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Designed to be used as a textbook and professional trade publication, this book is a holistic exploration of the Streaming Media Broadcast Industry. Within the context of each chapter the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Bufé Tv, Dr. Myron Raney, delves into the fundamental principles of audio and video streaming and demystifies the intricate web of acronyms and technicalities that govern this ever-expanding universe. Students and professionals alike explore the technical, operational, legal, and monetization aspects of the media streaming landscape. Everything from codecs and bit rates to adaptive streaming and buffering, is discussed to decipher the language of the streaming world.As a bonus, Dr. Raney also teaches the business side of streaming and uncovers the secrets to building and running a successful streaming platform. Take a journey into the realm of monetization, where creativity and commerce collide and master the various revenue streams available to content creators and streaming platform owners, empowering you to turn your passion for streaming into a lucrative venture. With case studies and best practices exposed you will be equipped with the tools and knowledge to navigate this challenging, yet rewarding, vocation with confidence.
»Fluent in the Languages of my Selves« is the first in the blue notes series. blue notes publishes intersectional voices and invites us to explore marginalized experiences and perspectives in short literary and visual formats. Like the blue notes, they create resistant dissonances.
»Der er mange måder at se på. Hvis man forsøger at få øjnene til at stille skarpt på et punkt mellem stålet og de rosa rododendroner, der spejler sig i stålet – så har du faktisk den oplevelse af den virkning, jeg tilstræber, nemlig at opleve spejlingens magi.«Sådan fortæller billedkunstneren Polano, der arbejder i en række medier og materialer fra skulptur over grafik til maleri.Siden hun var helt ung har Bente Polano eksperimenteret med forskellige materialer, og gennem alle hendes værker skimtes en legende tilgang til skildringen af mennesket – og især menneskets forhold til naturen. Polano eksperimenterer i sine værker med spejlinger, lys og skygge, mens hun formidler menneskelige grundfølelser som melankoli, isolation og ensomhed, men også et rum for eftertanke.Polano debuterede på Charlottenborg sammen med kunstnerkollektivet Valsedronningerne, som hun gennem flere år arbejdede sammen med om bl.a. en udsmykning af Hvidovre Hospital.Bogen er forfattet af kunstkritiker Torben Weirup, og mellem hans portræt af Bente Polanos kunst og atelierliv møder vi også små citater fra Polanos egne notesbøger, der giver et unikt indblik i de kunstneriske tilblivelsesprocesser.Torben Weirup går i bogen ikke kun i dybden med Polanos kunst. Gennem værker fra 1970’erne til i dag tegner Weirup et spændende billede af udviklingen i Polanos kunst såvel som dansk kunsthistorie.
Learn to capture the beauty of the natural world in paint and mixed media with this inspiring book. Carole Robson shares her enthusiasm for the natural world and how to paint it in the abstract. This book guides the reader through simple combinations of media such as watercolor, gouache, acrylic and Indian inks in combination with other media for a dynamic and modern effect for your artworks. It offers strategies for developing concepts and improving design, with a chapter devoted to using the formal elements - line, shape, color, tone, texture and surface pattern. The book guides you through selecting a scene and how to organize your painting to achieve success. Carole Robson is a dynamic teacher who uses various media in combination with paint to show you how to show the natural world in all of its beauty.
Collage your way through over 1000 beautiful, weird, wonderful and exotic images with RHS Collage the Botanical World!
A visual history of the life of Augustus "Gus" Wagner and his work as a hand tattoo artist, exploring a relatively unknown area of American art history from the 1890s to the 1930s
Surveying the films, installations and performances of the superstar Icelandic artistWidely recognized as one of the most exciting and significant voices of contemporary art, Icelandic performance and multimedia artist Ragnar Kjartansson takes a loving yet critical look at Western culture. His longform video installations explore the dynamics of repetition, often through music, and develop into feats of endurance, both physical and emotional. The Guardian deemed his 2012 work The Visitors "the best artwork of the 21st century."Combining quintessential videos such as Me and My Mother and Bliss with lesser-known paintings and sculptures, the retrospective at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art presents three new pieces made for the exhibition (including the title work with the plywood flames burning on the catalog cover) and captures the litany of senses Kjartansson has embraced without hesitation in his 20-year career. New work created for the anthology includes a painted plywood monument to "an epic waste of love and understanding" and a new performance piece titled Scaredman. The richly illustrated catalog includes personal contributions and dialogues in response to each of the artist's works on display by leading contemporary artists and scholars. Curator Tine Colstrup discusses A Lot of Sorrow with Marina Abramovic, and reflects on Terrible, Terrible with Pussy Riot activist Maria Alyokhina. The book proves itself an invaluable guide to Kjartansson's examination of love, identity, melancholy, masculinity and power.Ragnar Kjartansson (born 1976), a native of Reykjavik, Iceland, studied at the Iceland Academy of the Arts and the Royal Academy of Arts, Stockholm. He represented Iceland at the 53rd Biennale di Venezia in 2009 and participated in the 2013 Encyclopedic Palace of the World at the 55th Biennale di Venezia in 2013.
