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”Ved hjælp af det nuancerede og poetiske sprog, hun var i besiddelse af, stillede Chopin nogle af de kvindelige oplevelser til skue, som ingen tidligere havde vedkendt sig. Virkningen var eksplosiv …” ”Jeg forundres stadig over Chopins realisme, hendes utålmodighed med traditionelt skønmaleri, hendes fængslende ærlighed.” -BARBARA KINGSOLVER “Rammende, begavet og uforglemmelig.” -MAGGIE O'FARRELL “Denne skelsættende, feministiske roman, udgivet første gang i 1899, er fortsat forbløffende relevant.” -JUDY BLUME, Elle, My Life in Books I løbet af en lang, apatisk sommer stifter Edna Pontellier, bastet og bundet af ægteskab og moderskab, bekendtskab med Robert Lebrun. Efterhånden som dagene bliver kortere og temperaturen falder, giver Edna efter for Roberts tilbedelse. Men fanget af dette stadigt stærkere begær begynder Edna at indse det sande omfang af sin psykologiske, sociale og seksuelle indespærring og de ødelæggende konsekvenser, den har for hendes fremtid. En kvinde vågner betragtes som en af forløberne i den feministiske litteratur på linje med Tolstojs Anna Karenina og Flauberts Madame Bovary. Da den udkom første gang i USA i 1899, sendte denne radikale fortælling chokbølger gennem det amerikanske samfund, og den fortsætter uanfægtet med at tale til læserne nu mere end hundrede år senere. Denne fremragende, følsomme og forførende roman er lige så smukt skrevet, som den er politisk engagerende. Kate Chopin (1850 – 1904) var en amerikansk forfatterinde som betragtes som en af forløberne for det 19. århundredes feministiske forfattere. Hendes værker beskæftiger sig især med livet blandt "Creoles" og "Acadians" i delstaten Louisiana i det sydlige USA. Dette værk er hendes første på dansk.
I en sporvogn i Göteborg sætter Horace Engdahl sig ved siden af David Hume, den skotske filosof, der døde i 1776. De påbegynder en samtale, som strækker sig over flere sporvognsrejser og en hel bog, undertiden afbrudt af essays om forskellige emner, der aktualiseres af meningsudvekslingen i sporvognen: 1700-tallets franske salon-værtinder, Rousseaus paranoia, luksus, hunde og meget andet. Under det hele rumsterer spørgsmålet: Findes der noget, vi kan betegne godt og ondt?
I et ugentligt belgisk avistillæg for børn og unge kunne læserne 29. januar 1929 opleve første afsnit af tegneserien der blev kendt som Tintins oplevelser, skabt af Georges Remi under kunstnernavnet Hergé. De ugentlige afsnit indeholdt komiske scener samt dramatiske og spændende episoder. Snart blev det vigtigt for Hergé at skabe sammenhængende, episke fortællinger. 23 fortællinger udgivet som album blev det til. Ved sin død i 1983 efterlod Hergé en ufuldendt fortælling der også er udgivet.Bogen er en karakteristik af disse fortællinger som de foreligger oversat til dansk. De er præget af den historiske tid som de blev til i. Det startede med Tintin som antikommunistisk helt og som koloniherre i Belgisk Congo, men allerede fra midten af 1930erne afspejlede fortællingerne en humanistisk - omend kulturkonservativ - grundholdning. Tintin blev kastet ud i bekæmpelsen af globale forbrydersyndikater, våbenhandlere, grådige oliemagnater, politiske svindlere og den gryende fascisme. De mange storpolitiske referencer er enestående for serien.Det lyder meget alvorligt, men Tintins oplevelser udspringer af underholdningskulturens produkter. Serien er inspireret komiske stumfilm samt senere filmkomedier, men også af spændingsfilm a la Hitchcock. Fra starten var ambitionen at skabe en ”filmisk” tegneserie med falden-på-halen scener, action, hurtige biler, slagsmål og våben. Man genfinder også genrerne fra populærlitteraturen: krimi, gyser, science fiction, sørøverroman, eventyr (adventure). Fascinationen for læseren ligger i personernes møde med forbrydelsernes gåde, fare, dødstrusler, uhygge og krig i en global verden.Men fra først til sidst er humoren og det komiske seriens vandmærke. Dupond og Duponts klovnerier, de mange slapstick-scener og kaptajn Haddocks rasende og fantasifulde ordkæder udtrykker hvad Baudelaire har kaldt en absolut komik. I Tintin-seriens situationskomik slap børn og unge for det moralske og belærende som gennem årtier prægede børnelitteraturen. Til gengæld kunne de opleve en til tider befriende latter.
