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In Tracy Clark’s electrifying new mystery featuring Cassandra Raines, the former Chicago cop turned private investigator looks into a suspicious death as a favor to a friend—and makes some powerful enemies . . .Sitting in cold cars for hours, serving lowlifes with summonses. . . . Being a P.I. means riding out a lot of slow patches. But sometimes the most familiar paths can lead straight to danger—like at Cass’s go-to diner, where new delivery guy Jung Byson wants to enlist her expertise. Jung’s friend, Tim Ayers, scion of a wealthy Chicago family, has been found dead, floating in Lake Michigan near his luxury boat. And Jung is convinced there’s a murderer on the loose . . .Cass reluctantly begins digging, only to discover that Jung neglected to mention one crucial fact: Tim Ayers was terminally ill. Given the large quantities of alcohol and drugs found in his body, Ayers’ death appears to be either an accident or suicide. Yet as much as Cass would like to dismiss Jung’s suspicions, there are too many unanswered questions and unexplained coincidences. Working her connections on both sides of the law, Cass tries to point the police in the right direction. But violence is escalating around her, and Cass’s persistence has already attracted unwanted attention, uncovering sinister secrets that Cass may end up taking to her grave.
Et skelet bliver fundet dybt inde i Ölands skove, og meget tyder på en sammenhæng med en tyve år gammel forsvindingssag. Politiefterforsker Hanna Duncker må grave i øsamfundets dunkle fortid for at finde sandheden om skelettet i skoven. Privat lader Hanna sig opsluge af en forelskelse, men da hun bliver forsøgt myrdet, tvinges hun til at konfrontere den fortid, hun flygter fra. ”Mørkeskov” er en krimi om at leve i skyggen af en utilgivelig forbrydelse og om ikke at kunne bryde båndet til sin hjemstavn og sit ophav. Udgivelsen er en storskrift-udgave til svagsynede i serien MAGNUMBØGER Lindhardt og Ringhof.
Fundet af en forslået og mishandlet ung kvinde i vaskekælderen i en boligblok i Aarhus sætter politikommissær Rolando Benito fra Østjyllands Politi på sporet af flere andre kvinders mystiske forsvinden i området nær Botanisk Have. Journalist Anne Larsen kommer ind i sagen gennem sit arbejde som vært for en ny tv-udsendelse, MHD CrimeWatch, som Media House Denmark har lanceret. Hun opdager en sammenhæng mellem offeret i vaskekælderen, de efterlyste kvinder og en rød kat, som spiller en særlig rolle. Som efterforskningen skrider frem, må både Rolando Benito og Anne Larsen se i øjnene, at de står over for modbydelige forbrydelser drevet af kynisme og en uhyggelig kvindehadsk subkultur, som er ved at brede sig. Udgivelsen er en storskrift-udgave til svagsynede i serien MAGNUMBØGER Lindhardt og Ringhof.
