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Science fiction: apokalyptisk og postapokalyptisk

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  • af Roxanne Ward
    183,95 kr.

    The world is in chaos after a cosmic disaster, and the US has been reduced to oppressive territories run by corporations. Will is orphaned before his training is complete and unaware he carries the key the rebellion needs to free Colorado.

  • af Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
    193,95 kr.

    侵略者たち侵略が始まったクラゲの侵略侵略者たち 侵略が始まった我々は長年、宇宙人による侵略を恐れてきた。しかし、もし彼らがすでにここにいたとしたら?警告あなたが毎年本を1冊読み、それが人生を変えてくれることを望んでいる人の1人なら この本は読まないでください。聖書、クーラン、仏教の真言がそのためにあるのですから。隣人がすでに宇宙人に誘拐され、彼らと戦うための実践的なガイドを探しているなら エイリアンズの古代宇宙人を止めてください。ベレン・エステバンが地球征服を計画するエイリアン種族のリーダーだと思っているなら あなたは正しい! 彼女は長年、テレビを使って視聴者の意志を抹殺する脳洗浄を行ってきました!あなたの精神科医が終わりなく処方箋を出し、鬱病の治療のためマリファナの使用を許可しているなら それはあなたの精神科医ではなく、近所の密売人です!この小説は実際の出来事に基づいていません。以下に書かれている言葉を一言も信じないでください。プロローグ彼らは警告なしにやって来た――わずかに紫に発光する奇妙なクラゲのような生き物で、それらは何百万という数で我々の海やビーチに押し寄せた。当初、これらの宇宙人の来訪者は、単なる珍しい存在に過ぎなかった。子供たちはそのぬめぬめした手触りを喜び、観光客は彼らの優美な形態を驚嘆した。最初からもっと用心深くしていればよかった。最初の犠牲者はスキューバダイバーで、未知の種の触手に刺された。数時間で激しい発熱が始まり、すぐに激しい譫妄状態に陥った。神秘的な神経毒が人から人へと急速に広がり、彼は伝染の索引症例となった。感染者の群れ――狂暴で人食い――が当局を圧倒したのは、その数日後のことだ。都市は無秩序に陥り、社会は崩壊寸前となった。我々の指導者たちは致命的な力と戒厳令で対応したが、ほとんど効果がなかった。クラゲは地球上から人類を一掃するのを脅かす、海からの本格的な侵略の前触れに過ぎなかったからだ。侵略者たちにおいて、フランシスコ・アングロは真に恐ろしく、あまりにもあり得る救いようのないシナリオを練り上げた。迅速なアクションと誘惑的な科学的臆測に裏付けられている。マイケル・クライトンとスティーヴン・キングの混合で、アングロの宇宙人に操られた黙示録のヴィジョンは、あなたが最後のページをめくるまで海を警戒の目で見つめ続けることだろう。私は、アメージング・ストーリーズ、サイエンス・フィクション、インフィニティなど、あの古いアメリカのオタク雑誌に載っていたファンタスティックな物語のスタイルで小説を書きたかった。偽りのない、単に楽しませてくれることを唯一の目的とする小説。もちろん創作プロセス中に楽しむこともアイデアの1つだ。すべてが進行中で、すべてのメディアが危機について語っている今、少なくとも今のところ読書と執筆は無料だから、何かを楽しむ必要があると思った。

  • af Aaron Abilene
    273,95 kr.

    Thomas continues his journey through the post apocalyptic hellscape that he's been thrown into.

  • af Stefano Boaretto
    253,95 kr.

