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  • af Learning English Curriculum
    287,95 kr.

    20 ESL Lesson Plans for High Beginners Suitable for High School/Middle School students and language schools. Our High Beginners ESL Curriculum uses a conversational approach to English, stressing communication in a variety of everyday situations. Reading and writing are included in each lesson, with numerous activities for practice, but listening and speaking are given the greatest emphasis. Basic grammar is introduced sequentially, then practiced in a variety of oral activities and written exercises.Comprehensive Multimedia Approach Embedded links and QR code to video and audio files enhances lessons with an auditory and visual learning experience - includes multi-person conversations.Student Reader - enriches reading comprehension and vocabularyStudent Workbook - workbook provides practical and engaging activities and exercises based on the lesson material. Reinforces learning, allowing students to practice and apply what they've learned from the reader.Teacher's Guide - has additional exercises, oral questions, answers to all exercises in the workbook, and provides clear instructions and structured guidance for teachers with intuitive and efficient lesson planning Includes:20 lessons20 - 40 Classroom hours5 tests4 review lessonsGlossaryConversational ApproachReading, Writing and Speaking Activities A conversational approach to English as a Second Language (ESL) is an instructional method that focuses on developing the ability to communicate effectively in English through conversation and dialogue. Instead of solely focusing on grammar rules and vocabulary memorization, we emphasizes real-life communication skills and encourages students to practice speaking, listening, and interacting in English in a natural and conversational way.Meaningful Conversations in Authentic SituationsStudents engage through activities such as role-plays, discussions, debates, and group projects. Our emphasis is on learning how to express oneself effectively, rather than simply memorizing and regurgitating phrases or sentences.Focus on ConversationBy focusing on conversation, this approach helps students develop not only their speaking and listening skills but also their vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Students learn how to use English in a meaningful and contextually appropriate way, which helps them become more effective communicators in both social and professional settings.

  • af Karina Pfolz
    105,95 kr.

    Die Steppen-Bartfledermaus ist nach Österreich eingewandert. Das nur wenige Zentimeter große Tier fühlt sich sichtlich wohl im Naturschutzgebiet in Kärnten. Dieses Buch erzählt die Erlebnisse der kleinen Fledermaus Patty und ihrer Fledermausherde auf ihrer Reise nach Klagenfurt. In die Geschichte integriert sind Informationen über Arten- und Naturschutz, sowie über das Verhalten dieser putzigen Tiere. Für junge Baumeister haben wir eine Bauanleitung für Fledermausquartiere dem Buch beigefügt. Das Buch ist in Deutsch und Englisch verfasst und eignet sich - durch zahlreiche Illustrationen - hervorragend zum visuellen Sprachenlernen.

  • af Patricia Falcão de Oliveira
    232,95 kr.

    O objetivo deste livro é facilitar o aprendizado da língua inglesa através de uma forma divertida, atraente e simples.Comece! Aproveite, aprenda e comunique-se com o mundo, porque afinal, o mundo todo fala inglês!

  • af Kim Kara M. Ed
    782,95 kr.

    Unlock the Power of Precise Communication with the Medical Collocation Dictionary Volume 1 (Beginners)Elevate your healthcare communication skills with the ultimate resource designed for Internationally Educated Healthcare Professionals (IEHPs). This two-volume Medical Collocation Dictionary series is your key to confident, effective communication in English-speaking medical environments.Volume One for Beginners: Build Strong FoundationsIn Volume One, we've carefully curated a wealth of essential adjectives and verbs, expertly organized by medical grammar specialty. This volume equips you as an IEHPs with the tools to communicate seamlessly with colleagues, patients, and fellow healthcare professionals. Discover concise definitions, part of speech labels, illuminating example sentences, and related collocations. These are your pathways to expressing your thoughts clearly and accurately in the world of healthcare.Volume Two for Intermediates: Dive into Complex Medical ConceptsDelve deep into the language of symptoms, illnesses, and lifestyle choices with Volume Two. This intermediate-level dictionary empowers you as an IEHPs to confidently navigate complex medical issues. Clear explanations, real-life examples, and practical exercises sharpen your abilities, both written and spoken, for vital medical discussions.What's Inside Volume One: Keywords: Over 250 essential keywords.Adjectives and Verbs: From "accessible" to "weary," and from "ache" to "yell," we've got it all.Gerunds: Explore complex combinations like administering, prescribing, and treating.Exercises: Over 100 engaging activities, from true or false questions to empowering quotes and entertaining word jumbles.Appendix: Discover more than 1000 powerful combinations of Verbs + Adjectives and Adverbs + Verbs, listed for quick reference.Empower Your Healthcare CareerWhether you're a nurse, doctor, or any healthcare professional, the Medical Collocation Dictionary series is your indispensable companion for mastering the language of medicine and delivering top-quality patient care. Communicate with clarity, precision, and confidence.Take the first step towards mastery - order your copy today and unlock the potential of precise medical communication.

