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  • af Divisional History
    156,95 kr.

    Biferno, Trigno, Sangro, Moro, Rapido, Arno, Senio, Santerno, Po, AdigeThe 8th Indian Division started its overseas service in the Middle East in the garrisoning of Iraq and then the invasion of Persia to secure the oil fields of the area for the Allies, before moving to Italy in 1943. Landing at Taranto, it pushed up the length of the peninsula in a series of major battles: breaking the Sangro Line, forcing the Rapido and turning the defences at Cassino, breaking the stubborn German resistance at Monte Grande and, finally, forcing the Po River. It won four VCs, 26 DSOs and 149 MCs along the way. During the war the 8th Indian Division sustained casualties totalling 2,012 dead, 8,189 wounded and 749 missing.

  • af Divisional History
    156,95 kr.

    The role of this division is also duplicated by a much larger work: the book by Brig. M. R. Roberts. However, this booklet gives a good account of Kohima and Imphal and the crossing of the Irrawaddy. In 1945, the division was flown into Siam, so becoming the first Allied formation to re-enter South East Asia.

  • af Divisional History
    156,95 kr.

    This formation was committed to Burma from the early days when the British were in full flight from the invading Japanese. It remained in Burma right through to the end, when the starving remnants of the Japanese Army were making their own desperate retreat.

  • af Divisional History
    156,95 kr.

    One of the few Indian divisions in the 14th Army trained specifically for the war in Burma. Raised in Bangalore in 1942, it commenced active operations in late 1943 and served from Imphal through to the end. It established the 14th Army's first brigade-head across the Chindwin and its second such brigade-head across the Irrawaddy. Its final task was to round up the Japanese in French Indochina.

  • af Divisional History
    156,95 kr.

    Arakan, RagoonThis is a history of the division said later by the Japanese to have been the opponent which they most feared. The 26th held the Allied monsoon line in the Arakan during two such seasons, repulsing every attack launched against it. Later it made a series of leap-frog landings down the coast to clinch the issue in the Arakan. It was the first division to enter Ragoon, invading the city from the sea.

  • af Divisional History
    156,95 kr.

    Burma, Malaya, JavaThe Fighting Cock Division is well recorded in the book by Doulton. This book gives coverage of the heavy fighting at the Kohima Battle, the capture of Tamu, the reoccupation of Malaya in August 1945, and then its strange role on the island of Java - concurrently disarming the Japanese garrison, fighting the insurgent Indonesian nationalists, and caring for 65,000 former internees pending the arrival of a new Dutch administration.

  • af Andrea Fritz
    227,95 kr.

    In this picture book featuring Coast Salish art and Traditional Storytelling techniques, a salmon and an otter learn to help each other even though they don't have all the answers.

  • af Molly Guptill Manning
    267,95 kr.

    From New York Times bestselling author Molly Guptill Manning comes The War of Words, the captivating story of how American troops in World War II wielded pens to tell their own stories as they made history.At a time when civilian periodicals faced strict censorship, US Army Chief of Staff George Marshall won the support of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to create an expansive troop-newspaper program. Both Marshall and FDR recognized that there was a second struggle taking place outside the battlefields of World War II--the war of words. While Hitler inundated the globe with propaganda, morale across the US Army dwindled. As the Axis blurred the lines between truth and fiction, the best defense was for American troops to bring the truth into focus by writing it down and disseminating it themselves.By war's end, over 4,600 unique GI publications had been printed around the world. In newsprint, troops made sense of their hardships, losses, and reasons for fighting. These newspapers--by and for the troops--became the heart and soul of a unit.From Normandy to the shores of Japan, American soldiers exercised a level of free speech the military had never known nor would again. It was an extraordinary chapter in American democracy and military history. In the war for "four freedoms," it was remarkably fitting that troops fought not only with guns but with their pens. This stunning volume includes fourteen pages of photographs and illustrations.

  • af Catherine Riaux-Gobin
    697,95 kr.

