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  • af Manfred Schlüter
    162,95 kr.

    There is the Yellow ocean.There is the Red ocean.And there is the Blue ocean.And everything is in order. Until one day,the little Blue one gets lost and ends up in the Red ocean.At that moment a game starts,in which the little Yellow one, the little Red one and the little Blue one show that an ocean can be full of colors and shapes.And full of happiness!

  • af Julia Reuter
    174,95 kr.

    Bachelor Thesis from the year 2009 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Culture and Applied Geography, grade: 1,3, University of Passau (Faculty of Philosophy), course: International Cultural and Business Studies, language: English, abstract: This paper focuses on the physical sites which are associated with Jane Austen: the places where she lived and a selection of locations which appear in film adaptations of her novels. Both types attract thousands of visitors from all over the world each year. This leads to some of the following questions: Why do people feel the need to follow in her footsteps? Do they require these physical places in order to remember her? And considering the fact that the locations in question are now part of the tourism industry, how much do they actually still have to do with Jane Austen?In cultural studies, memory is one of the most frequently discussed issues. In the last twenty years alone, there have been numerous publications on the subject. Inspired by the seminal work of Maurice Halbwachs (1877-1945), who was one of the first scholars to regard memory as a social phenomenon, Jan Assmann developed his theory of the ¿cultural memory¿ in 1988. Pierre Noräs concept of the lieux de mémoire, begun in 1984, continues to draw a great deal of attention in academic circles as well.It is the aim of this paper to shed some light on the role the Jane Austen locations play in remembering her. In order to gain an understanding of this issue, certain aspects of Halbwachs¿, Noräs and Assmann¿s theories will be connected to Jane Austen tourism. A short summary of their ideas can be found in chapter 2. The criteria by which the locations will be evaluated are listed in chapter 3. Chapter 4 contains an analysis of some of the most prominent Jane Austen-themed locations in contemporary England, including their relevance to Jane Austen¿s life. The first part concentrates on places where she actually lived and where she stayed for longer periods of time. These are arranged in chronological order and followed by an analysis of several memorable film locations. In chapter 5, theory and practice will be joined in order to find answers to the questions previously asked. Finally, the paper ends with an overview of the relevant points.

  • af Lea-Christin Klaas
    159,95 kr.

    Seminar paper from the year 2020 in the subject Didactics for the subject English - Grammar, Style, Working Technique, grade: 1,7, University of Dortmund (Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik), course: Hauptseminar Fachdidaktik, language: English, abstract: This paper deals with the analysis of Cornelsen's English G 21 - A1 textbook for secondary schools, published in 2007 for students in year 5, from an English as a lingua franca-aware perspective. First, the theoretical framework will be presented, where important definitions such as English as a lingua franca will be explained. Afterward, the applied chapter will be presented with its learning goals and strategies and a short reference concerning the curriculum will be made.In the analysis, the first chapter of the textbook will be examined and evaluated by applying Syrbe and Roses' research questions as well as the criteria from Galloway and a few other interesting aspects to look at. Finally, a conclusion will be drawn regarding the teaching material and the own future teaching.In this paper, a textbook will be analyzed from an English as a lingua franca-aware perspective. A lingua franca describes a "contact language, that is, a vehicular language between speakers that do not share a first language", so for example a German and a French agreeing on talking English because the German does not speak French and the other way around. Here it is important to say that this does not only include face to face communication but all types of communication including via the internet and everywhere in the world.

  • af Francis André-Cartigny
    317,95 kr.

    Langues, politiques et religions furent étroitement liées au cours de notre histoire. Les changements intervenus à la fin du 18ième siècle furent à l'origine de sévères luttes en faveur du maintien de la langue allemande séculaire dans l'enseignement en Moselle et en Alsace. L'annexion allemande de 1871 allait dissiper ces divergences pour un temps. Bismarck fut-il convaincu de l'opportunité de nationaliser l'Alsace et la Lorraine et même un temps le Luxembourg face à la montée des sentiments identitaires que véhiculaient déjà les langages locaux au 19ième siècle ?La définition des dialectes locaux est aberrante en Moselle. Elle repose sur des notions linguistiques générales dépassées et sur des critères de frontières nationales de 1815. La Moselle partage avec la Rhénanie deux langages différents, avec l'Alsace un dialecte alémanique et encore un autre langage avec la Belgique et le Luxembourg.Le grand retour des langues dites régionales fut l'occasion de remettre en question notre vision hexagonale du sujet et de redécouvrir les véritables dimensions de chaque zone dialectale vivante et active en Europe. Ce réveil dut certainement activer la résurgence des sentiments identitaires régionaux.À l'heure où l'Europe des langues régionales devient réalité, il est temps de partager avec nos voisins nos efforts pour la conservation d'un patrimoine culturel et linguistique commun. Enfin la langue allemande mériterait également un retour dans les écoles mosellanes au côté du français comme c'est toujours le cas au Luxembourg afin de rétablir notre bilinguisme séculaire utile dans le contexte international actuel.En annexe un mini lexique historico-linguistique français-luxembourgeois.Après avoir résidé au Grand-Duché et y avoir occupé des fonctions de chef d'entreprise bancaire, il fonde un centre de formation de langues en Lorraine, sous un statut associatif, agréé par le Ministère du Travail. Durant dix années il assura des formations linguistiques adaptées au demandeurs d'emplois candidats au travail frontalier et les conseille et les suit dans leurs démarches. Par ailleurs, il forme en luxembourgeois employés déjà en fonctions au Luxembourg cadres et personnels spécialisés: infirmières, médecins, psychologues cliniques, mais aussi avocats et personnels bancaires etc... et leur assure la formation adéquate.

