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  • af Hermann Candahashi
    316,95 - 398,95 kr.

  • af Amanda Montei
    298,95 kr.

    "In this stunning blend of memoir, theory, and cultural criticism, a new mother examines the intersection between misogyny and motherhood, considering how caregivers can take back their bodies and pass on a language of consent to their children"--

  • af Jnyee Jackson
    288,95 - 363,95 kr.

  • af Annalena Schramm
    276,95 kr.

    Seit seiner unerwarteten Rückkehr ist Annalena total durch den Wind. Soll sie ihm noch mal eine Chance geben und damit das Wagnis erneut eingehen oder lieber die Finger von ihm lassen, um sich vor den Schatten der Vergangenheit zu schützen? Die Entscheidung liegt allein bei ihr! Doch egal wie Annalena sich entscheidet - in jedem Fall ist das Drama auch dieses Mal wieder vorprogrammiert!Das Abenteuer geht also weiter und bringt wieder eine ganze Menge Aufregung, unerwartete Wendungen und großes Gefühlschaos mit sich. Bist du bereit für den zweiten Teil dieser packenden Liebesgeschichte? Dann nichts wie los! Stürz dich mit Annalena ins Liebesgeflimmer!

  • af Tina Mücher
    226,95 kr.

    Im zweiten Teil der facettenreichen "Ruf-Reihe" erleben die Freundinnen Haley und Sarah ein Wechselbad der Emotionen. Während Haley oberflächlich betrachtet ein perfektes Leben führt, birgt ihre Fassade eine tiefe Unzufriedenheit. Der Neid, den Sarah für Hallers vermeintliches Glück empfindet, wird durch die Enthüllung von Hallers wahren Gefühlen in Frage gestellt. Als die erste große Liebe unverhofft wieder in ihr Leben tritt, geraten die Freundinnen in einen Strudel aus Emotionen, Komplikationen und Entscheidungen. Zwischen Liebe, Sehnsucht und der Unberechenbarkeit des Herzens müssen sie lernen, auf ihre innersten Gefühle zu hören. Tauchen Sie ein in eine Welt voller Geheimnisse, überraschende Wendungen und emotionale Höhen und Tiefen. Die Suche nach Liebe und Glück führt die Protagonistinnen zu ungeahnten Herausforderungen, die ihre Bindung und ihre Lebenswege auf eine harte Probe stellen. "Ruf der Herzen" ist ein fesselnder Liebesroman über Freundschaft, Liebe und die Umwege des Lebens, der den Leser mitreißt und bis zur letzten Seite in seinen Bann zieht.

  • af Christine Caine
    213,95 - 253,95 kr.

  • af John Eldredge
    183,95 kr.

    El mensaje de Cautivante es este: tu corazón importa más que cualquier cosa en toda la creación. Los deseos que tenías de niña y los anhelos que todavía sientes como mujer te comunican la vida para la que Dios te creó. Él ofrece venir ahora como el Héroe de tu historia, a rescatar tu corazón y liberarte para que vivas como una mujer completamente viva y femenina, una mujer realmente cautivante.

  • af Alissa Carpentier
    249,95 - 350,95 kr.

  • af Alpha Edition
    108,95 kr.

    Robuster EinbandFSC-zertifiziertMit Farben auf Soja- statt Erdölbasis gedruckt4-sprachiges Kalendarium (DE/FR/IT/GB)Feiertage (DE/AT/CH/GB/FR/IT/NL/LU)1 Woche auf 1 Seite, mit großem Notizbereich auf der gegenüberliegenden SeiteJahresübersichten für 2025/2026Monatsübersichten Januar bis Dezember 2025TageszählerLesebandFein gerundete EckenZahlreiche ZusatzinformationenBei uns finden Sie eine große Auswahl an Ladytimern mit den unterschiedlichsten Motiven - da ist für jeden Geschmack etwas dabei!Dieser Ladytimer Slim überzeugt durch das praktische Handtaschenformat (9 x 15,6 cm), den festen Einband im attraktiven Design und ein übersichtliches Kalendarium. Auf einer Doppelseite haben Sie links den Wochenüberblick und rechts Platz für umfangreichere Notizen. Die Zusatzseiten versorgen Sie mit Ferienterminen (DE/AT/CH), den aktuellen Postentgelten und weiterem Platz für Kontaktadressen oder Notizen. Der praktische "Ladytimer Slim Sea Ladybug 2025" der Marke Alpha Edition ist ein schöner Terminplaner für Zuhause und unterwegs.Das Team der Neumann Verlage wünscht Ihnen viel Freude mit unseren Kalendern!