    This volume summarizes the results of a ten-year survey of small-sized marine Achnanthales (Bacillariophyceae) in Central Polynesia (South Pacific), focusing on their valve ultrastructures using the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The degree of colonization of benthic marine substrates, species richness and emergence of new diatom taxa appear to vary according to the geologic past, presence of coral reefs and degree of insularity of each Central Polynesia island. Several recently published taxa from French Polynesia, such as Cocconeis santandrea and Xenococconeis opunohusiensis, are presented herein, together with some unpublished observations and new illustrations on all of the 13 described taxa. A Venn diagram permits the first comparison with assemblages studied with the same methodologies from Central Polynesia, New Caledonia and Mascarenes (Indian Ocean). Potential endemism is briefly discussed. The taxonomy used in this volume is based on valve ultrastructure as seen in the SEM, which allows an easier comparison of the small marine tropical Achnanthales taxa, which can be difficult to distinguish by light microscopy. It questions the presence of forms or 'morphs' in several species complexes. The concept of endemism in marine eukaryotes, currently still controversial, opens up other perspectives on the biogeography of these organisms. Marine benthic and small-sized diatoms are poorly studied in contrast to freshwater diatoms, which are often used to develop diatom indices for determining water quality. This volume can help researchers working on the taxonomy of the order Achnanthales, but will also aid students beginning detailed studies of marine benthic diatoms.

  • af Russell Moore
    342,95 kr.

    The USS Hornet CV-12 was launched in 1943 and served with distinction during the Second World War in the Pacific. After various modifications, she was active during the Cold War and the Vietnam War. Following this, she joined the Apollo Program and recovered astronauts from the Apollo 11 and 12 moon missions. After being decommissioned for the final time, she rested for decades in the mothball fleet and was destined for the scrapyard until saved and turned into a floating museum. Today, eighty years after construction began on her, USS Hornet CV-12 is still serving the country with distinction, this time as an educational venue and community asset. USS Hornet CV-12: Service in War and Peace tells the story of this ship from design and construction to service in times of war and peace. The design was a pre-war standard and before any lessons from the Second World War could be incorporated, the ship and its crew were able to meet every challenge.

  • af Gregg Adams
    155,95 kr.

    Featuring evocative artwork plates and carefully selected photographs, this book assesses the US Marines and Japanese troops who contested the islands of Tarawa, Roi-Namur, and Eniwetok during 1943-44. On November 20, 1943, amphibious vehicles carrying Marines of the 2d Marine Division reached the shores of Betio Island in the Tarawa Atoll, defended by a determined Japanese garrison that would fight to the last man. This began a test by combat of over two decades of US studies, analyses, and planning for capturing and defending naval bases in Micronesia. The Tarawa assault was followed in February 1944 by the rapid capture of the Kwajalein and Eniwetok atolls in the Marshall Islands. In these battles US Marines fought a mix of Imperial Japanese Navy and Imperial Japanese Army ground units. All but a handful of the defenders, whether they were organized ground combat troops or infantry improvised from aviators and service troops, were determined to die for the Emperor while killing as many of the enemy as possible. In this study, Gregg Adams shows how the US Marine Corps and US Navy drew upon these pivotal actions to improve their tactics, organization, and equipment for the next round of amphibious operations. He also explains how their Japanese opponents - realizing that isolated island garrisons were doomed to destruction or isolation if the Imperial Japanese Navy could not defeat the US Navy at sea - moved from seeking to repel an invasion to one inflicting maximum American casualties through prolonged defensive fighting.

  • af Brian Lane Herder
    155,95 kr.

    An illustration-packed new account of the powerful Royal Navy fleet that fought alongside the US Navy throughout the last year of the Pacific War.The British Pacific Fleet was the Royal Navy's primary contribution to the direct defeat of Japan in 1945, and is among the most powerful fleets Britain has ever sent into action. With naval supremacy in home waters achieved by 1944, many of the best and most modern ships in the Royal Navy could be sent to the Pacific, including battleships, submarines, light forces, replenishment groups, and shore establishment. However, the main striking force was the fast carrier force.Illustrated throughout with dramatic new artwork, 3D diagrams, maps and archive photos, this book explains how the Royal Navy joined the Pacific carrier war, and how the fleet adopted the US Navy's ruthlessly effective fast carrier doctrine. With ships optimized for short-range operations in the Atlantic and Mediterranean, the BPF had to rapidly adapt to the long-range, high-tempo warfare of the Pacific, and the story is often one of inspired improvisation. The BPF shared the US Navy's terrifying experience of kamikaze strikes, and famously its armoured carriers proved tougher than the US counterparts. With discussion of the ships, their technology, how the fleet was organized and commanded, and how it fought the campaign, this book is a fascinating exploration of the Royal Navy's part in the victory over Japan.

