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  • Spar 21%
    af Kirsten Hammann
    44,50 - 119,50 kr.

    Forfatteren Mette, lever et helt almindeligt liv med sin mand og datter - indtil hun sætter sig for at skrive en bog om ulandene. Bogen skal forandre verden og få alle til at gøre den til et bedre sted. Med organisationen HJÆLP's hjælp får hun adgang til et hotelværelse, hvor hun kan se film om den tredje verden. Det viser sig dog, at dette værelse er en virtual reality-verden, hvor hun rent faktisk kommer til Afrika, Rumænien og Vietnam. Det sætter hendes engagement vældigt på prøve - især da et afrikansk barn vil med hjem og spise frikadeller, og hendes egen datter pludselig befinder sig i et børnehjem i Rumænien.En dråbe i havet er en politisk samtidsroman skrevet i Hammanns morsomme, selvudleverende og nærgående stil, hvor normaldanskernes selvfedme og ligegyldighed stilles til skue.

  • af Louise Juhl Dalsgaard
    103,95 - 190,95 kr.

    Det dér og dét der er en roman om en ung kvinde, hendes barndom og opvækst, et langstrakt sygdomsforløb og det, der følger. Det er en fortællling om en familie, om usagtheder og afmagt og om at være splittet mellem intellekt og følelser i en grad, så begge synes at komme til kort. Fortællingen veksler mellem en jeg-fortællers poetiske indre, barndommens tanker og drømme og nøgterne uddrag fra en virkelig psykiatrisk journal. Romanens jeg-fortæller beslutter sig for at ændre sig selv og sit liv. Hun er lige blevet student, verden ligger åben, hun har en sød kæreste og vil leve livet fuldt ud. Men hun er utilfreds med sin krop og vil tabe sig. På kun ni måneder taber hun 40 kg. Hun bliver indlagt blandt dødssyge kræftpatienter og aidsramte, udskrives til sit eget selskab og begynder at læse på universitetet, hvor hun motionerer, lever på en sten om dagen og overspiser om natten. Efter uddannelse som bibliotekar flytter hun til Aarhus, tilknyttes Center for Spiseforstyrrelser og gennemgår et langvarigt behandlingsforløb. Gennem samvær med forældrene oprulles hendes historie og barndom, forbudte tanker, ’ked af det-hed’ som ikke måtte italesættes, lærere, der ikke forstod hendes tanker. Superbegavet og altid foran, men samtidig uindpasselig og helt sin egen.

  • af Sandra Holm
    228,95 kr.

    Har jeg været her før? spørger Sandra Holm i bogens allerførste linje. Hun befinder sig i sit barndomshjem i svenske Norrland tæt på polarcirklen og burde kende svaret. Alligevel er hun i tvivl. Eller er det måske bare kokketeri: Spørgsmål. Hvem har behov for at danse meget. Svar. Jeg. Der er så meget at se, at høre, at vide, at henrykkes over.Romanen er organiseret serielt, hovedpersonen er fra begyndelsen udstyret med et sæt af færdigheder, som gennemspilles igen og igen, frem for at hun udvikler sig og får en dybere forståelse af sig selv og dette og hint. Rastløs, sørgmodig, ambitiøs, drikkende skriverkvinde.Udgangspunktet er ønsket om at skrive en bog eller breve til den finske forfatter Pentti Saarikoski (1937-1983) efter at have læst hans Brev til min hustru fra 1968, der handler om ham, der går alene rundt i Dublin og skriver og drikker og tænker på sex. Dem, han har haft sex med. Han skriver om kommunisme eller skinkesandwich, han spiser, hvis han kan få dem ned, og om kusse og Jesus i tilfældig rækkefølge. Han har lovet sig selv ikke at rette et ord. Det inspirerer Sandra Holm.Hun bor i København, men tager til Milano. Her vil hun kunne skrive og drikke som Pentti Saarikoski. Hun vil være en skandale som han. De indgår en slags pagt, men det er svært for hende at overholde hans stramme deroute-kur: Jeg har ingen vanskeligheder med at spise sådan som du har i Dublin, Pentti. I modsætning til dig bliver jeg kolossalt sulten af at være beruset.Pentti Saarikoski begynder Brev til min hustru med konstateringen: Jeg har været her før. Sandra Holm vender det om til et gentagende spørgsmål. Men ikke kun titel-spørgsmålet går igen, også Polarcirklen, som man med dens særegne karakter – midnatssol om sommeren, polarnat om vinteren – kun kan erfare vished om ved i al sin sentimentalitet at have levet nær den. Og, i denne sammenhæng nok så vigtigt: polarcirklen er et fælles sted for Sandra Holm og Pentti Saarikoski, som også kommer der oppe fra det høje nord.Sandra Holm skriver: Jeg spurgte stilheden ved polarcirklen, hvad jeg skulle gøre? – I det hele taget er der en eksotisk og erotisk aura omkring lokaliteter. København er den store by, i Milano er der pensionatet med tre storartede ludere i luksusklassen. Alle steder er jeget i kontrast til stedets evighed kun et lille jeg: dødeligt og gennemtrivialiseret. Men modsat Polarcirklen er kussen og flasken til at tage og føle på, sproget bliver vulgært, safterne flyder. Sandra Holm lærer af det sanselige, og det sanselige er en god lærer. Man bliver klogere af at læse hende, når hun fx forsøger at forstå himlen over sin hjemegn ved at sammenligne den med sin ungdomskropDen er end ikke en stemning, dertil er den alt for tynd og gennemsigtig. På sin egen måde ligner den leden eller henrykkelsen, som er sværest at forklare og beskrive.Har jeg været her før udkom 1978, Sandra Holms tredje bog, efter debuten Barnlige slagsmål 1969 – hun udgav endnu én, Dans mit mismod væk 1982 – og var et hit, blev anmeldt på dagen etc. Men døden tog ikke kun Sandra Holm, 1987, da hun var 44 år gammel, men også hendes forfatterskab. Det være hermed genintroduceret.

