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Sande fortællinger: heltemod, udholdenhed og overlevelse

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  • af Charles J. Doane
    212,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • af Sune Wadskjær Nielsen
    187,95 kr.

    En kæmpe ildsøjle oplyste 23. november 1951 den københavnske nattehimmel og blev efterfulgt af et øredøvende brag fra flådestationen på Holmen. Hvad der var begyndt som en uskyldig brand i et træskur, udviklede sig til en katastrofe, fordi skuret var et armeringsværksted, der indeholdt 11 søminer. De stakkels brandfolk, der var blevet tilkaldt af flådestationen og var i færd med at slukke branden, var ikke blevet advaret om eksplosionsfaren, og de var chanceløse overfor den voldsomme eksplosion, som branden udløste.11 brandfolk, tre falckreddere og to mand fra søværnet måttelade livet. Holmenkatastrofen er den værste ulykke i Københavns Brandvæsenshistorie, men det er også historien om et fattigt dansk forsvar, der pludselig skulle omstille sig til at være en del af NATO. Det indebar blandt andet, at søværnet skulle modtage store leverancer af søminer fra USA. Travlheden og knapheden på ressourcer skabte ideelle betingelser for katastrofen. Hvad var årsagen og hvem havde ansvaret for Holmenkatastrofen? Disse spørgsmål forsøger bogen også at besvare.

  • - Escaping North Korea
    af Jihyun Park & Seh-lynn Chai
    117,95 kr.

  • - My life-transforming encounter
    af Anette Christensen
    357,95 kr.

    Dansk debut forfatter springer ud internationalt med den første biografipå engelsk om den latinamerikanske legende, Mercedes Sosa.Som en hyldest til den legendariske argentinske folkesanger, aktivist, ogmenneskerettighedsforkæmper, Mercedes Sosa, i folkemunde også kaldt ”La Negra”,lancerer den danske forfatter, Anette Christensen, Mercedes Sosa - The Voice of Hope.Christensen hørte om Mercedes Sosa for førte gang den 4. oktober 2009, dagen hvorkunstnerens død blev annonceret i de danske nyheder. Alligevel ændrede mødet medMercedes Sosa forfatterens liv og Christensen har lige siden fordybet sig i MercedesSosa's musikalske og personlige univers.Udover at være den mest succesfulde argentinske sanger nogensinde er Mercedes Sosaogså kendt for budskabet om fred og solidaritet og blev ved hjemkomsten fra sit 3 årigeeksil i Europa Sydamerikas symbol på demokrati. For Christensen, er Mercedes Sosa ikkebare Latinamerikas ”Pachamama”, men Sydamerikas svar på Nelson Mandela. Da derikke fandtes en biografi om legenden på engelsk, valgte forfatteren at dedikere sig tilopgaven. "Sosa er en rollemodel, der bevidstgør os og revolutionerer vores hjerter ogvores samvittighed. Hun inspirerer os til at gøre verden til et bedre og mere retfærdigt stedfor alle," siger Christensen.Mercedes Sosa – The Voice of Hope, kortlægger Sosa's ekstraordinære liv og karriere ogtegner en psykologisk profil, der afslører, hvordan Sosa’s opdragelse i en fattigarbejderklassefamilie, det politiske miljø i Argentina under diktaturet i 70’erne samtpersonlige trængsler formede hende som menneske og som kunstner.Christensen lægger ikke skjul på at hun befandt sig i en større livskrise da hun hørte omMercedes Sosa første gang og at mødet med Sosa forandrede hendes liv. Som LeonardCohen synger i sangen, Anthem, ’There is a crack in everything, that is how the light getsin’, blev Mercedes Sosa det lys der fandt vej til forfatteren i en mørk tid. Christensensnysgerrighed efter at forstå hvorfor Mercedes Sosa gjorde så stort et indtryk på hende, harværet drivkraften til at skrive biografien. Med udgangspunkt i sit livsforvandlende mødemed Sosa udforsker Christensen, hvorledes vores dybeste relationer, kan have engenoprettende virkning på både krop og sjæl. Christensen har været i tæt samarbejdemed et hold af førende terapeuter på New Zealand for at få neurovidenskabelig belæg forteorien om at positive relationer kan sætte skub i vores personlige udvikling og medvirke tilat læge trauma, der går helt tilbage til barndommen. Mercedes Sosa – The Voice of Hopeer et direkte produkt af forfatterens personlige rejse. Den åbner en ny dør til selvudviklingsom er let tilgængelig for alle.Med sin ærlige og ligefremme fortællestil inspirerer Christensen læseren til at bevæge sigfremad på sin personlige rejse! Dette er en fortælling, der kalder på at få det bedste frem ios alle – den kalder på ægthed, empati og medfølelse. Du kan forandre verden ved atvære dig selv, det er Mercedes Sosa’s liv et eksempel på”, afslutter Christensen. Christensen har i de seneste år haft løbende kontakt til Mercedes Sosa’s familie ogMercedes Sosa Fonden i Argentina, som har givet bogen sine anbefalinger. MercedesSosa – The Voice of Hope, udkom på spansk i Latinamerika i december 2018.

