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  • Spar 24%
    af Kristin Hannah
    145,95 - 228,95 kr.

    I Alaska kan man dø på hundrede måder, men det er ikke altid naturen, der er den farligste …Leni er tretten år, da hendes impulsive far beslutter, at familien skal flytte til Alaska. I vildmarken kan de endelig leve, som de selv vil, være frie og uafhængige. I første omgang lader Alaska til at være svaret på deres bønner. De lange solskinsdage og de lokales sammenhold og generøsitet opvejer familiens manglende forberedelse og svindende ressourcer. Leni begynder at tro på en bedre fremtid for sig selv og sin familie, og følelsen af at høre til vokser, da hun bliver venner med den betænksomme Matthew.Men efterhånden som vinteren nærmer sig, og mørket sænker sig over Alaska, bliver forældrenes i forvejen vanskelige forhold forværret. I deres lille hytte – dækket af sne og indhyllet i atten timers mørke – går den frygtelige sandhed op for Leni og hendes mor: De er alene, og der er ingen, der kan hjælpe dem.Himlen over vildmarken er en smuk og barsk fortælling om jagten på et bedre liv, kærlighed, overlevelse og den rå vildskab, der skjuler sig i både mennesket og naturen.Pressen skrev: ”En rig, overbevisende roman om kærlighed, opofrelse og overlevelse. Lige så episk som det landskab, der beskrives så levende.”– Kate Morton”Episk.”– Washington Post”En kraftpræstation, der vil begejstre alle fans.”– Kirkus”En mægtig og gribende familiefortælling.”– People Magazine”Dragende og fuld af betagende beskrivelser af Alaskas natur.”– The New York Times”Hannah levendegør Alaskas skønhed og farer og tegner et overbevisende portræt af en familie i krise og et samfund i forandring.”– Booklist”En overbevisende og velskrevet familiesaga.”– Publishers Weekly“Fans vil sætte pris på historiens skarpsindighed og den ubrydelige forbindelse mellem mor og barn.”– Library Journal

  • - Fifty Shades Fri fortalt af Christian
    af E L James
    175,95 kr.

    E L James vender tilbage til Fifty Shades med en dybere og mørkere side af kærlighedshistorien, der har forført millioner af læsere verden over. Genoplev lidenskaben, kærligheden og dramaet fra Fifty Shades Fri gennem Christian Greys øjne.Århundredets bryllup står for døren, Christian Grey skal langt om længe giftes med sin Anastasia Steele. Men fortiden har lange skygger, og tvivlen nager. Vil han virkelig kunne blive den ægtemand, Ana fortjener?Christian og Anas lidenskab for hinanden brænder stærkere end nogensinde før, men hendes egenrådighed vækker stadig Christians største frygt og sætter hans behov for kontrol på prøve. Og mens gamle fjender bringer dem i fare, truer et fejltrin med atflå dem fra hinanden.Kan Christian ryste fortiden af sig, finde fred og lære at acceptere Anas ubetingede kærlighed?Kan Christian endelig blive sat fri?

  • Spar 25%
    af Lara Prescott
    82,95 - 225,95 kr.

    Alt hvad vi var er den dramatiske fortælling om hvordan kærlighed og kunst kan forandre verdenen. Den stærke fortælling med afsæt i historiske begivenheder, danner grundlag for skæbnefortællinger med stærke kvinder i centrum.I Sovjetunionen i 1949 bliver den berømte forfatter Boris Pasternak stemplet af myndighederne som systemkritisk og senere ekskluderet, inden hans manuskript om den nye kærlighedsroman Doktor Zjivago, når at blive udgivet. Olga Ivinskaja, der er en nær ven og elskerinde til forfatteren Boris Pasternak, bliver herefter sendt i arbejdslejr. Forfatterens manuskript bliver smuglet ud af landet, og romanen formår at blive en verdenssensation. CIA planlægger i 1956 at bruge den verdenskendte roman som et våben i Den Kolde Krig, hvor de to agenter som bliver bragt i spil, ikke er som de fleste andre. Her står den erfarne og charmerende spion Sally og den lovende nybegynder Irina over for deres livs udfordring. Opgaven er skræmmende svær, da de skal smugle den meget omtalte roman tilbage ind i Sovjetunionen, koste hvad det vil.

