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  • af Ari Huhta, Lea Nieminen, Claudia Harsch & mfl.
    506,95 - 1.648,95 kr.

  • af Brainerd Kellogg
    257,95 kr.

    The plan of "Higher Lessons" will perhaps be better understood if we first speak of two classes of text-books with which this work is brought into competition. In one class are those that aim chiefly to present a course of technical grammar in the order of Orthography, Etymology, Syntax, and Prosody. These books give large space to grammatical Etymology, and demand much memorizing of definitions, rules, declensions, and conjugations, and much formal word parsing,-work of which a considerable portion is merely the invention of grammarians, and has little value in determining the pupil's use of language or in developing his reasoning faculties. This is a revival of the long?endured, unfruitful, old-time method. In another class are those that present a miscellaneous collection of lessons in Composition, Spelling, Pronunciation, Sentence-analysis, Technical Grammar, and General Information, without unity or continuity. The pupil who completes these books will have gained something by practice and will have picked up some scraps of knowledge; but his information will be vague and disconnected, and he will have missed that mental training which it is the aim of a good text-book to afford. A text-book is of value just so far as it presents a clear, logical development of its subject. It must present its science or its art as a natural growth, otherwise there is no apology for its being. In this revised work we have given additional reasons for the opinions we hold, and have advanced to some new positions; have explained more fully what some teachers have thought obscure; have qualified what we think was put too positively in former editions; have given the history of constructions where this would deepen interest or aid in composition; have quoted the verdicts of usage on many locutions condemned by purists; have tried to work into the pupil's style the felicities of expression found in the lesson sentences; have taught the pupil earlier in the work, and more thoroughly, the structure and the function of paragraphs; and have led him on from the composition of single sentences of all kinds to the composition of these great groups of sentences. But the distinctive features of "Higher Lessons" that have made the work so useful and so popular stand as they have stood-the Study of Words from their Offices in the Sentence, Analysis for the sake of subsequent Synthesis, Easy Gradation, the Subdivisions and Modifications of the Parts of Speech after the treatment of these in the Sentence, etc., etc. We confess to some surprise that so little of what was thought good in matter and method years ago has been seriously affected by criticism since. The additions made to "Higher Lessons"-additions that bring the work up to the latest requirements-are generally in foot-notes to pages, and sometimes are incorporated into the body of the Lessons, which in number and numbering remain as they were. The books of former editions and those of this revised edition can, therefore, be used in the same class without any inconvenience.

  • af Fiona Farr & Angela Farrell
    347,95 - 927,95 kr.

  • af Arina Glozman
    107,95 kr.

    Imagínate. Imagine.Imagine having your life turned upside down before you even knew it could be. When Andrés is just a toddler, his parents leave their small town in Honduras in search of economic opportunities that no longer exist due to the deadly hurricane that devastated the country in 1998, Hurricane Mitch. He is left in the care of extended family members, some more caring than others, until a plan is formed that takes him from everything he knows in Quebrada Seca, Honduras, first to the border between Mexico and the United States, and then to a new life in New England.Take the journey with Andrés and his aunt, a girl not too much older than he, experiencing the trials they face along the way. Then learn how his life unfolds as he becomes reacquainted with his parents, a completely new language, and in a place that is nothing like the one he left behind. This fictional story is about a boy who arrives in the United States and how he navigates the simplicity of a kid's life with the complexities of his legal status. Andrés's experience is unique as it is his, though it is one of many that unfold with the arrivals of tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors to the United States annually. Imagine. Can you?

  • af Raphaela Floréz
    157,95 kr.

    Libro de gramática inglesa.:- fácil y sencillamente explicado.- contiene los temas más importantes.- incluyendo los verbos irregulares- con muchos ejemplos- con traducción 1:1 de la novela que incluye muchos diálogos.a la novela.:(La trama principal es que un vecino de los dos personajes principales (Sophia y Henrik) ha desaparecido..Todo apunta a un crimen, pero no hay pruebas de ello y la historia tampoco puede aclararse... En el curso posterior de la Henrik está cada vez más bajo sospecha, se revelan más detalles y se cuentan historias paralelas..)

  • af Inglés En 100 Días
    187,95 kr.