When a serial killer sweeps through the streets of Cambria, California, Georgiana Germaine gets swept up into a tangled web of deception and lies ...After bidding farewell to the last guest of the night, Pippa Holliday checks on her four-year-old son, pours herself a glass of wine, and heads onto the deck for her nightly swim. As she begins to relax, her attention shifts to a shadow lurking next to the sliding glass door. A moment earlier, she could have sworn the shadow had moved.Are her eyes playing tricks on her? Or is someone there with her, watching and waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike?Little White Lies is the fourth book in the USA Today bestselling Georgiana Germaine mystery series. Grab your copy today and immerse yourself in this gripping, fast-paced mystery.Readers of Little White Lies are Saying:"The suspense goes until the very end." Vine Voice ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿"Excellent, stimulating novel." ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿"I could not put it down." ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿"This is one of Cheryl's best books. Brilliant, As usual." ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿"This series has gotten better with each book." ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿
”DEN STØRSTE GÅDE ER IKKE DEN, DU TROR."Et gammelt videobånd kan afsløre Slikmunds identitet. Få ved, båndet findes. Ingen ved, hvor det er.Den eksotiske yogadronning, Cheeanna Terlov, skal i retten for drabet på sin mand, stjernearkitekten John Terlov, der blev likvideret med en ekstrem brutalitet i sin tegnestue nær Ebeltoft.Beviserne mod Cheeanna er overvældende. Hun havde truet med at dræbe sin mand, krudtslam var overalt på hendes tøj, og frem for alt blev hun fotograferet af en Googlebil tæt på gerningsstedet. Cheeanna afviser, at hun er kvinden på billedet, selvom alle kan se det modsatte, og alle analyser af billedet viser, at det er ægte. Kort før sagen begynder, bliver Cheeannas forsvarsadvokat myrdet. Et par mystiske ord i hans hånd tyder på, at hun er involveret. Cheeanna ligner en kvinde på vej bag tremmer. Hun har kun ét håb. Den hårdkogte topadvokat, William Kastanien, indvilliger i at overtage hendes sag med kort varsel.William fornemmer straks, at Cheeanna skjuler noget. Han er på ingen måder naiv, og en labyrint af løgne og fortielser overrasker ham ikke … det gør til gengæld opdagelsen af en hemmelig kælder, hvor William finder en række sexfotos med en maskeret person, der kaldes for Slikmund.”Slikmund” er en selvstændig fortsættelse til ”Kastaniens DNA”, der strøg ind på førstepladsen hos Mofibo. Slikmund er lige til de kirmifans, der elsker at gætte med, men som bliver overrasket og snydt, når sandheden går op for dem.
Nicolas es un periodista caído en desgracia que lucha por recuperar la gloria perdida en el mundo del periodismo. Inesperadamente, se convierte en el improbable héroe de una tragedia nacional, cuando su cobertura de un devastador incendio forestal salva vidas y lo proyecta nuevamente a la atención pública, sin embargo, oculta un oscuro pasado marcado por excesos y sangre. Se encuentra con un imprevisto reencuentro: un amor de adolescencia que vuelve a su vida con su propio pasado y secretos. Con la llama del amor reavivada, se enreda en una maraña de emociones y dilemas morales que lo ponen a prueba. Con el fuego ardiendo en todos los frentes, Nicolas se enfrenta a decisiones que pueden cambiar el destino de la nación y su propia vida.
The low life dreaming of the high life. Underdogs desperate for the limelight. Small time criminals and full-time gangsters.They all collide in 'Stray Dog Blues', Paul D. Brazill's addictive short story collection that looks at life from the gutter, but looking at the stars.
For the first time ever, all 3 books in DDC Morgan's stunning Reg Calloway trilogy in one stunning volume. Includes - Blood & Cinders- Pills & Soap- Rope & Canvas Weighing in at a mighty 682 pages and with a new introduction by the author, this beautiful volume is definitely one to treasure. "Up there with the very best examples of British Post-War noir - a towering achievement..." "With each new book, the Calloway Series is developing into a tour de force of British noir - a must-read...""A terrific addition to the English Mean Streets school...""A gem of a find and highly recommended.""As I read, I had that feeling that I haven't had since I read Chandler for the first time.""A fantastic read, stylishly written." "Exciting, gripping and enjoyable - what more could you want!"
"When her client, a NJ State Trooper charged with killing a Black investigative reporter in a racially charged, headline-making murder, reveals he was a secret source for an expose about a corrupt and racist gang within the N.J. State Police, Erin McCabe find herself mired in conspiracy far more dangerous than she feared"--
Private Detective Lew Archer doesn't believe in coincidences...A forest fire has mysteriously broken out in the hills above southern California. Meanwhile, Lew Archer has been asked by a desperate mother to find her six-year-old son. Instead, he discovers the boy's wealthy father, murdered, and buried in a hole in the ground. The mystery will lead Archer to unearth a tragic, years-old history of abandonment, obsession and illusion, where the past won't let go of the present - and everything is connected.