Den kulturrevolutionerende Georg Brandes navngav i denne portrætsamling for første gang begrebet "det moderne gennembrud", der blev definerende for perioden op til det 20. århundrede. Her introducerede han de vigtigste forfattere i Norden, der gennem litteraturen satte problemer under debat og dermed skabte opbrud i de herskende samfundsnormer.Med skarp pen beskriver Brandes forfattere som Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, Henrik Ibsen og J.P. Jacobsen. Et vigtigt værk om en skelsættende periode i skandinavisk kultur.Georg Brandes (1842-1927) er den mest indflydelsesrige litteraturkritiker og –teoretiker i dansk litteraturhistorie. Det var netop Georg Brandes, der definerede de litterære genrer realisme og naturalisme op imod senromantikken, som han så som virkelighedsfjern og præget af tom æstetik. Georg Brandes er den vigtigste teoretiker bag det moderne gennembrud.
When a person has solved an enigmatic mystery by creating a connection between a series of seemengly unrelated and inexplicable events, we often say admiringly: "Well I must say you are a real Sherlock Holmes!"The name alone has become synonymous with brilliant acumen. The private detective Sherlock Holmes was created by the English author Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930), who from 1887 to 1927 wrote 4 novels and 56 short stories about him, collectively known as the Conan. Of these, "The Hound of the Baskervilles" is the most famous, and it has time and again been named the world's best crime novel, just as Holmes has been hailed as the world's greatest detective. "Sherlock Holmes and the Law" is about the relationship between crime and punishment. The whole of the Conan is reviewed with this issue in mind. When Holmes has uncovered a culprit, he as a general rule hands him over to the police. Sometimes, however, he makes an exception, in that he either punishes the guilty himself or lets him escape further prosecution. Ultimately, he puts his own sense of justice above English law, and he does so based on his inner moral compass. To find out about, describe and understand this compass is the task and goal of this book. In addition, "Sherlock Holmes and the Law" also contains a section on Arthur Conan Doyle's life, an overview of the Conan, a description of Holmes and Watson's personalities and friendship, an introduction to Holmes' working method and his relationship with the police.Henrik Fibæk Jensen (born 1954). A Danish writer. Master of Arts in Danish, history and philosophy from Aarhus University. He has written books about the authors Johannes Buchholtz, Jeppe Aakjær, Søren Kierkegaard and Hans Peter Kofoed-Hansen, the private detective Sherlock Holmes, the robber Jens Langkniv (a Danish Robin Hood-figure), and the serial killer John Christie. In addition magazine articles about Hans Scherfig, N.F.S. Grundtvig, Jack the Ripper, Emil Boesen and local history subjects from the Skive region in Jutland, Denmark.
Når en person har opklaret et gådefuldt mysterium ved at skabesammenhæng mellem en række tilsyneladende indbyrdes uafhængige og uforklarlige hændelser, siger vi ofte beundrende: Ih altså, Du er da også en ren Sherlock Holmes! Navnet alene er slet og ret blevet synonym med genial skarpsindighed. Privatdetektiven Sherlock Holmes blev skabt af den engelske forfatter Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930), som fra 1887 til 1927 skrev 4 romaner og 56 noveller om ham, som under ét kaldesConanen. Af disse er Baskerville-slægtens hund den mest berømte, og den er gang på gang blevet kåret som verdens bedste kriminalroman, ligesom Holmes er blevet hyldet som verdens bedste detektiv. Sherlock Holmes og Loven handler om forholdet mellemforbrydelse og straf. Hele Conanen gennemgåes med denneproblemstilling for øje. Når Holmes har afsløret en synder,overleverer han ham som en hovedregel til politiet og dermed videre retsforfølgelse. Undertiden gør han dog en undtagelse, i det han enten selv straffer den skyldige eller lader ham slippe for videre tiltale. Ultimativt sætter han sin egen retfærdighedsfølelse over den engelske lovgivning, og han gør det ud fra sit indre, moralske kompas. At pejle sig ind på, beskrive og forstå dette kompas er denne bogs opgave og mål. Derudover indeholder Sherlock Holmes og Loven også et afsnit om Arthur Conan Doyles liv, et overblik over Conanen, en beskrivelse af Holmes og Watsons personligheder og venskab, en introduktion til Holmes' arbejdsmetode samt hans forhold til politiet.Henrik Fibæk Jensen (født 1954) er cand.mag. i dansk, historie og filosofi fra Aarhus Universitet. Han har skrevet bøger om forfatterne Johannes Buchholtz, Jeppe Aakjær, Søren Kierkegaard og Hans Peter Kofoed-Hansen, privatdetektiven Sherlock Holmes, røveren Jens Langkniv og seriemorderen John Christie. Hertil kommer tidsskriftartikler om Hans Scherfig, N.F.S. Grundtvig, Jack the Ripper, Emil Boesen og lokalhistoriske emner fra Skive-egnen.