  • af Yuriy Ivantsiv
    312,95 kr.

    Przez cäe ¿ycie b¿dziesz miä do czynienia z ró¿nymi kulturami i j¿zykami w taki czy inny sposób. Znajomo¿¿ j¿zyka obcego znacznie u¿atwia interakcj¿ z innym typem kultury, poprawia status spo¿eczny i finansowy, zapewnia rozwój kariery, daje mo¿liwo¿ci wyräania siebie i rozpowszechniania idei, otwiera perspektywy nowoczesnej edukacji, pomaga w osi¿ganiu celów i zamierze¿. Jednak w procesie studiowania na pewno b¿dziesz musiä zmierzy¿ si¿ z trudno¿ciami, do których pokonania brakuje Ci czasem do¿wiadczenia i niezb¿dnej wiedzy. Ten praktyczny poradnik b¿dzie por¿cznym narz¿dziem dla szerokiego grona odbiorców: tych, którzy chc¿ si¿ uczy¿ j¿zyka obcego lub ju¿ si¿ go ucz¿, niezale¿nie od tego, czy ucz¿ si¿ go samodzielnie, czy z nauczycielem, indywidualnie, w grupie, czy w instytucji edukacyjnej (szko¿a, kolegium, uniwersytet, akademia). Ksi¿¿ka pomo¿e ustrukturyzowä i zorganizowä indywidualny proces uczenia si¿ oraz pozwoli wybrä metodologi¿, która b¿dzie ciekawa i ¿atwa w realizacji. Tytu¿ podr¿cznika odzwierciedla jego zawarto¿¿: dotyczy on aktualnych problemów i mo¿liwych rozwi¿zä. Materiä jest przedstawiony zwi¿¿le i konkretnie. Przedstawione w ksi¿¿ce metody mo¿na od razu wykorzystä w swojej praktyce j¿zykowej. Wybierz metod¿, która jest interesuj¿ca i najlepiej pasuje do Twojego tempa i stylu ¿ycia. Niech nauka j¿zyka stanie si¿ dla Ciebie naturalnym i ekscytuj¿cym procesem! W ksi¿¿ce poruszono nast¿puj¿ce zagadnienia: Czym jest j¿zyk? / Dlaczego nie udaje si¿ nauczy¿ j¿zyka obcego? / Ile czasu po¿wi¿cisz na nauk¿ j¿zyka? / Czas trwania zaj¿¿. / Minimalny zasób s¿ownictwa z j¿zyka obcego. / Jaki podr¿cznik wybrä do nauki j¿zyka? / Jak wybrä nauczyciela? / Jak przygotowä si¿ do egzaminu j¿zykowego? / J¿zyk obcy dla dzieci. / Ksztäcenie na odleg¿o¿¿. / Jak trenowä i rozwijä pami¿¿. / Szkolenie. / Nauka gramatyki. / Nauka fonetyki. / Nauka s¿ownictwa. / Rozwijanie umiej¿tno¿ci s¿uchania. / Rozwijanie umiej¿tno¿ci mówienia. / Rozwijanie umiej¿tno¿ci czytania. / Rozwijanie umiej¿tno¿ci pisania. / ¿rodowisko j¿zykowe. / Krajoznawstwo. / Szok kulturowy.

  • af Yuriy Ivantsiv
    327,95 kr.

    Im Laufe Ihres Lebens werden Sie auf die eine oder andere Weise mit verschiedenen Kulturen und Sprachen zu tun haben. Die Kenntnis einer Fremdsprache erleichtert die Interaktion mit einer anderen Art von Kultur, verbessert den sozialen und finanziellen Status, sorgt für berufliches Wachstum, bietet Möglichkeiten zur Selbstdarstellung und zur Verbreitung von Ideen, eröffnet Perspektiven für eine moderne Bildung und hilft Ihnen, Ihre Ziele zu erreichen. Im Laufe des Studiums werden Sie jedoch mit Sicherheit auf Schwierigkeiten stoßen, für deren Überwindung Ihnen manchmal die Erfahrung und das nötige Wissen fehlen. Dieser praktische Guide ist ein praktisches Hilfsmittel für ein breites Publikum: diejenigen, die eine Fremdsprache lernen wollen oder bereits lernen, egal ob sie sie alleine oder mit einem Lehrer, einzeln, in einer Gruppe oder in einer Bildungseinrichtung (Schule, Hochschule, Universität, Akademie) lernen. Der Workshop wird Ihnen dabei helfen, Ihren individuellen Lernprozess zu strukturieren und zu organisieren und eine Methodik zu wählen, die interessant und einfach zu befolgen ist. Der Titel des Handbuchs spiegelt seinen Inhalt wider: Es geht um aktuelle Fragen und mögliche Lösungen. Der Stoff wird prägnant und konkret dargestellt. Die im Buch vorgestellten Methoden können Sie sofort in Ihrer Sprachpraxis anwenden. Wählen Sie die Methode, die für Sie interessant ist und am besten zu Ihrem Tempo und Lebensstil passt. Lassen Sie das Sprachenlernen zu einem natürlichen und spannenden Prozess für Sie werden!Das Buch befasst sich mit den folgenden Themen: Was ist Sprache? / Warum gelingt es Ihnen nicht, eine Fremdsprache zu lernen? / Wie viel Zeit werden Sie für das Erlernen der Sprache aufwenden? / Dauer der Klasse. / Mindestwortschatz einer Fremdsprache. / Welches Lehrbuch soll man zum Sprachenlernen wählen? / Wie wähle ich meinen Lehrer aus? / Wie bereite ich mich auf die Prüfung vor? / Fremdsprache für Kinder. / Fernstudium. / Wie Sie Ihr Gedächtnis trainieren und entwickeln können. / Ausbildung. / Grammatik lernen. / Phonetik lernen. / Vokabeln lernen. / Entwicklung der Hörfertigkeit. / Entwicklung der Sprechfertigkeit. / Entwicklung der Lesefertigkeit. / Entwicklung der Schreibfertigkeit. / Sprachumgebung. / Länderstudien. / Kulturschock.

