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Den unge og ambitiøse advokat Mitch McDeere får sit livs jobtilbud hos et prestigefyldt advokatfirma, men drømmen viser sig hurtigt at være et mareridt. Mitch opdager, at firmaet har dystre hemmeligheder og farlige forbindelser til mafiaen. Samtidig bliver han kontaktet af FBI, der vil have ham til at afsløre firmaet. Fanget i et dødeligt spil mellem magtfulde kræfter må Mitch forsøge at finde en vej ud, før det er for sent.
Under en rejse til Mellemøsten bliver en kvinde kidnappet og alle hendes livvagter bestialsk myrdet. Advokaten Mitch McDeere får til opgave at få gidslet fri, men han ved ikke, hvem kidnapperne er og kan ikke kontakte dem. Samtidig møder han uventet modstand fra dem, der burde være på hans side. Tiden er knap, og fjenden er nådesløs. Kan han nå frem til en løsning, inden det er for sent?
En folketingspolitiker findes død efter en kongejagt på et gods i Jylland. Han er skudt gennem hovedet, og alle går ud fra, at der er tale om selvmord. Samme dag forsvinder hans unge niece, der har gjort overraskende opdagelser i forbindelse med en eksamensopgave på journalisthøjskolen i Aarhus, hvor Ulrik Torp er vikar. Umiddelbart efter indledes en kampagne mod landets forsvarsminister. Torp trækkes ind i sagen, der viser sig at handle om militær oprustning, lobbyisme for milliarder, udenlandske interesser og skjult støtte til politikere. Til at hjælpe sig har Torp kun sine studerende og Emma, en tidligere praktikant fra hans gamle arbejdsplads, Dagbladet. Sammen finder de ud af, hvordan tingene hænger sammen, men det viser sig undervejs, at Torp selv er fanget i et net, som han har svært ved at vikle sig ud af … Udgivelsen er en storskrift-udgave til svagsynede i serien MAGNUMBØGER Lindhardt og Ringhof.
FRA BESTSELLERFORFATTEREN BAG DEN POPULÆRE NETFLIX-SERIE SKANDALENS ANATOMII ti år har Liz været veninder med Jess, der i hendes øjne altid har været en opofrende, hjemmegående mor med uudtømmelige mængder af tålmodighed, energi og kærlighed til sine tre børn. Men et enkelt øjeblik i deres liv forandrer alt.I takt med at mørke tanker og omhyggeligt skjulte hemmeligheder kommer op til overfladen, plages Liz tiltagende af tvivl omkring alt, hvad hun troede, hun vidste – om sin ven og ikke mindst sig selv.SMÅ KATASTROFER er en fængslende roman om moderskabets kompleksitet og alt det, der både forbinder og skiller os ad.
November 1945. John Russell går hjem gennem efterkrigstidens grå London-gader, da hans gamle kammerat, sovjetagenten Jevgenij Sjtjepkin, falder i trit med ham. Han fortæller Russell, at hans overordnede i Moskva har besluttet, at det er på tide, at Russell gør gengæld for, at de sørgede for, at han kom sikkert ud af Rusland i krigens sidste dage. Russell skal vende tilbage til Berlin, spionere mod sine tidligere kolleger i det tyske kommunistparti og rapportere alle afvigelser fra den stalinistiske linje. Og hvad der er værre, så får han ordre til at tilbyde amerikanerne sine tjenester – kort sagt, at blive dobbeltagent på Stalins lønningsliste. Men Russell ved kun alt for godt, hvor kort den forventede levetid for en dobbeltagent er. Han og Sjtjepkin, der langt om længe har mistet troen på det sovjetiske utopia, fostrer sammen en plan for at genvinde friheden. Der står meget på spil både for Russell og hans kæreste Effi, der er fulgt med ham til Berlin. De vil få brug for al deres kløgt – og lidt held – for at overleve i en verden, der næres af paranoia og er på randen af en ny, ’kold’ krig.