  • Spar 24%
    af Jamie Ford
    73,95 - 228,95 kr.

    Inspireret af en sand historie har Jamie Ford skrevet en vidunderlig bittersød roman om at finde kærligheden i en verden, hvor alt – også mennesker – er til salg.Seattle 1909. For den halvkinesiske børnehjemsdreng Ernest virker tilbuddet om at besøge den store verdensudstilling som noget af en gave, men midt i al hurlumhejet med eksotiske udstillinger, fyrværkeri og pariserhjul opdager han, at det i virkeligheden er ham, der er gaven. Dagens store begivenhed er bortlodningen af 'en sund og rask dreng til et godt hjem' – ham!Vinderloddet viser sig at tilhøre den flamboyante Madam Flora, der driver et bordel for byens bedre borgerskab og bryster sig af at tage sig godt af sine piger. Her får Ernest job som stikirenddreng og får for første gang nogensinde noget, der minder om et hjem og en familie.I 1962, godt halvtreds år senere, er der igen verdensudstilling i byen. Ernest er nu en ældre mand, og hans datter Juju, der er journalist på den lokale avis, stiller nysgerrige spørgsmål til den første verdensudstilling. Der er minder fra den tid, Ernest helst ikke vil genbesøge, og gamle hemmeligheder, der ikke må se dagens lys, men samtidig må Ernest måske åbne lidt op, hvis han også skal hjælpe sin syge kone med at få hukommelsen tilbage.”En stemningsfuld, inderlig og smuk fortælling … Det er Ford, når han er bedst.”– Kristin Hannah, forfatter til Nattergalen

  • af Lonely Planet & Brendan Sainsbury
    98,95 kr.

    Lonely Planet Pocket Seattle is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on Seattle's can't-miss experiences. Go shopping in Pike Place Market, experience world-renowned Chihuly Garden and Glass, or check-out the spectacular view at the Space Needle; all with your trusted travel companion.

  • af C. J. Tudor
    178,95 kr.

    **THE CHILLING NEW THRILLER FROM THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR - PRE-ORDER NOW**'C.J. Tudor is getting better and bolder with every novel, and the bar was pretty high to start with. THE GATHERING is an incredibly exciting novel, tightly plotted and brilliantly tense, with an atmosphere you could eat with a spoon' STUART TURTON'A crime thriller with a vampiric twist. What a cracking read and such assured writing. She just gets better and better!' SARAH PINBOROUGH'Tudor slays with this brilliantly imaginative take on the vampire genre. This genre is tailor made for her. It's as if it's her own invention. There's nothing she can't turn her hand to. Fangbloodytastic' JOHN MARRS'CJ Tudor is a genius. The Gathering kept me on the edge of my seat to the very last page. A tour de force!' AVA GLASS'My first vampire book but it definitely won't be my last! Really enjoyed The Gathering, a chilling and claustrophobic story set in the snowy wilderness of Alaska' B.A. PARIS'So menacing and claustrophobic. Ice cold and darkly bloody. I loved it. Bravo, C.J. Tudor, you are the Queen of Horror' LOUISE SWANSON'A peerless blend of thriller and horror, with darkness and danger pouring from every page. Powered through it in twenty-four hours' ROBERT RUTHERFORDA small Alaskan town.A missing boy.A brutal murder.A detective brought in from out of state to assist the former sherriff who investigated a similar murder twenty-five years ago.But are they hunting a twisted psychopath - or something even more terrifying?Praise for C. J. Tudor:'A truly terrifying, ice-cold chiller from the master of macabre. C.J. Tudor should be on everyone's must-read list' Chris Whitaker'The wildest thriller of the year is three thrillers in one. Buckle up' Linwood Barclay'An exceptional thriller. Original, high-octane plot, jaw-dropping twists . . . A writer at the top of her game' Claire Douglas'C. J. Tudor is terrific. I can't wait to see what she does next' Harlan Coben'Britain's female Stephen King' Daily Mail'Some writers have it, and some don't. C. J. Tudor has it big time' Lee Child'A mesmerizingly chilling and atmospheric page-turner' J.P. Delaney'Her books have the ability to simultaneously make you unable to stop reading while wishing you could bury the book somewhere deep underground where it can't be found. Compelling and haunting' Sunday Express'A dark star is born' A. J. Finn