I midten af 1800-tallet skrev de to danske kulturelle ikoner H.C. Andersen og Georg Brandes breve til hinanden. Dette er en kommenteret udgave af den anerkendte litteraturhistoriker Elias Bredsdorff. Bogen indeholder desuden Brandes' tre afhandlinger om H.C. Andersen.Elias Bredsdorff (1912-2002) var en dansk forfatter, litteraturhistoriker og modstandsmand. I sine unge år gjorde han sig bemærket som studenterpolitiker udi kommunismen, som han var meget optaget af. Under krigen tog han imidlertid afstand til DKP og blev i stedet aktiv i modstandsorganisationen Frit Danmark. Som cand.mag. skrev han en lang række værker om dansk litteratur og underviste i mange år om emnet på Cambridge University.
Das Buch beschäftigt sich mit einem in der Literaturwissenschaft nahezu vergessenen Autor des Expressionismus: Heinrich Schaefer. Der Band will die Biografie und literarische Entwicklung Heinrich Schaefers über den lückenhaft vorliegenden Faktenbefund hinaus erweitern. Er tut dies primär, um das literarische Werk Schaefers auf ein Motiv hin zu untersuchen, das in seinen Texten einen zentralen Stellenwert einnimmt ¿ das Motiv des Ekels. Dieses Ekelmotiv ist für Figurendarstellung, Dramaturgie und explizite Drastik in Schaefers Texten nicht nur Zentralmotiv, sondern in der Auslotung seiner anthropologischen und physiologischen Befunde die thematisch interessanteste Deutungslinie. Sie wird exemplarisch am Hauptwerk Heinrich Schaefers, dem zwischen 1911¿1913 entstandenen Roman Gefangenschaft, vorgestellt.
Participation is a core value of the U.S.-American concept of the nation. The promise of participation encompasses full and equal access to participate in political, social, cultural, religious, and economic activities. At the same time, exclusion from social participation has been salient in the history of the U.S., and recently even a decline in participation alongside growing polarization can be observed. The notion of participation, however, is more comprehensive than such a narrow political perspective may suggest. Forms of literary production and reception can likewise be understood as social practices of participation. This volume sheds light on how participation has been debated in contemporary Americanist scholarship. The papers included explore the idea of participation beyond its function as a political principle in a democratic nation-state, which will help to understand in more detail the diverse relationships between the literary, the cultural, and the political.
Der vorliegende Band präsentiert die Ergebnisse der Abschlusstagung ,Von Neuem', die die DFG-Forschungsgruppe 2305 ,Diskursivierungen von Neuem. Tradition und Novation in Texten und Bildern des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit' im Juni 2022 an der Freien Universität abgehalten hat. Die Gruppe hat seit 2016 Artefakte innerhalb der genannten Epochengrenzen auf das komplexe Verhältnis hin untersucht, das ,alte' und ,neue' Elemente und Dimensionen in ihnen einnehmen, und in einer dynamischen Relation solcher Elemente die Spezifik literarischer und künstlerischer Praxis und Produktion ausgemacht. Zur Abschlusstagung waren ausgewiesene Expert:innen aus der germanistischen Mediävistik und Frühneuzeitforschung, aus der Romanistik, der Neueren Geschichte und Kunstgeschichte eingeladen, einschlägige Forschungsfragen ,von Neuem' zu debattieren und eigene Perspektiven aus aktueller Arbeit einzubringen. Der Band bietet ein breites Panorama grundlegender Untersuchungen zu literarischen, philosophischen und bildkünstlerischen Novationsdynamiken zwischen dem 13. und dem 18. Jahrhundert.
An iconoclastic re-evaluation of one English Literature's most celebrated novelists.