Tusind borgerhaikuer indeholder ganske bogstaveligt tusind haikutekster, dvs. at hver tekst består af tre dele efter stavelsesskemaet 5-7-5. Haiku er en japansk digtform, der opstod i 1600-tallet, og som i moderne tid er blevet almindeligt udbredt og nærmest ‘demokratiseret ihjel’ som en slags altædende skabelon. I Tusind borgerhaikuer fremskrives komplekse forbindelser mellem forskellige figurer, der i større eller mindre grad afspejler nutidens politisk-kulturelle virkelighedsbillede, på en sådan måde, at hver tekst i sig selv virker som en ultrakoncentreret tankebevægelse, der ud fra sine begrænsede præmisser synes at drage en åben, men alligevel specifik konklusion. Hver haiku indledes med et nummer samt et borgernavn anført med versaler, hvilket skaber følelsen af, at den efterfølgende haiku er ‘funktionelt personaliseret’, som om en algoritme havde ‘oprettet’ haikuen i en given borgers navn og dermed skabt en form for indholdsmatch. Et eksempel: “0263. Borger MØLMAND / Kromosomtrompet // Sæt sfinksen i / stinkskabet // Spænd kyskhedsbæltet”. Men hvis læseren lader blikket glide hen over bogens sider, viser det sig, at borgernavnene alle er frembragt via en ‘borgergenerator’, der arbitrært kombinerer hhv. et forled og et bagled af ‘typisk dansk’ herkomst: ABILDGREN, DAMSBALLE, ABILDBALLE osv. Der findes ingen sen-navne eller navne, der afslører ‘anden etnisk herkomst’. Åbenbart er der gennem et filter skabt et navnenes ekkokammer, en slags incestuøs boble, der synes at indramme haikuernes udsagn.
Jørgen Michaelsens Cockroach er en sangbog på engelsk. En sang det ville tage mere end fire timer at afsynge. Melodien som er komponeret af kunstneren, er meget enkel ogbringes indledningsvis som notation med becifring, sådan at der læggesop til musikalsk inklusion: fællessang. Cockroach er genereret ud fra stramme principper: Hver strofe består af firelinjer, hvis enderim udgør strukturen ABAB, sådan at linjerne har hhv. 6 og 5 stavelser. Endvidere påbegyndes hver linje med ordet “Cockroach”,der på den måde bliver en ‘overtydelig’, obskøn omdrejningsfigur. Eteksempel: “Cockroach needs reactor / Cockroach needs repair / Cockroachflaky factor / Cockroach nudist stare”. Cockroach udgør en syntetisk-strukturel ‘boreprøve’, hvor samtidens forestillingsunivers og vokabular udsættes for syntetisk sondering.Udgivet i forbindelse med udstillingen Cyber versus Buddha, Holstebro Kunstmuseum, 2023-24.
"TheCityAsAHouse" is a visually stunning art book that challenges the concept of the private home. In this experiment, a 30-year-old European lives in Tokyo without a private home, relying only on a smartphone. Traditional private spaces such as bedrooms, kitchens, and bathrooms are abolished, and public spaces become the norm for daily needs. The book explores the implications of the shift of privacy to non-domestic spaces and asks whether a new form of nomadic living is emerging.It also explores the potential for new artistic and architectural possibilities and infrastructure for society. The book includes various types of data collected during the experiment and offers a digital journey through the game experiences to discover new perspectives. "TheCityAsAHouse invites readers to reflect on the future of society and living without traditional homes, and encourages them to embrace the possibilities that lie ahead.