  • af Charlotte Delbo
    72,95 - 247,95 kr.

    Charlotte Delbo var aktiv i den franske modstand, blev fanget i marts 1942 og sendt til Auschwitz-Birkenau i januar 1943 i en konvoj af 229 ikke-jødiske franske kvinder. Auschwitz og efter er hendes vidnesbyrd om fangenskabet i de tyske udryddelseslejre og tiden efter. Delbo, 1913-1985, var fransk forfatter og værket regnes for hendes hovedværk. En fortælling oplevet indefra, i scener, erindringsglimt, digte, prosa – skrevet så nærværende, sanset og enkelt. Med en bevidsthed om, at hun vil lade læseren observere og iagttage. Auschwitz og efter er en holocaustfortællling, erindringer fra en kvinde, en forfatter - som blev en af de få overlevende fra sin konvoj.

  • af Peter Schmidt Mikkelsen
    119,95 - 317,95 kr.

    Den 18. august 2000 fejrede Slædepatruljen Sirius sit 50 års jubilæum. I ”Sirius gennem 50 år” beretter tidligere Siriusmænd om deres år med patruljen i den smukke og barske grønlandske natur. Gennem beretningerne får man et sjældent indblik i de vilkår, patruljen må arbejde under. Vi hører om hverdagene med de ensformige rutiner og om de dramatiske hændelser, som koster liv og lemmer for mænd og hunde.Udover de personlige beretninger består bogen af en indledende beskrivelse af forløbet op til Sirius’ oprettelse og af de opgaver, patruljen varetager. Ordforklaringer, faktalister og adskillige henvisninger til patruljens ruter er også at finde i bogen.Bogen er redigeret af Peter Schmidt Mikkelsen, som selv gjorde tjeneste i patruljen i 1977-79.Forfatteren Peter Schmidt Mikkelsen (f. 1954) er født i Vestjylland, men har gennem livet opbygget et stærkt bånd til Grønland. Det har han både som medlem af Slædepatruljen Sirius fra 1977-1979, som medarbejder på Thule Air Base og på ekspeditioner i Grønlands Nationalpark. Han er desuden medstifter af Nordøstgrønlandsk Kompagni ’Nanok’ og har udgivet en lang række bøger om sine oplevelser i Grønland og Siriuspatruljen.

  • - Slip fri af dine tanker og bryd dine grænser
    af David Goggins
    297,95 kr.