  • af Daniel James Brown
    198,95 kr.

    "Now a major motion picture directed by George Clooney"--Cover.

  • af Jackie Alpers
    196,95 kr.

    Packed with mouthwatering recipes and extraordinary photography, The Unofficial Yellowstone Cookbook is a one-of-a-kind celebration of America's favorite TV show!Now an AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPHY 39 AWARD WINNER and a 2023 LONDON PHOTOGRAPHY AWARD WINNERSince it premiered in June 2018, Yellowstone has grown to become one of the most popular series on TV, with more than 7.5M viewers per episode. In The Unofficial Yellowstone Cookbook all of the fire, flavor and spirit of the series are captured in more than 85 mouthwatering recipes inspired by the people and places in the show; from the Dutton family home and the bunkhouse, to the rivers and great open range of Montana, to the Texas ranch lands. Recreate recipes for favorite dishes from the hit series and both prequels; 1883 and 1923 (the latter premiering in December 2022 and starring Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren).Covering a range of meals, from hearty breakfasts to fire-grilled dinners and everything in between, this book is sure to be a fan of every red-blooded aspiring cowboy and cowgirl. Inside readers will find Rip's Barbecue Short Ribs, Beth's Breakfast Smoothie, John's Favorite Mac 'N Cheese, Meaner Than Evil Hot Wings, Cake with Steak, and much, much more.Each recipe is accompanied by award winning, full-color photography from Jackie Alpers's western ranch kitchen, with fun, fan-tastic trivia notes laden throughout.

  • Spar 17%
    - Beretninger fra klimafronten
    af Robert Zola Christensen & Sebastian H. Mernild
    119,95 - 165,95 kr.

    Gennem mere end 10 år har forfatteren Robert Zola Christensen rejst i hælene på den kendte danske klimaforsker Sebastian H. Mernild. Sammen har de to været på ekspedition til nogle af verdens mest fjerne egne for at dokumentere, hvad det forandrende klima gør ved vores klode. For der hersker ingen tvivl. Klimaet er under enorme forandringer. Der bliver målt stigende vandstande mange steder, det er blevet varmere, og isen smelter på polerne. Konsekvenserne er enorme.I Da kulden forsvandt tager Sebastian H.  Mernild og Robert Zola Christensen os med ud på Indlandsisen for at bore efter is i flere kilometers dybde, vi er fanget i en snestorm højt oppe i Andesbjergene, og så møder vi de mennesker, der må forlade deres hjem, fordi klimaet tvinger dem væk.Bogen er en barsk og samtidig livsbekræftende reportagerejse til klimafronten, hvor to venner – naturvidenskabsmanden og humanisten – dokumenterer den brutale og uundgåelige udvikling, vi alle er vidne til, og sammen reflekterer de to over, hvad der skal til for at fylde fremtiden med håb.

  • af Tessa Bailey
    124,95 kr.

