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Landskabskunst og landskabsarkitektur

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  • af Jens Fleischer
    297,95 kr.

    Fleischers arkitekturleksikon er det mest omfattende opslagsværk om bygningskunst og håndværk fra før antikken og til bæredygtig arkitektur og containerisme 4.000 år senere. Det omfatter bygningstyper, materialer, stilarter, traktater, teorier og ikoniske bygværker foruden kunsthistoriske termer. Karakteristiske udsagn gennem tiden af arkitekter, filosoffer, kultursociologer, litterater og kunsthistorikere er medtaget. De enkelte artikler er gennemgået af fagfolk. Leksikonet spænder fra korte ordforklaringer over mindre artikler til store oversigtsartikler om stilarter, arkitektoniske nøglebegreber og fagdiscipliner som have- og landskabskunst og byplanlægning m.v. Det er rigt illustreret med instruktive tegninger og fotos. Leksikonet retter sig mod alle med interesse for arkitektur, og er uundværligt for enhver, der beskæftige sig professionelt med emnet: studerende, undervisere, forskere, praktiserende arkitekter, tekniske forvaltninger samt biblioteker og arkiver.

  • - Studier i urbanitet & æstetik / Studies in Urbanity & Aesthetics
    af Henrik Reeh, Jannie Rosenberg Bendsen, Henriette Steiner & mfl.
    235,95 kr.

    Det kulturelle felt nyder en stadig større bevågenhed fra både politisk og økonomisk hold. Med kulturens stigende betydning i socio-politiske processer kan de humanistiske fag – takket være deres forståelsesorienterede forskning og det nære forhold til begrebet kultur – udfordre grænser og tilegne sig en ny central rolle. I denne situation er ”rumlig kultur” begyndt at tegne sig som et vigtigt humanistisk felt, hvor menneskers praktiske og mentale forhold til rumlige omgivelser reflekteres. I Rumlig kultur leverer 20 forskere fra Københavns Universitet deres forskelligartede perspektiver på den moderne urbane livsverden. Begrebet urbanitet markerer, at byer nok er fysiske fænomener, men yderligere må tematiseres som socio-kulturelle erfaringsuniverser. Byen kommer for alvor til udfoldelse, når der etableres urbanitet: omgangs-, udtryks- og tankeformer som kendetegner egentlig bykultur. Og snarere end de enkelte, isolerede sanser er det vekselvirkningen mellem mange sanser i rumligt agerende moderne kroppe og subjektiviteter, som viser nye veje i bykulturen. Rumlig kultur er en tvær-sanselig undersøgelse af samtidens kultur, som den udfolder sig i den urbane livsverdens heterogene rum. Bogens 20 kapitler er inddelt i fem sektioner med fokus på henholdsvis arkitektur, byrum, kunst, erindring og stedsbevidsthed. Under disse overskrifter demonstrerer forfatterne, hvordan en materialefølsom, humanvidenskabelig tilgang til afgrænsede by- og rumkulturelle problemstillinger kan tage sig ud. Bogen er rigt illustreret. Henrik Reeh, lektor ved Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab, Københavns Universitet.

  • - Christiania og bevaring som ressource i byomdannelsen
    201,95 kr.

    Fortiden er populær i disse år. Museer bliver indlagt i nedlagte fabriksbygninger, havne omdannet til boligområder og hele byområder branded med udgangspunkt i historien. I stedet for at være modsatrettede størrelser danner forankring og forandring i dag nærmest et dynamisk potentiale. Bogen viser Christiania og de seneste års debat om områdets bevaring som et laboratorium for en fornyelse af bevaringens praksis. Hvordan mødes fortidsfortolkninger, nutidsforståelser og fremtidsforventninger på Christiania? Og ikke mindst hvordan aktiveres de lige netop her. Bogen skaber et kalejdoskopisk billede af Christiania, der peger på mangfoldige udviklingsmuligheder og også peger ud over Christiania, med det mål at bidrage til en engageret debat om fortidens potentiale i byomdannelse

  • - bevægelsesinstallationer i by- og landskabsrum
    af René Kural, Bettina Lamm & Anne Wagner
    147,95 kr.

