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  • af Barry Phillips
    337,95 kr.

    The book traces the story of how a song recorded in 1981 by a young punk rock band from a cultural backwater on the English-Welsh border, and released on a tiny independent record label, became famous in a Yugoslavia formed in the image of Marshall Tito? Why was it 30 years before the members of the band found out? How did this 'socialist' country have one of the most vibrant punk scenes in the world?Gloucester, England, 1981; multi-racial, teenage street-punk band, Demob, recorded and released what would become their best known and most enduring song, No Room For You. A rasping vocal told the story of the 1979 closure of a short-lived, punk rock venue at a disused motel on the edge of the provincial city. Depending on your mind-set, the lyrics were either a howl of rage at the injustice, a wail at the loss, or a love-song to an era. More than three decades later, the author - and Demob's bass player in 1981 - set out to follow the song across a country that no longer exists. On the road he heard the life stories of the heroes of Yugoslavian punk and the punks themselves; from the Tito era, through the disintegration and wars, forced displacements and permanent exiles, to today's turbulent 'reconstruction. Who were 'Tito's punks' and who are they now?An unvarnished but also affectionate portrait of Yugoslavia in the years before its demise through to the present, seen through the unlikely lens of punk and punk rockers. Part travelogue, part history the book is both, and neither, of those things. Rather, it is a mural and soundtrack of a journey through a time and place which no longer exists. The latest addition to the Global Punk series from Intellect.

  • af Freytag & Berndt
    229,95 kr.

    Der Autoatlas Kroatien - Slowenien 1:150.000 ist der ideale Begleiter für alle, die mit dem Auto unterwegs sind und dabei nicht nur die Hauptstraßen und Autobahnen nutzen möchten. Er ist ideal für die Planung und erweist sich auch während der Reise als unverzichtbare Orientierungshilfe.Mit dem detaillierten Kartenbild und dem genauen Maßstab lassen sich auch weniger befahrene Nebenstraßen entdecken, die in Übersichtskarten meist gar nicht eingezeichnet sind. Landschaftlich schöne Strecken sind farblich hervorgehoben.Informationen zum Straßenatlas Kroatien - SlowenienKroatien - Slowenien 1:150.000Europa 1:3.500.000Spiralbindung verdecktCamping- und StellplätzeTouristische InformationenOrtsregister mit Postleitzahlen19 Innenstadtpläne224 Seiten, Format 23 x 29,7 cmDer ideale Autoatlas für Kroatien und Slowenien Das dichte Straßennetz ist exakt abgebildet, landschaftlich schöne Abschnitte und Touristenstraßen sind farblich hervorgehoben und viele Ausflugsziele sind in der Karte eingezeichnet.Auto- und Motorradfahrer schätzen die exakte Kartographie von freytag & berndt besonders für die Planung und Orientierung vor Ort. Damit die Reise auch mit Wohnmobil, Wohnwagen oder Camper gut planbar ist, sind alle Camping- und Stellplätze im Atlas eingezeichnet. Verdeckte Spiralbindung Der Autoatlas Kroatien - Slowenien ist besonders komfortabel in der Handhabung da er sich durch die Spiralbindung bequem aufklappen lässt. So bleibt die gewünschte Seite auch während der Fahrt immer geöffnet. Innenstadtpläne Mit den enthaltenen Cityplänen kann man sich in den Städten gut orientieren, darunter etwa Dubrovnik, Pula, Rijeka, Split, Zagreb, Ljubljana und Maribor;.Gedruckt in Österreich

  • af Priscilla Morris
    95,95 kr.

    Black Butterflies, a captivating novel penned by the talented Priscilla Morris, is a must-read for any book lover. Published in the spring of 2023 by Duckworth Ltd., this book has quickly made a name for itself in the literary world. Its genre, while hard to pin down, is a unique blend that will surely captivate your interest. The story unfolds in a way that keeps you turning the pages, eager to discover what happens next. Black Butterflies is more than just a book; it's an experience. So why wait? Dive into the world of Black Butterflies and let Priscilla Morris take you on an unforgettable journey.

  • af Luke Edward Hall
    245,95 kr.

