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Byplanlægning: arkitektoniske aspekter

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  • af Alfred Smith
    322,95 kr.

  • af Enrique Navarro-Jurado
    1.051,95 kr.

    This book offers a unique perspective on urban processes affecting tourist spaces and city centres. Economic, social and environmental uncertainty has been commonplace since March 2019, when mobility slowed down across the globe. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated trends that have been investigated in urban space for years. The incorporation of technologies, the expansion of tourism and the introduction of policies that in part want to advance sustainability are generating processes of reorganisation of territories that are driving changes. These changes will affect models of city, urbanism and society.This publication is directed to a wide spectrum of people interested in urban processes, tourism and social change in the context of the Post-Pandemic Covid-19. In particular, the book is aimed at researchers, undergraduate and postgraduate students, consultants, public administrations and the public interested in the recent challenges that are affecting developed and developing societies.

  • af Walter Dwight Moody
    322,95 kr.

  • af Rob Roggema
    1.350,95 kr.

    For a long time, urban agriculture initiatives have been explored and novel policy and planning practices have been investigated. With the global food crisis the role urban agriculture has to play becomes more and more urgent. The potentials are large: it brings social justice, it limits climate change, it provides a healthy urban condition, it stimulates biodiversity and gives disadvantaged people an economic opportunity. After 15 years in the making, the time is ripe to see whether the growing of food has established a prominent position in urban planning and policies, food productivity, safety and security, social well-being, the arts, and human health. In this volume several aspects of growing food in the city are explored. Urban Agriculture plays a significant role in society. Nevertheless, it did not become a mainstream topic in day-to-day practice. This book provides concrete solutions and clues how to give urban food production a crucial role in the future planning of urbanenvironments.

  • af Peter Krasnopolsky
    1.156,95 - 1.162,95 kr.

    This book evaluates Central Asian regionalism by analyzing the impact of Russia and China on physical infrastructure in the region. The narrative builds a picture of the nature of the two powers' influence on the development of regional connectivity in Central Asia. The study covers the 30-year period since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, with a focus on the last decade preceding the global pandemic. Qualitative research methods, i.e., documentary analysis, media analysis, and elite interviews, are implemented to explore how activities of Russia and China impact regional cooperation among Central Asian states. Multiple case studies of projects in the networked sectors of infrastructure, i.e., transportation, energy, and telecommunications, are used to build the argument and demonstrate the ways in which Russia's and China's engagement influence regional connectivity. The book is of interest to the scholars who study international relations in Eurasia, major power relations, Sino-Russian relations, China foreign policy, international institutions in Asia, multilateralism, and regionalism. The empirical depth of the book attracts attention of area studies scholars who focus on Central Asia, Central Eurasia, and any of the five Central Asian states. Additionally, the scholars who analyze the roles of hard infrastructure find the book particularly important. The in-depth cases on multilateral financial institutions and regional networks, particularly energy, transportation, and telecommunication, are of great value to those interested in these respective sectors.

  • af Lauren R Pacini
    462,95 kr.

    "Oris P. and Mantis J. Sweringen were born into abject poverty in Wooster, Ohio, in the late nineteenth century. Although they might have been forgiven if they had never made anything of themselves, Oris was an extraordinary visionary who, with the help of his devoted younger brother, amassed a vast fortune in real estate and railroad developments. Their crowning achievement came in 1913 with the establishment of Shaker Heights, an affluent garden suburb connected by a brand-new interurban railroad to the then-booming Midwestern metropolis of Cleveland. The Van Sweringens' ascension after Shaker Heights was meteoric, culminating with the construction of Terminal Tower in downtown Cleveland. But following the stock market collapse of 1929, their empire began to crumble around them. In Empire Builders, architectural photographer and local historian Lauren R. Pacini tells the remarkable story of the Van Sweringen brothers through words and images. This rich illustrated volume features more than 150 photographs of the still-fabulous historic homes the brothers built throughout Cleveland's eastern suburbs"--

  • af Débora Grando Shhöffel
    342,95 kr.