  • af Olivia Levison
    148,95 kr.

    Olivia Levison er sin generations bedste tænker. Debut med Min første Bog i 1874. Men som kvinde, når man ikke lige har Amalie Skrams kampgejst, afskåret fra offentligheden, usikker på, om ikke det kun er manden forundt at eje et skabende gen, kommer der ikke samlet set mere end én roman, endnu en novellesamling, en biografi om en engelsk socialist og et par anmeldser og nogle rejsebreve og andet småt i ugepressen ud af forfatterskabet.I et brev til forfatteren Erik Skram i 1879 skriver hun, at det hvirvlende, det usikre, det brudte Menneske er nået et Skridt videre end det vegetativt sikre. – Og: hun ser menneskene som blandet, som har den største Møje med at finde sig til Rette, som af deres Længsel, deres Erkendelse, deres Viden, deres Villen, deres Sanselighed, deres Retskaffenhed drejes rundt i en Hvirvel, og ser Tingene fra hundrede Synspunkter i én Dag.Denne hvirvlen og det at se Tingene fra hundrede Synspunkter i én Dag er helt i tråd med J.P. Jacobsens tænkning, når han i et brev til Edvard Brandes i 1880 skriver I Virkeligheden er der enkelte Sider i Menneskene der ikke hænger sammen; hvor skulde ogsaa en saa complex, saa mange Steder fra hentet, uddannet og paavirket Ting som den aandelige Side af et Menneske, være organisk HelHer, ikke hos Brandes og hans snak om at sætte under debat, men i de to udsagn, Olivia Levison og J.P. Jacobsens, er det moderne menneske kommet på banen.I nærværende udvalg kommer man næsten hele vejen rundt i de kortere prosagenrer. Novelle og essay blandes fx i Støv til en helt ny og, kunne man påstå, privat genre. Sådan som genrespørgsmålet er vitalt for en række andre af tidens forfattere, Knud Hjortø med sine syner, Johannes V med sine myter og Marie Bregendahl med sine billeder.Men Olivia Levison er tidligt ude. Hun er så klog, og man bliver gerne klogere af at læse hende.

  • Spar 17%
    af Hanne-Vibeke Holst
    73,95 - 148,95 kr.

  • - Udvalgte mikrogrammer..
    af Robert Walser
    138,95 kr.