  • af Lydia Winter Es
    152,95 kr.

    ¿Quiere que su hijo se divierta con el inglés, pero que también haga verdaderos progresos?Pam se siente orgullosa de ser más valiente y más inteligente que su amigo Zigzag. Entonces, ¿por qué no puede dejar de pensar en el gato blanco de al lado? ¿Y por qué necesita la ayuda de Zigzag?Conoce a Pam la perra, Zigzag el gato y a los niños en el tercer libro de la serie Read English with Zigzag. Los libros utilizan un lenguaje sencillo, que se vuelve más complejo con cada libro, para enseñar a su hijo el vocabulario y la gramática esenciales. Además, incluyen listas de vocabulario en inglés/español, preguntas de comprensión y divertidas actividades lingüísticas.Escrito por una profesora del Reino Unido especializada en la enseñanza de niños de primaria.

  • af Lewis Carroll
    597,95 kr.

    Kinder Klassiker Kollektion - Entdecke die WeltliteraturBücher-Set: Günstiger als Einzelbücher:Alice's Adventures in Wonderland / Alice' Abenteuer im Wunderland The Wonderful Wizard of Oz / Der wunderbare Zauberer von Oz - 2 TeileIn diesem Bücherset finden sich zwei der beliebtesten Kinderklassiker, die seit Generationen Kinder auf der ganzen Welt begeistern:Der Zauberer von Oz von Lyman Frank BaumAlice im Wunderland von Lewis CarrollDer amerikanische Autor Lyman Frank Baum veröffentlichte "Der Zauberer von Oz" im Jahr 1900. Das Buch wurde sofort ein großer Erfolg und zählt heute zu den meistgelesenen und beliebtesten Kinderbüchern weltweit. Die Geschichte um das Mädchen Dorothy, das mit ihrem Hund Toto in das zauberhafte Land Oz gelangt, ist spannend, abenteuerlich und voller phantasievoller Figuren."Alice im Wunderland" des britischen Schriftstellers Lewis Carroll erschien 1865 und machte die Titelheldin Alice zu einer der berühmtesten Kinderbuchfiguren. Alice folgt einem weißen Kaninchen in seinen Bau und begibt sich so auf eine fantastische Reise voller skurriler Begegnungen und Abenteuer.Beide Romane sind Meisterwerke voller Fabulierlust, die seit über 100 Jahren Kinderaugen zum Leuchten bringen. Mit wunderbaren Illustrationen ausgestattet, sind sie ideale Erstlektüren für Kinder, die in die Welt der großen Literaturen eintauchen möchten. Diese Ausgaben wurden speziell für junge Leser aufbereitet und vermitteln die Magie dieser Klassiker auf besonders ansprechende Weise.Lassen Sie Ihr Kind mit diesem Bücherset in zwei fantastische Welten eintauchen und die Freude an großer Literatur entdecken!Leseproben: Innovative Lesemethode: Ungekürzter Originaltext. Zweisprachiges Buch Englisch-Deutsch. Spaß am Lesen im Original - und das schon als Anfänger oder Wiedereinsteiger. Innovative Lesemethode von Ilya Frank. Fremdsprachen durch Spaß am Lesen lernen, auffrischen und perfektionieren. Effiziente und mühelose Erweiterung des Wortschatzes dank der innovativen Lesemethode. Es bereitet keine Mühe, um im Original zu lesen und kein Wörterbuch ist notwendig, um jedes Wort genau zu verstehen. Nebenbei erlernt man den Wortschatz und wiederholt / verbessert die Grammatik. Dank der integrierten Hörbücher wird auch das Hörverständnis trainiert.