    D'onelio Machado, awtor romana "Os Ratos", wydelqetsq tem, chto porwal so strukturami literatury gaucho i otkazalsq ot mifa o geroe na kone, chtoby podcherknut' gorodskuü suschnost' stolicy gaucho. Cel' stat'i - obsudit' gorodskie opisaniq, wstrechaüschiesq w "Os Ratos", s tochki zreniq metoda nowoj kul'turnoj istorii, principy kotoroj podcherkiwaüt argumenty, utwerzhdaüschie, chto mir wosprinimaetsq kak reprezentaciq tol'ko cherez strukturu kul'turno wystroennyh konwencij, shem i stereotipow. Real'noe ne perestanet byt' real'nym, poskol'ku imenno wymyshlennost' garantiruet identichnost' social'nyh otnoshenij, konfiguriruq real'noe i woobrazhaemoe ne kak protiwopolozhnye weschi, a kak neobhodimye dopolneniq k forme suschestwowaniq social'noj zhizni.Blagodarq ego chutkomu wideniü w romane D'onelio Machado poqwlqütsq neskol'ko neot#emlemyh aspektow gorodskoj sredy, kotorye perepletaütsq w processe transformacii i modernizacii goroda Portu-Alegri.

  • af Kai Gu & Shaoxu Wang
    966,95 kr.

    Despite the significance of urban justice in planning research and practice, how just societies and cities can be organised and achieved remains contested. Spatial justice provides an integrative and unifying theory concerning place, policies, people and their interplay, but ambiguities about its practical bases have undermined its application in planning. Through creating and substantiating a new conceptual framework comprising a morphological study, policy analysis and embodiment research, this book crystallises the spatiality of (in)justice and (in)justice of spatiality in the context of social housing redevelopment.Like many countries around the world, social housing in Aotearoa New Zealand is an area of contention, especially at the building and redevelopment stages. Protecting community character and human rights has been used by social housing tenants to resist changes, but the primary focus on material outcomes neglects broadening access toplanning processes. Compact, mixed tenure and sustainable (re)developments are regarded as the just built environment, as they enable equal accessibility to all. But there are contradictions between the planned spatiality of justice and individuals¿ socialised sensory space. Reconciliation of morphological differentiations in built forms and social cohesion remains a challenging task. This book focuses on the re-examination, integration and transferability of spatial justice. It makes a new contribution to urban justice theory by strengthening spatial justice and planning. Social housing areas are expected to adapt to changing social and economic demands while retaining much-valued established community character. This book also provides practical strategies for tackling complex planning problems in social housing redevelopment.

  • af Mark Dobson
    1.512,95 kr.

    A deep exploration on how questions of time and its organisation affect planning practice, this book is aimed at public and private planning practitioners, national and local politicians and policy makers involved in planning, academics and students studying planning and related disciplines. It presents time as a pervasive form of power that is used to shape democratic practices, and questions 'project speed' where time to think, deliberate and plan has been squeezed. The authors demonstrate the many benefits of slow planning for the key participants, multiple interests and planning system overall.

  • af Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris
    1.345,95 - 1.354,95 kr.

    This book brings together reports of original empirical studies which explore the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on urban mobility and transportation and the associated policy responses. Focusing on the California region, the book draws on this local experience to formulate general lessons for other regions and metropolitan areas.  The book examines how the COVID-19 pandemic has had different impacts on vulnerable populations in cities. It explores the pandemic's impacts on the transportation industry, in particular public transit, but also on other industries and economic interests that rely on transportation, such as freight trucking, retail and food industries, and the gig-economy. It investigates the effect of the viral outbreak on automobile traffic and associated air quality and traffic safety, as well as on alternative forms of work, shopping, and travel which have developed to accommodate the conditions it has forced on society.With quantitative data supported with illustrations and graphs, transportation professionals, policymakers and students can use this book to learn about policies and strategies that may instigate positive change in urban transport in the post-pandemic period. 

  • af Richard Weller
    432,95 kr.

    The book takes the reader on an intellectual adventure through a carefully curated selection of 120 places that can be understood as metaphors of contemporary global culture. Spread across all seven continents, from the depths of the ocean to outer space, these places are divided into six chapters: Paradises, Utopias, Machines, Monsters, Ruins, and Instruments. The spectrum ranges from Steve Jobs' Apple Park in California to a national park in Costa Rica, a small field station for the protection of wild orangutans in Borneo, the Great Green Wall in Central Africa, the Trump resort Mar-a-Lago, to the border wall between Israel and Palestine. This book is a grand tour of the most pertinent places in the world today.

  • af Kinoti Kibetu
    597,95 kr.

