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Historisk fantasy

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  • af Neal Stephenson
    97,95 kr.

    The trials of Dr. Daniel Waterhouse and the Natural Philosophers increase one hundredfold in an England plagued by the impending war and royal insecurities -- as the beautiful and ambitious Eliza plays a most dangerous game as double agent and confidante of enemy kings.

  • af Neal Stephenson
    97,95 kr.

    In which Daniel Waterhouse, fearless thinker and courageous Puritan, pursues knowledge in the company of the greatest minds of Baroque-era Europe -- in a chaotic world where reason wars with the bloody ambitions of the mighty, and where catastrophe, natural or otherwise, can alter the political landscape overnight.

  • af Diana Gabaldon
    367,95 - 412,95 kr.

  • af Leonora Carrington
    147,95 - 205,95 kr.

    ”Set i dette lys er klassikeren Hørerøret en efterkrigs-, efternuklear vision, der runger langt ind i vores globalt opvarmede tidsalder. En genudgivelse kunne ikke være kommet på et bedre tidspunkt … En af det 20. århundredes mest originale, frydefulde, tilfredsstillende og stilfærdigt visionære romaner.” Ali Smith. HØRERØRET (udgivet første gang i 1974) er en vildt fabulerende humoristisk historie om 92-årige Marian Leatherby, der bliver tvunget på plejehjem af sin søn og svigerdatter. På plejehjemmet bor de gamle i små huse af form som fx en iglo og en lagkage og bliver konstant ydmyget af forstanderparret. I spisesalen hænger et maleri af en abedisse, som pirrer Marians nysgerrighed, og da hun får fingre i en bog om abedissens liv, tager historien en surrealistisk drejning. Leonora Carrington (1917-2011) var født i en velhavende familie i det nordvestlige England, men gjorde oprør og tog til London for at gå på kunstskole. Her mødte hun Max Ernst, som hun fik et forhold til, og sammen flyttede de til Paris, hvor hun blev en del af den surrealistiske bevægelse omkring André Breton. Da nazisterne invaderede Frankrig, blev Max Ernst som tysk statsborger interneret, og Leonora Carrington flygtede først til Spanien, derfra til New York og videre til Mexico, hvor hun boede resten af sit liv.

  • af Ilka Tampke
    137,95 - 189,95 kr.

    Albions datter er med sin smukke fortælling og uimodståelige heltinde en fængslende læseoplevelse fra jernaldertidens England. Om kvinder og magt, om kærlighed og tro, om at være splittet mellem to mænd – og om sammenstødet mellem to kulturer. England år 43. For Albions folk er 'skind' livsnødvendigt. Det er deres totem, deres hilsen og deres hjem. Ailia har ikke noget skind. Hun blev efterladt af sine forældre som spæd, og ingen kender hendes oprindelse. Hun har ingen ret til at gifte sig, til at deltage i ceremonier eller til at tilegne sig viden. Men Ailia er nysgerrig, og lokket af en gådefuld og smuk ung mand begiver hun sig ud på en forbudt rejse mod den lærdom, der måske kan redde hendes folk fra den romerske trussel. Pressen skriver: »Albions datter er historisk fantasy, når det er bedst […]« ***** – Politiken »… en mageløs fortælling om religion, naturfilosofi, druider og kærlighed.« – Litteratursiden

  • af L. Sherman
    197,95 kr.

    I 1850 er Francesca vampyr i New Orleans. Hun er drevet af en stærk trang til at hævne sig mod mænd, der udnytter og undertrykker kvinder. Hun har gjort det til sin mission at straffe forbryderne, når ofrene ikke kan. Beau Lafayette er byens frygtløse sherif, og det irriterer ham noget så grusomt, at han ikke kan finde morderen til de bestialske mord. I nutiden er Maggie enlig mor og historieprofessor med speciale i perioden omkring midten af 1800-tallet. Da hun udfordrer sine studerende til at efterforske en række uopklarede drab, som i folkemunde blev kaldt "vampyrdrabene", bliver undervisningen mere spændende, end Maggie havde planlagt. På samme tid får hun en ny genbo, den karismatiske enlige far, Rhett."Blodhævn" er en fortælling om hævn, kærlighed og overnaturlige kræfter.

