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Science fiction: apokalyptisk og postapokalyptisk

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  • af Enki Bilal
    263,95 kr.

    Hvad er en BUG? Svaret kan være:- en fejl i en computers funktion eller programmering- en infektion eller et sygdomsfremkaldende virus - en skjult aflytningsmekanisme, for eksempel i en telefon- en insektlignende, udenjordisk organisme som har taget kontrollen over et menneskes kropI 2041 indtræffer et globalt digitalt sammenbrud, som med ét slag udraderer al data i hele verden. Fra det ene øjeblik til det andet må menneskeheden forsøge at klare sig uden computere, internet og kunstig intelligens. Snart begynder man fra forskellig side at mistænke kosmonauten Kameron Obb – den eneste overlevende fra en ekspedition til Mars – for at have noget med sammenbruddet at gøre. Og ikke nok med det: Obb lader til personligt at være i besiddelse af al den forsvundne data, hvilket snart gør ham til verdens mest eftersøgte menneske.Med BUG har Enki Bilal skabt en futuristisk fabel om den digitale tidsalder – og de risici vi løber, når vi lader computerne overtage vores liv.En dystopisk tegneserie til tiden, kunne man næsten sige. Andet bind udkommer i foråret 2021 og tredje og sidste bind i efteråret 2021.

  • af Enki Bilal
    213,95 kr.

    Hvad er en BUG? Svaret kan være:- en fejl i en computers funktion eller programmering- en infektion eller et sygdomsfremkaldende virus - en skjult aflytningsmekanisme, for eksempel i en telefon- en insektlignende, udenjordisk organisme som har taget kontrollen over et menneskes kropI 2041 indtræffer et globalt digitalt sammenbrud, som med ét slag udraderer al data i hele verden. Fra det ene øjeblik til det andet må menneskeheden forsøge at klare sig uden computere, internet og kunstig intelligens. Snart begynder man fra forskellig side at mistænke kosmonauten Kameron Obb – den eneste overlevende fra en ekspedition til Mars – for at have noget med sammenbruddet at gøre. Og ikke nok med det: Obb lader til personligt at være i besiddelse af al den forsvundne data, hvilket snart gør ham til verdens mest eftersøgte menneske.Med BUG har Enki Bilal skabt en futuristisk fabel om den digitale tidsalder – og de risici vi løber, når vi lader computerne overtage vores liv.En dystopisk tegneserie til tiden, kunne man næsten sige. Andet bind udkommer i foråret 2021 og tredje og sidste bind i efteråret 2021.

  • af Torben Pedersen
    298,95 kr.

    De havde viljen og ressourcerne til både at dømme og straffe, men havde de retten til det? Og havde de ret i dommen? Kan en dom afsiges in absentia, hvis den dømte aldrig havde hørt om retssagen? Kim forstod måske - af sine egne unikke grunde - bedre end nogen anden, hvor det bar henad, men gjorde den viden nogen forskel? Spørgsmålet var rimeligt nok: Hvad ville du selv gøre med en flok gale hunde? En eksistentialistisk sci-fi roman om adfærd, fordømmelse og ultimativt menneskehedens overlevelse. * * * * * ... velskrevet dansk science fiction af international klasse. * * * * * ... det er en af den slags historier, som man får lyst til at genlæse, for bedre at forstå alle aspekter, hvis det er muligt. "Hvad er god litteratur? Jeg må i hvert fald konstatere, at hvis god litteratur er litteratur der tvinger læseren til refleksion og gentagen overvejelse over det læste, så er det virkelig god litteratur."

  • af Karel Čapek
    206,95 kr.

    Dette er Peter Bugges nyoversættelse af Karel Čapeks berømte dystopiske roman fra 1936 der ikke har været oversat til dansk siden 1937. Denne nye udgave er tro mod det grafiske design fra den originale tjekkiske udgave men tilføjer også nye visuelle elementer og illustrationer.Den satiriske gennemgang af alle det moderne samfunds magtfaktorer er stadig relevante i dag. Ingen er sikre når salamandrene kommer!“I dag lever der på hele jordkloden cirka tyve milliarder civiliserede salamandre, altså cirka ti gange så mange som alle mennesker tilsammen; det fremgår deraf med biologisk nødvendighed og historisk logik, at salamandrene, som er undertrykt, må befri sig; at de, da de er homogene, må forene sig; og at de, når de så-ledes er blevet til den største magt, verden nogen sinde har set, nødvendigvis må overtage herredømmet over verden. Tror I, at de er så tåbelige, at de så vil skåne mennesket?”Uddrag fra Wolf Meynerts værk: ”Untergang der Menschheit”.