    Robert Walser (1878-1956), schweizisk forfatter. I dette udvalg af Walsers såkaldte mikrogrammer – tekster skrevet med mikroskopisk skrift på bagsiden af kuverter, teaterbilletter, breve, telegrammer o.a. – kan man stifte bekendtskab med en usædvanlig blanding af naivitet og raffinement, underdanighed og provokation. Mikrogrammerne er stærkt flossede og hvirvlende tekster. Erik Granly Jensen skriver bl.a. i sit efterord: ”Der er her tale om en prosa, hvis perspektiv og strategi veksler fra sætning til sætning, en på en gang stærkt associativ og fragmenteret prosa, hvor blot placeringen af et biord kan afstedkomme, at alt hvad teksten indtil dette tidspunkt har talt om, fortrænges, og sender fortællingen i en ny og fuldstændig uforudsigelig retning.”Pressen skrev:Et geni er ankommet. Der er god, ja tvingende grund til at støde så hårdt i trompeten, for det er uhyre sjældent, at et næsten ukendt fuldblods geni kommer til Danmark (den bedagede og suspekte ´geni’-term er her på sin plads), og så oven i købet i det, der efter alt at dømme er en fremragende oversættelse.- Mikkel Bruun Zangenberg, Politiken

  • af Jacob Bugge
    198,95 kr.

    First book in a fairy tale for adults which is also available in a Danish version.A young man is fleeing on horseback, through a vast land with very different peoples and customs. The man and his tall white stallion are very close; they often barely escape the men in black who pursue them; we know a little more WHY all the time, some of us solve the riddle before the end, some of us do not.There is good and there is evil here. Many of the things that take place will challenge you to find out about your own values.Most readers say that when they closed the book after the last chapter, there were tears in their eyes, and they wished so much they had the second book with them. And many have said that this is a fairy tale all right, but it is also an inner journey. They also say that it is a powerful book to read out, and share.There is no omniscient storyteller, so the reader follows every step of the way; and so does the horse. The tale includes songs, rhymes, and old runes, and there is a special kind of maps, showing everything from the very beginning, and eventually all the way.You may read more on www.bugge.comDanish version: Hele Vejen.

  • af Patricia Nell Warren
    232,95 kr.

    Gennem skildringen af et kærlighedsforhold mellem to bøsser, en langdistanceløber og hans træner, og deres fællesskab om at yde det optimale i sporten, afdækkes det amerikanske samfunds had til homoseksuelle, kulminerende med mord.Den fra alle sider meget efterlyste fortsættelse af Frontløberen I med store dele af handlingen henlagt til den seksuelle friheds ferieø Fire Island. Om bøssefrigørelse og brutal intolerance i det amerikanske samfund.

  • - Sådan stopper du med at tvivle på din storhed og begynder at leve et fantastisk liv
    af Jen Sincero
    98,95 - 238,95 kr.

    #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER i over 4 år.Solgt over 3 millioner eksemplarer.Oversat til over 35 sprog."Den mest vovede selvhjælpsbog."- Los Angeles Times"Du er en BADASS er fænomenal."- Boudler Book StoreI denne opløftende og underholdende guide til et badass-liv giver bestsellerforfatteren Jen Sincero dig 27 håndgribelige kapitler fulde af morsomme og inspirerende fortællinger, gode råd, nemme øvelser og ind i mellem et bandeord eller to.Alt sammen for at hjælpe dig med at: Identificere og ændre dine selv-saboterende tankemønstre og måden, du agerer på, der forhindrer dig i at få det, du ønsker.Skabe et liv, som du virkelig elsker. Og gøre det NU.Tjene nogle af de forbandede penge. Den slags penge, du ikke tidligere har tjent.Når du har læst DU er en BADASS, vil du forstå, hvorfor du er, som du er, hvordan du lærer at sætte pris på det, du ikke kan ændre, hvordan du ændrer det, du ikke sætter pris på, og hvordan du kan bruge Kraften til at sparke seriøs røv.

  • af Stine Lundgaard
    206,95 kr.

    Det her er fortællingen om en mor. Og om et barn. Et barn, der falder uden for rammerne, og en mor, der kæmper. Med systemet, afmagten, sin datter, omverdenen og sig selv.Men det er også en fortælling om kærlighed, omsorg og vigtigheden af at blive set og elsket for lige nøjagtig det menneske, man er.Mens vi falder sammen sætter gennem brudstykker fra en hverdag ord på rollen som forælder til et barn med særlige behov – i både lys og mørke.

  • af Brynne Weaver
    96,95 kr.

