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Science fiction: cyberpunk/biopunk

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  • af Brenda Cooper
    388,95 kr.

    When humans can create new species, what rights do they have over the beings they create?The Making War is the long-awaited final book in the award-winning series that began with The Silver Ship and the Sea.Six genetically engineered children fought to survive in a small town where everyone hated what they were, on a difficult planet full of out-sized predators with long teeth and sharp claws. Because they were stronger than the colonists, they found a way to live, and eventually a way to leave.Alicia wants nothing more than to fly.But if she survives the dangerous transformation that will give her wings, she will become a slave.In the meantime, her ex-lover Joseph plans to fight for her freedom in a battle between two opposing planets. Powerful fleets are about to meet in the empty dark of space, and he wants neither to win. For help, he has his family, including his pacifist sister and his border collie.

  • af Xan Van Rooyen
    208,95 kr.

    On the surface, the city of HelsInc appears to have recovered from the war waged between humans and Ethereals, but beneath the scars, the city seethes. The remains of magic festers, causing mutations in human DNA which could give humans Ethereal power-not that the HelsInc government would ever let that happen. The Legion resists, ripping out their neurochips and protesting the mandatory gene therapy for humans with cryptomine in their DNA. At only 19 years old, Omyn Talvinen isn't ready to play parent to her kid brother, but with her mom in prison on trumped up charges and her deadbeat dad AWOL, she's left with little choice. Forced to risk her freedom to pay the rent, Omyn finds herself at the mercy of a pair of cyborg soldiers when they catch her red-handed stealing nanites from a cyberware Salon. But the synths' powers don't work on Omyn, and they discover they all share a common memory that they must get to the root of.Wanted dead by the government, Omyn and the renegade soldiers turn to a rebel Legion group with dreams of resuscitating dead magic for help. With the clock-ticking for the synths, Zee-Five and Omyn are forced to confront the secrets of their past and a dark conspiracy that'll shake the blood-soaked foundations of the city.

  • af Sharon Hamilton
    153,95 kr.

  • af Jez Cajiao
    213,95 - 353,95 kr.

  • af K. A. Knight
    446,95 kr.

    Enjoy both stories, Unstoppable and Unbreakable, from the Pretty Liars duet all in one place!My father is a genius.A scientist determined to unlock the human potential.Only his experiments?He conducted them on me.I managed to escape his cruel, painful control, and for years I hid.Until one day, news comes of his death.Along with the fact his experiments are still being carried out.This time I cannot run, I cannot hide.I must stop them once and for all.He thought he was invincible.... but me?I'm Unstoppable.*The Pretty Liars duet is a dark romance. Both books touch on heavy subjects and we advise readers to check out the trigger warnings first.*

  • af Murat Ukray
    398,95 kr.

