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Bøger om Polar regions

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  • af David Roberts
    185,95 kr.

    By 1930, no place in the world was less well explored than Greenland. The native Inuit had occupied the relatively accessible west coast for centuries. The east coast, however, was another story. In August 1930, Henry George Watkins (nicknamed "Gino"), a twenty-three-year-old British explorer, led thirteen scientists and explorers on an ambitious expedition to the east coast of Greenland and into its vast and forbidding interior to set up a permanent meteorological base on the icecap, 8,200 feet above sea level. The Ice Cap Station was to be the anchor of a transpolar route of air travel from Europe to North America.The weather on the ice cap was appalling. Fierce storms. Temperatures plunging lower than -45° Celsius in the winter. Watkins's scheme called for rotating teams of two men each to monitor the station for two months at a time. No one had ever tried to winter over in that hostile landscape, let alone manage a weather station through twelve continuous months. Watkins was younger than anyone under his command. But he had several daring trips to the Arctic under his belt and no one doubted his judgement.The first crisis came in the fall when a snowstorm stranded a resupply mission halfway to the top for many weeks. When they arrived at the ice cap, there were not enough provisions and fuel for another two-man shift, so the station would have to be abandoned. Then team member August Courtauld made an astonishing offer. To enable the mission to go forward, he would monitor the station solo through the winter. When a team went up in March to relieve Courtauld, after weeks of brutal effort to make the 130-mile journey, they could find no trace of him or the station. By the end of March, Courtauld's situation was desperate. He was buried under an immovable load of frozen snow and was disastrously short on supplies. On 21 April, four months after Courtauld began his solitary vigil, Gino Watkins set out inland with two companions to find and rescue him.David Roberts, "veteran mountain climber and chronicler of adventures" (The Washington Post), draws on firsthand accounts and archival materials to tell the story of this daring expedition and of the epic survival ordeal that ensued.

  • af Hal N. Schneider
    320,95 - 442,95 kr.

  • af Lonely Planet
    99,95 kr.

    Lonely Planet's Pocket Reykjavik & Southwest Iceland is your guide to the city's best experiences and local life - neighbourhood by neighbourhood. Marvel at stunning nature, explore a buzzing city and dive into the Blue Lagoon; all with your trusted travel companion. Uncover the best of Reykjavik & Southwest Iceland and make the most of your trip!

  • af Bea Eschen
    209,95 - 321,95 kr.

  • - Fortællinger om Grønland i Danmark
    af Astrid Nonbo Andersen & Martine Lind Krebs
    310,95 kr.

  • af Ava Lumina
    182,95 kr.

    In a world where the first impression matters, and guest well-being takes center stage, this book, "Lavylites - The Future of Hotel Cosmetics," presents a revolutionary perspective on the significance and application of cosmetic products in the hotel industry. It is an exploration into the heart of hospitality, enriched with innovative ideas and forward-thinking concepts aimed at making every guest's stay an unforgettable experience.Within these pages, we unveil the latest trends and developments in hotel cosmetics, examining how Lavylites, an avant-garde cosmetic brand, is poised to transform the standards of the hospitality industry. From eco-friendly practices to personalized beauty solutions, this book sheds light on how Lavylites contributes to enhancing the hospitality experience while promoting sustainable practices.

  • af Úa Matthíasdóttir
    242,95 kr.

    Islandia es el ultimo paraiso natural de Europa, donde la vida tranquila de sus habitantes contrasta con la agitacion telurica de sus mas de cuarenta volcanes activos. Un pais donde el fuego y el hielo, los glaciares y la lava humeante, se combinan para formar un paisaje unico en el mundo. Esta guia ofrece al viajero los mejores consejos para organizar el viaje e informacion detallada de todos los puntos de imprescindible visita a lo largo y ancho de la isla; asi como mapas y fotografias de cada region. Contiene ademas una amplia informacion practica actualizada en 2022 para conocer las posibilidades de alojamiento y restauracion para todos los gustos y presupuestos, asi como las direcciones mas utiles en cada rincon del pais.

  • af Graham Hyslop
    305,95 kr.

