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  • Spar 17%
    af Ulla Lund
    173,95 kr.

    Turen Går Til Malaysia og Singapore dækker Sabah og Sarawak på Borneo, Den Malaysiske Halvø med hovedstaden Kuala Lumpur og østaten Singapore. Fuldkommen stilhed ved Layang Layangs koralrev. Heftig trafik mellem Kuala Lumpurs skyskrabere. Fordybelse i Melakas templer. Kaos på markedet i Kota Bharu. En Singapore Sling på Raffles Hotel eller trekking gennem Tiomans regnskov. Singapore og Malaysia er asiatisk fusion i konstant vekslen mellem hektisk og afslappet.

  • af Kevin Kwan
    133,95 kr.

    Da Nicholas Young finder ud af, at hans bedstemor Su Yi ligger for døden, skynder han sig til sit barndomshjem Tyersall Park i Singapore for at være ved hendes side. Men han er ikke alene. Hele Shang-Young-klanen er der for at kappes til sidste blå blodsdråbe om matriarkens formue og smukke besiddelser.Fra Manila til Suluhavet, fra en kidnapning på en af Hong Kongs fornemmeste privatskoler til et overraskende frieri foran et indisk palads bliver det tydeligt, at kun én ting er større end stenrige menneskers formuer: Deres problemer.

  • af Rough Guides
    186,95 kr.

    "This practical travel guide to Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei features detailed factual travel tips and points-of-interest structured lists of all iconic must-see sights as well as some off-the-beaten-track treasures. Our itinerary suggestions and expert author picks of things to see and do will make it a perfect companion both, ahead of your trip and on the ground. This Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei guide book is packed full of details on how to get there and around, pre-departure information and top time-saving tips, including a visual list of things not to miss. Our colour-coded maps make Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei easier to navigate while you're there. This guide book to Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei has been fully updated post-COVID-19 and it comes with a free eBook. " --

  • af Marcus Ng
    395,95 kr.

    A Photographic Field Guide to the Dragonflies and Damselflies of Singapore is a fully comprehensive field guide to the 136 species of dragonfly and damselfly found in Singapore. With stunning, close-up photographs from the authors, each species is illustrated with multiple variants. The general introduction provides a comprehensive overview of dragonfly anatomy, feeding habits, courtship, and reproduction; also dragonfly research and conservation in Singapore, plus the best places for dragonfly watching in Singapore. Detailed coverage of every species includes key features for field identification; telling apart similar species; habitat and habits; presence in Singapore; etymology; wider distribution; national and IUCN conservation statuses; and larval features. Additionally, a QR code links to detailed larvae images from the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum website. The final section gives a checklist of the country status and conservation status of all of Singapore's odonates.

  • - Mine oplevelser, som jeg husker det
    af Frode Oldenburg Jørgensen
    158,95 - 195,95 kr.