  • af James Martin Rogers
    321,95 - 572,95 kr.

    Collocations are words that commonly co-occur, such as 'jury' and 'verdict.' Collocational fluency is an essential aspect of second language fluency. Learning a language via collocations improves upon the efficacy of language acquisition because it essentially kills three birds with one stone: students learn vocabulary, collocations, and also subconsciously absorb the grammar patterns of language through mastery of these chunks of language. This is, in fact, similar to the way native speakers learn language and an efficient way to become fluent.This book will detail efforts to create and then apply a methodology to develop a large-scale high-frequency collocation list and custom-tailored collocation resources for Japanese, Chinese, and Korean learners to study directly and for practitioners to utilize as reference materials to create additional resources. Presented in this book is a novel approach taken to fill a major gap in the research and to create large-scale resources that were previously unavailable. Therefore, this book should be considered a valuable contribution to research that aims to help second language learners more effectively achieve fluency in English as a second language.

  • af Fiona Wagenar
    162,95 kr.

    Du willst deine Englischkenntnisse schnell verbessern? Dann ist dieses Buch genau das Richtige für dich!Durch dieses Buch werden sich deine Sprachkenntnisse ohne stundenlanges Büffeln schnell und einfach verbessern.Es gibt viele Möglichkeiten, ins Englische einzutauchen: Englisch-Unterricht, Filme oder Fernsehserien mit Englischen Untertiteln ansehen, Online-Kurse belegen, einem Englisch-Club beitreten, in ein Land reisen, in dem Englisch gesprochen wird oder Bücher lesen... Dieses Buch bietet Ihnen eine einfache, aber effektive Art Englisch durch Geschichten für Anfänger (Level A1 und Level A2) zu lernen. Dieses Buch wird Ihnen helfen: 1. Neues Vokabular zu erlernen 2. Neue Ausdrücke zu einem bestimmten Thema zu lernen 3. Vokabeln des Alltags zu lernen, die zur Kommunikation mit Menschen in Dialogen verwendet werden 4. Lernen Sie einige typische Sätze, die häufig in Dialogen im Englischen verwendet werden 5. Korrigieren und/oder verbessern der Aussprache 6. Verbessern Ihrer Verständnisfähigkeiten durch lessen 7. Verbessern Sie Ihr gesprochenes Englisch 8. Verbessern Sie einfach Ihr Englisch, egal welches Anfängerniveau Sie haben Die Geschichten befinden sich hauptsächlich im Präsens und in der Indikativform auf Englisch, so dass es für den Leser einfacher ist, die Grundlagen der Sprache durch die Texte zu lernen.

  • af Coledown English
    127,95 kr.

    Tauchen Sie ein in eine faszinierende Welt voller aufregender Geschichten, die junge englische Sprachlernende begeistern werden. Dieses Buch, Abenteuer in Zwei Sprachen, bietet zehn unterhaltsame Kurzgeschichten, die speziell für Kinder geschrieben wurden, die Englisch lernen.Unsere Geschichten entführen junge Leser in spannende Abenteuer, in denen sie mutige Helden und zauberhafte Welten entdecken. Diese zweisprachige Sammlung ist perfekt, um das Sprachverständnis zu fördern, neue Wörter zu lernen und kulturelle Einblicke zu gewinnen. Dieses Buch ist die perfekte Ergänzung für junge Englischlernende, die ihre Sprachkenntnisse erweitern und gleichzeitig fesselnde Geschichten genießen möchten.Begleiten Sie uns auf einer Reise durch die bunte Welt der Literatur, und erleben Sie gemeinsam mit Ihren Kindern die Freude am Lesen und Sprachenlernen. Tauchen Sie ein in Abenteuer in Zwei Sprachen und bereiten Sie sich auf eine aufregende Reise vor!

  • af Eleanor Eby
    172,95 kr.

    Are you tired of studying English vocabulary but not getting any chance to speak? Have you memorized phrasal verbs but can't use them in real life? Or, as an ESL/EFL teacher, are you looking for ways to get your students speaking more confidently in class?Get talking with Quick-Response English! These speaking activities use the back-and-forth dynamic of real conversation and are a great way to energize English learning for teachers, students, and self-study learners alike.In this book you'll find:100 common phrasal verbs in American English, divided into 10 chapters for easy comprehension40 detailed speaking activities following everyday English language patternsOver 800 sentences to be spoken aloud in short dialogues, which can be expanded into longer conversationsTips for teachersInstructions for Self-StudyClear steps for students to work toward smooth, quick, independent responsesWith this book, you'll have the power to:Learn common phrasal verbs in context while speaking aloudImprove smoothness and pronunciation through techniques like shadowingBuild confidence with independent responses (responding without looking at the page)Improve speaking response time with quick, short responsesGrow your small-talk skills by asking relevant questions quickly in conversationWith nearly 20 years of ESL and EFL teaching experience, the author provides fun and effective activities to improve speaking skills while also practicing phrasal verbs. Whether you're an English learner preparing for the TOEIC or TOEFL exams, an ESL/EFL teacher looking for activities to get your students talking, or a self-study learner practicing English at home, this book is for you.Energize your English learning and find your voice today with Quick-Response English!

