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An in-depth investigation of the Romanian secret police's file on Müller, winner of the 2009 Nobel Prize for Literature, re-creating a "file story" of her surveillance."Herta Müller should share her Nobel with the Securitate." This comment by a former officer in the Romanian secret police, or Securitate, was in reaction to hearing that Müller, a German writer originally from Romania, had won the 2009 Nobel Prize for Literature. Communist Romania's infamous secret police was indeed a protagonist in Müller's work, though an undesired and dreaded one: most of her writings are deeply and explicitly anchored in Ceau?escu's Romania and her own traumatic experiences with the Securitate. Müller's file traces her surveillance from 1983 until after she emigrated to West Germany in 1987. She has written extensively in reaction to reading her file, but primarily addresses its gaps, begging the question what information the file does in fact contain. This book is an in-depth investigation of Müller's file, and engages with other related files, including that of her then-husband, the writer Richard Wagner. Valentina Glajar treats the files as primary sources in order to re-create the story of Müller's surveillance by the Securitate. In such an intrusive culture of surveillance, surviving the system often meant a certain degree of entanglement: for victims, collaborators, and implicated subjects alike. Veiled in secrecy for decades, these compelling and complex documents shed light on a boundary between victims and perpetrators as porous as the Iron Curtain itself.
Lige efter Lineas studentereksamen dør hendes far, og nu kastes den 20-årige kvinde ud i sit livs første krise. Hele hverdagen ændrer sig med ét slag, og hun kæmper for at finde sin plads i tilværelsen og sin egen identitet. Hun tumler gennem livet uden at vide, hvor hun er på vej hen, og ender til sidst i et rumænsk kloster. Måske er det her i klostrets stilhed, at hun kan finde roen til at lære sig selv bedre at kende, inden hun kan vende tilbage til sin tilværelse igen.Ingrid Nymos debutroman, "Kloster", er en stærk dannelsesroman, som er baseret på forfatterens egen historie.""Kloster" er med andre ord en meget rig roman, der går i mange retninger. Men Nymo formår overbevisende at væve trådene sammen til en i høj grad læseværdig helhed, som man gerne opholder sig i længe og vender tilbage til. Det er godt gået af en debutant!"***** Kristeligt DagbladIngrid Nymo Møller (f. 1992) er en dansk forfatter, der er født og opvokset i Thy. Hun har siden 2011 bidraget med noveller og andre tekster til antologier, og i 2021 debuterede hun som romanforfatter med den anmelderroste bog "Kloster".
In this novelistic account of his childhood in the Romanian countryside, Yitskhok Horowitz charts his episodic memories in the literary voice of his child self. The sole Jewish family in the village of Popricani, the Horowitzes ran the local tavern, which provides the backdrop for this child's-eye view of events, from wolf chases to serpent possessions, and culminating in the dramatic local echoes of the Romanian Peasants' Revolt. By turns endearing and unnerving, The Tavern of Popricani offers and account of the rhythms of life for one Jewish family in the hinterlands of Eastern Europe.
Wat is het ergste wat een vampier kan overkomen? Direct zonlicht? Nog erger: geen WiFi! Natuurlijk, Quentin is blij dat het auto-ongeluk hem niet het leven gekost heeft. En dat zijn over-overgrootvader Vlad Dracula hem met een beet in de nek van de dood gered heeft. Maar moest hij daarom echt mee naar dat WiFi-loze kasteel in Transsylvanië? En bekeken vanuit Dracula’s perspectief: beseft de Heer van de Nacht welke ellende hem wacht, als hij een lastige puber bij zich in huis neemt? Gelukkig is daar de mooie Abigail, die door het kasteel dwaalt, beweert niets af te weten van vampiers... maar wel precies weet hoe ze hen onder de duim kan houden. Een lichtvoetige, humoristische fantasie, vol verrassingen en romantiek.De reeks "Dracula’s Erfgenaam" draait rond de Californische tiener Quentin, die van de dood wordt gered door zijn over-overgrootvader Vlad Dracula. Nu moet hij een nieuw leven zien op te bouwen, in Transsylvanië en in de nacht."Ik schrijf verhalen omdat ik anders niet kan ademen", zo bekent Anna Katmore op haar website. Geïnspireerd door Disney en verlangend naar tegelijk vredige en magische zaken, schrijft ze gloedvolle "contemporary romance". Sinds het succes van haar debuut ("Play with me", 2012) is Katmore fulltime schrijfster. Ze publiceerde o.m. de reeksen "Grimm was a bastard", "Grover Beach Team" en "Fall for me". Katmore woont in Duitsland.