  • af Hermann Selchow
    204,95 - 355,95 kr.

  • af Latanya Shenieka White
    138,95 kr.

    This book is an honest take on what it looks like to fight in the battle against infertility in the modern day. Coupled with encouraging testimonies, through this project, LaTanya sheds light on strategies that you can take to bring forth the children that you can now only dream of. With its anchor in ancient biblical accounts that many can relate to and draw hope and strength from, it details the struggles as well as the triumphs that come only through faith. The world of barrenness and infertility is one that is often closed off from the ogling eyes of society, but with the growing number of women today who struggle with infertility, it brings to light the fight that they endure and the victory that they will ultimately seize.

  • af Heidy Mejia
    163,95 - 228,95 kr.

  • af Heidy Mejia
    158,95 - 243,95 kr.

  • af Juanita Julia
    148,95 kr.

    Women are no longer passengers but drivers in their own destiny and purpose. You have just been upgraded from coach to first class, so get up and walk. For far too long, consciously or unconsciously, women have been asked to use their gifts and talents to move the family, company, or ministry forward but to step aside and let the "people's choice" shine. I Am Deborah is a book that will push women forward into their God given destiny and purpose with no apologies. You are talented!!! You are gifted!!! You are anointed!!! You are the head and not the tail!!! You are NOT a second-class citizen in the Kingdom. God is escorting you from coach to first class. You just need to get up as He commands and walk in it. No longer will women sit back when they were meant to step up. I AM Deborah was written for women like you! It's your time to shine and walk in destiny! Let's go get it!

  • af Erica Skattebo
    158,95 kr.

    Experiencing years of infertility and heartbreaking loss, Erica walked a path of ashes, mourning, and heaviness. Yet as she studied the Bible, God slowly began illuminating her path forward. With a heart to reach those who suffer silently, Erica weaves her unique personal journey into a Bible study of women who faced similar challenges. With a faith-filled perspective, this book will encourage women experiencing detours and obstacles to walking toward beauty, joy, and praise.To give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified.-Isaiah 61:3b

  • af Hermann Selchow
    176,95 kr.

  • af Olivia Brown
    153,95 kr.

    "Parenting The Toddler" is a must-read for any parent in the midst of the toddler years. This book transforms parenting challenges into growth opportunities with its easy-to-understand, engaging approach. It's filled with humor, relatable stories, and pop culture references, making the journey through toddlerhood both enlightening and enjoyable. Inside, you'll find expert advice on:Navigating child development with ease and confidence.Fostering emotional intelligence and strong parent-child bonds.Practical strategies for everyday parenting challenges.Fun activities that promote learning and connection.This guide is more than just a parenting book; it's a companion that offers wisdom, empathy, and a touch of humor, ensuring you not only survive but thrive during the toddler years. Get ready to turn the trials of parenting into triumphs with "Parenting The Toddler"

  • af Hermann Selchow
    257,95 - 335,95 kr.

  • af Derrick Moore
    233,95 kr.

    Raise Him Up delves into the challenges faced by African-American single moms and offers advice, scriptural support, and helpful prayers.

  • af Wolfgang Oberkofler
    235,95 kr.