    Vent'anni dopo gli avvenimenti della nascita di Regina e della fine del capitalismo, due gruppi di superstiti, con differenti visioni di civiltà, prendono possesso di due luoghi lontani fra loro, ma che in comune vedono la nascita di due nuclei; uno fra le montagne della Carnia e l'altro nel sito abbandonato dell'ITER, a Cadarache in Francia. Due utopie, due nuove idee di civiltà umana, la prima tornata alla semplice vita preindustriale e sincronizzata con i ritmi naturali, e la seconda surrogato delle società alveari degli insetti, guidata e comandata dal supercomputer quantistico Regina. Ma le due utopie, per funzionare, hanno rigide e severe leggi. In questi due scenari avvengono le vicende di Anna, Leonardo e la figlia Cassandra, prigionieri di Regina e del suo alveare di cyborg e robot, e dei seguaci di Deborah ed Ennio. Se i primi hanno violato le leggi di Regina, in modo non premeditato, i secondi sono combattuti dal rispetto delle leggi e dal rifiuto di accettare la Costituzione. Coloro che non rispettano la Costituzione vengono definiti "reietti" e inviati nella società delle macchine. Ma il desiderio di libertà dei tre prigionieri dell'alveare, unito ad eventi imprevisti, determinerà la vittoria di una sola visione di civiltà e darà le risposte che da sempre l'uomo si pone, da dove veniamo e chi è Dio.

  • af Arthur Montagu Brookfield
    193,95 - 338,95 kr.

  • af Christine D. Shuck
    448,95 kr.

    War's End Omnibus includes:Book 1: The StormSociety has collapsed. She almost gave up. But now she's fighting for two. Jess Aaronson's world has descended into madness. She lost her family to the brutal chaos of America's collapse, and nearly lost her spirit from the brutal abuse that followed. But now that she's pregnant, she has a new reason to keep fighting... As she comes to terms with the life growing inside her, Jess flees Tent Five and descends into a land without law. In search of the only family she has left and the home she left behind, the darkness threatens to consume both her and her unborn child. Can Jess find her family, or will her escape come with the ultimate price? Book 2: A Brave New WorldThe long-awaited sequel to War's End: The Storm - Jess has returned to her hometown, Warsend.There she and her family will rebuild their lives and learn lessons about love, and loss, and the strength of perseverance.Miles away, Chris longs for family, for children, and dreams of the home he lost.The danger is not over. Jess must face her greatest fear and overcome the nightmares that have plagued her for the past decade. Book 3: Tales of the CollapseSociety has collapsed. The world burns. Yet, somehow, humanity survives...Now, in the third book in this intense and evocative post-apocalyptic saga, we witness the end of the world through the experiences of other familiar faces.Through nine interconnected episodes, discover the stories behind the stories: Resonant and emotional tales of love, loss, survival, and triumph that paint a vivid and frighteningly believable picture of America in the midst of societal collapse.Existing fans of the War's End series will rediscover characters they've already met on Jess's fraught journey - while new readers will be swept up in storytelling that has been described as "unforgettable" and "heartbreaking, but uplifting." Either way, it's impossible not to be moved by the achingly human tales that challenge us all to wonder how we'd handle the end of the world.

  • af Ted Pepper
    328,95 kr.

    NEW DARK AGE All technology failed and the world crumbled. Years later, Karo finds a dead boy in the woods. Humanity rose for hundreds of years from Industrial Revolution to Digital Revolution to the point where those that could afford to would live forever. Then, the whole structure of communications, power, control all failed. The world crumbled. A century later, scattered groups of people cling onto some of the old ways, while a few others work to invent new ones. Resources get ever scarcer, and the world has become a fractured place of ignorance and danger. People such as Karo and Trey still travel from place to place to trade. They carry knowledge and ideas along with them. They risk and they hustle.This trip to the Free Market is to pay a debt and negotiate a deal for enough energy to sustain their community for another few months. It should have been routine, but it will set off a chain of violent events that make this new dark age darker still. New Dark Age is an epic adventure story, exploring a compelling world where technology has failed and people battle to cling onto civilisation.

  • af Anthony M. Strong
    173,95 kr.

    Everything Hayden Stone thought he knew was wrong. Even his own identity.Saved from a collapsing alternate reality but forced to leave one of their own behind, Hayden and Clara find themselves in a strange and dangerous world where millions vie to win the Great Migration. A lottery that promises a better life but brings only death.Reeling from the discovery that their lives were nothing but a cleverly crafted illusion, he and Clara must flee from a duplicitous government that wants them silenced forever.Worse, something is happening to Clara. Something bad that threatens to tear her sanity apart.Their only hope of saving themselves, rescuing their friend, and curing Clara? A mysterious figure from Hayden's lost past. But finding her won't be easy, and if they fail, it could have deadly consequences.

