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  • - To venners samtale i ord og billeder
    af Fryd Frydendahl & MØ
    248,95 kr.

    MØ og Fryd har kendt hinanden længe. Nogen gange som kollegaer, nogen gange som roommates, altid som livsvidner. RACING – Circles of doubt, Squares of light er et nyt blik på MØ, set både på de store scener og med de private følelser. Det er et blik ind i en verden af kunst, musik, berømmelse, rejse, kvindelighed og venskab. Dagbogsbidder fra et liv på vejen, fra de højeste tinder og de dybeste dale.Kapitlerne i bogen er opkaldt efter tekstbidder fra MØs diskografi, og hver af dem behandler et tema, som har været vigtigt for de seneste ti år af MØs karriere. Det er ærligt, poetisk og rørende – med Fryds ikoniske fotografier som visuelle fortolkninger.

  • af Niels Fez Pedersen
    198,95 kr.

    Sneglzilla, Malk De Koijns andet album, satte nye standarder for, hvor fabulerende, gakket og verbalt akrobatisk det danske sprog kan tage sig ud. Musikalsk fandt Blæs Bukki, Geolo G og Tue Track inspiration i alverdens kilder, med hvilke de skabte et af de mest originale albums på dansk – et kludetæppe af fuldfed funk, cirkus-sax, electro-beats og salsa på skraldespansk. Niels Fez Pedersen fortæller om et af dansk hiphops vildeste albums, et univers af alter ego'er, udsyrede fortællinger, rappoesi og svedige beats.

  • af Staci Robinson
    258,95 kr.

    "The first and only Estate-authorized biography of the legendary artist, Tupac Shakur, a moving exploration of his life and powerful legacy, fully illustrated with photos, mementos, handwritten poetry, musings, and more. Tupac Shakur is one of the greatest and most controversial artists of all time. More than a quarter of a century after his tragic death in 1996 at the age of just twenty-five, he continues to be one of the most misunderstood, complicated and prolific figures in modern history. Tupac's unapologetic lyrics, for which he was villainized by many at the time, read in these pages as prophecy. His cry of outrage in a country that repeatedly told Black men and women that their lives did not matter, continues to inspire his fans around the world. In Tupac Shakur, author and screenwriter Staci Robinson-who knew Tupac as a young man and who was entrusted by his mother, Afeni Shakur, to write his biography-peels back the myths and unpacks the complexities that have shadowed Tupac's existence. With exclusive access to his private notebooks, letters, unpublished lyrics and uncensored conversations with those who knew and loved him best, Robinson tells a powerful story of a life defined by politics and art, and a man driven by equal parts brilliance and impulsiveness. It is a story of a mother and son bound together by a love for each other and for their people, and the relationship that endured through their darkest times. It is a political story that begins in the whirlwind of the 60's Civil Rights Movement, and takes you through a young artist's awakening to rage and purpose in the nineties era of Rodney King. It is a story of dizzying success and its devastating consequences. And, of course, it is the story of his music, his timeless message that will never die as it continues to touch and inspire past, present and future generations"--

  • af Adrian Besley
    106,95 kr.

  • af Bill Peel
    133,95 kr.

    Tonight It's a World We Bury explores a range of tendencies centralto black metal and uncovers their potential as critiques of capitalism.

  • af Karah-Leigh Hancock
    186,95 kr.

    Backstreet Boys: 30th Anniversary Celebration is an illustrated tribute to of one of the most prolific and iconic groups in pop music today.

  • af Martin Popoff
    437,95 kr.

    Authored by acclaimed rock writer Martin Popoff, AC/DC at 50 provides a visually stunning and authoritative celebration of the legendary Aussie rockers on their 50th anniversary.

  • af Will Hagle
    126,95 kr.

    Madvillain's Madvillainy is a captivating book penned by the talented Will Hagle. Published in 2023 by Bloomsbury Academic, this book delves into a unique genre that keeps the readers hooked from the first page to the last. The book is a testament to Hagle's prowess as a wordsmith and his ability to weave narratives that are as compelling as they are intriguing. The book was published on March 9, 2023, marking a significant milestone in the literary world. Bloomsbury Academic, the publisher, has a reputation for bringing forth books that challenge the status quo and inspire readers, and Madvillain's Madvillainy is no exception. The book is available in English, making it accessible to a broad spectrum of readers across the globe.