  • af Mark Stille
    155,95 kr.

    Launching Osprey's new Fleet series, this is a spectacularly illustrated, concise and comprehensive account of the Imperial Japanese Navy's striking force at the height of its power.The Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) entered the Pacific War as one of the most formidable navies in the world, and its combat power was concentrated into one force, the Combined Fleet. In the months that followed Pearl Harbor it enjoyed an unrivaled string of victories, shattering American, British, Australian, and Dutch naval forces. This period of expansion and constant victories ended at the Battle of Midway, after which the Combined Fleet was forced onto the defensive. In this book, Mark Stille draws on his decades of IJN research to explain what made the Combined Fleet the fighting force that it was. Packed with superb original artwork, explanatory 3D diagrams and maps, it examines the fleet's doctrine, innovative tactics and powerful warships. It also details the qualities and importance of IJN leadership, logistics, naval infrastructure, and Japan's shipbuilding capability, and gives an account and analysis of the IJN's combat performance during these crucial months - not just in the famous carrier battles, but also exploring lesser-known elements such as IJN amphibious forces and land-based aviation.

  • af Edward M. Young
    155,95 kr.

    This book examines the role of the Grumman F4F Wildcat, the US Navy's standard carrier fighter at the start of the Pacific War, and its clashes against the Imperial Japanese Naval Air Force's Mitsubishi A6M Zero-sen.The US Navy went to war in December 1941 with the tubby Wildcat, the first of Grumman's famed 'cats', as its principal carrier fighter. Ruggedly built and well armed, the F4F's performance was inferior to the Japanese Zero-sen, yet in the carrier battles of 1942 between the US Navy and the IJN the Wildcat pilots more than held their own against some of the finest naval aviators in the world. Many of the Wildcat pilots that saw action in the South Pacific comprised what respected naval historian John Lundstrom has called the 'First Team' - the small group of highly trained prewar pilots who manned the bulk of the US Navy's carrier fighter squadrons. Illustrated with specially commissioned artwork, including armament views and ribbon diagrams, the book examines the carrier battles that took place in August and October in the South Pacific around the first American offensive of the war - the amphibious assault on the island of Guadalcanal, and the actions of the Wildcat in combat with IJN carrier aircraft. The key combat actions are described and accompanied with rare and original photographs and diagrams, as are the training and tactics that contributed to the Wildcat's success.

  • af Mark Stille
    165,95 kr.

    An detailed illustrated exploration of the Japanese raid into the Indian Ocean in April 1942 - one of the largest operations conducted by the Imperial Navy during the war.In the wake of Japan's conquest of Burma in early 1942, plans were formed by the Imperial high command to capture Ceylon (modern Sri Lanka) to consolidate Japan's defensive perimeter and disrupt British shipping lanes to India, Australia, and the Middle East. The Imperial Japanese Army, however, could not release sufficient troops for an invasion, and so in response the Japanese Navy developed Operation C, an aggressive raid by the Combined Fleet into the Indian Ocean. The key objective was to destroy the British Eastern Fleet in port.Expert naval historian Mark Stille documents the high point of Japanese naval air power as its carriers struck Ceylon - the heart of British naval power in the East - sinking several Allied ships. He describes the Allied air attempts to destroy Admiral Chuichi Nagumo's force, and the Japanese attacks against British shipping and the cities along the Indian coast.Specially commissioned battlescenes bring to life the sinking of British carrier Hermes, the Bristol Blenheim attacks on the Japanese carrier force, and a Zero vs Hurricane dogfight over Colombo on 5 April. Easy to follow maps and diagrams reveal the strategic situation at the start and end of the campaign, and track the movements of the Japanese carrier task force and the British Eastern Fleet throughout. Details of weaponry, equipment, personnel and the events of the fascinating battles that took place are revealed in over 60 photographs, many of which are from Japanese sources.