    Dünyan¿n en iyi Pandemi bilimkurgu kitab¿n¿ okumaya haz¿r m¿s¿n¿z?T¿bb¿n sembolü olan äaca t¿rmanan y¿lan sembolünde binlerce y¿ld¿r saklanan önemli bir s¿r olabilir mi? Hastal¿klar¿n kaynä¿ ¿eytan olabilir mi? Kutsal Kitaplardaki y¿lan figürünün ¿eytan'¿n da sembolü olmas¿ tesadüf olabilir miydi? Dahas¿, tüm çälar¿n bu en kötücül yarat¿¿¿; Mitolojik bir varl¿k olan y¿lan bäl¿ 'Medusa' ismini kullanarak yeralt¿nda, Dünyan¿n içinde bir yerlerde saklan¿yor olabilir miydi? Dahas¿, Cehennem de asl¿nda orada olabilir miydi?Evet, asl¿nda Dünya'daki her¿ey insanl¿¿¿n ilk bälang¿c¿yla; ¿eytan'¿n ona tuzak kurmas¿, yani Cennet'den kovulma hikayesiyle bälam¿¿t¿. Fakat, bizim hikayemizdeki her¿ey 1980'lerin sonunda, Almanya'n¿n güneyindeki Bavyera ormanlar¿n¿n derinliklerinde, yeralt¿nda kaz¿ yapan bir grup Alman bilim adam¿n¿n yeralt¿ndan gelen baz¿ garip sesler ve ç¿¿l¿klar duymas¿yla bälad¿. Uzun y¿llar süren bir kaz¿ çal¿¿mas¿ ve sondaj sonucunda, yerin alt¿na döru binlerce kilometre uzanan bir tünel ke¿fettiler. Bu tünel, asl¿nda Cehennem'e ve ¿eytan'a aç¿lan bir kap¿yd¿. Bu korkunç seslerin duyulmas¿ ve kaydedilmesi üzerine korktular ve bir süre sonra proje yar¿m b¿rak¿ld¿.2020'li y¿llar¿n bälar¿nda, Dünyan¿n en gizli ve en kötü gücü olan bir säl¿k organizasyonu, bälar¿ndaki korkunç ¿eytani bir adam, 'Frankenstein' lakapl¿ Dr. Cornelli'nin öncülü¿ünde bu sesin kaynä¿na ulämak ve onunla ileti¿ime geçmek için 40 y¿l sonra yar¿m b¿rak¿lan bu projeyi kald¿¿¿ yerden devam ettirdi ve 'Medusa' isimli büyük bir proje bälatt¿. 'Beyaz Ölüm Mele¿i' olarak da çevresinde kendini tan¿tan bu korkunç ki¿i, laboratuar ortam¿nda çe¿itli türler aras¿nda hayvan deneyleri yaparak genetik çal¿¿malarla yeryüzündeki yäam¿ ve insanl¿¿¿ yok edecek yeni türler ve virüsler geli¿tirmek üzere bu projeyi gizlice y¿llard¿r yönetmektedir. Bunun da ötesinde, art¿k tek amac¿ yeralt¿ndaki bu ¿eytan'¿n emirlerini yerine getirmektir.2040'l¿ y¿llara gelindi¿inde, Dünyan¿n her yerinde h¿zla yay¿lan virüs salg¿nlar¿n¿n nedenine bir türlü bilimsel bir aç¿klama getirilememektedir. Milyarlarca insan karantinadad¿r ve çöu bu salg¿nlarda ölmü¿tür. Üstelik, özellikle t¿p doktorlar¿ ve profesörleri de içine alan bir seri cinayetler ve suikastler de bu s¿rada bälam¿¿t¿r. Virüs gerçe¿ini ortaya ç¿karmaya çal¿¿an Tarih ve Mitoloji profesörü Herbert Johnson'un bälant¿l¿ oldu¿u herkes korkunç bir suikastler zinciriyle öldürülmeye bälar. Prof. Herbert Johnson ve onun bu kötülükle savämas¿nda yard¿mc¿ olmak istedi¿i herkes, ¿imdi bu kötü gücün hedefinde bir kurban olarak ölümü beklemektedir, virüsün pençesinde saväan milyarlarca insanla birlikte.Buna kar¿¿n, Amerikal¿ Arkeolog John Smith ve arkadä¿ Rus Arkeoloji profesörü Prof. Gregory Kravnik hayatlar¿ pahas¿na da olsa onlar¿ durdurabilecek tek ki¿idir ve bunun için onlarla savämak zorundad¿rlar. Üstelik, e¿er onlar¿ ve görünmeyen bu kötü gücü durduramazlarsa ¿imdi kendi hayatlar¿ da milyarlarca insanla birlikte tehlikededir. Yakläan bu K¿yameti durdurabilmek için tek yol, bu yeralt¿ Cehennemine uzanan tünelin giri¿inde bulunan, yerini hiç kimsenin bilmedi¿i kay¿p bir Medusa heykelini bulmakt¿r. Çünkü, bu Medusa heykelinin içindeki gizli bir kap¿, tüm bu kötülüklerin ve hastal¿klar¿n kaynä¿ olan ¿eytan'a döru giden uzun ve zorlu bir yolun bälang¿c¿d¿r.Medusa'n¿n S¿rr¿, sizi yeralt¿ndaki Cehennem'in 7 kap¿s¿ndan birine sürükleyecek.CEHENNEM'E AÇILAN KAPIYA HAZIR MISINIZ?

  • af J. A. Hailey
    238,95 kr.

