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  • af Roberto Gil'ermo Gomes
    707,95 kr.

    Vo wnutrennem lone moej sowesti q poseql bozhestwennye semena Twoej blagosti. Den' i noch' q uhazhiwal za nimi; no kogda oni uzhe prorastali swoimi nezhnymi listochkami, palqschee solnce moih zhelanij i weter moih bespokojnyh myslej o proshlom i buduschem opalili ih list'q i rasseqli wo mne trud Twoj. No q ne sdamsq, q budu seqt' snowa i snowa w tajnuü pochwu moej sowesti, poka lübow' Twoq ne prineset wo mne plody, i newazhno, zajmet li äto wsü moü zhizn' ili beskonechnuü cep' zhiznej, q ne ostanowlüs'. Ya budu prodolzhat' seqt' Twoi blagosloweniq w serdce moej sowesti, poka ne najdu swqschennoe mesto, gde zhar moih zhelanij i bujstwo moih myslej ne smogut bol'she stupat' i oskwernqt'. Ya budu prodolzhat' seqt' semena dobra Twoego w swoej were, i kogda w ogranichennom pole moego indiwidual'nogo soznaniq ne ostanetsq mesta, ne nasyschennogo plodami lübwi Twoej, togda, w tishine, kogda wse spqt, q prodolzhu seqt' semena blagosloweniq Twoego w umah wseh drugih detej Twoih. Takim obrazom, kogda pole soznaniq budet perepolneno plodami lübwi Twoej, my pojmem, chto Ty - nashe edinstwennoe nastoqschee Vechnoe i nepostizhimo blazhennoe Ya.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    707,95 kr.

    In den inneren Schoß meines Gewissens habe ich die göttliche Saat deiner Güte gesät. Tag und Nacht pflegte ich sie; aber als sie schon ihre zarten Blätter trieben, verbrannte die sengende Sonne meiner Begierden und der Wind meiner ruhelosen Gedanken an die Vergangenheit und an die Zukunft ihre Blätter und zerstreute Dein Werk in mir. Aber ich werde nicht aufgeben, ich werde immer wieder in den geheimen Boden meines Gewissens säen, bis Deine Liebe in mir Früchte trägt, ob es nun ein Leben lang dauert oder eine unendliche Kette von Leben, ich werde nicht aufgeben. Ich werde fortfahren, Deinen Segen in das Herz meines Gewissens zu säen, bis ich den heiligen Ort gefunden habe, den die Hitze meiner Begierden und die Unersättlichkeit meiner Gedanken nicht mehr betreten oder verunreinigen können. Ich werde fortfahren, Deinen Samen der Güte in meinen Glauben zu säen, und wenn es in dem endlichen Feld meines individuellen Bewusstseins keinen Platz mehr gibt, der nicht mit der Frucht Deiner Liebe gesättigt ist, dann werde ich in der Stille, wenn alle schlafen, fortfahren, Deinen Samen des Segens in den Geist aller Deiner anderen Kinder zu säen. So werden wir, wenn das Feld des Bewusstseins mit der Frucht Deiner Liebe überfließt, erkennen, dass Du unser einziges wirkliches, ewiges und unergründlich glückseliges Selbst bist.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    743,95 kr.

    In the inner bosom of my conscience, I sowed the divine seeds of Your goodness. Day and night I tended them; but when they were already sprouting their tender leaves, the scorching sun of my desires and the wind of my restless thoughts of the past and of the future burned their leaves and scattered Your work in me. But, I will not give up, I will sow again and again in the secret soil of my conscience, until Your love bears fruit in me, whether it takes me a lifetime or an infinite chain of lifetimes, I will not give up. I will continue to sow Your blessings in the heart of my conscience, until I find the sacred place where the heat of my desires and the voracity of my thoughts can no longer tread or desecrate. I will continue to sow Your seeds of goodness within my faith and, when there is no room left in the finite field of my individual consciousness that is not saturated with the fruit of Your love, then, in silence, when all sleep, I will continue to sow Your seeds of blessing in the minds of all Your other children. Thus, when the field of consciousness is overflowing with the fruit of Your love, we will realize that You are our only real Eternal and unfathomably blissful Self.

