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Bøger om Qatar

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  • - Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Oman
    af Louise Alkjær & Nina Faurby
    197,95 kr.

    Bogen dækker Forenede Arabiske Emirater (herunder Dubai og Abu Dhabi), Qatar med Doha og Omanmed Muscat. Bogen giver et indblik i dagligdagen på Arabiske Halvø og forklarer politiske og kulturelle problemstillinger. En række artikler går bag om landenes historie, kunst og kultur, mad og drikke. Desuden er guiden rigt illustreret med fotos og kort.

  • - Efterfulgt af Zidane, helt og legende og Benzema
    af Olivier Guez
    156,95 kr.

    “Han gik til højre. Det vidste alle, men i hans glansperiode havde ingen forsvarsspiller nogen sinde held til at blokere Garrincha. Helt ude på fløjen stod han over for én eller to "João'er", sådan kaldte han modstandernes forsvarere, som i troldmandens øjne var reduceret til nikkedukker eller slalomstænger, helt anonyme. Garrincha stod stille, "João" var på vagt, og publikum holdt vejret: Hvad havde han tænkt sig at gøre? En, to, tre bevægelser med benene? Hvor mange finter, hvor mange tyvstarter, inden han var stukket af som en hvirvelvind, afsted mod mållinien? Forsvarsspilleren trak baglæns, mens han granskede Garrinchas blik, hans ben, hvilket af dem han støttede på, tøvede med at tackle, trippede, tog endnu et skridt bagud og mistede fodfæstet. Somme tider løb Garrincha bagud igen for at genoptage sin djævelske opvisning, alt imens forsvarsspillerne dejsede om eller stødte sammen, til grin og ydmygede.”

  • - Skrifter om fodbold
    af Olivier Guez
    206,95 kr.

    Journalist og fodboldkommentator Olivier Guez samlerher artikler om fodbold: fra det franske landsholdssucces over RB Leipzigs omvæltning af europæiskfodbold til VM i Rusland 2018. Guez hylder spillet og kaster et kritisk lys over sportens bagmænd og den stærkt omdiskuterede VM-slutrunde i Qatar.“Sådan går det hvert fjerde år, i de lige år, som ikkeer skudår. I begyndelsen af maj begynder symptomerne at dukke op hos de stærkest forgiftede, en vis ophidselse, der er ildhu på færde. Ved månedens slutning (lige nøjagtig efter finalen i Champions League) smitter febersygdommen store grupper af befolkningen. De snakker "bruttotrup", “venskabskampe"og "træningslejr" og vover sig ud i de første prognoser.Fædrene indvier sønnerne (og døtrene) ved hjælp af magasiner, merchandise, albummer og samlekort, og kioskejerne gnider sig i hænderne. Der sættes krydser i kalenderen. "På onsdag, tre uger?”. Man må takke nej til invitationer eller høfligt sikre sig, at der vil blive dækket op foran tv'et. Dagene bliver længere, tordnen rumler. Det bliver juni, og syvogtres millioner landstrænere (alene i Frankrig) hidser sig op hjemme i stuerne. En minoritet brokker sig: "Ingen taler om noget som helst, kun om et boldspil." Ingenting nytter det, ophidselsen er på sit højeste. Slutrunden om verdensmesterskaberne i fodbold skal til at begynde.”

  • af Khalid Al Thani
    793,95 kr.

    Since 2007 Khalid Al Thani has dedicated his vision to the Qatari desert, taking tens of thousands of photographs (and counting). Photography is his medium and yet the effects he teases from his subjects are decidedly painterly-tone, texture and suggestion prevail over any documentary perfection of line or form. By faithfully returning to the same motifs (among them the Sidra tree, the oryx, the horse), his approach furthermore likens that of certain great painters (Cézanne with Mont Sainte-Victoire, Monet with his water lilies, Morandi with his bottles and jars spring to mind), who revisited the same beloved subjects to transcend their physicality and access a greater emotional truth. Malamh, meaning "details" or "features," comprises a volume of Al Thani's color work, and one black and white. The image sequence in each book begins with a sunrise, takes us through the changing moods of day, and ends with a starry night-a lyrical cycle which Al Thani reinvents each time he visits the desert.Sprachen: Englisch, Arabisch

    374,95 kr.

