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  • af Willow L Taylor
    827,95 kr.

    The MTLE English as a Second Language study book offers over 250 similar practice exams for the MTLE English as a Second Language exam. Engaging with this extensive set of questions will help you acquire a comprehensive understanding of the content through practical application. Furthermore, each question provides a detailed explanation to ensure a thorough grasp of the material. The MTLE English as a Second Language exam guide represents the most up-to-date and closely aligned study resource for the MTLE English as a Second Language test.

  • af Willow L Taylor
    827,95 kr.

    The CEOE 177 English as a Second Language book offers more than 250 genuine CEOE 177 English as a Second Language exam practice questions. It introduces new CEOE 177 English as a Second Language exam questions, perfectly matching the exam's content. With its extensive question bank, the CEOE 177 English as a Second Language book encompasses all exam-related topics. Each CEOE 177 English as a Second Language question includes a comprehensive explanation, enhancing your content knowledge for the CEOE 177 English as a Second Language exam.

  • af Douglas Fleming
    437,95 kr.

    What happens when equity meets the so-called "nice" field of second language education (SLE)? It creates an intersection which serves as the forefront of my life's work: understanding how the complexity of the interlocking systems related to power, privilege, citizenship; race; gender, ethnicity, colonization and other forms of minoritalization pervade our work as second language educators. This book is a collection of previously published work and demonstrates how my colleagues and I have worked through these important concerns over the years. As I begin to make a slow transition to partial retirement, I thought that it would important in this way to speak to the continued (but still urgent) need to address equity within our field. Although it is published mainly for the benefit of SLE colleagues, graduate students and practitioners, I believe all those interested in how education can positively affect progressive change will find something of value herein. I summarize my subject position and acknowledgments in the book's introduction.

  • af Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve
    87,95 kr.

    "Ma, dimmi; non pensi che io sia molto brutto?""But, tell me; do you not think I am very ugly?""Questo è vero" disse la bellezza"That is true" said beauty"Non posso dire una bugia""I cannot tell a lie""ma credo che tu sia di buon carattere""but I believe you are very good natured""Io sono davvero" disse il mostro"I am indeed" said the monster"Ma a parte la mia bruttezza, non ho nemmeno senso""But apart from my ugliness, I also have no sense""So benissimo di essere una creatura sciocca""I know very well that I am a silly creature""Non è segno di follia pensarlo" rispose la bella"It is no sign of folly to think so" replied beauty

  • af Oscar Wilde
    127,95 kr.

    Seine Seele rief nach ihmHis Soul called out to him"Ich habe all die Jahre bei dir gewohnt""I have dwelt with thee for all these years""Und ich bin dein Knecht gewesen""and I have been thy servant""Schick mich nicht von dir weg""Don't send me away from thee""Was habe ich dir Böses getan?""what evil have I done thee?"Und der junge Fischer lachteAnd the young Fisherman laughed"Du hast mir nichts Böses getan""Thou has done me no evil""Aber ich brauche dich nicht""but I have no need of thee"

  • af Andrea Conti
    103,95 - 106,95 kr.

  • af Germano Dalcielo
    109,95 kr.

    ¿Dónde colocar correctamente los adverbios en Inglés?La posición de los adverbios en Inglés no está grabada en piedra, y mucho menos cuando hay más de un adverbio en la misma oración. Sin embargo, existe una regla generalmente aceptada: primero va el adverbio de modo, luego el adverbio de lugar y, al final, el adverbio de tiempo. En este librito vamos a ver dónde colocar en Inglés los adverbios de Modo - Lugar - Tiempo - Frecuencia - Duda / Afirmación - Cantidad y los Interrogativos / Relativos.

  • af Jonathan Swift
    87,95 kr.

