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Landskab og kystlandskab i kunst

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  • af Juliette Plisson
    195,95 kr.

    This hands-on guide to landscape watercolor and other drawing and painting techniques takes readers on a series of excursions from the sea to the city, mastering the use of line and color along the way. A useful manual for drawing on the spot, it offers valuable insight into how to carefully observe the landscape before us and choose what about it we want to express; how to select and prioritize visual information; and how to apply drawing techniques to create the illusion that our compositions have been arranged effortlessly, as if by nature itself. In each of the book's five sections (Color and Materials; Horizontality and Depth; Graphics, Shadows and Light; Lines and Perspective; and Urban Lines and Colors), the author suggests some of the questions we should ask ourselves when observing a landscape. We will learn how to tell a story while painting, prioritizing color ratios and graphic elements over faithful representation in the final result. Through these engaging exercises, readers will soon be able to manage compositional line and color effectively as they experiment with different drawing, painting and landscape representation tools and techniques.

  • af Jessica Powers
    407,95 kr.

    Artists in Roman Italy created exquisite landscapes that reflect close ties with their environment, ranging from images of sunny seaside villas and tranquil country shrines to colorful views of Greece and Egypt. This groundbreaking volume explores the intimate connections between these works and ancient Romans' social, political and religious lives. Essays by six distinguished scholars discuss landscapes in a variety of media that decorated urban houses and tombs in Rome, Pompeii and Herculaneum and sumptuous coastal villas on the Bay of Naples. The catalog features more than 65 wall paintings, marble sculptures, mosaics, and costly drinking vessels in silver and cameo glass from 100 BC to AD 200, including rarely seen works from museums and archeological sites in Italy. Richly illustrated, this timely volume reflects shared human concerns about control and development of the land, about the competing demands of wealth and piety, and about preserving natural resources.00Exhibition: San Antonio Museum of Art, San Antonio, USA (24.02-21.05.2023).

    493,95 kr.

    Image Cities takes us on a journey through cities the Globalization and World Cities Research Network ranks highest according to their degree of "global interconnectedness." We find them in a process of transformation concealed behind dummy façades onto which a sense of heightened anticipation has been projected. It would be tempting to read these photographs as a polemic against the triumph of consumerism and a slowly numbing global visual-economic order that wraps itself around whatever once felt local and civic. Samoylova's photography is full of masterful refinements of the existing clichés of urban photography: Citizens dwarfed by giant images. Faces and bodies refracted through glass. The Pop-Cubism of visual bricolage. The minuscule human figures that stroll seemingly indifferent through city space while being at least partly somewhere else in their imaginations¿ their existence already a collage of places and times. Yet, Samoylova consciously engages with cliché, takes it apart and reassembles it, gambling that it can be taken to a level of pictorial sophistication that eludes any simple argument or statement. Instead, she invites us to reflect on photography's role in the creation of a gap between these citie's brand identity and their everyday reality.ANASTASIA SAMOYLOVA (*1984) grew up in Moscow. In 2008 she moved to the United States, where she graduated with a master's degree in Interdisciplinary Art from Bradley University, Illinois. Her work explores the tension between the staged perception of a bombastic materialism and reality. Living and working in Miami, Florida has become the backdrop for her combination of collage-like details with the genre of the road trip. Her recent series Flood Zones and Floridas have received great critical acclaim.

  • af Neal Bertrand
    467,95 kr.

    This book is to honor my father, Curtis Bertrand (1920-2000), and his oil paintings.The photo of my father on the front cover was taken at the height of his artistic life. Hecreated beautiful masterpieces during this time, around 1986, when he was age 66.What's amazing is he didn't start taking art classes until 1982, after he retired.He painted for the fun of it, not to make money, but to see the expression on the facesof his family when he gave us a painting.When he handed me the painting named Cypress Solitude, I was in awe. My jawdropped! It was the most beautiful sight! He said, "I painted this for you to hang in yourhome." What love he had for us!

  • af Lucrecia Di Bussolo
    357,95 kr.