  • af Lewis Carroll
    932,95 kr.

    Kinder Klassiker Kollektion - Entdecke die WeltliteraturBücher-Set: Günstiger als Einzelbücher: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland / Alice' Abenteuer im Wunderland The Wonderful Wizard of Oz / Der wunderbare Zauberer von Oz - 2 TeileIn diesem Bücherset finden sich zwei der beliebtesten Kinderklassiker, die seit Generationen Kinder auf der ganzen Welt begeistern:Der Zauberer von Oz von Lyman Frank BaumAlice im Wunderland von Lewis CarrollDer amerikanische Autor Lyman Frank Baum veröffentlichte "Der Zauberer von Oz" im Jahr 1900. Das Buch wurde sofort ein großer Erfolg und zählt heute zu den meistgelesenen und beliebtesten Kinderbüchern weltweit. Die Geschichte um das Mädchen Dorothy, das mit ihrem Hund Toto in das zauberhafte Land Oz gelangt, ist spannend, abenteuerlich und voller phantasievoller Figuren."Alice im Wunderland" des britischen Schriftstellers Lewis Carroll erschien 1865 und machte die Titelheldin Alice zu einer der berühmtesten Kinderbuchfiguren. Alice folgt einem weißen Kaninchen in seinen Bau und begibt sich so auf eine fantastische Reise voller skurriler Begegnungen und Abenteuer.Beide Romane sind Meisterwerke voller Fabulierlust, die seit über 100 Jahren Kinderaugen zum Leuchten bringen. Mit wunderbaren Illustrationen ausgestattet, sind sie ideale Erstlektüren für Kinder, die in die Welt der großen Literaturen eintauchen möchten. Diese Ausgaben wurden speziell für junge Leser aufbereitet und vermitteln die Magie dieser Klassiker auf besonders ansprechende Weise.Lassen Sie Ihr Kind mit diesem Bücherset in zwei fantastische Welten eintauchen und die Freude an großer Literatur entdecken!Leseproben: Innovative Lesemethode: Ungekürzter Originaltext. Zweisprachiges Buch Englisch-Deutsch. Spaß am Lesen im Original - und das schon als Anfänger oder Wiedereinsteiger. Innovative Lesemethode von Ilya Frank. Fremdsprachen durch Spaß am Lesen lernen, auffrischen und perfektionieren. Effiziente und mühelose Erweiterung des Wortschatzes dank der innovativen Lesemethode. Es bereitet keine Mühe, um im Original zu lesen und kein Wörterbuch ist notwendig, um jedes Wort genau zu verstehen. Nebenbei erlernt man den Wortschatz und wiederholt / verbessert die Grammatik. Dank der integrierten Hörbücher wird auch das Hörverständnis trainiert.

  • af F. Scott Fitzgerald
    1.292,95 kr.