  • - Mr. Blue Sky, English
    af Claus Bork
    228,95 kr.

    Artificial Intelligens (A.I.) is computercode, that is able to make decisions and perform tasks, all by itself. Today A.I. is used to run the stock exchanges, air traffic controls, self-driving vehicles and a variety of other tasks. In the future, there will be no limits to the use of A.I.In this novel, an A.I. allies with the human Dave, which, in the beginning, has disastrous consequences for Dave - but later on causes enormous upheavals for all of humanity...

  • af Christopher Sand-Iversen
    148,95 kr.

    Idyllia began as a thought experiment. What would happen if idyllic scenarios that people imagine in their minds were turned into realities in the world? How might these personal idylls become dystopian when their lack of social engagement becomes apparent?Over the course of the writing, various stories went off in different directions, departing wildly from the author’s initial ideas and control, popping up unexpectedly in exhibitions of contemporary art, coming into being and existing only in digital form...Eventually the author realised he had come to write a sort of sci-fi without really having had the intention, and along the way unearthed the previously unknown genre of Idyllic Factualism.The stories in Idyllia ask difficult questions about human imagination and will, the nature of the near future, and suggest beginnings of answers that are unexpected and surprising.

  • af René Rasmussen
    228,95 kr.

    Dette er en fortælling om en farefuld livsfærd for de unge krigere Hvea og Daam, vokset op i en mørk verden besmittet med vold og ondskab nedarvet fra undergangen passeret i det 21. århundrede. De er børn af to tilbageværende totalitære teknomagter – Domed Kosmos Berlin og New Mega Moscow – som bekriger hinanden for at få overherredømmet. Befolkningerne er holdt i et jerngreb som undersåtter og kanonføde. Øen Dark Land er hjem for uregerlige krigerstammer med deres styrke af humaniode dræberbotter, totalt overlegne mennesker, kaldet supraer. Dark Land bliver brugt som bufferzone mellem de krigsførende bystater med hensigten at hærde krigere, kyborgere, supraer og til at teste nye våben. I det arrede, vindblæste ruinlandskab dækkende det meste af øen kaster kamppatruljer fra de tre fraktioner sig ind i blodige sammenstød for at træne krigens kunst. Despoterne fra Domed Kosmos Berlin og New Mega Moscow ser fordele i at opretholde Dark Land-ordningen. Det er også en måde at holde den altødelæggende totalkrig fra døren – i det mindste for et stykke tid.Forskerne og ingeniørerne fra Supradivisionen i New Mega Moscow har opfundet medieuafhængig avanceret maskinintelligens kropsliggjort i en ny generation af supraer.Opdukken af tre prototyper på slagmarken trækker fronterne hårdt op og sætter tingene i bevægelse. En dødsensfarlig trussel og prøvelser lurer i kulissen, ikke mindst for den smukke krigerinde Hvea, kropskunstprydet med en selvfortærende drageslange. Vil Hvea og Daam slippe levende fra deres møde med Dark Lands hårdføre indfødte og den legendariske general Arkan? Situationen kalder på åbenhed, mod og handlekraft kun at finde i udvalgte få fra menneskenes rækker. I mørket stjernerne lyser klarest!Uddrag af bogenHvea løftede hjelmvisiret op og kunne med ét smage salt i luften og lugte havet. Dette til trods for at det fra den indtagede stilling ikke var muligt at se det smalle sund mellem den ødelagte by på den vestvendte kyst beliggende lige overfor Dark Land. Nogle høje ruinbebyggelser blokerede havudsigten fra stedet. Spetsnaz-teamet fra New Mega Moscow var ved at være i taktisk position til at indlede angrebet på en mindre gruppe low-techere. Patruljen havde sporet og jaget gruppen fra indlandet helt ud til ruinbebyggelserne ved Øresunds vestlige kystlinje. De havde i desperation forsøgt at undslippe ved at søge ind i denne højhusbebyggede bydel på en mindre ø i udkanten af det ødelagte urbane område. Det var en forkert beslutning. Den eneste flugtvej, de havde tilbage, var en svømmetur til Dark Land. Havde jeg været i deres situation, var jeg hoppet i og havde crawlet som en gal. Den chance var forpasset. Det var enden for disse stakler. Hvea gøs en smule ved tanken. Om forfatterenI 2016 faldt valget på Amager Strand efter mere end tyve år med bopæl i udlandet, da familien stod overfor at skulle flytte tilbage til Danmark. Forfatteren er gift og far til to. En eksamen i erhvervsjura kombineret med en lederuddannelse i Forsvaret ledte af livets kringlede veje til medejerskab af startups i ind- og udland. Efter hjemflytningen tog karrieren en drejning med et embedsmandsjob. Familielivet, iværksætteri, træning, videbegærlighed over for en vifte af emner, rejser og rekreativ dykning rundtom i verden har stået i centrum for forfatterens voksenliv.

