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  • af Célestin Bouglé
    228,95 kr.

    "Les Sciences Sociales en Allemagne" de Célestin Bouglé est une ¿uvre qui explore les méthodes et les développements des sciences sociales en Allemagne. En tant que sociologue français, Bouglé offre une perspective éclairée sur les tendances et les approches dans le domaine des sciences sociales telles qu'elles étaient pratiquées en Allemagne à son époque.L'ouvrage couvre probablement les différentes branches des sciences sociales, examinant les méthodes de recherche, les théories en vogue, et peut-être même les personnalités influentes dans le domaine. Bouglé aurait pu discuter des contributions spécifiques de l'Allemagne aux sciences sociales et des façons dont ces contributions ont influencé le développement de la discipline.En résumé, "Les Sciences Sociales en Allemagne" offre probablement une exploration approfondie de l'état des sciences sociales en Allemagne à l'époque où Bouglé a écrit cet ouvrage, fournissant ainsi une source précieuse pour ceux intéressés par l'histoire et l'évolution de ce domaine académique.

  • af Arthur Buies
    279,95 kr.

    "Le Saguenay et le Bassin du Lac Saint-Jean" est un ouvrage d'Arthur Buies, écrivain et journaliste québécois du XIXe siècle. Voici un résumé de l'¿uvre :Dans cet ouvrage, Arthur Buies explore la région du Saguenay et du Bassin du Lac Saint-Jean, offrant aux lecteurs une plongée immersive dans la géographie, l'histoire et la vie quotidienne de cette région du Québec. À travers ses observations perspicaces, Buies décrit la beauté naturelle et sauvage du Saguenay, soulignant les caractéristiques uniques de son paysage.L'auteur se penche également sur l'histoire de la région, évoquant probablement les premières explorations et la colonisation européenne. Il donne vie aux habitants, décrivant leurs coutumes, leur mode de vie et les défis auxquels ils sont confrontés dans ce coin éloigné du Canada.En résumé, "Le Saguenay et le Bassin du Lac Saint-Jean" est une exploration complète et captivante de cette région québécoise, offrant aux lecteurs une vision riche et nuancée de son passé, de sa culture et de sa nature environnante.

  • af Daria Ga¿ek
    136,95 kr.

    "Short Stories in Portuguese for Beginners" is a collection of 20 easy-to-read stories designed specifically for beginners learning Portuguese. The stories are written in simple language and depict characters and situations with which readers can easily identify, making them ideal for those embarking on the journey of learning this language. Each story includes a vocabulary list and exercises that allow readers to test their understanding of the text and expand their knowledge of Portuguese vocabulary and grammar. Whether you are learning Portuguese for the first time or looking to improve your reading skills, "Short Stories in Portuguese for Beginners" is a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning the language in a fun and engaging way.

  • af Daria Ga¿ek
    126,95 kr.

    "Contos para Estrangeiros" é uma coleção de 20 contos fáceis de ler, especialmente criados para aqueles que estão começando a aprender português. As histórias são escritas em linguagem simples e apresentam personagens e situações com as quais os leitores podem facilmente se identificar, tornando-as ideais para iniciantes no idioma. Cada conto inclui exercícios que permitem aos leitores verificar sua compreensão do texto e ampliar seu conhecimento do vocabulário e gramática portugueses. Se você está aprendendo português pela primeira vez ou quer melhorar suas habilidades de leitura, "Contos para Estrangeiros" é uma fonte valiosa para todos interessados em aprender o idioma de forma divertida e envolvente.

  • af Daria Ga¿ek
    128,95 kr.

    "Opowiadania po Portugalsku dla Pocz¿tkuj¿cych" to zbiór 20 ¿atwych do przeczytania opowiadä, stworzonych specjalnie dla pocz¿tkuj¿cych ucz¿cych si¿ portugalskiego. Opowie¿ci s¿ napisane prostym j¿zykiem i przedstawiaj¿ postacie i sytuacje, z którymi czytelnicy mog¿ ¿atwo si¿ uto¿sami¿, co czyni je idealnymi dla osób rozpoczynaj¿cych nauk¿ tego j¿zyka. Käde opowiadanie zawiera list¿ s¿ownictwa oraz ¿wiczenia, które pozwalaj¿ czytelnikom sprawdzi¿ swoje zrozumienie tekstu i poszerzy¿ swoj¿ wiedz¿ o portugalskie s¿ownictwo i gramatyk¿. Niezale¿nie od tego czy uczysz si¿ portugalskiego po raz pierwszy, czy chcesz poprawi¿ umiej¿tno¿ci czytania, "Opowiadania po Portugalsku dla Pocz¿tkuj¿cych" to cenne ¿ród¿o dla wszystkich zainteresowanych nauk¿ j¿zyka w sposób zabawny i interesuj¿cy.

  • af Artici Bilingual Books
    109,95 kr.