  • af Susan Carroll
    92,95 - 347,95 kr.

    Tiden er 1500-tallets Frankrig, hvor en ung og svag kong Charles 9. sidder på tronen, og voldsomme religionskrige raser rundt om i landet. I et forsøg på at skabe forsoning planlægges en alliance mellem kongens søster og huguenot-prinsen Henri af Navarra. På en lille ø ud for Bretagnes disede kyster sidder en ung kvinde, der ufrivilligt bliver hvirvlet ind i stridighederne, da det viser sig, at dronningemoderen Katharina af Medici – også kaldet Mørkets Dronning – sidder og lægger forræderiske planer i hoffets prægtige gemakker i Paris.Ariane Cheney, Fruen af Belle Île og den ældste af tre søstre, er kendt for sine magiske og okkulte evner, men af frygt for heksejagter er det med den største forsigtighed, hun praktiserer sine kundskaber. Hun bliver dog opsøgt af en fremmed, som har brug for hendes hjælp. En såret soldat medbringer et farligt bevis, som kan fælde Mørkets Dronning. Hvis Ariane hjælper til i opklaringen, er det med livet som indsats, og meget imod hendes vilje er den eneste, hun kan søge støtte hos, hendes mystiske bejler grev de Renard. Hun kæmper for ikke at åbne sit hjerte til ham, men da tusindvis af huguenotter bliver slået ihjel under de kongelige bryllupsfestligheder på Bartholomæusnatten, må de stå sammen, hvis det gode skal sejre over det onde."Mørkets dronning" er første selvstændige del af trilogien om søstrene Cheney.Det er en fortælling med historiske kulisser og en hel del magi og myter, der er mere historie end i fx Marion Zimmer Bradley's romaner og mere magi end i Philippa Gregory's bøger, det er spænding og drama og en herlig kærlighedshistorie. Det er en roman til de, der læste Zimmer Bradley's serier, men også til de utallige, der har slugt en roman som Désirée. - Bibliotekernes lektørudtalelseSusan Carroll (f. 1952) har et langt forfatterskab af historiske romaner bag sig. Hun bor i Rock Island, Illinois, USA.

  • af Ida Ahrensbach
    347,95 kr.

    Fredens Tempel er faldet, og dæmonen Malakai har rettet sine grådige øjne mod Sølvbyen, men Solens Børn er ikke slået endnu. Med Sölvmundur i spidsen gør de sig klar til kamp. Oppe nordpå får en vølve nogle dystre varsler, og hun drager afsted mod Fredens Tempel i sin søgen efter svar. Hendes dronning er en gammel bekendt af Sölvmundur. Samtidig slås Amaroq for at forene alle varulve i Arktis. Det bliver en kamp, hvor han ikke kun for brug for sin styrke, men også sin kløgt. Uddrag af bogenMira lignede et drømmesyn, som hun kom ud af tågen. Smilende og smukkere end nogensinde. – Alt skal nok blive godt, vi er sammen nu, mens hun talte, rakte hun sin hånd ud mod ham. Villads skulle til at tage den, men så råbte en fremmed kvindestemme: – Lad ham være! Han er ikke dit bytte! Stemmen vækkede Villads og han rystede forvirret på hovedet. Da han så klart igen var tågen forsvundet og foran ham stod en elverkvinde. Hun udstødte et dyrisk hvæs og sprang op i det nærmeste træ. Villads så sig forvirret omkring, før han fik øje på en lille, tætbygget kvinde, der stod foran ham.–Er du uskadt? Villads kunne ikke få et ord frem. Om forfatterenIda Hansen Ahrensbach bor i Jyderup på Vestsjælland. Hun skrev allerede historier som barn. Efter en lærer havde opfordret hende til at skrive en bog, begyndte hun på debutromanen Frihedskampen, som udkom i 2009. Hun har to hunde, en siberian husky og en japansk spids. Ida interesser sig for mytologi, okkultisme og historie.

  • af Lene Krog
    297,95 kr.