Who stole George Matthews' life?'Doctor, I think I'm losing my mind...'When a wealthy young man turns up at respected psychiatrist Dr George Matthews' office uttering these words, it changes his safe existence forever. Suddenly Matthews finds himself dragged into a strange, surreal world where nothing is certain. And when an actress is found murdered, a horse tied up outside her apartment, Matthews loses his memory - and must find it in a nightmarish urban jungle of mistaken identities, secrets and insanity.
Is Carl Andersen innocent of murder, or a very good liar?Detective Chief Inspector Maigret has been interrogating the enigmatic Danish aristocrat for seventeen hours. A diamond merchant was found dead, shot at point-blank range, in the garage of Andersen's mansion, yet he will not confess to the crime. To get to the truth, Maigret must delve into the secrets of Three Widows Crossroads, the isolated neighbourhood where he lives with his mysterious, reclusive sister Else - and where, it seems, everyone has something to hide.
Hvordan ville du have det som medvidende om uhyrligheder, hvor din rolle er fastlåst, og det kan få fatale konsekvenser, hvis du bryder ud af rollen? Team Milton, som består af Silas, Ibsen, Ella og Milton og deres chef, Li-Mei, kommer denne gang ud for en sag, hvor en kvindelig sexarbejder findes dræbt i skoven. I efterforskningsarbejdet med at finde ud af, hvorfor den kvinde skulle dræbes, finder Team Milton ud af, at kvinden kun er en del af et større puslespil. De føres ind i en udenlandsk sexarbejders kummerlige slavetilværelse. Parret Astrid og Adams forældre har sommerhus i samme område og på samme vej med få huses mellemrum. De forelsker sig i hinanden, men kommer til at leve et facadeliv, som bag facaden er uhyggelig, og alting er langtfra normalt. Spørgsmålet er, om denne brik i puslespillet passer eller ej. Det bliver en udfordring at finde et motiv i denne opklaringssag, hvor sporene ikke er entydige.Gravide Li-Mei og Ming lever også et facadeliv i hver sin afdeling af lejligheden og sender billeder af lykkelig familieidyl hjem til Kina. Spørgsmålet er, hvor længe det holder. Desuden bliver Ella virkelig forskrækket og grædefærdig over afsløringer om sin mor, Oline. Følg med i bind 40, Drabelige bekendelser, og få svar på udviklingen på alle fronter.Uddrag af bogen“Ja, altså de afrikanske sexarbejdere rejser herop og bor enten alene eller i grupperinger styret af en alfons eller bagmand. De østeuropæiske kvinder er meget mere organiseret og bor i større enheder. De er dog ikke stationære, men bliver jævnligt rykket rundt på, både rundt i Danmark men også over landegrænser,” forklarede Milton. “Hvorfor gør de det?” spurgte Li-Mei. “De gør det, for at kvinderne ikke skal blive for hjemmevante og knytte sig for meget til bestemte klienter og omvendt.” svarede Milton. “Så bagmændene har et antal bosteder som altså sender kvinderne rundt til med forskellige intervaller. Er det hvad du fortæller?” spurgte Li-Mei. “Det er korrekt, de slører også sporet på den enkelte sexarbejder, hvis nogle ville stræbe dem efter livet eller vil finde dem. Så der er adskillige motiver for deres praksis,” svarede Milton.Om forfatterenSteen B. J. (f. 1965) er forfatter til over fyrre værker inden for genrerne krimi og historisk roman. Hans mest kendte er Danmarks vel nok længste krimiserie: En udfordring for Team Milton.
