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Konservering og restaurering af kunstværker

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  • af Jutta Charlotte von Bloh
    197,95 kr.

    The permanent exhibition in the north wing of Dresden's Royal Palace presents the surviving, magnificent vestments from the possessions of the Saxon electors, dating from around 1550 to 1650. This unique treasure trove of European fashion and textile history from the Renaissance and early Baroque has now been re-opened to the public after more than 80 years in storage and many years of conservation and restoration measures. This exhibition guide is the first work to do justice to a collection rich in silk, gold and silver. It covers all the rulers' robes on display, including complete costume ensembles, suits with doublet and trousers, ladies' dresses, and individual garments. There are also introductions to the many portraits, accessories and sumptuous armoury on display. Clothes make the man - clothes make politics: rulers' costumes and haute couture from the period 1550 to 1650

  • - 1600-tallets kunst i SMK’s samlinger
    af Mikkel Bogh, Eva de la Fuente Pedersen, Troels Filtenborg & mfl.
    227,95 - 247,95 kr.

    Barok inviterer os med tilbage til 1600-tallets Europa og denkunsthistoriske periode, vi under ét kalder for barokken.På Statens Museum for Kunst findes rige samlinger af kunstfra denne tid. Særligt hollandsk og flamsk maleri, tegnekunst og grafik erfyldigt repræsenteret, men der findes også væsentlige italienske, franske ogspanske værker. Mange af værkerne var engang del af Det kgl. danskeKunstkammer, som blev dannet midt i 1600-tallet med indførelsen af enevælden.Kunstkammeret var grundlaget for de senere nationale museer i Danmark, herunderSMK. Kunstmuseets egne eksperter præsenterer os her for både kendte og ukendtebarokværker fra museets samlinger og giver deres bud på, hvordan de er blevettil og hvordan vi kan forstå dem i dag.

  • af Steffen Egle
    414,95 kr.

    Der Maler Rudolf Levy (1875-1944) war eine zentrale Figur der Münchner und Pariser Avantgarde und feierte mit seinen farbkräftigen Bildnissen, Landschaften und Stillleben auch im Berlin der 1920er-Jahre große Erfolge, unter anderem in der legendären Flechtheim-Galerie. Die Machtergreifung der Nationalsozialisten führte zu einem jähen Karriereende. Nach einer Flucht-Odyssee konnte Levy sich schließlich in Florenz niederlassen, wo sein Schaffen bis zur Deportation und Ermordung im Konzentrationslager Auschwitz einen letzten eindrucksvollen Höhepunkt erlebte. Als erstes deutsches Ausstellungshaus widmet sich das Museum Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern in einer Retrospektive nun Werk und Leben von Rudolf Levy. Der Katalog öffnet den Blick auf einen Künstler europäischen Ranges, dessen reiche Bildwelt immer wieder neu zu entdecken ist. Beiträge namhafter Autorinnen und Autoren beleuchten Levys Schicksal als verfolgter Künstler und als verfolgter Jude, das künstlerische Kaleidoskop seiner Zeit, die Jahre im Florentiner Exil sowie die Rezeption und Re-Kanonisierung seiner Kunst in der jungen Bundesrepublik. Wiederentdeckung eines großen Klassikers der Moderne anlässlich einer ersten Retrospektive in Deutschland - Internationales Kooperationsprojekt mit den Uffizien in Florenz Standardwerk zu Rudolf Levy in deutscher Sprache Mit einem zeitgenössischen Kunst- und Wortbeitrag von Edmund de Waal Ausstellung, Museum Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern, 28. Oktober 2023 bis 11. Februar 2024 (Schirmherrschaft Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier)

  • af Arthur Fink
    567,95 kr.

    At the beginning of the 20th century, a group of artists around Henri Matisse and André Derain were carrying out revolutionary colour experiments. The art critic Louis Vauxcelles gave them their name in 1905: the "Fauves". Translated into English, this means something like "beasts" or "wild animals". This catalogue is being published for the first survey exhibition on the Fauves staged in Switzerland for decades. It presents the expressive painting style and unusual colour combinations employed by Matisse, Derain and their companions in the years 1904 to 1908, situating them in the aesthetic and socio-political debates of that time. The male connotation of the term Fauves already suggests the exclusion of women artists on a conceptual level. The exhibition and catalogue challenge this traditional view and draw attention to female protagonists on the Paris art scene. Richly illustrated and supplemented by new art-historical research contributions, the publication offers an insight into the diversity of the colourful painting by the "beasts". Fauvism - the first avantgarde movement of the 20th century Brilliant colour experiments in a break with academic conventions Exhibition: 02.09.2023-21.01.2024, Kunstmuseum Basel, New Building

  • af Stefan Glowacki
    152,95 kr.