    Velkommen ombord på‭ ‬fragtskibet‭, ‬der bringer dig Jorden rundt med mange oplevelser forude‭. ‬Du oplever det hårde liv ombord og arbejdet i et maskinrum‭, ‬hvor fremdrivningsmotoren er på‭ ‬størrelse med et treetagers hus‭. ‬Du er med‭, ‬når havet smider rundt med skibet‭, ‬der er 150‭ ‬meter langt og 19‭ ‬meter bredt‭. ‬Vi anløber havne på‭ ‬USA’s‭ ‬østkyst‭, ‬Panama og San Francisco‭. ‬I tresserne var der tid til oplevelser i de havnebyer‭, ‬vi anløb‭, ‬og de nærtliggende områder‭. ‬Du er med‭, ‬når vi går i land i Japan‭, ‬Hongkong‭, ‬Filippinerne‭, ‬Bangkok og flere steder i‭ ‬Indonesien‭. ‬Singapore‭, ‬øen Penang‭, ‬Sri Lanka og Indien‭. ‬Du er med‭, ‬når vi stakkels søfolk bliver plyndret af korrupte myndighedspersoner‭.‬ ‭ ‬Du er også‭ ‬med‭, ‬når vi færdes‭ ‬uden for det officielle turistområde‭, ‬hvor vi kommer tæt på‭ ‬mennesker‭, ‬der lever på‭ ‬samfundets bund‭, ‬som benytter alle muligheder for at overleve‭.‬ ‭ ‬ Gud bevare Danmark‭! ‬ Uddrag af bogen Telefonen kimede‭. ‬2‭. ‬mester kravlede over og tog den‭. ‬Han kom ud fra telefonboksen og fortalte i korte vendinger‭, ‬at lasten havde forskubbet sig‭. ‬Jeg kunne nu se‭, ‬at krængningsviseren bevægede sig mellem 15‭ ‬og 45‭ ‬graders slagside‭. ‬Der var ikke flere løse genstande‭, ‬der flyttede sig‭. ‬Det var ualmindeligt heldigt‭, ‬at vi ikke opholdt os der‭, ‬hvor de løse dørkplader kom drønende‭. ‬De kunne have klippet benene over på‭ ‬os‭. ‬Nu kom maskinchefen‭, ‬1‭. ‬og 3‭. ‬mester også‭ ‬kravlende ned på‭ ‬manøvredørken med møje og besvær‭. ‬Der var ingen af dem‭, ‬der viste nogen form for panik eller angst‭, ‬de var derimod koncentrerede og fattede‭. ‬Maskinchefen aftalte med 1‭. ‬mester‭, ‬hvad der kunne gøres for at få‭ ‬hovedmotoren i gang så‭ ‬hurtigt som muligt‭. ‬Skibet driver mod land‭.‬ Om forfatteren Frode Oldenburg Jørgensen er født 1942‭ ‬i Undløse Overdrev‭. ‬Han er uddannet smed og maskinmester og har sejlet som sådan‭. ‬Han har siden arbejdet som værkfører‭, ‬maskinmester og driftsleder‭. ‬Det var ikke lederrollen‭, ‬der behagede ham‭, ‬men derimod de kreative muligheder for tekniske forbedringer‭, ‬stillingen kunne tilbyde‭, ‬der optog ham‭. ‬Han har tidligere udgivet erindringsbogen Den ulige kamp‭ ‬–‭ ‬en familiekrønike gennem 150‭ ‬år‭.‬

  • af Sanne Gottlieb
    94,95 - 139,95 kr.

    På et dekadent luksushotel i Singapore sidder en ung europæisk kvinde. Hun er medfølgende hustru til en succesrig forretningsmand, og om natten vandrer hun alene rundt i en skræmmende og fremmed verden. Da hun forelsker sig i en kinesisk læge, tager hendes skyggeliv en dramatisk og skæbnesvanger drejning. Det bliver begyndelsen på en sanselig, erotisk og dyster fortælling om besættelse af et fremmed menneske, om søvn, ensomhed, længsel og lyst.

  • af Monika Hołyk-Arora
    58,95 kr.

    Słoneczny Singapur, gorący romans i szalona kariera w świecie mody.Tuż przed trzydziestymi urodzinami Anna nagle traci stabilną pracę. Jednak nie ma tego złego – na urodziny dostaje bilet do Singapuru. Postanawia wyruszyć w podróż życia. Na miejscu odkrywa smak egzotycznych potraw, wyjątkową kulturę i... przystojnego Lee. Nieoczekiwanie przez serię pomyłek kobieta trafia do świata wielkiej mody. Czy wykorzysta szansę od losu? W którą stronę pójdzie jej relacja z gorącym Lee?To inspirująca opowieść o odwadze, miłości i odkrywaniu siebie. Idealna dla fanek i fanów Jojo Moyes.Monika Hołyk-Arora (ur. 1980-) – absolwentka kulturoznawstwa. Pracowała jako pilot wycieczek. Podróże stały się dla niej inspiracją do wielu powieści.

  • - En beretning om bygningen af en skonnert i Bangkok og sejladsen hjem til Danmark 1966 til 1971
    af Anders Heding
    231,95 kr.