Milano. Den kønne, blåøjede, blonde Adele på tolv år forsvinder efter at have postet en selfie på et socialt medie, hvor hun efterligner Edvard Munchs berømte maleri Pubertet. Den mystiske forsvinden involverer, foruden hendes forældre, en håndfuld karakterer, der udgør et et billede af vores samtid. Den mest ivrige af dem er Marina Novembre, hvis gigtplagede hænder fungerer som et redskab for den clairvoyantes undersøgelser af det virkelige og det virtuelle. Denne kvinde, der kender til farerne ved Dark Web, er overbevist om, at pigens forsvinden har noget at gøre med Sort Maling, en pronazistisk sekt, der gennem nettet lokker de udvalgte til at skabe den perfekte race. Men en tragisk kendsgerning dukker op fra fortiden, som angiver en helt ny retning. Det bliver begyndelsen på den katarsiske proces. Alt kan renses. Eller kan det? For hvis uhyret ikke bor inden i os, så venter det på os lige rundt om hjørnet.
Ben knows your house is empty. And that's not all. He knows his partner's left him for a man with chunks of pop-tart in his hair; he knows his boss has been fired; and his use of controlled substances is no longer under control. He knows his biggest customer is putting her business with the competition, writing off Ben, and the newspaper he works for, as irrelevant. He knows there's a general election which is boring everyone - including him. Now he must use what he knows to get his life back on track: win back the deal, the girl, the promotion, and maybe even the election. Trouble is, Ben needs the support of some unreliable characters - most of whom work for the tabloid press - and a psychotic cat.Funny, outrageous and poignant, Empty is a darkly satirical look at the advertising sales industry at the start of the 21st century, when the illusion of power still suckered young, overpaid, self-obsessed hedonists into thinking they made a difference, when, in fact, the lives they led were just like the space they sold: empty.
Detective Georgiana Germaine is back on the trail of a cold-blooded killer, and once again, the case hits close to home.Twenty-year-old Olivia Spencer sits at her desk in her mother's bookshop, dreaming about her upcoming wedding. The shop may be closed, but Olivia's not alone, and her dream is about to become her worst nightmare.Little Broken Things is the third book in the USA Today bestselling Georgiana Germaine mystery series. Grab your copy today and get swept up in a twisty tale of secrets and lies that will have you reading all night.Praise for Little Broken Things:"A compelling read from the very beginning." ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿"Well written, drawing you in from the beginning to the end." ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿"There are very few out there that can be called exceptional, but this made the cut." ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿"WOW & DOUBLE WOW! I absolutely loved this book." ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿"Loved it, loved it, loved it." ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿"You can't put the book down." ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿
The scrap of paper looked as if it had been torn from a diary. The words written in faint pencil. The letters rounded, almost childlike: Please look after her. Her life and mine depend on you not trying to find me.
Three bodies have been found in less than three weeks. This is more than Detective Dawson Falco has seen in all his years on the Omaha PD Homicide Division. The victims appear random, with different ages, genders, and races. And the crimes all occurred at different locations and used different weapons. The only similarity is that the victims were last seen with a thin man wearing black. Despite the flimsy connection, Dawson can't shake the thought that a serial killer is stalking his city.Dawson's wife, Harper, is proud of her husband's career, but her own career is just as important. Harper is the head chef and owner of one of Omaha's trendiest restaurants. She's also writing her first cookbook, which Dawson promised to help her with. He's repeatedly broken that promise because of his case. Worse, he's lied to her about it.As the case consumes Dawson, he finds himself doing the one thing he always promised to never do: put Harper and her career second to an investigation. He knows she's getting close to her deadlines, and that he's not getting any closer to solving the case. He just needs one last clue, one last piece of the puzzle to catch a murderer. When he does, will it be too late for him and Harper?