    "Inglâes bâasico sâuper râapido es un curso acelerado de inglâes americano para que puedas aprender râapidamente todo lo que necesitas para defenderte en las principales situaciones que te encontrarâas en Estados Unidos. Gracias a nuestro exclusivo formato LibroWeb, aprenderâas aâun mâas fâacilmente con cientos de videos, audios y ejercicios online para tu telâefono celular y computadora. ÆNadie te da mâas! Inglâes bâasico sâuper râapido incluye: - 100 lecciones imprescindibles de fâacil comprensiâon, con explicaciones sencillas. - Las 365 expresiones y frases esenciales, para aprender una al dâia, cada dâia del aäno. - Las 1,000 palabras mâas usadas con su guâia de pronunciaciâon y ejemplos de uso. - Una guâia simplificada de conjugaciâon de los verbos mâas usados. - Las 134 reglas de pronunciaciâon de inglâes americano, explicadas con ejemplos."--

  • af Samuel Kirkham
    257,95 kr.

    English Grammar in familiar Lectures, accompanied by a Compendium, embracing a new systematic order of Parsing, a new system of Punctuation, exercises in false Syntax, and a System of Philosophical Grammar in notes: to which are added an Appendix, and a Key to the Exercises: designed for the use of Schools and Private Learners. By Samuel Kirkham. Eleventh Edition, enlarged and improved." In conformity to the act of Congress of the United States, entitled "an act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the time therein mentioned." And also to an act entitled "an act supplementary to an act entitled an act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned, and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints. This work is mainly designed as a Reading-Book for Schools. In the first part of it, the principles of reading are developed and explained in a scientific and practical manner, and so familiarly illustrated in their application to practical examples as to enable even the juvenile mind very readily to comprehend their nature and character, their design and use, and thus to acquire that high degree of excellence, both, in reading and speaking, which all desire, but to which few attain. The last part of the work, contains Selections from the greatest master?pieces of rhetorical and poetical composition, both ancient and modern. Many of these selections are taken from the most elegant and classical American authors, writers whose noble productions have already shed an unfading lustre, and stamped immortality upon the literature of our country. In the select part of the work, rhetorical marks are also employed to point out the application of the principles laid down in the first part. The very favorable reception of the work by the public, and its astonishingly rapid introduction into schools, since its first publication in 1833, excites in the author the most sanguine hopes in regard to its future success.

  • af Gerry Arce
    287,95 kr.

    "Learning English with Movies" v.2 is the perfect guide for intermediate English language students who love movies and wish to improve their language skills. This book offers an engaging approach to learning English, using movies as the main topic. This book provides a step-by-step guide to help students understand and learn English through their favorite films. By using movie recommendations, students will be able to learn and practice their English language skills in a fun and enjoyable way. Whether you're a film enthusiast or simply looking to improve your language skills, "Learning English with Movies" v.2 is an essential guide for improving your English language.

  • af Edgar Allan Poe
    192,95 kr.

    Leseprobe: Innovative Lesemethode: "The Black Cat" ("Der schwarze Kater") ist eine Kurzgeschichte von Edgar Allan Poe. Sie handelt von der Wesensveränderung eines einst weichherzigen Jungen zu einem psychotischen Mörder. Edgar Allan Poe war ein US-amerikanischer Schriftsteller. Er prägte entscheidend die Gattung der Kurzgeschichte sowie die Genres der Kriminalliteratur und der Horror- bzw. Schauerliteratur. Ungekürzter Originaltext. Spaß am Lesen im Original - und das schon als Anfänger oder Wiedereinsteiger. Innovative Lesemethode von Ilya Frank. Fremdsprachen durch Spaß am Lesen lernen, auffrischen und perfektionieren. Effiziente und mühelose Erweiterung des Wortschatzes dank der innovativen Lesemethode. Es bereitet keine Mühe, um im Original zu lesen und kein Wörterbuch ist notwendig, um jedes Wort genau zu verstehen. Nebenbei erlernt man den Wortschatz und wiederholt / verbessert die Grammatik. Dank der integrierten Hörbücher wird auch das Hörverständnis trainiert.

  • af Rosa von Trautheim
    237,95 kr.

