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Science fiction: aliener, ufoer

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  • af Gary Battershell
    83,95 kr.

    When Megan decided to go on a camping trip with her two college roommates, she had no idea that she would find herself involved in an alien plot to conquer Earth.And she certainly had no idea that a handsome extraterrestrial would find her "enchanting."Can a girl with low self-esteem and no experience with romance save her world and navigate the pitfalls of love with a dashing, but enigmatic alien whose true motivations are impossible to know?

  • af Michael Tinker Pearce
    198,95 kr.

    The end of the world is just the beginning. Earth has suffered a devastating attack by an unknown force of extraterrestrial origin, wiping out a civilization ten thousand years in the making in one day. Who are they, and why have they come? The survivors include Char Nelson and her team of peered combat armor "Jockeys," Nathan Bradley, a soldier who fights at the side of an alien of our own making and Arian Moncrieffe, an analyst that must determine what our attackers want...and how to stop them. Together they will fight a guerrilla war against their technologically superior adversaries in the vain hope of driving them off before they can strip the world of life. But they may be doomed to fail unless they can find a way to strike directly against the aliens, unassailable in their fortress-mothership orbiting high above earth.

  • af Kenny Emmanuel
    213,95 kr.

  • af H. G. Wells
    253,95 kr.

    Herbert George Wells (21 September 1866 - 13 August 1946) was an English writer. Prolific in many genres, he wrote dozens of novels, short stories, and works of social commentary, history, satire, biography and autobiography. His work also included two books on recreational war games. Wells is now best remembered for his science fiction novels and is often called the "father of science fiction", along with Jules Verne and the publisher Hugo Gernsback.

  • af Paul Le May
    168,95 kr.

    In the 1940's a young girl is haunted at night by ghosts. Later in life she awakens with no memory on a deserted island paradise with a young man similarly haunted by past memories. Elsewhere the military launch a secret Apollo mission to the moon aiming to complete a project began by President Kennedy. Fast forward to 2048 and Earths first mission to the asteroid belt is interrupted by the repercussions of the earlier events.

  • af C. R. Usher
    168,95 kr.

    In the sun-soaked streets of San Diego, Matt Johnson stumbles upon a relic of otherworldly origins during a seemingly ordinary storage unit auction-an ancient diary belonging to one Ferris Hawes. As he delves into its cryptic entries, a chilling narrative unfolds. The diary chronicles the escapades of an insidious extraterrestrial entity, one that thrives on driving its victims to the brink of madness and despair until they're compelled to end their own lives. As the malignant influence of this alien menace begins to seep into Matt's reality, he realizes he holds the key to thwarting its dark ambitions. Armed with Ferris Hawes's knowledge, Matt embarks on a desperate quest to uncover the creature's true nature and halt its heinous plans for humanity. In this high-stakes game of cat and mouse, Earth's fate rests on one man's shoulders. Will Matt's discovery lead to salvation or doom?

  • af Luke Lively
    208,95 kr.

    In 2030, Dr. Marc Walker discovered the cure for cancer. In his genetic research, Walker unexpectedly uncovers the answers to humankind's most significant questions locked deep within the DNA code of every human being: Who made us? What are we? Where are we going?The answers bring together Dr. Walker; his twin brother Jon, a decorated war hero; Alana, one of the top US female Olympic athletes; and Aaron, an assassin working for a shadowy government group called The Order, as the unlikely last line of defence against the greatest threat to humanity ... its creator.While fighting against powerful forces attempting to exterminate human life and colonize Earth, the four face the reality of their distrust of mankind. Their struggle to answer the question, "Is humanity worth saving?" will ultimately decide the fate of the human race. The human species is on trial-and the verdict will determine the future of life as we know it.The Family: Tempest is the shocking, suspenseful story of the universal conflicts of racism, slavery, terrorism, and, ultimately, survival, both on Earth and beyond.

  • af David A Evett
    188,95 kr.

    A tale of alien abduction, escape from imprisonment as an exhibit in an alien zoo. Joining forces with other aliens in a similar situation. Fighting back against the aggressor, Finding a new world and building new homes-always with the fear of discovery.

  • af Mikael Lundt
    443,95 kr.