After his sister and mother are murdered by human traffickers, Bishop Rider, a former medic and police officer, spends the remainder of his life hunting not only the men who took his family from him, but every person like them. He is joined by many partners throughout his war. But when Jeramiah Abrum, the son of one of the men who murders Rider's mother and sister, seeks out Rider to make amends for what his father set into motion all those years ago, a new level of retribution is born. But one man can only stand for so long against such darkness, and though Bishop Rider's story unfolds within the pages of A Better Kind Of Hate, The Big Machine Eats, All Of Them To Burn, Brand New Dark, and Old Man Rider, all stories end, and Bishop Rider, he's no exception, succumbing to the cancer within him. Which brings us to The Abrum Files and the question of what happens to those we leave behind. Jeramiah, now on his own, finds himself facing two choices; retreat from the life of murder and retribution he's been a part of for years or pick up where he and Rider left off and using methods he'd kept in check while Rider was alive, attempt to end what he and Rider together could not. He will finish the work. Critical Acclaim for THE ABRUM FILES: "The Abrum Files is more than just a collection. It's a statement. The mission continues. The guilty must face their fate. Love and Blood are both spilled across the pages." -S.A. Cosby, bestselling author of All The Sinners Bleed and Razorblade Tears "If Andrew Vachss threw out his keyboard and somehow learned how to write on a chainsaw, then you get an idea of how Beau Johnson tells a tale. I don't know if Grindhouse Noir is even a thing, but if it is, Johnson is the king." -Todd Robinson, author of The Hard Bounce and Rough Trade "Dark, bloody, and full of Hell, The Abrum Files is line after line of pure, uncut, chainsaw noir. I loved it!" -Paul J. Garth, author of The Low White Plain "Beau Johnson's newest novel, The Abrum Files, is chock-full of Old Testament-style justice and picks up right where his Bishop Rider series left off. Jeramiah Abrum is one bad good dude!" -Eli Cranor, author of the Edgar Award-winning Don't Know Tough and Ozark Dogs "With every book, Beau Johnson continues to deliver the hardest-core noir out there. Call it Chainsaw Noir: funny, dark and bloody, but with a moral heart beating beneath it all." -Nick Kolakowski, author of Love & Bullets and Payback Is Forever "With The Abrum Files: A Bishop Rider Book, Johnson makes you feel dirty, deranged and evokes a visceral reaction with each and every story. It runs the gamut of emotions-sorrow, remorse and elation-all the while knowing that you're in the steady hands of Johnson's pristine prose. This will make fans of Bishop Rider very happy." -Steve Stred, author of Mastodon, Father of Lies, and
He was told to focus on school.No-one thought he'd do it through a rifle scope...Bradley Wright and two other high-schoolers opened fire on their classmates.Rafferty watched from his office window as the horror unfolded.Too close to turn away. Too far to do anything about it.He can't turn back the clock, but to help Dallas recover from the tragedy, Rafferty will play his part in making sure the full weight of justice lands squarely on Bradley Wright's shoulders.Nothing less than the shooter deserves.So, when Bradley's mother comes looking for help in proving her son's innocence, why does she want Rafferty?And why can't he shake the feeling there's something he's missing?There's right and there's wrong.Separating the two will push Rafferty farther than ever.Maybe over the edge...WRIGHT & WRONG is the eighth book in the Shamus Award-winning Rafferty P.I. series by author Bill Duncan.Fans of Spenser, Reacher, and Elvis Cole have declared this series a must-read with over 3,700 5 star reviews.Don't miss another moment of hardboiled, wisecracking action with Rafferty P.I. Buy WRIGHT & WRONG today!.................................................................Praise for Rafferty P.I."If you like Parker's Spenser, or Robert Crais' Elvis Cole you should love the Rafferty series." - Mark A. Johnson."Rafferty is the best hardboiled P.I. of this era." - Wendy Green."Any fan of Micky Spillane, the Jack Reacher novels, or Mark Yost's Rick Crane novels should absolutely venture into the world of Rafferty P.I." - Michael Raabe."Duncan truly captured the pure essence of the definitive smart-ass private eye in his character Rafferty. Take part Sam Spade with a little Mike Hammer, mix in some Spenser and you have an awesome character." - Cliff Fausset."This author goes on my list of great private eye writers along with Kinky Friedman, Elmore Leonard, and Lawrence Sanders." - Tricia Schiro.