  • af Michael Richardson
    165,95 - 293,95 kr.

  • af Finn Ole Boller
    199,95 kr.

    Was Sie gerade in der Hand halten oder aber auf dem Bildschirm des technischen Geräts Ihrer Wahl sehen, ist ein Buch. Wenn Sie wissen wollen, worum es geht, nun, fangen Sie an zu lesen!

  • af Cj Rivera
    138,95 kr.

    From debut-author CJ Rivera, comes a harrowing tale of a parent risking it all for her child. The Final Orchard is perfect for those looking for a novel that captures them like television shows Silo and Black Mirror.In a society where bionic enhancements are the epitome of wealth and power, scientific researcher Dr Rosio Arata threatens to topple the status quo with her pioneering organic enhancements. Yet when a horrific accident kills her daughter, Ro's quest for answers leads her to becoming trapped in a twisted version of her life's work.In a bleak underground colony, sixteen year-old Ever is primed to rise through the ranks, gain selection and become a Saviour. It's her dream to journey to the Surface and fight the army of Forms overwhelming the globe, catching up with the boy she loves in the process. Yet nothing in this world is what it seems and soon the secrets buried in her bunker begin to unravel, threatening the future of everything.

  • af Anna Kavan
    218,95 kr.

    Dag for dag, time for time, sekund for sekund rykker isen nærmere, fryser alt på sin vej, dækker landskabet med sne. Overalt er der krig. Gennem denne ødelagte verden forfølger en mand en bleg, skrøbelig, sølvhåret pige på evig flugt i en stadig mere hallucinatorisk og uvirkelig jagt. Is er en drøm fortalt i en krystallinsk prosa.Den er blevet læst som feministisk og postapokalyptisk science fiction, katastroferoman, roman nouveau, koldkrigsthriller og allegori over forfatterens eget heroinmisbrug, men er først og fremmest højst uvirkelig. Den regnes for Anna Kavans hovedværk og er en moderne britisk klassiker.

  • af Karin Kratt
    305,95 kr.

    ** Perfektion hat immer ihren Preis. Bist du bereit, ihn zu bezahlen? **Eine Urteilsfällerin, die keine Urteile fällen möchte ...Der Sohn des Gardecaptains, der nur Verachtung kennt ...Ein junger Genetiker, zu intelligent für diese Welt ...Und eine angehende Magistratin, die vor der Realität die Augen verschließt ...Die sechzehnjährigen Jugendlichen Aleah, Jase, Celtan und Neia haben auf den ersten Blick kaum etwas gemein. Sie leben in verschiedenen Städten der einzigen noch bestehenden Nation des Planeten. Dunkelheit, Kälte sowie rigorose Gesetze bestimmen ihren Alltag.Ausgerechnet diese vier werden jedoch von Ethan Travis, dem jüngsten Commander einer gefährlichen Widerstandsgruppe, aufgesucht. Denn das Geheimnis, das sich um die Geburt von Aleah, Jase, Celtan und Neia rankt, könnte alles verändern.Nur - wie sinnvoll ist es, ein System zu verändern, das zwar gnadenlos tötet, aber gleichzeitig auch für den schwierigen Erhalt der Menschheit sorgt? Viel Zeit für die Beantwortung dieser Frage bleibt nicht, setzen die Machtinhaber der United Nation doch alles daran, die törichten Rebellen ein für allemal zu vernichten. Und so werden Aleah, Jase, Celtan und Neia schon sehr bald in einen entsetzlichen Kampf verwickelt, dessen Ausgang für die Welt noch weitaus bedeutsamer werden wird, als es selbst Commander Travis je vermutet hätte ...Ein fantastisch dystopischer Roman über die Erde im 23. Jahrhundert.