    Krabbefiskeren Fox Thornton har ry for at være en sexet, skødesløs elsker. Lige indtil han møder Hannah Bellinger. Hun er immun over for hans charme og flotte ydre, og det virker, som om hun rent faktisk kan lide ham for hans ... personlighed?Nu overnatter Hannah imidlertid i Fox’ gæsteværelse og søger råd hos ham for at opnå opmærksomhed fra et ugengældt crush. Men jo mere tid hun tilbringer sammen med Fox, desto mere er det ham hun længes efter. Efterhånden som grænserne mellem venskab og flirt begynder at flyde sammen, får Hannah sværere og sværere ved at ignorere, at hun faktisk elsker alt ved Fox, men hun nægter at være blot endnu et nøk i hans sengestolpe.

  • af Tessa Bailey
    124,95 kr.

    EN NEW YORK TIMES-BESTSELLERDa for meget champagne og en fashionabelt løssluppen fest sender L.A.’s It Girl Piper Bellinger i spjældet, bliver hun og søsteren Hannah sendt i eksil i en forblæst fiskerby ved Beringshavets skummende kyst.Piper når dårligt at ankomme til Westport, før hun krydser klinger med den sammenbidte kaptajn Brendan Taggart, der ikke har meget til overs for glitter og glamour. Men efterhånden som Piper slår rødder i det lille lokalsamfund, bliver det tydeligt, at det slår gnister mellem den gnavne fisker og livlige storbypige.Piper er fast besluttet på ikke at lade sig distrahere, og da slet ikke af en mand, der sejler ud på oprørt hav flere uger ad gangen. L.A. og hendes gamle liv kalder på hende, men hvad nu hvis hun alligevel har tabt sit hjerte til Brendan og denne fiskerby fyldt med hjertevarme personligheder?

  • af Lars Nielsen
    144,95 - 298,95 kr.

    Uendelige skove – vilde floder – øde bjergegne – møder med det lokale dyreliv – møder med meget gæstfrie lokale beboere. Det kraftfulde nordamerikanske vejr har også ved flere lejligheder sat denne cyklist på prøve.Alt dette har bogens forfatter været udsat for siden den første tur i 1985. Dog har de positive oplevelser været i klart overtal. Derfor er det blevet til alle disse ture. Fra Alaska i nordvest og Vancouver Island i sydvest til New Foundland helt ude mod øst.

  • af Rex Ellingwood Beach
    74,95 - 348,95 kr.

    I Alaska i slutningen af 1800-tallet raser guldfeberen stadig. Mineejer og forretningsmand Roy Glennister er en succesrig mand, da dommer Chester kommer til byen for at rydde op i den bundløst korrupte by. Roy forelsker sig i dommerens datter Helen og på den måde ender han med at spille en vigtig rolle i dommerens kamp for retfærdighed. Da rigmanden Alex McNamara flytter til byen for at overtage al minedrift, bliver det svært for Roy at bevare sin position, hvis ikke han også skal bruge lyssky midler. Alex McNamara bruger nemlig trusler, bestikkelse og vold i sit forsøg på at overtage byen.”Banditterne” er en bog om kampen for retfærdighed i en tid, hvor grådighed og korruption hersker overalt i Klondike. Bogen udkom første gang i 1906 og blev straks en bestseller. I 1914 blev den filmatiseret med nogle af datidens største stjerner i hovedrollerne.Rex Ellingwood Beach (1877-1949) var en amerikansk roman- og skuespilforfatter, der skrev en lang række bøger, der senere blev filmatiseret. I starten af det tyvende århundrede rejste han ligesom mange andre unge til Alaska for at grave efter guld. Han fandt aldrig noget, men begyndte i stedet at skrive romaner. De første var inspireret af Jack London og foregik i vildmarken, men da han selv vendte tilbage til civilisationen, gjorde handlingen og karaktererne i hans romaner det også. Mange af Rex Ellingwood Beachs værker er oversat til fremmedsprog, og flere er blevet udgivet på dansk.

  • af Kelly Johnson
    184,95 kr.