  • af Tom Coles
    169,95 kr.

    Featuring exclusive interviews with key figures, from Napalm Death vocalist Barney Greenway to guitarist Bill Steer of Gentlemans Pistols, Carcass, and Napalm Death, this is your guide through the history of death metal.Guitars playing abrasive, discordant riffs, the thunderous double-kick of the drums acting like an accelerated heartbeat, and porcine, guttural vocals pummeling twisted lyrics. Courting controversy from inception to its modern day iteration, death metal presents a number of contradictions: Driven and adventurous musicians compete to make uncomfortable noises; it is crude and far beyond parody and yet consistently popular; and the music is pig-headedly uncommercial despite making a few labels, albeit briefly, wealthy. This book explores the history and methodology of the genre, charting its aims and intentions, its crossovers to the mainstream, successes and failures, and tracks how it developed from the bedrooms of Birmingham and Florida to the near-mainstream, to the murky cult status it enjoys today.

  • - Fortalt af Ronnie Atkins og Ken Hammer
    af Jan Eriksen
    258,95 kr.

    "40 år med Pretty Maids" af Jan Eriksen er den mere end 40-årige historie om heavybandet Pretty Maids. Det er de to grundlæggere af Pretty Maids, Ronnie Atkins og Ken Hammer, der tager os med bag om scenen. Jan Eriksen holder styr på tropperne og redigeringen. Ronnie og Ken tager os med helt tilbage til starten; til grundlæggelsen af Pretty Maids, til det danske gennembrud og senere tiltagene til gennembrud i Tyskland og Japan. De kommer omkring bandets op- og nedture gennem tiden, og omkring den sygdom, der har sat et foreløbigt punktum i karrieren, men som samtidig har hjulpet til at skue livet på en ny og anderledes måde. “40 år med Pretty Maids” tager os helt med ind under huden, helt ind til den ægte historie, de store drømme, de uundgåelige skænderier og den hverdag, der viser sig ikke at være så nem igen; bagsiden af medaljen. I “40 år med Pretty Maids” samler Jan Eriksen så fint alle Ronnie og Kens tråde i en yderst interessant fortælling for alle, der er den mindste smule musikinteresserede.

  • af Jørgen Borch
    248,95 kr.

    Suset fra Vingården er 60 års jazz-historie skrevet af pianisten, komponisten, arrangøren og forfatteren Jørgen Borch. En eksklusiv anmelderrost bog på 304 sider i stort format. Rigt illustreret blandt andet med fotos af Danmarks bedste jazzfotograf.

  • - En introduktion til gruppens musik
    af Per Wium
    178,95 kr.