    This aviation/travel journal is an account of the author's experiences in 59 years of travelling the globe. His half-Scottish roots may have something to do with his yearning for a desire to visit a number of cold-weather countries that many of us might stay away from, but might like to read about! There are some tropical visits and temperate ones too, but the latest tally has been 21 landings or take-offs within the Arctic Circle, and photos included in the book show Greenland, Iceland, Faroes, Svalbard (sometimes called Spitzbergen), The Falklands and Antarctica amongst others, but there are some in warmer temperature zones! Over those years of travel 124 separate trips have been made involving over 450 different flights. In the early years, many were propeller aircraft and then later jet transport but over that period 64 different types have been flown, and each is supported in the book by brief technical notes and a photo. The author's work in airline operations and then later in the travel agency sector allowed him the opportunity to extensively travel the world and see these sights. Later in retirement, the travel bug has continued. Interspersed into the timeline of the book is the author's autobiography of his time spent in the three countries he has lived in during his working life.

  • af Kit Fabian
    112,95 kr.

    Only special wild creatures live in the snow.Many are white, and hidden from sight.But have you heard a rumour about a Snow Bomino?Snow Bomino is a heart-warming starlit adventure about a lovable misunderstood monster who lives in a snow covered forest, struggling to make friends....until he happens upon a little white arctic Fox. A perfect story to emphasize the importance of friendship, sharing, understanding and kindness, and how helping each other can change everything for the better.A wonderful new winter's tale beautifully written with breathtaking illustrations. A budding classic in a magical night time setting that children will engage with from start to finish and will want to read again and again.

  • af Jason Bittel
    367,95 kr.

    Læs om Arktis og Antarktis, de to områder, der ligger henholdsvis højest mod nord og længst mod syd på jordkloden. Der er isbjørne, pingviner og kæmpe hajer, men kun få mennesker lever her.Jordens iskolde poler, naturen, dyrene og menneskene:En eventyrlig rejse gennem jordens koldeste og mest barske egne på Arktis og Antarktis, som huser mange dyr og byder på mange overraskelser. Læs fx om kloge spækhuggere, lynhurtige pingviner og 400 år gamle hajer.Grundlæggende og overskuelig fagbog for videbegærlige børn. Kombinationen af flotte fotos og fine illustrationer giver mulighed for i detaljer at udforske dyrene og deres omgivelser. Bogen indeholder fire hovedkapitler samt en ordliste og stikordsregister:HVAD ER ARKTIS OG ANTARKTIS?LIVET I ARKTISLIVET I ANTARKTISDE ISKOLDE POLER OG OSFlot og indbydende fagbog om to helt særlige landområder. Der er et fint fordelt fokus på de to poler og der er flotte billeder og illustrationer af de særlige kendetegn for stederne, især isbjergene og de dyrenes leveforhold. Anbefales varmt, især til PLC´er, men er relevant for alle biblioteker.Lektørudtalelsen

  • af Peter Schmidt Mikkelsen
    354,95 kr.

    Hochstetterbugt-regionen i den store nationalpark på Grønlands nordøstkyst er et enestående naturområde med et væld af øer, søer, dale, bugte, vige, stræder, sunde, fjorde, gletschere, bakker, fjelde og sletter. Et relativt ukendt område, der rummer næsten det hele: stort som småt, bredt som smalt. HOCHSTETTERBUGTEN giver for første gang i ord og billeder et samlet indtryk af denne region og dens spændende historie. Bogen er flot indbundet og spækket med mere end 250 pragtfulde fotos. Teksterne er på parallelt dansk/engelsk. HOCHSTETTERBUGTEN er den femte bog i serien ”På opdagelse i Nordøstgrønland. Bogserien er for enhver, der besøger Nordøstgrønland. Den er også til alle, der ikke har mulighed for selv at komme derop; men som alligevel ønsker at få kendskab til den enestående nordøstgrønlandske natur og områdets unikke historie. Peter Schmidt Mikkelsen er tidligere medlem af den navnkundige militære slædepatrulje Sirius, direktør for Nordøstgrønlandsk Kompagni Nanok og forfatter til en række bøger om Grønland. Han har berejst Nordøstgrønland talrige gange gennem mere end 45 år. I 2021 blev han valgt som den første og hidtil eneste ikke-britiske formand for den engelske Arctic Club. Description in English available at:

  • - Den lille bibel på grønlandsk
    af Daniel Øhrstrøm & Joan
    247,95 kr.