NÅR GODE MENNESKER BEGÅR FORFÆRDELIGE FORBRYDELSERAnika Sand drømmer om at gøre en forskel. Som nyslået kandidat i afrikastudier ankommer hun fra sommer i Danmark til Zimbabwes hovedstad, Harare. Fuld af virkelyst. I sit vikariat hos en dansk ngo lærer hun hurtigt udviklingsbranchens barske realiteter at kende og ser hidtil ukendte sider af sig selv og sine ligestillede i mødet med en sort og en hvid virkelighed.Anikas verdensbillede er i forvejen rystet, da vagten hos hendes nye veninde, landedirektøren for en magtfuld amerikansk ngo, bliver myrdet. Men hendes ønske om at bidrage til forandring er intakt. Hun vikles ind i et opklaringsarbejde, der bringer hende i kontakt med farlige kræfter i det zimbabwiske sikkerhedspoliti, og snart befinder hun sig i en labyrint af hemmeligheder, som mange vil dræbe for at bevare.Spørgsmålet er, hvem Anika kan stole på i Robert Mugabes Zimbabwe, for landets historie med væbnede konflikter mellem landets hvide og sorte befolkning er langtfra slut. Og snart må hun sande, at med ærlighed kommer man meget tæt på døden.DENNIS NØRMARK (f. 1978) er antropolog og videnskabsformidler, foredragsholder og medforfatter til den internationale bestseller Pseudoarbejde – Hvordan vi fik travlt med at lave ingenting (2018).HARARE er Dennis Nørmarks debut som krimiforfatter og baseret på hans indgående research af den afrikanske udviklingsbranche.
Første bind i virkelighedsnær krimiserie fra 1930'ernes København.I 1938 i København er Johannes Borum endelig vendt hjem fra den spanske borgerkrig, hvor han har kæmpet side om side med ligesindede kommunister. Han overlevede, men har mistet sin moralske og politiske orientering i det, der viste sig at være en meningsløs kamp. Borum bliver hyret til at efterforske en tilsyneladende ukontroversiel sag af “ægteskabelig karakter” men vader uforvarende ind i mordet på en kendt nazistisk advokat. Ikke ligefrem en ønskesag for en mand der forsøger at undslippe både kommunister og nazister, og som desuden er stemplet som afhop per blandt sine tidligere politiske kammerater.Blandt fordrukne journalister, hårdnakkede gangstere og lunefulde bekendtskaber i Københavns underverden må Borum træde varsomt i sin efterforskning af mordet på den dræbte nazist, alt imens politiske spændinger truer med at udstille ikke kun menneskets moralske forfald men også konfrontere Borum med sin fortid.
Captain Gibson is facing huge political pressure to show his Unit is working to discourage illegal asylum seekers from coming to Britian in small, dangerous boats. He sends his top spy (Amelia Hartliss, or 'Melia') to the South Coast to infiltrate a violent and unsafe new group called 'MEGA', or 'Make England Great Again', (just England, not Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland).Then he instructs his top freelance operative, Mickey, to work with an old colleague, a man called Ian Bann, who makes bombs. The plan is to infiltrate MEGA in the north of England, (around its HQ in Manchester), and sabotage their campaign by supplying bombs that don't work effectively.Then, the Captain sends his Deputy Director, to go undercover and join 'Haychers', a loose amalgam of farmers, land owners and business people, who were going to be affected by the building of a high speed rail link from Birmingham, north to Manchester, and are now suffering even more from the cancellation of the project, even though buildings have been bought, and houses and woods demolished, to make way for the trains.England is in a furious mess, with all these campaigns going on at the same time. The three friends are not even able to maintain contact, since they have such discrete responsibilities, and the lack of a friendly face and active support drives more than one off the rails. While the work continues, Captain Gibson finds his team disintegrating around him.
In A KEEPSAKE MEMORY, a wrongfully imprisoned girl tries to escape the confines of an abandoned mental asylum and the treacherous hands of a psychotic doctor placed in charge of keeping her there.
Dale Petersen is a respected, reliable trusts and estates attorney practicing in Southwest Florida. His idyllic world is shattered when a notorious drug lord, J. Esteban Morales, is executed by a gang in the streets of Miami. Decades earlier, when Dale was a Peace Corps volunteer in Guatemala, he knew Morales as a counterpart and trusted friend. Now, fatefully tasked as executor of Morales's estate, Dale is in control of a vast, illicit fortune. As he works to carry out Morales's uncharacteristically charitable wishes and impassioned plea for redemption, he gradually becomes entangled in a web of intrigue involving promises, secrets, and deception. Ultimately, he is forced to confront challenges to his integrity and ethical convictions. Will Dale uphold his character as an esteemed, reputable attorney? Or will he lose himself, forever altered by the complexities of morality, transgression, and temptation?
In a world where justice treads a thin line, meet the enigmatic operative known only as The Silencer. A sociopath with a deadly gift, he might just be the U.S. Government's most covert weapon against the nation's most dangerous villains. From motorcycle gangs terrorizing the streets of New York City and drug lords lacing their product with fentanyl, to a charismatic but duplicitous megachurch pastor, The Silencer executes his grim task without remorse.As bodies fall and a nation's fate teeters, the question looms: Can a heart devoid of empathy be the savior we need?