    Steeped in honey, Juventius, your golden eyes, and as sweet too when I press my lips to them - three hundred thousand kisses is not close to enoughFor centuries, evidence of queer love in the ancient world was ignored or suppressed. Even today, only a few, famous narratives are widely known - yet there's a rich literary tradition of Greek and Roman love that extends far beyond this handful of stories. Here, the poet Seán Hewitt and painter Luke Edward Hall collect together, for the first time, forty of the most exhilarating queer tales in the classical canon and bring them newly to life. A ground-breaking anthology that changes the way we see the ancient world - and invites us to reflect on the puritanism of our own - 300,000 Kisses is a riotous celebration of desire in all its forms.

  • af Ryan Ver Berkmoes
    177,95 kr.

  • - A Life in Legend
    af Richard Stoneman
    154,95 kr.

    Alexander the Great (356-323 B C E) precipitated immense historical change in the Mediterranean and Near Eastern worlds. This title traces Alexander's influence in ancient literature and folklore and in later literatures of east and west.

  • af Diane J. Rayor & André Lardinois
    182,95 - 608,95 kr.

  • af Anna Comnena
    472,95 kr.

    Anna Komnene describes the political and military history of the Byzantine Empire during the reign of her father, Emperor Alexios I. The text documents the Crusades and the conflicting perceptions of East and West in the early 12th century.

  • af Andrei Pogacias
    125,95 kr.

    This intriguing book describes the Romans' formidably warlike enemies in modern Romania and Bulgaria - their 'most illustrated' opponents, thanks to friezes on Trajan's Column and carvings on Trajan's Adamklissi monument.Formidable warriors, able to field tens of thousands of infantry and cavalry and led by a military aristocracy, the Dacians and Getae presented a real threat to Rome's north-eastern frontier. They inflicted several defeats on Rome, crossing the Danube to invade the province of Moesia, and later stubbornly resisting counter-invasions from their strong mountain fortresses. Historians believe that the Dacians and Getae were essentially the same group of tribes during successive periods, related to Thracian tribes from territory south of the Carpathian Mountains, but their exact relationship in place and time is a subject for debate. Those called the 'Getae' by ancient Greek sources were actively expanding by at least the 4th century BC; some enlisted as mercenaries in Roman armies during the 1st century BC, and others later clashed with the army of Augustus, fighting alongside the Sarmatians. The people whom the Romans called the 'Dacians' are best known from wars against the emperors Domitian in AD 85-89 and Trajan in 101-106. At their peak, the Dacians and Getae defeated neighbouring peoples stretching from modern Slovakia to southern Ukraine and it is believed that the effectiveness of their weapons caused modifications in Roman infantry armour. Although most direct ancient sources have been lost to us, enough references remain to reconstruct a picture of their society and culture. Using previously unseen photos of archaeological finds with colour illustrations showing the appearance and weaponry of their warrior kings, noblemen, infantry and cavalry, this detailed book draws upon the latest literary and archaeological research to provide a complete account of these fascinating fighters.

  • af Bram Stoker
    95,95 kr.

    The Prince of Darkness is the cornerstone to vampire lore. Temptation, horror, and thrills manifest when Count Dracula comes head to head with Abraham Van Helsing in this completely unabridged edition, designed with a smaller format for easy portability.

  • af A-Z Maps
    165,95 kr.

    Discover the best biking routes around Europe.The definitive European motorcycle touring bible, with the best biking roads presented in 100 easy-to-follow, tried-and-tested routes from motorcycle journalist, author and traveller Simon Weir.

  • af Tim Clancy
    197,95 - 217,95 kr.