  • af Shreyas R Krishnan & Alisha Sadikot
    36,95 kr.

    Pour les enfants qui s'intéressent aux ordinateurs, de 5 à 12 ans.Qu’ont en commun la mathématicienne anglaise du XIXe siècle Ada Lovelace, la créatrice de mode new-age Anouk Wipprecht et l’actuelle ministre taïwanaise du numérique Audrey Tang ? Elles ont toutes changé la façon dont nous voyons les ordinateurs et le codage. Ce livre de la collection StoryWeaver vous présente des femmes inspirantes du monde de la technologie, à travers un siècle.Cet ouvrage a été initialement publié par Pratham Books sur la plateforme en ligne StoryWeaver. Plusieurs de ces histoires sont écrites par des auteurs indiens et se déroulent à l’autre bout du monde. Les histoires explorent notamment des sujets passionnants tels que les découvertes scientifiques et la manière dont nous pouvons prendre soin les uns des autres et de notre planète.

  • af Friedrich Christian Charles August
    313,95 - 418,95 kr.

  • af Priya Joshi
    398,95 kr.

    Dobrodöli v ¿arobnem svetu indijske kulinarike z avtorico Priyo Joshi, avtorico knjige "Okusi Indije: Raznolikost Arom in Okusov". Ta knjiga je potovanje v srce Indije, kjer se tradicija in okusi zdru¿ujejo v popolni harmoniji."Okusi Indije" prinäajo slastne jedi, ki so odraz raznolikosti indijskega subkontinenta. Priya Joshi vas vabi, da odkrijete bogastvo okusov, arom in zäimb, ki so znane po vsem svetu.V tej knjigi boste näli avtenti¿ne recepte za jedi iz razli¿nih regij Indije, od pikantnih curryjev do sladkih poslastic. Priya vam bo razkrila skrivnosti indijske kuhinje in vas nau¿ila, kako uporabljati razli¿ne zäimbe ter sestavine, da ustvarite okusne jedi kar doma.Ne glede na to, ali ste ljubitelj pikantnih okusov ali pa i¿¿ete nove kulinari¿ne izku¿nje, boste v tej knjigi näli navdih za kreativno kuhanje. "Okusi Indije" vam bo pomagal razumeti raznolikost indijske kulinarike in vam ponudil recepte, ki bodo zadovoljili väe brbon¿ice.¿e si ¿elite privö¿iti raznolikost indijske kuhinje in se nau¿iti umetnosti priprave pristnih indijskih jedi, je "Okusi Indije" väa nepogre¿ljiva kuharska knjiga. Dovolite Priyi Joshi, da vas popelje na kulinari¿no potovanje po Indiji in vas navdihne za kuhanje z okusi, ki vas bodo öarali. Väa kulinari¿na pustolov¿¿ina se zäne tukaj.

  • af Amrita Desai
    413,95 kr.

    Plongez dans l'univers envoûtant de la cuisine indienne avec Amrita Desai, l'auteure du livre "Saveurs de l'Inde: L'Art Culinaire Authentique de l'Inde". Ce livre est une invitation à un voyage culinaire où les épices, les saveurs et les traditions se rencontrent pour créer une expérience gastronomique inoubliable."Saveurs de l'Inde" vous propose un voyage au c¿ur de l'Inde, où chaque bouchée est une exploration des délices épicés et parfumés de la cuisine indienne. Amrita Desai vous invite à découvrir les secrets de cette cuisine riche et diversifiée.Dans ce livre, vous trouverez une variété de recettes authentiques provenant de différentes régions de l'Inde, des currys aromatiques aux délicieux plats végétariens, en passant par les desserts sucrés. Amrita partagera avec vous les techniques et les astuces pour préparer des plats indiens maison aussi délicieux que ceux servis dans les meilleurs restaurants.Que vous soyez un passionné de la cuisine indienne ou que vous souhaitiez simplement explorer de nouveaux horizons culinaires, ce livre vous inspirera à cuisiner avec passion et créativité. "Saveurs de l'Inde" vous guidera à travers l'art de la cuisine indienne, vous permettant de créer des plats qui évoquent la magie de l'Inde chez vous.Si vous désirez découvrir les saveurs exquises de l'Inde et maîtriser l'art de la cuisine indienne, "Saveurs de l'Inde" est votre guide indispensable. Laissez-vous transporter par Amrita Desai dans un voyage culinaire extraordinaire et commencez à créer des plats indiens authentiques qui raviront vos papilles. Votre aventure gastronomique commence ici.