    Ny, udvidet udgave. Anmelderne om 1. udgave: "Gennemgår med gehør en udvalgt perlerække af kvartettens sange og fortæller ved eksemplets magt, hvad der er op og ned på The Beatles. Det er meget smittende. Og man får hele tiden lyst til at afbryde læsningen for at tjekke efter, om der nu også sker det, han hævder et minut og syv sekunder inde i en skæring. Det gør der! Det kan lyde som en ”Beatles for begyndere”. Det er det i den grad også, men også viderekomne kan sagtens få noget ud af dette lille con amore værk, som er godt tænkt og på sine egne afklarede præmisser ret sikkert udført, yeah, yeah, yeah…". Torben Bille, "Kender man Per Wiums foredrag, som han turnerer landet tyndt med, vil man genkende stilen og indholdet. Wium er en begejstret fortæller, og man mærker tydeligt hans beundring for gruppen og deres måde at arbejde med musikken på." Morten Fischer, Musikeren ”Per Wium får med få, sagkyndige og velvalgte ord sagt gode og væsentlige ting om The Beatles´ musikalske output, fra ”Please Please Me” til ”Abbey Road”. Nye Beatles-lyttere kan godt begynde her”. Søren Kassebeer, Berlingske Tidende. ”Beatles for alle” (der spiller lidt på albumtitlen ”Beatles For Sale”) er en grundbog, der koncentrerer sig om netop musikken... Per Wium gennemgår musikken plade for plade, trækker en del sange frem og pointerer, ofte med sekund-angivelse, hvilke betydninger skalaer, rytmeskift, trestemmig sang og middle eights (mellemstykker) har for de beskrevne numre... Han har sin viden, og den udnytter han”. Jakob Lambertsen, Jyllands-Posten.Anmelderne om 2. udgave:"Den meget brugte Beatles-foredragsholder Per Wium øser ud af sin viden og gennemgår systematisk en lang række af gruppens numre... Det er en meget grundig og absolut sober bog, der emmer af begejstring for musikken". Per Månson, Dansk BiblioteksCenter "En flot, væsentlig større og revideret udgave... Ud over de nye sange, som analyseres, og flere kapitler, indeholder bogen også Per Wiums blændende skarpe, musikalske iagttagelser af Paul McCartney-koncerten 2015 på Roskilde Festivalen.... et MUST for enhver, som holder af Beatles-musik og stadig ønsker at lytte med nye ører". Poul Nowack, Fan Club for dansk pigtrådsmusik, Facebook "Et sandt overflødighedshorn af tips til, hvorfor The Beatles´ lyd er så speciel. Per Wiums force er, at han evner at forklare det svært forståelige enkelt på en måde, så min hjerne omsider kan forstå, hvad det er, mine ører kan lide at høre!". Søren Mathiesen, BEATLES AGAIN, Dansk Fanklub, Facebook"Gaveforslag til den Beatles-glade onkel... en let-læselig og ganske underholdende bog - også det hjerteblødende forsvar for Ringo Starrs kvaliteter...". Henrik Friis, GAFFA"Det er livsbekræftende at opleve, at alle jer, der er født efter Beatles, har tilegnet jer gruppens fantastiske musik og bliver inspireret af den til ny, god musik. Denne bog er et godt, lille bidrag til at blive husket på, hvor stor musikken er. Tak til Per Wiums fine opdatering af bogen, og ja: Beatles ER for alle." Peter Elmelund,

  • - En bog om Benny Holst
    af Espen Strunk
    248,95 kr.

    Hele historien om musikeren og sangskriveren Benny Holst, der fylder 75 i år, og som begyndte sin karriere sammen med Povl Dissing i 60'erne og senere med Arne Würgler spillede op til modstand mod EU. Et begivenhedsrigt musikerliv har fundet sit aftryk i denne autoriserede biografi forsynet med et righoldigt billedmateriale og mange interviews.

  • af Gitte Klitgaard
    138,95 kr.

    En fortælling om en unik sangerinde, der gav os danskere så mange dejlige melodier igennem hendes 10 årige karriere. Bogen er en fortælling om hendes alt for korte liv og karriere. Hun sang sig ind i vore hjerter med melodier som "Han skal i glas og ramme", "Paradiso" og "Liselotte". Og de er alle blevet Evergreens.

  • af Mette Østgaard Henriksen
    119,50 kr.

    Digtene i samlingen er en hyldest til den danske sangskat. Fra folkeviser over melodi grand prix-slagere til rapsange er der hentet ord og tekststumper, som er sat sammen til en række nye sange. De ny-samplede sange er platte, perverse, pseudo-politiske og pludrende skæve skulderklap til den danske sangskat. Teksterne kan læses som digte, men samlingen inviterer til at blive sunget.

  • - en selvbiografi
    af Johnny Cash
    128,95 kr.

    Den amerikanske countrysanger Johnny Cash (1932-2003) fortæller om livets og karrierens op- og nedture, sin hårde barndom i bomuldsmarkerne, livet på landevejene, årene med pillemisbrug og selvmordsforsøg samt om den åndelige vækkelse, der bar ham igennem.".. en ærlig og meget gribende samling minder og refleksioner, nedfældet, da han var 65. På hver side står noget mindeværdigt."Klaus Lynggaard, Information

  • af Asger Schnack
    206,95 kr.