    Storbyen har fået et ”twist” med kæmpemøbler, pilskæve boldbaner og urbane skattejagter. Ude i landskabet møder vi skovskulpturer, kunstige strande og tårne af drivtømmer.Som scenografier kan landskabsrum, byinventar og samt­idskunst understøtte vores muligheder for at mødes, opleve, sanse og lege. PLAYABLE tager pulsen på ‘bevægelseskunsten’. Den går helt tæt på udvalgte eksempler på kunst, design og arkitektur, som i bogstavelig forstand drag­er os ind i en leg med vores omgivelser.PLAYABLE præsenterer 24 internationale værker og projekter, der alle på forskellig vis gør vores uderum mere engagerende. Hvad karakteriserer de aktiverende installationer? Hvad gør de ved landskabet? Hvad gør de ved byen, og hvad gør de ved os? Det gennemgår bogens seks tematiske kapitler. Om forfatterne: Ph.d. Bettina Lamm er landskabsarkitekt MAA og lektor ved Sektion for Landskabsarkitektur og Planlægning på Institut for Geovidenskab og Naturforvaltning, Københavns Universitet. Ph.d. René Kural er lektor på Kunstakademiets Skoler for Arkitektur, Design og Konservering (KADK) samt selvstæn­dig praktiserende arkitekt med René Kural Tegnestue. Anne Wagner er arkitekt og ph.d.-studerende ved Sektion for Landskabsarkitektur og Planlægning på Institut for Geovidenskab og Naturforvaltning, Københavns Universitet.

  • - 53 værker, du aldrig vil glemme
    af Lisbeth Bonde
    347,95 kr.

    Oplev kongerigets bedste kunstværker med Lisbeth Bonde Den anerkendte forfatter og kunstkritiker Lisbeth Bonde har med bogen ”Kunsten imellem os. 53 værker, du aldrig glemmer” skabt en unik guide til dansk samtidskunst, skræddersyet til både den erfarne kunstkender og den nysgerrige kulturforbruger. Det er den første bredt formidlende bog om dansk samtidskunst på markedet. Gennem Bondes engagerede og personlige fortælling og omfattende research tager bogen læseren med på en opdagelsesrejse gennem Danmarks 53 fremmeste og mest dagsordensættende kunstværker fra de seneste ti-tyve år, som tager livtag med traditioner, historie og samtidens spørgsmål. Fælles for værkerne er, at langt de fleste kan opleves ved selvsyn rundt i kongeriget – inkl. Færøerne og Grønland.Bogens hovedkategorier er: kunstværker til offentlige institutioner, værker i museumssamlinger, kirkekunst og kunst i det offentlige rum. Forfatteren har i sit udvalg af kunstværker søgt en bred repræsentation af kunstnere i forhold til køn, alder, geografi og genre/medie. Omkring halvdelen af bogens 53 værker kan opleves uden for gængse gallerier og museer, hvilket, sammen med dens lettilgængelige stil og sprog, er med til at gøre bogen bredt anvendelig for læsere landet over. Med smukke illustrationer, dybdegående analyser og forfatterens personlige indsigter er ”Kunsten imellem os” en smuk og uundværlig guide til alle, der ønsker at udforske den fascinerende verden af dansk samtidskunst. LISBETH BONDE, født 1956, er cand.mag. i dansk og kunsthistorie. Kunstkritiker og -skribent ved Kristeligt Dagblad og tidligere Information (1994-2002) og Weekendavisen (2002-13). Holder foredrag om kunst landet over og har udgivet en lang række anmelderroste kunstfaglige bøger, heriblandt ”Manual til dansk samtidskunst” (s.m. Mette Sandbye, 2006), ”Hvorfor kunst?” (s.m. Maria Fabricius Hansen, 2008) og ”Følelsen er alt – en biografi om maleren Preben Fjederholt” (2016).

  • af Jean-Pierre Gabriel
    425,95 kr.