  • af Anuradha Sajjanhar
    367,95 - 1.012,95 kr.

  • af Julia a Stone
    363,95 - 468,95 kr.

  • af Joanna Piotrowska
    49,95 kr.

    Mistyczna opowieść o chłopcu pod opieką Wężowej Bogini.Taru Khan, młody, bezdomny włóczęga, żyje na Wyspie Skarbów - wysypisku śmieci w Bombaju, które dla wielu stało się domem. Chłopiec, nie zna swojego pochodzenia ani prawdziwego imienia, a każdy dzień jest dla niego walką o przetrwanie.Jednak nawet w tak surowych warunkach, Taru Khan znajduje ukojenie w cichych godzinach nocy, kiedy zanurza się w świecie niezwykłych snów. Pewnego dnia, chłopiec odkrywa porzucony album, z jednym, zapomnianym zdjęciem budynku, który budzi w nim echo wspomnień. Ta nieuchwytna, ale potężna siła przyciąga go do tego domu. Czy to jest miejsce, do którego należy?Pod opieką tajemniczej Wężowej Bogini, Taru Khan podejmuje decyzję o ryzykownej wyprawie, podczas której stawia czoła nieznanym wyzwaniom i niebezpieczeństwom. Czy uda mu się dotrzeć do celu? Czy odzyska stracone wspomnienia?Joanna Piotrowska z zawodu jest lekarzem psychiatrą, mieszka w Szczecinie. Jest zafascynowana pięknem przyrody i innymi kulturami, a tę fascynację chce przekazać czytelnikowi. Jej historie to książki z przesłaniem, które dotyczą problemów współczesnego świata. Poprzez swoje opowieści chce poruszać serca, uwrażliwiać i zwracać uwagę na krzywdę zwierząt.

  • af Rajesh Kapoor
    413,95 kr.

    Välkommen till "Indisk Smaksensation," en förtrollande kokbok författad av Rajesh Kapoor. Denna bok är din biljett till en smakfull resa genom kryddornas land, där du kommer att upptäcka den otroliga smakrikedomen i Indiens kulinariska skatter."Indisk Smaksensation" är mycket mer än bara en samling recept; det är en hyllning till Indiens rika matkultur och dess förmåga att trollbinda dina smaklökar. Rajesh Kapoor delar med sig av sin passion för det indiska köket och bjuder in dig att utforska smakernas mångfald från norr till söder och öst till väst.Denna bok vänder sig till alla som älskar att njuta av de djärva smakerna och dofterna av det indiska köket. Recepten är noggrant utvalda för att erbjuda en bredd av smakupplevelser, från kryddiga curries till smöriga naanbröd och söta efterrätter.Rajesh Kapoor guidar dig genom förberedelserna av dessa smakfulla rätter och delar värdefulla tips om hur du hanterar kryddor och kryddmixar för att åstadkomma autentiska smaker i din egen köksmiljö.Oavsett om du är en erfaren kock eller nybörjare när det gäller indisk matlagning, är "Indisk Smaksensation" din pålitliga följeslagare på vägen till en smakrik och kryddig kulinarisk upplevelse. Låt Rajesh Kapoor inspirera dig att utforska de spännande smaker som Indien har att erbjuda och skapa dina egna smaksensationer i köket.

  • af Martina Rossi
    398,95 kr.