    "Dan Turèll var vild med Clifford Brown" er et redigeret udvalg af Facebook-opdateringer fra en af dansk litteraturs helt tunge drenge. Der er tale om stramme, inspirerede og inspirerende mini-essays, som ofte tager udgangspunkt i en personlig erindring om et møde med en forfatter eller musiker, og som gør at man efter end læsning kaster sig op på cyklen for at komme til det nærmeste bibliotek eller den nærmeste boghandler — ud over at være en fornøjelse at læse i sig selv giver bogens 375 sider nemlig også en lyst til at læse videre og mere om og af alle de kunstnere der nævnes; Lige fra F. P. Jac over Jørgen Gustava Brandt og Per Højholdt til Christel Wiinblad - over 400 digtere, kunstnere og musikere når bogen omkring ved navns nævnelse. Og man kommer nok heller ikke uden om at skulle supplere sin musiksamling lidt, når man er nået til sidste side.

  • - Historien om Danmarks Radios Big Band
    af Erik Moseholm
    318,95 kr.

    Danmarks Radios Big Band er internationalt berømt og voksede fra en spæd start i 1924 som cafémusikerensemble til et big band, som siden 1992 har været et af Europas bedste og største.Forfatteren, Erik Moseholm, velkendt primus motor i den danske og internationale jazzverden, præsenterer her en velvoksen buket af danske og internationale jazzmusikere, komponister og dirigenter, som i Big Bandet afløste hinanden i en lind strøm: Thad Jones, Miles Davies, Ib Glindemann, Ray Pitts, Palle Mikkelborg, NHØB (Niels Henning Ørsted Pedersen) og mange, mange flere.Nogle af de udenlandske musikere, f.eks. Ben Webster, fandt sig så godt til rette, at de i længere perioder slog sig ned i København. Alt sammen ledsaget af succeser, dramaer, ansættelser, sparerunder - og fyringer.Danmarks Radios Big Band fejrer i oktober 2014 sit 50 års jubilæum.

  • af Todd Boyd
    593,95 kr.

    A visual and cultural history of hip hop, charting its meteoric rise from underground trailblazer to global tastemaker To tell the story of contemporary American culture is to tell the story of hip hop. From its humble, underground origins, hip hop transcended the confines of rap music and spread its influence across a broad spectrum of American life - fashion, film, art, sports, politics, language - to become a cultural movement of profound influence. Rapper's Deluxe is a critical contribution to America's cultural canon, shining a light on hip hop's ability to redefine and influence culture, through: photographs; fine art; advertisements; book, magazine, and album covers; film stills; and more. Organized chronologically from the 1970s to the present, image-rich and dynamic layouts show the people, places, events, objects, outfits, and inspirations that redefined the world as we know it - from fur-coated fans lining up for a Muhammad Ali fight at Madison Square Garden to a legendary party in the "Boogie Down" Bronx, through the hoods of South Los Angeles and the trap houses of Atlanta to the extravagant red carpet looks of the Met Gala. Drawing on a broad range of curated examples, Dr. Todd Boyd re-examines hip hop's legacy and how the genre remixes 'high' and 'low' culture, past and present, to come up with a style that is uniquely its own. Filled with original insights and clever wordplay, Rapper's Deluxe is a tale of transformation,  following hip hop's arduous, but always triumphant, journey as it rose up to dominate the game. |A visual and cultural history of hip hop, charting its meteoric rise from underground trailblazer to global tastemaker| Dr. Todd Boyd is Price Chair for the Study of Race and Popular Culture and Professor of Cinema and Media Studies at USC. A media commentator, author, producer, and consultant, Dr. Boyd has appeared in documentaries such as The Last Dance (ESPN, 2020) and the Ken Burns-directed Muhammed Ali (PBS, 2021). His body of work includes seven books and his essays have appeared in the New York Times , Los Angeles Times , and the Guardian .

  • af Jan Gradvall
    153,95 - 248,95 kr.