    Grønlandsk udgave af "den lille bibel" Den lille bibel rummer 40 af de bedste bibelhistorier gendigtet kort i et let og flydende sprog af Joan og Daniel Øhrstrøm. Bogen er velegnet til højtlæsning for de allermindste med livlige illustrationer at gå på opdagelse i. Indeholder søg-og-find-element, spørgsmål og lege. En oplagt dåbs- eller fødselsdagsgave.Giv det største videre med Den lille bibel.

  • af Rafeal Mechlore
    277,95 kr.

    Iceland, also known as the Land of Fire and Ice, is well-known for its breathtaking landscapes, geothermal marvels, and distinctive cultural history. Whale watching, on the other hand, is without a doubt one of the most mesmerizing and awe-inspiring activities that this Nordic island nation has to offer. Iceland's rich marine ecology is home to a vast assortment of whales and other marine life, making it a prime location for anyone seeking encounters with these gentle giants of the sea. Because Iceland is situated in the North Atlantic Ocean, it is one of the best places in the world to watch whales. Whales have found paradise in this natural havenIceland's icy seas provide a safe sanctuary for a wide range of whale species, making it an ideal destination for individuals who have always dreamed of seeing these beautiful creatures in their native environment. The country's advantageous position between the Arctic and Atlantic oceans enables a continuous flow of nutrient-rich waters, making it a perfect home for both resident whales and whales that migrate through the area. Orcas, humpback whales, and minke whales are among the whale species that are most frequently spotted in Icelandic seas. Humpback whales and blue whales, two of the largest mammals on Earth, also make occasional visits in Icelandic waters. The large whales that inhabit IcelandIt's not uncommon for humpback whales, which are famous for their unique melodies and acrobatic performances, to take center stage on whale watching cruises in Iceland. These gentle giants can grow to a length of up to 50 feet and are famous for their beautiful breaches and tail flukes, which provide onlookers with moments that are just breath-taking. On the other hand, minke whales are more difficult to spot, yet they are nevertheless often encountered. They have a reputation for having a slick appearance and moving in an elegant manner, which has made them a favorite subject for photographers and fans. For those who are interested in wildlife, one of the most engaging things they can do is watch minke whales feed and surface. These waters in the Arctic are ruled by orcas, which are the most dangerous predators in the ocean. Whale watchers who are lucky enough to catch a glimpse of these black-and-white giants in their family pods are treated to a fascinating show. Their intelligence as well as their behavior of working together to hunt is quite remarkable. Observation of Whales in a Responsible MannerIceland is dedicated to whale watching activities that are both responsible and sustainable, placing a priority on the protection of these incredible animals and the ecosystem in which they live in the ocean. The operators of tours abide by ethical norms, which ensure that the natural behaviors of whales are not altered in any way by the trips. When vessels are in close proximity to whales, appropriate distances are kept between them, and the engines are silenced to reduce the amount of noise pollution.

  • af Gestalten
    507,95 kr.

    Den Reichtum der Natur für zukünftige Generationen bewahren.Zusammen mit UNESCO präsentiert gestalten die UNESCO-Geoparks, die zu den spektakulärsten Regionen der Erde zählen. Die vorgestellten Geoparks verteilen sich auf 46 Länder und zeichnen sich durch ihre außergewöhnliche Geologie und Landschaft aus. Sie sind das Ergebnis lokaler Bemühungen, das Erbe der Erde durch Bildung, Naturschutz und sanften Tourismus optimal zu nutzen und zu bewahren. Das Buch hebt mit erstklassigen Bildern die atembe- raubende Schönheit der Geoparks hervor und unterhält und informiert mit Begleittexten zu jedem einzelnen. Wann wurde der Ort zu einem anerkannten Geopark? Was sind die geologischen Besonderheiten? Wie könnte er in 100 Jahren angesichts des Klimawandels und der globalen Erwärmung aussehen? Geoparks feiert die Natur in ihrer ursprünglichsten Form und vermittelt auf ästhetische Weise, warum diese einmaligen Orte unseres Schutzes bedürfen.

  • af Leif Aidt
    147,95 kr.