    For the last 6 years, Lucrecia Di Bussolo has captured unique moments from Midland nature that she wishes to share. She hopes you will enjoy the way she likes to see this marvelous world, immortalizing it with her camera.

  • af Martha Ellis & Pat Champan
    257,95 kr.

  • af David Sechovicz
    462,95 kr.

    Journey through the world's oldest civilization with a unique perspective on China through the art of black and white photography. "China B&W Photo Book: A Photographic Exploration of the World's Oldest Civilization" offers a captivating collection of over 100 high-resolution photographs, showcasing the diverse landscape and rich history of the Middle Kingdom. From the iconic Great Wall to the bustling streets of Shanghai, this visually stunning book captures the essence of China in stunning monochrome.With no words to distract from the powerful imagery, this book is the perfect addition to any coffee table or art book collection. Immerse yourself in ancient temples, iconic landmarks, and everyday moments, and be inspired by this striking journey through the country. Make a statement with this visually stunning exploration of China, and surprise your loved ones with a great gift that will appeal to anyone interested in the country or photography. Order your copy today and embark on a unique photographic adventure through the fascinating world of China.

  • af Karol Greene
    987,95 kr.

  • af John Washburn
    257,95 kr.

  • af Mario Dirks
    457,95 kr.

    This book takes you on a journey around the world through the eyes of photographer Mario Dirks. In the fall of 2011, camera and lens manufacturer Sigma sent Mario on a yearlong adventure to photograph the most beautiful places on earth. As Sigma's World Scout, he spent 50 weeks visiting a total of 77 cities, 48 countries, and 6 continents. He took 101 flights and traveled 2,500 miles by foot. The result of his tour is a collection of 347 extraordinary photographs showcasing fascinating destinations and scenic locations from around the globe.With this wealth of images and experiences, Mario Dirks has created a diversified snapshot of our earth. The images in this book show global sights like the Taj Mahal, Machu Picchu, Petra, the Grand Canyon, and Ayers Rock, as well as architectural masterpieces, unique natural landscapes, and portraits of people and animals.Mario's photographs are accompanied by anecdotes from his travels, making this book a visual delicacy not only for traveling photographers, but for anyone interested in viewing captivating images from around the world. Come with the author on a journey to the Americas, Africa, Europe, Asia, and Australia; immerse yourself in the colorful and exciting variety of our world; and experience what great travel photography is made of.

  • af Lynn Whitney
    477,95 kr.

  • af Andreas Gefeller
    473,95 kr.

    »Wie ein Besucher aus dem All versuche ich, einen Blick vonaußen auf den Lebensraum des Menschen zu werfen - vollerNeugier, aber auch mit Schrecken.« Die Möglichkeitendes Fotografischen bis an die Grenze des Mediums auslotend,geht Andreas Gefellers Blick dahin, wo das Sichtbaredas Unsichtbare berührt. Von frühen dokumentarischenSerien zu digital konstruierten Perspektiven undmetaphorisch lesbaren Arbeiten vereint die neue Publikationbislang nicht veröffentlichte Fotografien, Schlüsselbilderseiner bekannten Werkreihen und neueste Arbeiten.Die Retrospektive offenbart, wie der Fotokünstler Technikenwie extreme Langzeit- und Überbelichtungen überHighspeed-Blitzlicht-Aufnahmen bis zu digitalen Collagennutzt, um unsere menschlichen Wahrnehmungsgewohnheitenzu hinterfragen. In seiner Auseinandersetzung miteiner vom Menschen dominierten Natur schafft er Bildervon einer fast erhabenen abstrakt-malerischen Qualität,um von dort aus eine Entzauberung zu betreiben, die diewahre Realität des Gezeigten offenbart.ANDREAS GEFELLER (*1970, Düsseldorf) studierte an derFolkwang Universität der Künste Essen und schloss 2000 seinStudium mit Auszeichnung ab. Seine preisgekrönten Fotoarbeiten- darunter die 2012 mit dem Deutschen Fotobuchpreisausgezeichnete The Japan Series (Hatje Cantz) - werden internationalausgestellt und sind in wichtigen Sammlungen vertreten.Gefeller lebt und arbeitet in Düsseldorf.

