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  • af Lorraine Brown
    398,95 kr.

    Hendes forlovede. En gammel flamme. Og fem dage i Firenze ... Hvad kan gå galt?Maddie er overlykkelig, da hendes kæreste Nick frier i Paris. Og at tilbringe fem dage i Firenze medhans familie lyder som den perfekte måde at lære sine kommende svigerforældre at kende på. Men der venter Maddie en ubehagelig overraskelse. Nicks forældre er så fine på den, at det næsten er svært at beskrive, hans datter vil ikke lære hende at kende – og hvorfor er hans ekskone egentlig taget med på turen? Og som om det ikke var kompliceret nok, hvem dukker så op på det samme lille boutique-hotel? Aidan selvfølgelig, ham der pludselig forsvandt ud af hendes liv for to år siden ... Hvem kunne forudse, at der kunne ske så meget på bare fem dage i Firenze? "En herlig varm og smuk læseoplevelse, der tog mig med til Italien og fik mig til at falde pladask for karaktererne." – Olivia Beirne "Dejligt eskapistisk – man får lyst til at booke den italienske ferie med det samme" – CarolineKhoury "Rørende, vittig og charmerende, jeg elskede den" – Nicole Kennedy "Perfekt læsning ved poolen" – Paige Toon"Fortryllende, fængende og helt igennem romantisk" – Mike Gayle"Ingen skriver om romantik og rejser som Lorraine Brown" – Zoe Folbigg

  • - som sådan en slags ninja
    af Jannie Nørregaard Rasmussen
    224,95 kr.

    I frit fald – som sådan en slags ninja er en ærlig, modig og personlig bog af Jannie Nørregaard Rasmussen. Den mikser lyrik, tankemylder og refleksioner om det moderne kvindeliv i 2020’ernes Danmark. Den henvender sig især til kvinder, der elsker at sparke røv, men som også selv ved præcis, hvor nas det gør at få et ninjaspark bag i.Bogen er fyldt med poesi, tanker, drømme og kærlighed skildret med humor og politisk ukorrekthed. Jannie Nørregaard Rasmussen skildrer modigt og personlig livet som ninja på den anden side af den skilsmisse og de livsbegivenheder, hun ikke selv havde set komme. Hun forsøger tænksomt, kærligt og ærligt at gøre op med både perfekthedskulturen, vores høje forventninger til det gode liv, parforholdet, forældreskabet, samfundets normer og mange dogmer og livet som enestående.Teksterne spejler livets banaliteter, højder og dybder og vækker dyb genklang i de fleste kvinder. Forfatteren har en evne til både at være sjov, ligetil og dybtfølt samtidig med, at hun skriver om en indre smerte og en undren.– Læseoplevelser –”Nu har jeg læst bogen, rub og stub. Jeg smiler og føler mig taget i hånden. Ind i dit univers, men også i høj grad ind i livet med alle dets op- og nedture. Uden endemål og lykkelige slutninger. Men med poesi, tanker, drømme og kærlighed. Du er så livsklog og skriver både interessant og levende. Og formår samtidig at gå uden om de værste klicheer og ensformigheder.”***”Du har en evne til både at være sjov, ligetil og dybtfølt, samtidig med at du skriver om en indre smerte og en undren. Der er en lethed over måden, hvorpå du skriver. Og jeg får lyst til at sætte Bowies Let’s Dance eller Modern Love på grammofonen og danse til dine tekster.”

  • af Jojo Moyes
    118,95 kr.

    Roman fra bestsellerforfatteren Jojo Moyes om to mennesker, der umiddelbart intet har tilfælles, men alligevel kommer til at forandre hinandens liv for altid.I et fattigt hjørne af London vokser pigen Sarah op hos sin kærlige, men strenge morfar. Sammen har de en stor passion for heste, og i en stald under en af byens gamle jernbanebroer har de hesten Boo. Morfaren underviser Sarah og Boo i den ædle ridekunst, som han selv lærte det i sin ungdom i det hæderkronede franske rytterkorps Le Cadre Noir.Et andet sted i byen bor den succesrige børneadvokat Natasha Macauley i et stort hus, som hun stadig deler med sin charmerende, men umulige eksmand. Natasha har travlt på sit arbejde, men hendes privatliv er noget rod, og da det viser sig, at hun måske har begået en alvorlig fejl i en sag, hun har arbejdet på, begynder hendes liv at falde fra hinanden.Skæbnen får Sarahs og Natasha stier til at krydses på et tidspunkt, hvor Sarah har hårdt brug for hjælp og Natasha for at gøre noget godt, men spørgsmålet er, om de kan hjælpe hinanden.Pressen skriver:”Moyes er en dreven fortæller, ja måske den bedste på sit felt.” – Fyens Stiftstidende”Hvis man er vild med Mig før dig, vil man også elske Det store spring. I romanen understreger Jojo Moyes sin status som dronningen af romantiske feel good-romaner. Som forfatter er Jojo Moyes eminent god til at beskrive mennesker og ikke mindst relationerne mellem mennesker.” –