    Klassiker des 20. JahrhundertsBücher-Set: Günstiger als EinzelbücherThe Great Gatsby und Animal Farm: Ilya Frank's Lesemethode EditionErleben Sie zwei Klassiker der Literatur auf ganz neue Weise mit Franks innovativer Lesemethode. Diese Sonderausgabe enthält den originalen, ungekürzten Text von F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby und George Orwells Animal Farm, einzigartig formatiert, um das Textverständnis und die Behaltung von Vokabeln zu verbessern.F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby gilt weithin als einer der großen amerikanischen Romane. Im pulsierenden Amerika der wilden 1920er Jahre erzählt er die Geschichte des geheimnisvollen Millionärs Jay Gatsby und seiner obsessiven Liebe zur High-Society-Dame Daisy Buchanan. Der Roman lotet Themen wie Idealismus, gesellschaftlichen Umbruch, Maßlosigkeit und den Zerfall des amerikanischen Traums aus. Erleben Sie in Fitzgeralds poetischer Sprache den Glanz und Elend der Jazz-Ära.George Orwells Animal Farm ist eine satirische Fabel über eine Gruppe Tiere, die sich gegen ihren menschlichen Besitzer auflehnen und nach egalitären Prinzipien eine Kommune gründen. Im Laufe der Zeit ergreifen die Schweine die Macht und korrumpieren sich, was zu Unterdrückung und Ungleichheit führt. Orwell liefert mit dieser zeitlosen Allegorie eine schonungslose Gesellschaftskritik an Sozialismus, Totalitarismus und der Perversion politischer Ideale.Entwickelt vom Linguisten Ilya Frank, teilt diese Methode Absätze in handhabbare Abschnitte auf und liefert eine literarische Übersetzung sowie ausführliche Kommentare. Zusätzlich bekommen Sie Zugang zu den Hörbüchern. Entdecken Sie diese legendären Romane neu - und werden gleichzeitig ein sicherer Leser in Englisch!Leseproben: Innovative Lesemethode: Ungekürzter Originaltext. Zweisprachiges Buch Englisch-Deutsch. Spaß am Lesen im Original - und das schon als Anfänger oder Wiedereinsteiger. Innovative Lesemethode von Ilya Frank. Fremdsprachen durch Spaß am Lesen lernen, auffrischen und perfektionieren. Effiziente und mühelose Erweiterung des Wortschatzes dank der innovativen Lesemethode. Es bereitet keine Mühe, um im Original zu lesen und kein Wörterbuch ist notwendig, um jedes Wort genau zu verstehen. Nebenbei erlernt man den Wortschatz und wiederholt / verbessert die Grammatik. Dank der integrierten Hörbücher wird auch das Hörverständnis trainiert.

  • af Mark Twain
    127,95 kr.

    Elle dit que ce n'étaient pas des pommes, mais plutôt des châtaignes.she says they weren't apples, but instead that they were chestnutsJ'ai dit que j'étais innocent puisque je n'avais pas mangé de châtaignesI said I was innocent since I had not eaten any chestnutsmais le Serpent l'informa que châtaignier pouvait aussi avoir un sens figuratifbut the Serpent informed her that "chestnut" could also have a figurative meaningElle dit qu'une châtaigne peut être une blague vieillie et moisieshe says a chestnut can be an aged and mouldy jokeJe suis devenu pâle à cette définitionI turned pale at this definitionparce que j'ai fait beaucoup de blagues pour passer le temps fatiguébecause I have made many jokes to pass the weary timeEt certaines d'entre elles mes blagues auraient pu être de la variété châtaigneand some of them my jokes could have been of the chestnut varietymais j'avais honnêtement supposé que c'étaient de nouvelles blagues quand je les ai faitesbut I had honestly supposed that they were new jokes when I made themElle m'a demandé si j'avais fait des blagues juste au moment de la catastrophe.She asked me if I had made any jokes just at the time of the catastropheJ'ai été obligé d'admettre que je m'étais fait une blagueI was obliged to admit that I had made a joke to myselfmême si je n'ai pas fait la blague à haute voixalthough I did not make the joke aloudJe pensais aux cascadesI was thinking about the waterfalls Comme c'est merveilleux de voir ce vaste plan d'eau tomber là-bas! "How wonderful it is to see that vast body of water tumble down there!"Puis, en un instant, une pensée brillante m'est venue à l'esprit.Then in an instant a bright thought flashed into my head Ce serait beaucoup plus merveilleux de voir l'eau dégringoler dans la cascade! "It would be a great deal more wonderful to see the water tumble up the waterfall!"J'étais sur le point de mourir de rire quand toute la nature s'est déchaînéeI was just about to die from laughing when all nature broke loose

  • af Hermann Hesse
    182,95 kr.

    in days to come, when Siddhartha would become a god, he would be thereу найближчі дні, коли Сіддхартха стане богом, він буде тамwhen he would join the glorious, he would be thereКоли він приєднається до славних, він буде тамGovinda wanted to follow him as his friendГовінда хотів піти за ним як за своїм другомhe was his companion and his servantВін був його напарником і слугоюhe was his spear-carrier and his shadowВін був його носієм списа і його тіннюSiddhartha was loved by everyoneСіддхартху любили всіHe was a source of joy for everybodyВін був джерелом радості для всіхhe was a delight for them allВін був захопленням для всіх нихBut he, Siddhartha, was not a source of joy for himselfАле він, Сіддхартха, не був джерелом радості для себеhe found no delight in himselfВін не знайшов у собі захвату