    5th edition 2017. From an expert author who has lived and worked in the region for over two decades, Bradt´s Bosnia and Herzegovina is the most comprehensive English-language guidebook available to the mountainous heart of the Western Balkans. It covers the country´s diverse Mediterranean landscapes, from the southern Herzegovina cities of Mostar and Trebinje to the lush and green Alpine regions of Sarajevo and Banja Luka, plus second-to-none coverage of the capital city Sarajevo. Now in its fifth edition, not only does the guide feature smaller towns and villages off the beaten track, but it also goes into greater depth than its competitors, with more detail on the history, culture and sights, and more opinionated and entertaining reviews of hotels and restaurants. For this new updated edition the Sarajevo chapter has been fully overhauled and a complete run-down of all of the Herzegovina wineries has been included. There is also new coverage on the Via Dinarica regional mega trail that carves its way through the heart of Bosnia and Herzegovina´s Dinaric Alps and is chock full of activities and adventure for families and pros alike. New maps for the country´s national parks are included, plus walking routes that you´ll find in no other book. Also included are details of rural accommodation and farm stays within reach of some of the major hubs, plus an expanded chapter on Mostar and Trebinje. Two decades after the conflict that ravaged the region, Bosnia and Herzegovina has emerged as a unique, dynamic tourism destination. Whether you go in search of bears in the primeval Sutjeska National Park, wander the winding streets of Sarajevo´s Turkish quarter or put your feet up in Mostar with a glass of chilled ilavka, you are guaranteed to be charmed by the country´s rich natural and cultural heritage.

  • - Kardinaldyderne i arkaisk og klassisk tid
    af Michael Stenskjær Christensen
    235,95 kr.

    Fra det antikke Grækenland har vi overleveret en forestilling om at der findes fire gode personlige egenskaber som er særligt vigtige. Disse fire – retfærdighed, besindighed, visdom og mod – er kendt som de fire kardinaldyder, og Platon får ofte æren for at have opfundet eller samlet disse dyder. Det skyldes at de spiller en meget fremtrædende rolle i hans mest berømte værk, Staten, når den lykkelige sjæl og den velfungerende stat skal beskrives. Denne bog præsenterer en grundig analyse af de fire kardinaldyders tidligste historie. Undersøgelsen falder i to dele. I den første kortlægges kardinaldydernes tilstedeværelse i den græske litteratur frem til og med Platon. Denne undersøgelse er bl.a. baseret på computerassisterede analyser af den samlede græske litteratur frem til Platons egen samtid, hvilket gør det muligt at skitsere og identificere forbindelser mellem de fire berømte termer. Korpuslingvistiske metoder og statistisk analyse anvendes for at give behandlingen et mere systematisk grundlag og tilstræbe så høj en objektivitet som fortolkningen af denne litteratur tillader. Anden del beskæftiger sig med en række centrale og berømte dialoger i Platons forfatterskab som underkastes en kritisk analyse med sigte på de fire kardinaldyder og deres mulige interne forbindelser. Undervejs sættes der spørgsmålstegn ved om de udgør en fast og veletableret filosofisk enhed, og om de repræsenterer den samlede dyd i de undersøgte dialoger. Samlet præsenterer bogens to dele et forslag til at genoverveje vores forståelse af begyndelse til de firekardinaldyders lange og prominente historie.

  • af Ismail Kadare
    189,95 kr.

    Albanien 1943. De tyske tropper står foran byen Gjirokastra i det sydlige Albanien som første etape i en omhyggeligt planlagt invasion. Den nazistiske øverstbefalende viser sig at være en gammel ven af byens fremtrædende kirurg doktor Gurameto. Oberst von Schwabe er begejstret over gensynet og Gurameto inviterer ham til middag. Men tyskerne har taget gidsler blandt byens indbyggere og mens musikken og champagnen flyder forsøger Gurameto - velvidende at han nu anses for at være landsforræder - at overtale obersten til at frigive gidslerne. Det lykkes og Gurameto hyldes som byens helt. Mange år senere da krigen er slut og kommunismen for længst er indført dukker sagen imidlertid op igen. Stalins paranoia er på sit højeste og pludselig ser han den gådefulde middag som et klart bevis på at Gurameto ja hele byen Gjirokastra står bag et verdensomspændende komplot med det formål at udrydde socialismen og Stalin selv. Ismail Kadaré (f. 1936) er født og opvokset i Gjirokastra i det sydlige Albanien men deler nu sin tid mellem Albanien og Frankrig. Han har udgivet mere end 30 romaner som er blevet oversat til mere end 40 sprog. På dansk er udgivet flere romaner. Senest Agamemnons datter (2007). Kadaré modtog i 2005 Den Internationale Man Booker pris for romanen Efterfølgeren (på dansk 2006).