Are you ready to embark on a colourful and INTERACTIVE journey through the world of tattoos?Packed with QR codes that link to incredible videos, interactive designs & activities, aswell as a ton of history to improve your knowledge!
In the world of tattoo art, few traditions can rival the elaborate and refined artistry of Japanese tattoos. In this richly illustrated book, readers will find a wealth of detailed information about the history of this unique folk art, its relation to literature and art as well as great colour photographs of their work. Remarkable for the richness of their iconography, the balance of their compositions, and their refinement in details, Japanese tattoos have seduced since the fifteenth century Western travellers, merchants and later, in the 18th and 19th century sailors, soldiers, eccentrics and artists such as Degas, Monet, and Toulouse-Lautrec. The book shows the historical influence of Japanese tattooing on the worldwide tattoo community and its integration into the modern global cultural landscape. With over 270 illustrations, this book is a powerful tribute to the artistry, skill, and enduring charm of Japanese tattooing. Perfect for tattoo enthusiasts, this comprehensive and visually stunning book is a must-have also for East Asian art lovers and those with an appreciation for cultural traditions.
Pencils in hand, join the unstoppable force of nature that is Godzillaand wreak destruction around the world in this official coloring book.Originally debuting in 1954, Godzilla has become an internationalicon and one of the most instantly recognizable characters in theworld. In this official coloring book you will rampage through citiesand battle rival kaiju, such as Mothra, Rodan, King Ghidorah andMechagodzilla. Godzilla: The Official Coloring Book showcasesexciting artwork and never-before-seen illustrations, ready for youto put your spin on.Perfect for fans of monsters and Japanese culture, Godzilla: TheOfficial Coloring Book will allow you to stretch your creative fingersand enjoy the King of the Monsters as you've never seen himbefore.
En fotobok på både svenska och engelska.Vad händer när vi klär av oss – inte bara kläderna utan också allt annat som vi bär på våra kroppar? I fotoboken Alla är vi nakna möter vi människor i två versioner – både som klädda och avklädda. Alla har de olika roller och precis som andra människor definieras de av sådant som kön och könsidentitet, sexuell läggning, klass, etnisk tillhörighet, religion, ålder, funktionsvariation, yrke, kultur, familjerelationer och mycket mer som både syns och inte syns för omgivningen.Fotografen och författaren Andreas Paulsson har både fångat och följt olika människors tankar om sina olika lager. Vad betyder kläder för dem? Hur förhåller de sig till sina kroppar och till nakenhet? Vi får en glimt av vilka personerna är bakom alla dessa lager. Vi får också se vad som händer om inget står emellan oss människor. Trots att vi ser olika ut när vi är nakna är det först då vi är helt lika. Alla är vi nakna.Andreas Paulsson föddes 1979 och är uppvuxen i Örkelljunga. Numera är han bosatt i Malmö där han också är verksam som fotograf. Alla är vi nakna är Andreas Paulssons debutbok på egen hand, men han har också fotograferat kokboken Opera & Bakverk av den välkända tenoren Rickard Söderberg.
Gennem Øjetræet tager beskueren med på en poetisk rejse gennem Rold skov. Her udforsker Mathias Svold og Ulrik Hasemann den mytologi som i generationer har gjort skoven til et magisk sted. Papir: 150 gr. Munken Pure Rough
Temaet er indretning, du inviteres derfor indenfor på studios og værksteder hvor det vi indretter os i og med, tager form. Du introduceres til glaspuster Alexander Kirkeby, som få år efter han har afsluttet sin uddannelse er etableret på den internationale designscene, til den ligeledes nyuddannede keramiker Heidi Lillevang, som eksperimenterer med stuk og til stukkatør Peter Funder, som har 35 års erfaring i branchen. Arkitekt Desislava Lynge udtaler i artiklen ”I fællesskab”, ”det kan være magisk både at bo minimalistisk og kaotisk eller med bøger og kunst fra gulv til loft, bare indretningen spejler beboerne” hun tilføjer, at hvis hun skal pege på noget, så er lysindfaldet det vigtigste bortset fra livet i husene. Lys er også omdrejningspunktet for belysningsdesigner Fie Paarup, som har stor succes med sine unikke gardiner syet af vintage- og overskudstekstiler. Med hende har jeg talt om både gardiner og livet i huset. Tekstil er også det naturlige materialevalg for Sia Hurtigkarl og Tanja Kirst, på hver sin måde, fra hvert sit udgangspunkt og i helt forskellige udtryk, er de begge optaget af det vævede tæppe som medie. Bookazinet har, samtidig med at det handler om rum, møbler, gardiner og tæpper, stuk, keramik og