  • af Hermann Hesse
    182,95 kr.

    dans les jours à venir, quand Siddhartha deviendrait un dieu, il serait làin days to come, when Siddhartha would become a god, he would be thereQuand il rejoindrait le Glorieux, il serait làwhen he would join the glorious, he would be thereGovinda voulait le suivre comme son amiGovinda wanted to follow him as his friendIl était son compagnon et son serviteurhe was his companion and his servantIl était son porteur de lance et son ombrehe was his spear-carrier and his shadowSiddhartha était aimé de tousSiddhartha was loved by everyoneIl était une source de joie pour tout le mondeHe was a source of joy for everybodyIl était un délice pour eux toushe was a delight for them allMais lui, Siddhartha, n'était pas une source de joie pour lui-mêmeBut he, Siddhartha, was not a source of joy for himselfIl ne trouvait aucun plaisir en lui-mêmehe found no delight in himself

  • af Caroline Nixon
    857,95 kr.

    These Level 3 Posters help learners revise and practise key language from all eight units in a bright and appealing way.

  • af DK
    157,95 kr.

    "Practice the vocabulary and grammar learned in the Level 1 Beginner Course Book, with hundreds of exercises, activities, and accompanying audio."--

  • af DK
    187,95 kr.

    "[Level 1 of] complete self-study English-language course that combines easy-to-use visual learning with crystal-clear grammar explanations, practice exercises, and free audio. his new edition includes a grammar reference section and full transcripts of the listening comprehension exercises"--from page 4 of cover.

  • af DK
    157,95 kr.

    Start learning English as a second language with this visually stimulating practice book for adults. Accompanying the English for Everyone Course Book Level 2 Beginner, this illustrated workbook features abundant vocabulary and grammar exercises for adults learning English as a foreign language. When it comes to languages, practice does make perfect! This workbook guides linguistic learners through exercises and activities to consolidate what they've learned and build confidence in their skills. Using a range of familiar and new exercise mechanisms, this practice book is an invaluable research tool to test the vocabulary and grammar structures taught in the course book. Immerse yourself in this practical ESL learning material, which includes: Over 1,000 vocabulary and grammar exercises Lay-flat binding, making the book easier to write in Extensive accompanying audio resources that can be accessed via the website and the app The same unit-by-unit structure as the English for Everyone Course Book Level 2 Beginner, making it the perfect learning accompanimentThis book is part of DK's best-selling English for Everyone series, which is suitable for all levels of English language learners and provides the perfect reading companion for study, exams, work, or travel. As you work through the units, you'll cover all the language skills, vocabulary, and grammar needed for the major global English-language exams, including TOEFL and IELTS.

  • af DK
    187,95 kr.

    ["Level 2 of] complete self-study English-language course that combines easy-to-use visual learning with crystal-clear grammar explanations, practice exercises, and free audio. This new edition includes a grammar reference section and full transcripts of the listening comprehension exercises."--from page 4 of cover.

  • af Linda Milton
    105,95 kr.

    Como dizer palavrões em Inglês? Se você está curioso(a), este é o livro certo para você.Para sua conveniência, eu o dividi em três seções: expressões e exclamações de raiva ou frustração, insultos e, por último, palavras relacionadas ao sexo.Tenho uma recomendação para você: divirta-se e, por uma vez na vida, esqueça as formalidades!

  • af Paola Freggiani
    105,95 kr.

    Scrivere una lettera formale in Inglese è tutt'altro che semplice. Per ottenere un risultato finale che non ci faccia sfigurare agli occhi di un madrelingua, occorre attenersi a regole piuttosto ferree che spaziano dall'impaginazione (Layout) alle formule di apertura (Salutation) e congedo (Complimentary close), passando per uno stile che sappia essere formale, chiaro e conciso al tempo stesso. Nelle ultime pagine vedremo anche alcuni facsimili di lettere formali.