    ABBA’s position i musikhistorien er uden sidestykke. En svensk popgruppe, hvis popularitet ude i verden bare bliver større og større for hvert år, der går.Hvordan er det muligt? Hvorfor bliver vi aldrig trætte af disse sange?"VEMOD UNDERCOVER" lader detaljerne – i musikken, i de involverede menneskers liv, i tiden – forklare helheden, fra bandets første skridt sammen, over det internationale gennembrud med Waterloo i 1974 og til den sidste indspilning. "VEMOD UNDERCOVER" er en kærlighedserklæring, som får os til at se både bandet og tiden med nye øjne.Jan Gradvall har som Sveriges førende popkulturjournalist fulgt de skandinaviske verdensstjerner Agnetha, Frida, Björn og Benny fra første parket i de sidste ti år.Om forfatteren:Jan Gradvall (f. 1963) er en af Sveriges førende journalister inden for musik og popkultur og skriver bl.a. for Dagens Nyheter. I 2013 medvirkede Jan Gradvall i BBC-dokumentaren The Joy of ABBA, og har siden da beholdt kontakten med de fire og interviewet dem løbende.Det første album, Jan Gradvall nogensinde købte, var Waterloo med ABBA.

  • af Jane Savidge
    118,95 kr.

    This Is Hardcore is Pulp's cry for help. A giant, sprawling, flawed masterpiece of a record, the 1998 album manages to tackle some of the most inappropriately grown-up issues of the day - fame, ageing, mortality, drugs, and pornography - and still come out crying and laughing on the other side. The subject of pornography dominates the record - from its controversial artwork to the images conjured up by songs like "Seductive Barry" and the title track - after Pulp's main man, Jarvis Cocker - who'd spent most of his teenage and adult life chasing celebrity, only to be cruelly disappointed when it finally arrived in spades - hit upon the grand notion of using pornography as a metaphor for fame. The album's commercial failure as a follow-up to the band's Britpop-defining, Different Class, also symbolizes a death knell for Britpop itself. Dark, right? Except just like Pulp themselves, Jane Savidge's book is playful and sometimes very funny indeed. Kicking off with an imaginary conversation between Jarvis Cocker and the people who run the Total Fame Solutions helpline, Savidge expertly guides us through the trials and tribulations of an album that begins with the so-called Michael Jackson Incident, when Cocker got up on stage at the 1996 Brit Awards and waggled his fully-clothed bum at the King of Pop. Pulp's This Is Hardcore may be a sleazy run through porn and mental demise, and an album that chronicles Cocker's continuing disillusionment with his newfound lot in life, but Savidge's book assesses the cultural and historical context of the album with insider knowledge and a sharp modern lens, ultimately making a case for it as one of the most important albums of the 1990s.

  • af Michael Enggaard & Sussi Nielsen
    188,95 - 232,95 kr.

    En af Danmarks mest farverige og folkekære kunstnere fortæller om sit festlige liv og sin store sorg.Biografien om Sussi Nielsen, den ene halvdel af den ikoniske popduo Sussi og Leo, er en skøn og livsbekræftende fortælling om en kvinde, der har vundet manges hjerter med sin bramfrihed og ukuelige livsvilje.I fem årtier har Sussi og Leo underholdt danskerne med et medrivende show på scenerne rundt om i landet. Den nu 67-årige musiker har aldrig været bange for at hive op i kjolen og vise ben og baller, og sammen med sin mand har hun aften efter aften skabt en fest for hundredtusindvis af danskere.Sussi er kendt for at sige tingene lige ud, og det er netop hendes ærlighed og charmerende facon, der har gjort hende til en af Danmarks mest folkekære personligheder. Men bag facaden har hun oplevet både lykke og sorg. I biografien kommer vi helt tæt på hendes livs udfordringer. Sussi fortæller om tabet af sin mand og musikalske partner, og om hvordan hun efter hans død i februar 2023 har været tvunget til at genopfinde sig selv både personligt og professionelt. Bogen giver et indblik i, hvordan hun har håndteret sorgen og savnet efter sit livs kærlighed, og hvordan hun har fundet mod og styrke til fortsat at optræde og sprede glæde blandt sit store publikum.Jeg er Sussi er en varm, rørende og humoristisk beretning – fortalt af et festfyrværkeri af en kvinde, som det er umuligt ikke at elske.