    I tresserne mellem 1965 og 1969 byggede arkitekt Claus Heding en skonnert i midten af Bangkok. Han var ved lidt af en tilfældighed kommet til Thailand, men han indså hurtigt, at det var et fantastisk sted at bygge en båd. I 1968 slog hans lillebror Anders sig til ham. På det tidspunkt var båden lige blevet søsat, og Anders forventede hurtigt at komme til at sejle med fra Thailand tilbage til Danmark. Men sådan kom det ikke til at gå. Det tog et helt år, før båden var færdig, men så blev det også en spændende tur. Fra Thailand til Singapore og Bali og over Det Indiske ocean, hvor de strandede. Båden blev reddet, og de kunne fortsætte via Sydafrika, Sydamerika og Vestindien over Nordatlanten hjem til Danmark i 1971.Uddrag af bogenVi for op og forsøgte at få mere sejl sat op for at kunne få vendt båden. Men forgæves! Brændingen var begyndt at tage os, og pludselig råbte Claus, at vi skulle holde fast, og så styrede han båden direkte mod brændingen. Det viste sig at have været en klog beslutning, ellers var vi nok ikke kommet helskindede fra denne oplevelse. Det var bælgmørkt, men vi kunne mærke, hvordan båden blev fanget af den store brænding og løftet tre-fire meter for så at styrte ned på revet med sine tyve tons. Så en gang til op og ned med endnu et brag. Så væltede vi om på siden med dækket bort fra brændingen.Om forfatterenTyve år gammel drog forfatteren til Bangkok for at deltage i byggeriet af en skonnert, som han efter et år var med til at sejle hjem til Danmark. Siden da uddannede han sig som bådebygger og blev som sådan sendt til Tonga for FAO og siden Tanzania. Han endte med at tage en MA i filosofi og samfundsteori i England.

  • af M. Star
    118,95 kr.

    Ever wonder what it's like to live in Qatar? Well M hadn't. He couldn't have even found it on a map... then found himself there. When M arrived in Qatar from London on his newly-minted expat assignment, he didn't expect to be confronted with life's most existential immediately. And he dragged his girlfriend-cum-wife too. "But I wanted to go to Singapore," she said. "We got at least half-way there!" From job offer, to eloping in Las Vegas (because living together out of wedlock is haram), to having a kid - and back again, "TIQ" is a humorous, if not slightly exaggerated, acerbic account of an amateur expat's trials and tribulations waaaay out of his depth in a country, frankly, he had never heard of. If you're about to move to Qatar, or if you ever thought you wanted to visit (you KNOW you want to), TIQ will help you frame (and perhaps even answer) some non-trivial questions such as: - What would you choose with your marginal dollar - beer, or bacon? - Is it OK to eat your lunch on the toilet? - Who's that scary voice on the radio every morning? and - Are traffic signs really just...guidelines? If you weren't planning on moving to Qatar, or even visiting - the shock, laughs and jaw-droppingly ridiculous happenstances might just even move the needle (albeit slightly). Way back when M got his Hebrew tattoo, his mom, like any good Jewish-American, said, "Well, now you'll never be able to go to the Middle East." M just scoffed and said, "Middle East? Me? Never." Who's laughing now? (And by the way: the answer is definitely never bacon.)

  • af Lonely Planet
    198,95 kr.

    14th edition August 2019. Lonely Planet Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Admire Kuala Lumpur from the glittering Petronas Towers, climb the Telaga Tujuh waterfalls in Langkawi, or glide through the water village of Kampung Ayer; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei and begin your journey now! Inside Lonely Planet Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei Travel Guide: Colour maps and images throughout Highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots Essential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices Honest reviews for all budgets - eating, sleeping, sight-seeing, going out, shopping, hidden gems that most guidebooks miss Cultural insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - outdoor adventures, cuisine, history, culture, politics, religion, arts, media, environment Over 90 maps Covers Bandar Seri Begawan, Tutong, Jalan Labi, Seria, Kuala Belait, Temburong District, Bangar, Pulau Selirong, Batang Duri, Peradayan Forest Reserve, Ulu Temburong National Park and more.

  • af Satu Rommi
    88,95 kr.

