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Litteraturstudier: fra 1900 til 2000

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  • - Kaj Munk og den stærke mand
    af Bjarne Nielsen Brovst
    197,95 kr.

    I: Kaj Munk og den stærke mand.Digterpræsten i Vedersø blev myrdet den 4. januar 1944. Med sin død for Danmark, for tro og frihed, blev han en lysende skikkelse i besættelsestidens vanskelige år.Det er imidlertid i 1930’erne, at Kaj Munk har sine mest produktive år. Det er i disse år han er på alles læber, provokerende i sit forhold til de stærke mænd, Mussolini og Hitler. Han formår bedre end nogen at bringe sindene i kog. Ingen anden kulturpersonlighed i 1930’ernes Danmark afspejler så præcist som Munk årtiets tidsånd og konfrontationer. På basis af mere end 4000 avisudklip - og med Lise Munk som kommentator - har Bjarne Nielsen Brovst skabt et stort værk om den folkekære digter. En bredt anlagt beretning, som følger Kaj og Lise Munk gennem Europas skæbneår, og som uden omsvøb gør rede for de holdninger og holdningsskift, der prægede denne periode i digterens liv.Bjarne Nielsen Brovst (f. 1947) er oprindelig uddannet boghandler. Han har i en lille menneskealder været højskoleforstander på Pensionisthøjskolen i Rude Strand ved Odder. Han er en landets absolut populæreste foredraagsholdere med ca. 100 foredddrag om året. Hans forfatterskab omfatter henved 100 titler i alle genrer: digte, romaner og biografier om bl.a. H.C. Andersen, Jeppe Aakjær, Martin A. Hansen og ikke mindst Kaj Munk.

  • - Et moderne livs fortælling
    af Knud Peder Jensen
    147,95 kr.

    I over tre år har Knud Peder Jensen, som er historiker og bosidddende på Fur, arbejdet på at studere og skrive den første egentlige biografi om Jeppe Aakjær - hans liv og hans digtning. Resultatet er blevet en storslået fortælling, der både rummer afhandlingens karakter med grundig og velovervejet behandling af de mange data og livs-stumper, men samtidig er holdt i en fortællende form. Og spændende, som en roman, har Jeppe Aakjærs liv været. Fra fødsel, 1866 - til en relativt tidlig død i 1930, på et tidspunkt hvor Jeppe Aakjær stod på toppen af sin karriere, og i sine fire binds erindringer kunne se tilbage på et fantastisk og forunderligt liv. Fantastisk og forunderligt fordi han så at sige selv med sine valg og sin vilje skabte sit eget liv. Derfor er biografiens undertitel meget betegnende "En moderne livsfortælling". Aakjær var nemlig om nogen dansk forfatter moderne. Han startede omtrent sit liv med at gøre oprør med det vedtagne, mod konventionerne. Og selv om han var "enestekarl" hjemme på Aakjær, da han første gang for alvor førte pennen til papiret, så var han allerede fra begyndelsen af 1880´erne på vej væk fra bondesamfundet. På vej ind til den store by, hvor uddannelse, arbejde, liv og digtning var mulig på måder, de gamle end ikke drømte om. Men det kneb gevaldigt med for alvor at komme i gang. Også med kærlighedslivet. I næsten 15 år dannede han par med storbondens datter Marie Bregendal. Hun ofrede sig, økonomisk, for ham, og drev pensionat i København. Senere blev han lykkeligt gift med billedskæreren Nanna Krog. Også hun ofrede sig og skabte senere den atmosfære på Jenle, der dannede rammen om bondeforfatterens liv og digtning de sidste 25 år af hans liv.

  • af Marija Krsteva
    236,95 - 559,95 kr.

  • af Corinna Roider
    661,95 kr.

    Das Buch beschäftigt sich mit einem in der Literaturwissenschaft nahezu vergessenen Autor des Expressionismus: Heinrich Schaefer. Der Band will die Biografie und literarische Entwicklung Heinrich Schaefers über den lückenhaft vorliegenden Faktenbefund hinaus erweitern. Er tut dies primär, um das literarische Werk Schaefers auf ein Motiv hin zu untersuchen, das in seinen Texten einen zentralen Stellenwert einnimmt ¿ das Motiv des Ekels. Dieses Ekelmotiv ist für Figurendarstellung, Dramaturgie und explizite Drastik in Schaefers Texten nicht nur Zentralmotiv, sondern in der Auslotung seiner anthropologischen und physiologischen Befunde die thematisch interessanteste Deutungslinie. Sie wird exemplarisch am Hauptwerk Heinrich Schaefers, dem zwischen 1911¿1913 entstandenen Roman Gefangenschaft, vorgestellt.