glas, insisteret på et eget parallelt spor som handler om hvordan vi dannes, omgås og taler om os selv og hinanden og det vi beskæftiger os med.Du inviteres med til Öland til en helt særlig skole. Skolen blev etableret af Carl Malmsten og dennes hustru Siv Malmsten i 1957. På skolen undervises nu, som den gang i keramik, tekstil, træ og havekunst, og for at blive ved Malmsten, har jeg haft inspirerende samtaler med professor Andreas Nobel. Han er er møbelsnedker og formgiver og underviser på Sveriges fineste møbelsnedkeruddannelse på Malmstens i Stockholm (en campus under Linköping Universitet). Andreas Nobel argumenterer: ”Man undervurderer et hvert fagområde, når man tilgår alle felter på samme måde frem for at anerkende, at det kræver mange års træning at kunne sit fag.For eksempel kræver det en livslang gerning at opnå et højt niveau i filosofi.På samme måde kræves års arbejde for at opnå et højt niveau i håndværk, design eller kunst”.Han stiller sig tvivlende overfor om man i samme liv kan opnå så tilstrækkeligt højt niveau på begge felter, til at filosoffen kan tilføre noget til kunst og design og vice versa. Ikke desto mindre ser man mange akademiske faggrupper udtale sig med vægt om både kunst, design og håndværk.”Hører og læser man den slags skal man vide at det ikke er det faglige forfatteren forholder sig til men filosofien”, argumenterer han. For filosoffen er kunsten et filosofisk problem, for kunstneren er kunsten en mulighed. Designeren og håndværkeren søger løsninger”. Foruden ovenstående mødes du i bookazinet blandt andre af keramiker Louise Gaarmann, guldsmed Sarah Hurtigkarl og arkitekt Erik Brandt Dam
This HÅNDVÆRK bookazine no. 9 has interiors as its theme and invites you inside the studios and workshops where the things in our homes take shape. In the bookazine, you will meet glassblower Alexander Kirkeby, who graduated just a few years ago and has already made a name for himself in the international design scene. You will also meet another recent graduate, ceramic artist Heidi Lillevang, who experiments with stucco, and stucco worker Peter Funder, who has 35 years’ experience. In the bookazine, in the article titled ‘In collaboration’, architect Desislava Lynge says, ‘An interior can be magical, whether it is minimalist or chaotic or has books and art from floor to ceiling, as long as it reflects the people who live there.’ She adds that if she were to point to a single key feature, apart from the life inside a house, it would be the influx of daylight. Light is also a key topic for lighting designer Fie Paarup, who has launched a successful production of unique curtains sewn from vintage and surplus textiles. I met with her to talk about curtains and the life inside a house. Textile is also the natural choice of material for Sia Hurtigkarl and Tanja Kirst. Each in their way, from their respective points of view and with very different expressions, they both work with woven rugs as their medium. In addition to rooms, furniture, curtains and rugs, stucco, ceramics and glass, the upcoming issue of the bookazine maintains a parallel focus on how we become who we are and how we engage with and speak about ourselves, each other and our practices. You are invited to join me on a trip to Öland to visit a very special school founded in 1957 by Carl Malmsten and his wife, Siv Malmsten. Now, as then, the school teaches ceramics, textile, wood and landscape architecture. I had some inspiring talks with Professor Andreas Nobel about Carl Malmsten. Nobel, who is a cabinetmaker and designer, teaches in Sweden’s finest cabinetmaker’s programme at Malmstens in Stockholm (a campus at Linköping University). Andreas Nobel says, ‘You will underestimate any subject area if you approach every field in the same way and if you fail to acknowledge that mastering a given field takes many years of training. For example, it takes lifelong practice to attain a high-level mastery of philosophy. Similarly, it takes many years of practice to attain a high-level mastery of craft, design or art.’He questions whether it is possible in a single lifetime to attain a sufficient grasp of both areas to have philosophy inform art or design, and vice versa. And yet, it is common to see scholars from a wide range of academic fields speak with great authority about art, design and crafts.‘When you hear and read these comments, you need to bear in mind that what they are addressing is not the subject matter itself but the philosophy of it,’ he argues. ‘To a philosopher, art is a philosophical problem; to the artist, art is a possibility, while designers and craftspersons look for solutions.’ In the bookazine, you will also meet ceramicist Louise Gaarmann, golds applied artist Sarah Hurtigkarl and architect Erik Brandt Dam, among others.