    Murder.Mayhem.And spice.Doctor Fionn Kane is running from a broken heart, one he hopes to mend in small-town Nebraska, far away from his almost-fiance and his derailed surgical career. It's a simpler life: head down, hard work, and absolutely no romantic relationships. He wants none of the circus he left behind in Boston.But then the real circus finds him.Motorcycle performer Rose Evans has spent a decade on the road with the Silveria Circus, and it suits her just fine, especially when she has the urge to indulge in a little murder when she's not in the spotlight. But when a kill goes awry and she ends up with an injured leg, Rose finds herself stuck in Nebraska, at the home of the adorably nerdy town doctor.The problem is, not every broken heart can be sewn back together.. . . And the longer you stay in one place, the more likely your ghosts are to catch up.

  • af Julia Quinn
    263,95 kr.

    A beautiful collectible edition containing the seventh and eighth novels of the beloved Bridgerton series by New York Times bestselling author Julia Quinn. Its in His Kiss Gareth St. Clair is in a bind, and at risk of losing his inheritance. His only hope lies in an old family diary written in Italian and the fiendishly smart, devilishly outspoken Hyacinth Bridgerton, who offers to help translate. But as the two delve into the mysterious text, they discover that the answers they seek lie not in the diary, but in each other and that there is nothing as simpleor as complicatedas a single, perfect kiss.On the Way to the Wedding Unlike most men of his acquaintance, Gregory Bridgerton believes in true love. And he is convinced that when he finds the woman of his dreams, he will know in an instant that she is the one. But when Gregory realizes his true love is not the person he expected, he must risk everything to ensure that when it comes time to kiss the bride, he is the only man standing at the altar

  • af Shari Lapena
    183,95 kr.

    ** THE INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **The unputdownable new thriller from the 'queen of the one-sit read' and No.1 bestselling author of Everyone Here is Lying'I inhaled this book in less than 48 hours . . . What Have You Done? exceeded all expectations.' LIZ NUGENT'When the murderer is revealed, you'll want to read it all over again.' Woman & Home'The queen of page-turners.' ANDREA MARA--------Nothing ever happens in sleepy little Fairhill. The teenagers get their kicks telling ghost stories in the old graveyard. The parents trust their kids will arrive home safe from school. Everyone knows everyone. Curtains rarely twitch. Front doors are left unlocked.But this morning all of that will change.Because Diana Brewer isn't lying safely in her bed where she belongs. Instead she lies in a hayfield, circled by vultures, discovered by a local farmer.How quickly a girl becomes a ghost. How quickly a town of friendly, familiar faces becomes a town of suspects, a place of fear and paranoia.Someone in Fairhill did this. Everyone wants answers.And one innocent question could be deadly._______'Captivating.' Publishers Weekly'The novel's emotional heft will linger with readers.' Kirkus'Lapena is a master of suspense, and she doesn't disappoint here.' Library JournalPraise for Shari Lapena:'A modern master of the psychological thriller.' STEVE CAVANAGH'Shari Lapena keeps you guessing until the very last page.' PAULA HAWKINS'The undisputed queen of dysfunctional families.' CLARE MACKINTOSH'An expert in both pace and the placing of clues and misdirections.' Literary Review'Shari Lapena is the queen of the "just one more chapter" read.' SARAH VAUGHANShari Lapena, Sunday Times bestseller, May 2024Shari Lapena, Sunday Times bestseller July 2024Not a Happy Family, Richard and Judy Book Club pick, Spring 2023

  • af India Holton
    143,95 kr.

    "Beth Pickering is on the verge of finally capturing the rare deathwhistler bird when Professor Devon Lockley swoops in, capturing both her bird and her imagination like a villain--albeit a handsome and charming villain, but that's beside the point. As someone highly educated in the ruthless discipline of ornithology, Beth knows trouble when she sees it, and she is determined to keep her distance from Devon. For his part, Devon has never been more smitten than when he first set eyes on Professor Beth Pickering. She's so pretty, so polite, so capable of bringing down a fiery, deadly bird using only her wits. In other words, an angel. Devon understands he must not get close to her, however, since they're professional rivals"--

  • af B. K. Borison
    133,95 kr.

    "Nova Porter isn't looking for love, and she certainly has no explanation for her attraction to buttoned-up, three-piece-suit-wearing investment banker Charlie Milford. Maybe it's his charm? Or maybe it's his determination to help her fledging business any way he can. Either way, she's distracted every time he's around. With her new tattoo studio set to open in her hometown of Inglewild, she doesn't have time for frivolous flirtations. In an effort to get Charlie out of her system once and for all, Nova offers a proposition: one night, no strings. They'll kick their uncomfortable attraction to the curb and return to their respective responsibilities. But their explosive night together scatters their expectations like fallen leaves"--

  • af Jane Fallon
    108,95 kr.