This special issue of the Journal "zeitgeschichte" presents the results of the doctoral theses written within the framework of the Doctoral College European Historical Dictatorship and Transformation Research (2009-2012) as selected scholarly essays. The contributions are devoted to authoritarian regimes of the 20th century in Austria, Belarus, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, and the Soviet Union. Using various methods from the humanities and social sciences, different aspects of mainly "small" dictatorships are examined: conditions of emergence, structures, continuities, as well as preceding and subsequent processes of political and social transformation.Das vorliegende Sonderheft der Zeitschrift »zeitgeschichte« stellt die Ergebnisse der im Rahmen des Initiativkollegs (IK) Europäische historische Diktatur- und Transformationsforschung (2009-2012) verfassten Promotionsarbeiten in Form ausgewählter wissenschaftlicher Essays vor. Die Beiträge widmen sich autoritären Regimes des 20. Jahrhunderts in Belarus, Griechenland, Italien, Lettland, Litauen, Österreich, Polen, Portugal, Rumänien, Spanien, Ungarn und der Sowjetunion. Mittels verschiedener geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlicher Methoden werden unterschiedliche Aspekte vor allem »kleiner« Diktaturen untersucht: Entstehungsbedingungen, Strukturen, Kontinuitäten sowie vor- und nachgelagerte Prozesse politischer und gesellschaftlicher Transformation.
Featuring many rare works and a large-scale, previously forgotten masterwork, this wide-ranging yet intimate book reintroduces readers to one of the most versatile and beloved artists of the post-war era. Romanian-born Saul Steinberg (1914-1999) had one of the most remarkable careers in American art. While renowned for the covers and drawings that appeared in The New Yorker for nearly six decades, he was equally acclaimed for the drawings, paintings, prints, collages, and sculptures he exhibited internationally in galleries and museums. Through these parallel yet integrated careers, he crafted a rich, playful and constantly evolving visual language. Known to the larger public as the creator of the iconic View of the World from 9th Avenue , Steinberg lamented being most famous as "the man who drew that poster." This beautiful volume goes a long way toward correcting that limited perception. It brings together more than eighty works in a variety of media: collage, drawings, objects, and photographs. It also features Steinberg's astonishing mural, Art Viewers, a gigantic assemblage that was shown on a single occasion in 1966. This book is structured around three essays that explore the artist's use of symbols, his fascination with fakery and imitation, his musings on identity through the theme of the mask, and the autobiographical nature of his work.
"Romania, 1989. Communist regimes are crumbling across Europe. Seventeen-year-old Cristian Florescu dreams of becoming a writer, but Romanians aren't free to dream; they are bound by rules and force. Amidst the tyrannical dictatorship of Nicolae Ceau÷sescu in a country governed by isolation and fear, Cristian is blackmailed by the secret police to become an informer. He's left with only two choices: betray everyone and everything he loves--or use his position to creatively undermine the most notoriously evil dictator in Eastern Europe. Cristian risks everything to unmask the truth behind the regime, give voice to fellow Romanians, and expose to the world what is happening in his country. He eagerly joins the revolution to fight for change when the time arrives. But what is the cost of freedom? Master storyteller Ruta Sepetys is back with a historical thriller that examines the little-known history of a nation defined by silence, pain, and the unwavering conviction of the human spirit." --
This study challenges the rose-tinted view of the interwar period in Romanian history, which is often judged against the darkness of almost five decades of Communist rule.