  • Spar 28%
    af Maren Uthaug
    122,00 kr.

    Grin dig gennem året: Prisvindende forfatter Maren Uthaug vender op og ned på hverdagen med et skævt smil.I sine populære striber Ting jeg gjorde dissekerer Maren Uthaug elegant det moderne livs finurligheder med sin minimalistiske streg, som man igen i år kan nyde samlet i en bordkalender.Maren Uthaug vandt i 2013 Politikens tegneseriekonkurrence med striben Ting jeg gjorde, og siden har den anmelderroste og prisvindende forfatter været fast tegner for Politiken.En kalender med ikoniske tegninger, der forvandler hverdagens øjeblikke til humoristiske højdepunkter.

  • af Cassandra Brunstedt
    513,95 kr.

    Modejournalisten Ella Franks vildeste drøm går i opfyldelse, da hun accepterer stillingen som chefredaktør for verdens største modemagasin, som er ved at blive lanceret i Skandinavien. Men midt i drømmen indser Ella, at hun skulle have været mere forsigtig med, hvad hun ønskede sig. Det tilbud, der virkede for godt til at være sandt, med indflydelse, penge og luksuriøse champagnearrangementer, viser sig snart at være netop det – for godt til at være sandt. Og en ulykke kommer sjældent alene. Da Ellas liv falder fra hinanden, ved hun ikke længere, hvad hun skal gøre.Udmattet og skuffet booker hun en enkeltbillet til Indien og tjekker ind på en ashram. Der møder hun meditationslæreren Amit, som åbner hendes øjne på flere måder, end hun troede var muligt.Enkeltbillet til Indien er en feelgood-roman om at nå en blindgyde og lære at finde nye veje fremad. Om livsforandrende indsigter og den magi, der kun kan opstå, når man sætter farten ned og giver plads til den. Bogen var finalist i årets Feelgood hos Adlibris i 2022.Om forfatterenCassandra Brunstedt er født i 1987 og har arbejdet som redaktør, redaktionschef og administrerende direktør på magasiner som Elle Decoration, Elle mat och vin og Metro Mode. I dag arbejder Cassandra som forfatter, foredragsholder og afholder skriveretreats. Enkeltbillet til Indien er hendes debut, og romanen gjorde hende til finalist i årets Feelgood samt nomineret til Adlibrisprisen.

  • af Laura Starkey
    513,95 kr.

    Amy Perry er målrettet, ambitiøs og temmelig stolt af ikke at være til fals for latterlig romantik. Og hvad så, hvis hun brænder mere for sin karriere end for sin flotte kæreste? Det handler om at prioritere, når man er ung! Men da hun bliver tvunget til at forlade storbyen og tage tilbage til den landsby, der engang var hendes hjem, står Amy over for sit værste arbejdsmæssige mareridt – at oprette et romance-imprint for det forlag, hun arbejder for.Amy forsøger at tilpasse sig livet uden barer, havremælk og storbyforlag, men hun bliver distraheret af at stå ansigt til ansigt med en person, som hun i årevis har forsøgt at glemme. Inden længe er hun dog lige så opslugt af landsbylivet som af de romantiske manuskripter, hun skal vurdere til det nye imprint – og hun opdager usandsynlige paralleller mellem personernes liv og sit eget.Amy Perrys fordomme er en underholdende second-chance rom-com, der får en til at længes efter en weekend på en herregård i England med partoutbillet til årets romantiske bogfestival. Den er fuld af sprudlende ordvekslinger, romantisk energi og personlig udvikling.Om forfatteren:Laura Starkey er født i Warwickshire i 1982. Hun har studeret engelsk litteratur på University of York og er uddannet på Faber Academy. Har arbejdet som gymnasielærer, digital tekstforfatter og redaktør. Selvom hun ikke tror på ”meet cutes”, mødte hun tilfældigt sin egen mand på en perron i Londons metro. Hun bor i West Midlands med sin familie, sin bogsamling og indtil flere kæledyr.