    NO ONE LIKES A SHOW OFF IN JANE FALLON'S HILARIOUS NEW TALE OF A WOMAN OUT FOR REVENGE - WITH UNEXPECTED RESULTS . . .'It's a joy - a smart, sharp revenge comedy, with plenty of lols too' DAILY MAIL'Laugh-out-loud funny' SUNDAY EXPRESS-------------If you can't have the perfect life, why should she?Social influencer Maddy's life is picture perfect.Wholesome videos of her husband andtwin girls project the happiest of families.And court the fame she so clearly craves.Iris knows Maddy as the woman who broke up her marriage.Her whole world was turned upside down and she can't bear the hypocrisy.But there's one thing that might bring back Iris's happiness.Taking away Maddy's . . .Revenge, however, is best served up close and personal.Iris needs to get know to Maddy.Which is when things get very messy indeed . . .--------------'Her snappy, clever fiction seems to slip down like a glass of nicely chilled white wine'Sunday Telegraph'Her books are so smart, funny and warm' ADELE PARKSPRAISE FOR JANE FALLON'Gripping, sharp and brilliantly twisty. Deliciously readable. A rollercoaster of revenge' DAILY MAIL'Witty, smart, topical and full of heart. the sun-lounger smash of the summer' TAMMY COHEN'Impossible to put down. Fabulous characters and a story that just will not let you go!' RUTH JONES'Jane Fallon's wry observation and razor-sharp wit in this unputdownable page-turner will grab you from the first page and the action races along at breakneck speed' SUNDAY EXPRESS'Her snappy, clever fiction . . . seems to slip down like a glass of nicely chilled white wine' SUNDAY TELEGRAPH'Witty, funny, beautifully written and dotted with life's truths like sprinkles on a birthday cake' CATHY KELLY'Sharply observed, wickedly funny, with real depths of emotion too. Absolutely unputdownable' MILLY JOHNSONJane Fallon, Sunday Times bestselling author, January 2023

  • af Annabel Monaghan
    126,95 - 275,95 kr.

  • af Kevin Kwan
    156,95 kr.

    'Truly delicious . . . it's everything I want a book to be' DAISY BUCHANAN'A hugely fun tale' I PAPER'Salacious and addictive, every page left me giggling with glee' ANNIE LORD'Wickedly delectable' NEW YORK TIMES'Crazy Rich Asians meets Saltburn' PLUM SYKES'A plot with more twists than an Elsa Peretti for Tiffany corkscrew' FINANCIAL TIMES'Juicy, salacious and a whole lot of fun . . . an absolute must for your summer reads this year' GLAMOURNEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERAMAZON.COM'S BEST BOOKS OF THE YEARFROM THE MULTI-MILLION COPY BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF CRAZY RICH ASIANS Rufus Leung Gresham, future Earl of Greshamsbury and son of a former Hong Kong supermodel, is drowning in debt. The only solution, according to his mother, is for him to attend his sister's wedding and seduce a woman with money.Will it be the French hotel heiress with a royal bloodline? The venture capital genius who passes out billions like lollipops? Or will Rufus betray his family and confess his love for his best friend and 'girl next door' Eden? But when a volcanic eruption burns through the nuptials and a hot mic exposes a secret tryst, the Gresham family plans - and their reputation - go up in flames, making Rufus' choice all the more impossible.Taking us from the sand beaches of Hawaii to the skies of Marrakech, from the glitzy bachelor pads of Beverly Hills to the inner sanctums of England's oldest family estates, Kevin Kwan has written a juicy, hilarious and sophisticated tale of love, money, murder, sex, and the lies we tell about them all.***PRAISE FOR KEVIN KWAN***'Outrageous . . . wickedly delectable' NEW YORK TIMES'Your perfect summer read' DAILY MAIL'Delightful' INDEPENDENT'Lough-out-loud funny' SUNDAY MIRROR'Pure entertainment' NYLON'Flash, funny, delicious . . . the juicy stuff of classic high-society drama' USA TODAY'As good as Crazy Rich Asians, but even more ridiculous and hilarious' COSMOPOLITAN 'Thank God for Kevin Kwan' W MAGAZINELies and Weddings, New York Times bestseller, June 2024

  • af Kevin Kwan
    165,95 kr.