    Je m'étais endormi sur le dosI had happened to fall asleep on my backEt maintenant mes bras et mes jambes étaient attachés au soland now my arms and legs were fastened to the groundet mes cheveux, qui étaient longs et épais, étaient attachés aussiand my hair, which was long and thick, was tied down tooJe ne pouvais que regarder vers le hautI could only look upwardLe soleil a commencé à devenir chaudThe sun began to grow hotet la lumière m'a fait mal aux yeuxand the light hurt my eyesJ'ai entendu un bruit confus autour de moiI heard a confused noise around memais ne pouvait rien voir d'autre que le cielbut could see nothing except the skyEn peu de temps, j'ai senti quelque chose de vivantIn a little time I felt something aliveil bougeait sur ma jambe gaucheit was moving on my left leg

  • af Jonathan Swift
    87,95 kr.

    Ich war zufällig auf dem Rücken eingeschlafenI had happened to fall asleep on my backund nun waren meine Arme und Beine am Boden festgebundenand now my arms and legs were fastened to the groundund mein Haar, das lang und dicht war, war auch zusammengebundenand my hair, which was long and thick, was tied down tooIch konnte nur nach oben schauenI could only look upwardDie Sonne begann heiß zu werdenThe sun began to grow hotund das Licht tat meinen Augen wehand the light hurt my eyesIch hörte ein verwirrtes Geräusch um mich herumI heard a confused noise around meaber er konnte nichts sehen als den Himmelbut could see nothing except the skyIn kurzer Zeit fühlte ich etwas LebendigesIn a little time I felt something aliveEs bewegte sich auf meinem linken Beinit was moving on my left legEr schob sich sanft über meine Brustit gently advanced over my chest

  • af Jonathan Swift
    87,95 kr.

    Me había quedado dormido boca arribaI had happened to fall asleep on my backy ahora mis brazos y piernas estaban sujetos al sueloand now my arms and legs were fastened to the groundy mi cabello, que era largo y grueso, también estaba atado.and my hair, which was long and thick, was tied down tooSolo podía mirar hacia arribaI could only look upwardsEl sol comenzó a calentarseThe sun began to grow hoty la luz lastimó mis ojosand the light hurt my eyesEscuché un ruido confuso a mi alrededorI heard a confused noise around mepero no podía ver nada excepto el cielobut could see nothing except the skyEn poco tiempo sentí algo vivoIn a little time I felt something aliveSe movía sobre mi pierna izquierdait was moving on my left leg

  • af Jonathan Swift
    87,95 kr.

    Mi era capitato di addormentarmi sulla schienaI had happened to fall asleep on my backe ora le mie braccia e le mie gambe erano fissate a terraand now my arms and legs were fastened to the grounde anche i miei capelli, lunghi e folti, erano legatiand my hair, which was long and thick, was tied down tooPotevo solo guardare verso l'altoI could only look upwardsIl sole cominciò a diventare caldoThe sun began to grow hote la luce mi faceva male agli occhiand the light hurt my eyesHo sentito un rumore confuso intorno a meI heard a confused noise around mema non riusciva a vedere altro che il cielobut could see nothing except the skyIn poco tempo ho sentito qualcosa di vivoIn a little time I felt something alivesi muoveva sulla mia gamba sinistrait was moving on my left leg

  • af Rachael Harris
    307,95 kr.

    Ideas in Action: Activities for Developing Learning Strategies gibt Lehrkräften geeignete Instrumente und Strategien für den erfolgreichen Sprachunterricht an die Hand. Activities for Developing Learning Strategies : erklärt die Theorie und die Bedeutung der Entwicklung expliziter Lernstrategien und ihre Rolle für den Lernprozess und die Motivation der Lernenden bietet Mikrostrategien an, die den Lehrkräften helfen, Lernstrategien in ihre Planung und Durchführung zu integrieren bietet praktische Werkzeuge und über 30 ansprechende Aktivitäten zur Entwicklung von Lernstrategien Zusätzliche Funktionen und Ressourcen umfassen: Ideen zur Differenzierung und Erweiterung der Aktivitäten für verschiedene Unterrichtsszenarien herunterladbare Versionen der Arbeitsblätter zu den Aktivitäten Vorschläge für die Anpassung der Aktivitäten an die Online-Lernumgebung

  • af Sven Frank
    200,95 - 265,95 kr.

  • af Oscar Wilde
    80,95 kr.