    Joogaa, kirjoittamista ja alati vaihtuvia maisemia.Kun kotina on koko maailma, arjessakin voi olla aina matkalla. Kotimaan vaihtuessa jatkuvasti on koko omaisuus joko kuljetettava rinkassa tai varastoitava ystävien, tuttujen ja perheenjäsenten ullakoille. Mielikuva joogaopettajan elämästä Etelä-Aasiassa voi olla pelkkää lämpöä ja palmupuiden katveessa lekottelua, mutta onko se tosiaan sitä?Satu Rommin Aina matkalla kertoo kauniisti mutta kaunistelematta, millaista elämä on ulkosuomalaisena, joka ei ole käynyt Suomessa yli 20 vuoteen. Kun levottomuus ja siirtymisen tarve iskevät, ei auta muu kuin vaihtaa maata. Kirja vie lukijan mukanaan Kuala Lumpuriin, Singaporeen ja Balille.Satu Rommi on matkakirjailija, freelancetoimittaja ja astangajoogan opettaja. Hän on kirjoittanut useita kirjoja Intiasta ja Kaakkois-Aasiasta. Uransa aikana Rommi on mm. työskennellyt BBC:n suomenkielisessä toimituksessa Lontoossa, asunut vuosia Intiassa opiskelemassa astangajoogaa ja intialaista filosofiaa ja kiertänyt Kaakkois-Aasiaa joogaa opettamassa. Hänen teoksensa Moottoripyörällä Himalajalle (2011) valittiin Mondon Vuoden matkakirjaksi.

  • af Humairah Zainal
    574,95 - 1.813,95 kr.

  • af Lonely Planet & Ria de Jong
    166,95 kr.

  • af Anders Eje
    53,95 kr.

    Svensken Bror och skotten Douglas är på resande fot i tropiska miljöer. De passar de båda herrarna utmärkt. De är nämligen första klassens lurendrejare.Glada i hågen kokar de ihop den ena kuppen efter den andra. Påhittiga, halsbrytande och underhållande sådana. Planerna är inte alltid lika genomtänkta. Ibland går lurendrejandet helt år fanders. Men vad gör det, när det goda humöret alltid är på topp."Två skälmar i farten" är en underhållande spänningsroman som utspelar sig i drömska miljöer under 1930-talet.Anders Eje är Axel Esséns (1880-1951) mest förekommande pseudonym. Han skrev främst exotiska underhållningsromaner, ofta på platser som Ceylon. Han arbetade även på olika tidningar, bland annat som redaktör för Vecko-Journalen.

  • af Pernille Scherer
    198,95 kr.

    Romanen følger stewardessen, Emma, der drømmer stort i Singapore, støvsugereksperten, Bruno, der rejser til Asien for at indsamle data om rengøringsvaner og den thailandske butiksbestyrer, Tanawat, der flyver ud på sit livs eventyr. Deres veje krydses og de sætter dybe spor i hinanden i løbet af kort tid.Romanen viser, hvordan personer, personligheder og drømme kan filtres sammen, påvirke og forandre.

  • af Rachel Heng
    133,95 - 211,95 kr.

  • af Ang Cheng Guan
    1.615,95 kr.

    Building on the author's 2012 book, Lee Kuan Yew's Strategic Thought, this new book presents a comprehensive overview of Lee Kuan Yew's strategic thought over the course of his life. It analyses the factors underlying Lee Kuan Yew's thinking, and shows how his foreign policy, security and international relations evolved.

  • af Susanne Seider
    85,95 kr.

    Monatelang hatte Eric seinen Tod geplant. Doch plötzlich wollte er nur noch überleben.Die Welt von Flugbegleiterin Alexandra liegt in Scherben, seit ihr Ehemann Eric bei einem Bootsunglück in Singapur ums Leben kam. Doch als Alexandra ein Telefonat aus Thailand für ihren Nachbarn annimmt, hört sie fassungslos Erics Stimme am anderen Ende der Leitung. Als sie etwas sagt, legt der Anrufer auf.Getrieben von der Angst, dass Eric seinen Tod nur vorgetäuscht hat, fliegt Alexandra nach Bangkok, um ihren Mann zu suchen. Die einzige Spur ist Uwe, ein deutscher Aussteiger, aus dessen Lokal der Anruf kam. Obwohl der behauptet, Eric nicht zu kennen, heftet sich Alexandra an Uwes Fersen und gerät dabei in ein finsteres Milieu, das hinter der glitzernden Fassade Bangkoks pulsiert.Immer mehr ahnt Alexandra, dass ihr Ehemann nicht der war, für den sie ihn gehalten hat, und dass sie alles opfern muss, um sich Eric entgegenzustellen.Susanne Seider wurde 1975 im südbadischen Emmendingen geboren und verbrachte dort ihre Schulzeit.Nach dem Abitur heuerte die Autorin auf einem Boot an und segelte durch die Karibik, führte Reitsafaris in Südafrika und betreute schwerbehinderte Menschen in den USA. Als Flugbegleiterin einer internationalen Fluggesellschaft fand sie schließlich ihren Traumberuf, in dem sie bis heute arbeitet.Neben zahlreichen Kurzgeschichten für Frauenzeitschriften erschienen von ihr einige Krimis.Susanne Seider lebt mit ihrer Familie im grenznahen Frankreich.