    Wien, 1899.Adam Montanari er paranormal efterforsker og den eneste i Wien, som kan uddrive de skyggedæmoner, der i årevis har hærget byen.Hans nye lærling, Cornelia Holm, ved ikke, hvor hendes synske evner kommer fra, men rygtet siger, at selveste Djævelen stod bag, da hun og hendes tvillingebror som børn strandede på den nordjyske kyst.Da medlemmer af det bedre wienerske borgerskab får revet deres hjerter ud af besatte slægtninge, vikles Adam og Cornelia ind i jagten på en usædvanlig morder. En morder på hævntogt gennem fremtrædende slægtstræer. Måske også Adams …Sødt og råddent er første bind i serien om Algizjournalerne, en samling af paranormale mysterier.

  • af Martin Wangsgaard Jürgensen & Jacob Holm Krogsøe
    247,95 kr.

    Randers i slutningen af 1800-tallet. Den mystiske københavner Felix Høst hyrer et sjak pramdragere til at trække en pram op ad Gudenåen for at finde en ukendt forgrening, som pramdragerne ved ikke findes. Det er vinter og alt for tidligt på året at tage en opgave på åen, men betalingen er for god til at afslå. Det bliver en rejse, der vender op og ned på alt, en rejse, hvor alt burde være velkendt, men intet er, som det plejer at være. De følger åen opstrøms og ender i ukendt land. Københavnerens penge lover en bedre fremtid. Men spørgsmålet er, hvad sjakket af pramdragere finder derude i det vinterhvide landskab, hvor fortid og fremtid synes at smelte sammen. Pramdrageren er en historisk roman tilsat magisk realisme med mere end et strejf af mørk overtro og myter flettet ind i handlingen.

  • - Stories inspired by the art of Otto Frello
    af Billy O'Shea
    167,95 kr.

    Portals to another worldEight fantastic stories from a shadow Copenhagen - past, present and future - inspired by amazing artworks.Otto Frello (1924-2015) was a Danish painter of fantastic scenes who lived in the centre of Copenhagen for most of his life.Billy O’Shea is an Irish writer of fantasy and speculative fiction, and a long-time admirer of Frello’s work.Both of them are concerned with opening doorways to other worlds, for the rest of us to step through and explore.

  • af Klaus Nørgaard Jørgensen
    130,95 - 267,95 kr.

    Bjørn vokser op i en smedefamilie omkring år nul. I generationer har hans klan forsøgt at skabe sig et fristed i grænselandet mellem Romerriget og Bjergfolkene efter udvandringen fra øriget Thy, nord for Jylland. Da katastrofen pludselig indtræffer, beslutter han sig at gå ”hjem”. Rejsen mod nord bliver en rejse, hvor Bjørns kræfter og evner lidt efter lidt udvikles, og seeren Ursus træder mere og mere frem. Kampen mellem det gode og det onde bliver pludselig en realitet. Med tiden vækkes kræfter i ham, han aldrig havde forestillet sig fandtes. Kræfter, der sætter ham og hans nærmeste i spidsen for kampen mod det onde.

  • af Esmie Jikiemi-Pearson
    127,95 kr.

    'My favourite kind of grand space opera' BEN AARONOVITCHShe's searching for the emperor who stole her sister.He's searching for the prince who stole his heart.The entire universe is at stake.The Principle of Moments is a centuries-spanning adventure unmissable for fans of the spacefaring found family of Becky Chambers, the magical London of V. E. Schwab, and the epic climate-craft of N. K. Jemisin.WHAT READERS ARE SAYING:'This book! OMG this book was everything I could hope for! A queer love story, a space story, a rebel story and so well written' 5-star reader review'An absolute stonker of a debut... I was hooked the whole way through' 5-star reader review'I absolutely devoured this book! Everything I could possibly want with Star Wars / Doctor Who vibes mixed in with Pride and Prejudice' 5-star reader review'THIS is how you write a "chosen one" story! Jikiemi-Pearson is going straight on my "instant read" list of authors' 5-star reader review'I have read quite a few debuts this year and this was easily my top of the year' 5-star reader review'OMG, this book was amazing... Fantastic if you like N.K. Jemisin and Doctor Who... Well worth five stars' 5-star reader review'Hang on and enjoy the ride!' 5-star reader review

  • af Philip S Davies
    142,95 kr.