    Was würde passieren, wenn plötzlich Dinosaurier in Fleisch und Blut auftauchten? Würden Sie fasziniert sein, könnten Sie Neandertalern bei der Jagd über die Schulter sehen? Wie würden Sie reagieren, müssten Sie plötzlich beim Bau der Pyramiden mit anpacken?Dieses Buch gibt einen kleinen Einblick in eine Welt, in der dies alles möglich ist.

  • af Joclyn M. Polhemus
    168,95 kr.

    Postpartum is defined as the period following birth and commonly associated with six weeks of recovery after birth, eight if by cesarian section. Let's be real; the postpartum period is longer than that, filled with multiple roller coasters at different speeds and heights. Just like every birth and child is different, so is the postpartum experience. Many make the mistake of stating maternity and paternity leave as vacation; think again.Each journey is characterized by different aspects and cannot be compared. 42 Days Postpartum: A New Mom's Candid Memories is a six-week reflection of a first-time mom's postpartum experience. The inserts are candid, dynamic, unfeigned, emotive, poignant, engaging, and thought-provoking. Join a new mom on her journey and facilitate the conversation. Mothers are often given a lot of information/support on pregnancy and birth but are left with pamphlets and guessing for the postpartum period. Let's talk about it.

  • af Brida Anderson
    255,95 - 356,95 kr.

  • af Karen Weaver
    208,95 kr.

    Many women navigate motherhood whilst also pursuing their ambitions. It is often not about balance, it is more about perspective which can be the difference between succeeding and not.As a mum of six and an ambitious leader, Karen shares her insights, thoughts and knowledge with readers so that you can find the way that works best for you as you navigate the wonderful chaos of raising the next generation whilst also raising yourself.Karen Weaver is a multi-award-winning author, publisher, life philosopher and the founder of Serenity Press, MMH Press, KMD Books and Duchess Serenity Press. She is a multi-genre author of over forty books, a Forbes influencer, a three-time TEDx speaker and a proud mum of six.As an advanced Law of Attraction practitioner, she is passionate about teaching people how to attract anything they want into their lives through her extensive knowledge and vibrant energy.She has a 'no excuse' policy: if she can do it, anyone can! She believes in the power of mums in business leading the way for the next generation to live to their highest potential. Karen is on a mission to share the power of stories with the world.

  • af Michelle Hollingsworth
    373,95 kr.

    Our greatest calling is guiding others to know more about Christ and His gift of salvation. We sometimes think only theology experts can do this, but God calls all of us to help others by using our gifts. The blessing of motherhood is a one such gift. While we are busy caring for the daily life of another human being, we also carry the burden of training up our children in God's Word. This weight can feel heavy, like an assignment we can't possibly pull off between making mac and cheese, combing out pigtails, and spinning plates of work, family, and community. There is good news in the midst of the busyness: We have what we need. The best instruction book we receive in life for parenthood is from God Himself. Every day is different, every child is unique but God's Word never changes. As adults, we go through changes as we age and grow in wisdom and experience. Likewise, our children go through seasons of change as they grow and continually learn. The seasons of life we go through ourselves and with our children do not follow the patterns we have grown accustomed to with the weather outside. As mothers, we can take solace in the fact that we may weather any season with Jesus as our helper. It is encouraging to know we are never alone in the forced rest of the bitter cold days of winter, the blooming, rainy days of spring, the hot, humid days of summer, or the rapidly-changing days that come with the finality of fall. WorkHearter invites readers to anchor every season in the One who created them all. Michelle Hollingsworth is a gentle and trusted friend along all parts of the journey, encouraging moms to remember who and Whose they are every day, every moment. This devotional provides a resounding note of hope for each day, no matter the season of life, God's word never fails to assist us daily.

  • af Laura Saint-Aubin
    243,95 kr.

    Perdre le contrôle dans une tempête infinie.Sombrer dans des profondeurs abyssales.S'abîmer jusqu'à s'anéantir.Tombe la pluie est une histoire obscure, abordant la toxicité sous diverses formes ainsi que l'importance de nos choix.