    Einst verlieh Iðunn den Göttern des Nordens ewige Jugend und Unsterblichkeit. Doch ihr Geheimnis nahm sie vor Urzeiten mit ins Grab. Als eine riskante Expedition nun den Spuren dieses Mythos folgt, beschwört sie großes Unheil herauf. Mystische Unwetter kosten zwei Teilnehmern das Leben, der Expeditionsleiter verschwindet spurlos. Was der einzige Überlebende berichtet, klingt unglaublich: Ein archaischer Krieger von übermenschlicher Macht wacht über Iðunns Grab und wird nicht ruhen, solange ihr Erbe in Gefahr ist.Die Archäologin Anika Wahlgren wird vom exzentrischen Milliardär Edgar Renqvist beauftragt, das Geheimnis zu entschlüsseln. Doch schon bald wird klar: Hier geht es um mehr, als Wissenschaft allein erklären kann. Geheimnisvolle silberne Runen scheinen der Schlüssel zur Lösung des Rätsels zu sein und ein Beweis dafür, dass Iðunns Macht noch immer im Verborgenen schlummert. Doch diese ist weitaus düsterer und gefährlicher als gedacht. Die Entfesselung könnte verheerende Konsequenzen haben. Edgar Renqvist ist dennoch wild entschlossen, für seinen Traum von Unsterblichkeit alles zu opfern - sogar das Leben seines eigenen Sohnes und das von Anika Wahlgren. In Anika Wahlgrens zweitem Abenteuer verschmelzen Mythen und moderne Wissenschaft zu einem einzigartigen Mix, der die nordische Götterwelt in einem gänzlich neuen Licht erscheinen lässt.

  • af Micah P Kinard
    198,95 kr.

    Embark on an exciting journey to futuristic Mars with Randy The Robot and his trusty B.U.G., where young readers discover thrilling science facts and essential life lessons, unlocking superpowers within, and learning the joy of helping others.

  • af Tao Wong
    218,95 - 333,95 kr.

  • af John Neisser
    243,95 - 253,95 kr.

  • af Prudence MacLeod
    153,95 kr.

    The Wandering Fleet stumbles into an ancient war and must defend itself. To survive they need resources avalible onthe planet, but the gods have demanded their death. To reunite a scattered race and protect her own people, the admiral will go to war with the gods themselves.

  • af John H. Saylor
    308,95 - 463,95 kr.

  • af Aldona Unterlechner
    373,95 kr.

    Roana lebt ein einsames Leben, hin- und hergerissen zwischen ihren furchtbaren Alpträumen und einer unglücklichen Liebesromanze mit einem verheirateten Mann.Immer wieder verliert sie sich in ihren Tagträumen und verzweifelt an ihrer zerrenden Machtlosigkeit ihr Leben zum Positiven zu verändern. Eines Tages begegnet sie einem mysteriösen Unbekannten, der sie auf offener Straße anspricht und ihr von einer großen Gefahr berichtet, in der sich Roana befindet. Nachdem er sich vor ihren Augen unsichtbar macht beginnt sie an ihrem Verstand zu zweifeln.Anfangs sehr skeptisch machen sie sich schließlich gemeinsam auf den Weg die unfassbare Wahrheit aus ihrer Vergangenheit aufzuklären. Das Schicksal nimmt seinen Lauf und Roana taucht in ihre erschütternde Geschichte ein, in der sie Aliens begegnet und sich in mehrere Dimensionen begibt.

  • af Zak Lettercast
    153,95 kr.

    Arachnapocalypse! The Anthology is a collection of riveting tales about life in a grimdark post-apocalyptic world riddled with otherworldly horrors. Follow the adventures of people just trying to stay alive in the chaos that is Arachnapocalypse!The Arachnapocalypse! universe spans a significant chunk of time, starting when the Arachnids landed on Earth in 2018. Some of humanity manages to survive the arrival of the giant flying techno-spiders from space, but just barely. As the humans rebuild, new and wild dangers arise. This alternate timeline devolves into higher and higher stakes as the stories progress; from a body-possessing space-fungus to unhinged scientists to super-soldiers and even spider-loving cultists, there is something in this anthology for anyone who enjoys an excellent grimdark or sci-fi horror read!

  • af Al Hess
    118,95 kr.

    An alien invasion hits the town of Muddy Gap, but a disgruntled pie aficionado is the only one who seems to remember it…Denver Bryant’s passion for pie has sent him across Wyoming in search of the best slices. Though he dutifully posts reviews on his blog, he’s never been able to recreate his brief moment of viral popularity, and its trickling income isn’t enough to pay his rent next month. Driving home from a roadside diner, Denver witnesses a UFO explode directly over his tiny town of Muddy Gap. When he questions his neighbors, it appears that Denver is the only person to have seen anything – or to care that the residents’ strange behavior, as well as a shower of seashell hail, might be evidence of something extraterrestrial. Being both non-binary and autistic, he’s convinced his reputation as the town eccentric is impeding his quest for answers. Frustrated, he documents the bizarre incidents on his failing pie blog, and his online popularity skyrockets. His readers want the truth, spurring him to get to the bottom of things.The only person in town who takes him seriously is handsome bartender, Ezra. As the two investigate over pie and the possibility of romance, the alien presence does more than change the weather. People start disappearing. When Denver and Ezra make a run for it, the town refuses to let them leave. Reality is folding in on itself. It’s suddenly a race against time to find the extraterrestrial source and destroy it before it consumes not only Muddy Gap but everything beyond. Denver’s always been more outsider than hero, but he’s determined to ensure that a world with Ezra – and with pie – still exists tomorrow.