  • af Katrine Wiedemann
    115,95 - 227,95 kr.

    Klara er en succesrig forsker, der lever et godt liv med sin store kærlighed Tomas og deres 10-årige datter Molly. En dag får hun en stærk mistanke om at Tomas bedrager hende. Af skræk for at deres liv skal smuldre, tør hun ikke konfrontere ham. For ikke at gå ned med en depression, kaster hun sig ud i en række møder med mennesker, der dramatisk forandrer hendes syn på livet og kærligheden.LØGN NUMMER ÉT, der er sceneinstruktør Katrine Wiedemanns skønlitterære debut, er en underfundig, tragikomisk roman om moderne menneskers kamp med kaos og kærlighed.

  • af Victoria Hislop
    180,95 - 327,95 kr.

    TUSINDER AF ÅR GAMMEL LIGGER EN SIMPEL STATUETTE, EN MARMORFIGUR, UNDER JORDEN PÅ EN LILLE Ø I DET ÆGÆISKE HAV. SÅDANNE SMUKKE OG GÅDEFULDE IKONER EFTERSPØRGES AF BÅDE SAMLERE OG GRAVRØVERE.Som barn tilbringer Helena McCloud somrene hos sine bedsteforældre i Athen. Det er i slutningen af 1960’erne. Grækenland er styret af et brutalt militærdiktatur, hvor hendes iltre og strenge bedstefar er general.En sommer mange år efter vender Helena drevet af kærlighed tilbage til landet, og hendes interesse for arkæologi vækkes, da hun som frivillig deltager i udgravningen på en lille græsk ø. Et forfærdeligt forræderi tænder dog også et ønske om hævn i hende. Hævn over forsmåelsen, hævn over sin bedstefars fornedrelser. Hævn for genoprejsning.Tilbage i Athen gennemgår Helena den forladte lejlighed, som hun har arvet, og opdager en skjult samling af uvurderlige antikviteter. Hun spørger sig selv, hvordan hendes bedstefar dog har opnået sådan en samling og beslutter sig for at returnere de dyrebare genstande til deres retmæssige ejere. Det fører hende ind i en kriminel underverden, hvor hun må tage en beslutning om, hvilke værdier der er værd at kæmpe for.

  • af Thomas Bagger
    115,95 - 151,95 kr.

    Politimanden David Flugt drømmer om at vende tilbage til en normal tilværelse, efter at han i selvforsvar har dræbt en seriemorder. Men da han pludselig bliver kontaktet af sin gamle chef fra Europol, tilspidses situationen yderligere: Den falske identitet, han bar, da han i sin tid infiltrerede en umenneskeligt kynisk rumænsk bande, er blevet afsløret, og der er sat en stor pris på hans hoved i Rumænien. Magtfulde folk på begge sider af loven vil se ham død.Selvom han vil være jaget vildt, så snart han sætter fod i hovedstaden Timisoara, må David nødvendigvis tilbage og gøre regnskabet op med bandelederen Volos. Hans plan er lige så enkel, som den er dumdristig: Ene mand vil han tage kampen op mod en af de farligste kriminelle organisationer i Østeuroma og tage Volos’ hoved, før han får taget sit eget.Men hvad David ikke ved, er at han får følgeskab af en hidtil ukendt fjende: ham selv."Stamina" er en selvstændig fortsættelse til "Manden i tre dele" og "Den nittende ø".

  • af Tony Spawforth
    130,95 - 242,95 kr.

    An enjoyable, accessible exploration of the legacy of ancient Greece today, across our daily lives and all forms of popular culture Our contemporary world is inescapably Greek. Whether in a word like "pandemic," a Freudian state of mind like the "Oedipus complex," or a replica of the Parthenon in a Chinese theme park, ancient Greek culture shapes the contours of our lives. Ever since the first Roman imitators, we have been continually falling under the Greeks' spell. But how did ancient Greece spread its influence so far and wide? And how has this influence changed us? Tony Spawforth explores our classical heritage, wherever it's to be found. He reveals its legacy in everything from religion to popular culture, and unearths the darker side of Greek influence--from the Nazis' obsession with Spartan "racial purity" to the elitism of classical education. Paying attention to the huge breadth and variety of Hellenic influence, this book paints an essential portrait of the ancient world's living legacy--considering to whom it matters, and why.

