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Bøger om Polynesien

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  • - En erindringshistorie
    af Jørgen Henrik Jensen
    137,95 - 156,95 kr.

    Da Grethe som 70-årig i en arvesag fra Polynesien fik behov for at dokumentere, hvem hun var, kunne hun ikke. På dåbsattesten var hendes moder et journalnummer og faderen ukendt. I det offentlige var hun registreret med sit kælenavn, og bindeleddet til hendes familie havde hun ikke.Som voksen var hun vellidt i sin omgangskreds og var kendt for sit sprudlende humør. Kun få kendte til hendes hemmelighed om de forfærdelige barndomsår.Som lille drømte hun sig ofte væk til sin fjerne onkel på Samoa. Hun ville så gerne besøge ham. Som voksen fortsatte drømmen, næret af utallige breve, og endte med at blive til virkelighed.Grethe er min moder, og jeg har altid vidst, at hun havde haft en meget barsk barndom. Kun sjældent røbede hun noget, og altid kun i små doser om, hvad hun havde været igennem. Hun fortalte aldrig hele historien. Det gjorde for ondt.Da hun som 70-årig brød grædende sammen, kom der en del mere. Nok til, at jeg kunne sammenfatte historien om hendes opvækst. Mod alle odds blev hendes liv alligevel fantastisk.Jeg skulle selv være 70, før jeg skrev bogen. Det blev ikke uden tårer.

  • af John Moss
    127,95 kr.

    Toronto Detective Miranda Quin takes time off in the tropics and gets trapped in a sinister plot. Her partner, Detective David Morgan, is left alone to resolve the case of a beautiful corpse and ends up compromised in the mysterious Arctic. Islands, they learn, are an illusion. Everything connects, especially when murder is involved.

  • af Fodor's Travel Guides
    172,95 - 182,95 kr.

    KEY SELLING POINTS FOR THE SALES FORCE:*CURATED AND RELEVANT: Focused coverage on only the best places so travelers can make the most out of their limited time. Carefully vetted recommendations for all types of establishments and price points. *CONCISE: Shortened reviews presented with brevity and focus. All hotel reviews have "Pros"

  • af Paul Gauguin
    397,95 kr.

    Lettres de Paul Gauguin à Georges-Daniel de Monfreid est une correspondance épistolaire entre les deux artistes. Gauguin part pour Tahiti et lui demande d'être son correspondant, lui donnant une procuration pour gérer ses affaires en France. À partir de 1891, chaque bateau partant ou revenant de Polynésie transporte des lettres des deux amis. Dans ces lettres11, ils échangent leurs récriminations sur les acheteurs qui n'achètent pas et la misère qui s'ensuit. Ils s'épanchent aussi sur leurs situations personnelles et intimes, Gauguin donnant à Monfreid des conseils de morale que lui-même était loin de suivre. Gauguin illustre aussi ses lettres de croquis de tableaux, comme il le fait pour Te Arii Vahine (1896) ou pour le triptyque D'où venons-nous ? Que sommes-nous ? Où allons-nous ? (1898). George Daniel fait ce qu'il peut pour vendre les tableaux de son ami, mais peine.

  • af Paul Gauguin
    197,95 kr.

  • af Lee Geum-yi
    145,95 kr.

    Could you marry a man you've never met? Three Korean women in 1918 make a life-changing journey to Hawaii, where they will marry, having seen only photographs of their intended husbands.Different fates await each of these women. Hong-ju, who dreams of a marriage of 'natural love', meets a man who looks twenty years older than his photograph; Song-hwa, who wants to escape from her life of ridicule as the granddaughter of a shaman, meets a lazy drunkard. And then there's Willow, whose 26-year-old groom, Taewan, looks just like his image ...Real life doesn't always resemble a picture, but there's no going back. And while things don't turn out quite as they'd hoped, even for Willow, they do find something that makes their journey worthwhile - each other.

  • af Susanna Moore
    177,95 kr.

  • af Egbert Richter-Ushanas
    512,95 kr.

    The tablets of Easter Island that are known under the name of Rongorongo, are still regarded as undeciphered, since their reading by the natives Metoro and Ure Veiko seem to be unintelligible and it cannot be decided, to which tablet they may refer. But when the subject or category of a tablet has been recognized, the names of the signs, as they are called by the native readers or chanters become meaningful too, and if contradictions occur, they can be removed by the investigation of the structure of the signs. The subject can be deduced from the contents of the tablet and the partly known oral tradition of the island. It is always based on the religion of the tribal community, into which the youths are admitted by initiation as it is known from other tribes and cultures.To become acquainted with the tradition it is necessary to learn the language of Easter Island known as Rapanui nowadays, whereas the Island is called Rapa Nui. Its original words and its grammar has only been preserved in the inscriptions of the tablets. Besides, one should be free from cultural prejudice know as eurocentrism, otherwise it will be impossible to understand the inner world of the natives.

  • af Borch GmbH
    97,95 kr.

    Plastlamineret kort i målestoksforhold 1:200 000/400.000, med kort over hovedøen, Kilauea Caldera, Hilo, Molokai, Lanai, Maui, Kahoolawe, Wailuku & Kahului, Niihau, Kauai, Oahu. Indsatte bykort over Honolulu, Pearl Harbor, Honolulu Downtown.

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