärmende Geschichte über das Überwinden von Vorurteilen, die Schönheit der Einzigartigkeit und die Kraft der wahren Freundschaft, die die Herzen der Leser jeden Alters berührt und inspiriert.
Mia ist gerne an diesem einsamen Ort mitten in Finnland. Das Resozialisierungsprojekt ist für sie zu einem Zuhause geworden. Die Bewohnerinnen sind ihre Freundinnen und in einer von ihnen, Leonie, hat sie eine große Liebe gefunden. Ihrer Betreuerin Su vertraut sie und die Natur, die Abgeschiedenheit und die Tiere im Stall tun ihr gut. Dennoch lastet tiefe Traurigkeit auf Mias Alltag in Schnee und Dämmerlicht. Sie gilt ihrer vor der Geburt verstorbenen Tochter Tilda. Als eine Neue im Projekt auftaucht, verbreitet sich Zwietracht, Chaos und Angst auf dem Hof. Letztlich ist die größte Herausforderung für Mia, Leonie und Su jedoch nicht die neue Bewohnerin Sarah, sondern die schweren Schatten der Vergangenheit. Es wird Zeit, sich ihnen zu stellen. Heute hier - morgen fort ist die Fortsetzung des Romans "Frag nicht nach gestern", der 2017 im Querverlag erschien.
Charlotte Weinhold has a degree in history and is striving to complete her Ph.D. Her earnings from a newspaper job keep her just above water. When the editor-in-chief demands insider news about the Count of Bergfels-Blumenheide and his family, on whom she is writing her dissertation, she sees this as an opportunity to obtain previously unpublished documents at the same time.Arriving in Bergfels, she unexpectedly gets a job in the only café in town - its owner is not only attractive but also happens to be the best friend of the Count's publicity-shy daughter. What a unique opportunity to get the desired internal information about the Count's family without much effort!Countess Ida doesn't care about her title. She lives in a city apartment and works for a non-profit children's aid organization. When her father asks her to take over an archival tour of Bergfels Palace in his place, she agrees. In return, this gives her an excuse to spend the approaching Christmas holidays away from the Count's clan.But everything turns out quite differently than either Charlotte or Ida could ever have imagined.
Labrador Siley und sein Frauchen Silke finden beim Spaziergang im Naturschutzgebiet Roggenmoor einen angebundenen Hund. Als sie ihn mitnehmen wollen erschaudern sie und geraten in einen seltsamen Mordfall.
In den verzauberten Wäldern von Centarum verfolgt Bettina einen Pfad, der sie aus einem düsteren Leben führt. Verstoßen von der grausamen Stiefmutter, trifft sie auf Aelar, einen Zentaur mit einem Geheimnis. Aelar nimmt Bettina mit in sein Zentaurdorf, wo sie eine Gemeinschaft von faszinierenden Wesen entdeckt.Doch zwischen den Welten der Zentauren und der Menschen gibt es viele Geheimnisse und Hindernisse. Als die Liebe zwischen Bettina und Aelar wächst, stehen sie vor Entscheidungen, die nicht nur ihre Beziehung, sondern auch das Gleichgewicht zwischen den Welten beeinflussen.Tauche ein in eine Welt voller Magie, Freundschaft und Liebe, in der die Kraft der Zusammengehörigkeit stärker ist als die Grenzen zwischen den Welten. Wird Bettina ihr Glück in Centarum finden, oder wird das Schicksal ihre Liebe auf die Probe stellen?
Es geht um natürliche Beziehungen, Freundschaft, Kreativität, Träume vom Leben, die Kinder haben. Hilfsbereitschaft, Frieden. Es sind Geschichten, wo ein kleiner Junge und ein kleines Mädchen zusammen spielen und ihren Eltern zeigen, wie das Miteinander auf unkomplizierte Weise gehen kann. Sie spiegeln ihren Eltern ihre ureigensten Träume.
Als Alycia erfährt, dass sie eine Bluthexe ist, wird sie an der Blutakademie aufgenommen. Während sie lernt, mit ihrer Magie umzugehen, versucht sie, die Geheimnisse ihrer toten Mutter zu lüften. Doch ein mysteriöses Blutorakel sorgt dafür, dass sie sich in einer uralten Fehde zwischen weißer und schwarzer Magie wiederfindet, die ausgerechnet sie beenden soll.Aber handelt das Blutorakel wirklich von ihr oder läuft sie geradewegs in ihren sicheren Tod?
A Single Woman's Concerns and Struggles: Reversing the Perception of Exclusion in the Church in the Twenty-First Century and Beyond speaks to the many single, separated, single parent, divorced, and widowed women who have and are experiencing concerns and struggles that may lead to perceptions of exclusion in the church and community. Each church holds various amounts of information from many sources that may assist single women in reversing the perception of exclusion, but making the best use of these sources and resources can make a big difference in the life of a single woman. Dr. Johnson provides insights into the care, concerns, struggles, and perceptions of exclusion and provides a mentoring guide in encouraging inclusion in the local church and community in the twenty-first century and beyond.182182
Que faire quand on se sent seul et que sa vie manque de sens ? Formuler une demande à L'Univers ? Oui, mais attention ! La réponse se révèle parfois bien plus épicée qu'escomptée... C'est ce que découvrira Nancy.Après un extraordinaire voyage à la Barbade, Nancy peine à retrouver ses marques à Paris et se sent perdue. La venue de Richard, un séduisant chirurgien barbadien, lui fait l'effet d'une bombe. Une toile d'amour se tisse alors même que ce dernier doit repartir dans son île natale.Conversations téléphoniques et textos saupoudrés de mots doux bientôt ne suffisent plus. Des retrouvailles en terre tropicale sont vite organisées. Aventure, magie, romance, sensualité... Nancy file le parfait amour. Mais c'était sans compter sur le côté imprévisible et mystérieux de la vie. Mensonges, manipulations, trahison... Au milieu du chaos, une voie inattendue se dessinera. La vie aurait-elle pour Nancy un plan bien plus vaste ?Ce roman est un mix vitaminé 3 en 1 : une comédie romantique, un roman feel good et un roman de développement personnel.Ce livre romantique dévoile une histoire de couple bouleversante et passionnée. Découvrez cette épopée du coeur pleine d'humour et d'émotions qui invite à créer une relation de couple et une vie exaltantes !Commandez maintenant votre exemplaire pour vous plonger dans cette aventure qui fera palpiter votre coeur !