    A visual feast of artworks and artifacts from the Islamic world's cultural capitalThis richly illustrated and researched publication heralds Baghdad as a resplendent capital of culture within the Islamic world, from its heritage as the locus of the great Abbasid caliphs (750-1258 CE) to its renewed period of prosperity during the 20th century after the discovery of oil in the land.Published in conjunction with an exhibition at Qatar's Museum of Islamic Art, Baghdad: Eye's Delight takes readers on an imaginary tour across centuries, highlighting Baghdad's role as a city of power, scholarship and riches, and examining the city's social fabric--its numerous traditions and cosmopolitan population--which have enabled the city to thrive, despite war and destruction. Displaying objects on loan from 22 institutions such as the Louvre, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Benaki Museum, the Vatican and the Barrel Foundation, the compendium presents a vast array of artworks and artifacts.

    463,95 kr.

    A look inside the construction of an exciting new museum in Doha, to open in 2030Due to open in 2030, the Art Mill Museum will transform an industrial flour mill located on Qatar's stunning Doha Corniche. This volume presents the vision behind this exciting new project, conceived by Catherine Grenier alongside the architectural studio Elemental, led by the Pritzker Prize-winning architect Alejandro Aravena. The Art Mill Museum will house an exceptional international collection of diverse and multidisciplinary works, dating from 1850 to the present, acquired over the past four decades. It will also include a creative village and a garden designed by the landscape architect Günther Vogt. To reflect the transformation of the site and demonstrate how the Art Mill Museum will function as a space for contemporary creativity, artists have been commissioned to create films and photographs establishing parallels between the former flour mill and the future museum.

  • af Sheikha Al-Mayassa Bin Khalifa Al Thani
    195,95 kr.

    Unique insights into Qatar and its creationComprehensive, detailed guide to all museums and artworksDetailed maps throughout the book of all districts, museums, etc.Qatar calendar of events in late 2022 and 2023Beautifully produced with a gatefold coverAlthough one of the world's smallest countries, Qatar punches well above its weight in terms of art and culture. It is home to innovative and striking pieces of public art as well as art-filled museums designed by world-famous architects. This is all part of a far-reaching plan to focus on becoming a culture-based, rather than carbon-based, economy - a plan which Sheikha Mayassa has spearheaded on every level. It is this which makes The Power of Culture so informative and readable. Sheikha Mayassa's personality shines through every page, whether discussing the delights to be found in museums and galleries, or commenting on her favorite place to see wild life and where to find the best abayas. Part easy-to-read guide and part memoir, The Power of Culture offers a completely original insight into the Qatar of today, enhanced with in-depth interviews by Sheikha Mayassa with some of the leading architects and artists who have contributed to its success. This is the English edition.

  • af Ibrahim Mohamed Jaidah
    543,95 kr.

  • af Matt & Tom Oldfield
    82,95 kr.

    Epic limited edition Ultimate Football Heroes Book with bonus activities!In this epic special edition book, live the journeys of six ultimate football heroes as they begin their journey to World Cup glory.

  • - Stories from Locals and Expats
    af Trine Ljungstrom
    144,95 - 322,95 kr.

    Peaceful little Qatar has, due to increasing oil and gas revenues, in a very short time grown into one of the wealthiest countries in the world. How is every-day-life for the people of Qatar? In this book you get the stories from some of the many different expats who have chosen to settle and work here as well as interviews with three local Qataris. Interviews and the author's seven years experience in Doha constitute the foundation of this documentary book. The book is an update and a translation of my Danish book: "Medvind i ørkenen - beretninger fra Qatar" published in 2011.

  • af Trine Ljungstrøm
    178,95 - 197,95 kr.

    Midt i Det Arabiske Forår 2011 med omvæltninger og uroligheder i store dele af Mellemøsten, hersker der fred og ro i den lille oliestat Qatar, som med udgangspunkt i stigende olieindtægter de senere år oplever stor økonomisk fremgang. Men hvordan er hverdagen egentlig for de mennesker der befolker denne Golfstat? Læs historierne om nogle af de mange forskellige mennesker, der har valgt at bosætte sig her samt samtaler med to lokale qatarier.Fodbold VM 2022 skal afholdes i Qatar.

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