  • af Christian Gehring
    383,95 kr.

    Inmitten einer Operation erwacht der erfolgreiche Betriebswirt Lukas und findet sich als einzigen Überlebenden unter Toten wieder. In einer menschenleeren Welt führt er einen verzweifelten Kampf gegen quälende Fragen, erschütternde Eindrücke und eine zerstörerische Einsamkeit.

  • af Shami Stovall
    168,95 kr.

    A young woman takes up her grandfather's legacy to bring peace to a post-alien-invasion America in this thriller from the Dragon Award-nominated author. Hacker Kita Yamasaki is a survivor, a fighter, and the granddaughter of Dr. Benjamin Yamasaki. Once the sole human ambassador seeking peace with the alien Teth, now the doctor is long dead-and only Kita holds the knowledge that can save humanity. Though she's already foiled one effort to destroy Earth and forged an alliance with the violent, power-armored Judge Gascoigne, new threats arise. Namely, the Iron-Blooded cultists, who wish to ally themselves with the aliens in exchange for their own lives. As they bray for her blood, Kita takes off- along with Bishop, junk hunter and trusted ally-through the blasted post-apocalyptic world that remains after humankind's betrayal to the murderous alien Vay. But all is not lost . . . Kita's growing stronger, romance is blooming between her and Bishop, and most importantly, she has experienced a vision of a new Earth, in which aliens and humans work together to build an inhabitable planet out of the wasteland. Can she bring an end to the fighting before mutual hatred destroys them all? "A fantastic read . . . Kita is so much more than a hacker, and the world she moves through isn't just lethal-it feels uncomfortably familiar, and incredibly close." -Terry Maggert, coauthor of the Backyard Starship series

  • af Millie Copper
    173,95 kr.

    Is their world finally safe now that the preacher and his followers are behind bars?Surviving the apocalyptic winter in the Black Hills of South Dakota is hard enough. But when sinister forces shatter Katie's world, her fight for survival reaches a whole new level of intensity.With all the unknowns surrounding the attacks, the preacher's group, and the drug overdoses, Katie and Leo aren't sure who they can trust...or who is out to harm the people of Rapid City.Can the perpetrators be caught before they claim even more lives? Or will their next attack be the deadliest one yet?Grab your book today, and discover why readers love this twist on the post-apocalyptic genre!Deceptive Mayhem: Dakota Destruction Book 4 is the highly anticipated spinoff to the bestselling Havoc in Wyoming and Montana Mayhem Christian Futuristic series, which follows societal collapse from a small-town perspective. Featuring engaging scenarios, riveting action, and flawed yet strong and complex characters, the Dakota Destruction series is perfect for fans of Mark Goodwin, Jamie Lee Grey, and Kyla Stone.The Dakota Destruction series can be described as "Cozy" Apocalypse and contains no profanity, gratuitous sex scenes, or overly detailed gruesome death scenes. However, it does contain conservative family values and references to God, prayer, scripture, and Christianity.

  • af Paul Varichon
    204,95 - 279,95 kr.

  • af Ahmer Bashir
    268,95 kr.

    Fantasy quest story about a boy who must restore a planet from darkness. Aiden is tasked to locate the Hell Queen's hosts on an alien world where he hopes to find his fireborn father.Aiden has no memory of the Immortal realm but quickly realises the Mother of All Missions has begun. Why was slayer Wayne swapped with his brothers and sisters? Of course, he knows the first step is to befriend the ghost. The ghost tells him he has no choice but to lead his unsuspecting siblings onto a dark world to restore the Heart of Ethyrus. Matthew and Arif don't know what dangers lie ahead. Aroosa is snatched by sirens. Eliza is possessed by a dead queen. Aiden must learn to trust the ghost and the skills he has, to unmask the Hell Queen's hosts. Where danger lies, humans play. Where humans play, devils wait.Author's note: This story was born as a metaphor for the trials of living with a life-long illness. Characters came to life. Life demands drama. Drama demands soul.

  • af J. M. Ammoun
    308,95 kr.