Luego de su travesía por el mundo de los espejos, Anahí dejó de ser princesa y ahora gobierna en el Reino del Ceibo junto con su adorado Adaly, convirtiéndose en los actuales Soberanos del Ceibo, en una unión mágica y esplendorosa que promete perdurar por siempre. Acompañada de sus más preciados bienes y seres más amados, la Reina Anahí vive en la gloria luego de derrotar a la malvada Reina de los Espejos, en una lucha librada en el oscuro mundo de reflejos y vanidades.
Eine intensive wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit den Familiendarstellungen in den Angestelltenromanen der Weimarer Republik ist bislang nicht erfolgt. Es ist die Motivation der vorliegenden Untersuchung, einen Beitrag zum Schließen dieser Forschungslücke zu leisten. Die Leitfrage lautet, wie und mit welcher Intention die Familien und andere persönliche Beziehungen in den Romanen dargestellt werden. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass diese Darstellungen wesentliche Funktionen innerhalb der Romane übernehmen, da die Autorinnen und Autoren mit ihrer Hilfe die prekäre Situation der Familie und der Angestellten offenlegen, beide kritisch hinterfragen und auch Zusammenhänge herstellen. Dem soziologischen bzw. literatursoziologischen Interesse der Arbeit folgend dienen kontextorientierte Methodenansätze dabei als Grundlage.
Die Nuslehre Alexander von Aphrodisias' wird als eine erhellende, innovative und systematisierende Interpretation von Aristoteles rekonstruiert, die durch die Theorie der Integration der Potenzen die Konstitution komplexer Formen (wie der Seele) erklärt, ohne auf platonisierende Strukturen zurückzugreifen. Dafür wird einen Aktivität und Passivität integrierenden dynamis -Begriff herausgearbeitet, der die Entfaltung der prinzipiell unveränderlichen Form ermöglicht, sodass die Komplexität der Seele aus den Relationen zwischen deren Potenzen resultiert. Diese Theorie erreicht ihren spekulativen Höhepunkt in der Nuslehre, die den Intellekt als einen maximal integrierten, einheitlichen Ternar darstellt, dessen Strukturmomente der materielle, habituelle und wirkliche Nus sind. Diese sind weder verschiedene Vermögen noch Entwicklungsphasen, sondern die konstitutiven, sich ergänzenden Funktionen der einen Vernunft. Die Lehre Alexanders ist relevant für aktuelle Debatten über Nus und sein Beitrag zur historischen Entwicklung der Idee der Vernunft originell. So erscheint Alexander als eine bereichernde Stimme, die sowohl in die spezialisierte Aristoteles-Forschung als auch in die systematische Diskussion über Geist und Seele einzubinden ist.
Looking for a gripping read that takes you behind the scenes of real-life murder and robbery investigations? Look no further than "The Real Cases of Detective Tomassi" a collection of 15 short stories that offers a rare glimpse into the world of forensic science and the dedicated professionals who use it to solve even the most baffling cases.From the shocking discovery of a body in "The Accident" to the meticulous detective work that ultimately solved "The Last Case", each story offers a unique perspective on the role of forensic science in solving crimes. Along the way, readers will meet the experts who make it all possible, including forensic officers, police force heroes, and other professionals who use their skills and expertise to uncover the truth.Whether you're a true crime fan or simply fascinated by the science of criminal investigations, "The Real Cases of Detective Tomassi" is a must-read. Step into the heart of each case with vivid, detailed descriptions, as this book invites you to explore the enthralling world of forensic science. This book offers and presents to readers:Thrilling Entertainment: Dive into a gripping anthology of real-life murder and robbery investigations that will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. Each story is crafted with precision to deliver maximum suspense and mystery, offering a captivating reading experience.Rare Glimpse into Forensic Science: Gain unique insights into the world of forensic science and how it plays a crucial role in cracking the most baffling criminal cases. Explore cutting-edge techniques and methodologies used by skilled professionals to unravel the truth.Diverse and Intriguing Cases: Uncover a wide range of intriguing cases, from shocking discoveries to meticulous detective work. Each story offers a fresh perspective on crime-solving, ensuring you'll never get bored throughout the book.Real-Life Heroes: Meet the brave forensic officers, tenacious police force heroes, and brilliant professionals who dedicate their lives to bringing justice to the victims and closure to their families. Let their unwavering quest for truth serve as your inspiration.Engaging Reading for All: Whether you're a seasoned true crime fan or someone new to the world of mystery and suspense, this book caters to a broad range of readers. Its captivating narratives will appeal to anyone with a taste for thrilling storytelling.Unforgettable Reading Experience: With a combination of real-life mystery, expert storytelling, and fascinating insights into forensic science, "The Real Cases of Detective Tomassi" promises a reading journey that will leave a lasting impression and keep you eagerly turning the pages.Grab your copy of "The Real Cases of Detective Tomassi" today and experience the spine-chilling excitement that only a true crime thriller can deliver.