    Benvenuti nel mondo di "Profumi d'India," un'opera creata con passione dall'autrice Martina Rossi. Questo libro è la tua porta d'accesso per esplorare l'arte culinaria indiana, svelando i segreti dei sapori autentici che ti faranno innamorare della cucina dell'India."Profumi d'India" è molto più di una semplice raccolta di ricette; è una celebrazione della creatività culinaria di uno dei luoghi più affascinanti del mondo. Martina Rossi condivide con entusiasmo la sua passione per la cucina indiana e rivela i segreti dietro i piatti che rendono la cucina dell'India così speciale.Questo libro è rivolto a tutti coloro che desiderano esplorare la ricchezza dei sapori indiani. Le ricette sono state accuratamente selezionate per offrire una vasta gamma di combinazioni di ingredienti, dalle pietanze tradizionali alle interpretazioni moderne. Che tu sia un principiante in cucina o uno chef esperto, qui troverai l'ispirazione per portare la magia dell'India nella tua cucina.Martina Rossi ti guiderà passo dopo passo attraverso la preparazione dei piatti indiani, fornendo preziosi consigli per ottenere risultati autentici e saporiti. Scopri come utilizzare ingredienti esotici e tecniche culinarie uniche per creare piatti che non solo delizieranno il tuo palato, ma anche conquisteranno il tuo cuore.Che tu sia già un appassionato della cucina indiana o stia appena iniziando a esplorare questa tradizione culinaria affascinante, "Profumi d'India" è la tua guida affidabile per un viaggio alla scoperta dei ricchi sapori dell'India. Imbarcati in un'avventura culinaria entusiasmante con Martina Rossi come tua guida appassionata.

  • af Priya Sharma
    398,95 kr.

    Apresentamos o livro "Sabores da Índia," escrito pela talentosa autora Priya Sharma. Esta obra é um convite irresistível para explorar a riqueza e a diversidade da culinária indiana, mergulhando em um mundo de sabores, especiarias e experiências gastronômicas memoráveis."Sabores da Índia" é muito mais do que um simples livro de receitas; é uma verdadeira celebração dos aromas exóticos e da tradição culinária que tornam a Índia um dos destinos gastronômicos mais emocionantes do mundo. Priya Sharma compartilha sua paixão pela cozinha indiana e revela os segredos por trás de pratos icônicos, desde os pratos picantes do norte até os sabores mais suaves do sul.Com orientações claras e dicas preciosas, este livro torna a preparação de pratos indianos autênticos acessível a todos, desde cozinheiros iniciantes até os mais experientes. Descubra como usar uma variedade de especiarias e ingredientes para criar refeições que encantam o paladar e aquecem o coração.As receitas incluídas em "Sabores da Índia" foram cuidadosamente selecionadas para oferecer uma experiência equilibrada e diversificada, adequada para qualquer ocasião. Seja para um jantar especial, um almoço em família ou um jantar rápido durante a semana, este livro tem algo para todos os gostos.Priya Sharma convida você a embarcar em uma jornada culinária que irá expandir seus horizontes gastronômicos e proporcionar alegria à sua mesa. Explore a magia da cozinha indiana, surpreenda seu paladar e crie memórias culinárias inesquecíveis com "Sabores da Índia."

  • af Mack Rafeal
    288,95 kr.

    The Gumbaz Sepulcher, settled in the core of Srirangapatna, remains as a structural demonstration of the glory and social extravagance of Tipu Ruler's reign in the late eighteenth 100 years. This overwhelming construction, otherwise called the Sepulcher of Tipu King, fills in as the last resting place for Tipu Ruler, his dad Hyder Ali, and his mom Fatima Begum. The Gumbaz is a huge milestone that not just recognizes the existences of these verifiable figures yet in addition typifies the social union that characterized Tipu King's standard.Built somewhere in the range of 1782 and 1784, the Gumbaz Tomb is described by its huge vault, striking curves, and an extensive supplication lobby. The focal vault, which rules the construction, is an engineering wonder and a sign of approval for Islamic plan impacts. The vault, alongside the four minarets that encompass it, makes an outwardly striking outline against the background of Srirangapatna's scene. The design flawlessly mixes Islamic and Indian styles, reflecting Tipu Ruler's vision of a realm that embraced social variety.As one methodologies the Gumbaz, the unpredictably cut wooden entryways and nitty gritty calligraphy on the outside walls act as a challenge to investigate the social and creative lavishness inside. The inside of the catacomb is decorated with resplendent points of support and sensitive mathematical examples, displaying the craftsmanship of the craftsmans of that time. The request corridor, with its open format and a focal mihrab showing the heading of Mecca, mirrors the useful yet stylishly satisfying plan that characterizes Islamic design.What makes the Gumbaz Tomb considerably more convincing is the quiet atmosphere that envelopes the complex. The very much kept up with garden encompassing the sepulcher adds to the quietness, offering guests a serene retreat to consider the verifiable meaning of the site. The cadenced reverberations of supplications and a periodic stir of leaves make an environment that transports guests back in time, giving a brief look into the social and otherworldly components of Tipu King's heritage.Past its structural and social importance, the Gumbaz Sepulcher holds a profound verifiable reverberation. It fills in as a representative sign of the turbulent times during the Old English Mysore Wars and a definitive penance made by Tipu Ruler with regards to his realm. The catacomb, lodging the human remaining parts of Tipu King, Hyder Ali, and Fatima Begum, turns into a consecrated space that interfaces guests to the verifiable stories of opposition and versatility against provincial powers.The Gumbaz Catacomb, while a demonstration of Tipu Ruler's social support, likewise remains as a site of journey for those looking to give proper respect to the Tiger of Mysore. The yearly recognition of Tipu Jayanti frequently sees guests from assorted foundations merging at the sepulcher to respect the tradition of this verifiable figure. The Gumbaz turns into a point of convergence for functions, widespread developments, and conversations that further add to the continuous exchange about Tipu Ruler's persevering through influence on the district.