    Liebe Lernende! Liebe Dozentinnen und Dozenten! Seit Juli 2022 gibt es, wie wir alle wissen, neue Prüfungsformate für Berufssprachkurse, die es in sich haben und große Herausforderungen mit sich bringen. Wir wollen Sie dabei unterstützen, damit Sie sich bzw. Ihre Teilnehmer gut auf die neuen Prüfungen vorbereiten können. Damit Sie ausreichend Übungen von prüfungsähnlichen Aufgaben haben, haben wir für alle Teile dieser Prüfung entsprechendes Material ausgearbeitet. In diesem Heft finden Sie 10 prüfungsähnliche Modell E-Mails für den Subtest Lesen und Schreiben. In diesem Teil muss man eine E-Mail lesen und dann an den Kunden eine E-Mail zurückschreiben. Ferner müssen Sie zwei Multiple-Choice-Aufgaben lösen, bevor Sie das E-Mail schreiben. Dieses Buch ist für diejenigen gedacht, die kurz vor der Prüfung stehen und einfach mehr Modell E-Mails üben wollen.

  • af Anonymous
    299,95 kr.

    Unterrichtsentwurf aus dem Jahr 2022 im Fachbereich Didaktik für das Fach Englisch - Literatur, Werke, Note: 1,0, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Dies ist ein ausführlicher Unterrichtsentwurf für die 12. Klasse für das Fach Englisch zu der Beziehung zwischen Nick und Jordan aus dem Roman "The Great Gatsby". Die Unterrichtstunde leistet einen Beitrag zur Erweiterung der Textverstehenskompetenz, indem die Schülerinnen und Schüler (SuS) sich mit den Charaktereigenschaften der Figuren auseinandersetzen und dies für die weitere Deutung der Personenbeziehungen nutzen.

  • af Comic Books Restore
    205,95 kr.

    In this completely renovated book with a new layout. You will find two books in one. - The bandit bunny alphabet, published in 1901, written by Charles M. Snyder and illustrated by George Reiter Brill. - The Teddy Bear, ABC, published in 1907, written by Laura Rinkle Johnson and illustrated by Margaret Landers Sanford. - New Layouts - Format 8'x10' - New colors (correction) - Correction color shift

  • af Mari G Duran
    197,95 kr.

    BYE-BYE WORKBOOK. ¡APRENDE INGLÉS CON EL TRUQUIBOOK!   ¿Te falta vocabulary? Descubrirás nuevas palabras con crosswords y sopas de letras. ¿No hay forma de pillar las informal contractions? Lo conseguirás con música. ¿Quieres camelarte a los false friends? Se convertirán en tus besties con juegos ilustrados. Un cuaderno con actividades, pasatiempos, juegos, quizz y muchos truquitos para aprender inglés como nunca. Dale vidilla a tu speaking, canta los idioms hasta que los entiendas y no dejes que los phrasal verbs te saquen más de quicio. Todo lo que vas a encontrar y aprender en este libro: - Juegos, ejercicios y pasatiempos para descubrir vocabulario y entender la gramática en inglés. - Ejercicios de pronunciación para que dejes atrás la vergüenza de hablar en inglés. - Los mejores tips para que los phrasal verbs dejen de atormentarte. - Las respuestas a tus dudas más frecuentes en inglés. - Las expresiones y las frases más típicas, para que quedes como un auténtico pro. - Los truquitos más top de vocabulario, gramática, expresiones y pronunciación en inglés. DESCUBRE CON MARÍASPEAKSENGLISH (MÁS) TRUQUITOS Y ACTIVIDADES DE INGLÉS QUE TE LLEVARÁN A OTRO LEVELENGLISH DESCRIPTIONBYE-BYE, WORKBOOK. LEARN ENGLISH WITH THE TRICKBOOK! Do you lack vocabulary? You will learn new words through crossword puzzles and word searches.   Isn’t there a way to find informal contractions? You will achieve this with music.  Want to captivate false friends? They will become your besties with some illustrated games.   A booklet with activities, pastimes, quizzes, games, and many tricks to learn English like never before.   Spice up your speaking, sing idioms until you understand them, and do not let phrasal verbs get on your nerves.   Everything you will find and learn in this book:   Games, exercises, and pastimes to learn more vocabulary and understand English grammar. Pronunciation exercises to get rid of the shame of speaking English.The best tips to end the torment of phrasal verbs.Answers to your most frequent questions regarding the English language.The most common expressions and phrases to make you look like a real pro.The best tricks regarding vocabulary, grammar, idioms, and English pronunciation.  JOIN @MARIASPEAKSENGLISH AND LEARN (MORE) TRICKS AND ACTIVITIES THAT WILL TAKE YOUR ENGLISH TO THE NEXT LEVEL.