    Bogen er nummer tre i en lille serie om vigtige fartøjer i Grønlands historie. De to første er ”Sonja kalippoq – Den grønlandske hvalfangst i perioden 1924-58” og ”Misigssût – Kampen mod TB i Grønland fra 1950’erne til i dag”. Denne tredje bog handler om umiat – på dansk konebåde, inuits fangst- og rejsebåde, der blev roet af kvinder, og som var forudsætningen for, at inuit-kulturen kunne bevæge sig fra Alaska til Nordgrønland for godt 800 år siden. Umiaq er således det vigtigste fartøj i Grønlands historie.Bogen fortæller om umiaq, den store skindbåd, og viser et eksempel på, hvordan dette fartøj var selve forudsætningen for, at man kunne rejse i isfyldte farvande og dermed, at Gustav Holms konebådsekspedition kunne gennemføres for 140 år siden. Bogen henvender sig til alle med interesse for Grønland.

  • af Danielle Desir Corbett
    222,95 kr.

    This travel guide is written by and for the traveling black woman who is eager to experience Iceland's incredible landscapes, unique foods, rich culture & strong tradition.

  • - Flyvning og rejser i Grønland
    af Peter Schmidt Mikkelsen
    357,95 kr.

    Der findes ingen landeveje i Menneskenes Land, Kalaallit Nunaat - på dansk, Grønland. Geografiske og samfundsmæssige forhold gør det urealistisk at forbinde landets byer og regioner via et traditionelt vejnet. Uden flytransport og Twin Otter flyet ville store dele af Grønland være afskåret fra samfærdsel. Denne bog handler ikke blot om Twin Ottere fra Grønland, Island og Canada og deres betydning for Grønland. Den handler også om, hvordan rejser i Grønland har formet sig fra de tidligste tider samt hvordan flyvningen i Grønland har udviklet sig fra de første pionerer op til nyere tid. Hvordan de store lufthavne, stationer, baser og de første projekter er blevet til, etc. Endelig indeholder bogen mere end 300 fotos, et omfattende indeks og registre over Twin Ottere, piloter, mekanikere, andre flytyper, etc. Bogen er en genudgivelse af 2006-udgaven.Peter Schmidt Mikkelsen er tidligere medlem af den navnkundige militære slædepatrulje Sirius, direktør for Nordøstgrønlandsk Kompagni Nanok og forfatter til en række bøger om Grønland.

  • af Louise Voller
    128,95 - 212,95 kr.

    Et fly styrter ned i Nordgrønland, og en hemmelig last forsvinder under isen. 30 år senere ankommer et ungt par, Astrid og Peter. Han er embedsmand i Udenrigsministeriet og skal tilse oprydningen af USA's militære baser. Hun er journalist, men har lovet ham at holde fri fra sit job på Dagbladet i København. Ved ankomsten omdirigeres Peter til Sydgrønland. Et australsk mineselskab har fundet mineraler, der er afgørende for verdens omstilling fra sort til grøn energi, men nu truer fundet af flere skeletter, som politiet frygter stammer fra forbrydelser begået for mange år siden, med at lukke for mineprojektet. Det unge pars rejse skulle redde deres knagende kærlighed, men da efterforskningen mørklægges og Peter holder møder bag dobbeltlukkede døre, vokser hemmelighederne imellem dem. Det viser sig, at Peter er centralt placeret i et større coverup, tæt overvåget af verdens stormagter, og Astrid indser, da hun bryder sit løfte og går efter historien, hvor lidt hun egentlig ved om manden, hun elsker.

  • af Gordon Campbell
    117,95 - 238,95 kr.

  • - Takornarissat erloqissutaasut
    af Ahmed Akkarip
    157,95 kr.