  • af Roald Dahl
    97,95 kr.

    Learn English with Revolting Rhymes! A Penguin Readers book. Discover fifteen famous Roald Dahl adventures, adapted for learners of English aged 7+. Can you read them all?Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With simplified text, illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online.In these Penguin Readers editions, Roald Dahl's stories have been aligned to the CEFR framework A1 to A2+, in four levels. Each book is also Lexile measured. The graded readers feature illustrated new words, language activities, and fun games between chapters, encouraging students and teachers to structure learning and make real progress. Every book also includes projects and discussions.Visit the Penguin Readers website for downloadable quizzes, worksheets and answer keys, as well as accompanying audio and a digital version of the book.Revolting Rhymes, a Level 2 Reader, is A1+ in the CEFR framework. Sentences contain a maximum of two clauses, introducing the future tenses will and going to, present continuous for future meaning, and comparatives and superlatives. It is well supported by illustrations, which appear on most pages.Do you know the famous story of Cinderella? Do you know about Little Red Riding Hood, or The Three Little Pigs? In this book, you will read these famous stories again. But they will be different, and they will be very, very funny!

  • af Roald Dahl
    97,95 kr.

    Learn English with The Magic Finger! A Penguin Readers book. Discover fifteen famous Roald Dahl adventures, adapted for learners of English aged 7+. Can you read them all?Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With simplified text, illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online.In these Penguin Readers editions, Roald Dahl's stories have been aligned to the CEFR framework A1 to A2+, in four levels. Each book is also Lexile measured. The graded readers feature illustrated new words, language activities, and fun games between chapters, encouraging students and teachers to structure learning and make real progress. Every book also includes projects and discussions.Visit the Penguin Readers website for downloadable quizzes, worksheets and answer keys, as well as accompanying audio and a digital version of the book.The Magic Finger, a Level 2 Reader, is A1+ in the CEFR framework. Sentences contain a maximum of two clauses, introducing the future tenses will and going to, present continuous for future meaning, and comparatives and superlatives. It is well supported by illustrations, which appear on most pages.A girl gets very angry because her friends are not kind to animals. But the girl is special because she has a Magic Finger! What strange things will happen to her friends? Will they learn an important lesson?

  • af Roald Dahl
    97,95 kr.

    Learn English with Fantastic Mr Fox! A Penguin Readers book. Discover fifteen famous Roald Dahl adventures, adapted for learners of English aged 7+. Can you read them all?Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With simplified text, illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online.In these Penguin Readers editions, Roald Dahl's stories have been aligned to the CEFR framework A1 to A2+, in four levels. Each book is also Lexile measured. The graded readers feature illustrated new words, language activities, and fun games between chapters, encouraging students and teachers to structure learning and make real progress. Every book also includes projects and discussions.Visit the Penguin Readers website for downloadable quizzes, worksheets and answer keys, as well as accompanying audio and a digital version of the book.Fantastic Mr Fox, a Level 2 Reader, is A1+ in the CEFR framework. Sentences contain a maximum of two clauses, introducing the future tenses will and going to, present continuous for future meaning, and comparatives and superlatives. It is well supported by illustrations, which appear on most pages.The farmers do not like Mr Fox, because Mr Fox takes food from their farms! The farmers are angry, and Mr Fox's family is not safe. But Mr Fox has a clever plan. Is Mr Fox more clever than the farmers?

  • af Roald Dahl
    97,95 kr.

    Learn English with The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me! A Penguin Readers book. Discover fifteen famous Roald Dahl adventures, adapted for learners of English aged 7+. Can you read them all?Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With simplified text, illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online.In these Penguin Readers editions, Roald Dahl's stories have been aligned to the CEFR framework A1 to A2+, in four levels. Each book is also Lexile measured. The graded readers feature illustrated new words, language activities, and fun games between chapters, encouraging students and teachers to structure learning and make real progress. Every book also includes projects and discussions.Visit the Penguin Readers website for downloadable quizzes, worksheets and answer keys, as well as accompanying audio and a digital version of the book.The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me, a Level 1 Reader, is A1 in the CEFR framework. Short sentences contain a maximum of two clauses, introducing the past simple tense and some simple modals, adverbs and gerunds. Illustrations support the text throughout.Billy loves the old sweet shop. But who is living there now? It's the Giraffe, the Pelican and the Monkey! The animals are window cleaners. But then, they see a burglar in a window. How can they stop him?