    Four lives. Four paths. One inevitable end.In the corporate-controlled city-state of Midian, the Mantle, a sprawling metal platform, divides the upper echelons from the middle class of the Undercity. Here, the lives of four citizens are inextricably linked in a gripping narrative of redemption, ambition, and treachery.Burdened by a haunting past, Atlas Ramsay returns to Midian's Undercity seeking atonement for his sins. But when a burgeoning relationship with a young woman from his youth derails his plans for redemption, his buried secrets threaten to shake the city's foundation when they are finally revealed.Samantha Salem must navigate a complex web of political alliances and rivalries after the murder of her mentor, the famed Undercity leader Jericho Sands. But to preserve the peace and guide the city through its darkest hour, she must endure the wrath of her rivals in her struggle for power. Arvin, a forsaken child of the Faith, becomes embroiled in a perilous game of survival and revenge. But when his unwitting role in a catastrophic plot to seize control of the city is revealed, nobody is safe from the pain of his loss. Amidst the unfolding drama, Solomon Sands, Midian's Grand Magus, battles a waning faith. Consumed by jealousy and a desperate desire for reverence, his attempts to reinvigorate the masses only serve to fuel the shadowy forces pulling the city's strings. As their paths collide, a conspiracy unravels, forever altering life beneath the Mantle.

  • af Sarah Cole
    168,95 - 258,95 kr.

  • af Janet Mcnulty
    423,95 kr.

    Book 3 of the Enchained TrilogyRebellion brews among the people of Arel, putting Noni in a dangerous position as President Tapiwa watches her every move, but she is not the only one. Noni finds herself being followed by a mysterious figure. Discontent grows, and Noni's own rebellious spirit yearns to break free, but the cost may be more than she can bear. As the unrest continues, Noni learns a dark secret that will force her to make a choice: one from which there is no escape.¿If you like the chilling world of We and the suspenseful, gritty nature of Fahrenheit 451, you'll find yourself engrossed as Noni struggles with reclaiming her lost humanity while trapped in a dystopian world of total government control.

  • af Kat Bostick
    168,95 kr.

    When I started college in Seattle, I expected that I would change. What I didn't expect was that I would change into someone starving, filthy, and prone to sleeping tangled in blackberry bushes to protect myself from predators of the animal and human variety.No one knows why the lights went out. One minute there was Instagram and ice cream and the next, nothing. Black. Darkness absolute.There was power rumored in the east, settlements with wind energy that were still thriving amidst the chaos. I fled the west coast with a small group, chasing a sliver of hope. That hope was quickly snuffed out, leaving me all alone in the world.Until I wasn't alone. They found me deep in the forest. I ran and they gave chase. Death was on my heel when I landed at the feet of an unwilling savior. With a cabin, a farm, and a lifetime of survival skills, Joshua was the perfect companion for the apocalypse. If only he wanted companionship.It's hard to earn his trust and even harder to keep it. At a glance, he seems to be nothing more than an off-kilter backwoods prepper with a grudge against humanity. The longer I look, the more I begin to see the man behind the harsh words and unkempt beard.As reluctant as he is to keep me, Joshua just might need me. After all, no one survives the end of the world alone.Moonshine is a slow burn new adult romance in a dystopian/end of the world setting. Sensitive readers should check the trigger warnings before reading. It is not a closed-door romance, but it is low on the spice scale.

  • af Benjamin E. Charles
    183,95 kr.

    Love whispers in the silence of desolation.In the brutal aftermath of a solar apocalypse, a resilient band of survivors emerge from the ashen ruins, their hearts ablaze with a desperate need for hope. As they navigate the treacherous remnants of civilisation, an insidious force threatens to extinguish the flickering flames of innocence. United by an unwavering determination, the survivors embark on a daring mission that unravels the threads of redemption and lays bare the profound sacrifices required. This heart-wrenching post-apocalyptic tale delves deep into the shadows of morality, where every choice resonates with the weight of consequences. A riveting journey through the complexities of survival, sacrifice, and the relentless pursuit of a new dawn.

  • af Megan Boley
    193,95 - 363,95 kr.

    This gripping post-apocalyptic dystopian book is full of plot twists and complex characters with dark secrets who overcome their inner demons to band together and save humanity.

  • af Benjamin Liar
    288,95 kr.

    "From a debut voice comes a genre-breaking blend of apocalyptic sci-fi and epic fantasy about a scattered group of unlikely heroes traveling across their broken mechanical planet to stave off eternal darkness"--

  • af Joe Gillis
    103,95 kr.