    Is there anyone you'd die to save?Plague strikes Anestra city, reaching even to the Royal Family.Queen Katelin and her friends embark on a race against time to trace the cause of the affliction, facing enemies old and new in a desperate quest to save her people.But how can she fight something that holds the power of life and death over them all? Must she make a deal with the gods?And is she willing to sacrifice her own life to rescue those she loves?

  • af Aenghus Chisholme
    167,95 kr.

    The magical sword Excalibur, the very symbol of King Arthur's power has been stolen. Unable to defer mediation in a conflict over Hadrian's Wall in the north of his monarchy, Arthur and Merlin are unable to immediately search for the thief.Queen Gwenhwyvar and Sorceress Morgan Le Fay set out unbeknown to Arthur to find the sword. Accompanied by the three brothers, Knights Sir Galahallt Sir Garethe and Sir Guaen, they traverse Saxon held lands in search of the thief.The Queen and Sorceress will have to bargain with magical creatures and battle with a mythological beast in order to recover the sword. To do this they travel to Roman-occupied Gaul. Danger awaits them at every turn in this far away land in the year AD 494

  • af Aenghus Chisholme
    177,95 kr.

    King Arthur rules the largest Monarchy in the history of Briton. Frustrated that he has not yet driven all of the Saxons, Angles and Jutes from the land he embarks on a series of savage battles within his own borders.Prince Amhar, Arthur's only legitimate son opposes his father's tactics and reasoning. Along with his half-brother Mordrede, they offer support to the township of Camlann, the site of Arthur's next planned assault.Magicians Morgan Le Fay and Merlin take opposing viewpoints over the King's actions and a rift is formed in their twenty-seven year friendship.Will Arthur wage war against his own flesh-and-blood; risking a schism within his Kingdom in order to fulfil his desire for a country purged of the invaders?

  • af Duncan Boyd-Moss
    143,95 kr.

    If they were not there at the time, the casual observer, would be guided by the mundane news reports that reached their countries in the 1970's. To them, the war in Rhodesia was merely just another of the many civil wars in Africa. On the surface, some may have seen it for what it was: a fight between Communism and Christianity, a war between East and West. However, as rational as these analogies sound, they ignore the strong undercurrent of mythology so prevalent in Central Africa. Rudi Stevens and Steadfast Watadzaushe were born under the same sun. Both sons of Africa. Yet the beliefs that attended their cradles were worlds apart, Their opposites separated and, as they do, their opposites attracted. Mythology determined their path and, wittingly for one and unwittingly for the other, sealed their mortal destiny.

  • af Krista D. Ball
    164,95 kr.

    Three thousand pounds.It had become Miss Elizabeth Knight's mantra as of late. For good reason, too. Another sibling on the way. Charles about to move back home. G out in society. And an illness turned her father erratic.When disaster strikes in London, Elizabeth heads to town to offer comfort and support, in between working on healing magic and summoning bickering sisters, under Mrs. Egerton's ghostly gaze.But when a rider shows up at Aunt Cass' house in the middle of the night, Elizabeth knows her life will never be the same. And she will need those three thousand pounds soon enough.

  • af Azalea Ellis
    239,95 kr.

    The Raven Queen...Siobhan didn't choose this name.But now she will take control of it.The secrets of this world are deeper and darker than Siobhan knew, and those she once trusted seem strange and sinister. But her Will is as abyssal as the ocean, and she is determined to uncover the truth.As Sebastien's reputation begins to bloom with its own light, new eyes turn her way. With new magic and old plans come to fruition, she feels the inklings of true power within her grasp.But there is a storm waiting beneath the placid surface of the ocean...And old enemies have not forgotten her.Running has not worked for Siobhan, and so the Raven Queen will stop running, and instead advance. She hopes to strip away any power they hold over her, but as she uncovers secrets and unravels mysteries, things may not go as planned. Will Siobhan and the few allies she has bound to her side be able to stand against the might of their enemies?Get it now.

  • af M. L. Wang
    197,95 kr.