    Asa Oqunalu nunarsuarmi inuit pisuujunersaasa ilaannut takornarissamut ilisimasortaalerput. Taassuma Kalaallit Nunaat misigisassarsiorfiginiarlugu kissaatigisimavaa, siullermillu Hvalseyp oqaluffia Gardarillu oqaluffissaarsuarisimasaata sinnikui takoqqaarusussimavai. Aqqutaanili misigisassat ulorianarsinnaasut toqqortatullusooq tupaallatsitsipput. Piareersimaffiginngilluinnagaannillu Asa tassanngaannaq aattaqaqisumik akiuutilerpoq Oqunalu aallarussaalluni. Uddrag af bogen Asap nalunngilaa Oquna tassanngaannaq ersilersinnaasartoq. Nalunngilaa akiuulluni ersinaveersaartar-toq, imminermisut ersisuitsuuniarsaraluni. Kisiannimi maannakkut pisoq Oqunamut sakkortuallaarpat? Ajornartorsiortissanerpaami? Anigorsinnaassanerpaami? “Asasara, qanoq pissaagut? Asap Oquna apereqqippaa. Oqunap nalunngilaa Asap nunarsuarmi erliginerpaasamisut paariniassagaani, aamma nalunngilaa qin-nuigigaluaruniuk utissallutik, taava ingerlaannaq utertissagaani. Asa neriorsulussinnarusunngilaa, isaa-sigummi takusinnaavaa angalaneq una unitsiinnarusunngikkaa. Aammami ersinermut uuminartumut tunniutiinnarusunngilaq. Asatut sapiiserniarpoq. Ersisuitsoq nukittoorlu. Upperiinnarusuppaa inuune-rup anersaavata paarissagaatik - ´Silap´asasanilu paarigaatik upperaa. Om forfatteren Ahmed Akkarip 1978-simi Akullersuup sineriaani umiarsuarliveqarfiusumi inunngornikoq, Danmarkimilu peroriartornikoq. Akmeti Piffissami annertuumi Kalaallit Nunaanni ilinniartitsisutut sulismavoq, oqaluttualiallu tassanngaaniit pilersinneqarput.

  • af Arthur Mason
    335,95 kr.

    Through diverse engagements with natural resource extraction and ecological vulnerability in the contemporary Arctic, contributors to this volume apprehend Arctic resource regimes through the concept of abstraction. Abstraction refers to the creation of new material substances and cultural values by detaching parts from existing substances and values. The abstractive process differs from the activity of extractive industries by its focus on the conceptual resources that conceal processes of exploitation associated with extraction. The study of abstraction can thus help us attune to the formal operations that make appropriations of value possible while disclosing the politics of extraction and of its representation.

  • af David C. Natcher
    549,95 kr.

    This book offers multidisciplinary perspectives on renewable economies in the Arctic and how these are being supported scientifically, economically, socially, and politically by Arctic states.

  • af Robert Ornicevic
    1.212,95 kr.

    Journey into the heart of Iceland's rich mythological landscape with Stjepan Ornicevic's "The Myths and Legends of Iceland." From ancient sagas and gods to modern urban legends, this comprehensive exploration offers a captivating insight into a culture imbued with magic, heroism, and mystery.Through 20 detailed chapters, Ornicevic unfolds the unique stories that have shaped Iceland's identity, influenced art and literature, and continue to inspire belief and wonder. Discover the trolls and elves that dwell in the land, the heroics of ancient warriors, the chilling tales of the undead, and the prophecies of the end of the world."The Myths and Legends of Iceland" is more than a collection of tales; it's a deep dive into a world where the mystical and the real coalesce. It's a celebration of storytelling, a study of cultural heritage, and a testament to the enduring human fascination with the unknown. Whether a casual reader, folklore enthusiast, or a scholar, this book offers a mesmerizing encounter with Iceland's extraordinary mythical legacy.

  • af Rick Steves
    232,95 kr.

    From vast glaciers to steaming volcanic lakes, experience the land of the midnight sun with Rick Steves. Inside Rick Steves Iceland you'll find:Comprehensive coverage for spending a week or more exploring Iceland, including the best road tripsRick's strategic advice on how to get the most out of your time and money, with rankings of his must-see favorites Top sights and hidden gems, from the stunning northern lights to hidden hikes and cozy bookstores How to connect with culture: Soak in hidden hot springs, sample smoked fish, and chat with locals in welcoming rural towns Beat the crowds, skip the lines, and avoid tourist traps with Rick's candid, humorous insight The best places to eat, sleep, and relaxSelf-guided walking tours of lively Reykjavík and incredible museums as well as mile-by-mile scenic driving toursDetailed maps for exploring on the go Useful resources including a packing list, a historical overview, and helpful Icelandic phrases Over 600 bible-thin pages include everything worth seeing without weighing you down Complete, up-to-date information on Reykjavík, the Reykjanes Peninsula, the Golden Circle, the South Coast, the Westman Islands, West Iceland, the Ring Road, the East Fjords, and more Make the most of every day and every dollar with Rick Steves Iceland. Expanding your trip? Try Rick Steves Scandinavia or Rick Steves Scandinavian & Northern European Cruise Ports.