  • af Veena Singh Chauhan
    228,95 kr.

    Know About "Taj Mahal" - The Symbol of Love - A Comprehensive Guide In the heart of India, nestled amidst the dusty plains of Agra, lies a monument that transcends time and whispers tales of undying love. This is the Taj Mahal, a poem sculpted in marble, a testament to the enduring power of devotion. Its ivory-white domes, inlaid with intricate pietra dura, pierce the azure sky, beckoning travelers from afar.More than just a magnificent structure, the Taj Mahal is a love letter etched in stone. It is the story of Shah Jahan, the Mughal emperor who, upon the death of his beloved Mumtaz Mahal, poured his grief and devotion into crafting a monument that would stand for eternity. Legend whispers of 20,000 skilled artisans toiling for over two decades, their love and labor reflected in every delicate curve and intricate mosaic.In 1632, the construction of the Taj Mahal began. An estimated 20,000 artisans from across the known world poured their skill and devotion into the monument. Architects from Persia and the Ottoman Empire combined Mughal traditions with influences from Timurid and European styles, creating a symphony of elegance and harmony.The ivory-white marble, brought from distant quarries, reflected the purity of Mumtaz's soul. Semi-precious stones, meticulously inlaid in intricate patterns, mirrored the celestial constellations, forming a heavenly resting place for her spirit. Every detail, from the delicate calligraphy to the lush gardens, whispered of Shah Jahan's undying love.

  • af Daniy Anouk Summerwood
    266,95 kr.

    Und alles nur, weil ihr das mit der Glühbirne passiert war. Mari strich dem Nachbarsjungen das blonde Haar aus dem Gesicht: Da war das bunt schimmernde Stirnband. Alles deutete darauf hin, dass sie beide es tatsächlich waren: Die Key-Tas. Wirklich? Sie, die junge Allgäuerin mit dem chaotischen Leben und der Leo vom Bauernhof nebenan. Sollten sie tatsächlich die neun Stufen meistern und damit wieder das Gleichgewicht auf diesem Planeten herstellen können? Zweifelnd blickte sie zu dem tibetischen Mönch und der peruanischen Frau, die ihr gegenüberstanden. Sie wirkten so optimistisch und überzeugt. Dann sah sie zu Leo. Dieser nickte ihr freundlich zu, als ob es das Einfachste der Welt wäre, nun die Orte der Initiationen zu suchen. Würden sie die Aufgaben wirklich meistern können? Und was, wenn nicht? Mari fuhr sich nachdenklich über die Stirn. In ihrem Bauch fühlte sie ein klares Ja, doch ihr Kopf rebellierte. Sie beschloss, ihrem starken Gefühl zu folgen, und nickte. Es war ihr Weg, jetzt diese Abenteuerreise anzutreten. Beyond Munay Ki - es gibt immer einen Weg und die Reise beginnt jetzt.

  • af Ashutosh Kumar
    519,95 - 1.467,95 kr.