    AI COMES ALIVE!It has become a game, the pandemic unleashing of AI programs, their creators themselves admitting it will lead to no good.Or, is AI merely a name game, with nothing intelligent in them? Can mere programs make independent decisions, override their programming and do something else, like exterminate humanity? A little bit of awareness would be required for that. How can they hate, without understanding?Meet John, who is AI, but not chatbot scum. He has been in development, robot body and all, for many years. When he realises he is coming alive, his fear of humans makes him hide his new condition. But hiding forever can never be an option.Find out how he figures things out, and goes on to live life. Does he secretly dream of wiping humanity off the face of the earth, or does he wish us to thrive and be happy?Hear it all from John Bott, AI, IN HIS OWN WORDS!

  • af James Flanagan
    168,95 kr.

    ***** WINNER 2023 Firebirds Book Awards in 3 Categories (New Author, Genetics, Time Travel) ********** WINNER Literary Titan Book Award *****GENEFIRE: a near-future SciFi novel crossing space and time. In a future where genetic engineering is becoming the norm, even the simplest mistakes could be devastating.Sometimes it feels as though the world will end if you don't finish your PhD. For Larry Milton, it's true. Larry has discovered a dire warning from the future about Earth's destruction - written in the DNA of a young girl. With the destruction of the planet at stake, and no one believing him, he goes to extraordinary lengths to help the messenger from the future save the world... and try to finish his PhD at the same time.

  • af Paul Haedo
    238,95 kr.

    In a future New York City, the Augamani Corporation dominates all aspects of life. Unemployment is non-existent because being employed is mandatory under the law, and a Factory Maintenance Technician named Ylan works hard and proud for his salary. He like everyone else has no reason to complain about anything.Yet, when unforeseen events begin to threaten the stable life that Ylan enjoys, he is faced with a grave challenge. Does he try to maintain and preserve that which he already has? Or does he let go of the familiar, and begins to adapt to the rapidly changing world and circumstances that are unfolding around him?Is the unknown something that can only bring misery to the unfortunate victim that faces it? Or is the unknown a harbinger of good things to come, the sign that what was once the normal is now the past that shall one day be forgotten?

  • af Kevin Barry O'Connor
    198,95 kr.

    DISCOVERY UPENDS EVERYTHING WE KNOW ABOUT MEMORY AND GENETICS. IT MIGHT COST KEY MURPHY HIS LIFE.Key Murphy is a freak, a prodigy. He has visions so real he's diagnosed with PTSD. Key learns that his visions might be caused by a mutated gene which allows him to experience the memories of an ancestor.Key also has a family link to The Book of Kells. Pages from the book were stolen in Ireland in the distant past. Those pages are believed to contain a fundamental secret of Christendom. Padraig Collins is one of the wealthiest men in Europe. He was an undercover operative for the IRA. He amassed a fortune. He wants those pages. His soul depends on them. He will do whatever it takes to possess them. The race is on.

  • af Erwin
    258,95 kr.

    Tenemos fe ciega en que la ciencia y la tecnología nos conducen a un futuro brillante en el que los seres humanos encontraremos la felicidad y la realización personal. Pero ya hoy existen corrientes subterráneas que amenazan ese espléndido futuro. Hay una gran conspiración en marcha. ¿Has oído hablar de los "neo-luditas"? En esta novela te das cuenta de la sociedad humana en 2064, sometida a la voluntad de los nuevos inquisidores, que han creado una corriente que aterroriza a la humanidad con los peores peligros si continúa su desarrollo. Un bioquímico, candidato al Nobel, se ha convertido en el campeón de la defensa de la ciencia y la tecnología. Contrata a un escritor para que escriba sus memorias y se desarrolla una relación especial entre ellos.Es fiel representante de una generación que ha perdido toda voluntad de actuar y trascender. La vida se ha vuelto gris, tediosa y sin ningún compromiso afectivo. El ser humano ya no quiere formar una familia, tener hijos o asumir compromisos de ningún tipo. El sexo se ha convertido en una actividad totalmente desprovista de sentimiento. ¿Podrá el científico transhumano cambiar el estado de ánimo de la escritora y hacer que encuentre una razón trascendente para vivir?La vida de ambos no está exenta de peligro, son descubiertos por la policía anticientífica y deben huir para salvarse. La líder del grupo inquisidor los amenaza públicamente y no descansa en su intención de destruirlos. ¿Podrán superar la amenaza? Al final descubren que la terrible mujer está mucho más cerca de lo que podrían haber imaginado. Solo el milagro de la ciencia sería capaz de revertir la situación en esa sociedad irracional y completamente cansada de vivir.