The Mob.A bunch of missing money.Rock and a hard place...Patty Akister wants Rafferty to find her husband, Sherm.She says he's a secret agent. He's on a mission.Sure he is.Rafferty has a fair idea where Sherm actually spends his weekends but decides there's no harm in letting Patty hold on to her fantasy.She's paying the bill; it's the least he can do.Rafferty will find Sherm. Tell him what's what. Convince him to go home and stop lying to his devoted wife.But Sherm's in over his head with people who use body counts to solve problems.They want their money back, and don't care who gets caught in the crossfire.The closer Rafferty gets to bringing Sherm home the more bodies he has to climb over, and it's not long before he has to face the truth: Sometimes there's nothing but kill or be killed...FATAL SISTERS is the Shamus Award-winning sixth book in the Rafferty P.I. series by author Bill Duncan.Fans of Spenser, Reacher, and Elvis Cole have declared this series a must-read with over 3,700 5 star reviews.Don't miss another moment of hardboiled, wisecracking action with Rafferty P.I. Buy FATAL SISTERS today!.................................................................Praise for Rafferty P.I."If you like Parker's Spenser, or Robert Crais' Elvis Cole you should love the Rafferty series." - Mark A. Johnson."Rafferty is the best hardboiled P.I. of this era." - Wendy Green."Any fan of Micky Spillane, the Jack Reacher novels, or Mark Yost's Rick Crane novels should absolutely venture into the world of Rafferty P.I." - Michael Raabe."Duncan truly captured the pure essence of the definitive smart-ass private eye in his character Rafferty. Take part Sam Spade with a little Mike Hammer, mix in some Spenser and you have an awesome character." - Cliff Fausset."This author goes on my list of great private eye writers along with Kinky Friedman, Elmore Leonard, and Lawrence Sanders." - Tricia Schiro.
Who will die.When it will happen. What it's worth.The things you learn when you're mistaken for a hitman...Rafferty knows everything about Max Krandorff's death.The specific time, the exact location, and how the body should look once the killing is done.But Rafferty will turn informer instead of executioner, leaving the guy who paid fifteen large for Max's demise to swing in the wind.Rafferty's soon being yanked between the cops, the Feds, the out-of-pocket money man, and the real assassin who demands only one thing."My money. Or else..."The chase is on.Max's would-be killer has studied Rafferty. Knows where he lives and works; who he shares a bed with.Rafferty doesn't have the first clue to the identity of the voice behind the threats.Only that if he doesn't stop the assassin now, his whole world will go up in flames...CANNON'S MOUTH is the fifth book in the Shamus Award-winning Rafferty P.I. series by author Bill Duncan.Fans of Spenser, Reacher, and Elvis Cole have declared this series a must-read with over 3,700 5 star reviews.Don't miss another moment of hardboiled, wisecracking action with Rafferty P.I. Buy CANNON'S MOUTH today!.................................................................Praise for Rafferty P.I."If you like Parker's Spenser, or Robert Crais' Elvis Cole you should love the Rafferty series." - Mark A. Johnson."Rafferty is the best hardboiled P.I. of this era." - Wendy Green."Any fan of Micky Spillane, the Jack Reacher novels, or Mark Yost's Rick Crane novels should absolutely venture into the world of Rafferty P.I." - Michael Raabe."Duncan truly captured the pure essence of the definitive smart-ass private eye in his character Rafferty. Take part Sam Spade with a little Mike Hammer, mix in some Spenser and you have an awesome character." - Cliff Fausset."This author goes on my list of great private eye writers along with Kinky Friedman, Elmore Leonard, and Lawrence Sanders." - Tricia Schiro.