    In diesem Buch wird ein GIS-gestützter analytischer Ansatz zur Identifizierung von Gebieten mit Nahrungsmitteldefiziten vorgestellt, bei dem die physische Erreichbarkeit und die Marktlage als Einflussfaktoren herangezogen und mit einer Fallstudie kontextualisiert werden. Der Wahlkreis Tharaka wurde als Fallstudiengebiet ausgewählt, da es sich um eine Übergangszone mit drei verschiedenen Lebensbereichen handelt: Regenfeldbau, Mischkultur und marginale Mischkultur, die für diese halbtrockene agro-pastorale Region in Kenia typisch sind. Dieses Buch bietet eine detaillierte Einführung in das Gebiet der Nahrungsmittelwüsten mit einem neuen Ansatz zur Identifizierung von Regionen mit Nahrungsmitteldefiziten auf der Grundlage von Erreichbarkeitsmodellen unter Verwendung von Geographischen Informationssystemen (GIS). Im Großen und Ganzen ist dieses Buch und sein Inhalt eine unverzichtbare Ressource für Studenten der Wirtschaftsgeographie, der Soziologie des ländlichen Raums und der Gemeindeentwicklung sowie für politische Entscheidungsträger wie die Nationale Behörde für Dürremanagement, Bezirksregierungen und NROs, die sich für die Stärkung der Gemeinden durch Initiativen zur Lebensmittelvermarktung einsetzen.

  • af Mehdi Kaghouche
    1.087,95 kr.

    Die Stadt Constantine hat in den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten tiefgreifende wirtschaftliche und soziale Veränderungen und eine starke Urbanisierung erlebt, die sich besonders in einem erhöhten Handelsvolumen und einem erhöhten Bedarf an Fortbewegung innerhalb der Stadt niedergeschlagen hat. Darüber hinaus stellt die komplexe Topografie der Stadt Constantine schwierige Bedingungen für die räumliche Entwicklung der Stadt und die Einrichtung neuer Verkehrswege dar. Angesichts dieser Tatsache ist die Einführung eines neuen städtischen Verkehrsmittels wie der Straßenbahn in Constantine nicht nur eine einfache städtebauliche Geste, sondern eine Gelegenheit, die Probleme der Staus und der Erstickung, die das Straßennetz von Constantine seit einigen Jahren erlebt, zu lösen und auch die Qualität des Images der Stadt Constantine zu verbessern, indem man ihr durch die Gestaltung qualitativer städtischer Außenräume entlang ihrer Strecke eine neue Wirkung verleiht.

  • af Kinoti Kibetu
    597,95 kr.

    Questo libro cerca di fornire un approccio analitico basato sul GIS per identificare le aree di carenza alimentare utilizzando l'accessibilità fisica e la posizione del mercato come fattori di influenza, contestualizzando un caso di studio. La circoscrizione di Tharaka è stata adottata come caso di studio perché si tratta di una zona di transizione con tre distinte zone di sostentamento come la coltivazione a pioggia, l'agricoltura mista e l'agricoltura mista marginale, caratteristiche uniche di questa regione agro-pastorale semi-arida del Kenya. Questo libro fornisce un'introduzione dettagliata al campo dei deserti alimentari, con un approccio da principiante su come identificare le regioni con carenze alimentari sulla base della modellazione dell'accessibilità utilizzando i Sistemi Informativi Geografici-GIS. In generale, questo libro e i suoi contenuti sono una risorsa essenziale per i laureandi che studiano geografia economica, sociologia rurale e sviluppo comunitario, nonché per i responsabili delle politiche come l'Autorità nazionale per la gestione della siccità, i governi delle contee e le ONG che lavorano nel campo dell'empowerment delle comunità attraverso iniziative di marketing alimentare.

  • af Mehdi Kaghouche
    1.087,95 kr.

    Negli ultimi due decenni, la città di Costantina ha subito profondi cambiamenti economici e sociali, nonché un'estesa urbanizzazione, che ha portato a un aumento del volume degli scambi commerciali e della necessità di spostarsi all'interno della città. Inoltre, la complessità della topografia di Costantina rende difficile lo sviluppo della città e la costruzione di nuove vie di comunicazione. Alla luce di ciò, l'introduzione di un nuovo mezzo di trasporto urbano come la tramvia a Costantina non è un semplice gesto urbanistico, ma un'opportunità per risolvere i problemi di ingorghi e di asfissia in cui versa la rete stradale costantiniana da alcuni anni, nonché per migliorare la qualità dell'immagine della città di Costantina dandole un nuovo effetto attraverso lo sviluppo di spazi urbani esterni di qualità lungo il suo percorso.