    Som barn voksede forfatteren op i fattigdom, blev mobbet i skolen og fik tæsk af sin far. Da David Goggins var 24 år, vejede han 130 kilo. Han besluttede sig for, at han ville tage ansvar for sit eget liv og skabte sig en militær karriere uden sidestykke. Med udgangspunkt i sine egne oplevelser med ultraløb viser han vejen til at bryde egne grænser. ”Det her er ikke en selvhjælpsbog. Det er et wakeupcall.” David Goggins"David skyder fra hoften og taler fra hjertet." Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson”Vi kan ikke anbefale, at man gør som David Goggins. Det er ikke sundt, og for langt de fleste vil det slet ikke kunne lade sig gøre.” Men’s Health

  • af Phillip Anthony Perry
    225,95 kr.

    Sins of My Brothers is a harrowing true story of survival. A gritty account of the historic events of April 1865, fueled by greed, corruption, and incompetence that forever changed a nation.

  • af Shona Riddell
    216,95 kr.

  • af Josues Mbala
    124,95 kr.

    A Promise Too Big is a captivating memoir that speaks to the indomitable human spirit of never giving up. It is an inspiring story of how a young man, against all odds, found ways to overcome overwhelming adversities to fulfil a precious promise. At 13 years old in 2010, Josues settled in a council estate in a small town in County Kildare with no English. He moved to Ireland with his brother, Chris (15 years old at the time) to join their family. He made a promise to his mother and grandmother that he will one day hold a university degree at all cost, as he left them at the airport in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In 2015, he discovered he had been abandoned, made homeless and left to fend for himself with just ¿65 to his name. Chris became homeless in 2014 when he was kicked out of their home. The brothers told themselves that they couldn't afford to fail. They picked themselves up and relied on those around them including strangers for support in their pursuit of higher education.In his pursuit of his third level education, he found refuge among drug and alcohol addicts in Dublin's inner city, impoverished areas of Dublin. He found place of solace among those rejected by society. In order to stay financially afloat, he desperately searched for job opportunities. The turning point in his life occurred when he was contacted by McDonald's for an interview, marking the beginning of a new chapter. However, with the sudden loss of his university grant, he had to rely on the income from his job at McDonald's to sustain himself as well as finance the last two years of his university education by himself. Despite the demands of pursuing full-time studies, he balanced a full-time job alongside his academic commitments.In 2019, Josues graduated with a first-class honours in Microbiology from University College Dublin. In 2019, straight after graduation, he joined PwC Ireland, the largest professional services firm in the country, as a graduate associate in their tax department. In 2022, he qualified as a chartered tax adviser (CTA) with the Irish Tax Institute. CTA is the leading tax advisory qualification in Ireland for tax professionals. In 2023, he joined Apple, one of the largest company in the world by market cap, as an indirect tax analyst.The story is an ode to the power of hope and perseverance, and how the smallest opportunities can change one's life. It is a story of unwavering determination and resilience where one's aspirations are pursued through countless sacrifices and unyielding hard work, but begs the question: at what cost?This book will take you on an emotional rollercoaster and leave you inspired.

  • af Tom Harrison
    205,95 - 301,95 kr.

  • af Joe Parkinson
    195,95 kr.