    Introducing The Mysteries of the Lost Pastry: Short Stories for French Language Learners - a captivating collection of twelve short stories perfect for intermediate French language learners of all ages!From the heartwarming Le Mystère de la Disparition des Chaussettes (The Mystery of the Missing Socks) to the whimsical Les Voyages Extraordinaires de Monsieur Lambert et Son Vélo Antique (The Extraordinary Journeys of Mr. Lambert and His Antique Bicycle), each tale offers a unique adventure filled with excitement, humor, and discovery.Embark on a journey through charming French villages, mysterious forests, and fantastical realms, all while honing your language skills and expanding your cultural horizons. Whether you're captivated by the hidden secrets of La Pension des Animaux Excentriques (The Boarding House for Eccentric Animals) or intrigued by the unexpected love story of Un Amour Inattendu au Marché aux Fleurs (An Unexpected Love at the Flower Market), these stories are sure to delight and inspire.Perfect for readers seeking to enhance their French proficiency in a fun and engaging way, The Mysteries of the Lost Pastry invites you to immerse yourself in these delightful tales, and let your bilingual adventure begin!

    670,95 kr.

    The sixth edition of the North American Cambridge Latin Course presents a diverse and nuanced picture of Roman civilization and history, while providing clear and extensive language support. Moving on from the destruction of Pompeii, Unit 2 captures the drama of the daily lives of inhabitants of two provinces at opposite ends of the Roman empire -Britain and Egypt. Underpinned by decades of research, the book integrates grammar, vocabulary and history with illustrations and historically grounded stories, so that students start reading Latin from the very first page. The digital component includes tools and activities for front-of-class or independent study.

    508,95 kr.

    The sixth edition of the North American Cambridge Latin Course presents a diverse and nuanced picture of Roman civilization and history, while providing clear and extensive language support. Moving on from the destruction of Pompeii, Unit 2 captures the drama of the daily lives of inhabitants of two provinces at opposite ends of the Roman empire -Britain and Egypt. Underpinned by decades of research, the book integrates grammar, vocabulary and history with illustrations and historically grounded stories, so that students start reading Latin from the very first page. The digital component includes tools and activities for front-of-class or independent study.

    508,95 kr.

    The sixth edition of the North American Cambridge Latin Course presents a diverse and nuanced picture of Roman civilization and history, while providing clear and extensive language support. Unit 1 takes place in Pompeii, shortly before the eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79, and the story follows the fortunes of Lucius Caecilius Iucundus, his wife Metella and their household. Underpinned by decades of research, the book integrates grammar, vocabulary and history with illustrations and historically grounded stories, so that students start reading Latin from the very first page. The digital component includes tools and activities for front-of-class or independent study.

    670,95 kr.

    The sixth edition of the North American Cambridge Latin Course presents a diverse and nuanced picture of Roman civilization and history, while providing clear and extensive language support. Unit 1 takes place in Pompeii, shortly before the eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79, and the story follows the fortunes of Lucius Caecilius Iucundus, his wife Metella and their household. Underpinned by decades of research, the book integrates grammar, vocabulary and history with illustrations and historically grounded stories, so that students start reading Latin from the very first page. The digital component includes tools and activities for front-of-class or independent study.

  • af Mikhail Aleksandrovich Bakunin
    312,95 - 457,95 kr.

  • af Nata¿a Dragni¿
    338,95 kr.

    Der Roman ¿Zwischenschritte¿ erzählt die Geschichte einer schicksalhaften Begegnung. Brigitte Weichmann ist auf der Suche. Seit ihr Sohn Michael ein Jahr zuvor bei einem tragischen Unfall ums Leben kam, bereist sie Frankreich, sein Lieblingsland. Ihr Leben am Starnberger See und ihre Ehe hat sie hinter sich gelassen. In Dijon lernt sie den jungen, passionierten Buchhändler Christian kennen, der mit seinen eigenen Dämonen zu kämpfen hat. Es wird stürmisch. Finden sie dennoch zueinander? Kann man ein gemeinsames Leben aufbauen, wenn der Verlust das Einzige ist, das zusammenhält? Und was macht Christian, als seine geschiedene Frau plötzlich wieder auftaucht?

  • af Rafael Sicoli Pacheco
    772,95 kr.

    In this dissertation, we analyze Cândido de Figueiredo's linguistic thinking, which was often rigorous and normative in its descriptive approach to different grammatical phenomena. The first, between Cândido de Figueiredo and Paulino de Brito, deals with the placement of clitic pronouns, from a comparative perspective between Brazilian Portuguese and European Portuguese; the second, between Cândido de Figueiredo and Heráclito Graça, covers issues of morphology and syntax, again within a normative framework, which points to certain innovative uses in the literary writing of Brazilian authors as errors. Our aim is to examine Cândido de Figueiredo's speeches and place them in the historical, social and cultural context of his time, so as to enable a more accurate assessment of his conservative ideas.

  • af Alejandro Fajardo Aguirre
    857,95 kr.