  • af Kinoti Kibetu
    597,95 kr.

    Ce livre vise à fournir une approche analytique basée sur le SIG pour identifier les zones de carence alimentaire en utilisant l'accessibilité physique et l'emplacement du marché comme facteurs d'influence, en les contextualisant avec une étude de cas. La circonscription de Tharaka a été choisie comme zone d'étude de cas parce qu'il s'agit d'une zone de transition avec trois zones de subsistance distinctes : cultures pluviales, agriculture mixte et agriculture mixte marginale, qui sont des caractéristiques uniques typiques de cette région agro-pastorale semi-aride du Kenya. Ce livre fournit une introduction détaillée au domaine des déserts alimentaires avec une approche novatrice sur la façon d'identifier les régions déficientes en nourriture basée sur la modélisation de l'accessibilité à l'aide du Système d'Information Géographique (SIG). D'une manière générale, ce livre et son contenu constituent une ressource essentielle pour les étudiants de premier cycle en géographie économique, sociologie rurale et développement communautaire, ainsi que pour les décideurs politiques tels que l'Autorité nationale de gestion de la sécheresse, les gouvernements des comtés et les ONG travaillant dans le domaine de l'autonomisation des communautés par le biais d'initiatives de commercialisation des produits alimentaires.

  • af Mehdi Kagush
    487,95 kr.

    Za poslednie dwa desqtiletiq w gorode Konstantine proizoshli glubokie äkonomicheskie i social'nye izmeneniq, a takzhe masshtabnaq urbanizaciq, chto priwelo k uwelicheniü ob#ema torgowli i neobhodimosti peredwizheniq po gorodu. Krome togo, slozhnost' rel'efa Konstantiny zatrudnqet razwitie goroda i prokladku nowyh transportnyh putej. V swqzi s ätim wwedenie w Konstantine takogo nowogo wida gorodskogo transporta, kak tramwaj, - äto ne prosto gradostroitel'nyj zhest, a wozmozhnost' reshit' problemy probok i udush'q, kotorye uzhe neskol'ko let ispytywaet dorozhnaq set' Konstantina, a takzhe uluchshit' kachestwo oblika goroda Konstantina, pridaw emu nowyj äffekt za schet razwitiq kachestwennyh otkrytyh gorodskih prostranstw wdol' ego trassy.

  • af Mehdi Kaghouche
    1.087,95 kr.

    Durante as duas últimas décadas, a cidade de Constantine sofreu profundas alterações económicas e sociais, bem como uma urbanização extensiva, o que levou a um aumento do volume de comércio e da necessidade de deslocação na cidade. Além disso, a complexidade da topografia de Constantino dificulta o desenvolvimento da cidade e a construção de novas vias de transporte. Neste contexto, a introdução de um novo meio de transporte urbano como o elétrico em Constantine não é um simples gesto de urbanismo, mas uma oportunidade para resolver os problemas de engarrafamentos e de asfixia que a rede rodoviária de Constantine conhece desde há alguns anos, e também para melhorar a qualidade da imagem da cidade de Constantine, dando-lhe um novo efeito através do desenvolvimento de espaços urbanos exteriores de qualidade ao longo do seu percurso.

  • af Mehdi Kaghouche
    1.042,95 kr.

    Over the past two decades, the city of Constantine has undergone profound economic and social change, as well as rapid urbanization, which has led to an increase in traffic volumes and the need to move around the city. In addition, the complexity of Constantine's topography makes it difficult to develop the city in terms of space and to build new communication routes. In view of this, the introduction of a new means of urban transport, such as the tramway in Constantine, is not simply an urban planning gesture, but an opportunity to solve the problems of traffic jams and the asphyxiation that the Constantine road network has been experiencing for some years, and also to improve the quality of the image of the city of Constantine by giving it a new effect through the development of qualitative outdoor urban spaces along its route.

  • af Kinoti Kibetu
    272,95 kr.

