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Travel writing matters This anthology is a collection of the 30 best travel stories published in British media over the last two decades, as judged by some of the top names in the game today. It is a celebration of the craft of travel writing, and its ability to educate, inspire and build understanding between people and cultures.
The idea behind this book is not to give a complete history of the Nicobar Islands, but to concentrate on the Danish period and provide a kaleidoscopic impression of some of the characters and events that came to shape 100 years of Danish colonial history. The narration is based on many original documents, letters and articles.
Eliksirer, pulvere og gasser”Indbyggerne i den sydfranske landsby Pont-Saint-Esprit tror ikke deres egne øjne natten mellem den 24. og 25. august 1951. De mareridtsagtige scener, der udspiller sig i og omkring landsbyens gamle hospital ”Hôtel-Dieu”, er som taget ud af en grotesk gyserfilm. Bag hospitalets mure kæmper sygepersonale desperat for at tumle et pludseligt og meget stort antal hallucinerende og vanvittige mennesker. Flere af patienterne flår deres spændetrøjer i stykker og myldrer ud i hospitalshaven, mens andre løsriver sig fra deres fiksering til hospitalssengene og forsøger at kaste sig ud ad vinduerne.” (Uddrag fra bogen).Med afsæt i en mystisk og tragisk masseforgiftning, der spredte død og vanvid i en fransk landsby i 1951, fortæller Jakob Eberhardt i denne bog, hvordan gift altid har været en dødelig trussel for mennesket – fra giftige svampe i middelalderbondens korn til krigsgasserne på 1. verdenskrigs slagmarker. Gift er imidlertid ikke kun et onde. I århundreder har farlige kemiske stoffer for eksempel været udnyttet medicinsk eller til bekæmpelse af skadedyr. Gennem ti kapitler fortæller GIFT – fra dødelig dosis til mirakelmiddel, hvordan gift på godt og ondt har præget menneskers liv og samfund gennem historien.Jakob Eberhardt er cand.mag. i historie og dansk og uddannet fagjournalist. Han er forfatter til bl.a. bøgerne ”Verdenshistoriens største epidemier” (FADL’s Forlag, 2016/2020) og ”Den blodrøde flod” om den finske borgerkrig 1918 (Gyldendal, 2014).
"Fra hundevagt til hundeslæde" er Ejnar Mikkelsens egne erindringer om sine eventyrlige bedrifter som styrmand og polarforsker. Bogen beretter om tiden fra han som helt ung stikker til søs, over hans deltagelse i blandt andet Amdrup-ekspeditionen til Østgrøndland og til planlægningen af hans senere arktiske rejser mod det nordlige Alaska.Bogen er første del af det fem bind lange erindringsværk om Ejnar Mikkelsens liv og polarekspeditioner.\"Fra hundevagt til hundeslæde\" er et erindringsværk af den danske polarforsker Ejnar Mikkelsen (1880-1971) om hans ekspeditioner i de nordligste egne af verden.Den danske polarforsker Ejnar Mikkelsen (1880-1971) dedikerede størstedelen af sit liv til Østgrønland og skrev en række fascinerende bøger om sine ekspeditioner. Han var en højt begavet, stædig og vovemodig eventyrer, der gennem hele sit liv følte stor indignation over fattige og oprindelige folks fordrivelse og dårlige vilkår, som han observerede og dokumenterede på sine rejser. Mikkelsen var bare tyve år, da han drog afsted på sin første grønlandsekspedition, og siden fulgte adskillige ekspeditioner. Under eftersøgningen af de forsvundne kollegaer Ludvig Mylius-Erichsen, Niels Peter Høgh Hagen og Jørgen Brønlund i Nordgrønland blev ekspeditionsholdet ramt af sygdom, forlis og dårlige jagtforhold. Ejnar Mikkelsen overlevede to år i isolation, indtil han på vanviddets og sultedødens rand blev fundet af et norsk hvalfangerskib. Det skræmte ham dog ikke fra at rejse igen, og han kæmpede indtil sin død for at forbedre forholdene i Grønland.
A personal and detailed account of a lifetime of challenges, achievements, death defying moments, awe and wonder in and about Antarctica. This is an easy-to-read autobiography of an individual with a remarkable breadth and depth of experience of living and working in Antarctica
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl documents Jacobs' life as a slave and how she gained freedom for her family. She explores the struggles and sexual abuse that slaves faced on plantations and their efforts to protect their families.
The Souls of Black Folk is a cornerstone of African-American literature, and an early work in sociology. To develop this work, Du Bois drew from his own experiences as an African American in American society.
In the middle of a moonless night in 1913, the Terra Nova steams silently into Oamaru harbour in New Zealand. The men aboard have a desperate mission - they must reach the relatives of Scott's South Pole expedition before the morning papers break the news that the whole party have perished.
The definitive account of the disastrous siege at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, featuring never-before-seen documents, photographs, and interviews, from former investigative reporter and bestselling author Jeff Guinn. Waco breaks new ground that will change the perception of the dramatic events that happened in Waco, Texas, in 1993. Among other revelations, the book shows how David Koresh directly based his famous End Time prophecies on the writings of a previous "prophet" laying claim to the name Koresh?Cyrus Teed, in Fort Myers, Florida, in the late 1890s. More than a dozen former AFT agents who participated in the initial February 28, 1993 raid on Mount Carmel speak for the first time on the record about the poor decisions of their raid commanders that led to this deadly confrontation. They also provided Guinn with documents and photographs that have never been published. An FBI agent/analyst who was involved in the fifty-one-day siege offers fresh information about why the FBI agent in charge chose to end the siege with the use of CS gas and about a failed FBI cover-up afterward. There is also documentation of the direct links between the Branch Davidian tragedy and the modern militia movement in America?notorious conspiracist Alex Jones is a part of the Waco story. Jeff Guinn puts you right alongside the ATF agents as they embarked on the disastrous initial assault, unaware that the Davidians knew they were coming and were armed and prepared to resist?which the agents had been told would not happen. Drawing on new eyewitness accounts, Jeff Guinn again does what he did with his bestselling books about Charles Manson and Jim Jones, shedding new light on a story that everyone thinks they know.
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