  • af Roald Dahl
    97,95 kr.

    Learn English with Esio Trot! A Penguin Readers book. Discover fifteen famous Roald Dahl adventures, adapted for learners of English aged 7+. Can you read them all?Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With simplified text, illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online.In these Penguin Readers editions, Roald Dahl's stories have been aligned to the CEFR framework A1 to A2+, in four levels. Each book is also Lexile measured. The graded readers feature illustrated new words, language activities, and fun games between chapters, encouraging students and teachers to structure learning and make real progress. Every book also includes projects and discussions.Visit the Penguin Readers website for downloadable quizzes, worksheets and answer keys, as well as accompanying audio and a digital version of the book.Esio Trot, a Level 1 Reader, is A1 in the CEFR framework. Short sentences contain a maximum of two clauses, introducing the past simple tense and some simple modals, adverbs and gerunds. Illustrations support the text throughout.Mr Hoppy loves Mrs Silver, but Mrs Silver does not know this. She only loves her tortoise, Alfie. Mr Hoppy is very sad. But then, he has a clever idea! What does Mr Hoppy do? And why is he buying 100 tortoises?

  • af Roald Dahl
    97,95 kr.

    Learn English with The Enormous Crocodile! A Penguin Readers book. Discover fifteen famous Roald Dahl adventures, adapted for learners of English aged 7+. Can you read them all?Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With simplified text, illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online.In these Penguin Readers editions, Roald Dahl's stories have been aligned to the CEFR framework A1 to A2+, in four levels. Each book is also Lexile measured. The graded readers feature illustrated new words, language activities, and fun games between chapters, encouraging students and teachers to structure learning and make real progress. Every book also includes projects and discussions.Visit the Penguin Readers website for downloadable quizzes, worksheets and answer keys, as well as accompanying audio and a digital version of the book.The Enormous Crocodile, a Level 1 Reader, is A1 in the CEFR framework. Short sentences contain a maximum of two clauses, introducing the past simple tense and some simple modals, adverbs and gerunds. Illustrations support the text throughout.The Enormous Crocodile is hungry, and children are his favourite food! Can he f ind a child for his lunch? Or can the Hippopotamus, the Elephant, the Monkey and the Bird stop him?

  • af Roald Dahl
    97,95 kr.

    Learn English with Billy and the Minpins! A Penguin Readers book. Discover fifteen famous Roald Dahl adventures, adapted for learners of English aged 7+. Can you read them all?Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With simplified text, illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online.In these Penguin Readers editions, Roald Dahl's stories have been aligned to the CEFR framework A1 to A2+, in four levels. Each book is also Lexile measured. The graded readers feature illustrated new words, language activities, and fun games between chapters, encouraging students and teachers to structure learning and make real progress. Every book also includes projects and discussions.Visit the Penguin Readers website for downloadable quizzes, worksheets and answer keys, as well as accompanying audio and a digital version of the book.Billy and the Minpins, a Level 1 Reader, is A1 in the CEFR framework. Short sentences contain a maximum of two clauses, introducing the past simple tense and some simple modals, adverbs and gerunds. Illustrations support the text throughout.There are monsters in the forest. You must not go there! But Little Billy does not listen to his mother, and he goes to the dark forest. Little Billy is frightened, but then he meets the Minpins. Can they stop the hungry monster?

  • af Rachel Joyce
    97,95 kr.

    Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With carefully adapted text, new illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online.Titles include popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction, introducing language learners to bestselling authors and compelling content.The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR). Exercises at the back of each Reader help language learners to practise grammar, vocabulary, and key exam skills. Before, during and after-reading questions test readers' story comprehension and develop vocabulary.The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry, a Level 5 Reader, is B1 in the CEFR framework. The text is made up of sentences with up to four clauses, introducing present perfect continuous, past perfect, reported speech and second conditional. It is well supported by illustrations, which appear regularly.Harold Fry lives a quiet, ordinary life in England. But when he gets a phone call and learns that his old friend Queenie Hennessey is dying, he decides to post her a letter to her home 500 miles away. As he walks to the post box, Harold begins to think about his past and his family. He decides on walking until he reaches Queenie.Visit the Penguin Readers websiteExclusively with the print edition, readers can unlock online resources including a digital book, audio edition, lesson plans and answer keys.