    A 2021 Daily Telegraph Book of the YearWinner of the Overseas Press Club of America's Cornelius Ryan Award ?Everyone should read the testimonies of the Chibok girls who survived the capture. We need to help with efforts to liberate all of them and become more responsible for women and girls' protection in conflicts.? ? Malala YousafzaiWhat happens after you click Tweet? The heart-stopping definitive account of the mission to rescue hundreds of Nigerian schoolgirls whose abduction ignited a global social media campaign and a dramatic worldwide intervention. In the spring of 2014, millions of Twitter users, including some of the world's most famous people, unwittingly helped turn a group of 276 schoolgirls abducted by a little-known Islamist sect into a central prize in the global War on Terror by retweeting a call for their release: #BringBackOurGirls. With just four words, their tweets launched an army of would-be liberators. Soldiers and drones, spies, mercenaries, and glory hunters descended into an obscure conflict that few understood, in a remote part of Nigeria that had barely begun to use the internet. When hostage talks and military intervention failed, the schoolgirls were forced to take survival into their own hands. As their days in captivity dragged into years, the young women learned to withstand hunger, disease, and torment, and became witnesses and victims of unspeakable brutality. Many of the girls were Christians who refused to take the one path offered them?converting to their captors' fundamentalist creed. In secret, they sang hymns, and kept a diary, relying on their faith and friendships to stay alive.Bring Back Our Girls unfolds across four continents, from the remote forests of northern Nigeria to the White House; from clandestine meetings in Khartoum safe houses to century-old luxury hotels on picturesque lakes in the Swiss Alps. A twenty-first century story that plumbs the promise and peril of an era whose politics are fueled by the power of hashtag advocacy, this urgent and engrossing work of investigative journalism reveals the unpredictable interconnectedness of our butterfly-wings world, where a few days of online activism can bring years of offline consequences for people continents away.

  • af Di Lebowitz
    172,95 kr.

    Everyone who knew her as Ah Ping is now dead.I know her only as Paupau - Cantonese for 'maternal grandmother'.Paupau is forgetting many things. She can't remember what day of the week it is, what she had for breakfast or even how old she is as early onset dementia slowly eats away at her brain. But some things Paupau can never forget, even if she tried. The burning smell of her village after the Japanese destroyed her home in Southern China, or her mother's pained face as seven-year-old Ah Ping is sold to the Tang family as a child bride. Torn from her family and imprisoned in Tang House on an island off Hong Kong, Ah Ping endures decades of physical and emotional abuse, sexual violence and abject poverty. How does Ah Ping learn not to succumb to the tyrants in her life and lose her capacity for love?Set against the backdrop of a rapidly changing post-war Hong Kong, A Hakka Woman is a remarkable and heart-wrenching tale about survival, womanhood and the power of a mother's love. Retold through her granddaughter Di Lebowitz, Paupau's story defines what it means to be a Hakka woman.

  • af Wendy Holden
    192,95 kr.

    ?An astonishing and deeply moving work.??Booklist (starred review)?An engrossing, intense, and highly descriptive narrative chronicling the ghastly conditions three pregnant women suffered through at the hands of the Nazis.??Kirkus ReviewsAmong the millions of Holocaust victims sent to Auschwitz II-Birkenau in 1944, Priska, Rachel, and Anka each pass through the concentration camp's infamous gates with a secret. Separated from their husbands and strangers to one another, they are pregnant and scared. After losing so many other loved ones to the Nazis, these women are determined to hold on to all they have left: their lives and those of their unborn babies.Born Survivors follows them as, against all the odds, they give birth to their babies and go on to build new lives with their children after World War II. Theirs are stories of hardships and miracles as they narrowly escape the clutches of Dr. Josef Mengele at Auschwitz; conceal their condition after they are sent to a Nazi slave-labor camp, where they are half-starved and almost worked to death; and as the Allies close in, survive a seventeen-day train journey to Mauthausen in Austria. By the time they arrive, all three babies have been born?but because the camp has run out of Zyklon B, their lives and those of their mothers are saved. Sixty-five years later, the three ?miracle babies? share a remarkable, inspirational story of three mothers who defied death at the hands of the Nazis to give their children life.

  • af Chrissy L Whitten
    452,95 kr.

    How do you mentally prepare for a surgery you might not survive? Is it possible to be at peace in the face of impending death? Are you battling depression that stems from a heartbreaking loss or a physical affliction? In Rainbows and Brainstorms, Chrissy Whitten journals her way through all of it on top of having two rainbow babies in 2011 and 2015. She describes the difficulty of being torn between the spiritual world (after losing her firstborn daughter) and being present with her second baby, how her faith in Jesus helped her face a life-or-death brain surgery, and how she navigated through headaches and clinical depression following the operation. Chrissy Whitten is living proof that a personal relationship with God can help you overcome psychological and physical storms through journaling, gratitude, Scripture, and a good playlist! With video messages, memory verses, symbolic art, and music included, Rainbows and Brainstorms is a rich resource for anyone in need of a lighthouse. Readers will receive wind in their sails and hope for the future, no matter their situation.Rainbows and Brainstorms is book three in the series Journals from a Warrior's Mother about a family's faith journey through extraordinary circumstances.