  • af Philipp Löffler
    462,95 kr.

    Participation is a core value of the U.S.-American concept of the nation. The promise of participation encompasses full and equal access to participate in political, social, cultural, religious, and economic activities. At the same time, exclusion from social participation has been salient in the history of the U.S., and recently even a decline in participation alongside growing polarization can be observed. The notion of participation, however, is more comprehensive than such a narrow political perspective may suggest. Forms of literary production and reception can likewise be understood as social practices of participation. This volume sheds light on how participation has been debated in contemporary Americanist scholarship. The papers included explore the idea of participation beyond its function as a political principle in a democratic nation-state, which will help to understand in more detail the diverse relationships between the literary, the cultural, and the political.

  • af Joy Maracke
    557,95 kr.

    Eine intensive wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit den Familiendarstellungen in den Angestelltenromanen der Weimarer Republik ist bislang nicht erfolgt. Es ist die Motivation der vorliegenden Untersuchung, einen Beitrag zum Schließen dieser Forschungslücke zu leisten. Die Leitfrage lautet, wie und mit welcher Intention die Familien und andere persönliche Beziehungen in den Romanen dargestellt werden. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass diese Darstellungen wesentliche Funktionen innerhalb der Romane übernehmen, da die Autorinnen und Autoren mit ihrer Hilfe die prekäre Situation der Familie und der Angestellten offenlegen, beide kritisch hinterfragen und auch Zusammenhänge herstellen. Dem soziologischen bzw. literatursoziologischen Interesse der Arbeit folgend dienen kontextorientierte Methodenansätze dabei als Grundlage.

  • af Randy Rosenthal
    272,95 - 279,95 kr.

  • af Paul Hendrickson
    227,95 kr.

  • af Catherine Bowman
    227,95 kr.

  • af Emmanuel Buzay
    1.091,95 kr.

    This book sheds a new light on the metafictional aspects of futuristic and science fiction novels, at the crossroads of information and media studies, possible worlds theories applied to cognitive narratology, questions related to the criticism of post-humanity, and, more broadly, contemporary French and Francophone literature. It examines the fictional minds of characters and their conceptions of resistance to the anticipated worlds they inhabit, particularly in novels by Pierre Bordage, Marie Darrieussecq, Michel Houellebecq, Amin Maalouf, Jean-Christophe Rufin, Antoine Volodine, and Élisabeth Vonarburg. It also explores how corporal postures serve as a matrix for philosophical quests in novels by Amélie Nothomb, Alain Damasio, and Romain Lucazeau. More specifically, from the fictional readers¿ points of view, it provides a critical approach to the mythologies of writing, in the wake of the French philosophical tales by authors including Cyrano de Bergerac and Voltaire, to question the traditionally expressed formulations of the mythologies of writing, that is, of the metaphors of the book (the book of life, nature, and the world), to rethink the idea of a humanity within its limits.

  • af Rob Spillman
    262,95 kr.

  • af Tana Jean Welch
    1.002,95 kr.

    Advancing Medical Posthumanism Through Twenty-First Century American Poetry places contemporary poetics in dialogue with posthumanism and biomedicine in order to create a framework for advancing a posthuman-affirmative ethics within the culture of medical practice. This book makes a case for a posthumanist understanding of the body¿one that sees health and illness not as properties possessed by individual bodies, but as processes that connect bodies to their social and natural environment, shaping their capacity to act, think, and feel. Tana Jean Welch demonstrates how contemporary American poetry is specifically poised to develop a pathway toward a posthuman intervention in biomedicine, the field of medical humanities, medical discourse, and the value systems that guide U.S. healthcare in general.

  • af Angela Jane Weisl
    982,95 kr.

    Discusses contemporary medievalism in studies ranging from Brazil to West Africa, from Manila to New York.

  • af Peter Boxall
    342,95 kr.

    "An essential collection from a singular voice in contemporary literary studies. Assembling key compositions from the last twenty-five years, and several new pieces, Boxall demonstrates the changing fate of literary thinking over the first decades of this century while giving critical expression to the imaginative possibilities of literature itself"--

  • af José Manuel Rodríguez Herrera
    463,95 kr.