  • af Bali Rai
    97,95 kr.

    Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With carefully adapted text, new illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online.Titles include popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction, introducing language learners to bestselling authors and compelling content.The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR). Exercises at the back of each Reader help language learners to practise grammar, vocabulary, and key exam skills. Before, during and after-reading questions test readers' story comprehension and develop vocabulary.(Un)arranged Marriage, a Level 5 Reader, is B1 in the CEFR framework. The text is made up of sentences with up to four clauses, introducing present perfect continuous, past perfect, reported speech and second conditional. It is well supported by illustrations, which appear regularly.Manny lives in England with his strict Punjabi parents who are very traditional and want him to have an arranged marriage. There's just one problem: Manny definitely doesn't want an arranged marriage. With the help of his best friend, Ade, Manny makes a plan...Visit the Penguin Readers websiteExclusively with the print edition, readers can unlock online resources including a digital book, audio edition, lesson plans and answer keys.

  • af Victor Hugo
    97,95 kr.

    Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With carefully adapted text, new illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online.Titles include popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction, introducing language learners to bestselling authors and compelling content.The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR). Exercises at the back of each Reader help language learners to practise grammar, vocabulary, and key exam skills. Before, during and after-reading questions test readers' story comprehension and develop vocabulary.Les Misérables, a Level 4 Reader, is A2+ in the CEFR framework. The text is made up of sentences with up to three clauses, introducing more complex uses of present perfect simple, passives, phrasal verbs and simple relative clauses. It is well supported by illustrations, which appear regularly.In nineteenth-century France, life was hard for many people. Victor Hugo's famous book tells the story of Jean Valjean, who spends 19 years in prison for stealing bread. When Valjean leaves prison he starts a business and tries to become a better man, but Javert the policeman will do anything to stop him.Visit the Penguin Readers websiteExclusively with the print edition, readers can unlock online resources including a digital book, audio edition, lesson plans and answer keys.

  • af E. M. Forster
    97,95 kr.

    Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With carefully adapted text, new illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online.Titles include popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction, introducing language learners to bestselling authors and compelling content.The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR). Exercises at the back of each Reader help language learners to practise grammar, vocabulary, and key exam skills. Before, during and after-reading questions test readers' story comprehension and develop vocabulary.A Room with a View, a Level 4 Reader, is A2+ in the CEFR framework. The text is made up of sentences with up to three clauses, introducing more complex uses of present perfect simple, passives, phrasal verbs and simple relative clauses. It is well supported by illustrations, which appear regularly.Lucy Honeychurch is on holiday in Florence, when she meets the strange Mr Emerson and his son, George. Feeling frightened by George's feelings for her, she soon leaves for Rome. But when the Emersons becomes her neighbours in England, Lucy must decide how she really wants to live her life.Visit the Penguin Readers websiteExclusively with the print edition, readers can unlock online resources including a digital book, audio edition, lesson plans and answer keys.

  • af Tove Jansson
    97,95 kr.

    Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With carefully adapted text, new illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online. Titles include popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction, introducing language learners to bestselling authors and compelling content. The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR). Exercises at the back of each Reader help language learners to practise grammar, vocabulary, and key exam skills. Before, during and after-reading questions test readers' story comprehension and develop vocabulary. Moomin and the Hat, a Level 3 Reader, is A2 in the CEFR framework. The text is made up of sentences with up to three clauses, introducing first conditional, past continuous and present perfect simple for general experience. It is well supported by illustrations, which appear on most pages. Moomintroll, Snufkin and Sniff find a magic hat. It can make berry-juice and clouds! But who owns the hat - and are they looking for it?Visit the Penguin Readers websiteExclusively with the print edition, readers can unlock online resources including a digital book, audio edition, lesson plans and answer keys.

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