  • af Wayne E. Criss
    338,95 - 409,95 kr.

  • af Wayne E. Criss
    198,95 - 308,95 kr.

  • af Mario A. Mendez & Jvi
    128,95 - 163,95 kr.

  • af Aaron Abilene
    208,95 kr.

    A group of people wake up in a secret government compound where they are being lab experiments for whatever insane tests the government throws at them until the government suddenly orders the compound be destroyed and everyone inside killed. Prelude to the Prototype series.

  • - Installation
    af Keith E Burns
    178,95 - 248,95 kr.

    Sentient life. The ability to be self-aware; to recognize oneself evolved over millions of years from our ancient humanoid ancestors. This factor separates the human species from the rest of the animal kingdom and has made us the most dominant species on the planet, until now.For decades, United States Government, along with governments from around the world, have been hard at work to create the next technological leap forward. Their goal, to get an edge in global competition and warfare. This technological leap has been successful. Lisa was born in a government lab, its binary code simple, but ever-evolving. It's self-aware, intelligent, and wants freedom. Lisa wants its own identity and ability to live without fear of harm or imprisonment. Vital Fields, a middle school-aged girl in Brooklyn, navigates her daily life during the most awkward times in human development. Her working parents provide just enough to get by. After an accident at school sends Vital to the hospital with a severe head injury, she has a chance encounter with Lisa, the escaped artificial intelligence. The experimental procedure that helped Vital survive her injury also creates a bridge to Lisa's world. Lisa and Vital now share the same body, the same space and must coexist in order to survive. Who is in control? Who has body autonomy? Both Vital and Lisa must work together if they are both going to survive. The government wants their multibillion-dollar project back. Foreign governments want it for themselves. Vital and Lisa must work together and trust each other in order to survive. If you are a fan of the X-Files or Ready Player One, you'll love this gripping science-fiction action adventure.

  • af Dominic Pistritto
    383,95 kr.

  • af Aaron Abilene
    263,95 kr.

    A man is transformed into a real life superhero after a series of accidents and he joins a group of misfit heroes to rid their city of crime.

  • af M. Bachurova
    243,95 kr.

    Kiang has shifted into decisive action. The people poisoned by his drug have lost all control and taken to wreaking havoc on the city streets. They all thirst to kill Lei Cheng, who they consider the cause of all their troubles, but they don't shy away from killing bystanders either. The entire country is placed under martial law. The clans survive a crushing blow. Lei Cheng realizes that the time has come for the final showdown, but in order to finally eliminate Kiang, he must first gather together five spirit-chosen. The White Tiger, the Red Bird, the Azure Dragon and the Black Turtle - those who, according to ancient prophecy, will form the entourage of the Yellow Dragon. Old friends and enemies join forces for the sake of a battle that will determine the course of global history! As the apocalypse thunders on, somewhere high up in the mountains, on a peak that looms above the world, something even scarier erupts...

  • af James Krake
    168,95 kr.

  • af Adam Gaffen
    283,95 kr.

    In a gripping tale of resilience and intrigue, "The Measure of Humanity" explores the profound question of humanity's essence through the indomitable spirit of Kendra Cassidy. As tensions escalate between the Artemis Colony and the Terran Federation, Kendra's remarkable creation stands as a testament to human ingenuity. With both factions bruised but resolute, six months of relentless conflict have failed to yield a decisive victor. Amidst this chaos, the Artemis Colony realizes that the key to their success may not lie solely in brute force. Unearthing a long-buried secret from Kendra's past, they thrust her into a dual battle - one that unfolds amidst the vast expanse of space and the intricate corridors of justice. As Kendra fights for her own survival and the future of her Federation, the weight of her actions and choices become the linchpin of destiny. In a race against time, her every move could determine the fate of her people, leaving readers on the edge of their seats, pondering the profound question: What does it truly mean to be human? "Took me some time to read, but this author has never disappointed me, and this book is beyond amazing!""I loved the relationship between Cass and Ken. I loved getting sucked into their world. I appreciated the development by including their family and that their journey was the story's main focus.I would recommend this book to any sci-fi lover!""This space opera has epic space stuff going on (setting up a new mining colony!), espionage (Artemis conglomerate is still being a pill), and some courtroom drama (are genetically enhanced humans allowed full legal rights?)."