  • af Rhonda Remington
    122,95 - 201,95 kr.

  • af Theresa Sperling
    869,95 kr.

    Theresa Sperling präsentiert in ihrem ersten Sammelband alle 33 lyrischen Slamtexte aus 2014¿2024. Jeder ihrer Texte hat ein eigenes Vorwort zur Entstehungsgeschichte sowie Anmerkungen zu Performance und Wirkung des Stücks. Stürzt euch in zehn Jahre künstlerisches Schaffen der zweifachen deutschsprachigen Meisterin im Poetry Slam.¿Theresas Texte kommen aufrecht und mit klarem Blick geradeaus durch die Vordertür ins Herz und sagen völlig zurecht: Ich wohne jetzt hier.¿ (Sebastian23)¿Theresas Texte leuchten.¿ (Sandra Da Vina)¿Sperlings Texte klingen nach. Kaum eine andere Poetin auf den deutschsprachigen Poetry Slam-Bühnen beweist so viel Haltung und Kraft, ohne dabei oberflächlich oder gar selbstgefällig zu sein. Dabei ist sie stets sprachlich präzise und gleichermaßen emotional sowie von messerscharfem Verstand. Wer Sperling nicht als Mutter hat, ist selber schuld.¿ (Tilman Döring)¿Theresas Texte sind so aufrecht, so mutig und klar. Das macht sie zeitlos. Und gerade heute unentbehrlich.¿ (Dominique Macri)¿Viele Menschen tragen das Herz auf der Zunge, aber nur den wenigsten gelingt es, daraus so wundervolle und treffende Texte zu formen. Jeder Satz berührt auf eine Art und Weise, wie nur Theresa berühren kann.¿ (Laura P.)

  • af Angelika Regossi
    488,95 kr.

    Inviting historical and culinary journeys to the Communist Empire, which existed for seventy years.The book includes fifteen fiction stories, based on well-researched historical facts about the colonies of Soviet Russia. Some territories come as a surprise; other places may be better known.The author simply explains complicated issues and reveals astonishing facts about life in one of the most fascinating historical periods of all time.Russian Colonial Food also takes you on a taste tour to understand better the cultural diversity of the Communist Empire. For Young Adults and Adults: easy reading and cooking.

  • af Adriana Locke
    184,95 kr.

    From USA Today Bestselling author Adriana Locke comes a grumpy, blue-collar single dad that falls hard for his new nanny. This small-town romance is a standalone novel with tons of heat and even more heart.This grumpy single dad falls hard for the nanny.Chase Marshall is many things:· An attentive single dad· Jaw-droppingly gorgeous· My employer for the next thirty daysHe's also the bane of my existence.He swears I'm a never-ending headache-the most infuriating woman he's ever met.If I'm so irritating, then what's up with the lingering looks when he thinks I'm not watching?The seemingly innocent touches while making breakfast?The smirk that graces his kissable lips after one of our verbal spars after his daughter has gone to bed?One minute he's coming to my rescue. The next second he's complaining about how I fold his work shirts. Fine. Fold them yourself.It turns out that the only time I don't get under Chase's skin is when I'm under him.And that's where things get complicated.

  • af Henna Vale
    272,95 kr.

    Käsiraudat, silmälaput, solmut ja lelut. Mistä muusta sitä keskustelisi kaverinsa kanssa?- Muuta luokseni, Luka, Alex ehdotti.- Siitä tulee mukavaa, hän taivutteli.- Toki, miksipä ei? Minä vastasin.Kuinka tyhmä olinkaan.Olen homo ja hän ei ole.Olen rakastunut, ja, kuten voit arvata, hän ei ole.Olen yrittänyt vastustaa yksipuolisia tunteitani, mutta ne vain kasvavat sisälläni kuin rikkaruoho.Kun minun sitten täytyy kirjoittaa juttuja täysin uudenlaisista leikeistä saadakseni ylennyksen, tarvitsen Alexia enemmän kuin koskaan.Ja ehkä hänkin tarvitsee minua.Salattu rakkaus on hyvänmielen romaani kahden miehen välisestä rakkaudesta, ystävyydestä ja oman identiteetin löytämisestä.