They were in the wrong place at the wrong time and will regret it forever. Nothing can change what happened, but only the lawyer can provide justice for them both. Will Anna Booth do it or will it be out of her hands?
The purple notebook is in the hands of John F. Kennedy. That is what James Bradford realized when he listened to a recording that his father, a White House's journalist, had.How did Miller Harris get this notebook? Why did he give it to John F. Kennedy?James and Brooke, Miller Harris' great grand-daughter, are working together to solve this puzzle. Hunted down by a hitman, an ex-secret agent, they found out the kind of danger they where in. Becoming targets, the pitfall in which they are dragged in spite of themselves, tightens like a steel jaw.Will they manage to reveal a conspiracy within the American government? Between betrayals, lies and manipulations, finding the notebook will be the key to their success.
"A propulsive debut political thriller set in the aftermath of a global nuclear weapons crisis -- from the acclaimed filmmaker of The Fugitive and an award-winning journalist. A plot to disrupt a global peace summit in Chicago collides with a civil rights case breakthrough at a mysterious archaeological site "Andrew Davis is a cinematic master, and Jeff Biggers is a brilliant scribe of wild places. Together, they have created a thriller that will keep you up all night." --Luis Urrea, NY Times bestselling author of Good Night, Irene. Chicago detective Randall Jenkins has not been back home to the historic Civil Rights hotspot of Cairo, Illinois since the disappearance of his mother, a well-known journalist, several decades ago. That all changes the day Dr. Molly Moore, an ambitious young archaeologist in the national spotlight for her groundbreaking high-tech discoveries, uncovers a set of strange bones at a huge 12,000-year-old site at a highway construction project. With retired military general and contractor William Alexander breathing down her neck to cover up the dig, Molly and Randall soon find themselves in the middle of a wild military conspiracy. The detective and archaeologist's entwined family mysteries suddenly thrust them into the central position as the only people who can ensure the safety of the ongoing Chicago global peace summit. They must take on the rogue general who views any disarmament agreement as a clear and present danger to the United States. The fate of global peace and the lives of Molly and Randall hang in the balance"--
Ved midnatstide i Donetsk, Østukraine flygter en kvinde ud af sit hjem med en rygsæk fuld af fortrolige dokumenter. I Danmark er Maiken Tarp fra Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste blevet ansat i et nyoprettet sikkerhedssekretariat i Udenrigsministeriet. Mens ministeren taler på en stor anlagt konference, myrdes en af de udenlandske deltagere. Maiken Tarp er eneste vidne og mens PET efterforsker attentatet som terrorrelateret, er Tarp overbevist om at sagen er mere kompliceret end som så. Maiken Tarp lader sig opsluge af sagen - med fatale konsekvenser.
Die deutschen Truppen in Afghanistan erhalten am 29.06.2021 den Befehl, ihr Camp unter größter Geheimhaltung innerhalb einer Nacht zu räumen und das Land zu verlassen. In dieser Nacht findet das Europameisterschaftsspiel Deutschland gegen England im Wembley-Stadion statt. Die afghanischen Hilfskräfte der Soldaten sitzen vor den Fernsehgeräten und fiebern mit der deutschen Mannschaft. Als sie am nächsten Morgen zum Camp kommen, finden sie es verlassen. Die Taliban betrachten sie als Verräter und nehmen an den Kollaborateuren Rache. Die deutschen Soldaten leiden an diesem Befehl, betrachten ihr Verhalten selbst als ehrlos und gehorchen trotzdem.Der Roman erzählt die Geschichte des Generals und einiger seiner Offiziere, die unter diesem Verrat zusammenbrechen und unmittelbar nach ihrer Rückkehr ihre Werte verlieren. Nur mit der Hilfe starker Frauen finden einige den Mut zu leben und den Weg in die Gesellschaft zurück.
By a bizarre accident, John Green finds himself in the last place he ever expected, or wanted, to be. With far-reaching consequences, sometimes comical, sometimes tragic, how will this colossal mistake end for John and the people he loves most?
Governor Beauregard Swaggart is every Texan's nightmare. A governor with questionable scruples, he appears to be hell-bent on dividing Texas into five states. But his true mission is far more ominous - he has his sights set on the U.S. Presidency. Only a few things stand in his way, and he plans to deal with them when he unsheathes his precious Bowie knife. Carving up the Lone Star State isn't as easy as it may seem. He'll need to handpick governors of North, East, South, West, and his beloved Central Texas. But there are two burrs under his saddle, a persistent sleuth named Max Sinclair and the female director of the U.S. Defense Clandestine Service named Vanessa "Six" Ingram.