  • af Ted Andreasian
    374,95 kr.

    Stone and Candle ist ein fotografisches Langzeitprojekt über die alten Klöster Armeniens. Die Publikation umfasst 40 Klosterbauten, die über das ganze Land verteilt sind, darunter auch einige im umstrittenen Gebiet von Arzach, von denen die meisten zwischen dem 4. und 13. Jahrhundert erbaut wurden. Diese Klöster, die zu den ältesten der christlichen Welt gehören, waren Zentren der Bildung, in denen Kunst und Wissenschaft florierten. Siesind zeitlose Denkmäler des Glaubens, menschenleer, der Witterung ausgesetzt und still.Auf der Suche nach der spirituellen Dimension monumentaler menschengemachter Bauwerke reisen Ted & Nune in entlegene Gebiete, um Architektur und Industrie zu erkunden. In ihrer Arbeit vereinen sie den männlichen und weiblichen Blickwinkel. Seit 2015 hat das Künstlerduo mehrere international anerkannte Projekte realisiert und ausgestellt.

  • af William R. Stanek
    697,95 kr.

    Rare Masters representing the very best of William Stanek's fine art photography. William Stanek and his wife have been called "living legends" and "national treasures" for their decades of creative works in the arts and publishing.

  • af Ole Jauch
    357,95 kr.

    Ole Jauch kalder sig billedkunstner og kunstfotograf og arbejder primært med det analoge fotografi som udgangspunkt for hans forskellige kunstneriske udtryk. Uanset hvilken retning disse udtryk bevæger sig, er der en rød tråd, der handler om tid og Tiden. Der fokuseres på tid i bred forstand. Fra en teknisk vinkel og en del af udtrykket til Tid som et filosofiske begreb.MANDØ bogen er ingen undtagelse. Her handler det igen om Tiden og Ole har gennem sit enorme billedmateriale, fra Mandø, nøje udvalgt en række af tidløse billeder og udtryk til at beskrive og gengive de tilstande der er oplevet gennem mange ophold på Mandø.I forordet skrives der:Gennem min tid på Mandø fandt jeg tiden, og i mit møde med Mandø fandt jeg en frekvens til at gengive tiden som motiv og udtryk.Bogen handler derfor langt mere om tid end et specifikt sted, uagtet at stedet er motivatoren for udtrykket. Det er gennem mine ophold på øen blevet klart for mig, at Tid er omdrejningspunktet.Dermed blev Mandø frekvensen for Tid.Jeg gør mig ofte tanker om mine motiver og oplever, at med tiden bliver motivet i sig selv mindre væsentligt, samtidig med at det bliver mere vigtigt. Som en frekvens til formidling af tilstande, følelser og tanker. Dermed forbliver motivet vigtigt og væsentligt. Motivet løfter og bærer den tilstand, jeg ønsker at formidle. Denne dualitet er gennemgående.Jeg har valgt at betragte Mandø gennem mine kameraer og udtrykke mit Mandø gennem mine billeder. Det er der kommet denne bog ud af.Mandø var det sted, hvor jeg fandt tiden og det stille liv. Den tid og det liv, de fleste af os har allermest af i livet.Mandø fandt mig, og jeg fandt tiden.Denne bog handler om Tid og Tiden og er tilegnet Mandø.

  • af Steve van Vlaenderen
    457,95 - 467,95 kr.

    357,95 kr.

    Flanked by the Greater Toronto Area, the southern reaches of Muskoka, Northumberland County, and Lake Ontario, Durham Region's subtle rural beauty, sweeping landscapes, and urban developments are captured by four Durham photographers who know this place best.

  • af Denis Defibaugh
    567,95 kr.

  • af Mimi Lagana
    412,95 - 497,95 kr.

  • af Tom Finlay
    357,95 kr.

    386,95 kr.