  • af Declan Hunter
    288,95 kr.

    In a dying world where hope is scarce, a small group of survivors must fight for their survival against all odds. Fleeing the city and venturing into the wilderness, they face countless challenges as they struggle to build a new home and find the resources they need to survive.As they search for water, food, and shelter, they also face threats from raiders and other dangerous groups. But through it all, they remain determined to find a way to thrive in this new world.As they learn to survive, they also begin to thrive, building a community that is based on principles of justice, equality, and compassion. They work together to create a more sustainable and equitable future, and they inspire others to do the same.But the road ahead is not easy, and the group faces betrayal and new challenges at every turn. They must learn to navigate a world that is still dangerous and unpredictable, and they must be prepared for anything and everything.Through it all, they remain committed to their cause, building a legacy of hope and resilience that will inspire future generations to continue the fight for a better world."The Last Hope" is a gripping and inspiring tale of survival and hope in a world that is on the brink of collapse. It is a story of determination and resilience, of the power of community and mutual support, and of the strength of the human spirit in the face of incredible adversity.

  • af David Kettlehake
    238,95 kr.

    In a world where going Gray means certain death, Scout's relentless quest for a cure becomes a race against time to save her loved ones. When she's nearly claimed by a deadly blizzard, her survival is miraculously ensured by the unexpected visitation of a long-lost friend. Shortly thereafter, she and her companions uncover the life-saving cure, but their triumph is short-lived as Grays overrun their sanctuary.Once again on the run, with nowhere to turn, Scout and her companions find the Hill, the last bastion of hope in this world ravaged by global devastation. But, when an army of Grays led by an old adversary breaches the Hill's defenses, their illusion of paradise is shattered.In this final, desperate fight against overwhelming odds, the fate of humanity teeters on the brink. If Scout and her friends falter, the priceless cure will be lost, and mankind is doomed.

  • af James Breakwell
    108,95 kr.

    Twenty-two have become twelve. And Delta is having a bad day. Eleven dumb kids are all looking up to her as their leader on this barren island that is now their home… and she doesn't know whether she intends to rule as a democracy or a dictatorship.

  • af Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
    173,95 kr.