    Embark on a culinary journey through the breathtaking landscapes and diverse flavors of the Northwestern United States with our cookbook. '55 Northwestern States Recipes for Home' captures the essence of Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington, showcasing a collection of 55 regional recipes that celebrate the unique ingredients and culinary traditions of this vibrant corner of the country.From the wild and pristine waters of Alaska to the rich potato fields of Idaho, each recipe tells a story of the region's bounty. Dive into the pages to discover the secrets of crafting Pacific Northwest Salmon Bake, savor the comfort of Idaho Potato Gnocchi with Sage Butter, indulge in the sweetness of Montana Huckleberry Pie, and experience the freshness of Oregon Hazelnut Pesto Pasta.Whether you're a seasoned home chef or a culinary explorer seeking new and exciting dishes, '55 Northwestern States Recipes for Home' offers a diverse range of recipes, from hearty main courses to delectable desserts. With each turn of the page, you'll be transported to the heart of the Northwestern states, where the love for local ingredients and regional flavors come together to create a culinary masterpiece.Immerse yourself in the culinary traditions of the Northwest, where every recipe is a celebration of the natural abundance and culinary creativity that defines this remarkable region. '55 Northwestern States Recipes for Home' is not just a cookbook; it's a culinary adventure waiting to be explored in your own kitchen.

  • af Fodor's Travel Guides
    258,95 kr.

    Whether you want to spot wildlife in Denali National Park, cruise past glaciers in Glacier Bay, or experience the Northern Lights, the local Fodor's travel experts in Alaska are here to help! Fodor's Alaska guidebook is packed with maps, carefully curated recommendations, and everything else you need to simplify your trip-planning process and make the most of your time. This new edition has an easy-to-read layout, fresh information, and beautiful color photos. Fodor's Alaska travel guide includes: AN ILLUSTRATED ULTIMATE EXPERIENCES GUIDE to the top things to see and doMULTIPLE ITINERARIES to effectively organize your days and maximize your timeMORE THAN 30 DETAILED MAPS and a FREE PULL-OUT MAP to help you navigate confidentlyCOLOR PHOTOS throughout to spark your wanderlust!HONEST RECOMMENDATIONS FROM LOCALS on the best sights, restaurants, hotels, nightlife, shopping, performing arts, activities, side-trips, and morePHOTO-FILLED "BEST OF" FEATURES on "Alaska's Best Outdoor Adventures", "Alaska's Best Wildlife Adventures", "Alaska's Best Shore Excursions", and more.TRIP-PLANNING TOOLS AND PRACTICAL TIPS including when to go, getting around, beating the crowds, and saving time and moneyHISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INSIGHTS providing rich context on the local people, politics, art, architecture, cuisine, geography and moreSPECIAL FEATURES on "Alaska Cruises 101", "Alaska's Glaciers", "Native Arts and Crafts", and more.LOCAL WRITERS to help you find the under-the-radar gemsUP-TO-DATE COVERAGE ON: Juneau, Denali National Park, Anchorage, Fairbanks, the Kenai Peninsula, Skagway, Ketchikan, Glacier Bay, Haines, Homer, Kodiak Island, the Yukon, and more.Planning on taking an Alaskan cruise? Check out Fodor's The Complete Guide to Alaska Cruises. *Important note for digital editions: The digital edition of this guide does not contain all the images or text included in the physical edition.ABOUT FODOR'S AUTHORS: Each Fodor's Travel Guide is researched and written by local experts. Fodor's has been offering expert advice for all tastes and budgets for over 80 years. For more travel inspiration, you can sign up for our travel newsletter at, or follow us @FodorsTravel on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We invite you to join our friendly community of travel experts at to ask any other questions and share your experience with us!

  • af Lukas Allonby
    88,95 kr.