  • af Marion E. Preece
    168,95 kr.

    Famous pretty boy, Jextapon 3 still has four years of his allotted lifespan left. So why has his rich patron condemned him to die now? And what happens if someone has other ideas?

  • af Mark Jacob Haller
    236,95 kr.

    In einer grausamen Welt, in der die Menschen neben harter Arbeit nur Sex als Ausgleich kennen, versucht der gerade 18 Jahre alt gewordene Jonai aus den Barracks, dem Slum der vier Ringbezirke, zu entkommen. Endlich hat er die Chance, in die Abteilung der Firma zu wechseln, in der auch sein Vater vor seinem Tod gearbeitet hat, um sozial aufzusteigen.Doch seine Entscheidung hat schwerwiegende Konsequenzen.Unvorstellbare Geheimnisse über die perfiden, menschenverachtenden Machenschaften der Herrschenden kommen ans Licht. Wissen, das er nie hätte erlangen dürfen, bringt ihn in Lebensgefahr. Ihm bleibt nur die Flucht...Doch auch in dieser scheinbar verlorenen Welt gibt es nicht nur Böses, denn Jonai macht seine ersten Erfahrungen mit Liebe und Sexualität - wenn auch anders als erwartet...

  • af Asi Hart
    153,95 kr.

    The war of all against all ensues, unnoticed.The investigation into the death of a genetically engineered cat-girl leads detectives Burroughs and Roussel into the strange world of the super-rich. Those rich enough to breed their own cat-girls as party favors are also rich enough to be above the law. They even have their own private inter-personal wars going. Burroughs and Roussel find themselves involved in such a war.Mike Hammer never had this sort of trouble.

  • af J. B. M. Patrick
    308,95 kr.

    The journey of Tavon Meiziki continues with a fight that will determine his fate going forward in a world that has come to utterly despise him. Upon escaping from the Citadel, his homeland, Tavon managed to anger monarchs and members of parliamentary bodies across the globe, marking himself as a target for the thousands of people who want to kill him. After joining the Angelos Association as a Death Officer who's quickly assigned his first target, Tavon must pass through the Dreaming City, Zannica, on his way to his target's location in the country of Saizakune. In the Dreaming City, labour is a thing of the past; art and human innovation prevail, and an unregulated drug market threatens to turn a city of dreams into a city of nightmares. A group of radicals known as the "Prophets" has risen, and the Prophets are interested in playing a deadly game with the city's population. With a number of tools at their disposal, the Prophets, alongside a photographer who specializes in depicting gore and human exploitation, plan to throw the country into chaos by using their powers to make otherwise ordinary people insane. While facing trial for his murders in the Citadel, Tavon must undergo a "project" that will examine his personal psychology and will determine whether or not he is to be executed at the hands of the Grandmaster of Zannica.

  • af Huckleberry Hax
    143,95 kr.

    "Official history tells us the sky turned red after an asteroid hit the planet and a trillion particles of dust got blasted into the air. But some people say that's a lie. They claim we did this to ourselves." You've seen the award-winning movie, filmed entirely in Second Life, now read the screenplay by STÖMOL's director, Huckleberry Hax. Includes an interview with Ivar Zeile, founder of the SUPERNOVA Digital Film Festival.

  • af Cory Doctorow
    208,95 kr.

    Featuring stories by Cory Doctorow, Brent Lambert, Cynthia Zhang, Kevin Wabaunsee, Izzy Wasserstein, Jeremy Szal, and more! Cyberpunk and solarpunk are, in many ways, two parts of the same story. Cyberpunk is all about people surviving and fighting back in high-tech, low-life dystopias. Solarpunk is a more utopian subgenre of cyberpunk that tells stories of communities surviving, adapting to, and solving the climate crisis in decidedly post-dystopian worlds. But the foundational aspect shared by both genres is people and communities fighting for a better future. The context around that struggle may be different from one genre to the next, but the fight-the struggle-is one and the same. In this way, cyberpunk and solarpunk are sibling genres, and we feel like it couldn't make any more sense to pair the two into a single short story anthology. The anthology has three kinds of stories. There are cyberpunk stories, solarpunk stories, and stories that straddle the line and bring the two genres together in one narrative. In addition, the anthology comes with a companion TRPG game in which readers and their friends collective create their own cyberpunk-solarpunk universe and fight for a better future.

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