  • af S¿la Aslan
    311,95 kr.

    Akdeniz lezzetlerinin güne¿le öpülmü¿ dünyas¿na girin ve "Yunanca: Yunan Kökleriyle Gündelik Tarifler" ile Yunan mutfä¿n¿n özünü kucaklay¿n. Bu mutfak yolculüunda sizi, gelene¿in, tazeli¿in ve Ege'nin canl¿ ruhunun mükemmel bir birle¿imi olan Yunan yemeklerini tan¿mlayan zengin lezzet dokusunun tad¿n¿ ç¿karmaya davet ediyoruz. Özenle seçilmi¿ 100 yemek tarifiyle bu yemek kitab¿, ev yemekleri sanat¿n¿ kutluyor ve Yunan mutfaklar¿n¿n s¿cakl¿¿¿n¿ kendi mutfä¿n¿za tä¿man¿za olanak tan¿yor.Ege Denizi'nin masmavi sular¿n¿, yamaçlara tutunan beyaz badanal¿ binalar¿ ve havada süzülen zeytinyä¿ ve ¿ifal¿ bitki kokular¿n¿ hayal edin. "Yunanca" sadece bir yemek tarifleri koleksiyonu de¿ildir; her yeme¿in bir miras, bölgesel etkiler ve ortak yemek yeme keyfinin hikayesini anlatt¿¿¿ Yunanistan'¿n kalbine giden bir pasaport.¿ster otantik Yunan lezzetlerini yeniden yaratmak isteyen deneyimli bir ¿ef olun, ister yemeklerinize Akdeniz havas¿n¿ katmak isteyen bir ev äç¿s¿ olun, bu tarifler eri¿ilebilir, lezzetli ve günlük Yunan yemeklerini kutlayacak ¿ekilde tasarlanm¿¿t¿r. Klasik musakkadan canl¿ Yunan salatalar¿na kadar, Yunan sofras¿n¿n ruhunu kendinize getiren bir mutfak yolculüuna ç¿k¿n.Her tarifin iyi yeme¿in sizi güne¿li k¿y¿lara, aile toplant¿lar¿na ve Yunan misafirperverli¿inin kalbine tä¿yacak güce sahip oldüunu hat¿rlatan Yunan mutfä¿n¿n basit ama derin zevklerini ke¿federken bize kat¿l¿n. O halde malzemelerinizi toplay¿n, Akdeniz ruhunu kucaklay¿n ve "Yunan" ile Yunan mutfä¿n¿n özünün tad¿n¿ ç¿karal¿m. Opa!

  • af Natasza Wilk
    314,95 kr.