In 1914 a world war started, caused by the visit of a very important person from a very big country to a very small, ineffective country. That was Archduke Franz Ferdinand visiting Sarajevo, but what if the little place was Salford, in the little country of England, and what if the most important person was a Trade Delegate from the very important country of China?Well, then, anything is possible. A hundred years after the outbreak of World War One then maybe World War Three could start in Salford UK. Fortunately there's something that might prevent such a tragedy and that's Super Agent Amelia Hartliss, known to her friends as 'Melia' and enemies as 'Heartless'. She has been given the very important job of protecting this important visitor, and she fully intends to do that, now matter what - or who - gets in her way.
Amelia Hartliss, Special Agent - Melia to her friends and 'Heartless' to her enemies - is always landing the worst of jobs. Right now, she's been given the task of baby-sitting a candidate in the local government elections. The problem is, that of all the people who have put their names forward, he really is the person most likely to get themselves in trouble. He's never stood before. He's loud, he's raucous. He proudly boasts, 'I know nothing about politics!'So why would anyone vote for him? Because he stirs emotions. He promises answers. He is the 'Business Candidate', he says. He is big, he is bluff. He has blonde hair, broad shoulders and an aggressive manner. Can Melia succeed in keeping him alive until the votes are in? It seems that the man with the knife and the guy with the bomb are going to try and stop proceedings. Then who will win?Melia finds the assignment one of the most frustrating of her whole career.
Michael E Kelley's third novella, The Assassination of a Broken Democracy, is a futuristic fictional thriller. Three individuals are running for their lives. You will follow their adventures, read many predictions, and learn how to fix our broken democracy.
In the dark green heart of Southeast Asia, an honest but unwary Englishman, Andrew Finch, is drawn into a twilight world of betrayal, deceit - and murder.Meet Bullen, bold, brash and booming, an ex-CIA man operating on the far side of legal, a fixer-for-hire, the guy who gets things done. And what Bullen needs right now is an unsuspecting accomplice to help him trap a deadly assassin, The Green Mamba.So, at an airport in Cambodia, he hooks onto Andrew Finch, a damaged man passing through a damaged country - and he offers Finch not only the solution to his money troubles but also the chance of the Adventure of a Lifetime. But, in Bullen's world, nothing is ever quite as it seems - and neither he nor Finch have ever encountered anyone like the Green Mamba.Everyone should have one Adventure of a Lifetime.Ideally, it shouldn't be the last thing they'll ever do.
I en højspændt tid har Theis Kirkeby, filmproducer, reklamemand og rådgiver for statsministeren på egen hånd udtænkt en plan om et fingeret terrorangreb, der kan omstyrte magten ved det kommende folketingsvalg.Theis Kirkebys angreb mod demokratiet vil få voldsomme konsekvenser for hele det danske samfund og gøre ubodelig skade på de mennesker, han er tættest på. Men Theis er ligeglad. Han er træt af at være den usynlige dukkefører, som eliten har brug for, men som de ikke respekterer, og han vil bevise, at det er ham, der har den reelle magt.Ingen aner, at Theis spinder sit net for at skabe splid og ødelæggelse, før en garvet journalist kommer på sporet. Men kan hun nå at afsløre ham, før der ikke er nogen vej tilbage? Og hvem er det, som Theis i virkeligheden er ude efter?Den 6. magt er en thriller, der beskriver et splittet Danmark, hvor elitens hadefulde magtspil får store konsekvenser for mennesker i alle lag af samfundet.
"A year has passed since Elizabeth Palmer was nearly killed with hundreds more in the attempted bombing of St. Paul's in London, believed to be a terrorist act until the police discovered it was a cover for something even more sinister. For Elizabeth, life is finally back to normal. She's optimistic, her painting is getting accolades, when suddenly her world changes in a flash. With three new attempts on her life, and her connection to the terrorist attack, MI-5 gets involved to find out who is trying to kill her and why. Autumn Backman, twelve years old, begrudgingly accepts a summer job to shepherd Tash Navarro, a shy, bullied little boy. He's staying with his uncle while his father and stepmother go on a honeymoon in Europe. Then the unexpected happens. Autumn learns Tash is gifted psychically, like her, and Tash's father, Archer Navarro, is suspected of embezzling from his own firm. The FBI and Interpol are on the case, but Archer and his new wife have disappeared. Tash is scared and convinced his father needs help, so Autumn reaches out to Dillon Savich, the only person she knows who can find them. Desperate for answers, Elizabeth flies to Washington, D.C., to seek out Savich and Sherlock and is assigned Special Agent Rome Foxe for protection. With deadly assailants in terrifying pursuit, Elizabeth and Rome soon find themselves neck deep in danger and in a race for survival."--
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