  • af Dane Huckelbridge
    227,95 kr.

    Nepal, c. 1900: The single deadliest animal in recorded history began stalking humans, moving like a phantom through the lush foothills of the Himalayas. As the death toll reached an astonishing 435 lives, a young local hunter was dispatched to stop the now-legendary man-eater before it struck again. One part pulse-pounding thriller, one part soulful natural history of the endangered Royal Bengal tiger, acclaimed writer Dane Huckelbridge's No Beast So Fierce is the gripping true account of the Champawat Tiger, which terrified northern India and Nepal from 1900 to 1907, and Jim Corbett, the legendary hunter who pursued it. Huckelbridge's masterful telling also reveals that the tiger, Corbett, and the forces that brought them together are far more complex and fascinating than a simple man-versus-beast tale. At the turn of the twentieth century, as British rule of India tightened and bounties were placed on tiger's heads, a tigress was shot in the mouth by a poacher. Injured but alive, it turned from its usual hunting habits to easier prey?humans. For the next seven years, this man-made killer terrorized locals, growing bolder with every kill. Colonial authorities, desperate for help, finally called upon Jim Corbett, a then-unknown railroad employee of humble origins who had grown up hunting game through the hills of Kumaon. Like a detective on the trail of a serial killer, Corbett tracked the tiger's movements in the dense, hilly woodlands?meanwhile, the animal shadowed Corbett in return. Then, after a heartbreaking new kill of a young woman whom he was unable to protect, Corbett followed the gruesome blood trail deep into the forest where hunter and tiger would meet at last.Drawing upon on-the-ground research in the Indian Himalayan region where he retraced Corbett's footsteps, Huckelbridge brings to life one of the great adventure sagas of the twentieth century. And yet Huckelbridge draws a deeper, more complex story into focus, placing the episode into its full context for the first time: that of colonialism's disturbing impact on the ancient balance between man and tiger; and that of Corbett's own evolution from a celebrated hunter to a principled conservationist who in time would earn fame for his devotion to saving the Bengal tiger and its habitat. Today the Corbett Tiger Reserve protects 1,200 km of wilderness; within its borders is Jim Corbett National Park, India's oldest and most prestigious national park and a vital haven for the very animals Corbett once hunted.An unforgettable tale, magnificently told, No Beast So Fierce is an epic of beauty, terror, survival, and redemption for the ages.

  • af Tracy A Ripley
    287,95 kr.

    A captivating and inspiring spiritual and medical memoir that examines the journey of faith, resilience, and self-discovery.

  • af Franke James
    647,95 kr.

    When an idealistic activist objects to her siblings' plan to dump their disabled sister into a nursing home, she's forced to choose between family and her sister's freedom.Franke immediately objected when she heard the plan to put her sister, Teresa, into a nursing home. Teresa herself, who was born with Down syndrome, refused even to consider the idea. She wanted to stay with her father. But none of this mattered to the other siblings, who were acting as Teresa's "guardians." They insisted they had all the power and said Teresa had to be thrown into the government care system. And so, the siblings took Teresa and put her into a nursing home. Franke was horrified. She put a team together to help Teresa get discharged. That's when all hell broke loose. And the two sisters had to stand together - against their siblings, the medical system, and the police - to defend Teresa's right to be free.¿¿The old institutions have closed, but today there are thousands of young people with disabilities who are forced to live in nursing homes. This is a key civil rights issue for all people with disabilities-the right to decide where you live.