    La gran extensión geográfica del español ha producido numerosas obras lexicográficas que se enfrentan al reto de dar respuesta a problemas derivados de la internacionalización lograda por esta lengua. Por una parte, los diccionarios bilingües aportan una perspectiva diferente para reflexionar sobre nuestro léxico y sobre cómo representarlo de forma eficaz en los diccionarios; por otra parte, dentro de los países hispanohablantes, el colorido mosaico de variedades regionales, nacionales y supranacionales suscita debates sobre la manera de tratar tamaña diversidad para conseguir una representación ecuánime para todos. En este volumen, especialistas de diferentes orígenes contrastan problemas, métodos y soluciones lexicográficas para abordar esta dimensión internacional.

  • af Maria Hassing
    177,95 kr.

  • af Pamela Ratsey
    89,95 - 121,95 kr.

  • af Lois Sinclair
    89,95 kr.

    Scruffy, deaf, and homeless, life on the streets is tough for young Albi. What could the future possibly hold for an abandoned Spanish Podenco puppy that has been hit by a car and can't hear? Yet despite a traumatic start, Albi's life changes when he is rescued, brought to the UK, and fostered by Lois Sinclair, founder of the rescue charity, Gracehounds, and a passionate dog lover who has shared her life and home with numerous canine companions. Before long, Lois and Albi's lives become interwoven. With Lois's nursing background and Albi's intuitive nature, the pair soon find themselves volunteering in the animal healthcare sector. Albi also develops a reputation as a transition dog, offering support to other dogs and their owners during times of loss. But Albi is a free spirit. He also has health issues. And while his sensitive nature earns him many friends and admirers, there will be challenges ahead, including surgery. As Albi continues to enrich Lois's life, questions remain. Albi may have found a forever home but can the love and hope which bind him and Lois sustain him? And does this unique animal have the strength to live the life that every dog deserves?

  • af Krystel Armand Kanzki
    206,95 kr.

    Christmas is here and all Petra can think about is receiving gifts. Her Mom explains to her that the secret to giving is receiving.La Navidad está aquí y Petra solo puede pensar en recibir regalos. Su mamá le explica que el secreto para dar es recibir.

  • af Krystel Armand Kanzki
    227,95 - 296,95 kr.

  • af Krystel Armand Kanzki
    227,95 - 286,95 kr.

  • af Krystel Armand Kanzki
    227,95 - 286,95 kr.

  • af Krystel Armand Kanzki
    227,95 - 296,95 kr.

  • af Alphonse Daudet
    177,95 - 222,95 kr.

  • af Alfred de Musset
    176,95 kr.

    L'histoire se déroule dans une petite ville de province et suit les amours contrariées de deux jeunes protagonistes, Camille et Perdican. Le Baron, père de Perdican, souhaite marier son fils à une jeune héritière, mais Perdican est initialement opposé à cette idée. Cependant, pour éviter tout scandale lié à une ancienne liaison, il finit par accepter le mariage arrangé.Camille, une jeune fille noble, revient au château de son père après avoir passé plusieurs années dans un couvent. Elle est destinée à devenir la femme de Perdican. Cependant, Perdican, qui avait l'habitude d'être un homme frivole et désinvolte, a changé et est tombé amoureux de Camille.La pièce explore les thèmes de l'amour, de la trahison, du fanatisme religieux et de la fatalité. Les sentiments entre Camille et Perdican sont complexes, et la tragédie découle de malentendus, de quiproquos et des jeux cruels du destin. La pièce se termine de manière tragique avec la mort des deux protagonistes."On ne badine pas avec l'amour" est une ¿uvre majeure du théâtre romantique français, mettant en lumière les conflits passionnels et les tensions sociales de l'époque.

  • af Alexis De Tocqueville
    222,95 - 228,95 kr.

  • af Henri Van Laun
    397,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Michael Moriarty
    247,95 - 482,95 kr.

    This book provides a lively introduction to the work of Roland Barthes, one of the twentieth century's most important literary and cultural theorists. The book covers all aspects of Barthes's writings including his work on literary theory, mass communications, the theatre and politics. Moriarty argues that Barthes's writing must not be seen as an unchanging body of thought, and that we should study his ideas in the contexts within which they were formulated, debated and developed.

  • af Alexandre Dumas
    222,95 - 225,95 kr.

  • af Damien Mooney
    1.283,95 kr.

    This book offers a systematic acoustic phonetic analysis of both language and dialect death in the region of Béarn, southwestern France. Focusing on Béarnais, a localised dialect of Gascon which is under pressure from French, the author explores the socio-political process of language shift, whereby members of a speech community cease to speak their indigenous language in favour of an incoming dominant language. Gascon is at an advanced stage of this process, making its remaining speakers excellent candidates for the study of language obsolescence, and this unique study will be of interest to researchers working in a broad range of disciplines, including language variation and change, language and dialect contact, Occitan and French, sociophonetics and phonology.

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