    The first woman ever admitted to a prestigious order of mages unravels a secret conspiracy that could change the practice of magic forever, in this standalone dark fantasy from the author of The Sword of Kaigen.“Powerful, thought-provoking. . . . Fans of R.F. Kuang’s Babel will find much to admire here, from the intricate magic system to the unflinching exploration of societal issues.”—BooklistFor twenty years, Sciona has devoted every waking moment to the study of magic, fueled by a mad desire to achieve the impossible: to be the first woman ever admitted to the High Magistry at the University of Magics and Industry. When Sciona finally passes the qualifying exam and becomes a highmage, she finds her challenges have just begun. Her new colleagues are determined to make her feel unwelcome—and, instead of a qualified lab assistant, they give her a janitor. What neither Sciona nor her peers realize is that her taciturn assistant was not always a janitor. Ten years ago, he was a nomadic hunter who lost his family on their perilous journey from the wild plains to the city. But now he sees the opportunity to understand the forces that decimated his tribe, drove him from his homeland, and keep the privileged in power. At first, mage and outsider have a fractious relationship. But working together, they uncover an ancient secret that could change the course of magic forever—if it doesn’t get them killed first.

  • af Tilly Wallace
    164,95 kr.

    Sera is imprisoned, magic-less, and alone...or is she?Sera's curiosity is finally satisfied about the Repository of Forgotten Things. Just not in the manner she desired. While she staves off boredom confined in her cell, Lord Rowan finally reveals his hideous plan, and Sera is not having any of it.The shadow of the old mage's conspiracy is cast over all of England and even King George. Sera holds the key to unraveling the web of treachery, but first she must escape her magical confinement and rekindle trapped powers. From the depths of the Repository, she weaves a tapestry of friendship and loyalty with unlikely allies.With every passing day, the stakes grow higher, but time is running out for both England and Sera. The fate of the kingdom rests in her hands. The time for her to rise and claim her destiny is now. Only by escaping the Repository and unlocking the full potential of her magic can Sera hope to rewrite the fate of a nation and secure her own freedom.

  • af Melanie Ansley
    59,95 kr.

    One night. One heist. One thousand ways for things to go wrong.In a world ruled by dragons and their riders, Jin is a young thief surviving the underbelly of Tang China by following her boss's one simple mantra: never steal from the empire. But when she crosses paths with a rival gang during a heist at a nobleman's feast, Jin inadvertently ignites a bloody turf war. To save herself, she must now convince her boss to break all the rules and steal from the elite dragon riders of the Tang empire. But will this make her the most powerful thief in the province, or send her to an early grave?"Night of the Black Dragon" is an action packed short story prequel to the "Riders of Jade and Fire" series, an exciting new dragon rider adventure.

  • af M L Wang
    267,95 kr.

    "The first woman ever admitted to a prestigious order of mages unravels a secret conspiracy that could change the practice of magic forever, in this standalone dark fantasy from the author of The Sword of Kaigen"--

  • af Simon Zander
    173,95 - 248,95 kr.

    ”Dit navn vil snart være kendt i hele Zarnera, Jafiellu. Og mens vi to står her og taler, foregår der ting ude i verden. Ting, som ingen af os kan stoppe, men som får store konsekvenser for os alle sammen …”Zarnera og Tochoran ligger i krig, alt imens en magtfuld sone er på vej til en endnu ukendt destination … Sammen med sonen rejser Iacob, som er fanget i et dilemma. Hans hjertes udkårne er besat af sonen, og nu vil den have hans hjælp.Jafiel har stjålet Sortørnens Øje tilbage fra Tochoran i et forsøg på at sætte en stopper for krigen, og hun har nu kurs mod sit hjemland for at bevise, at hun er en mægtig jæger.Kongesønnen Danarah er med på samme færd for at befri sin forlovede, og ikke mindst for at vise, at han kan blive den bedste konge nogensinde.Emba er dog hos Imira i Askenborg, og snart sendes de to på en rejse, da Imira kommer på sporet af en af sine sønner, som hun aldrig har mødt.Stilhed & Storm er 2. bind i Sonetrilogien.

  • af K. L. Berger
    173,95 - 248,95 kr.