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A TIME MUST-READ BOOK OF THE YEAR • From the iconic internationally bestselling author of the Crazy Rich Asians trilogy: A forbidden affair erupts volcanically amid a decadent tropical wedding in this outrageous comedy of manners.A MOST ANTICIPATED BOOK: The New York Times, The Washington Post, TIME, Entertainment Weekly, Cosmopolitan, CNN, Lit Hub, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Reader's Digest, BookRiot, SheReads, PureWow, Publishers Weekly"Imagine Crazy Rich Asians mated with Saltburn and you've got Lies and Weddings—a heavenly summertime read!"—Plum Sykes, New York Times best-selling author of Bergdorf Blondes  Rufus Leung Gresham, future Earl of Greshambury and son of a former Hong Kong supermodel has a problem: the legendary Gresham Trust has been depleted by decades of profligate spending, and behind all the magazine covers and Instagram stories manors and yachts lies nothing more than a gargantuan mountain of debt. The only solution, put forth by Rufus’s scheming mother, is for Rufus to attend his sister’s wedding at a luxury eco-resort, a veritable who’s-who of sultans, barons, and oligarchs, and seduce a woman with money.Should he marry Solène de Courcy, a French hotel heiress with honey blond tresses and a royal bloodline? Should he pursue Martha Dung, the tattooed venture capital genius who passes out billions like lollipops? Or should he follow his heart, betray his family, squander his legacy, and finally confess his love to the literal girl next door, the humble daughter of a doctor, Eden Tong? When a volcanic eruption burns through the nuptials and a hot mic exposes a secret tryst, the Gresham family plans—and their reputation—go up in flames.Can the once-great dukedom rise from the ashes? Or will a secret tragedy, hidden for two decades, reveal a shocking twist?In a globetrotting tale that takes us from the black sand beaches of Hawaii to the skies of Marrakech, from the glitzy bachelor pads of Los Angeles to the inner sanctums of England’s oldest family estates, Kevin Kwan unfurls a juicy, hilarious, sophisticated and thrillingly plotted story of love, money, murder, sex, and the lies we tell about them all.

  • af Cara Bastone
    148,95 kr.

    "Eve Hatch is pretty content with her life. Her apartment in Brooklyn is cozy, but close to her childhood best friend Willa, and far from her midwestern, religious upbringing where she always felt misunderstood. While her position as an administrative assistant at the Wildlife Federation of America is a dream-adjacent job, she's hoping her passion and hard work will help her land a more glamorous role where she could actually make a difference someday. And sure, her most recent romantic history has consisted of not one but two disappointing men named Derek. At least she always knows what to expect...until she finds herself expecting after an uncharacteristic one-night-stand. Suddenly, this surprise pregnancy cracks open all the relationships in her life. Eve's ride-or-die friendship with Willa is suddenly feeling off. And surprisingly, it's Willa's steadfast older brother, Shep, who steps up to help. He has always been supportive, but now he's checking in, ordering her surprise lunches, listening to all her woes, and... is suddenly irresistible? Add in a kind but conflicted baby daddy--who also happens to have a girlfriend--and Eve is feeling out of her depth, to say the least. Over the course of nine months, as Eve struggles to figure out the next right step in her expanding reality, she begins to realize that love, in all forms, can sneak up on you when you least expect it"--

  • af Emily Wibberley
    138,95 kr.

    "A rising star musician has a second chance at love with an old flame she remembers all too well in this swoony romance ... Riley Wynn went from a promising singer-songwriter to a superstar overnight, thanks to her breakup song concept album and its unforgettable lead single. When Riley's ex-husband claims the hit song is about him, she does something she hasn't in ten years and calls Max Harcourt, her college boyfriend and the real inspiration for the song of the summer. Max hasn't spoken to Riley since their relationship ended. He's content with managing the retirement home his family owns, but it's not the life he dreamed of filled with music. When Riley asks him to go public as her songwriting muse, he agrees on one condition: he'll join her in her band on tour. As they perform across the country, Max and Riley start to realize that while they hit some wrong notes in the past, their future could hold incredible things. And their rekindled relationship will either last forever or go down in flames"--

  • af Jo Brand
    178,95 kr.