    Piet Blanckaert, one of Belgium's most important landscape architects, brings more than forty years of experience and a love of gardens to his work. Inspired by the great English landscape architects, his repertoire ranges from the walled gardens of his hometown of Bruges to magically structured landscape ensembles. With an introductory essay on his working methods, this book presents Blanckaert's gardens from the Baltic to the Mediterranean, from the earliest to the most recent, captured in fantastic photographs by Jean-Pierre Gabriel in every season. PIET BLANCKAERT (*1955) is a landscape architect and has run his own independent studio, Piet Blanckaert Landscape Design, in Bruges since 1979. His commissions include private gardens, the design of open spaces around hotels and industrial facilities, as well as sculpture gardens in Belgium, France, Spain, Austria, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, and Greece.

  • af Manuel Appert
    1.014,95 kr.

    The purpose of the book is to assess the process of urban verticalization in different contexts through time, to provide insight into the relationships between highrise design and the way inhabitants negotiate them in their everyday lives, to assess how planners, politicians, and designers negotiate residential highrises in the strategies they develop for building the city and to introduce urban narratives and cartographies. Verticalization, although not new, currently takes place in a very different context than post-1945. Today, highrise residential buildings are more than architectural solutions: they are commodities in a global market where capital flows are fixed by developers and municipalities. Our exploration of residential verticalization is anchored in case studies, revealing different types of local-global negotiations in the design of the city, and has been framed by three interrelated dynamics: first, the complex relationships within the financialization of real estate markets, revealing differences in the types of local-global negotiations in the construction of the neo-liberal city; secondly, the most developed, anchors residential verticalization in the processes of socio-spatial differentiation within cities (mostly identified as gentrification associated to processes of urban renewal and densification; the third, related to readings and interpretations of the urban landscape and social, spatial practices and its iconographic and cartographic representations. This book is of interest to academics, students, planners, architects, and urban studies professionals. It shows that the chosen research object is an increasingly relevant angle of analysis of the contemporary city. It also provides a better knowledge of the processes of residential verticalization, their impact on the privatization of the urban space, and on urban segregation or fragmentation.

  • - Utypiske haver til et typehus
    af C. Th. Sørensen
    237,95 kr.

    C. Th. Sørensen ændrede landskabsarkitekturen, da han udgav 39 haveplaner – typiske haver til et typehus i 1966, som med det samme blev en klassiker med dens fokus på geometri og former. Senere er bogen blevet genoptrykt under navnet Utypiske haver til et typehus, og i denne nye udgave er der forord af landskabsarkitekt Sonja Poll, datter af C. Th. Sørensen.Bogen – med sine 39 planer – anviser veje til at anlægge en have og er inspirerende læsning for både den almindelige haveelsker og arkitekten. Her er mulighed for at skabe mange typer af haver lige fra en gammeldags engelsk staudehave, over skovhaver, til haver, der tiltrækker bier. Fælles for alle planerne er, at de repræsenterer et uderum af samme størrelse, og at det er op til ejeren at designe rummet med planter, buske og træer.39 haveplaner – utypiske haver til et typehus er på den måde både et indblik i C. Th. Sørensens tanker og ideer til anlæggelsen af en ny have og et katalog over havekunstens virkemidler.

  • af Julia Schulz-Dornburg
    382,95 kr.

    Unmarked on maps and largely unnoticed by urban design, architecture, and planning communities, Combat Cities have quietly spread throughout the western hemisphere. The Complete Guide to Combat City is an architectural and cultural guide of these simulated cities, exclusively developed by the military. Seventeen existing, fully functioning urban combat centers in the US, Europe and the Middle East have been reconstructed from existing video footage, satellite images, military photographs, and army supplier's catalogs. Julia Schulz-Dornburg analyzes their features, be they fictional or real, and presents them with commentary, illustrations, and classifications. The book combines different urban portraits to create a comprehensive overview and architectural database of contemporary mock-cities. A comprehensive selection of seventeen urban combat centers in the US, Europe and the Middle East The first in-depth analysis of a clandestine architectural subject

  • af Federica Dal Falco
    1.093,95 kr.