Dorothy Parker’s complete weekly New Yorker column about books and people and the rigors of reviewing.When, in 1927, Dorothy Parker became a book critic for the New Yorker, she was already a legendary wit, a much-quoted member of the Algonquin Round Table, and an arbiter of literary taste. In the year that she spent as a weekly reviewer, under the rubric “Constant Reader,” she created what is still the most entertaining book column ever written. Parker’s hot takes have lost none of their heat, whether she’s taking aim at the evangelist Aimee Semple MacPherson (“She can go on like that for hours. Can, hell—does”), praising Hemingway’s latest collection (“He discards detail with magnificent lavishness”), or dissenting from the Tao of Pooh (“And it is that word ‘hummy,’ my darlings, that marks the first place in The House at Pooh Corner at which Tonstant Weader Fwowed up”). Introduced with characteristic wit and sympathy by Sloane Crosley, Constant Reader gathers the complete weekly New Yorker reviews that Parker published from October 1927 through November 1928, with gimlet-eyed appreciations of the high and low, from Isadora Duncan to Al Smith, Charles Lindbergh to Little Orphan Annie, Mussolini to Emily Post
The essential annual guide to the newest voices in literature, selected by Sindya Bhanoo, Ayşegül Savaş, Sidik Fofana, and TKBest Debut Short Stories celebrates the most promising short story writers today. Selected by a panel of distinguished judges, these twelve stories are the 2024 winners of the PEN/Robert J. Dau Short Story Prize for Emerging Writers, which recognizes outstanding debuts published in literary magazines.
Die angeblich von der gelehrten Jungfrau Aloisia Sigea aus Toledo verfaßten und von dem Humanisten Johannes Meursius ins Lateinische übersetzten Gespräche, die indes auf den Advokaten Nicolas Chorier (1612-1692) zurückgehen und in der Tradition von Pietro Aretinos Gesprächen stehen, gelten als ein Meisterwerk der erotischen Literatur, ein Roman in Dialogform. Er ist in gewähltem Latein geschrieben und kommt ohne schmutzige Wörter aus. Die physischen und sozialen Aspekte des Liebeslebens werden in präziser Form unterhaltsam. Im Laufe der Jahrhunderte erschienen viele Ausgaben und Übersetzungen dieses Werkes, aber die Originalausgabe (um 1660) ist höchst selten - in öffentlichen Sammlungen ist kein Exemplar nachweisbar. Eine ernsthafte literaturwissenschaftliche Untersuchung ist ohne Kenntnis des Originaltextes schwierig. Daher wird die Erstausgabe hier als Faksimiledruck mit einer ausführlichen Einleitung vorgelegt.Der Herausgeber ist Ltd. Bibliotheksdirektor und Privatdozent i.R.
Celebrate America's zaniest and most subversive magazine in 26 essays and comix from all-star contributors, including Roz Chast, Jonathan Lethem, and Grady Hendrix. Before SNL and the wise-guy sarcasm of Letterman and Colbert, before The Simpsons and online memes, there was . . . MAD. A mainstay of countless American childhoods, MAD magazine exploded onto the scene in the 1950s and gleefully thumbed its nose at all the postwar pieties. MAD became the zaniest, most subversive satire magazine ever to be sold on America's newsstands, anticipating the spirit of underground comix and 'zines and influencing humor writing in movies, television, and the internet to this day. Edited by David Mikics, The MAD Files celebrates the magazine's impact and the legacy of the Usual Gang of Idiots who transformed puerile punchlines and merciless mockery into an art form. 26 essays and comics present a varied, perceptive, and often very funny account of MAD's significance, ranging from the cultural to the aesthetic to the personal. Art Spiegelman reflects on how he "couldn't learn much about America from my refugee immigrant parents--but I learned all about it from MAD"Roz Chast remembers how the magazine was "love at first sight. . . . It was one of my first inklings that there were other people out there who found the world as ridiculous as I did."David Hajdu and Grady Hendrix zero in on MAD's hilarious movie spoofsLiel Leibovitz delves into the Jewishness behind the magazine's humorand Rachel Shteir amplifies the often unsung contributions of MAD's women artists.Several essays are admiring profiles of the individual creators that made MAD what it was: Mort Drucker, Harvey Kurtzman, Al Jaffee, Antonio Prohias, and Will Elder. For longtime fans and new readers alike, The MAD Files is an indispensable guide to America's greatest satire magazine.