    Con "L'invasione delle meduse mutanti", il romanziere spagnolo Francisco Angulo firma un avvincente ucronia che ricorda i fasti della fantascienza alla Julio Verne. Tuttavia, dietro le sue apparenze futuristiche, quest'opera nasconde una riflessione filosofica di impressionante profondità.Fin dalle prime pagine il lettore viene trascinato in un universo apocalittico in cui un'invasione di meduse mutanti minaccia l'esistenza stessa dell'umanità. Mediante tocchi successivi la trama acquista ampiezza epica man mano che il mistero si infittisce. Da dove provengono queste creature emerse dagli abissi? Qual è questo virus mortale che propagano?Con una padronanza consumata del suspense, l'autore rivela le informazioni a piccole dosi, garantendo un ritmo avvincente dall'inizio alla fine. Ogni nuova svolta apporta la sua carica di sorprese in questo scenario catastrofico malignamente dosato.Ma dietro l'aspetto frenetico della narrazione affiora una riflessione inquietante sul divenire della nostra civiltà. Perché questa invasione proveniente dal mare non è che un'allegoria dei pericoli che minacciano l'umanità, siano essi il riscaldamento globale, le pandemie o la follia autodistruttiva degli uomini.Così il romanziere sonda con finezza le grandezze e le miserie della natura umana. Cosa succede ai nostri valori quando siamo alle strette? Siamo in grado di sacrificare il nostro interesse individuale in nome del bene comune? Tante vertiginose domande poste con una perspicacia affascinante.Sul piano formale, questa ucronia impressiona per il suo virtuosismo tecnico. L'autore maneggia con maestria tra anticipazioni scientifiche di stupefacente precisione e rapimenti lirici degni di Virgilio. Il lettore si lascia trasportare, incantato, attraverso questa odissea futuristica costellata di visioni oniriche.Senza dubbio, con questo romanzo visionario, Francisco Angulo si inserisce degnamente nella scia di Julio Verne e dei grandi autori della fantascienza. Ma questo classicismo apparente nasconde in realtà una riflessione di una modernità e una profondità sorprendenti.Approfondiamo con più dettagli i diversi aspetti che costituiscono la forza e l'originalità di quest'opera magistrale.Innanzitutto, la cornice ucronica scelta dall'autore ricorda certi grandi classici del genere, a cominciare dal romanzo fondativo di Verne "Ventimila leghe sotto i mari". Proprio come il Nautilus del Capitano Nemo, la nave Hesperides serve qui da scenario a un'odissea futuristica ricca di peripezie. Angulo riesce a ricreare la stessa atmosfera opprimente e misteriosa che regnava a bordo del sottomarino di Verne.Ma a differenza del suo illustre predecessore, il romanziere spagnolo ancora la sua trama in un futuro molto più vicino, appena fantasmatico. Questa cornice ucronica sottilmente dosata conferisce al racconto un accento di inquietante credibilità. Tutto sembra possibile in questo mondo futuristico che potrebbe sopraggiungere in appena qualche decennio.Da questa prossimità temporale deriva un tormentato interrogativo di bruciante attualità. Perché dietro la avvincente trama, si tratta precisamente del nostro futuro.L'autore immagina uno scenario catastrofico estremo per esplorare meglio gli anfratti dell'anima umana. Dipingendo un'umanità braccata da una minaccia invisibile proveniente dal mare, interroga la nostra capacità di mostrare solidarietà e altruismo in tempo di crisi.Di fronte all'avversità, risorgono i nostri istinti egoistici? O siamo capaci di innalzarci per il bene comune? E se la civiltà crollasse, quali sarebbero i valori essenziali che persisterebbero? Tante inquietanti domande poste sottilmente.