  • af Lily Ebert
    197,95 - 274,95 kr.

    INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERIn this life-affirming intergenerational memoir, Lily Ebert, a Holocaust survivor, and her great-grandson, Dov Forman, come together to share her story?an unforgettable tale of resilience and resistance. On Yom Kippur, 1944, fighting to stay alive as a prisoner in Auschwitz, Lily Ebert made a promise to herself. She would survive the hell she was in and tell the world her story, for everyone who couldn't. Now, at ninety-eight, this remarkable woman?and TikTok sensation, thanks to the help of her eighteen-year-old great-grandson?fulfills that vow, relaying the details of her harrowing experiences with candor, charm, and an overflowing heart.In these pages, she writes movingly about her happy childhood in Hungary, the death of her mother and two youngest siblings on their arrival at Auschwitz, and her determination to keep her two other sisters safe. She describes the inhumanity of the camp and the small acts of defiance that gave her strength. Lily lost so much, but she built a new life for herself and her family, first in Israel and then in London.Dov knows that it is up to younger people like him to keep Lily's promise. He and Lily bridge the generation gap to share her experience, reminding us of the joy that accompanies the solemn responsibility of keeping the past?and our stories?alive.

  • af Torey Hayden
    165,95 kr.

    Six-year-old Sheila never spoke, she never cried, and her eyes were filled with hate. Abandoned on a highway by her mother, unwanted by her alcoholic father, Sheila was placed in a class for emotionally disturbed children after she committed an atrocious act of violence against another child. Everyone said Sheila was lost forever, everyone except her teacher, Torey Hayden.Torey fought to reach Sheila, to bring the abused child back from her secret nightmare, because beneath the rage, Torey saw in Sheila the spark of genius. And together they embarked on a wondrous journey?a journey gleaming with a child's joy at discovering a world filled with love and a journey sustained by a young teacher's inspiring bravery and devotion.

  • af Kate Fisher
    217,95 kr.

    If you have ever donated blood you may be responsible for one of these extraordinary tales of survival!One in three Australians will need blood in their lifetime and yet only one in thirty donate it, this results in persistent critical blood shortages. For Milkshakes for Marleigh founder Kate Fisher, this is personal. Her seven-year-old daughter Marleigh will be dependent on blood products for life to treat autoimmune encephalitis. They are lifesaving when she relapses and life-preserving for every infusion in-between. Based on interviews conducted for the groundbreaking and international award-winning Milkshakes for Marleigh podcast, this book shares extraordinary tales of survival thanks to Australian blood donors. From seeing children grow up to winning world championships, creating art, advocacy work, volunteer work, falling in love, scientific and medical advances, volunteer work or simply enjoying the gift of time. Years, weeks or days spent with loved ones, gifted by the ultimate act of humanity and mateship - blood donated voluntarily for the benefit of an anonymous recipient and with no more than a post-donation snack and a milkshake in return. This book will make you deeply proud to be an Aussie and make you question which 'one in three' of your loved ones will be reliant on an anonymous stranger making a blood donation to save, prolong or improve their life. It thanks Australian blood donors and seeks to inspire new ones.

  • af Susanna de Vries
    271,95 kr.