Sex vor der Ehe - bei den Mormonen verboten. Noch strenger ist es bei den Missionaren der Mormonenkirche: Da ist jedes unbeaufsichtigte Zusammensein mit dem anderen Geschlecht untersagt. Die junge deutsche Musikerin Hennah ist Missionarin - und in einen Missionar verliebt.Mördergrube Herz - ein emotionaler Roman, der in der Welt der Mormonen spielt - ist eine Geschichte von verlorengeglaubter Liebe, von falschen Entscheidungen, von zweiten Chancen und der Hoffnung, dass wahre Liebe nie vergeht.
You can raise strong kids, even in a broken worldAdversity is a normal part of life, and when we keep our children too protected, we rob them of the opportunity to learn and practice essential life skills--like discernment, understanding, boldness, and resilience. Combining Scripture and psychology, Unshakable Kids gives you the tools to equip your children to withstand the negative pressures of society and walk bravely into the world with confidence. Unshakable Kids shows you how to- help your kids control anxious thoughts - empower them to walk in their God-given identities- build a home that supports healthy brain development With God's Word and these brain-based tools, you can raise emotionally healthy and spiritually strong children who not only remain unshaken by the world but also make a positive impact on it."Brimming with unshakable truth, undeniable research, and unfailing tools, this book will give you the practical help you need to build a firm foundation for your kids to stand on!"--Amy Seiffert, author of Starved"Lauren Gaines delivers clear strategies for transforming stress-filled households into peace-infused homes."--Stephanie Gilbert, author and cohost of the Pastors' Wives Tell All podcast
Feeling invisible is not a superpower.Many women today feel unseen, overlooked, or shamed, but so did women in the Bible-who knew?One felt abandoned by God, so the harebrained idea of making God's plan happen without God's help somehow morphed into a brilliant idea in her mind. What did she do, and how did God respond? The answer might surprise you.A childless woman lived a life reminiscent of Cinderella's and endured the worst family "vacation" every year. Did God see her, and if so, how did he help?Discover how each woman in this book felt invisible but became a Beloved Daughter of God-no qualifications as a paragon of virtue required.Do you feel invisible and long for someone to see you? Journey with these women and learn more about "the God who sees me." (Genesis 16:13, NIV).Questions for group discussion or personal reflection are included.
Becoming a first-time mom is an incredibly beautiful and transformative experience, but it also comes with its fair share of emotional changes and mood swings. It's completely normal to feel a rollercoaster of emotions during this time, as your body adjusts to the hormonal fluctuations and the overwhelming responsibilities of caring for a new baby. In this subchapter, we will explore the various emotional changes and mood swings that new moms might experience, along with some practical tips to navigate through them.One common emotional change that many new moms face is the "baby blues." These are characterized by feelings of sadness, anxiety, and irritability, usually occurring a few days after giving birth. The baby blues are caused by hormonal changes and the adjustment to the demands of motherhood. It's important to remember that these feelings are temporary and usually subside within a couple of weeks. However, if the symptoms persist or worsen, it could be a sign of postpartum depression, which requires professional help.Mood swings are another common occurrence during the postpartum period. You may find yourself laughing one moment and crying the next, without any apparent reason. These mood swings are a result of hormonal changes, lack of sleep, and the stress of adapting to your new role as a mother. It's crucial to be patient with yourself and seek support from your loved ones. Remember, you're not alone in this journey, and there are many resources available to help you cope.To manage emotional changes and mood swings effectively, it's important to prioritize self-care. Taking time for yourself, even if it's just a few minutes each day, can make a significant difference in your emotional well-being. Engage in activities that bring you joy and help you relax, such as reading, taking a bath, or practicing deep breathing exercises. Additionally, reaching out to other new moms or joining a support group can provide a sense of community and validation.It's also essential to communicate your emotions and needs to your partner, family, or friends. Sharing your feelings and concerns can help alleviate the emotional burden and allow your loved ones to provide the support you require. Remember, seeking help is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength and self-awareness.
Einst bewegten Pferde Maschinen, heute bewegen Maschinen die Pferde. Damit änderte sich auch der Zugang zum Pferd. Man bekommt ihn nicht von klein auf in die Wiege gelegt. Heutzutage muss man sich den Kontakt zum Pferd erarbeiten und aktiv auf die Pferdeszene zugehen. Sonst bleibt man ihr fremd.In diesem Buch werde ich den Lesern fundiertes Pferdewissen näherbringen. Für alle, die sich Gedanken machen, für echte Pferdemenschen und die, die es werden wollen.
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