  • af Melanie Lee
    143,95 kr.

    This book introduces young readers to the many outdoor spaces in the city through the hand-drawn illustrations of artist William Sim. It starts out with the vision of the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew and his idea for a city in nature and how Singapore came to be known as the Garden City. This is followed by practical and safety tips for readers who are planning to go on nature outings. In the midst of outings to all these places, readers will also gain insights into the greening of Singapore. Plus there are related craft activities as well for a bit of fun. This book is for children between 7 and 12 years old.

  • af Gwee Li Sui
    108,95 kr.

    562,95 kr.

    This edited volume examines the historical development of Chinese-medium schools from the British colonial era to recent decades of divergent development after the 1965 separation of Singapore and Malaysia. Educational institutions have been a crucial state apparatus in shaping the cultural identity and ideology of ethnic Chinese in Singapore and Malaysia. This volume applies various perspectives from education theory to heritage studies in dealing with the cultural legacy and memory of such schools as situated in larger contexts of society.The book offers comprehensive practice-based analysis and reflection about the complex relationships between language acquisition, identity construction, and state formation from socio-political-cultural perspectives. It covers a broad range of aspects from identities of culture, gender, and religion, to the roles played by the state and the community in various aspects of education such as textbooks, cultural activities, and adult education, as well as the representation of culture in Chinese schools through cultural memory and literature.The readership includes academics, students and members of the public interested in the history and society of the Chinese diaspora, especially in South East Asia. This also appeals to scholars interested in a bilingual or multilingual outlook in education as well as diasporic studies.

  • af Shih Joo Tan
    1.622,95 kr.

    Drawing on original empirical research from Singapore and Hong Kong, Gendered Labour, Everyday Security and Migration interrogates women migrant domestic workers' experiences of work and workplace exploitation.

  • af Balli Kaur Jaswal
    118,95 - 198,95 kr.

  • af Christopher Hale
    188,95 kr.

    "The fascinating account of two former British colonies with a shared past but vastly different identities today! Singapore and Malaysia sit astride the sea lanes linking East with West--vital choke points in the world's commerce. Since ancient times, ports along the Silk Road of the Sea were populated by peoples from around the globe who came here to trade and live, carried by the steady flow of goods and the ever-present monsoon winds. Author Christopher Hale recounts many fascinating histories of this region, including: The ancient international trade in spices and the seven voyages to the southern seas of the Chinese eunuch Admiral Zheng He in the 15th century The rise of Islamic kingdoms along rivers bordering the Straits of Malacca and the conquest of Malacca, one of the world's largest cities, by a few hundred Portuguese marauders in 1511 The saga of Sir Stamford Raffles, credited with founding Singapore, and the development of tin mines and vast rubber and oil palm plantations on the Malay Peninsula The disastrous fall of "Fortress Singapore" to the Japanese in World War II after only three weeks of fighting, the worst British military defeat in history The wildly successful film Crazy Rich Asians, set in Singapore, the highest grossing romantic comedy of the decade A Brief History of Singapore and Malaysia tells these and many other compelling stories about the people and events which have shaped these nations as they developed into modern powerhouses of international trade and tourism"--

  • af Isa Kamari
    96,95 kr.

    A collection of short stories that touch on the surreal and unhinged. We live in a fragmented world that has caused alienation of our lives in many spheres and at multiple levels. The fifteen stories in this collection delve into the cracks and crevices of such lives in the social, political, economic, technological, cultural, artistic, sexual, psychological and religious spheres The book depicts levels of madness which ring in the lives of the characters caused by estrangement, isolation, desolation and loss of meaning in our contemporary world. The disheartening fact is that such alienated experiences are perceived to be normal and acceptable to many. There is still hope if we open doors of introspection and mindfulness to begin healing of our hearts and minds. These stories were originally published in Malay and have been translated into English.

  • af Silke Tobeler
    70,95 kr.