  • af Jennie Lee
    199,95 kr.

    हमारी पूरी तरह से संरचित प्रारंभिककर्ता के लिए किताब करना कोरियन भाषा को सीखने को सरल बनाती है! यह प्रैक्टिकल जानकारी से भरपूर है और आसान, कदम-कदम पर गाइड के साथ यह मदद करता है कि आप कोरियन को पढ़ने, लिखने और बोलने में तेजी से सीख सकें कोरियन भाषा का आदर्श परिचयऐतिहासिक हंगुल वर्णमाला के बारे में सब कुछ जानेंपूर्ण स्ट्रोक ऑर्डर आरेख और लेखन निर्देशकट कर रखने और रखने के लिए हंगुल फ्लैश कार्ड्स150+ पेजों के ऊपर, कैलीग्राफी प्रैक्टिस और क्विज़ सहित!उच्चारण और नियमों के विस्तृत मार्गदर्शिकायह कोरियन किताब वयस्कों और बच्चों के लिए उपयुक्त है, पूरी तरह से नौसिखिए से लेकर उन लोगों तक जो अपने हंगुल लेखन कौशल में सुधार करना चाहते हैं। हमारे स्व-अध्ययन अभ्यास और कैसे-लिखने शैली के प्रैक्टिस पेज उपयुक्त स्तर के कोरियन के लिए सम्पूर्ण प्रक्रिया को सरल बना देंगे।आपके शिक्षक, जेसन लोवे, आपको हंगुल लिपि के बारे में सभी आवश्यक जानकारी प्रदान करेंगे, जिससे आपको जल्दी से शुरू करने के लिए पर्याप्त विवरण मिलेगा। पुस्तक में उच्चारण नियमों का व्यापक अवलोकन, अभ्यास के लिए शुरुआती शब्दावली वाला एक खंड, कोरियन में संख्याओं को पढ़ने और लिखने पर मार्गदर्शन, मूल लिखावट को समझने के लिए युक्तियाँ और बहुत कुछ शामिल है।

  • af Joanna Bevan
    142,95 kr.

    Learning English through schoolsA workbook for ESOL learners who are parents or carers of school childrenThis workbook has 12 chapters aimed at adult ESOL learners who are also parents of school children. Each chapter introduces vocabulary a reading comprehension and writing exercise to help learners improve their English and better engage in their child's education.

  • af William Wymark Jacobs
    107,95 kr.

    the soldier calmly regarded the youthنظر الجندي بهدوء إلى الشابnazar al-jandi bahdoua elly chabb"I've had my wishes," he said, quietly"لقد حصلت على أمنياتي" ، قال بهدوء"luqud hoslat ola amniati", qal bahdouaand his blotchy face turned a grave whiteوتحول وجهه المبقع إلى قبر أبيضwathol wajha al-mubaqa elly qabar abid"And did you really have the three wishes granted?""وهل حصلت حقا على الأمنيات الثلاث؟""wahl hoslat haka ola al-amniat el-thulath""I had my wishes granted," confirmed the sergeant-major"لقد تحققت رغباتي" ، أكد الرقيب الرائد"luqud tahaqat raghabati", akad al-raqib al-raed"And has anybody else wished?" asked the old lady"وهل رغب أي شخص آخر؟" سألت السيدة العجوز"wahl raghab ei shakhs akhrej" salt sayedah al-ajwaz"The first man had his three wishes," was the reply"الرجل الأول كان لديه أمنياته الثلاث" ، كان الرد"al-rajel al-awal can ladih amnyate al-thalath", can al-rad"I don't know what the first two wishes were""لا أعرف ما هي أول أمنيتين""la aaraf ma he ol amnitin""but the third wish was for death""لكن الأمنية الثالثة كانت للموت""lakin al-omaniya al-thaltha kant lemout""That's how I got the monkey's paw""هكذا حصلت على مخلب القرد""hekida hoslat ola makhlab al-qard"His tones had gotten very graveأصبحت نغماته خطيرة للغايةasbaht naghmath khatira leghayaa dark hush fell upon the groupسقط صمت مظلم على المجموعة

  • af Mark Twain
    127,95 kr.