  • af Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
    168,95 kr.

    W "Inwazji mutantów meduz" hiszpäski powie¿ciopisarz Francisco Angulo podpisuje si¿ pod zapieraj¿c¿ dech w piersiach uchroni¿, która przypomina wielkie czasy science fiction w stylu Juliusza Verne'a. Jednak pod pozorem futurystycznej fabüy kryje si¿ tu zaskakuj¿co g¿¿boka refleksja filozoficzna.Od pierwszych stron czytelnik zostaje wci¿gni¿ty w apokaliptyczny ¿wiat, w którym inwazja mutantów meduz zagräa samemu istnieniu ludzköci. Fabüa zyskuje na epickim rozmachu, w miar¿ jak tajemnica staje si¿ coraz g¿stsza. Sk¿d przybywaj¿ te stworzenia z g¿¿bin? Jaki to ¿miertelny wirus rozprzestrzeniaj¿?Z wirtuozersk¿ wpraw¿ w budowaniu napi¿cia autor ujawnia informacje po kropli, gwarantuj¿c wci¿gaj¿ce tempo od pocz¿tku do köca. Kädy zwrot akcji przynosi swoj¿ dawk¿ zaskoczenia w tym piekielnie niepokoj¿cym, katastroficznym scenariuszu.Ale pod pozorem szalon¿ akcji przebija niepokoj¿ca refleksja o dalszych losach naszej cywilizacji. Ta inwazja z morza to przecie¿ tylko alegoria zagröe¿ czyhaj¿cych na ludzkö¿ - globalnego ocieplenia, pandemii czy samobójczego szale¿stwa ludzi.Z wnikliwöci¿ autor bada w ten sposób wielkö¿ i n¿dz¿ ludzkiej natury. Co si¿ dzieje z naszymi wartöciami, gdy jeste¿my pod ¿cian¿? Czy pöwi¿cimy w¿asny interes dla dobra ogó¿u? Tyle poräaj¿cych pytä z niezwyk¿¿ przenikliwöci¿.Na poziomie formalnym ta uchronia imponuje technicznym kunsztem. Autor z wirtuozeri¿ przeskakuje mi¿dzy naukowymi przewidywaniami zadziwiaj¿cej precyzji a lirycznymi uniesieniami godnymi Wergiliusza. Czytelnik daje si¿ porwä zachwycony w t¿ futurystyczn¿ odysej¿ pe¿n¿ onirycznych wizji.Bez w¿tpienia t¿ wizjonersk¿ powie¿ci¿ Francisco Angulo godnie wpisuje si¿ w dorobek Juliusza Verne'a i wielkich twórców fantastyki naukowej. Ale ten pozorny klasycyzm ukrywa w rzeczywistöci namys¿ o zaskakuj¿cej nowoczesnöci i g¿¿bi.Przyjrzyjmy si¿ dok¿adniej ró¿nym aspektom, które tworz¿ si¿¿ i oryginalnö¿ tego arcydzie¿a.Po pierwsze, wybrany przez autora uchroniczny zarys przypomina pewne wielkie klasyki gatunku, zaczynaj¿c od zäöycielskiej powie¿ci Verne'a "20 000 mil podmorskiej ¿eglugi". Podobnie jak Nautilus kapitana Nemo, statek Hesperus s¿üy tu za sceneri¿ futurystycznej odysei pe¿nej przygód. Angulo potrafi odtworzy¿ t¿ sam¿ przyt¿aczaj¿c¿, tajemnicz¿ atmosfer¿, która panowäa na pok¿adzie verne'owskiego okr¿tu podwodnego.Ale w odró¿nieniu od swego znakomitego poprzednika, hiszpäski pisarz osadza akcj¿ w znacznie bli¿szej przysz¿öci, ledwo fantazmatycznej. Ta subtelnie zarysowana uchroniczna sceneria nadaje opowiadaniu niepokoj¿ce akcenty prawdopodobie¿stwa. W tym futurystycznym ¿wiecie, który móg¿by nadej¿¿ jü za kilka dekad, wszystko wydaje si¿ möliwe.Z tej blisköci czasowej wynika aktualne, nurtuj¿ce pytanie egzystencjalne. Bo za t¿ wci¿gaj¿c¿ fabü¿ kryje si¿ przecie¿ nasza przysz¿ö¿.Autor wyobräa skrajnie katastroficzny scenariusz, by lepiej zbadä zakamarki ludzkiej duszy. Ukazuj¿c ludzkö¿ zagonion¿ przez niewidzialne zagröenie z morza, bada nasz¿ zdolnö¿ do solidarnöci i altruizmu w czasach kryzysu.W obliczu przeciwnöci, czy od¿ywaj¿ nasze egoistyczne instynkty? Czy potrafimy wznie¿¿ si¿ ponad nie dla dobra wspólnego? A gdy cywilizacja runie, jakie fundamentalne wartöci przetrwaj¿? Tyle niepokoj¿cych pytä zadanych z finezj¿.Chö nawi¿zuje do pierwotnych l¿ków, ta uchronia ma wizjonerski wymiar zwrócony ku przysz¿öci. Daleka od roztrz¿sä przywi¿zanych do przesz¿öci, stanowi zdrow¿ introspekcj¿ na temat wyzwä czekaj¿cych ludzkö¿.Na poziomie formalnym powie¿¿ zadziwia wirtuozeri¿ narracyjn¿. Fabüa zbudowana jest niezwykle skutecznie, kädy nowy element wnosz¿c swój ¿adunek przygód w doskonale o

  • af T. S. Simons
    288,95 - 408,95 kr.

  • af Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
    178,95 kr.