  • af Adam Nevill
    183,95 kr.

    The red night of bells heralds global catastrophe. Annihilation on a biblical scale. Seeing the morning is no blessing. The handful of scattered survivors are confronted by blood-red skies and an infestation of predatory horrors that never originated on earth. An occupying force intent on erasing the remnants of animal life from the planet. Across the deserted landscapes of England, bereft of infrastructure and society, the overlooked can either hide or try to outrun the infernal hunting terrors. Until a rumour emerges claiming that the sea may offer an escape. Ordinary, unexceptional, directionless Karl, is one of the few who made it through the first night. In the company of two orphans, he flees south. But only into horrifying revelations and greater peril, where a transformed world and expanding race of ravening creatures await. Driven to the end of the country and himself, he must overcome alien and human malevolence and act in ways that were unthinkable mere days before. All The Fiends of Hell is a novel of alien horror from the four times winner of the August Derleth Award for Best Horror Novel.

  • af Gary David Springer
    208,95 kr.

    From floating cities in the Sea of Japan, a rescue team sails for the South.Both Human and Synth, the team travels the Andean spine from quaking Cotopaxi to the storm-battered Patagonian fjords. The team saves thousands of climate refugees, victims of eruption, drought, fire, and flood.Mount to mount, Old Sengai fades on the mission, his skin carved deep by aerie gusts and ashen rains, his bones embrittled by the long grinding climb.But young Toshiro grows in wisdom and strength through the journey. He questions the Okono Twins - mission leaders, designers of the great floating cities, creators of the Synth. He questions his own origin and the future of Earth.

  • af John Pirillo
    283,95 kr.

    WIRESHIP XERXES A possible alien artifact is found. TRANSFORMATION How is it possible for a blue mist to move, to exist on a moon with no atmosphere? WIRESHIP MANIFESTATION Michael had visions from a very early age...Contacts that made no sense to him at the time, but now it allbecomes clear...they were real! And man is not alone! FRACTAL UNIVERSE Chess has made it this far with his universe hopping talent through cleverness and a good amount of luck. But this time is different, they know his skills; his bad humor; and his arrogance. Between the dark forces after his brain and a monster he has accidentally unleashed; he just might not make it out alive this time. AFTER SHOCK ONE: SAN FRANCISCO Billy is disgusted with all the wealth he has accumulated. A dispirited ex-Hippie, he returns to Haight Ashbury to see where he went wrong. Bad timing. The Big One strikes, and now he'll be lucky if he survives the tsunami which follows the earthquake! MUTANT WORLD It happened. Nuclear war. But not between the US and China or Russia. Between the North and the South States! The desolation left has created monsters and outlaws. That's what the Texas Rangers exist to patrol. And that's not even the hardest part of their job. That is about to come!

  • af Fandom Books
    94,94 kr.

    I'm Agent 420 of the SCP Foundation, and if you're reading this, you're about to embark on one of the wildest rides of your life. No, seriously, hold on to your hats (and any snack you have nearby).Before I became Agent 420, I was just another regular Joe who enjoyed the occasional toke. Then one day, I realized that every time I lit up, I'd... see things. Not just any things, mind you, but otherworldly, funky entities that seemed to exist in the space between reality and, well, somewhere else.The SCP Foundation, with all its mysterious allure, was a place I never imagined I'd be a part of. Yet, here I am, their go-to guy for all things trippy. It's a wild gig, man. I mean, who'd have thought that getting high would become a professional skill?But it ain't all fun and games. Despite the occasional hilarity (which you're about to discover), there's a very real need for what I do. These hallucinogenic entities, while often just wanting to chill, can sometimes be a real handful (or tentacle, or pseudopod, or... you get the idea).So, as you dive into these pages, remember, it's not just another stoner's rambling. These are real encounters, real experiences. Whether they make you laugh, scratch your head, or simply go "whoa," I hope you come out of it with a newfound appreciation for the universe's infinite weirdness.Roll one, or just roll with the punches, and come journey with me. Peace, love, and good vibes.-Agent 420.

  • af Benji J. Wyvern
    183,95 kr.