    Providing inspiration for today's women, in this book of profiles, Susanna de Vries examines what it takes to be a truly heroic Australian. Women of grit and courage, women of integrity, resilience and resourcefulness: the 21 individuals whose stories make up tHE COMPLEtE BOOK OF HEROIC AUStRALIAN WOMEN were a rare breed. they faced different tests - harshness as pioneers in outback Australia; the turmoil of war - but when encountering adversity, even death, each proved her mettle. From Olive King, who saved countless lives in the war-ravaged Balkans, to Vivian Bullwinkel, who survived the Bangka Island Massacre only to endure three tragedy-filled years in a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp, to Jeannie Gunn, who turned her experiences of hostile outback conditions into a classic book, We of the Never-Never, these are women who displayed extraordinary determination in often terrible circumstances. the 21 women are: Georgiana Molloy, Frances ('Fanny') Bussell, Elizabeth ('Bessie') Bussell, Charlotte Cookworthy Bussell, Emma Mary Withnell, Atlanta Hope Bradshaw, Jeannie Gunn OBE, Evelyn Maunsell, Catherine Langloh Parker, Myrtle Rose White, Olive May Kelso King, Dr Agnes Elizabeth Lloyd Bennett, Dr Lilian Violet Cooper, Sister Alice Elizabeth Kitchen, Joice NanKivell Loch, Sister Sylvia Muir, Sister Vivian Bullwinkel, Sister Joyce tweddell, Sister Betty Jeffrey, Mavis Parkinson, and Sister Frances May Hayman.

  • af Kirsty Nancarrow
    242,95 kr.

    A hero's legacy. Som Tamang's incredible journey is not just a tale of survival; it's a mission to protect girls in Nepal from trafficking and child marriage.

  • af George Kitchin
    227,95 kr.

    Prisoner of the OGPU, first published in 1935, is a firsthand account of the author's 4 years in the Soviet gulag (1928-32) at the hands of the Soviet secret police (known as the OGPU at the time, later renamed the NKVD, MGB, and KGB). At the time of his arrest, George Kitchin, a Finnish citizen, was working in Russia as a representative for an American firm. He was charged with violating an obscure regulation, held in prison, and then sent to a labor camp located in northern Russia where he describes the brutalities he endured and witnessed. The book also offers excellent insights into the running of the camps as Kitchin was able to work in the camp's administration offices (in addition to sometimes being sent to work on the timber-cutting and road-building labor crews).The OGPU was one of several in a succession of state security agencies created by the Soviets. the first group was the Cheka, created by Vladimir Lenin on December 20, 1917. The main task of the Cheka was to combat counter-revolutionary activity, which included arresting, torturing, and executing thousands. Soldiers belonging to the Cheka were tasked with: policing labor camps, running the Gulag system, subjecting political opponents to arrests, detention, torture and execution, and subduing rebellions or riots by the workers or peasants. The Cheka was followed by the GPU, the State Political Directorate, in 1922. The GPU was renamed again in 1923 to the OGPU, the United State Political Administration.

  • af Sörine Gejl
    269,95 kr.

    Denne bog handler om konsekvenserne af tvivlsomme anbringelser af grønlandske børn, som stod på i tiden op til indførelsen af Grønlands Hjemmestyre i 1979. Det grønlandske fænomen gavebørn – en slags midlertidig adoption uden myndigheders indblanding – blev gennem tre årtier “koloniseret” af danske gæstearbejdere i Grønland, og stribevis af grønlandske børn blev sendt i pleje i danske familier, ofte uden deres forældres formelle samtykke.I dag er gavebørnene voksne – og flere er mærket af traumatiske opvækstvilkår. I Danmark var de eksotiske indslag. I Grønland var de paria, fordi de ikke talte deres eget sprog. Deres liv har været splittede – i umulig Atlant-spagat.I bogen står syv gavebørn frem og fortæller deres historie.Atlant-spagat(i) er en udgivelse med to tekstspor og kan læses på både dansk og grønlandsk.---Atuagaq una meeqqanut kalaallinut, 1979-imi Hjemmestyreqalernissap tungaanut apeqqusernartumik angerlarsimaffiup avataanut inissinneqartarsimasunut tunngavoq. Kalaallit Nunaanni arsigisaqartarneq – oqartussat avaqqullugit meerarsianngorallartitsinermik oqaatigineqarsinnaasoq – ukiut 30-it sinnerlugit danskinit Kalaallit Nunaannut suliartorlutik tikittartunit “qallunaanngorsarneqarsimavoq”, tassanilu meerarpassuit kalaallit ilaqutariinnut danskinut meerarsianngortinneqartarsimapput – amerlanertigut angoqqaajusut allakkatigut akuersissutiginngisaannik.Meeqqat taakku ullumikkut inersimasuupput – arlallillu inuunerminni misigisapilutik maanna kingunerlutsitsissutigivaat. Danmarkimi nutaarsiaallutik alutorsaataasimapput. Kalaallit Nunaanni ajattugaapput, kalaallisut oqaatsitik tammarnikuugamikkit. Inuunerat marlunnik avinneqarnikuuvoq – Atlantikulu qulaallugu allaassimasaraat – Atlant-spagaterlutik.Atuakkami arsigisaasimasut arfineq marluk sassarput, inuunertillu oqaluttuaralugu.