H.C. Andersens liv og eventyr er stor inspiration for moderne dannelseshungrende mennesker, der søger et livskompas til at skabe retning og indhold i livet.Hans liv var i sig selv én lang personlig dannelses- og selvrealiseringsrejse nedefra og opefter i samfundet. Han var en mønsterbryder, der var i stand til at iscenesætte sit liv i en grad, så det kan inspirere os i dag.Hans rastløse, følsomme, ærekære og vedholdende liv gjorde såkaldte nederlag til lærings- og dannelsespotentialer i hans liv.Dette entreprenante liv kan vi lære en masse af i dag! Brug ham som din læremester!H.C. Andersen havde en fe bag sig, der kunne skabe magi og fortryllelse, der forvandlede hans liv og hele tiden betød, at han kunne give det styrke og retning.Uddrag af bogenSåkaldte problemer er vækstmuligheder i dit liv! Omfavn dem, de er i bund og grund bump på livets vej, så de bliver byggeklodser i din personlige dannelse.Det er ikke vore problemer, som begrænser os, det er måden, vi forholder os til dem! For H.C. Andersen lykkedes det trods smerte og det, vi i dag vil kalde både angst- og depressionsdiagnoser, at realisere et fantastisk liv.I dagens verden gøres såkaldte personlige problemer til terapeutiske opgaver:Hvad sker der ved terapeuten:Du får ofte forstærket og understreget den fortælling, som du kommer med i brystet. Nej, gør, som H.C. Andersen gjorde: Transformer din angst, dine humørsvingninger til nyt liv, livskunst.Nu skal du fortælle DIN historie: Hvilke gode hændelser kan du bygge videre på i dag fra din barndom? Hvilke træk var der i din personlighed, som du kan styrke i dag i dit dannelsesprojekt? Hvilke spirer skal vandes på baggrund af din opvækst?Om forfatteren Mogens Godballe er uddannet i politologi fra Aarhus Universitet og Uppsala Universitet og har arbejdet med fredsforskning og fredsundervisning, inden han kom ind i højskoleverdenen, hvor han har været forstander på to højskoler i mere end 25 år. Han har undervist i H.C. Andersens eventyr og børnehavepædagogik for kinesere i Danmark og Kina.
Doyle's World is no ordinary book. It is instead a work that deciphers the cryptic origins and actual scientifi c methods used by fi ction's most famous detective, Sherlock Holmes--and provides a detailed look into the psyche and working life of Holmes' creator, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Revealed here for the fi rst time--by son-father writing team Daniel Friedman, MD, and Eugene Friedman, MD--are the inspirations behind the physical, emotional, and intellectual characteristics that Doyle wove together so deftly to bring his legendary sleuth to life. The authors o er research-based answers to such intriguing questions as: ■ From whom did Sherlock Holmes actually learn the art of detective work? ■ Why did Doyle kill off Sherlock Holmes-- and how did the country of Japan inspire how he brought his famous detective back to life after nearly a decade? ■ What story elements did Doyle borrow from Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island? ■ How did Doyle apply his fervent belief in Spiritualism to a variety of Holmes stories? ■ Who inspired Doyle to write about civil rights after a steamship journey in 1882? ■ How did the women in Doyle's life come to influence the relationships with women that both Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson have across sixty written adventures? The book is divided into three sections. The fi rst is dedicated to the elements--both good and bad--that comprised Doyle's childhood and early adult years, and how an assemblage of persons and places and things from his life found their way into his literature. The second section emphasizes the complex themes and plots present in the Sherlock Holmes adventures, while it also examines some of Doyle's strengths--and weaknesses--as a public fi gure of his time. And in the book's concluding part, the authors o er two "lost" stories they uncovered that were written by Doyle under a pseudonym. Doyle's World is a work of rich detail and in-depth scholarship that should win over established fans of Doyle and devoted "Sherlockians" everywhere--and which should engage, and entertain, all others who enter this intriguing hall of literary mirrors.