This book is a collection of stories from our family tattoo business in memory of my father, artist Buddy Mott. I tattooed beside him for almost the last 30 years of his 59-year career in Newport, Rhode Island. I categorize my telling of these stories as an audiobook on paper, and if I had to rate it I'd give it a PG-13. Well, maybe PG-15...and a half.In his early days back from WWII, this Army Veteran tattooed thousands of squids that came through the Navy port and shipped out all over the globe. Tattooed sailors on the move and the pride Buddy took in his artwork gave him the opportunity to become known worldwide. Newport in the late 1970s was being transformed into a tourist/sailing spot. Our father-daughters team tattooed customers from all walks of life (with or without motorcycles) now wanting to wear some permanent art. I'm pretty sure only one was a nun.Included in the 195 pages are over 200 colored pictures, 67 stencils, some of our tattoo tips, trade secrets for fellow artists and tattoo collectors, plus some of the unusual and entertaining requests we got on a nightly basis.-Marilyn Mott TollesonThis book contains over 200 pictures and 67 stencils.
The feeling of a new beginning after happily overcoming the millennium jump was abruptly ended with 9/11. Topics such as the ongoing turbo-capitalism, migration, the questioning of the cult of monuments, and the convergence of aesthetics and economy accompanied by a hypocritical handling of urgent environmental issues by western industrialized nations in the information age were decisive for artists. Both alienated nature and the observation of one's own body and the burgeoning selfie cult through the new smartphones steered questions of perception. In addition to the criticism of the consumer age, postcolonial and gender issues, the still sluggish processing of National Socialism in Austria (even after the Restitution Act of 1995) was another factor that, instead of confidence, caused rather ironic to cynical breaks - especially in the case of "Golden Adele". by Klimt.In addition to in-depth essays, the publication offers a generously illustrated insight into the more than 5,000 works in the City of Vienna's collections from the 2000s.
. Die Bestseller sind wieder da!. Überarbeitete und aktualisierte Ausgaben. Ca. 300 Sticker, davon 30 brandneuUm die 300 speziell in Auftrag gegebene Sticker von Künstler*innen, Illustrator*innen und Graffiti-Künstler*innen aus der ganzen Welt.
. Die Bestseller sind wieder da!. Überarbeitete und aktualisierte Ausgaben. Ca. 300 Sticker, davon 30 brandneuUm die 300 speziell in Auftrag gegebene Sticker von Künstler*innen, Illustrator*innen und Graffiti-Künstler*innen aus der ganzen Welt.
Letters and fonts not only transport information, but also convey a feeling and have a personality. Type in its artistic diversity has the potential to release energies, to inspire and to tell stories through harmony or distortion. Words become drawings and images that stimulate the imagination and open up spaces beyond information.From the success of the Yearbook of Type concept, Slanted Publishers has has developed a new book series: The Yearbook of Lettering. The first volume presents a selection of lettering artwork from around the world - from traditional calligraphy and handlettering to street art and graffiti - and shows the wide range of different styles and techniques. The book offers an overview of high-quality handmade typographic art with an extensive glossary of lettering artists. A source of inspiration for anyone interested in lettering and hand-crafted typographic art, not just lettering artists.
It is impossible not to believe because we all have a perspective on the world, and this is reflected in our beliefs. We say "I believe that" when expressing our opinion. We don't believe someone else when their views differ greatly from our values and worldview. However, belief is not static. Our perspective can change, and belief can change us. Did you know that belief influences our perception of pain, and that we hold different beliefs depending on whether we are speaking our native language or another?This volume brings together interviews on the topic of "belief" from various scientific disciplines. It includes interviews with social psychologist Pia Lamberty, political scientist Hendrik Ohnesorge, neuroscientist Katja Wiech from the University of Oxford, linguist Panos Athanasopoulos, economist Nicola Gennaioli, Paul Hedges, professor of Interreligious Studies in Singapore, and Alexander Kaurov from the Institute for the History of Science at Harvard University.With illustrations by artist Daria Chernyshova.
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