    Mette troede, at hun skulle have kernefamilie, i stedet ligger hun på sofaen og swiper på Tinder. Mette var sikker på, at hun skulle køre i en stor bil, i stedet cykler hun rundt i gråvejr. Mette tænkte, at hun ville blive typen, der samlede venner og familie omkring et stort plankebord til helstegt økologisk pattegris, i stedet spiser hun torskerognsmadder alene i køkkenet. Mette mente, at hun var sådan en, der sagde fra over for chefen, i stedet griner hun af hendes kattehistorier. Mette ville ønske, at hun gjorde, hvad hun havde lyst til, i stedet gør hun det, hun skal. Mette havde altid forestillet sig, at hun ville møde den rigtige mand, i stedet møder hun den forkerte. Og så begynder Mette at gøre alt det, hun ikke må. Og så går det galt. Selvfølgelig.

  • af Rachel Runya Katz
    168,95 kr.

    Our new favorite trope: Childhood friends. To enemies. To lovers. In a chemistry-filled debut romance.Daniel Rosenberg and Liyah Cohen-Jackson's last conversation-fourteen years ago at summer camp-ended their friendship. Until they find themselves seated next to each other on a plane, and bitterly pick up right where they left off. At least they can go their separate ways again after landing... That is, until Daniel's marketing firm gets hired by the Chicago museum where Liyah works as a junior curator, and they're forced to collaborate with potential career changing promotions on the line.With every meeting and post-work social gathering with colleagues, the tension (and chemistry) between Daniel and Liyah builds until they're forced to confront why they broke apart years ago at camp. But as they find comfort in their shared experiences as Jews of color and fumble towards friendship, can they ignore their growing feelings for each other?With sexy charm and undeniable wit, Rachel Runya Katz's sparkling debut, Thank You For Sharing, proves that if you're open to love, anything is possible."[An] excellent, multilayered look at the experiences of Jews of color in this deftly woven story...Katz successfully portrays how romance meets real life in this terrific debut." - Library Journal (starred review)"Rachel Runya Katz's Thank You for Sharing is a magical love story. This is a poignant, sharp and sexy romance with the kind of complex, big-hearted characters and emotional honesty readers will adore. I loved it!" - Carley Fortune, New York Times bestselling author of Every Summer After"This book wrapped a fist around my heart and refused to let go. Gorgeously written, with two magnetic leads, an irresistible group of friends, and a warmth that radiates from every page. Rachel Runya Katz is a true talent." - Rachel Lynn Solomon, New York Times bestselling author of The Ex Talk"Impossible to put down! A delicious pressure-cooker-style slow burn of a romance, Thank You for Sharing contains the greatest 'only one bed' scene I've ever had the pleasure of reading. Not only is the romance delightful, but Rachel Runya Katz handles the complexity of grief and trauma with the tenderest of touches, creating a safe, welcoming space for her characters and readers alike. I have no doubt that readers will fall head over heels for Liyah and Daniel!" - Alexandria Bellefleur, bestselling, Lambda award-winning author of Written in the Stars and The Fiancée Farce

  • af Claire Alexander
    108,95 kr.

  • af Joyce Carol Oates
    163,95 - 166,95 kr.

  • af Jane Fallon
    96,95 kr.

    Just Got Real is a gripping novel by renowned author Jane Fallon, published by Penguin Books Ltd (UK) in 2023. This book, true to Fallon's unique style, offers a captivating blend of drama and romance that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Jane Fallon, known for her masterful storytelling, once again proves her mettle with 'Just Got Real.' Published in the early days of 2023, the book has already made a significant impact in its genre. The publication by Penguin Books Ltd (UK) ensures the high-quality production value that this esteemed publisher is known for. This engrossing read is available in English.

  • af Bea Setton
    96,95 kr.

  • af Jennifer Dugan
    96,95 kr.

  • af Bolu Babalola
    108,95 kr.

  • af Genevieve Gornichec
    96,95 kr.

    Two stepsisters encounter the gods and giants of Norse mythology, as they face their intertwining destinies and an ominous prophecy in this powerful novel from the acclaimed author of The Witch's Heart.Oddny and Gunnhild meet as children, and they could not be more different. Oddny longs for a quiet, peaceful life. Gunnhild, on the other hand, burns for power, secretly longing to harness the magic that flows inside of her, and one day become queen. But after a visiting wise woman makes an ominous prophecy that involves them both, the girls take a blood oath to help each other always.When Oddny's mother is killed and her sister kidnapped by Viking raiders, she finds herself set adrift from the life she imagined. Gunnhild, who fled her home years ago to learn the ways of a witch, is on her way to her exalted destiny. When they find each other again, their bond will be tested in ways they could never had imagined in this rich novel of magic, history, and sworn sisterhood.

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