    In the quaint town where silence whispers secrets, young Caleb's life is rooted in ordinary days, until the new girl of the village steps into his world. Her presence is a mystery, her past a shadow, yet the allure of love draws Caleb into the unknown, unravelling his existence in ways unimaginable. As sinister forces emerge from the gloom, their tranquil town morphs into a playground of unseen malevolence. With an evil unknown chasing their shadows, they find themselves on a perilous run, a chase that leads them through a portal into realms veiled from human eyes. Now in a dimension where evil reigns with a dark hand, they face a malevolent force that thrives in the abyss. Battling a terror they barely comprehend, the stakes are life and death, with love being their only shield. Will they win this fight? Is it really love? Or will they die for each other? In this dangerous quest for victory, will love conquer all, or will it be their downfall?

  • af Patrick deWitt
    118,95 kr.

    **AN INTERNATIONAL No. 1 BESTSELLER****Selected as a Washington Post Book of the Summer**'I absolutely adored it' NINA STIBBEFrom bestselling and award-winning author Patrick deWitt comes a novel about an ordinary man who thought life's surprises were behind him - until a chance encounter changed everythingBob Comet is a retired librarian passing his solitary days surrounded by books in a mint-colored house in Portland, Oregon. One morning on his daily walk he encounters a confused elderly woman lost in a market and returns her to the senior centre that is her home. Hoping to fill the void he's known since retiring, Bob begins volunteering at the center. Here, as a community of strange peers gathers around Bob, and following a brush with a painful complication from his past, the events of his life and the details of his character are revealed. Behind Bob Comet's straight man facade is the story of an unhappy child's runaway adventure during the last days of the Second World War, of true love won and stolen away, of the purpose and pride found in the librarian's vocation, and the pleasures of a life lived to the side of the masses.

  • af Bill Wilkerson
    193,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af John M Whitten
    178,95 kr.


  • af Larry Kaniut
    258,95 kr.

    Nothing prepares you for a bear encounter better than learning from those who have experienced bears first-hand. Alaska Bear Tales is a collection of more than 200 real-life accounts filled with all the horror, courage, and even humor inherent when man meets bear. These bear tales are so intriguing-so unbelievable-that they often read like fiction.

    423,95 kr.

    An eighty-year overview of wood and argillite carving by Indigenous women artists on the Northwest Coast.Though women of the Northwest Coast have long carved poles, canoes, panels, and masks, many of these artists have not become as well known outside their communities as their male counterparts. These artists are cherished within their communities for helping to keep traditional carving practices alive, and for maintaining the dances, songs, and ceremonies that are intertwined with visual art production. This book, and an associated exhibition at the Audain Art Museum, gathers a range of sculptural formats by Indigenous women in order to expand the discourse of carving in the region.Both the exhibition and publication are co-curated by Dana Claxton, artist, filmmaker and head of the University of British Columbia’s Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory; and Dr. Curtis Collins, the AAM’s Director & Chief Curator. Commentaries by Skeena Reece, Claxton, and Marika Swan, and interviews with artists Dale Campbell and Mary Anne Barkhouse are presented alongside more than one hundred artworks from public and private collections across North America, including several newly commissioned pieces.Featured artists include:Ellen Neel (Kwakwaka'wakw, 1916–1966)Freda Diesing (Haida, 1925–2002)Doreen Jensen (Gitxsan, 1933–2009)Susan Point (Musqueam, b. 1952)Dale Campbell (Tahltan, b. 1954)Marianne Nicolson (Kwakwaka’wakw, b. 1969)Arlene Ness (Gitxsan, b. 1970s)Melanie Russ (Haida, b. 1977)Marika Swan (Nuu-chah-nulth, b. 1982)Morgan Asoyuf (Ts’msyen, b. 1984)Cori Savard (Haida, b. 1985)Cherish Alexander (Gitwangak, b. 1987)Stephanie Anderson (Wetsuwet’en, b. 1991)Veronica Waechter (Gitxsan, b. 1995)

  • af Bonnie Macdougall
    158,95 kr.