  • af Joseph Alexander
    208,95 kr.

    Learn Authentic Rhythm & Lead Parts for Reggae, Ska, Rocksteady, Dub and MoreIt's no understatement to say that reggae music forever changed the world. A compelling mix of soul, jazz, R&B and Jamaican mento, it's the ultimate feel good music with its hypnotic, laidback grooves.The Reggae & Ska Guitar Book is a one-of-a-kind guide to the guitar styles at the heart of reggae. In fact, it's is a chronological guide to the development of reggae through the decades and shows how to play its many sub-genres with authentic, stylistically accurate guitar parts. Your journey includes scheduled stops at:Ska, the early years - how American R&B combined with elements of calypso and mentoRocksteady - the bridge between the original ska and later reggae erasReggae - the emergence of seminal groups including Bob Marley & The WailersDub - how versions or "doubles" creatively expanded the sound of reggaeSka revival - an offshoot of the punk/mod eras, explore the sounds of The Specials, Madness, The Selecter and moreThe Third Wave - how ska burst upon the US from a California-based revival, with bands like Reel Big Fish, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones and SublimeLovers Rock - reggae surfaces again, this time combining the sweet melodic soul of Motown with laidback Jamaican groovesGoing Full Circle - how reggae influenced world music and artists such as Paul Simon, Eric Clapton and The PoliceDancehall and Beyond - fusing island musical sensibilities with hip-hop, dancehall adopted a new type of reggae drum groove that has influenced countless contemporary pop records ever sinceLearn the Essential Techniques of Reggae GuitarWith each sub-genre of reggae and ska came refinements and changes to the role of the guitar. There is so much more to it than hitting chord stabs on the up-beats! You'll learn...The skank groove that forms the backbone of the ska soundStylistically accurate major and minor chord voicingsHow to introduce double-stops, triplet ideas and sliding articulationsSingle-note pentatonic riffs and fillsHow to play the chicken scratch technique pioneered by Hux BrownUsing delay pedal effects to expand your sonic arsenalAdding jazz, rock 'n' roll licks, and even modal scales to spice up single-note accompaniments in the style of the greatsThe rhythms and approach of the ska-punk movement of the Third Wave

  • af Nigo
    494,95 kr.

    "With pieces drawn from the extensive personal collection of Pharrell Williams, this is a stunning and unprecedented exploration of the "bling" in hip-hop culture and fashion. Few recording artists have had a greater hand in incorporating the culture of hip-hop into contemporary luxury than Pharrell Williams. Collaborating with Louis Vuitton nearly two decades ago, Pharrell was the first to have his designs integrated into the haute joaillerie of the great maisons. His innovative team-ups continue through to the present day, most memorably with Tiffany and Chanel, and the watchmaker Richard Mille. The most extravagant of these chains, rings, and pendants--crafted in precious metals and studded with gems--are as much a part of Pharrell's musical performance as they are of his personal style. His designs, which include one-off pieces such as solid-gold cases for mobile phones and handheld game consoles, have been legendary for featuring iconography of Pharrell's own brands, Billionaire Boys Club and Ice Cream. This book was originally published with two different colored covers. Customers will be shipped either of the colors at random. Featured in the book are over 100 pieces, many of which he created in tandem with some of the most recognizable designers in the industry--such as Jacob & Co, Yoon & Verbal, and Lorraine Schwartz. With frequent collaborators such as NIGOª and Tyler the Creator, Pharrell discusses his role in the evolution of hip-hop jewelry, the processes involved in the creation of his one-of-a-kind custom pieces, and the state of connoisseurship in a growing market for the most extravagant of hip-hop collectibles" --

  • af Carolyn McHugh
    216,95 kr.