  • af Ian Gill
    187,95 kr.

    Ian Gill's first visit to Hong Kong takes an unexpected turn when he meets his Chinese mother Billie's fellow ex-prisoners of war, revealing a tumultuous past in Shanghai and Hong Kong. He moves to Asia and unravels her intriguing journey: from adoption by an Englishman in Changsha to radio broadcaster in wartime Shanghai, from tragedy in a Japanese internment camp to being decorated by Queen Elizabeth II. And he finally meets his father for the first time.

  • af John D Lukacs
    195,95 kr.

    The “riveting” (John Wukovits, author of Admiral “Bull” Halsey) and all-but-unknown account of ten American prisoners of war who escaped from a Japanese prison during World War II.On April 4, 1943, ten American prisoners of war and two Filipino convicts executed a daring escape from one of Japan’s most notorious prison camps. The prisoners were survivors of the infamous Bataan Death March and the Fall of Corregidor, and the prison from which they escaped was surrounded by an impenetrable swamp and reputedly escape-proof. Theirs was the only successful group escape from a Japanese POW camp during the Pacific war. Escape from Davao is the “remarkable” (Bill Sloan, author of Brotherhood of Heroes) story of one of the most extraordinary incidents in the Second World War and of what happened when the Americans returned home to tell the world what they had witnessed. Davao Penal Colony, on the southern Philippine island of Mindanao, was a prison plantation where thousands of American POWs toiled alongside Filipino criminals and suffered from tropical diseases and malnutrition, as well as the cruelty of their captors. The American servicemen were rotting in a hellhole from which escape was considered impossible, but ten of them, realizing that inaction meant certain death, planned to escape. Their bold plan succeeded with the help of Filipino allies, both patriots and the guerrillas who fought the Japanese sent to recapture them. Their trek to freedom repeatedly put the Americans in jeopardy, yet they eventually succeeded in returning home to the United States to fulfill their self-appointed mission: to tell Americans about Japanese atrocities and to rally the country to the plight of their comrades still in captivity. But the government and the military had a different timetable for the liberation of the Philippines and ordered the men to remain silent. Their testimony, when it finally emerged, galvanized the nation behind the Pacific war effort and made the men celebrities. Over the decades this remarkable story, called the “greatest story of the war in the Pacific” by the War Department in 1944, has faded away. Because of wartime censorship, the full story has never been told until now. John D. Lukacs spent years researching this heroic event, interviewing survivors, reading their letters, searching archival documents, and traveling to the decaying prison camp and its surroundings. His dramatic, gripping account of the escape brings this remarkable tale back to life, where a new generation can admire the resourcefulness and patriotism of the men who fought the Pacific war.

  • af Hideko Tamura Snider
    312,95 kr.

    "Hideko was ten years old when the atomic bomb devastated her home in Hiroshima. In this eloquent and moving narrative, Hideko recalls her life before the bomb, the explosion itself, and the influence of that trauma upon her subsequent life in Japan and the United States. Her years in America have given her unusual insights into the relationship between Japanese and American cultures and the impact of Hiroshima on our lives. This new edition includes two expanded chapters and revisions throughout. A new epilogue brings the story up to date, covering Hideko's work as an anti-nuclear activist and her visit to the Enola Gay at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC. This poignant story of courage and resilience remains deeply relevant today, offering a profoundly personal testament against the ongoing threat of nuclear warfare"--

  • af Jakob Anderhandt
    391,95 - 479,95 kr.

  • af Ilka Mella
    352,95 kr.

  • af Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida
    277,95 kr.