    How Picasso forged an expansive, experimental and personal approach to a traditional genrePablo Picasso (1881-1973) was committed to depicting landscapes throughout his entire life. From his earliest days in art school until the year before his death, landscape remained the prime genre through which he mediated his perception of the world and which shaped his own creative evolution. Yet within Picasso's vast oeuvre, landscapes have received the least scholarly attention. Landscape would serve as a catalyst for his formal experimentation, including early Cubism; as a field in which to investigate urban modernity; as an interface between humanity and nature; as a ground for direct sculptural intervention; as a space of personal withdrawal; as an inviting terrain for elegiac scenes; and as a territory of resistance and flight.Landscapes offer the clearest lens for understanding Picasso's attentiveness to his cultural milieu as well as to his ongoing engagement with art-historical traditions. Picasso Landscapes: Out of Bounds celebrates the depth of his exploration of landscape subjects along with his expansive approach to this traditional genre.

  • af Larry W Jones
    397,95 kr.

  • af Nicolas Faure
    662,95 kr.

    Der Bildband des 1949 in Genf geborenen Fotografen Nicolas Faure The Order of Things zeigt rund hundert analoge Aufnahmen von Gartenarchitektur rund um Einfamilienhäuser und Siedlungen im Wallis und der Westschweiz. The Order of Things («Die Ordnung der Dinge») zeigt Bepflanzung und Hecken, Abgrenzungen und Mauern, die von Sehnsucht nach Privatheit und Idylle sprechen. In der Agglomeration sieht man sie von Weitem, etwas versteckt, meist feingliedrig hinter-gittert und umzäunt: Pflanzenarchitekturen, die sich nur in wenigen Fällen den Veränderungen der gebau-ten Umwelt entziehen, über die Privatheit des Zauns spriessen - mal bedrohlich, mal als leises Versprechen, dass hinter den Reihenhäusern eben doch noch die unverstellte Natur, die weite Welt liegen könnte. Oder vielleicht nur mehr Schweiz. Faure gibt diese «Ordnung der Dinge» wieder, indem er Betrachtenden präzis komponierte Blickhierarchien eröffnet, die den Gestal-tungswillen im Machtgefüge des persönlichen Garten-territoriums spiegeln. Alle Dinge haben ihren Platz. Vor dem Hintergrund dieser meist starren Zeugen - sorgfältig gezähmt, präzise platziert, sauber in die Raumplanung eingeflochten - entsteht so ein Porträt von Land und Mentalität, das Ausgangspunkt für eine Reflexion über technische und kulturelle Verände-rungsprozesse der Moderne ist, die seit Ende der 1950er-Jahre die Schweiz erfasst und sie in ein Land der Agglomerationen verwandelt hat.

  • af Mimi Lagana
    542,95 - 652,95 kr.

  • af Doug Markel
    222,95 kr.

  • af Millie Marotta
    72,95 kr.

    A wonderful portable edition of Millie Marotta's Secrets of the Sea, from the Sunday Times and international bestseller artist.

  • af Alan Wohlman
    432,95 kr.

  • af Kev Howlett
    277,95 kr.

    433,95 kr.

    Rough, pristine, and poetic: Jan Jedlicka is a painter, draftsman, graphic artist, photographer and filmmaker, but also a wanderer and explorer. As an attentive observer, he engages with the subtle changes caused by light, the seasons, or human interventions in his environment. Precise, delicate, and quietly persistent, Jedlicka's works refer to the landscapes and places in which he moves and returns to again and again like the Italian Maremma. For his drawings, watercolors, and paintings, he extracts pigments from minerals found on site-and thus literally brings the landscape onto paper and canvas. This publication explores Jedlicka's oeuvre from the 1970s onwards-not chronologically, but as a map of the artist's movements through the landscape, and along the paths of his various artistic strategies.Jan Jedlicka (b. 1944, Prague) studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague before migrating to Switzerland in 1969. He works in various media: painting, drawing, photography, printmaking, and film. His works have been exhibited in various galleries and museums in Europe.

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