    A comprehensive illustrated biography of Harry Styles's amazing story to date Harry Styles is an English singer, songwriter, and actor. His musical career began in 2010 as a solo contestant on the British music competition series The X Factor. Following his elimination early on, he was brought back to join the boy band One Direction, which went on to become one of the best-selling boy bands of all time. Styles released his self-titled debut solo album through Columbia Records in 2017. It debuted at number one in the UK and the US, and became one of the world's top-ten best-selling albums of the year. Its lead single, "Sign of the Times", topped the UK Singles Chart. Styles' second album, Fine Line (2019), debuted a top the US Billboard 200 with the biggest first-week sales by an English male artist in history, and was listed among Rolling Stone's "500 Greatest Albums of All Time. Harry's new Album Harry's House was released in 2022 and achieved No 1 on The Billboard 200 breaking records along the way. He is the first UK male artist to debut at No 1 on the Billboard Chart with his first 3 albums.

  • af Jeremy Siskind
    278,95 kr.

    Playing Solo Jazz Piano is an essential new book for creative jazz pianists. The second edition adds two new chapters and audiovisual content to the original. Readers will learn essential solo jazz piano concepts like stride piano, one-handed shell voicings, comping, using basslines, shared-hand voicings, leaving out the bass, and playing ballads. Plus, the book explores modern approaches to solo jazz piano including perpetual motion, counterpoint, and borrowing from classical music. With over 200 musical examples, references to over 100 jazz pianists, and numerous hands-on exercises, Playing Solo Jazz Piano is the perfect how-to for passionate, innovative pianists. " Jeremy has done a remarkable job of organizing the whole history of jazz piano in the book you now hold. It is concise and yet open-ended simultaneously. All of the important concepts and historical styles are here, and presented in a way that is thorough and that will also stimulate you to investigate, listen, experiment and have fun with the world of solo jazz piano.">"Jeremy Siskind's book takes solo pianistson a journey from basic concepts to a real musical conversation: between both hands, across jazz tradition, with textures and rhythms, counterpoint and new harmonies. There's a wealth of musical ideas here: how to efficiently practice, creatively delveinto a song, and musically tell a story.">" I've been waiting for this book! Jeremy Siskind presents a cogent and stimulating series of techniques and approaches to creative solo piano playing, rooted in the tradition while inviting both students and professionals to find their own voice and musical personality. The material is historically informed, well-organized, and specific, yet quite open-ended and fun to read and practice. Early and often, the book provides excellent guidance on how to develop the oft-neglected left hand. Finally, the lists of recommended recorded examples from the music's solo piano masters are an invaluable asset.">" Playing Solo Jazz Piano is an extraordinarily comprehensive text on a complex subject. Jeremy expertly covers a breadth of techniques and styles while introducing fresh concepts drawn from his own unique artistic experience. This book is an invaluable resource for the beginner and advanced student alike.">Author Jeremy Siskind is the student of Fred Hersch and the teacher of widely-hailed prodigy Justin-Lee Schultz. A top finisher in several national and international jazz piano competitions, Siskind is a two-time laureate of the American Pianists Association and the winner of the Nottingham International Jazz Piano Competition. Besides a performance career in which he has been praised as "a genuine visionary" (Indianapolis Star) who "seems to defy all boundaries" (JazzInk), Siskind is an active teacher, including as a faculty member at Western Michigan University and Fullerton College. The author of over fifteen pedagogical books, Siskind chairs the Creative Track for the National Conference for Keyboard Pedagogy and serves as a regular clinician for Yamaha Music Education. He regularly travels too spread peace through music in places like Lebanon, Cyprus, Thailand, China, India, Colombia, and Tunisia with the organization Jazz Education Abroad.

  • af Peter Spirer
    473,95 kr.