    "Sie sagte, dass sie mit mir tanzen würde, wenn ich ihr rote Rosen brächte"'She said that she would dance with me if I brought her red roses'"Aber in meinem ganzen Garten gibt es keine rote Rose!" rief der junge Student'but in all my garden there is no red rose' cried the young StudentAus ihrem Nest in der Steineiche hörte ihn die Nachtigallfrom her nest in the holm-oak tree the nightingale heard himund sie schaute durch die Blätter hinaus und wunderte sichand she looked out through the leaves, and wondered "Keine rote Rose in meinem ganzen Garten!" rief er'No red rose in all my garden!' he criedund seine schönen Augen füllten sich mit Tränenand his beautiful eyes filled with tears"Von welchen kleinen Dingen hängt das Glück ab!"'On what little things does happiness depend!'

  • af Lisette Jupke
    159,95 - 228,95 kr.

  • af Luke Zimmermann
    347,95 kr.

    Do you know what makes or breaks a language learner? Why is it that some succeed in acquiring a second language and some do not? Are there factors in a person's personality, background or circumstances that play a major role in the language learning process? And if so, what are these factors and what can we do about them to help language learners become successful? All these questions came up in my mind when I was confronted with students who did not seem to learn in the usual ways and students who learned unusually fast.In 25 years of language learning, linguistic study and teaching English as a Second Language, I have come in contact with many hundreds of language learners from all over the world and from many different backgrounds. I observed them, asked questions, thought deeply about language learning and finally decided to write down my thoughts and findings in this book. The information is organised into 7 chapters, describing factors that are crucially important in the language learning process. I do not pretend that this list is complete. One obvious example of an important factor that is not mentioned is 'motivation'. I am sure that while you are reading this book, you will think of more. However, the 7 factors described in this book, are not always that obvious or clear-cut and need some discussion.This is not an academic book. It has been written in a style that is easy to read and is full of real-life stories and anecdotes. You are hereby encouraged to fill in your own experiences and test the statements made about language learning and the conclusions drawn. This book is meant to make you think, give you new insights and entertain at the same time. Also, numerous activities and language learning techniques have been included for you to try out.Even experienced language teachers and language learners will still find a number of facts, ideas and activities that are interesting, unusual and useful.

  • af Galactic Soda
    282,95 kr.

    Step into Construct, where our unique black-page designs are your playground for exploring alternate dimensions. Your colors will pop against the dark backdrop, making every hue a vibrant statement in a world that defies traditional boundaries. This coloring book isn't just an activity; it's an experience that pushes you to question and redefine the nature of reality itself. Are you ready to make the unreal real?

  • af Vicki Wilt
    142,95 kr.

    Words in Mind is a friendly guide to improving vocabulary and understanding how words are made and where they come from.

  • af Arlene Marcus
    297,95 kr.

  • af Diane Schadewald
    1.124,95 kr.

    For women's health and nurse practitioner courses. An accessible handbook for women's health, for both students and primary health care providers Building on the success of the previous edition, Women's Health: A Primary Care Clinical Guide is an easy-to-reference resource meeting the needs of providers who offer women more than basic reproductive health care. It covers traditional reproductive and gynecologic topics, as well as health issues in general medical, psychosocial, developmental, and political realms. Updated with the latest practice standards, the 5th edition has a new chapter on substance use disorders and expanded coverage of complementary therapies and issues affecting lesbian, bisexual, and transgender populations.

  • af Vikesh Kumar Singh
    197,95 kr.

    It's a very efficient book of Spoken.It will be very helpful to the children and people to grow their English speaking skill.It is tried to keep all the required topics by which students can overcome of the phobia of English. It is certainly a true guide to improve your English speech. In this book you will get most important words, phrases, Structures and sentences. Apart these all things English words for daily used things are given for your benefit. Words pronunciation is also given. Overall this spoken book is very helpful for the students.

  • af Gregory V. Diehl
    157,95 kr.