    Wejd¿ do sk¿panego w s¿öcu ¿wiata ¿ródziemnomorskich smaków i poznaj esencj¿ kuchni greckiej dzi¿ki ¿Greckiemu: Przepisom na kädy dzie¿ z greckimi korzeniami". W tej kulinarnej podró¿y zapraszamy Ci¿ do rozkoszowania si¿ bogat¿ mieszank¿ smaków, które definiuj¿ greck¿ kuchni¿ - wykwintnym pö¿czeniem tradycji, ¿wie¿öci i t¿tni¿cego ¿yciem ducha Morza Egejskiego. Ta ksi¿¿ka kucharska, zawieraj¿ca 100 starannie dobranych przepisów, celebruje sztuk¿ gotowania w domu, pozwalaj¿c Ci wnie¿¿ do w¿asnej kuchni ciep¿o greckiej kuchni.Wyobrä sobie lazurowe wody Morza Egejskiego, bielone budynki przylegaj¿ce do zboczy wzgórz i aromat oliwy z oliwek i zió¿ unosz¿cy si¿ w powietrzu. ¿Grecki" to nie tylko zbiór przepisów; to paszport do serca Grecji, gdzie käde danie opowiada histori¿ dziedzictwa, wp¿ywów regionalnych i radöci wspólnego posi¿ku.Niezale¿nie od tego, czy jeste¿ döwiadczonym szefem kuchni, który pragnie odtworzy¿ autentyczne greckie smaki, czy te¿ domowym kucharzem, który pragnie nadä swoim posi¿kom ¿ródziemnomorski charakter, te przepisy zostäy zaprojektowane tak, aby by¿y przyst¿pne, smaczne i celebrowäy codzienn¿ greck¿ kuchni¿. Od klasycznej musaki po t¿tni¿ce ¿yciem säatki greckie - wyrusz w kulinarn¿ odysej¿, która przeniesie ducha greckiego stöu na Twoje.Dö¿cz do nas podczas odkrywania prostych, ale g¿¿bokich przyjemnöci kuchni greckiej, gdzie kädy przepis przypomina, ¿e dobre jedzenie ma moc przeniesienia Ci¿ do sk¿panych w s¿öcu brzegów, spotkä rodzinnych i serca greckiej göcinnöci. Zbierz wi¿c sk¿adniki, ogarnij si¿ ¿ródziemnomorskim duchem i delektuj si¿ esencj¿ kuchni greckiej poprzez ¿greck¿". Opa!

  • af Björk Ólafsdóttir
    314,95 kr.

    Farðu inn í sólkyssta heim Miðjarðarhafsbragða og faðmaðu kjarna grískrar matargerðar með "GRÍSKAR: ALLTAF DAGA UPPSKRIFTUR MEÐ GRÆSKUM RÓTUM." Í þessari matreiðsluferð bjóðum við þér að njóta ríkulegs bragðgalla sem skilgreinir grískan mat - stórkostlega samruna hefðar, ferskleika og líflegs anda Eyjahafsins. Með 100 vandlega samsettum uppskriftum fagnar þessi matreiðslubók list heimamatargerðar, sem gerir þér kleift að koma með hlýju grísku eldhúsanna inn í þitt eigið.Sjáðu fyrir þér blátt vatn Eyjahafsins, hvítþvegnar byggingar loða við hlíðar og ilm af ólífuolíu og kryddjurtum streyma um loftið. "Gríska" er ekki bara safn uppskrifta; það er vegabréf til hjarta Grikklands, þar sem hver réttur segir sögu um arfleifð, svæðisbundin áhrif og gleði sameiginlegra veitinga.Hvort sem þú ert vanur kokkur sem leitast við að endurskapa ekta gríska bragðtegund eða heimakokkur sem er fús til að fylla máltíðir þínar með Miðjarðarhafsbrag, þessar uppskriftir eru hannaðar til að vera aðgengilegar, ljúffengar og hátíð grískrar hversdagsmatargerðar. Frá klassískum moussaka til lifandi grísks salat, farðu í matreiðsluferð sem færir anda gríska borðsins til þín.Gakktu til liðs við okkur þegar við skoðum einfalda en djúpstæða ánægju grískrar matargerðar, þar sem hver uppskrift er áminning um að góður matur hefur kraftinn til að flytja þig til sólarljósra stranda, fjölskyldusamkoma og hjarta grískrar gestrisni. Svo, safnaðu hráefninu þínu, faðmaðu Miðjarðarhafsandann og við skulum njóta kjarna grískrar matargerðar með ¿grísku". Ópa!

  • af Saimir a Lolja
    106,95 kr.

    Readers who finished the acclaimed 2018 first edition swiftly dove into a second reading. Why the page-turning intrigue? This enriched edition builds on the book's fundamental magnetism for the open-minded - smiling at the wonders of human psychology woven subtly through seeming coincidences. Masterfully staged events feature an ascending cast, yet nothing is random. Will you love finding yourself challenged and enthralled? The recipe is served.Europe endured grave suffering in the 20th century, as conspiring empires played citizens against each other. This book unlocks coded fairytales in political history, made more precious by its unexpected messenger. Readers can uncover how to adjust their interpretive keys, as the powerful secretly do.Intelligence services bank on public ignorance and misunderstanding. This book checks their ledger. Next, it explores the dicey 'Book of Ideas' gifting game amongst spy agencies vying for influence. Other dispatches: Implanted ideological triggers as viral memes, the Iron Curtain as an extension of divisions sown by elites, cracks in the Cambridge spy ring novel, and why updating one's mental maps is necessary for freedom.