    she says they weren't apples, but instead that they were chestnutsMówi, że to nie byly jablka, ale kasztanyI said I was innocent since I had not eaten any chestnutsPowiedzialem, że jestem niewinny, ponieważ nie jadlem żadnych kasztanówbut the Serpent informed her that "chestnut" could also have a figurative meaningale Wąż poinformowal ją, że "kasztan" może miec również znaczenie przenośneshe says a chestnut can be an aged and mouldy jokeMówi, że kasztan może byc starym i spleśnialym żartemI turned pale at this definitionZbladlem na tę definicjębecause I have made many jokes to pass the weary timebo zrobilem wiele żartów, aby zabic znużony czasand some of them my jokes could have been of the chestnut varietyA niektóre z nich moje żarty mogly byc z gatunku kasztanówbut I had honestly supposed that they were new jokes when I made themale szczerze przypuszczalem, że byly to nowe dowcipy, kiedy je robilemShe asked me if I had made any jokes just at the time of the catastropheZapytala mnie, czy żartowalem tylko w momencie katastrofyI was obliged to admit that I had made a joke to myselfMusialem przyznac, że zażartowalem sam sobiealthough I did not make the joke aloudchociaż nie żartowalem glośnothis was the joke I was thinking to myself: To byl żart, który sobie pomyślalem: I was thinking about the waterfallsMyślalem o wodospadach"How wonderful it is to see that vast body of water tumble down there!""Jak cudownie jest patrzec, jak ten ogromny zbiornik wodny spada w dól!"Then in an instant a bright thought flashed into my headNagle w mojej glowie blysnęla jasna myśl"It would be a great deal more wonderful to see the water tumble up the waterfall!""Byloby o wiele wspanialej zobaczyc, jak woda splywa w górę wodospadu!"I was just about to die from laughing when all nature broke looseJuż mialem umrzec ze śmiechu, gdy rozpętala się cala przyroda

  • af William Wymark Jacobs
    87,95 kr.

    Le soldat regarda calmement le jeune hommethe soldier calmly regarded the youth J'ai eu mes souhaits, dit-il calmement"I've had my wishes," he said, quietlyet son visage tacheté devint d'une blancheur graveand his blotchy face turned a grave white Et avez-vous vraiment exaucé les trois voeux ? "And did you really have the three wishes granted?"- Mes voeux ont été exaucés, confirma le sergent-major"I had my wishes granted," confirmed the sergeant-major- Et quelqu'un d'autre l'a-t-il voulu ? demanda la vieille dame"And has anybody else wished?" asked the old lady Le premier homme avait ses trois voeux, fut la réponse"The first man had his three wishes," was the reply Je ne sais pas quels étaient les deux premiers voeux "I don't know what the first two wishes were" Mais le troisième souhait était la mort "but the third wish was for death" C'est comme ça que j'ai eu la patte du singe "That's how I got the monkey's paw"Son ton était devenu très graveHis tones had gotten very graveUn silence sombre s'abattit sur le groupea dark hush fell upon the group- Vous avez fait vos trois voeux, songea M. White"you've had your three wishes," pondered Mr. White- Ce n'est pas bon pour vous, Morris."it's no good to you now, then, Morris" Pourquoi le gardez-vous ? "What do you keep it for?"Le soldat secoua la têteThe soldier shook his head

  • af Mark Twain
    127,95 kr.

    she says they weren't apples, but instead that they were chestnuts彼女はそれらがリンゴではなく、代わりに栗だったと言いますI said I was innocent since I had not eaten any chestnuts私は栗を食べていないので無実だと言いましたbut the Serpent informed her that "chestnut" could also have a figurative meaningしかし、蛇は彼女に「栗」も比喩的な意味を持つことができると知らせましたshe says a chestnut can be an aged and mouldy joke彼女は、栗は古くてカビの生えた冗談になる可能性があると言いますI turned pale at this definition私はこの定義に青ざめましたShe asked me if I had made any jokes just at the time of the catastrophe彼女は私に、大惨事の時に冗談を言ったかどうか尋ねましたI was obliged to admit that I had made a joke to myself私は自分自身に冗談を言ったことを認めざるを得ませんでしたalthough I did not make the joke aloud私は冗談を声に出してしませんでしたがthis was the joke I was thinking to myself: これは私が自分自身に考えていた冗談でした I was thinking about the waterfalls滝のことを考えていました"How wonderful it is to see that vast body of water tumble down there!"「あの広大な水域が転がり落ちるのを見るのはなんて素晴らしいことでしょう!」Then in an instant a bright thought flashed into my headそれから一瞬で明るい考えが私の頭に浮かびました"It would be a great deal more wonderful to see the water tumble up the waterfall!"「水が滝を転がり落ちるのを見るのはもっと素晴らしいでしょう!」I was just about to die from laughing when all nature broke looseすべての自然が解き放たれたとき、私はちょうど笑って死にかけていました

  • af Mark Twain
    127,95 kr.

    Dice che non erano mele, ma invece che erano castagneshe says they weren't apples, but instead that they were chestnutsHo detto che ero innocente dal momento che non avevo mangiato castagneI said I was innocent since I had not eaten any chestnutsma il Serpente la informò che "castagno" poteva avere anche un significato figuratobut the Serpent informed her that "chestnut" could also have a figurative meaningDice che una castagna può essere uno scherzo invecchiato e ammuffitoshe says a chestnut can be an aged and mouldy jokeSono diventato pallido a questa definizioneI turned pale at this definitionperché ho fatto molte battute per passare il tempo stancobecause I have made many jokes to pass the weary timee alcune di loro le mie battute avrebbero potuto essere della varietà di castagneand some of them my jokes could have been of the chestnut varietyma avevo onestamente supposto che fossero nuove battute quando le ho fattebut I had honestly supposed that they were new jokes when I made themMi ha chiesto se avevo fatto qualche battuta proprio al momento della catastrofe.She asked me if I had made any jokes just at the time of the catastropheFui costretto ad ammettere che mi ero fatto uno scherzoI was obliged to admit that I had made a joke to myselfanche se non ho fatto lo scherzo ad alta vocealthough I did not make the joke aloudquesto era lo scherzo che stavo pensando tra me e me: this was the joke I was thinking to myself: Stavo pensando alle cascateI was thinking about the waterfalls"Com'è meraviglioso vedere quel vasto specchio d'acqua cadere laggiù!""How wonderful it is to see that vast body of water tumble down there!"Poi in un istante un pensiero luminoso mi balenò in testaThen in an instant a bright thought flashed into my head"Sarebbe molto più meraviglioso vedere l'acqua cadere sulla cascata!""It would be a great deal more wonderful to see the water tumble up the waterfall!"Stavo per morire dal ridere quando tutta la natura si è scatenataI was just about to die from laughing when all nature broke loose