    Across continents and cultures, English has emerged as the shared bridge language that connects business, arts, sciences, and entertainment worldwide. In this thought-provoking and impassioned manifesto, a globally experienced EFL educator sheds light on the humanitarian importance of continuing to spread English as a universal means of communication-most notably in parts of the world where educational standards are lacking.This polemical and informative guide challenges prevailing English as a Foreign Language programs that most often leave learners struggling to attain conversational English fluency, despite years of enforced study and superficially good grades, test scores, and other accolades. It boldly delves into the overlooked consequences of bad English education for cultural, economic, and individual growth that disempower foreign English learners everywhere.Our Global Lingua Franca is an essential companion for both native and non-native English instructors navigating the challenges of sub-par language learning. It will validate your frustrations about learning and teaching under the conventional approach to EFL. Intelligent without being overly academic, it offers invaluable outside-the-box advice on reading, writing, listening, speaking, grammar, vocabulary, and pragmatics to help you impart conversational English fluency and beyond.

  • af Sam Samami
    597,95 kr.

    Boken består av cirka 2000 ord, termer och uttryck som används inom samhällskunskap och migration. Utvalda ord, termer och uttryck har valts med fokus på att vara mest användbara och relevanta för läsaren. Målet har även varit att erbjuda tydliga och korrekta definitioner och översättningar.Boken kan också vara till hjälp för dem som arbetar med dessa frågor i olika sammanhang, till exempel inom utbildning, media, politik eller ideell sektor.

    782,95 kr.

    Cross the intermediate threshold with confidence. Intermediate Plus is a level specially designed for students on the 'intermediate plateau' with a tailor-made syllabus to give them extra practice and support, allowing them to consolidate their language and improve their skills to approach B2 with confidence.

  • af I Talk You Talk Press
    102,95 kr.

    A graded reader for learners of English (EFL)Level 3 - A2/B1 Intermediate (1)>Ai Hayashi is a normal Japanese high school student. Or is she? Ai has strange powers. She can't tell anyone about her secret life until she meets Sei, a new student at her high school. Sei has secrets too. The two young people are caught up in a mysterious world that they don't understand. There will be surprises. They will face danger. Can they fulfill their destiny? Or will their mission result in their deaths?

  • af Tim Stewart
    247,95 kr.

    In the first edition of this book, Tim Stewart provided an easy-to-follow guide to conducting classroom research, from getting started to publishing your findings. The second edition of Classroom Research for Language Teachers further explores different approaches to conducting classroom research in the English language classroom, beginning with the central question: Why should English language teachers conduct classroom research? This edition has also been updated with new examples of teacher research and more resources for language teachers wishing to conduct their own research. This essential guide provides novice teacher-researchers with the knowledge to begin their own classroom research and the confidence to carry it out. Stewart helps you answer and reflect on important topics, such as: The different kinds of research How to develop a research topic How to plan your research project What kind of data to collect, and how to analyze it How to prepare your ideas for publication Demystify the process of classroom research and enjoy the empowering energy of researching and learning. Whether you are a new teacher or an experienced one, Classroom Research for Language Teachers, Second Edition is an essential resource for anyone who wants to improve their teaching practice through research. About the English Language Teacher Development Series As the English language teaching field continually reinvents itself, the pressure is intense for language teachers to update their knowledge. The English Language Teacher Development Series is a set of short resource books written in an accessible manner for all types of teachers of English. The series offers a theory-to-practice approach, a variety of practical methods, and time for reflections that allow teachers to interact with the materials presented. The books can be used in preservice settings, in-service courses, and by individuals looking for ways to refresh their practice.

  • af Gregory V Diehl
    287,95 kr.

    Our Global Lingua Franca is essential for English instructors navigating the challenges of sub-par language learning worldwide, addressing reading, writing, listening, speaking, grammar, vocabulary, and pragmatics.

  • af Learning English Curriculum
    327,95 kr.

    From the Ancient Greeks to Leonardo Da Vinci's flying machines, to Orville and Wilbur Wright, to WWII flying Ace, the Red Baron, to modern day space travel! 20 Complete Lesson plans (with Teacher Guide) for Intermediate to Advanced ESL Students Includes Full Audio with Each LessonIncludes: Student ReaderStudent WorkbookTeacher GuideOral questionsSmall group asking and answering questions then checking the answers providedRole-playsCrossword PuzzlesWord BingoDebates and debating

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