  • af Gabrielius Makreckas
    314,95 kr.

    ¿eikite ¿ saul¿s nubüiuot¿ Vidur¿emio j¿ros regiono skoni¿ pasaul¿ ir ¿sijauskite ¿ graik¿ virtuv¿s esm¿ su ¿Graiki¿ka: kasdieniai receptai su graiki¿komis ¿aknimis". ¿ioje kulinarin¿je kelion¿je kvie¿iame pasim¿gauti turtingu skoni¿ gobelenu, kuris apib¿dina graiki¿k¿ maist¿ - i¿skirtin¿ tradicij¿, gaivumo ir gyvybingos Eg¿jo j¿ros dvasios sintez¿. ¿ioje kulinarijos knygoje, kurioje yra 100 kruop¿¿iai atrinkt¿ recept¿, ¿ven¿iamas gaminimo namuose menas, leid¿iantis ¿ne¿ti graiki¿kos virtuv¿s ¿ilumos.¿sivaizduokite ¿ydrus Eg¿jo j¿ros vandenis, kalv¿ ¿laituose prigludusius baltus pastatus ir ore sklindant¿ alyvuogi¿ aliejaus bei ¿oleli¿ aromat¿. ¿Graiki¿kas" - tai ne tik recept¿ rinkinys; tai pasas ¿ Graikijos ¿ird¿, kur kiekvienas patiekalas pasakoja istorij¿ apie paveld¿, regiono ¿tak¿ ir bendr¿ valgi¿ d¿iaugsm¿.Nesvarbu, ar esate patyr¿s virtuv¿s ¿efas, siekiantis atkurti autenti¿kus graiki¿kus skonius, ar nam¿ vir¿jas, norintis savo patiekalams ¿kv¿pti Vidur¿emio j¿ros regiono dvelksmo, ¿ie receptai sukurti taip, kad b¿t¿ prieinami, skan¿s ir kasdienin¿s graiki¿kos virtuv¿s ¿vent¿. Nuo klasikin¿s musakos iki energing¿ graiki¿k¿ salot¿ - leiskit¿s ¿ kulinarin¿ odis¿j¿, kuri suteiks jums graiki¿ko stalo dvasios.Prisijunkite prie m¿s¿, kai tyrin¿jame paprastus, bet gilius graiki¿kos virtuv¿s malonumus, kur kiekvienas receptas primena, kad geras maistas gali nugabenti jus ¿ saul¿s ap¿viestus krantus, ¿eimos susib¿rimus ir graik¿ svetingumo ¿ird¿. Taigi, surinkite savo ingredientus, pasim¿gaukite Vidur¿emio j¿ros dvasia ir paragauti graiki¿kos virtuv¿s esencijos per ¿graiki¿k¿". Opa!

  • af Robin Becker
    215,95 kr.

    Ein Episoden-Roman, der die Abgründe, Ängste und Hoffnungen von sieben mehr oder weniger unglücklichen Freigeistern lebendig macht wie einen schlafwandlerischen Traum. Sie alle eint der Wunsch nach einem sinnvollen und erfüllten Leben sowie die Bereitschaft, alles dafür zu opfern, was ihnen vermeintlich lieb und teuer ist. Ein Lesetrip zwischen Berlin, Auroville (autonome Stadt in Südindien), Namibia, Istanbul, La Gomera und Sardinien!

  • af Mihailo St. Popovi¿
    238,95 kr.