  • af Rachel Smith
    282,95 kr.

  • af Roman Dziarski
    212,95 - 1.060,95 kr.

    "Extraordinary storytelling about unfathomable horror." - Library Journal (starred review)"[A] worthy tribute to the extraordinary bravery of a remarkable woman." -- Publishers WeeklyIn World War II's Poland, thirty year old Zofia Sterner and her husband Wacek refuse to be classified as Jews destined for extermination.Instead, they evade the Nazis and the Soviets in several dramatic escapes and selflessly rescue many Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto and a labor camp, later becoming active participants in the Warsaw Uprising where they are taken prisoner. This retelling, captured through diaries, interviews, war crime trial testimonies, and letters, detail the Sterners' heroic rescues, escapes, and ultimate survival. A true story of hope amid horrifying tragedy, How We Outwitted and Survived the Nazis illustrates how war brings out the worst and the best in people, and how true humanity and heroism of ordinary people are revealed by their willingness to risk everything and help others. This story is about being human under the most inhumane conditions.

  • af Mohammed Al Samawi
    197,95 kr.

    Born in the Old City of Sana'a, Yemen, Mohammed Al Samawi was raised a devout Muslim and taught to think of Christians and Jews as his enemies. But when Mohammed secretly received a copy of the Bible, what he read cast doubt on everything he'd previously believed. After connecting with Jews and Christians on social media and at international interfaith conferences, Mohammed became an activist, making it his mission to promote dialogue and cooperation in Yemen.Then came the death threats: first on Facebook, then through terrifying anonymous phone calls. To protect himself and his family, Mohammed fled to the southern port city of Aden. Yet his new home was about to become the heart of a brutal north-south civil war that has turned Yemen into one of the twenty-first century's worst humanitarian crises. As gunfire and grenades exploded outside his window, Mohammed hid in the bathroom of his apartment and desperately appealed to his contacts on Facebook.Remarkably, a handful of people he barely knew responded. Over thirteen days, four ordinary young people with zero experience in diplomacy or military exfiltration worked across six technology platforms and ten time zones to save this innocent young man trapped between deadly forces. A thrilling page-turner that deeply affirms the human spirit, The Fox Hunt reminds us that goodness can triumph even in the darkest circumstances.

  • af Leon Kleiner
    222,95 kr.

    Un jeune garçon juif, son frère et sa soeur échappent à un monde détruit par la haine. Un antisémite, célèbre pour sa cruauté, traque des juifs. Pourquoi ce meurtrier aurait-il risqué sa vie pour sauver ces trois enfants ?

  • af Nary Ly
    167,95 kr.

    Nary colecciona hilos en su bolsita secreta. Son los hilos de la guerra que vivió durante su infancia en su país, Reinode Camboya. Son hilos de diferentes colores de su crecimiento personal hasta convertirse en una superviviente, científica y olímpica. que corresponden a las distintas emociones de su vida.Es una historia rica en matices culturales y retos, contada como una aventura a medida que ExtraordiNary crece.Descubre a través de este cuento la historia de Nary, una chica extraordiNARYa.

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