  • af Mark Twain
    127,95 kr.

    she says they weren't apples, but instead that they were chestnutsवह कहती है कि वे सेब नहीं थे, बल्कि इसके बजाय कि वे चेस्टनट थे।I said I was innocent since I had not eaten any chestnutsमैंने कहा कि मैं निर्दोष हूं क्योंकि मैंने कोई चेस्टनट नहीं खाया था।but the Serpent informed her that "chestnut" could also have a figurative meaningलेकिन सर्प ने उसे सूचित किया कि "चेस्टनट" का एक आलंकारिक अर्थ भी हो सकता है।she says a chestnut can be an aged and mouldy jokeवह कहती है कि एक शाहबलूत एक वृद्ध और सांचे वाला मजाक हो सकता है।I turned pale at this definitionमैं इस परिभाषा पर पीला पड़ गया।I was obliged to admit that I had made a joke to myselfमैं यह स्वीकार करने के लिए बाध्य था कि मैंने खुद के साथ एक मजाक किया था।although I did not make the joke aloudहालांकि मैंने मजाक को जोर से नहीं बनायाthis was the joke I was thinking to myself: यह वह मजाक था जो मैं खुद से सोच रहा था I was thinking about the waterfallsमैं झरनों के बारे में सोच रहा था।"How wonderful it is to see that vast body of water tumble down there!""यह देखना कितना अद्भुत है कि पानी का वह विशाल शरीर वहां गिर जाता है!Then in an instant a bright thought flashed into my headफिर एक पल में एक उज्ज्वल विचार मेरे दिमाग में उभरा।"It would be a great deal more wonderful to see the water tumble up the waterfall!""झरने पर पानी गिरते हुए देखना बहुत अद्भुत होगा!I was just about to die from laughing when all nature broke looseमैं हंसने से मरने ही वाला था कि सारी प्रकृति टूट गई।

  • af Mark Twain
    127,95 kr.

    she says they weren't apples, but instead that they were chestnuts她说它们不是苹果,而是栗子。I said I was innocent since I had not eaten any chestnuts我说我是无辜的,因为我没有吃过任何栗子but the Serpent informed her that "chestnut" could also have a figurative meaning但蛇告诉她,"栗子"也可以有比喻的意思she says a chestnut can be an aged and mouldy joke她说栗子可能是一个陈年和发霉的笑话I turned pale at this definition我对这个定义变得苍白because I have made many jokes to pass the weary time因为我开了很多玩笑来打发疲惫的时间and some of them my jokes could have been of the chestnut variety其中一些我的笑话可能是栗子品种but I had honestly supposed that they were new jokes when I made them但老实说,当我制作它们时,我以为它们是新笑话She asked me if I had made any jokes just at the time of the catastrophe她问我是否在灾难发生时开过什么玩笑。I was obliged to admit that I had made a joke to myself我不得不承认我自嘲地开了个玩笑。although I did not make the joke aloud虽然我没有大声开玩笑this was the joke I was thinking to myself: 这是我对自己开的玩笑:I was thinking about the waterfalls我在想瀑布"How wonderful it is to see that vast body of water tumble down there!""看到那片浩瀚的海水滚落在那里,真是太好了!"Then in an instant a bright thought flashed into my head然后一瞬间,一个明亮的念头闪过我的脑海。"It would be a great deal more wonderful to see the water tumble up the waterfall!""如果能看到瀑布上的水翻滚,那就太好了!"I was just about to die from laughing when all nature broke loose我正要笑死时,所有的大自然都崩溃了。

  • af Mark Twain
    141,95 kr.

    she says they weren't apples, but instead that they were chestnutsتقول إنها لم تكن تفاحا ، ولكن بدلا من ذلك كانت كستناءI said I was innocent since I had not eaten any chestnutsقلت إنني بريء لأنني لم آكل أي كستناءbut the Serpent informed her that "chestnut" could also have a figurative meaningلكن الثعبان أخبرها أن "الكستناء" يمكن أن يكون له أيضا معنى مجازيshe says a chestnut can be an aged and mouldy jokeتقول إن الكستناء يمكن أن يكون مزحة قديمة ومتعفنةI turned pale at this definitionتحولت شاحب في هذا التعريفbecause I have made many jokes to pass the weary timeلأنني قدمت العديد من النكات لتمضية الوقت المرهقand some of them my jokes could have been of the chestnut varietyوبعضها كان من الممكن أن تكون نكاتي من صنف الكستناءthis was the joke I was thinking to myself: كانت هذه هي النكتة التي كنت أفكر فيها لنفسي I was thinking about the waterfallsكنت أفكر في الشلالات"How wonderful it is to see that vast body of water tumble down there!""كم هو رائع أن نرى هذا الجسم الشاسع من الماء ينهار هناك!"Then in an instant a bright thought flashed into my headثم في لحظة تومض فكرة مشرقة في رأسي"It would be a great deal more wonderful to see the water tumble up the waterfall!""سيكون من الرائع رؤية المياه تنهار فوق الشلال!"I was just about to die from laughing when all nature broke looseكنت على وشك الموت من الضحك عندما انفجرت كل الطبيعة