    Was the poet, William Wordsworth, right when he wrote "the child is the father of the man"? That is the question Jane Meyer asks Ruth Lucas in a letter. Best friends since high school, and now in their early thirties, Ruth and Jane keep in close touch through letters, phone calls, and when they can, visits.When Ruth gets Jane's letter with this question about Wordsworth's line, she decides to review what stood out in her childhood and ask herself if those times informed and shaped the woman she became. This process takes her weeks and traverses early family memories, her college years, a job in Washington, her first lover, and other experiences on her way to becoming her own woman. Her answer to Jane's question is Love, Ruthie.

  • af Michael Aldred
    182,95 kr.

    In modern-day Seattle, Cole paces through the mundane, counting down the minutes until he can see his fiancée, Beth, to celebrate his 26th birthday. However, they did not celebrate when an emergency telecast took over every screen in the country to announce the impending nuclear doom, flying toward every major city in the United States. The city fell into chaos while Cole and Beth fought their way home to simply enjoy their last night alone and make peace with the sun about to set on their lives. It was when they woke up the next morning that they thought themselves the lucky ones. Only time would educate them on how unlucky they truly were.What would be universally referred to as The Fall, by survivors across the continent had far worse things in store than nuclear warfare. We watch the world unravel through the eyes of two desperate survivors, who are by no means heroes. In a world where cities become the home to creatures that stalk the night and mankind teeters on the brink of extinction, we see what true desperation really looks like. What people will do when they look death in the eye every single day when there is no room for honor or peace.We see what mankind is really capable of at its core and why it might very well be the worst parasite to plague the earth.

  • af J. Lamson
    188,95 kr.

    Round Cape Horn; Voyage of the Passenger-Ship James W. Paige, from Maine to California in the Year 1852, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and redesigned. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work, and hence their text is clear and readable. This remarkable volume falls within the genres of United States local history Pacific States

  • af Toby Spribille
    851,95 kr.

    This open access publication is released under the "CC BY NC" license. Download paper for free For institutions and libraries which require a printed version of this work, we offer a high quality printed and bound paper edition, which may be ordered online above. This option (OA plus a printed edition) is available to all authors of Bibliotheca Lichenologica from now on. Publications on the lichens of Alaska go back 182 years, but a modern, comprehensive review of literature on the diversity of Alaskan lichens has been lacking. The authors present a compendium of 2126 accepted taxa fully referenced with published reports from Alaska and their exact localities. Of these 2126 taxa, 1827 are lichen fungi, 277 are lichen-associated fungi and 22 are putatively saprotrophic fungi usually treated in lichenological studies. Nearly half of all species have been first reported since 1997. A total of 1594 names are treated as synonyms or misapplications, and 140 further taxa are excluded as erroneous or doubtful.

  • af Irvin S. Cobb
    178,95 kr.

    Roughing it De Luxe, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and redesigned. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work, and hence their text is clear and readable. This remarkable volume falls within the genres of United States local history Pacific States

  • af Allen Frost
    208,95 - 308,95 kr.

  • af Amy Earls
    298,95 kr.

    Pero Moshe hears a mysterious voice singing from the underground tunnels in the palace of Beijing, and a prophecy says she's the one to answer the call. But when she does and is trapped in the Forbidden City with Dr. Carper, the journey uncovers more than the truth of her past and not-so-missing parents.The Chinese government threatens, a charming boyfriend holds his own secrets, and the Lesaries expect Pero to unlock their sanctuary for a long-awaited freedom. All while eating chicken feet. The problem? Pero doesn't like chicken feet.In a desperate fight to restore Elohim's kingdom, Pero must decide what matters most: saving those she loves, or the ones she's learning to forgive.

  • af Hudson Stuck
    243,95 kr.

    Ten Thousand Miles with a Dog Sled A Narrative of Winter Travel in Interior Alaska, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and redesigned. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work, and hence their text is clear and readable. This remarkable volume falls within the genres of United States local history Pacific States

  • af James Ungurait
    308,95 kr.

    I'm The Same is a novel about what it feels like to be Bi-racial in America, surviving grief and the fury that nature throws at you.

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