    The ultimate backstage pass: a photographic inside look at the making of the pioneering hip hop documentary Rhyme & ReasonIn the mid-1990s, documentary filmmaker Peter Spirer embarked on a three-year odyssey to create a realistic portrait of hip hop, interviewing over 80 artists. Spirer captured a seminal moment as the culture balanced on the cusp of the mainstream. As Ice-T comments in the introduction to the book, "Rhyme & Reason is one of the few films that was there to document us before hip hop truly exploded."While filming, Spirer took stills using a medium-format Rolleiflex camera. These photographs form The Book of Rhyme & Reason. Spirer writes: "The Rollei allowed me to capture some amazing moments: Puffy getting a trim in his office while doing three tasks at once, Biggie opening record plaques on his couch, Ice-T and Mack 10 hanging with their homies, Heavy D at the barber, playing pool. There was the Jack The Rapper convention with Death Row making a statement, at a Disney World Hotel, that ended in chaos. There were magical moments such as Redman and Erick Sermon freestyling on the mic to amazed onlookers at a block party in Newark and watching Wu-Tang Clan chop it up on the block in Staten Island on a cold winter's day before they exploded."This coffee-table volume features over 130 of Spirer's photographs from 1994 to 1997. As hip hop commemorates its 50th anniversary in 2023, it is particularly fitting that many of these images from this formative period are being published for the first time.Peter Spirer (born 1963) is an Academy Award- and Emmy Award-nominated director and producer. His catalog of over 32 films includes Rhyme & Reason (1997), Tupac Shakur: Thug Angel, Life of an Outlaw (2002), the BEEF series (2003-5), Notorious B.I.G.: Bigger Than Life (2007) and The Legend of 420 (2017).

  • af Cliff Richard
    166,95 kr.

    Foreword by Bob StanleyOn a sunny Saturday morning in May 1956, a fifteen-year-old, then called Harry Webb, was mooching down Waltham Cross High Street. He heard some music blaring out of a parked car. It stopped him in his tracks.The song was 'Heartbreak Hotel' by Elvis Presley. It sounded like nothing he had ever heard before. In that instant, the schoolboy who was destined to take the hit parade by storm as Cliff Richard fell in love with rock and roll. It gave him the thrill, the purpose and the mission that has shaped his life ever since.Cliff lives in and for music. And with 65 years as a hitmaker, the music filling his head is a broad category. His soundtrack begins by blasting us all back into that first life-changing explosion of rock and also includes great soul soul stars such as Aretha Franklin, longtime colleagues like Elton John, and much-missed close friends Cilla Black and Olivia Newton-John.This book is meaningful to Cliff on many levels. The 30 or so songs here that make up the soundtrack to his life have each moved him deeply, but it's also about the legendary artists he met, and often got to know. He shares those stories and memories with you, too.A Head Full of Music is a vibrant personal journey for Cliff, and it's a joy to accompany him on it. Get wired for sound with him and read on.

  • - Historier fra 40 år i showbiz
    af Jan Lysdahl
    232,95 kr.

    Kim Larsen kaldte ham Jazz-Kaj, Sanne Salomonsen for Dolken. Vi andre kender ham som Jan Lysdahl. Trommeslageren, der har spillet med Gud og hvermand, fortæller sin historie om 40 år i showbiz. Og med hvilken timing må man tilføje! – Netop i år er det 40 år siden, at Lysdahl indspillede Midt om Natten sammen med Kim Larsen – det legendariske album, der salgsmæssigt aldrig er blevet – og aldrig bliver – overgået i Danmark. Bogen indeholder velskrevne, veloplagte og humoristiske anekdoter fra Lysdahls liv – og om alle de skøre, skæve og vidunderlige musikere, han har spillet sammen med. Kim Larsen, Hanne Boel, Sanne Salomonsen, OneTwo, Jacob Haugaard, Moonjam, Rasmus Nøhr og mange andre. Vi følger Lysdahl fra lille rødhåret københavnerknægt, der er svær at styre i skolen, kommer i praktik i lydstudie, serverer tynd – for tynd – kaffe for Kim Larsen og de andre Gassere. Noget, der er ved at koste ham chancen som ’manden bag gryderne’ på Midt om Natten-turneen. Men Lysdahl lader stikkerne tale, bliver hyret og starter herved sin lange musikalske karriere. Den sympatiske og underholdende beretning giver os et skønt indblik i den danske musikverdens absolutte top. Og den fungerer samtidig som et præcist og ærligt billede af en tid, der ikke kommer igen, hverken musikalsk eller menneskeligt. En læseoplevelse for de fleste – og et absolut must for de musikinteresserede. Ja, faktisk en hammerfed historie!

  • af Ian Glasper
    236,95 - 598,95 kr.

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