  • af Mark Twain
    127,95 kr.

    she says they weren't apples, but instead that they were chestnutsВона каже, що це були не яблука, а каштаниI said I was innocent since I had not eaten any chestnutsЯ сказала, що я невинна, бо не їла каштанівbut the Serpent informed her that "chestnut" could also have a figurative meaningале Змій повідомив їй, що слово каштан може мати і переносне значенняshe says a chestnut can be an aged and mouldy jokeВона каже, що каштан може бути зістареним і запліснявілим жартомI turned pale at this definitionЯ зблід від цього визначенняShe asked me if I had made any jokes just at the time of the catastropheВона запитала мене, чи не жартував я якось під час катастрофиI was obliged to admit that I had made a joke to myselfЯ був змушений визнати, що пожартував сам із собоюalthough I did not make the joke aloudхоча я не жартував вголосthis was the joke I was thinking to myself: Ось про що я думав сам I was thinking about the waterfallsЯ думав про водоспади"How wonderful it is to see that vast body of water tumble down there!"- Як чудово бачити, як там падає ця величезна водойма!Then in an instant a bright thought flashed into my headІ раптом в голові промайнула світла думка"It would be a great deal more wonderful to see the water tumble up the waterfall!"- Було б набагато прекрасніше побачити, як вода падає вгору по водоспаду!I was just about to die from laughing when all nature broke loose

  • af Clive Walker
    407,95 kr.

    Unlock your potential and achieve your best TOEFL iBT score with Dr. Clive Walker's comprehensive preparation textbook, Unlock the TOEFL iBT: Mastering the Test. Dr. Clive Walker, Ed.D., an established figure in English language education and e-learning, has designed a resource that's both thorough and current. Notably, this guide is one of the first to cover all the new updates to the TOEFL iBT introduced in July 2023.Unlock the TOEFL iBT: Mastering the Test is not just another prep book; it's an all-encompassing study companion. It boasts a vast repository of examples and practice tests, ensuring students are accustomed to the format and environment of the real test. Furthermore, it deeply explores every section of the TOEFL iBT: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. Every question type you'll encounter on the test is covered with numerous examples. Each example is paired with detailed answers, thorough explanations, and proven strategies to ensure mastery.The textbook's authenticity and effectiveness are further heightened with insights derived from a cohort of 9 students who undertook the TOEFL iBT in 2023. With their firsthand experiences shaping the content, the guide stands out for its real-world relevance. Upon advisement from the cohort of students, the TOEFL iBT practice tests in this textbook are precisely designed to sharpen your skills and improve your time management across all TOEFL iBT sections. The practice tests align with their respective textbook sections: Chapter 2 concludes with 10 reading tests, Chapter 3 with 10 listening tests, Chapter 4 with 10 speaking tests, and Chapter 5 ends with 10 writing tests. Each practice test question mirrors those found on the actual TOEFL iBT.Beyond preparing for the test, Unlock the TOEFL iBT: Mastering the Test is dedicated to establishing a strong foundation for academic and everyday communication in English. It's a holistic approach that emphasizes not just rote learning but genuine comprehension. Whether you're just embarking on your TOEFL iBT journey or aiming for that perfect score, Unlock the TOEFL iBT: Mastering the Test promises to be an unmatched ally in your pursuit of excellence.

  • af Simon Haines
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    Sprachen bestehen aus Wörtern - aus vielen Wörtern. Bei so vielen Wörtern zur Auswahl, woher wissen Sie, welche Wörter Ihre Schüler brauchen und wie Sie sie am besten unterrichten können? Learning to Teach Vocabulary erforscht, wie wir dieses Chaos von Wörtern ordnen und unseren Schülerinnen und Schülern helfen können, die benötigten Wörter auszuwählen und sie effektiv zu verwenden. Learning to Teach Vocabulary richtet sich in erster Linie an Lehrkräfte in der Ausbildung oder qualifizierte Lehrkräfte, ist aber für alle Lehrkräfte hilfreich, die nach neuen Wegen suchen, um Vokabeln in ihren Klassenzimmern suchen. Es kann sowohl für das Selbststudium als auch als Kursbuch für Gruppen in der Ausbildung verwendet werden. Schwerpunktthemen Jede Einheit enthält Beispiele im Kontext sowie Anmerkungen zur Verwendung. Sie finden außerdem 10 Aktivitäten, einen vollständigen Unterrichtsplan mit Begleitmaterial und ein Arbeitsblatt zur Lehrkräftefortbildung. Alle Einheiten sind nach dem gleichen Muster aufgebaut: Eine Einführung in das Thema Wie man es verwendet Gut zu wissen Wie man es unterrichtet Learning to Teach Vocabulary unterstützt Lehrerinnen und Lehrer mit einer Sammlung von Ideen, Unterrichtsaktivitäten, Beispielen für Unterrichtspläne und fotokopierbaren/herunterladbaren Arbeitsblättern. Außerdem gibt es ein Glossar, das Ihnen bei unbekannten Begriffen hilft.