    This book challenges narratives of one-directional cultural flows from Europe to the Americas. The essays¿ varied topics and methods map a richly innovative Spanish-American imaginary emerging through multidirectional transatlantic and Pan-American axes of influence in Modernist to contemporary poetry and art. Migration, friendship, and little magazines open new horizons to renegotiate colonial hierarchies. Intercultural dialogue renders languages and literary/artistic traditions novel sounding boards, inspiring Chicano and Latinx consciousness, reinventions of gender and sexuality, and formal and linguistic experimentation. The diverse sites of intercultural dialogue include García Lorcäs poetry, the Spanish Civil War, avant-garde circles, and intercultural and literary translation.

  • af Ayn Rand
    247,95 kr.

  • af Sarah E. Maier
    1.002,95 kr.

    Neo-Victorian Young Adult Narratives examines the neo-Victorian themes and motifs currently appearing in young adult fiction¿specifically addressing the themes of authorship, sexuality, and criminality in the context of the Victorian age in British and American cultures. This book explicates the complicated relationship between the Victorian past and the turn to Victorian modes of thought on literature, history, and morality. Additionally, Sarah E. Maier aims to determine if the appeal of neo-Victorian young adult fiction rests in or resists nostalgia, parody, and revision. Given the overwhelming prevalence of the Victorian in the young adult genres of biofiction, juvenile writings, gothic, sensation, mystery, and crime fiction, there is much to investigate in terms of the friction between the past and the present.

  • af David Werther
    204,95 - 586,95 kr.

  • af Steven Matthews
    207,95 - 586,95 kr.

  • af Yasmine Shamma
    1.091,95 kr.

    This book is about homemaking in situations of migration and displacement. It explores how homes are made, remade, lost, revived, expanded and contracted through experiences of migration, to ask what it means to make a home away from home. We draw together a wide range of perspectives from across multiple disciplines and contexts, which explore how old homes, lost homes, and new homes connect and disconnect through processes of homemaking. The volume asks: how do spaces of resettlement or rehoming reflect both the continuation of old homes and distinct new experiences?Based on collaborations with migrants, refugees, practitioners and artists, this book centres the lived experiences, testimonies, and negotiations of those who are displaced. The volume generates appreciation of the tensions that emerge in contexts of migration and displacement, as well as of the ways in which racial categories and colonial legacies continue to shape fields of lived experience.

  • af Wesley Beal
    1.002,95 kr.

    Campus Fictions argues that the academic novel balances utopian and regressive tendencies, reinforcing the crises we face in higher learning while simultaneously signposting hope for a worn institution. Whether a bestseller such as Erich Segal ¿s romance Love Story (1970) or wonkier fare such as Don DeLillös White Noise (1985), the academic novel mystifies the academy not only to a wide public but alsöworse¿to readers who might describe themselves as sympathetic to higher learning. The book takes an eclectic approach to the academic novel with chapters discussing, for example, the genre¿s rampant anti-intellectualism and its work refusals, studying novels such as Ishmael Reed¿s Japanese by Spring (1993) and Julie Schumacher¿s Dear Committee Members (2014). The book is also accompanied by the ¿Directory of the American Campus Novel ¿ file, which tracks the genre by year, by setting, and by other datapoints that readers might make use of. Responding directly to Jeffrey Williams, the renowned scholar of critical university studies who implores faculty to ¿teach the university,¿ the book ¿s conclusion describes strategies for putting these novels into circulation in the classroom. Through this breadth, Campus Fictions establishes the importance of maintaining hope in the field of critical university studies, which tends toward apocalypticism and perhaps therefore toward disengagement.

  • af Anna-Leena Toivanen
    1.268,95 kr.

    Urban Mobilities in Literature and Art Activism explores the entwinement of mobility and immobility in urban spaces by focusing on their representation in literary narratives but also in visual and performing arts. Across a range of geographical contexts, this volume builds on the new mobilities paradigm developed by literary scholars, sociologists and human geographers. The different chapters employ a cohesive framework that is sensitive to the intersecting dimensions of power and discrimination that shape urban kinetic features. The contributions are divided into three sections, each of which places the focus on a different aspect of urban mobility: Itinerant Subjects, Modes of Transport and Places of Transit, and Urban Liminalities.Chapter 7, "Alienation, Abjection and the Mobile Postcolonial City: Public Transport in Ousmane Sembène¿s ¿Niiwam¿ and Yvonne Veräs Without a Name" is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

  • af Alfonso Álvarez-Ossorio
    1.225,95 kr.