  • af Pamela J. Sharpe
    397,95 kr.

    Barron’s newest edition of TOEFL iBT has been fully updated to reflect the new TOEFL format and provides flexible study options and key skills review to help you study what you need to know for the test. This edition includes: 8 full-length TOEFL iBT practice tests that reflect the most recent test format with answer explanations Comprehensive review of required academic and language skills Four video lessons on the key skills needed to succeed on the TOEFL: Note Taking, Paraphrasing, Summarizing, and Synthesis Grammar review that supports the Speaking and Writing Sections Online audio for all listening prompts

  • af Lin Lougheed
    377,95 kr.

    "Barron's updated IELTS Premium provides practice for both Academic and General Training tests. Get practice and explanations for all of the question types, plus audio tracks for the listening section. This edition features: Four practice Academic tests reflective of the most recent exams; Two practice General Training tests; Online audio for all tests and activities: An audioscript for the listening sections; ​Explanatory answers for all test questions: ​Practice with all question types, including multiple-choice, short answer, sentence completion, flowchart completion, graphs, tables, note taking, summarizing, labeling diagrams and maps, classification, matching, and selecting from a list"--

  • af Lin Lougheed
    294,95 kr.

    "This manual provides students with extensive practice in the actual test-taking experience as an efficient way of improving their score when they take the actual TOEIC. Inside students will find: Six full-length practice exams that reflect the actual TOEIC in length, subject matter, question types, and degree of difficulty, Answer explanations for all questions, Online audio for all six TOEIC listening comprehension sections, Recommendations for web-based self-study activities."--

  • af Lin Lougheed
    342,95 kr.

    Barron’s TOEIC Premium is designed for ESL students preparing to take the Test of English for International Communication. Test-takers will find: Extensive practice in listening and reading comprehension skills Six full-length practice tests identical in format and question types to the current TOEIC with answer explanations for all questions Topics and vocabulary most frequently seen on the actual TOEIC Online audio for all six TOEIC listening comprehension sections Recommendations for web-based self-study activities   Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entities included with the product.

  • af Yirgalem Girma
    532,95 kr.

    Master's Thesis from the year 2023 in the subject Didactics for the subject English - Pedagogy, Literature Studies, grade: 3.81, Addis Ababa University, language: English, abstract: The major objective of the study was to assess students¿ perceptions towards EFL large classes in terms of its instructional, psychological and social aspects and their perceived challenges. To this end, two preparatory schools were selected owing to their convenience for the study, the researchers¿ familiarity with the situation and the serious situational constraints related to EFL large class size with special reference to grade eleven. To achieve the purpose of the study, a descriptive research method was employed because the main objective was just to gather information about students¿ perceptions and their perceived difficulties. Likert-scale type questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were employed to gather adequate data from the student respondents, but only open-ended and close-ended questionnaires were distributed to eight randomly selected EFL teachers to confirm data obtained from their students. The instruments were piloted before the main study on 20 students and some modifications were made on their grammar and wordings, but six items were rejected. Out of 1545 students, 155 were selected as samples through simple random sampling technique and ten of them were voluntarily selected and interviewed. The data collected through likert type questionnaires were analyzed through descriptive statistics like frequency, percentages and means. Data gathered through interview were analyzed through descriptive statements. The data gathered through questionnaires were substantiated by the data obtained through interview.

  • af Alex Ding
    445,95 kr.