    Cel' dannoj knigi - predlozhit' analiticheskij podhod na osnowe GIS dlq wyqwleniq zon prodowol'stwennogo deficita s ispol'zowaniem fizicheskoj dostupnosti i raspolozheniq rynka w kachestwe faktorow, wliqüschih na situaciü, na konkretnom primere. V kachestwe rajona issledowaniq wybran izbiratel'nyj okrug Taraka, poskol'ku on predstawlqet soboj perehodnuü zonu s tremq razlichnymi zonami zhizneobespecheniq: bogarnoe zemledelie, smeshannoe zemledelie i marginal'noe smeshannoe zemledelie, kotorye qwlqütsq unikal'nymi harakteristikami, harakternymi dlq ätogo poluzasushliwogo agropastoral'nogo regiona Kenii. V ätoj knige daetsq podrobnoe wwedenie w oblast' prodowol'stwennyh pustyn', pri ätom nachinaüschim predlagaetsq podhod k opredeleniü regionow s deficitom prodowol'stwiq na osnowe modelirowaniq dostupnosti s ispol'zowaniem geograficheskih informacionnyh sistem - GIS. V celom äta kniga i ee soderzhanie qwlqütsq neobhodimym istochnikom informacii dlq studentow, izuchaüschih äkonomicheskuü geografiü, sociologiü sel'skoj mestnosti i obschestwennoe razwitie, a takzhe dlq politikow, takih kak Nacional'noe uprawlenie po bor'be s zasuhoj, prawitel'stwa grafstw i NPO, rabotaüschih w oblasti rasshireniq praw i wozmozhnostej naseleniq s pomosch'ü iniciatiw po marketingu produktow pitaniq.

  • af Kinoti Kibetu
    597,95 kr.

    Este livro procura fornecer uma abordagem analítica baseada em SIG para identificar áreas de deficiência alimentar usando a acessibilidade física e a localização do mercado como influenciadores, contextualizando com um estudo de caso. A circunscrição de Tharaka como área de estudo de caso é adoptada porque é uma zona de transição com três zonas distintas de meios de subsistência como culturas de sequeiro, agricultura mista e agricultura mista marginal que são características únicas típicas desta região agro-pastoril semi-árida do Quénia. Este livro fornece uma introdução detalhada ao campo dos desertos alimentares com uma abordagem de principiante sobre como identificar regiões com carências alimentares com base na modelação da acessibilidade usando Sistemas de Informação Geográfica-SIG. Em termos gerais, este livro e o seu conteúdo constituem um recurso essencial para os alunos de licenciatura que estudam geografia económica, sociologia rural e desenvolvimento comunitário, bem como para os responsáveis políticos, como a Autoridade Nacional de Gestão da Seca, os governos dos condados e as ONG que trabalham na área da capacitação das comunidades através de iniciativas de comercialização de alimentos.

  • af Anthony James Catanese
    187,95 - 332,95 kr.

  • af Matt Hern
    197,95 kr.

    Modern "sub-urbs" as a place of vibrancy, conflict and resistance

  • af Max Podemski
    307,95 kr.

    "From the Haitian-style "shotgun" houses of the 19th century to the lavish high-rises of the 21st century, a walk through the streets of America's neighborhoods that reveals the rich history-and future-of urban housing"--

  • af Ayyoob Sharifi
    1.477,95 kr.

    This book provides a thorough guide to building resilient cities, through the use of smart solutions enabled by information and communication technologies. It introduces innovative approaches for integrating smart solutions into urban resilience planning and offers numerous global case studies to illustrate the benefits of the theories discussed. Against a background of increased natural disasters, pandemics, and climate change, this book answers research questions such as: * Do smart city projects contribute to urban climate resilience?* What are the indicators of smart city resilience?* What procedures should be taken to improve efficacy of smart city solutions?* What are the opportunities and challenges for promoting smart city resilience and for integrating resilience thinking into smart city planning? Including contributions from international experts, explanatory illustrations, and data-driven tables, this book is of interest to researchers, policymakers, and graduate students focused on developing more sustainable, smart, and resilient cities. 

  • af Ouahiba Bouchama
    477,95 kr.

    A presença de um património histórico excecional confere muitas vezes à cidade uma singularidade, uma imagem de identidade. Para relacionar a cidade com os seus elementos e o seu espaço urbano, procurámos definir as diferentes entidades que podem apresentar questões de desenvolvimento e de sustentabilidade, cada uma das quais com a sua própria lógica interna de funcionamento, em interação com os outros elementos. Como resultado, procurámos demonstrar a necessidade de coerência através das várias operações de reconquista do espaço por intervenções endógenas para um melhor aproveitamento do solo urbano, e o combate à expansão urbana, estimulada pela distribuição da função residencial que permite o desenvolvimento da mobilidade individual. Constatámos também que o turismo é uma alternativa interessante na perspetiva de uma reconciliação social com o espaço, mas também de abertura e de intercâmbio no contexto do fenómeno da globalização. Mas a sua atratividade depende da sua interação com o conjunto do tecido urbano; é a relação entre o global e o local.