    In a world on the brink of destruction, Post-Apocalyptic Joe in a Cinematic Wasteland, Episode 2 takes readers on an edge-of-your-seat adventure. Joe faces the desolate aftermath of a global cataclysm head-on and embarks on a perilous journey of self-discovery and purpose. Along the way, he discovers the true power of friendship and how to survive no matter how tough things get. With suspenseful twists and turns, Joe's journey will leave you on the edge of your seat. If you enjoyed Ready Player One, you'll love Post-Apocalyptic Joe in a Cinematic Wasteland.

  • af M. J. Wassmer
    118,95 kr.

    'Fun, action-packed and wildly original' CULTUREFLY 'Five Stars, Would Recommend' GRADY HENDRIX'Lord of the Flies crashes headfirst into The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' BENJAMIN STEVENSON> Passport> Suncream> Apocalypse???What happens when you're on holiday and the sun explodes? Professional underachiever Dan Foster is finally taking a break. Sure, his life has been average at best and, yes, he has never has quite lived up to his potential. But after a few Bud Lights in paradise with his girlfriend Mara, things are starting to look up. Then the sun explodes. With the island suddenly plunged into darkness, the ultra-rich guests hijack the remaining supplies and declare themselves the new ruling class. Led by a fitness influencer turned ruthless dictator, martial law is declared and the hoi polloi are press-ganged into service. And it's just Dan's luck that he could land an even worse job while on holiday. As temperatures drop and class tensions rise, Dan might have found a way for himself and Mara to escape the island. But sneaking away would also mean abandoning the burgeoning revolution that he might-have-kind-of-sort-of single-handedly started.'A must-read' BOOKLIST'Totally original' ALICE BELL'Fresh, fun and completely brilliant' SARAH BONNER

  • af Melody Bluen
    488,95 - 528,95 kr.

  • af R. Scott Reath
    308,95 kr.

    In 2030, tyranny reigns under the illusion of democracy. A single defiant spirit seeks kinship among a treacherous citizenry. Facing a corrupt gov't Military grade robots, guards with microwave emitting rifles and constant surveillance, One defiant voice recruits a handful of fugitives to escape the planet in the pale hope of eluding a world on the verge of inhuman darkness.

  • af Hugh Howey
    423,95 kr.

    SEASON 2 OF THE ACCLAIMED SILO SERIES -- BASED ON BOOK 1, WOOL -- NOW ON APPLE TV+A special, beautifully designed edition of the first book in the New York Times bestselling Silo trilogy! This deluxe hardcover features fully illustrated endpapers, sprayed edges, and a poster on the inside of the jacket with a blueprint of the silo. It also includes an original essay from Hugh Howey taking readers behind-the-scenes on the set of the Silo series.The first book in the acclaimed, New York Times bestselling trilogy, Wool is the story of mankind clawing for survival. The world outside has grown toxic, the view of it limited, talk of it forbidden. The remnants of humanity live in an underground silo.But there are always those who hope, who dream. These are the dangerous people, the residents who infect others with their optimism. Their punishment is simple. They are given the very thing they want: They are allowed to go outside. After the previous sheriff leaves the silo in a terrifying ritual, Juliette, a mechanic from the down deep, is suddenly and inexplicably promoted to the head of law enforcement. With newfound power and with little regard for the customs she is supposed to abide, Juliette uncovers hints of a sinister conspiracy.Tugging this thread may uncover the truth . . . or it could kill every last human alive.

  • af Paul Stephenson
    143,95 kr.

    An apocalyptic storm. A killer on the loose. The battle for humanity's survival starts here.Tom is a layabout ex-student waiting for his life to start or the power to get cut off, whichever comes first. Jen works two jobs, hates both, and most days is too hungover to deal with either. Detective Burnett is trying to work out who the hell turned his sleepy Yorkshire village into a murder town.When the skies fill with a mysterious storm, each of them wakes to find streets filled with dead. The world they knew has gone, and their old lives with it. Tom finds himself at the mercy of a deranged soldier, Jen has to flee the fires burning her city to the ground, and Burnett must track down a killer who sees the apocalypse as an opportunity for more mayhem. If they can't band together, the fate of what remains of humanity hangs in the balance.Blood on the Motorway is the first in the British apocalyptic horror trilogy readers have called "gripping from the first page''. If you love edge-of-the-seat action, end-of-the-world tension, and characters you'll be rooting for with every turn of the page, you'll love the first instalment in Paul Stephenson's apocalyptic trilogy.Pick up Blood on the Motorway today to start the epic journey of murder at the world's end.

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