    Aus Anlaß des 80. Geburtstags von Johannes Koder (*1942) bringen Freunde, Wegbegleiter, Schüler und Kollegen diese Festschrift dar, deren Beiträge sich inhaltlich auf jene Forschungsinteressen des Jubilars beziehen, die er als Professor für Byzantinistik an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (1978-1985) und ordentlicher Professor der Byzantinistik an der Universität Wien (1985-2010) stets mit großem Eifer, Enthusiasmus und Originalität in Lehre und Forschung vertreten hat. Dazu zählen im wesentlichen Aspekte der historischen Geographie, Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Archäologie, Gräzistik und Philologie sowie Hymnologie des Byzantinischen Reiches, womit er die Beitragenden aus dem In- und Ausland während seiner aktiven Laufbahn auf verschiedene Art und Weise inspirierte.Aus diesem Grunde finden sich in diesem Band archäologische, toponomastische, historische, philologische, historisch-geographische und kunsthistorische Themen. Vom wachen schöpferischen Geist Johannes Koders zeugt auch seine Beschäftigung mit vermeintlichen "Randthemen" der Byzantinistik und Balkanforschung, wie zum Beispiel dem Kordax - dem "Tanz der Slawen", der für die Festschrift namensgebend ist.

  • af Rafael Sicoli Pacheco
    750,95 kr.

    In this dissertation, we analyze Cândido de Figueiredo's linguistic thinking, which was often rigorous and normative in its descriptive approach to different grammatical phenomena. The first, between Cândido de Figueiredo and Paulino de Brito, deals with the placement of clitic pronouns, from a comparative perspective between Brazilian Portuguese and European Portuguese; the second, between Cândido de Figueiredo and Heráclito Graça, covers issues of morphology and syntax, again within a normative framework, which points to certain innovative uses in the literary writing of Brazilian authors as errors. Our aim is to examine Cândido de Figueiredo's speeches and place them in the historical, social and cultural context of his time, so as to enable a more accurate assessment of his conservative ideas.

  • - The Forgotten Final Years of Alexander the Great
    af Rachel Kousser
    357,95 kr.

    A riveting biography of Alexander the Great's final years, when the leader's insatiable desire to conquer the world set him off on an exhilarating, harrowing journey that would define his legacy. By 330 B.C.E., Alexander the Great had reached the pinnacle of success. Or so it seemed. He had defeated the Persian ruler Darius III and seized the capital city of Persepolis. His exhausted and traumatized soldiers were ready to return home to Macedonia. Yet Alexander had other plans. He was determined to continue heading east to Afghanistan in search of his ultimate goal: to reach the end of the world. Alexander's unrelenting desire to press on resulted in a perilous seven-year journey through the unknown eastern borderlands of the Persian empire that would test the great conqueror's physical and mental limits. He faced challenges from the natural world, moving through deadly monsoons and extreme temperatures; from a rotating cast of well-matched adversaries, who conspired against him at every turn; and even from his own men, who questioned his motives and distrusted the very beliefs on which Alexander built his empire. This incredible sweep of time, culminating with his death in 323 BC at the age of 32, would come to determine Alexander's legacy and shape the empire he left behind. In Alexander at the End of the World, renowned classicist and art history professor Rachel Kousser vividly brings to life Alexander's labyrinthine, treacherous final years, weaving together a brilliant series of epic battles, stunning landscapes, and nearly insurmountable obstacles. Meticulously researched and grippingly written, Kousser's narrative is an unforgettable tale of daring and adventure, an inspiring portrait of grit and ambition, and a powerful meditation on the ability to learn from failure.

  • af Dionysis Charitopoulos
    158,95 kr.

    This book is a torn page from the History of World War II. It cost the author 20 years of research. It cost the Greek National Resistance thousands of dead and wounded in battles and acts of sabotage that have remained unsung. The inspiration and the leader of the unorthodox and harsh war without prisoners against the invaders was Aris; a charismatic 36-year-old man with an iron will. He created ELAS, the largest volunteer army in the history of Greece, and a "Free Greece" within enslaved Europe. But when the invaders left, Aris clashed with the political leadership of both the right and the left and he took to the mountains again, where he committed suicide on June 15, 1945, hounded by all of them.

  • af Ellen Sophia Hodgkin Bosanquet
    397,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Ferdinand Hippolyte Delaunay
    487,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

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