    The book addresses the interdisciplinary and multiscale theme of the design of sustainable, inclusive and creative urban green spaces in relation to the socio-ecological transition and in line with the systemic vision promoted by the 2030 Agenda, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the principles outlined by the New European Bauhaus (European Commission, 2021). The publication refers to the International Study Day organized in June 2022 by the Unit for Internationalization of the PDTA Department of the Sapienza University of Rome, develops and updates its themes, with essays that deepen theories and methodologies pursued in specific disciplinary and research fields, and with case studies of design experiments and achievements that constitute best practices at an international level in the sign of a conscious sustainability.The book is therefore part of an international and interdisciplinary dialogue and discussion focused on the challenges of climate change, economic crises and social inequalities as well as the questions that emerged during the Covid-19 pandemic. These issues are fundamental in the rethinking and reconfiguration of the role of urban green spaces, conceived as a priority place for the existence of citizens, the archetype of European culture, the conservation of biodiversity, and the relationship with nature.

  • af Diane Shaw
    492,95 kr.

  • af Angela Colonna
    257,95 kr.

    Nel 2013 il sito UNESCO materano de "i Sassi e il parco delle Chiese rupestri" si è dotato del suo primo Piano di Gestione, a vent'anni dall'iscrizione nella Lista del Patrimonio Mondiale. Il Piano di Gestione si è andato definendo lungo un percorso articolato e partecipato, e la sua struttura è il risultato di sintesi degli apporti di tutte le fasi del percorso. Il processo partecipato è stato caratterizzato dall'idea che ognuno è un 'portatore di saperi' che contribuisce all'interno di una comunità che si definisce come 'comunità di saperi'. Il progetto dell'Osservatorio Sassi, che è lo strumento per l'attuazione del Piano, nella proposta dell'autrice declina e rilancia la visione, gli elementi e gli strumenti che hanno caratterizzato il processo di costruzione del Piano di Gestione. Così come l'intero percorso di progettazione del Piano di Gestione del sito UNESCO ha ruotato intorno all'idea di Piano come processo di processi, e ogni attività è stata anche la sperimentazione del metodo, allo stesso modo per la realizzazione dell'Osservatorio si utilizzano uguali principio e approccio. La proposta progettuale per l'avvio dell'Osservatorio Sassi è tra le azioni messe in campo dalla Cattedra UNESCO in Mediterranean Cultural Landscapes and Communities of Knowledge, istituita presso l'Università deli Studi della Basilicata.

  • af Bauhaus-Universität Weimar & Emerging City Lab Bauhaus. Institut Für Experimentelle Architektur
    227,95 kr.

    »¿¿¿ bauhaus« (selam bauhaus) means »hello bauhaus« in Amharic, one of the most important languages in Ethiopia. Visually, one could also interpret the Amharic letters as "Why Bauhaus" to question the overuse of this label during the Bauhaus Centennial in 2019. So, why Bauhaus?100 years ago, the teaching of architecture and urban design at the Bauhaus responded to rapid changes in society and their impact on the built environment. The ambitions and methods of the historical Bauhaus can still inspire us in the present day: Today, facing global climate change and human migration, these themes are more pressing than ever. Through the Emerging City Lab Addis Ababa (ECL-AA), the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction and City Development (EiABC) at Addis Ababa University established a joint lab. Combining innovation and social responsibility through experiments with building materials, practices and planning technologies beyond cultural, social, and disciplinary boundaries, this publication shows educational and research projects that emerged from the collaboration. In 2019 they were presented in the exhibition »¿¿¿ bauhaus (selam bauhaus) - hello bauhaus« on the occasion of the centenary of the Bauhaus and the 65th anniversary of the EiABC.

  • af Priya Desai
    307,95 kr.