    This book, written by pioneering architects of original social theory in educational/linguistic fields as well as expert practitioners, systematically exposes the sociological commitments of mainstream ideas and theories in English for Academic Purposes (EAP), commitments which are very often not fully examined by the discipline, but nonetheless shape practitioners' ideas and their praxis.The initial chapters outline what social theory is; the normative, critical, descriptive, social and generative purposes it serves; the scope and limits of social theory, and tracing the major historical traditions and recent currents. This mapping of social theory is followed by a detailed argument that makes the case for the centrality of social theory for EAP practitioners and praxis and the need to develop a sociological imagination to enhance knowledge and agency of practitioners. The contributions reveal the sociological foundations and commitments that underpin established theories in EAP, such as genre theories, systemic functional linguistics, and academic literacies. Each of these three major research streams in EAP is subject to critical analysis, linking each of these streams to the sociological commitments that underpin them. Finally, the book explores the social theories and approaches that have yet to make a full or significant impact on EAP research and practice, but would enable practitioners and researchers to understand educational contexts, texts, structures, culture(s), knowledge production and producers, and social agents with greater sociological clarity and sophistication. Topics covered include: social realism, legitimation code theory, critical realism, ethnography, feminism and Bourdieusian concepts for EAP. The overarching aim of this volume is to position social theory much more centrally to frameworks and conceptions of the (unstable and contested) knowledge-base for EAP practitioners and to promote a 'sociological imagination' among and for EAP practitioners.

  • af Jenny Goldmann
    152,95 - 227,95 kr.

  • af Anonymous
    310,95 kr.

    Seminar paper from the year 2022 in the subject Didactics for the subject English - Pedagogy, Literature Studies, grade: 2,3, University of Potsdam, language: English, abstract: With Byram's savoirs being represented in the most important documents that deal with foreign language education, do editors choose tasks that promote intercultural communicative competence based on Byram's savoirs? And if yes, to what extent? This paper aims at answering these questions for the Camden Town 4 coursebook for the German Gymnasium. To be able to answer them at the end of this paper, I define intercultural communicative competence. A special focus is placed on Michael Byram's Model of Intercultural Communicative Competence, which will be explained in detail, then examples of how this competence can be implemented in the foreign language classroom will be presented. To round off the theoretical part, critiques that arose on Byram's model will be presented. Before starting to analyze the chosen coursebook, the methodology for this analysis will be explained. The term paper finished off with a conclusion that will answer the above-stated research question.In our rapidly growing and globalized world, more and more businesses require workers that are not only skilled in their areas but also interculturally competent. The lack of intercultural competence manifests itself in the training these businesses provide for their employees to develop it. With this necessity, intercultural competence logically moves into the focus not only of businesses but are also addressed in educational environments and are of special interest to foreign language teachers. Michael Byram already identified the necessity to include this competence in the goals in foreign language teaching in the late 90s. Up to then, the existing goals for language learners disregarded the importance of "the social identities and cultural competence of the learner in any intercultural interaction." (Byram, 1997: 8). He established a new model that had the goal to turn language learners into intercultural speakers. His model consists of five so-called savoirs and is, although developed 25 years ago, still one of the most important and present models concerning intercultural competence.

  • af Language Guru
    97,95 kr.

    Are you learning English? If so, that's great! We would like to help you on your journey to learn English.Reading in English is perhaps the best way to build up your vocabulary. With our book English Short Stories for Beginners, you can practice reading while working on your English vocabulary and grammar skills as an ESL learner.Each chapter comes with an ESL glossary to help you learn new words and phrases more easily.Test your understanding of each English short story using the comprehension questions.¿Learn English grammar naturally from texts written by native speakers from the United States.Grab your copy now and get started today!

  • af Yeneneh Wubetu
    642,95 kr.