    Com "A invasão das medusas mutantes", o romancista espanhol Francisco Angulo assina um trepidante ucronia que lembra as grandes horas da ficção científica ao estilo de Júlio Verne. No entanto, sob suas aparências futuristas, esta obra esconde uma reflexão filosófica de impressionante profundidade.Desde as primeiras páginas, o leitor é arrastado para um universo apocalíptico onde uma invasão de medusas mutantes ameaça a própria existência da humanidade. Através de toques sucessivos, a trama ganha amplitude épica à medida que o mistério se adensa. De onde vêm essas criaturas surgidas dos abismos? Qual é esse vírus mortal que elas propagam?Com domínio consumado do suspense, o autor revela a informação em pequenas doses, garantindo um ritmo alucinante do começo ao fim. Cada nova reviravolta traz sua carga de surpresas neste cenário catastrófico maliciosamente dosificado.Mas por trás do aspecto frenético da narrativa, insinua-se uma reflexão inquietante sobre o devir de nossa civilização. Porque esta invasão vinda do mar não é mais do que uma alegoria dos perigos que espreitam a humanidade, já sejam o aquecimento global, as pandemias ou a loucura autodestrutiva dos homens.Assim, o romancista sondagem com sagacidade as grandezas e misérias da natureza humana. O que acontece com nossos valores quando estamos encurralados? Somos capazes de sacrificar nosso interesse individual em nome do bem comum? Tantas perguntas vertiginosas feitas com uma perspicácia fascinante. No plano formal, esta ucronia impressiona por seu domínio técnico. O autor manipula com virtuosismo entre antecipações científicas de assombrosa precisão e arrebatamentos líricos dignos de Virgílio. O leitor se deixa levar, maravilhado, através desta odisseia futurista repleta de visões oníricas.Sem dúvida, com este romance visionário, Francisco Angulo se insere dignamente na esteira de Julio Verne e dos grandes autores de antecipação. Mas este classicismo aparente oculta na realidade uma reflexão de surpreendente modernidade e profundidade.Aprofundamos com mais detalhes os diferentes aspectos que constituem a força e a originalidade desta obra magistral.Em primeiro lugar, o quadro ucrônico escolhido pelo autor lembra certos grandes clássicos do gênero, começando pelo romance fundacional de Verne "Vinte Mil Léguas Submarinas". Assim como o Nautilus do Capitão Nemo, a nave Hesperides serve aqui de cenário para uma odisseia futurista repleta de peripécias. Angulo

  • af Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
    178,95 - 188,95 kr.

  • af Millie Copper
    183,95 kr.

    They thought the Black Hills would be safe... they were wrong.The promise of safety led Merissa to the beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota. But safety is only an illusion when a mysterious force emerges, inflicting chaos and destruction.Katie and Leo Burnett strive to rebuild their lives after a world-changing event and personal struggles rocked their existence. But with so many changes in such a short time, rebuilding may prove impossible.In a world teetering on the brink of despair, Katie, Leo, and Merissa navigate treacherous terrain, where danger lurks at every turn.Can they survive this chaotic new world? Or will their time in South Dakota-and possibly their lives-come to an end?Get Inflicting Mayhem today, and discover why readers love this twist on the post-apocalyptic genre!Inflicting Mayhem: Dakota Destruction Book 3 is the highly anticipated spinoff to the bestselling Havoc in Wyoming and Montana Mayhem Christian Futuristic series, which follows societal collapse from a small-town perspective. Featuring engaging scenarios, riveting action, and flawed yet strong and complex characters, the Dakota Destruction series is perfect for fans of Mark Goodwin, Jamie Lee Grey, and Kyla Stone.The Dakota Destruction series can be described as "Cozy" Apocalypse and contains no profanity, gratuitous sex scenes, or overly detailed gruesome death scenes. However, it does contain conservative family values and references to God, prayer, scripture, and Christianity.

  • af Michael Lighten
    198,95 kr.

    When rough man Ti unleashed a megaton missile over Milwaukee to combat the "force " machine this caused a destructive chain of events that traveled far and wide. Enemies of the rough lands seized the moment and attacked fuman lands.The end of the fuman reign appeared near...

  • af Zachary Lequieu
    183,95 - 263,95 kr.

  • af M. R. Pritchard
    223,95 - 283,95 kr.

  • af Erik A Otto
    213,95 kr.

    FOLLOWS THE EVENTS OF DETONATION AND PROLIFERATIONThe Essentialist-Spoke war continues in the east, while in the northwest an escalation of arms can only lead to more conflict. The fate of the continent depends on the endeavors of Pyke, a cursed advocate for foreign dignitaries in game show-governed Aspen, and Cecile, a long-time Spoke supporter from Quebec City who has been living with a dark secret. Their journeys weave through the lives of Owen, Warrick, Lexie and Tarnation. New nation-states in the midwest become embroiled in the struggle. And they will face new technological perils, including a hidden machine intelligence that could tilt the balance of power against humanity.

  • af D. L. Bunch
    153,95 kr.