"Despite his enduring popularity, Philip K. Dick (1928-1982) has long been a marginal figure in American literature, even in the science fiction genre he helped revolutionize. Offering a major new perspective on the author, influential French philosopher David Lapoujade orients Dick within philosophy and draws connections to a wide variety of other thinkers and artists, revealing his oeuvre to comprise a profound reality defined by artifice, precarity, and control"--
Table of ContentsA Weird Gourmand's Delight ........... Daniel PietersenZara-Louise Stubbs, ed., The Uncanny Gastronomic: Strange Tales of the Edible Weird.The Subtle Aroma of Antiquity: Two Translations by Shawn Garrett ........... Karen Joan KohoutekJean Printemps, Whimsical Tales and Froylan Turcios, The Vampire; both tr. Shawn Garrett.Night's Black Promises ........... Géza A. G. ReillyDaniel Corrick, ed., Night's Black Agents: An Anthology of Vampire Fiction.Nightlands Festival, Hammonton, NJ: Kathedral Event Center 2-3 June 2023 ........... The joey ZoneHumor at Its Darkest ........... Darrell SchweitzerPablo Larrain, dir., El Conde. Ramsey's Rant: Watch Their Language ........... Ramsey CampbellWonder and Epiphany: The Question of Evil in the Stories of Arthur Machen ........... Katherine KerestmanArthur Machen. Collected Fiction (three volumes), ed. by S. T. Joshi.A New Lovecraftian Writer in Our Midst ........... Michael D. MillerTony LaMalfa, Forbidden Knowledge.Half Sunk a Shattered Visage Lies ........... Daniel PietersenHenry Bartholomew, ed., The Living Stone: Stories of Uncanny Sculpture, 1858-1943.Covid Horrors ........... S. T. JoshiRamsey Campbell, The Lonely Lands.Hungry ........... Taylor TrabulusCultists Descend upon Portland: The H. P. Lovecraft Film Festival ........... Katherine KerestmanAn Interview with Ellen Datlow ........... Darrell SchweitzerSacred Scares ........... Géza A. G. ReillyFiona Snailham, ed., Holy Ghosts: Classic Tales of the Ecclesiastical Uncanny.Crossing the Void ........... Michael D. MillerMatt Cardin, Journals, Volume II: 2002-2022.New Ways to Dread the Holidays ........... Dave FeltonEllen Datlow, ed., Christmas and Other Horrors: A Winter Solstice Anthology.About the Contributors
Cain's Jawbone, Torquemada's infamous mystery novel, has been scrutinized in pain-staking detail resulting in over 1000 explanatory notes revealing word play, hidden meaning, literary and historical references, and, yes, even errors. And - following astute, insightful and fascinating critical analysis in which many aspects of the novel and the project are considered - the pages have been rearranged into a plausible order that challenges the claim there is one single ultimate solution to Edward Powys Mathers' literary puzzle. If you have attempted Cain's Jawbone, regardless of whether or not you have succeeded in unraveling its mystery, or you are thinking to attempt Torquemada's ninety-year-old puzzle, then this book is a must read.
William Le Queux's "The Veiled Man" is a captivating book that attracts readers right into a world of thriller, spying, and political intrigue. European history is ready to go through large modifications, which the tale takes vicinity against. The tale is mainly about the mysterious Veiled Man, who's hard to locate and has hidden goals and a strong choice to maintain things secret. As the principle person, Guy Thorne, gets caught up in an internet of global spying, he learns that the Veiled Man is a key participant in a high-stakes game of political trickery and manipulation. Le Queux, who is known for his expertise of spy stories, tells a story full of anxiety, exhilaration, and surprising turns in occasions. Power, conspiracies, and the complex dance that nations do throughout a time of worldwide instability are all explored in the book. The thriller of the Veiled Man is solved by using Thorne, who leads the reader on an exciting journey via dark electrical corridors and secret sports. Le Queux's talent as an author shines through as he cautiously builds tension and mystery, preserving readers on the threshold in their seats till the very quit.