    Master's Thesis from the year 2017 in the subject Didactics for the subject English - Pedagogy, Literature Studies, grade: 3.97 on a 4.0 scale, Haramaya University (School of Foreign Languages and Journalism), course: Teaching English as a Foreign Language, language: English, abstract: The purpose of this study was to identify the oral communication skills that Tourism and Hotel Management students (THMS) at Haramaya University need for their academic and career purposes. Particularly, this study aimed to assess the value of specific oral communication skills within occupational contexts, identify oral communication problems of THMS and explore the communicative events that arise during oral interactions. To attain the objectives, this research employed cross-sectional survey design and explanatory method for data analysis. The practitioners¿ questionnaire was distributed to 110 tourism and hospitality guest-facing practitioners, and THMS (n=70) filled in THMS¿ questionnaire. A semi-structured interview was conducted with 3 subject area lecturers. The quantitative data were processed by using SPSS 20 while the qualitative ones were coded based on semantic affinity for analysis. The study revealed that listening skills such as comprehending colloquial and idiomatic expressions, understanding guests¿ multifarious English accents, recognizing meaning shift because of change in intonation and stress are worthwhile for THMS¿ prospective careers in tourism and hospitality sector. Effective communication with guests on the phone, clear and direct speech, interpretation without meaning distortion and appropriate responses to guests¿ requests and complaints were found to be equally important speaking skills. Similarly, eye-contact, facial expressions, gesture, tone and pitch volume were found to be the salient non-verbal communication behaviors that should comply with the communicative contexts during oral interactions. The research indicated that most THMS lacked spoken production skills, spoken interaction skills and nonverbal communication skills. It also showed that the communicative events that arise during oral communication in occupational and academic contexts require THMS to have good command of oral proficiency. Therefore, it can be concluded that THMS¿ current oral proficiency may adversely affect their academic performance and employability skills. Based on the findings, the researcher recommends oral communication trainings that can enhance THMS¿ academic involvements and employability skills, and the inclusion of oral communication courses in THM curriculum for prospective use.

  • af Rashmeen Majahar Mulla
    442,95 kr.

    This book is for those whose mother tongue or native language are different from English. In this book I have tried to do just that is to improve your English speaking skills. After reading this book you will feel much more confidents and better equipped at speaking better English. The book contains 100 days and each day is given in a detailed manner so that you get the full knowledge about the given topic. Book also contains vocabulary, idioms, grammar parts, fiction and nonfiction stories, informational essays and many more related to english speaking skills. They may help you in practicing correct and fluent English. Practicing is the first step for fluency. So follow properly and keep practicing and keep growing..

  • af Taylor Sapp
    72,95 kr.

    Police can read your mind and detect potential future crimes! The hero of this story is a member of the Thought Police, whose job it is to detect when people are thinking criminal or anti-social thoughts. But what happens when he commits a thought crime?Sci-Fi Fantasy Graded Readers for ELT are designed to bring science fiction and fantasy into the ESL or EFL classroom. These genres allow readers to grapple with serious issues in a way that promotes the use of the imagination.Inside find:Before You Read QuestionsThe story (2166 Words / A2)Comprehension QuestionsWriting Prompt

  • af Jan Edwards Dormer
    437,95 kr.

    ELT Basics is an invaluable resource for those seeking a straightforward, practical, and foundational understanding of English language teaching. This book covers a broad range of important topics, such as what it means to "know" a language, how people learn new languages, and what teachers can do to teach English effectively. In this concise volume, you'll find lists, visuals, and other resources to maximize understanding, even with limited time. Whether you're looking for a basic understanding of ELT or considering a career in language teaching but want to know more first, this book will teach you about language acquisition as well as how to plan, instruct, and assess multilingual learners of English. With its global audience-minded approach and its final chapter highlighting resources to help you continue your teaching journey, ELT Basics is the perfect springboard for further reflection and learning about teaching the English language.**This title also includes a companion website with online resources.**

  • af Heiko Karl Ital
    136,95 kr.

    In diesem Lehrwerk sind die deutschen Verbtabellen der Stufe A1/1 in alphabetischer Reihenfolge aufgeführt. Dadurch ist es eine große Hilfe für Sprachanfänger beim Erlernen der deutschen Sprache.

  • af Kappiya Classics
    247,95 kr.

    Kappiya's English Grammar-1This book encloses idioms, phrases and clauses and the explanations for the idioms and phrases categorized with examples and exercises.

  • af Vera Graham
    167,95 kr.

    The aim of this course is for students to practise and improve their speaking, listening, and pronunciation skills. Along the way the student will learn plenty of new vocabulary - including non-literal English expressions, such as idioms, phrasal verbs, and slang - and also practise reading, writing, and grammar skills, e.g. verb forms, word order, parts of a sentence, and so on. This book provides an organised sequence of learning activities for students at intermediate level (CEF B2). We believe that there is easily enough material here for a 90-minute lesson. Of course, how long the material lasts will depend on a variety of factors, such as the level of your students, and how familiar they are with these techniques. If you used any or all of the extension activities, you could make the material last much longer. Although many of the activities in this book can be used without having previously studied.

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