    Velkommen til Jarek Falls.Det er sommer, men mens andre tager på luksushotel eller til stranden og fester, er Amber tvunget på familieferie. Camping og natur, så langt øjet rækker. Og mens lillebror Benjamin synes, det er fantastisk, forstår Amber ikke, hvorfor familien skal komme hinanden ved efter den skilsmisse, de ikke taler om.Men da bilen går i stå i en lille, afsidesliggende landsby, ændrer familieturen sig fra drømmen om sommeridyl til virkelighedens rendyrkede mareridt.Er folk i byen ikke ret sære? Er der virkelig ikke noget internet i Jarek Falls? Hvordan kan byen leve uden supermarkeder eller leveringer udefra? Og hvad er det, der gemmer sig i skovens skygger?Før hun ved af det, er Amber hvirvlet ind i mystikken omkring Jarek Falls, og hurtigt står det klart, at når du først er ankommet, lader byen dig ikke gå igen. I hvert fald ikke frivilligt …

  • - First Omnibus Edition
    af Adam Alexander Haviaras
    277,95 - 356,95 kr.

    Long ago, when gods and heroes walked the earth in triumph and tragedy, true love and epic deeds were set among the stars...For thousands of years, the stories of gods, goddesses and heroes in Greek Mythology have entertained, inspired and enlightened mortals. This rich storytelling tradition has continued from one generation to the next, the stories retold over and over again in the hopes that they will drive us to better ourselves, and to remind us that there is still magic and wonder in the world. They teach us that life can be beautiful and terrible, exhilarating and fleeting.In this First Omnibus Edition of the Mythologia series, readers will escape into unique retellings of the poignant and epic myths of Phaethon, Pelops and Hippodameia, and of Orpheus and Eurydice.In this collection, best-selling and award-winning author and historian, Adam Alexander Haviaras, combines in-depth research and unparalleled imagination in bringing these ancient Greek myths to vivid life for readers of all ages.Step back in time for an epic journey you will never forget.If you enjoy books by Natalie Haynes, Madeline Miller, and Jennifer Saint, then you will love the Mythologia historical fantasy series!Read this collection of books today and return to a time of true love and epic deeds when gods and heroes roamed the earth.

  • af Glenn Quigley
    227,95 kr.

    When young sailor Felix Diamond receives a letter from his estranged uncle begging for help, he returns home to Blackrabbit Island for the first time in ten years. There he discovers his uncle missing and his aunt positioning herself as the new head of the notorious Diamond family. With nowhere else to turn, Felix must enlist the help of former crime lord and current Watch Commander, Vince Knight-a man he trusts less than anyone alive. He'll also have to contend with his opium-addicted cousin and a handsome apprentice horologist with secrets of his own.With time running out, Felix must race to uncover the truth behind his uncle's disappearance while keeping his delinquent family's claws off his childhood home-the run-down playhouse named The Star We Sail By.

  • af F. J. Harvey Darton
    242,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • af Robert Anton Wilson
    262,95 kr.

    THE GREATEST MOVIE NEVER MADE!?! No director could capture it, no film could contain it, coming soon to the mind's eye within you: The Walls Came Tumbling Down! - A modern American story about the terror of accidentally stumbling into the cosmic circus of other-worldly consciousness, with no map or clue how to navigate the abyss and safely return home. What's your exit strategy for Chapel Perilous? What will you do when the walls tumble, the doors of perception fly open, and your brain is suddenly free from the limits of "mind"? What's the real truth about reality? Read on and get some clues . . ."Robert Anton Wilson limped out through the wall into the fire, into the simultaneous party of eternity, into the splendid, timeless funfair of a life that he has somehow managed to survive with thirty-five books weaving his ideas in their spectacular diversity, weaving his luminescent consciousness into the intellectual DNA of our painfully slow-developing society and dancing somewhere with his wife, back when he could still dance and she was still alive. " - Alan Moore"With his humorous rapier, Wilson pokes and prods our misconceptions, prejudices and ignorance. A quantum banquet." - Ray Tuckman, Broadcaster, KPFK Radio"The most important philosopher of this century" - Timothy Leary, Ph.D

  • af Snorri Kristjansson
    100,95 kr.

    Aemilius is barely a man when a harpy out of myth knocks him from his horse. He is saved – and recruited – by the Hidden Legion, a secretive order of soldiers, magicians, and rogues. A darkness is growing across the Empire, and someone is setting traps for the Legion themselves. Aemilius and his new comrades must find an unknown enemy…

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