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    Neues Prüfungsformat 2023Hören und SchreibenDeutsch-Test für den Beruf B1 DTB/BSK B116 Übungen für den Subtest Hören und Schreiben B1 mit Lösungen

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    In the first edition of this book, Dr. Liying Cheng provided an easy-to-follow guide to understanding language classroom assessment, from giving an overview of different forms of assessment to outlining assessment methods and procedures. The second edition of Language Classroom Assessment further explores language assessment, expanding on how to answer the key question: "Have my students learned?" This edition has also been updated with the newest changes in language assessment research and highlights the interaction of teaching, learning and assessment. This essential guide provides English language teachers with the knowledge to reflect on their own assessment practices. Dr. Cheng helps you understand and reflect on essential topics.

  • af George Orwell
    207,95 kr.

    "I do not know when that Rebellion will come""मुझे नहीं पता कि विद्रोह कब आएगा""nothing says it can't be in a week from now""कुछ भी नहीं कहता कि यह अब से एक सप्ताह में नहीं हो सकता है""or it could come in a hundred years""या यह सौ साल में आ सकता है""I can see it as clearly as I see the straw beneath my feet""मैं इसे स्पष्ट रूप से देख सकता हूं क्योंकि मैं अपने पैरों के नीचे तिनका देखता हूं।"sooner or later justice will be done""जल्द या बाद में न्याय किया जाएगा""Fix your eyes on that goal, comrades""उस लक्ष्य पर अपनी आँखें ठीक करो, साथियों""remember it for all of the short remainder of your lives!""इसे अपने जीवन के सभी छोटे शेष हिस्सों के लिए याद रखें!"And above all, do not let this message of mine die out here""और सबसे बढ़कर, मेरे इस संदेश को यहाँ मरने न दें""pass this message on to those who come after you""इस संदेश को उन लोगों तक पहुंचाओ जो आपके बाद आते हैं""then future generations shall carry on the struggle""तब आने वाली पीढ़ियां संघर्ष जारी रखेंगी""they will fight on until our kind is victorious""वे तब तक लड़ते रहेंगे जब तक कि हमारी तरह की जीत नहीं हो जाती"

  • af George Orwell
    207,95 kr.

    "I do not know when that Rebellion will come""Bu isyanın ne zaman geleceğini bilmiyorum""nothing says it can't be in a week from now""Hiçbir şey bundan bir hafta sonra olamayacağını söylemiyor""or it could come in a hundred years""Ya da yüz yıl sonra gelebilir""I can see it as clearly as I see the straw beneath my feet""Ayaklarımın altındaki samanı gördüğüm kadar net görebiliyorum""sooner or later justice will be done""Er ya da geç adalet yerini bulacak""Fix your eyes on that goal, comrades""Gözlerinizi bu hedefe dikin yoldaşlar""remember it for all of the short remainder of your lives!""Hayatınızın geri kalan kısa süresi boyunca bunu hatırlayın!""And above all, do not let this message of mine die out here""Ve hepsinden önemlisi, bu mesajımın burada ölmesine izin vermeyin""pass this message on to those who come after you""Bu mesajı sizden sonra gelenlere iletin""then future generations shall carry on the struggle""O zaman gelecek nesiller mücadeleye devam edecek""they will fight on until our kind is victorious""Bizim türümüz galip gelene kadar savaşacaklar"

  • af George Orwell
    207,95 kr.

    "I do not know when that Rebellion will come"「その反乱がいつ来るかわからない」"nothing says it can't be in a week from now"「今から一週間後にはあり得ないとは何も言わない」"or it could come in a hundred years"「またはそれは百年後に来るかもしれません」"I can see it as clearly as I see the straw beneath my feet"足元のストローを見るのと同じくらいはっきりと見えます"sooner or later justice will be done"「遅かれ早かれ正義が行われる」"Fix your eyes on that goal, comrades"「その目標に目を向けてください、仲間」"remember it for all of the short remainder of your lives!"「あなたの人生の短い残りの間ずっとそれを覚えていてください!」"And above all, do not let this message of mine die out here"「そして何よりも、私のこのメッセージをここで消滅させないでください」"pass this message on to those who come after you"このメッセージをあなたの後に来る人々に伝えてください"then future generations shall carry on the struggle"「そうすれば、将来の世代は闘争を続けるでしょう」"they will fight on until our kind is victorious"「彼らは私たちの種が勝利するまで戦うでしょう」

  • af George Orwell
    207,95 kr.

    "I do not know when that Rebellion will come""Nie wiem, kiedy nadejdzie ten bunt""nothing says it can't be in a week from now""Nic nie mówi, że nie może to byc za tydzień""or it could come in a hundred years""Albo może nadejśc za sto lat""I can see it as clearly as I see the straw beneath my feet""Widzę to tak wyraźnie, jak widzę slomę pod moimi stopami""sooner or later justice will be done""Prędzej czy później sprawiedliwości stanie się zadośc""Fix your eyes on that goal, comrades""Skoncentrujcie wzrok na tym celu, towarzysze""remember it for all of the short remainder of your lives!""Pamiętajcie o tym przez calą krótką resztę waszego życia!""And above all, do not let this message of mine die out here""A przede wszystkim nie pozwólcie, aby to moje przeslanie tutaj umarlo""pass this message on to those who come after you""Przekażcie to przeslanie tym, którzy przyjdą po was""then future generations shall carry on the struggle""Wtedy przyszle pokolenia będą kontynuowac walkę""they will fight on until our kind is victorious""Będą walczyc, dopóki nasz rodzaj nie zwycięży"

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