    Mila ankommer i en alder af tre år til Lissabon fra Luanda, hovedstaden i Angola. Hendes far er portugiser, hendes mor angolaner. Alt, hvad hun ved om sin oprindelse, stammer fra hendes bedsteforældre og nogle falmede fotografier. Fra første dag føler hun sig som en fremmed. Det mest tydelige tegn på hendes forskellighed er hendes krøllede hår, som stort set er uregerligt og vil følge hende hele livet. Mila bruger sine minder som en falsk biografi, hvori hun fortæller om familiebegivenheder gennem fire generationer. Hun indleder en søgen efter sin identitet, en søgen, der skal vise sig at blive kompleks og smertefuld, og som krydser tre lande og to kontinenters historie. Gennem hendes utæmmelige krøllede hårs originale linse ser vi hendes forandring og følger hende gennem kvartererne i et Lissabon, der endnu ikke tilhører middelklassen, gennem Luandas gader og blandt billederne i et familiealbum, der giver os et fragmentarisk og vildledende indblik. Ved at blande erindringer og postkolonial roman, virkelighed og fiktion reflekterer Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida over racisme, feminisme, identitet, hukommelsens mekanismer og skriveprocessen og tvinger os til at reflektere over et spørgsmål, der bekymrer flere og flere mennesker i dag: Hvad vil det sige slet ikke at høre til nogen steder og hele tiden leve i spændet mellem forskellige kulturer? ”Mit hår er en aktuel og vigtig bog om familie, som henvender sig til mange nutidige læsere, der kæmper med en blandet identitet, og til enhver, der forsøger at finde meningen med en hårtype, hudfarve og familiebaggrund, der ikke passer ind i det traditionelle mønster.” The New York Times

  • af Tomas Gonzalez
    357,95 kr.

    Tiden ved Stillehavet er en roman skrevet med glæde, som en hyldest til glæden. En stor familie ledsager den gamle 91-årige mor til Colombias Stillehavskyst for at se hvaler. Ignacio, som er læge og fortæller i denne smukke roman, er med på rejsen for at finde meningen med livet. Sammen med ham er hans mor, hans moster Antonia, hans kone, Ester, hans fire søskende, en sygeplejerske og hans nevøer. Nogle er spøgelsesagtige tilstedeværelser i hukommelsen, andre er der for at afsløre den dybere grund til, at de samles på det gådefulde sted, hvor havet, stranden, himlen og regnen går i ét med junglen. Tiden ved Stillehavet er en tumultarisk familieroman, hvori man mærker den store litteraturs mimetiske kraft; den, der gennem sine personer og sit sprog minder os om, at liv og død er to sider af samme sag. Ligesom der ikke kunne være noget hav uden en kyst, kan der heller ikke være nogen begyndelse uden en afslutning. “Tomás González har potentialet til at blive en klassiker i latinamerikansk litteratur. Da jeg læste ham, fik jeg fornemmelsen af, at han var en forfatter med en stor renhed.” Elfriede Jelinek, forfatter, Nobelprisvinder

  • af Kyosuke Fukunaga
    185,95 kr.

    An analysis of a 1933 Japanese pulp fiction novel and the foretelling of the coming war.

  • af Jennifer Corrin & Vergil Narokobi
    1.086,95 - 1.307,95 kr.

  • af Alfredo C. Robles Jr.
    1.736,95 kr.

    This book focuses on the legal and procedural problems caused by Chinäs default in the South China Sea Arbitration. Many of these problems arose because in several respects, China departed from the conduct of other defaulting States in cases before the International Court of Justice.The book argues that the Tribunal, confronted with the difficulties of maintaining the balance between two parties in a situation of default, drew on the full range of its powers to ensure that neither China nor the Philippines would suffer from Chinäs default. Further, the book describes the shortcomings of the submissions of putative amicus curiae. It refutes Chinäs questioning of the independence and impartiality of the experts and of the judges. In so doing, it explains the expert opinions and the Tribunal ¿s assessments of the latter in the areas of satellite imagery, coral reef ecology, and navigational safety, while rebutting the half- truths and counter-truths disseminated by Chinese scholars about the proceedings. The book compares Chinäs threats to the independence of the Tribunal to its behavior towards Chinese judges. It places Chinäs accusations of bias against the Tribunal in the context of Chinäs domestic situation, and concludes that the Tribunal, acting independently and impartially, was able to perform the judicial function, despite Chinäs default.

  • af Trent Hone & Vincent O'Hara
    497,95 kr.

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