The book "Pulwama Attack Exposed: Unveiling Untold Realities" is an engrossing and penetrating investigation into the tragic events that surrounded the Pulwama attack that took place on February 14, 2019. It provides readers with an in-depth comprehension of the myriad of factors that contributed to the formation of this pivotal moment in South Asian history. The author of this study, which has been extensively researched, delves into the events leading up to the tragedy, the attack itself, and the aftermath, therefore unraveling a web of intricacies that extend beyond what is reported in the news.A comprehensive account of the historical context of the Kashmir conflict is presented at the beginning of the book. This historical framework serves to set the stage for the seismic events that are to follow. The readers are led through the geopolitical complexities of the region, acquiring an understanding of the tensions that have persisted for a long time and the roles that have been performed by a variety of players. As a result of this contextual basis, the reader is prepared for a nuanced study of the Pulwama incident, which was a day that irrevocably changed the trajectory of ties between India and Pakistan.The tale takes a dramatic turn in the chapter titled "The Fateful Day," which provides a thorough and heartbreaking account of the attack that took place in Pulwama. The impact that this act of terrorism had on the convoy as well as the Indian paramilitary forces is depicted in a highly detailed manner, offering a devastating look at the human cost of this terrorist act. In order to create a thorough timeline that emphasizes the seriousness of the crisis, the author does a masterful job of capturing the earliest reactions and answers from the Indian government as well as the world community.The documentary titled "Unraveling the Perpetrators" presents a comprehensive analysis of the inquiry, revealing the purported involvement of Jaish-e-Mohammed and Masood Azhar, the leader of the organization. Within the context of the attack, this chapter provides a critical analysis of international viewpoints, throwing light on probable linkages to external state actors and their involvement in providing support to the perpetrators of the attack. It encourages readers to contemplate the complexities of state-sponsored terrorism and the geopolitical chessboard that had a role in the occurrence of such events.This book does not shy away from the challenging concerns that are associated with intelligence failures. These questions are discussed in the chapter that is named "The Intelligence Dilemma." It provides a sobering reflection on the difficulties that are encountered in the process of averting attacks of this nature by presenting a critical examination of breakdowns in communication, information sharing, and coordination among intelligence organizations.As the story develops, "Political Fallout" examines the aftermath that occurred within India, analyzing the influence that it had on the country's politics as well as the contentious choice to carry out airstrikes in Balakot. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the global response to the growing tensions by summarizing the international reactions and diplomatic implications that have occurred."Human Stories Behind the Headlines" shares personal experiences of the victims and their families, highlighting the emotional toll that the catastrophe has taken on individuals and communities. This helps to humanize the tragedies that have occurred. At the same time that it emphasizes the ethical duties that come with covering events of such significance, the book provides a critical analysis of the role that the media plays in shaping public perception.
A fusion of travel literature and cultural criticism investigating the dark history of the US and exploring how past horrors – from witch trials to slavery and genocide – continue to haunt the national consciousness.Haunted States is a unique guidebook that explores the dark, often horrifying, history of the US. Based on the author’s journey across the United States in summer 2022, it explores locations connected to Gothic fiction and film, tracking the relationship between the American landscapes and the various forms of fictional horror the nation has produced over the centuries.Part cultural history and part travelogue, Haunted States traces how the American Gothic draws inspiration from the natural and built environments, with the astounding geographical variation of the landscape influencing the distinctive forms of horror produced across its many diverse regions. The book also investigates how the horrors of the American Gothic have their roots in the nation’s dark history of colonialism, slavery, violence and oppression – past sins that continue to haunt the national consciousness to this day. Taking horror (in literature, film and the visual arts) as its starting point, Haunted States investigates the landscapes, places and cultures that produced it.Incorporating first-person travel narrative, historical context and supplementary interviews, Haunted States journeys across the USA to learn about its eclectic, regional forms of horror.
J.R. R. Tolkien has been revered as the father of twentieth-century fantasy; however, many initially criticized him for his handling of the textual matter as male-centric magical lands that did not feature prominent female roles or significant female characters. This book will highlight the vast community of powerful female figures that Tolkien created in his fantasy writing, stemming from the distinct and dominant female forces he created in his academic translation and poetry. These fierce women serve as a culmination of the powerful forces of women and female character that originated in Medieval, Norse, and Celtic traditions. They help to create the framework from which Tolkien shaped his female community, not merely as singular figures, as previously featured, but as a dynamic network of figures who shape Tolkien's creative art. For the first time, this discussion looks at the entire community of women, featuring previously excluded figures from his academic works and highlighting translation bias in modern manuscripts of the extant medieval works that influenced these women. It also seeks to create a comprehensive guide and detailed appendices exploring the female characters and influences throughout his writing portfolio. This book seeks to uncover the hidden voices of the past to find their rightful home in the strong female voices of the present, rewriting history to regain a sense of the past.
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