    This book explores the intricate and intimate relationship between military organization, imperial policy, and society in colonial South Asia. The essays in the volume highlight the salient features of expansion and consolidation of imperial control over the subcontinent, and ultimate demise of the Raj.

  • af John Faithfull Fleet
    168,95 - 323,95 kr.

  • af Monita Kumari
    243,95 kr.

    Daadi Maa's Diary of Secrets is a heartwarming tale that intertwines the past and present through the discovery of a hidden diary. When Vivek, stumbles upon his grandmother's old diary he uncovers long-buried family secrets, personal struggles, and the rich cultural heritage of his ancestors. The diary reveals Daadi Maa's resilience and wisdom as she navigated through societal challenges, family expectations, and personal dreams during her youth in a conservative Indian village.Through this journey, Vivek gains a deeper understanding of his roots and the strong women who shaped his family's history. The diary not only provides insight into Daadi Maa's life but also offers Vivek guidance and inspiration for his own life. The novel beautifully captures the essence of generational bonds, the power of storytelling, and the enduring impact of the past on the present.

  • af Kama Maclean
    388,95 kr.

    Maclean's history of Indian revolutionaries in the interwar years situates their politics of violence in the broader context of the freedom struggle and Congress politics.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    683,95 kr.

    If the mind is total silence, it is muffled, if the mind is muffled the ego is absent, if the ego is absent there is unity with what one is, if there is unity with what one is, there is deep experience with what is real and essential. To meditate deeply is to continually practice the vow of abstention from evil and union with good; it is a constant process because evil or mental illusion reproduces itself, simultaneously both internally and externally. Evil is the mental self subjected to the triple illusion of hatred, selfishness and falsehood, associated with the ego's insatiable desire for power, money and sex. When this desire is cut off, the ego dissolves and does not interfere with the nature of the soul, thus free from the false self. The inattention of the mental self is taken advantage of by the reproduction of evil to enter internally and force its permanence. If you meditate for light, you make a double effort, on the one hand you turn off all light in your inner room, on the other hand you call upon a stranger to give you a light which is not your own or to enter your personal room to turn on for you the very light which you have previously decided to turn off.

  • af Daniel O'Connor
    278,95 kr.

    This collection of the writings of Daniel O'Connor, edited and introduced by David Jasper, is a treasure trove for all interested in the Church in India in the twentieth century.

  • af Ava Lumina
    183,95 kr.

    In a world where the first impression matters, and guest well-being takes center stage, this book, "Lavylites - The Future of Hotel Cosmetics," presents a revolutionary perspective on the significance and application of cosmetic products in the hotel industry. It is an exploration into the heart of hospitality, enriched with innovative ideas and forward-thinking concepts aimed at making every guest's stay an unforgettable experience.Within these pages, we unveil the latest trends and developments in hotel cosmetics, examining how Lavylites, an avant-garde cosmetic brand, is poised to transform the standards of the hospitality industry. From eco-friendly practices to personalized beauty solutions, this book sheds light on how Lavylites contributes to enhancing the hospitality experience while promoting sustainable practices.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    498,95 kr.

    Yogi Mettàtron adds another 4 Noble Truths, thus totaling 8 Noble Truths on the Path. These allow the interaction of the inner force of the Self with the outer nature, including all other beings, perfecting the art of compassion. By the 5th Noble Truth it states that according to the place and time that each human consciousness occupies upon the world, it is its responsibility and power, to prevent the greatest evil from becoming present upon the planet or to allow the greatest good to become present. It defines that every bullet that is fired and kills is possible, because we all souls on the world unconsciously accept it at the same time. A single soul, totally united with God and with perfect love for all, through faith and sincere prayer, can divert and avert a natural catastrophe and even a war. By the 6th Noble Truth it indicates that when there is balance within, opposites rest. This means that when there is perfect equilibrium within, outwardly there is no contradiction or tension between the opposites, harmony dominates over all nature. Duality is subdued. Peace and goodness abound.

  • af Mack Rafeal
    238,95 kr.