    Cities are the engines of our economy and hubs of innovation, but they're also facing a growing challenge: urban mobility. As populations swell and traffic snarls, traditional transportation systems are straining under the pressure. But on the horizon, a revolution is brewing, driven by new technologies and a fresh perspective on how people and goods move around.Trends Reshaping the Urban Landscape:· Electrification: Gone are the days of exhaust fumes and rumbling engines. Electric vehicles (EVs), from cars and buses to bikes and scooters, are taking over, promising cleaner air, quieter streets, and a more sustainable future.· Shared Mobility: Owning a car is becoming less of a necessity and more of a luxury. Ride-sharing apps, carpooling services, and bike-sharing programs are providing convenient and affordable alternatives, reducing congestion and parking woes.· Micromobility: Nimble and eco-friendly, e-scooters, e-bikes, and personal mobility devices are zipping through urban corridors, offering last-mile solutions and connecting commuters with public transportation networks.Automation: Self-driving cars and robo-taxis are no longer science fiction. Pilot programs are underway, and the potential for safer, more efficient transportation is within reach

  • af Jack Oliva-Rendler
    532,95 - 682,95 kr.

  • af Dolores Hayden
    227,95 kr.

    A lively and provocative history of the contested landscapes where the majority of Americans now live. From rustic cottages reached by steamboat to big box stores at the exit ramps of eight-lane highways, Dolores Hayden defines seven eras of suburban development since 1820. An urban historian and architect, she portrays housewives and politicians as well as designers and builders making the decisions that have generated America's diverse suburbs. Residents have sought home, nature, and community in suburbia. Developers have cherished different dreams, seeking profit from economies of scale and increased suburban densities, while lobbying local and federal government to reduce the risk of real estate speculation. Encompassing environmental controversies as well as the complexities of race, gender, and class, Hayden's fascinating account will forever alter how we think about the communities we build and inhabit.

  • af Virginia Gray
    297,95 - 412,95 kr.

    Mud, Space and Spirit is a warm photographic and descriptive portrayal of inhabitants of the southwestern United States who have built their own modern-day adobe dwellings-rudimentary to sophisticated, but all inspiring.

  • af Frederick Law Olmsted
    852,95 - 1.072,95 kr.

    The Years of Olmsted, Vaux & Company, 1865-1874 documents one of the most productive periods of Olmsted's career. During these years he and Vaux created their classic design for Prospect Park in Brooklyn, drew up plans for Riverside and Morningside parks in Manhattan, and designed Chicago's South Park. Its rich assortment of documents will be of interest to historians, landscape architects, urban planners, and anyone concerned with the roots of modern America. The Olmsted Papers project is supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the National Historical Publications and Records Commission, and is sponsored by The American University.

  • af Eyal Weizman
    195,95 kr.

  • af Ermias Belete
    375,95 kr.

    Master's Thesis from the year 2023 in the subject Urban and Regional Planning, grade: Very Good, , course: Geo-Informatics Engineering, language: English, abstract: This study was focused on assessing an "Implications of Urbanization-Induced Land Use Land Cover Changes on Land Surface Temperature and Thermal Comfort in Dire Dawa City between 2000 and 2022". The City is experiencing rapid urbanization, and limitation of green area aesthetical values that has resulted in remarkable surface temperature. Despite this, until now, no evaluations have been duly executed pertaining to the thermal or ecological factors in Dire Dawa.The study utilized Landsat 5 (TM), Landsat 9 (OIL/TIRS) and MODIS 11A2 images which were obtained from USGS for the study area. To analyze and show results clearly, ArcGIS 10.8, ERDAS IMAGINE 2014, and Excel 2013 softwares were used. The LULC pattern was processed by supervised classification with the maximum likelihood classification algorithm and four major land use land cover (Built-up area, Barren land, Shrub land, and sparse vegetation) were identified.The biggest urban problem facing cities around the world today is the result of land use change induced by urbanization. Rapid urbanization, driven by demographic and economic growth, places additional demands on natural resources, leading to changes in land use, particularly in megacities. Due to urbanization and unplanned human activities, the vegetation of the earth's surface is in constant decline, leading to changes in the environment, especially in the earth's ecosystem at local, regional and global scales. Future increases in climate change and urbanization will exacerbate urban heat islands, especially during heatwaves. Similar to any other cities across the world, different urban areas in Ethiopia are affected by climate change. Dire Dawa city has experienced massive urbanization in terms of population growth, fastest rates of urbanization with a 50 percent growth rate and major changes in the LULC has been a drastic increase in areal extent and coverage. Additionally observed surface improvements such as urban growth, settlement expansion and Construction of new built up or dwelling units in the city, socioeconomic factors, particularly in the context of anthropogenic activities have modified and will continue to modify the case study's microclimate. Despite variations among kebeles, Dire Dawa has population density of 350 people per square kilometer and a growth rate of 4.42 %. As a result, such increasing changes are responsible for increasing surface temperatures, can cause and pose a threat to the city's microclimate.