  • af Sarah Stankorb
    198,95 - 199,95 kr.

    "A generation of American Christian girls was taught submitting to men is God's will. They should not question the men in their families or their pastors. They were told to remain sexually pure and trained to feel shame if a man was tempted. Some of these girls were abused and assaulted. Some made to shrink down so small they became a fraction of themselves. To question their leaders was to question God himself. All the while, their male leaders built fiefdoms from megachurches and sprawling ministries. They influenced political leaders and policy. To protect their church's influence, these men covered up and hid abuse. American Christian patriarchy, as it rose in political power and cultural sway over the past four decades, hurt many faithful believers. Millions of Americans abandoned churches they once loved. Yet among those who stayed, a brave group of women spoke up. They built online megaphones. In Disobedient Women, journalist Sarah Stankorb gives long-overdue recognition for these everyday women as leaders, voices for a different sort of faith. Their work has driven journalists to help bring abuse stories to national attention. Stankorb weaves together names readers know now-Rachel Held Evans, Joshua Harris, Bill Gothard-with new names readers will never forget in order to present a full, layered portrait of where Christian extremism stands in the twenty-first century, and how from within the church women and their allies are challenging that standing. Disobedient Women is not just a look at the women who have used the power of the internet to bring down the religious power structures that were meant to keep them quiet, it's also a picture of the large-scale changes that are happening within evangelical culture regarding women's roles, ultimately underscoring the ways technology has created a place for women to challenge the traditional power structures from within"--

  • - Vores begyndelse fortalt indefra
    af Leah Hazard
    238,95 kr.

    Nogle vil sige, at den minder lidt om en pære på hovedet, men hvad ved vi egentlig om stedet, hvor livet begynder?Gennem samtaler med læger, forskere og doulaer og med folk, der har menstrueret, født og aborteret, fortæller LIVMODER en fascinerende historie om et mirakuløst organ, der skaber lige så stor glæde som sorg – og som ikke kun er en kvindesag, for det er her, vi alle kommer fra. LEAH HAZARD er fra Skotland, jordemoder, aktivist og mor til to piger.

  • af Sole Wright
    138,95 kr.

    Break the cycle of shame and secrecy and find the freedom you have been longing for through redemptive stories of women like you. In her book, After Some Time, Solé opens up about her childhood challenges and the secret that kept her captive for almost five decades.As a coach and trainer, she's had countless conversations with women who feel "alone" in their struggles - believing that no one would understand. These conversations confirmed that we all share common threads through our unique stories. After Some Time gives the reader hope in knowing that they are not alone in the battles they are fighting. This book will:Challenge you to dig deep with bold and probing, Pause and Reflect, questions.Give hope to those facing identity issues, unforgiveness, suicidal thoughts, addictions, and other sensitive topics that are often overlooked.Empower you to uncover and face your, if people knew, secrets.Show you the value of community and the role it has for healing.Help you recognize and reject the specific lies that have been holding you captive.Cultivate your faith by leaning on Jesus and learning His model for living.Teach you to hold on to your plans loosely to make room for God's purpose for your life. Encourage you to share your redemptive story as an offer of hope for the woman next to you.Your faith will deepen as you recall what God has already done for you and give you a hunger to draw closer to Him. With fresh insight, you will encounter God as your great Redeemer.Dive right in and discover the freedom you have been longing for.

  • af Rosy Crumpton
    308,95 kr.

    Use this journal as a simple guide to begin to take steps towards wellness, self-care, and healing. The concept of wellness can often seem like a broad, even unattainable and overwhelming concept. This beginner's guide is meant to gently spark small steps to take care of our needs, promote action steps towards well-being, and celebrate how we already honor our health.

  • af Heather Anne Hendrie
    223,95 kr.

    The award-winning anthology awfully hilarious series returns with its second instalment, period pieces, featuring that most ubiquitous "time of the month."

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