  • af Edmund Stump
    224,95 kr.

    "The interior of Antarctica is an utterly pristine wilderness; a desolate landscape of ice, wind, and rock; a landscape so unfamiliar as to seem of another world. This place is known to only a handful of early explorers and the few scientists fortunate enough to have worked there. Edmund Stump is one of the lucky few. Having climbed, photographed, and studied more of the Transantarctic Mountains than any other person on Earth, this geologist is uniquely suited to offer this stunning visual tour of Antarctica. With stories of Stump's journeys and science, the book contains some 130 color photographs from his 40 years of work on the world's most isolated continent, all complemented by watercolors and sketches by scientific illustrator Marlene Hill Donnelly. Over three chapters-on the ice, the rock, and the wind-we meet snowy paths first followed during Antarctica's Heroic Age, climb the central spire of the Organ Pipe Peaks, peer into the crater of the volcanic Mt. Erebus, and traverse Liv Glacier on snowmobile, while avoiding fatal falls into hidden crevasses. Along the way, we see the beauty of granite, marble, and ice-cored moraines, meltwater ponds, lenticular clouds, icebergs and glaciers. All seems both permanent and precarious, connecting this otherworld to our fragile own"--

  • af Meena Thiruvengadam
    197,95 kr.

    Lonely Planet's Iceland is our most comprehensive guide that extensively covers all the country has to offer, with recommendations for both popular and lesser-known experiences. Drive the Ring Road, glimpse the northern lights, and swim in the Blue Lagoon; all with your trusted travel companion.

  • af Niels Elers Koch
    1.097,95 kr.

    Greenland is a comprehensive full color book with a myriad of information about the country; it contains maps, and hundreds of photos. Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark is the patron of Greenland., and Greenlandic and Danish experts across the Unity of the Realm have helped to create a contemporary and detailed picture of Greenland.

  • af Daniela De Luca
    97,95 kr.

    Mattie and her Mum wake up after their long winter sleep. When they go out to find food, Mattie falls into the sea while showing off her ballet-dancing skills and is swept away on an ice floe. The whimsical picture book story is mixed with facts about how polar bears live and how global warming is changing their Arctic homelands.

  • af Patricia Pareja Ríos
    440,95 kr.

    Cet ouvrage à plusieurs voix vise à mettre en lumière l¿intemporalité et le caractère international du surréalisme, non seulement en tant que mouvement artistique, mais aussi comme défenseur de cette essence humaine qui nous pousse à aller au-delà des réalités apparentes. Le surréalisme ne chercherait donc pas tant à comprendre le monde mais à le vivre dans toutes ses dimensions insoupçonnées. Pour démontrer cela, ce livre adopte une approche comparatiste illustrant le dialogue permanent entre le mouvement surréaliste et le monde qui l¿entoure, mais aussi entre les artistes d¿un pays à l¿autre, en Europe et aux Canaries. Il se propose ainsi de mesurer la profondeur et la portée de ce surréalisme qui a su conquérir tant de c¿urs, et sa quête éperdue d¿une beauté qui, pour reprendre les mots d¿Annie Le Brun, « ouvre l¿horizon et permet d¿échapper à ce qui est ». Este libro polifacético pretende destacar la intemporalidad y el carácter internacional del Surrealismo, no sólo como movimiento artístico, sino también como defensor de esa esencia humana que nos impulsa a ir más allá de las realidades aparentes. El surrealismo no buscaría tanto comprender el mundo como experimentarlo en todas sus insospechadas dimensiones. Para demostrarlo, este libro adopta un enfoque comparativo que ilustra el diálogo permanente entre el movimiento surrealista y el mundo que lo rodea, pero también entre artistas de un país a otro, en Europa y en Canarias. Propone así medir la profundidad y el alcance de este surrealismo que ha conquistado tantos corazones, y su frenética búsqueda de una belleza que, en palabras de Annie Le Brun, "abre el horizonte y permite escapar de lo que es".

  • af Pam Stucky
    172,95 kr.

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