Die sozialistischen Staaten des östlichen Europas beobachteten die seit Ende der 1940er Jahre in der Bundesrepublik entstandenen Vertriebenenverbände und ihre politischen Aktivitäten aufmerksam und misstrauisch. Der Band nimmt erstmalig diese ,Feind- und Fremdbeobachtung' durch die Nachrichtendienste anhand verschiedener Fallbeispiele aus der DDR, Polen, der Tschechoslowakei, Ungarn, Rumänien und Jugoslawien in den Blick. Es wird untersucht, was die Geheimdienste über die Vertriebenenfunktionäre und ihre Vergangenheit wussten, und danach gefragt, wozu und wie diese Informationen gesammelt und genutzt wurden. Daneben geht es auch um die Rolle der in den sozialistischen Staaten verbliebenen Deutschen und der Aussiedler, die in die BRD kamen und ein Bindeglied zwischen Vertriebenen und ,alter Heimat' darstellten. Der Band leistet so einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Erforschung der Wahrnehmung der Vertriebenenverbände in den sozialistischen Staaten, zur Arbeit der Sicherheitsdienste sowie zu den bilateralen Kontakten im ,Kalten Krieg'.
De fleste kender den blodtørstige vampyr Grev Dracula fra Transylvanien. Dette afsnit handler om manden, der inspirerede Bram Stokers figur.ADVARSEL: Afsnittet indeholder grafiske detaljer om torturmetoder.Velkommen til en historiepodcast om historie og arkæologi. Lyt med, når vi tager et nyt emne under kærlig behandling. Værterne er kultur- og socialhistorikeren Katrine og arkæologen Marie, der tilsammen danner en dynamisk fortællerduo, som elsker at have det sjovt med historien.Cover illustration: Arthur Balitskii/ShutterstockMarie Brinch er uddannet cand.mag. i forhistorisk arkæologi fra Københavns Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Nationalmuseet og Museum Lolland-Falster.Katrine Stegmann er uddannet cand.mag. i kultur- og socialhistorie samt skuespil- og manuskriptforfatter fra Syddansk Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Odense Bunkermuseum og Glud Museum i Østjylland.Sammen har de skabt Katrine og Maries Historiepodcast.
El filósofo y escritor rumano Emil Cioran fue un escritor de aforismos contradictorios, amargos, irónicos, líricos y potentes sobre los temas más diversos: la alienación humana, el pecado original, el sentido trágico de la historia, el fin de la civilización, la negativa del consuelo de la fe, la obsesión por la vida eterna, el exilio, los totalitarismos, etc. Detestó nacer y tener que enfrentarse a la vida, pero leyó, se cultivó y no dejó de trasladar sus ideas para inducir a la reflexión.«Cioran: Manual de antiayuda» no es un ensayo ni una biografía ni una novela, es todo ello, mezclado con humor e inteligencia por Alberto Domínguez para sintetizar y exponer el pensamiento de Cioran, el pensador pesimista por excelencia.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Alberto Domínguez nació en Mataró (Barcelona) en 1975. Se licenció en Filosofía en la Universidad de Barcelona y ha colaborado en diversas publicaciones. «Cioran: Manual de antiayuda» es su primer libro.
Kun serkukset Henriika ja Soile lähtevät lomalle Romaniaan, odotukset ovat korkealla. Pelkkä lentomatka itsessään on eksoottinen kokemus Soilelle, jonka elämä on tasaista ja pitkävetistä. Jännitykseksi on riittänyt elokuvissa käyminen ja pikkupullo viiniä silloin tällöin. Matkasta tulee kuin tuleekin kaikkea muuta kuin tylsä. Ensin naisille paljastuu, että Henriikan ex-puoliso Perttu on valinnut saman matkakohteen. Kun Perttu katoaa Romaniassa mystisissä oloissa, Henriika ja Soile alkavat pelätä – ja syystä."Tulva peittää jäljet" on Liisa Hännikäisen jännitysromaani, jonka tapahtumat sijoittuvat 1970-luvulle.Kirjailija Liisa Hännikäinen (s. 1943) on työskennellyt myös toimittajana. Hän julkaisi esikoisromaaninsa "Polkkapari" vuonna 1971. Jo vuonna 1972 hän sai Valtion kirjallisuuspalkinnon romaanilla "Sinä olet nuori".
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