    Franzi und Finn brechen, nachdem beide an einer renommierten Journalistenschule nicht angenommen wurden, alle Brücken nach Europa ab, um auf der anderen Seite der Welt ihr Glück zu suchen. Sie machen alles falsch. Finn landet wegen Drogenbesitzes im Gefängnis, und Franzi irrt auf der Suche nach Zuflucht durch das hochtechnisierte Singapur. In einem Missionarsheim trifft sie auf Sara Smit, eine geheimnisvolle, alte Dame, die die junge Frau bittet, ihren Ursprungsort in Malaysia aufzusuchen, den sie vor über siebzig Jahren gewaltsam verlassen musste. Majulah! Gestrandet in Singapur ist ein Gegenwartsroman, der zwar im Jahr 2020 spielt, aber von Ereignissen des vergangenen Jahrhunderts beeinflusst wird, die mit der Person Sara Smit verbunden sind.Silke Tobeler, geboren in Hamburg, verbrachte ihre Kindheit und Jugend in Singapur. Mit ihrer Familie pendelt sie zwischen Hamburg, Brandenburg und Berlin. Als freischaffende Autorin verfasst sie neben Romanen, Kurzgeschichten und Essays, die in Kunstbüchern und Anthologien veröffentlicht werden. 2018 gewann Silke Tobeler den Bonner Literaturpreis für die Kurzgeschichte »Der Teppich«. Im Dezember 2019 erschien ihr Debüt »Collage – Ein Art brut-Krimi« im Salsa-Verlag. Silke Tobeler betreibt den Kunstblog:

  • af Anonym
    397,95 kr.

    Bachelor Thesis from the year 2016 in the subject Economics - Case Scenarios, grade: 2,6, University of Applied Sciences Koblenz (Wirtschaft), language: English, abstract: This paper tries to determine the main differences between Germany and Singapore and to answer the question what Germany can learn from Singaporean business culture.Since the world is becoming more and more multicultural, international and connected, cultures and their components change over time. Modern companies of today, who are looking to do business in Europe and Asia are most successful when building up regional headquarters rather than focus on a specific market with country-specific headquarters.In the past, Singapore became the predominant location for regional headquarters in Asia (especially South-East Asia) for various reasons. The former British colony provides all necessary aspects to attract foreign direct investments in conjunction with an English speaking environment. As of today Singapore became one of best and easiest countries to do business with in conjunction with a stable political environment. The counterpart in Europe for Singapore is the export-oriented Germany. After its reunification in 1990, Germany became the strongest economic power in Europe and one of the strongest worldwide. With the focus on export to all continents, it is necessary to build up headquarters around the world to maximize the effectiveness. Today, about 1400 German firms are located in Singapore, which makes them an important partner.Since multinational companies become bigger and more involved in different sectors, success in business will inevitably demand a change of corporate and business culture. Therefore it is important to understand foreign cultures and business cultures to better adapt to the foreign culture. Additionally improvements of other business cultures can be used and implemented into the own business culture.

  • af Jakob R. E. Leimgruber & Siemund Peter
    586,95 - 2.025,95 kr.

  • af Barbara Cartland
    41,95 kr.

    A social introvert, Lady Dorinda Burne has always felt uncomfortable around lots of people due to a skin condition which has always marked her as the ‘ugly sister’. She is forced on a trip to Singapore to chaperone her sister Lettice, who is set to marry the intelligent and charming Maximus Kirby.However, Dorinda soon finds herself head over heels for Maximus. lost for words when he’s around. Having to overcome drastic hurdles and more challenges than she could have anticipated, Dorinda is forced to face her fears to find a new life, better than she could ever have hoped for.Perfect for fans of Georgette Heyer, Julia Quinn, and Jenny Hambly.In her lifetime, British author Barbara Cartland wrote over 700 novels and was most famous for her contemporary and historical romances. A prominent figure in London society, the young Cartland began her writing career as a gossip columnist for the Daily Express. It was partying in 1920's London that gave her inspiration for her first book, "Jigsaw", a racy society thriller.After marrying into the McCorquodale family, she began writing romance and holds a Guinness World Record for the most number of books published in one year: 191. Her books have been translated into many different languages, as well as adapted for stage and screen. She is beloved the world over and even counts the young Princess Diana as one of her many fans.

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