    Lincoln National Forest. Roswell. Four teens head out to the woods for some weekend fun... but they aren't alone. What will they do when they come face to face with extraterrestrials?A distraught wife frantically searches for her husband, who mysteriously disappeared after an assignment for the United States Department of Defense...A snobby passenger on a plane experiences a spine-tingling revelation about her seat partner's identity...A mental health patient begins to question his sanity and paranoia. Was he right all along?A top secret meeting of United States officials and politicians goes off the rails and reveals a horrific truth...and many more!First contact has never been more mysterious and unnerving as our heroes race to uncover the truth about aliens, corruption, conspiracies, and government cover-ups.Travel around the world and through time to explore historical and modern-day accounts of abductions and encounters with UFOs or, as they are referred to today, UAPs.Why have the aliens made contact? How will humanity preserve its place among the stars? Should humanity collaborate with their alien neighbors or conquer their invaders?Jessica, Andy, Lily, Nikolai... and many others all have to figure out the answer to these questions as they fight for truth and for survival.True Tales of the Multiverse is a suspenseful science fiction thriller with a mystery and horror twist starring a diverse cast of protagonists that will have you questioning fact from fiction.

  • af Stan W. Hatfield MBA
    273,95 kr.

    Planet Xeon is located in the distant corner of the Alpha Centauri Star System, nearly six light-years away, and is comparable to planet Earth. Technology on Xeon is far beyond Earth's abilities, creating futuristic advancements, either unknown or out of reach from our reality. Xeon geoscientists have determined the planet core is unstable and may be uninhabitable in three hundred years unless it self-stabilizes, a rational probability. Superiors start a search for a habitable planet in order to save their people from becoming extinct, and they've selected planet Earth, specifically, the United States of America.Identifying what is necessary to send to planet Earth is of great concern due to the advanced technology that can produce weapons with godly powers, powers that can destroy the planet. Once Xeon technology is introduced, our lives will change dramatically and make the United States a dominating country with powers that are unimaginable, creating a force that the world will envy and fight to attain. The superiors of Xeon are concerned about sharing military technology to an unstable or corrupt government. They plan to be selective when transporting certain types of technology until such time the United States government can prove to be trustworthy, responsible with alien weapons, and have total control of other countries on the planet, preventing them from acquiring these powers.Titus and Xavia resign from their position at NASA to help the Xeon people rid the United States from corruption before announcing them to the world. In the process, they become good friends with Xeon citizens. The concerns about Xeon citizens migrating to the United States stem from the widespread corruption in the government. The Xeon government go through a comparable situation, ending in a civil war, where many people die. Term limits is discovered to be the key ingredient to a stable government that works for the people and by the people. "Lifetime politicians cultivate corruption."Adventure, space flight, romance, friendship, family, and chocolate cake.

  • af Prudence MacLeod
    153,95 kr.

    Shipwrecked on an abandoned planet in a massive storm, injured, and facing unknown dangers Jake must find a way to survive. Worse yet, his only companion is a superpowered alien girl who can't survive without others of her own kind nearby. This is no place for a starship boy who's never even been out inthe rain. Wait, something moved in the shadows.

  • af Jack Herbert Fletcher OM
    153,95 kr.

    Ninety percent nonfiction with witnesses. Coming from the stars and healing the blind. Appearing in multiple places at the same time.He comes with plans from the future--to build a machine that vaporizes pollution and also allows travel beyond the speed of light. 12 three will continue explaining the importance of 12. About the author. An ancient soul perceiving planetary peace.Thank you very much, Fletcher.

  • af Larry Rhodes
    137,95 - 183,95 kr.

  • af Michael Lighten
    188,95 kr.

    Tobias Stone died after a megaton blast was released in the atmosphere in a futuristic Milwaukee. When he awakened from the throes of death he was a new man. Until his past began to catch up to him, in ways he never suspected.

  • af Elexis Bell
    218,95 - 378,95 kr.

  • af Michael Lighten
    153,95 kr.

    Lance was born in a futuristic Missouri. With certain worries and anxieties that plagued his mind, he fell into despair. As tensions rose, he was moved to do the right thing, despite the destruction...

  • af Robin Brande
    193,95 kr.

    WHEN THE UNIVERSE SHOWS YOU ITS SECRETS, BELIEVE IT.Five exciting new stories in the DOVE SEASON universe.UFO biologist Dr. Travis Baird begins a new life away from prying eyes. But he can't outrun his past-or the alien intervention that changed him.Investigator Gina Firenzi knows she tapped into something strange the night she saved herself from getting shot. But what it was-and whether she can access again-is a mystery she needs to solve.Agency analyst Alice Kern wants the truth about her parents' murder-but only the truth. Is Gina's new source of information reliable? Or just another pretender claiming she can see into the past?Marnie Stemple has a new teacher. An alien woman with secrets Marnie longs to learn. But unlocking those secrets requires a leap into the unknown. Is Marnie brave enough to take it?Pilot Sharman Hix meets someone who challenges her view of the future-and of the role Sharman intends to play in it.The truth is already here. Whether we believe it or not.

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