Rule 1: The client is always right.Rule 2: When the client is wrong, see Rule 1.When the client wants someone dead, well...In the middle of a burger-store holdup, the only thing standing between ten-year-old Vivian Mollison and certain death is a police officer named Rafferty.She lives. He gets fired.Fast-forward fifteen years.Vivian's parents are wealthy beyond counting while Rafferty spends his days as a private investigator, hustling on the streets of Dallas.So when he gets an out-of-the-blue phonecall from the Mollisons, Rafferty figures his long-awaited payday might have finally arrived.But things are never that simple and the story they have to tell is like nothing he's ever heard.Can Rafferty save Vivian again?Or is it already too late?RAFFERTY'S RULES is the first book in the Shamus Award-winning Rafferty P.I. series by author Bill Duncan.Fans of Spenser, Reacher, and Elvis Cole have declared this series a must-read with over 3,700 5 star reviews.Buy RAFFERTY'S RULES to discover the hardboiled, wisecracking Rafferty P.I. today!Praise for Rafferty P.I."If you like Parker's Spenser, or Robert Crais' Elvis Cole you should love the Rafferty series." - Mark A. Johnson."Rafferty is the best hardboiled P.I. of this era." - Wendy Green."Any fan of Micky Spillane, the Jack Reacher novels, or Mark Yost's Rick Crane novels should absolutely venture into the world of Rafferty P.I." - Michael Raabe."Duncan truly captured the pure essence of the definitive smart-ass private eye in his character Rafferty. Take part Sam Spade with a little Mike Hammer, mix in some Spenser and you have an awesome character." - Cliff Fausset."This author goes on my list of great private eye writers along with Kinky Friedman, Elmore Leonard, and Lawrence Sanders." - Tricia Schiro.
Will Zachary and his dementia-stricken uncle lead an isolated existence running The Flying Z, a struggling, southern Arizona ranch on the Mexican border. Their ordered life dramatically changes when Merry O'Hara, driving cross-country on her way to grad school at Stanford, drives into a ditch on their land...and right into the middle of the war they're waging against a vicious cartel smuggling drugs across the ranch. Against all odds, Will and Merry are drawn to each other, at the same time they're desperately fighting, out-manned and out-gunned, to protect the ranch and their lives.Praise for Leo W. Banks"The Flying Z is part western, part crime, part thriller, and all heart and grit! In Will Zachary Leo W. Banks has created a modern-day laconic cowboy who's tougher than a five-day cattle drive, but vulnerable, sentimental, and real. Banks is a master of dialogue, revealing layers of character through just a few spoken words. The Flying Z is a can't miss, excellent book for all crime readers!" Matt Coyle, author of the award-winning Rick Cahill crime series.[A] border adventure that Leo Banks excels at, replete with his usual attention-grabbing writing style. But underneath the danger, a bonding love story percolates between the polar opposite couple. The Flying Z melds action and a relationship to form a story for everyone to enjoy; kinda like roses and cacti. A thorny, but beautiful tale of southwestern Arizona." Green Valley News
Will Penelope's new beginning lead to her end?After living in a verbally abusive relationship for the past six years, twenty-seven-year-old Penelope Barlow has finally found the courage to leave. In the wee hours of night, she wakes her five-year-old daughter to play a game they've been practicing--getting to the car without waking Daddy.The game is a success.One month later, mother and daughter are enjoying their new beginning in Cambria, California, the same town where Penelope was raised. But someone in the tight-knit community isn't happy about her return. And for Penelope, her past is about to catch up to her present.What Readers are Saying about this Series:"Makes you want to keep reading the story into the night." ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿"A strong lead character and plenty of drama, it keeps the reader engaged." ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿"Leaving you wanting to read more." ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿"You feel like you live close by and can see these characters walking by and waving to you." ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿"I will definitely read more from this author." ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿"Kept me on the edge of my seat." ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿Little Last Words is the seventh book in the USA Today bestselling Georgiana Germaine mystery series. Grab your copy today and strap yourself in ... it's about to become a wild ride.
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