    In recent years, media art distributors have seen their distribution and revenue models eroded. The focus on shareability and mass distribution - rooted in the ideals of early video art - was always at odds with the scarcity-based model of the art world but is now also challenged by emerging digital economies. Profound shifts in artistic practice over the past decades have also posed challenges to existing distribution models. More artists become engaged in digital art, using custom-built software or AI-driven tools, producing live AV performances, immersive installations or game inspired experiences. Unfortunately, due to their technical complexity, the distribution of media art often falls between the cracks, fitting neither the model of the film or visual arts world nor existing video art distribution.Exploring the potential of strategies such as festival-based distribution, commodification through encapsulation and emulation, and decoupling ownership from possession (e.g. NFT's) shows the still lopsided foundations of an infrastructure tailored for software-based art. This raises the question: how can a distributional turn, calling on the expertise of media arts distributors, strengthen this new infrastructure?In media art, works that exist only as files constitute a particular category. How do various types of digital platforms and their ingrained distribution models create opportunities for fair and sustainable distribution for this type of software-based art?These questions have been lingering around but gained momentum due to the COVID-pandemic. As a result, this publication explores the acceleration of media art distributors' transformation by critically embracing emerging technologies and innovative strategies that guarantee public accessibility, thus opening up a new era for the distribution of media art.

  • af Stella Rollig
    479,95 kr.

    Anniversary publication of the Belvedere The Belvedere in Vienna epitomizes the changes that have taken place over the course of three centuries in the concept of what constitutes a museum. Originally built by Prince Eugene of Savoy to enhance his prestige as a prince, under Maria Theresa, the Upper Belvedere became one of the world's first public museums. The idea of presenting Austrian art in an international context, which in 1903 motivated the establishment of the Modern Gallery in the Lower Belvedere, remains the key objective of this world-famous cultural institution. In this critical homage, renowned authors explore enduring questions that transcend the different epochs, such as¿: What ordering concepts are evident in art presentation¿? How contemporary were these presentations in an international context¿? What kind of public were they aimed at¿? Anniversary publication of the Österreichische Galerie Belvedere: a critical homage to a place of art with a diverse history spanning centuries Exhibition until January 7, 2024 With contributions from Johanna Aufreiter, Björn Blauensteiner, Brigitte Borchhardt-Birbaumer, Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann, Christiane Erharter, Nora Fischer, Anna Frasca-Rath, Antoinette Friedenthal, Martin Fritz, Thomas W. Gaehtgens, Sabine Grabner, Katinka Gratzer-Baumgärtner, Cäcilia Henrichs, Alice Hoppe-Harnoncourt, Christian Huemer, Georg Lechner, Stefan Lehner, Gernot Mayer, Monika Mayer, Sabine Plakolm-Forsthuber, Georg Plattner, Matthew Rampley, Luise Reitstätter, Stella Rollig, Claudia Slanar, Franz Smola, Nora Sternfeld, Silvia Tammaro, Wolfgang Ullrich, Leonhard Weidinger, Christian Witt-Dörring, Luisa Ziaja, and Christoph Zuschlag

  • af Luigi Fieni
    587,95 kr.

    Das tibetische Mustang gilt als das »verborgene Königreich« im Himalaya. In einem über 20 Jahre dauerndem Projekt wurden die heiligen Tempelwandmalereien restauriert und gleichzeitig die buddhistischen Traditionen wieder zum Leben erweckt. Die Prachtpublikation dokumentiert mit Fotografien von Luigi Fieni und Kenneth Parker das faszinierende Projekt, die Landschaft Mustangs sowie die spirituelle und weltliche Lebensweise der einheimischen Lobas.Das Königreich Mustang mit seiner mittelalterlichen Hauptstadt Lo Monthang besticht durch seine heiligen Tempel und die kunstvollen Wandmalereien. Um dem jahrhundertelangen Verfall entgegenzuwirken, startete unter Leitung des Restaurators und Fotografen Luigi Feini ein aufwändiges Restaurierungsprojekt. Das Besondere: Dieses wurde nach einer speziellen Ausbildung durch die ortsansässigen Lobas durchgeführt. Die einzigartige Initiative führte zu einer kulturellen Renaissance und dem Fortbestand der tibetisch-buddhistischen Traditionen.