  • af Erdogan Onur Ceritoglu
    659,95 kr.

    For at least two decades, major cities in Turkey have been subjected to endless waves of urban development that has left scores of building demolitions in its wake. The construction waste produced is immense but its removal or abatement is completely ignored by the state. Who will deal with all this waste? Enter the reclaimers (çkmacs), an informal network of building salvagers, who have stepped in to create a new form of assemblage that fills this gap. Erdogan Onur Ceritoglu makes an in-depth ethnographic study of the under-the-radar livelihood of the reclaimers long-term. He also focuses on incremental architecture through the reuse of second-hand building elements.

  • af Sara N. Hines
    292,95 kr.

    Cottage Communities is a study of the American Camp Meeting Movement, from 1786-present, showing how the planning, land use, governance, architecture and detailing created these unique places where a strong experience of community is clear even today. There are still approximately 1000 Camp Meeting Grounds left from a high point of over 3000 locations. Camp Meetings are about vernacular or historic design, as well as a resource for those interested in urban design, ingenuity in structure and use of materials, and building detailing. As part of the discussion on Lean Urbanism, these places are source information on small or tiny houses, cottage design, pocket neighborhoods, affordable housing and self-building for lean, efficient living. Design and site planning to generate community through an intuitive understanding of spaces, distances and how it all works is also discussed. The observations on how behavior is affected by built space reflects knowledge achieved over time. The beauty of the buildings and design concepts that are cutting-edge even by today's standards, are shown in many color photographs, maps, and drawings. The history of the movement is recounted to show the evolution of Camp Meetings alongside the evolution of the United States as the movement started just after the Revolution. Today's concepts of land trust communities, resorts, condominiums, trailer parks, co-housing, even town design owe much to the communities designs as Camp Meetings. The book is a rich collection of vernacular construction techniques, ideas that support tiny houses, movable houses, and self-build found here. Simple and lean lifestyle and design is shown in Camp Meeting Communities from over 50 Camp Grounds from Maine to Mississippi and Colorado. The book is a good resource for architects, planners and designers, but it also provides an overview of the subject appropriate to anyone interested in Camp Meetings.

  • af Fulco Treffers
    307,95 kr.

    The City of Mariupol's heroic defence and systematic destruction at the beginning of the Russian invasion have made it an international symbol of senseless brutality and Ukrainian defiance. The ruined city today still harbours the embers of that resistance. Join a multidisciplinary team of architects, planners, Mariupol residents, and outside experts from "Ro3kvit. Urban Coalition for Ukraine" as they envision the rebirth of their beloved city following its liberation. Inspired by the Ukrainian people's faith and determination to rebuild, the authors join forces with displaced Mariupol residents to imagine a dynamic future for Mariupol that will begin the day the Ukrainian flag rises. Despite the unavailability of reliable information and the difficulty of communicating with the scattered population, the team illustrates the case for planning rebuilding while the city is still under occupation, both so as to exorcise the scars of war and colonialism and to establish a viable economy and human-centred city that draws strength from its tragic past.This title is part of the Histories of Ukrainian Architecture programme initiated by DOM publishers in response to Russia's attack on Ukraine's sovereignty on 24 February 2022.

  • af Lilet Breddels
    307,95 kr.

    This publication reflects the work of the first year of Ro3kvit - Urban Coalition for Ukraine. The members are profes­sionals from Ukraine and elsewhere who have come together to rethink Ukraine's future. In six chapters covering topics ranging from urbanism to housing and from identity to circular building and governance, the many different aspects of rebuilding and reconstruction are addressed in the form of longer essays, conversations, and project descriptions. All texts and projects are written or executed by Ro3kvit members. Sometimes the authors express their personal views and involvement, creating a rich amalgam of different voices while adhering to a common set of values that members of Ro3kvit share and cherish. Rökvit's work follows five principles: Civil society comes first, Ro3kvit's work is ethically sound, Consideration of prudent use of sources and resources, Education is crucial, Ro3kvit's work is network-based.This title is part of the Histories of Ukrainian Architecture programme initiated by DOM publishers in response to Russia's attack on Ukraine's sovereignty on 24 February 2022.

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