    This book focuses on the characters that populate the Game of Thrones universe and on one of the most salient features of their interaction: violence and warfare. It analyses these questions from a multidisciplinary perspective that is chiefly based on Classical Studies. The book is divided into two sections. The first section explores Martin¿s characters as the mainstay of both the novels and the TV series, since the author has peopled his universe with three-dimensional intriguing characters that resonate with the reader/audience. The second section is devoted to violence and warfare, both pervasive in the Game of Thrones universe. In particular, the TV series¿ depiction of violence is explicit, going beyond the limits that have seldom been traversed in primetime television i.e. the execution of Ned Stark, the ¿Red Wedding¿ and ¿Battle of the Bastards¿. In the Game of Thrones universe, violence is not only restricted to warfare but is an everyday occurrence, a result of the social and gender inequalities characterising the world created by Martin.

  • af Maha AbdelMegeed
    392,95 - 1.347,95 kr.

    Offers a compelling and far-reaching alternative to the traditional mode of analyzing Arabic literature.

  • af D. Rainsford
    1.098,95 kr.

    This book concerns the significance of the English Channel in British and French literature from the 1780s onwards: a timely subject given the intense debates in progress about the actual and desired relationships between Britain and mainland Europe. The book addresses contemporary authors who use the Channel as a focus for cultural comment, comparing their approaches to those of earlier writers, from Charlotte Smith and Chateaubriand through Hugo and Dickens to historians and travel writers of the 1950s and 1980s.

  • af Constantin Sonkwé Tayim
    1.042,95 kr.

    Die vorliegende Studie stellt einen Versuch dar, Diskurse und Gedächtnismodi herauszuarbeiten, die der neueren Diskussion zur Kolonisation zugrunde liegen. Die Studie beantwortet die Frage, wie Kolonialismus in zeitgenössischen Erzählungen zur Kolonialzeit erinnert wird, d.h. in welchen Begriffen Literatur Bezug auf den Kolonialismus nimmt und zu welchem Zweck. Aus dem komparatistischen Vergleich geht hervor, dass die meisten Narrative, ob afrikanische oder europäische, zwar einen postkolonialen Blick auf die koloniale Vergangenheit (ent)werfen, der diskursive Standpunkt der Erzählungen aber weitgehend von dem historisch-kulturellen Gefüge abhängt, aus dem die Texte und deren Autor:innen stammen, wobei einzelne Texte sich über dieses gedächtniskulturelle Paradigma hinwegsetzen.The study represents an attempt to work out the discourses and modes of remembrance that underlie the recent discussion on colonization. It deals with the question of how colonialism is remembered in contemporary narratives of the colonial era, i.e. in what terms literature refers to colonialism and for what purpose. The comparative analysis of selected african and european postcolonial narratives shows that while most of them design a postcolonial view of the colonial past, the discursive point of view of those narratives is largely dependent on the cultural-historical structure from which the texts emerged and that informed their authors, though single narratives, especially autobiographical texts by European contemporary witnesses, defy the postcolonial paradigm.

  • af Marlene Dirschauer
    1.091,95 - 1.097,95 kr.

  • af John Talbot
    1.091,95 kr.

    This book is the first collection of essays dedicated to the work of C. H. Sisson (1915-2003), a major English poet, critic and translator. The collection aims to offer an overall guide to his work for new readers, while also encouraging established readers of one aspect (such as his well-known classical translations) to explore others. It champions in particular the quality of his original poetry. The book brings together contributions from scholars and critics working in a wide range of fields, including classical reception, translation studies and early modern literature as well as modern English poetry, and concludes with a more personal essay on Sisson¿s work by Michael Schmidt, his publisher.

  • af Nora Foster Stovel
    1.179,95 kr.

    This collection of essays explores celebrated Canadian author Carol Shields¿s experimentation with the essay genre in relation to her fiction. Shields¿s essays clarify her iconoclastic approach to rules of narrative and illuminate her revisionist policies, elucidating the development of her fiction, both novels and stories, as her writing gradually becomes more explicitly feminist, as well as more daringly postmodernist. The dozen essays by the eminent Canadianists included in this edition throw fresh light on Shields¿s writing, inviting us to read it with new eyes by revealing how her essays reflect and refract the brilliance of her fiction. These essays read Shields¿s fiction through the lens of her essays, including those contained in the recent Giardini edition, wherein the author explains the creative methodologies involved in her fiction and also offers specific advice to writers of fiction.

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