  • af Camilla Jalving, Casper Tybjerg, Peter Nørgaard Larsen, mfl.
    317,95 kr.

    Few artists have had such a rapid fall from superstar status to whipping boy as Carl Bloch (1834–90). After his death, he was written out of art history and his pictures placed in storage. But outside the museums, Bloch’s virtuoso technique and seductive narratives continued to win new followers.Carl Bloch – Seduced offers new perspectives on how Bloch has continued to attract a wide audience by speaking directly to the great human emotions. What shaped the phenomenon that is Carl Bloch and how do we perceive him today? In this book, scholars and contemporary audiences reassess Carl Bloch’s complex life’s work, right from his religious images, comic genre scenes and edifying fateful tales to his Rembrandt-inspired etchings and superb portraits of the women of modern life.

  • af D. Rod Lloyd
    232,95 kr.

    The most comprehensive book on Mobile Homes. This is a nuts and bolts description of how to make money from mobile homes. I have no intention of talking you into this plan by giving brainwashing example after example of the deals. I am also not going to gloss over the pitfalls and problems of the system either. It is not a get-rich-quick scheme, and there is some risk involved. It takes some cash to run the system, and I do not recommend doing it on a shoestring. It takes some time but can be a lot of fun.However, it is possible to make an excellent return on your investment. Today interest rates have almost shriveled up and died. Those who have saved all their lives to secure retirement have a wake-up call from failed speculative investments or almost zero interest rates for safe investments.

  • af Vera Egbers
    289,95 kr.

    The question of what heritage is and how we deal with it is not a neutral one. Recent events such as the Black Lives Matter movement and the toppling of monuments have made evident how much the colonial past is inscribed in our built environment; at the same time, colonialism affects memorialization and historiography. Hence, those involved in architectural history are challenged to re-consider their positionality. Whose heritage are colonial sites? Which conflicting memories are attached to them? How are archives and material evidence reassessed to bring forward the stories of marginalized subjects? Following the call for decolonization, this volume explores historical methodologies and shows the entanglement of narratives at architectural sites, bringing together archaeology, architectural history, and heritage studies. A contribution to the current debate on decolonization and memorialization Interdisciplinary perspectives on architecture and heritage International range of authors

  • af Siva Prasad Bose
    82,95 kr.

    India has a rich history worthy of preservation. The number of temples, mosques, tombs, ancient city ruins, palaces and other monuments, is staggering in India. Even today, archeologists are finding ruins of great monuments in remote and not so remote locations. Sadly, various factors such as development, erosion etc. have caused and are causing damage to our ancient heritage. Unplanned expansions of cities, building of new roads and shopping malls and residential areas, unrestricted tourism, all often end up eroding what is left of our archeological heritage.In this book we introduce to the reader some concepts related to preservation of ancient buildings and monuments. We discuss about the archeological survey of India, its history and objectives. We introduce world agreements such as the Venice Charter and Burra charter that relate to the principles for preservation of heritage. Then we go through some of the actual preservation and restoration techniques, showing their application in preserving and restoring some famous monuments and not so famous monuments.It is hoped that this book will provide the interested reader with useful information about the concepts and techniques of preservation.

  • af Veronika Zubko
    472,95 kr.

    For those who have a great desire to learn how to make their home comfortable and aesthetically appealing, so that they always want to return there."The modern world of achievements and propaganda of total busyness robs many people of their inner right to have time for themselves, time to recharge.A favorite cup, a cozy chair, a family dinner from grandma's dinnerware set and in the evening - dim light, candles, quiet music and sweet goodnight kisses from our children make us stop for a moment, feel happy and be filled with inspiration for a new day.A house without its charisma is like a typical state institution, it is cold and inexpressive. I wish there were fewer such interiors and more happy women."

  • af Gundula Tutt
    407,95 kr.

  • af Henry Mogford
    162,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af John Allen Howe
    307,95 - 412,95 kr.

  • af Ernst van Alphen
    307,95 kr.

    How artists have devised creative solutions to the taxonomic constraints of the archiveThis critical anthology addresses three often-overlooked issues facing archival organizations: the question of inclusion in or exclusion from the archive; the loss of individuality and specificity in the archive; the danger of homogenization; and the risk that archiving may foster a form of pigeonholing. Since the archive is a fundamental symbolic entity, on the basis of which we organize our lives, the past, the present and the future, these issues require exploration. Productive Archiving proposes that artistic treatments of (and interventions in) archives can offer innovative ways to foster new connections and ways of thinking and organizing.Authors include: Aleida Assmann, Annet Dekker, Lars Ebert, Sebastián Díaz Morales, Monika Huber, William Kentridge, Pablo Lerma, Inge Meijer, Santu Mofokeng, Merapi Obermayer, Walid Raad, Ana Paula Saab, Drew Sawyer, Carla Subrizi, Marjan Teeuwen, Daria Tuminas, Jeffrey Wallen.Visual essays by: Sebastían Díaz Morales, Monika Huber, William Kentridge, Pablo Lerma, Inge Meijer, Marjan Teeuwen and Santu Mofokeng.