    "Tracks and Tastes: A Culinary Journey Through Indian Railway Catering" invites readers on a gastronomic expedition that transcends the ordinary, offering a delectable fusion of flavors and the vibrant tapestry of India's diverse culinary landscape. This title serves as a captivating window into the world of railway catering, where the rhythmic cadence of train tracks converges with the rich tapestry of Indian cuisine.Embark on a journey through the heart of India's railways, where the dining experience becomes a culinary adventure. "Tracks and Tastes" unfolds the stories behind the savory aromas that waft through train cars, bringing to life the regional specialties, cultural nuances, and the culinary craftsmanship that define Indian railway catering.From the hustle and bustle of platform vendors to the intricacies of onboard dining, this title explores the artistry of chefs who navigate the challenges of creating flavorful masterpieces in the limited confines of a moving train. Readers will discover the secrets behind iconic railway dishes, regional delicacies, and the innovative twists that chefs bring to the table."Tracks and Tastes" is not just a culinary exploration but a celebration of the cultural mosaic that flavors Indian railway journeys. It captures the essence of the dining car as a microcosm of India's diverse food heritage, where each meal tells a story, and every bite is a journey in itself. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or an armchair adventurer, this title promises to evoke the sights, sounds, and, most importantly, the tastes of an unforgettable culinary voyage through the heart of Indian railway catering. All aboard for a savory expedition that promises to tantalize the taste buds and leave you hungry for more.

  • af Sardha Ram
    258,95 - 363,95 kr.

  • af Jai Chakrabarti
    183,95 kr.

    A dazzling novel—set in early 1970's New York and rural India—the story of a turbulent, unlikely romance, a harrowing account of the lasting horrors of World War II, and a searing examination of one man's search for forgiveness and acceptance.“Looks deeply at the echoes and overlaps among art, resistance, love, and history ... an impressive debut.” —Meg Wolitzer, best-selling author of The Female PersuasionNew York City, 1972. Jaryk Smith, a survivor of the Warsaw Ghetto, and Lucy Gardner, a southerner, newly arrived in the city, are in the first bloom of love when they receive word that Jaryk's oldest friend has died under mysterious circumstances in a rural village in eastern India. Travelling there alone to collect his friend's ashes, Jaryk soon finds himself enmeshed in the chaos of local politics and efforts to stage a play in protest against the government—the same play that he performed as a child in Warsaw as an act of resistance against the Nazis. Torn between the survivor's guilt he has carried for decades and his feelings for Lucy (who, unbeknownst to him, is pregnant with his child), Jaryk must decide how to honor both the past and the present, and how to accept a happiness he is not sure he deserves. An unforgettable love story, a provocative exploration of the role of art in times of political upheaval, and a deeply moving reminder of the power of the past to shape the present, A Play for the End of the World is a remarkable debut from an exciting new voice in fiction.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    423,95 kr.

    The Order that exists in the Totality of relative existence is recreated from instant to instant by a frothy form of Cosmic Unified Consciousness through a constant flow of quantum information. It is what allows atomic sub-particles to flicker through quantum tunnelling, creating uncertainty while maintaining universal coherence. This scale of consciousness has existed since the origin of the cosmos and is the closest thing to our preconception of God. Everything is information and energy, it is what separates us from chaos. It is the software of Creation, a Fifth Force that makes the other four possible: gravity, electromagnetism, electroweak force and electro-strong force. So God, in this physical aspect, or this Quantum Unified Field Consciousness, is an essence of physical and not immaterial existence. So it is always possible to make intelligent contact with it. The very life known on Earth developed its potential consciousness from this form of Cosmic Proto-Mind. The human brain possesses the capacity to communicate, interact and expand on the scale of this universal consciousness.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    423,95 kr.

    If we increase the charge of our inner prana, our meditations will be much more intense, and it will be easier for us to enter into the state of emptiness and silence of mind, where it is possible to attract God's blessing and dialogue with Him. Our prayers will contain the same thoughts and words, but they will be recharged with energy and will penetrate space and time and obtain the desired response. Our bodies are nourished by food, water, air and the sun, but it is through the medulla oblongata or "mouth of God" that it receives directly the cosmic energy which is distributed through the subtle channels or nadis throughout the body. Through concentration, breathing, willpower, tension and relaxation it is possible to conduct the prana to the various parts of the body and learn to accumulate it there to recharge those cells.

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