  • af Rob Roggema
    1.136,95 - 1.338,95 kr.

  • af Bijan Dehgan
    497,95 - 734,95 kr.

  • af Mady Mohamed
    2.392,95 kr.

  • af Alessandra Pagliano
    880,95 kr.

    This book intends to focus exclusively on anamorphic experiments in contemporary art and design, leaving an in-depth historical examination of its Baroque season to other studies. Themes, languages and fields of application of anamorphosis in contemporary culture are critically analyzed to make the reader aware of the communicative potentiality of this kind of geometrical technique. The book also has the aim to teach the reader the most appropriate geometric techniques for each of them, in order to achieve the designed illusion. Each typology of anamorphosis is accompanied in this book by contemporary installations, a geometrical explanation by means of 3D models and didactic experiments carried on in collaboration with the students of the Department of Architecture in Naples.

  • af Deyan Sudjic
    362,95 kr.

    A provocative look at architecture-"exceptionally intelligent and original" (Jonathan Yardley, The Washington Post Book World) Deyan Sudjic-"probably the most influential figure in architecture you've never heard of" - argues that architecture, far from being auteur art, must be understood as a naked expression of power. From the grandiose projects of Stalin and Hitler to the "theme park" excess of today's presidential libraries, Sudjic goes behind the scenes of history's great manipulators of building propaganda-and exposes Rem Koolhaas, Frank Gehry, and other architects in a disturbing new light. This controversial book is essential reading for all those interested in the power of architecture-or the architecture of power. * A Washington Post Book World Best Book of the Year

  • af Lisa Staprans
    782,95 kr.

    For what is a home really, but our soul's residence in the outer world? Using design to bring out the innermost parts of ourselves, Lisa Staprans creates layered spaces that envelope, heal, and nurture. By weaving the spiritual and the scientific worlds together, The Soul of Design looks at everything from the use of ritual to the latest science on the connection between the brain, design, and wellness. Equal parts personal history, manifesto, and luxurious illustration, this book places Staprans as the leading spokesperson for the neuroscience of beauty. Set in the hills and redwood forests of Northern California, aided by collaborations with artisans, furniture makers, and architects, and guided by a keen mind and sensitive spirit, The Soul of Design answers the deeper questions about what design is truly capable of.

  • af Tine Buffel
    457,95 kr.

    Available open access digitally under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. How can we design, develop and adapt urban environments to better meet the needs and aspirations of an increasingly diverse ageing population? This edited collection offers a new approach to understanding the opportunities and challenges of creating 'age-friendly' communities in the context of urban change. Drawing together insights from leading voices across a range of disciplines, the book emphasises the urgent need to address inequalities that shape the experience of ageing in urban environments. The book combines a focus on social justice, equity, diversity and co-production to enhance urban life. Exploring a range of age-friendly community projects, contributors demonstrate that, despite structural obstacles, meaningful social change is achievable at a local level.

  • af Federica Rosso
    1.307,95 - 2.392,95 kr.

    This book examines a range of subjects with a specific focus on architectural and technological advancements. Architecture is the constant innovation in designing for high efficiency in the performance of buildings, in terms of planning, construction and energy, while maintaining creativity in its form. Moreover, the field of architecture goes hand in hand with that of technology. Nowadays, engineering technology has to cope with the rapid industrialization and urbanization seen in most countries. Furthermore, creative design and construction practices are challenging tasks to the architects and engineers to meet the ever-growing demands of society. Therefore, this book on "e;Advances in Engineering Science and Architectural Design"e; is provided to cover a wide range of topics in architecture, engineering, and technology.

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