  • af Sushil Kumar Solanki
    457,95 kr.

  • af Scott T Hanson
    497,95 kr.

    How to accommodate contemporary life in a historic house. This book does not repeat basic information that is readily available in many standard DIY books about carpentry, wiring, and plumbing. Rather, it shows how to adapt those DIY skills to the specialized needs of a historic house.

  • af Julie Wolfe
    392,95 kr.

    "This richly illustrated book presents important information on the conservation and care of Roy Lichtenstein's painted outdoor sculptures"--

  • af Chloe Ashby
    145,95 kr.

    When Cathy and Noah first got together neither saw children in their future. Eight years later, they're happily married -and Cathy isn't so sure.With Noah's tolerance for his wife's ambivalence waning, her widowed motherin a world of her ownand her best friend yearning for a second baby, Cathy feels increasingly adrift.Escaping into her work in the conservation studios of the National Gallery, she chips away at the layers of overpaint on a canvas from the collection. Will the discovery of an unexpectedtruth help her find the clarity she craves?SECOND SELF is a novel about confronting expectations, and learning to cope with the nagging, complex questions that shape a life. It's about minds and bodies at the mercy of natural forces and social pressure. Above all, it's an ode to big decisions, small, tender moments, and how we choose to be.This poignant second novel from the author of WET PAINT is perfect for fans of EXPECTATION and SORROW AND BLISS.

    791,95 kr.

    The essential reference for anyone engaged in the material study of cast bronze sculpture.

  • af Jean Knoertzer
    107,95 - 167,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth King
    462,95 kr.

    An abundantly illustrated narrative that draws from the history of art, science, technology, artificial intelligence, psychology, religion, and conservation in telling the extraordinary story of a Renaissance robot that prays.

  • af Dorthe Aagesen & Ann Temkin
    357,95 kr.

    Edited by Ann Temkin and Dorthe Aagesen Created in 1911, Henri Matisse’s The Red Studio would go on to become one of the most influential works in the history of modern art. The painting, which has hung in MoMA’s galleries since 1949, depicts the artist’s studio in the Parisian suburb of Issy-les-Moulineaux, filled with his artworks, furniture, and decorative objects. Matisse’s radical decision to blanket most of the work’s surface in red has fascinated generations of scholars and artists, yet much remained to be discovered about the painting’s genesis and history. Published in conjunction with an exhibition that reunites the artworks shown in The Red Studio for the first time since they left Matisse’s workspace, this copiously illustrated volume examines the paintings and sculptures depicted in it, from familiar works such as Le Luxe (II) (1907–08)—one of the three works seen in The Red Studio now in the collection of SMK – National Gallery of Denmark—to lesser-known pieces whose locations have only recently been discovered. A narrative essay by Ann Temkin, The Marie-Josée and Henry Kravis Chief Curator of Painting and Sculpture at The Museum of Modern Art, New York, and Dorthe Aagesen, Chief Curator and Senior Researcher at SMK in Copenhagen, traces the life of The Red Studio, from the initial commissioning of the work through its early history of exhibition and ownership to its arrival at MoMA. With its groundbreaking research and close reading of the work, Matisse: The Red Studio transforms our understanding of this landmark of twentieth-century art.

  • af Martin Neef & Carmen Scherer
    2.277,95 kr.

  • af Miguel S. Ruiz
    712,95 kr.

  • af Klaus Zwerger
    637,95 kr.

    There is a long tradition of using wood as a distinct and ecologically sound building material. Wooden architecture conveys for today's world the breadth of knowledge held in Western and Eastern cultures about the creative use of this unique material. The typical technique of building with wood, joinery, requires that elements are connected only by the skillful interlocking of the constructive parts. In this book, the history of wooden architecture is described in detail using hundreds of examples from Japan, China and Europe. From a holistic understanding, a picture emerges that is informative for architects, and designers, reopens an almost lost world to builders, and will enthrall laypeople. Also available in a German edition (ISBN 978-3-0356-2479-3)

  • af Laílson Santos
    187,95 kr.

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