    In a world ravaged by Resource Wars, society has crumbled, leaving only chaos and desolation in its wake. Daniel and Eva, two brilliant scientists, race against time to discover the key to survival. As they delve deeper, they discover a chilling secret that could shatter the last remnants of hope.In the heart of the Basin Territory, their daughter Mia embarks on a perilous quest. She is determined to uncover the truth behind a brutal murder and how it's connected to what her parents are hiding. Her journey takes her through old top-secret tunnels, facing off with her crazy aunt and up against those whom she holds most dear. Can Mia unearth the truth and chart a new course for humanity-and her family-or will the secrets and mistakes of the past be its downfall?In this gripping post-apocalyptic adventure, the world is on the brink, and the legacy of the past may hold the key to its future. All Things Lost is a pulse-pounding tale of survival, sacrifice, the ravages of a changing climate, and the search for redemption in a world that has fallen apart.

  • af Selina Zink
    423,95 kr.

    Wie weit würdest du gehen, wenn dein kleiner Bruder in einer magischen Welt entführt wird?Als Florence und ihr Bruder Max Tintris zum ersten Mal betreten, zieht sie die fremde Welt sofort in ihren magischen Bann. Am Himmel fliegen Muscheln, die Bäume und Pflanzen scheinen wie lebendig und der Herrscher des Landes ist ihnen wohlgesonnen. Alles deutet darauf hin, dass die Geschwister den perfekten Ort für ihr neues Zuhause gefunden haben. Doch dann findet ein Machtwechsel statt und Max wird entführt. Um ihren Bruder zu retten, muss Florence auf die Hilfe des zwielichtigen Yaris Raveja vertrauen, der sich selbst als Rebellenführer bezeichnet und das Land in einen schrecklichen Krieg führen könnte.Florence muss sich fragen: Wie viele fremde Leben ist sie bereit zu opfern, damit ihr Bruder frei sein darf?Aus dem Roman: "Ich weiß, du vertraust mir nicht, Florence", sagte Iblin. "Nein, du brauchst es gar nicht erst zu leugnen. Selbst wenn ich nicht im Besitz des zweiten Gesichts wäre, würde ich es erkennen. Du bist so durchdrungen von deiner Unfähigkeit zu vertrauen und zwischen Freund und Feind zu unterscheiden, dass es dir noch zum Verhängnis wird."Ein dystopischer High-Fantasy-Roman mit einem unerwarteten Ende, das die Leser mit offenen Mündern zurücklässt.

  • af Joseph Asphahani
    288,95 - 398,95 kr.

  • af Michael Lighten
    173,95 kr.

    It started as an innocent gesture and cascaded into an uncontrollable event that decimated lives in futuristic New Philadelphia,Ohio.

  • af Ryek Darkener
    488,95 kr.

    Nachdem die Erde es in einer gemeinsamen Anstrengung geschafft hat, einen altbekannten Diktator zu vertreiben, bemüht sie sich um mehr Sichtbarkeit in der Liga der Raumfahrenden Völker, aus der sie vor über 500 Jahren ausgeschlossen wurde.Doch das ist alles andere als einfach. Die Liga akzeptiert beispielsweise nur eine Vertretung einer Spezies, was zu Konflikten mit bisher fernen Mitgliedern der Art führt.Auch an anderen Stellen tun sich neue Fronten auf. Und diese gefährden weit mehr als nur die Mitgliedschaft der Erde in einer Organisation.

  • af Tao Wong
    233,95 - 333,95 kr.

  • - ISSN: 2597-3134
    af Anker Munch, Dmitri Burdykin, Maria Aagaard, mfl.
    188,95 kr.

    Årlige Uploads er Forlaget Ildanachs science-fiction antologi, og indeholder vinderne af science-fiction novellekonkurrencen i 2022.

  • af Kati Kirsten
    193,95 kr.

    And So It Begins is an intriguing psychological survival story about the various evils in a cruel dystopia. It follows the continuation of Amity and Sarge's journey a year after It Starts With Me ends.

  • af Aaron Abilene
    253,95 kr.

    A group of people find themselves trapped in a mall when zombies invade their town, but everyone is not who they seem.

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