  • af Karen Grey
    150,95 kr.

    1999 goals: Get a life, get real... and get a room. No one ever said I was the brightest bulb on the tree, but a near-death experience finally knocks some sense into my thick head. Luckily, my jerk of an ex washes his hands of me, but I'm left with so many burnt bridges to re-build. Landing a job on any movie or TV show that'll have me has to be my #1 priority. Thankfully, my life-long friends still love me enough to help. When the one I always wished could be more than a friend shows up on my doorstep, however, all my good intentions go right out the window. Before I know it, I've convinced him that an out-of-town, friends-with-benefits deal will be the perfect way to get over each other. Is it another in a long line of bad decisions, or a move that'll turn things around? 110 percent, I hope he can handle the truth. Fans of 90's TV shows, from Friends to Seinfeld, will love this second chance, friends-to-lovers, retro romance, where a grumpy cinnamon roll hero and a wounded bird heroine vie for a happy-ever-after despite interference from meddling found-family friends.

  • af Ali K. Mulford
    177,95 kr.

    They're both used to temporary. Have they unexpectedly found forever?Lark Lachlan has her life under control. Although she enjoys the occasional summer fling with women, the devoted-to-her-career, bisexual zookeeper has no trouble keeping her heart in its cage. So she's a little surprised to feel an instant, all-consuming attraction to the handsome new volunteer, Logan.The last thing Logan Anderson needs is another failed romance. Looking for a final adventure before heading home to take over the family business, the outgoing New Zealander is intrigued by the hottie . . . with her hand down a monkey sewage pipe. But he runs up against her no-sleeping-with-volunteers rule, even when she drunkenly locks lips with him in a red-hot kiss.Lark is tempted to let passion run free with the fun-seeking Kiwi, but animal antics and a dwindling timeline threaten to keep them strictly platonic...Will Lark and Logan let nature take its naughty course?She's A Keeper is the laugh-out-loud first book in the Prickle Island Zoo romantic comedy series. If you like relatable characters, light-hearted humor, and steamy romance, then you'll adore Ali K. Mulford's feel-good tale.Buy She's A Keeper to satisfy your untamed desires today!

  • af Janet Roberts
    198,95 - 276,95 kr.

  • af Jules Barnard
    198,95 kr.

    Adam Cade is entitled, arrogant-and he doesn't remember me.Adam is the prince of Lake Tahoe, born into one of the wealthiest families in the area, and he's the one person I hoped to avoid.He doesn't recognize me.He definitely doesn't remember how he helped this town ruin my life.Now that we work together, I have no choice but to get close to the arrogant ass if I want to keep my job.Only the closer I get, the less I see of the guy who wronged me in high school, and more of the sweet, sexy man he is now.

  • af Thea Lawrence
    198,95 kr.

    Phoebe Miller told herself that she would never fall for another rock star, but then she met Damien Bell.With their relationship suddenly thrust into the spotlight, Phoebe and Damien's bubble has burst and things have begun to get real.Fast.Not only does Phoebe have to save her job, but she and Damien now have to handle a work rival who is hell-bent on ruining her, the chaos of a tour, a brand new album, and the pressures of being in a real relationship- all while being in the public eye.Will Phoebe stay with Damien despite new pressures and sudden scrutiny? And more importantly, can their love survive the stranglehold of fame?Dollhouse is BOOK TWO in the Revolver Duet. Books must be read in order.

  • af Elana Johnson
    182,95 kr.

    Sometimes the thumbs slip...She's finally joined the dating app everyone in Cider Cove is raving about...when she accidentally sends a message about wanting to meet up for a first date to her enemy.Hillary:I've been engaged twice now without becoming a bride, and let's just say those failures have made me more career-focused than ever.But I just hit the big 3-0 last year, and I'm feeling...lonely, despite the five best friends I share an enormous house with. I've drawn the short stick this time, and I'm dealing with the general contractor about fixing our perpetually leaking roof.Joy.Not.Liam Graff is a complete beast-and our next-door neighbor-which only makes the way we sometimes gather at the upper floor windows to watch him mow his lawn shirtless a little embarrassing.For him. Not us.In order to cheer myself up, I join the dating app everyone in town can't stop talking about, and I've been chatting back and forth with Mr. Hottie from one town over.Great. No, really, it's great. I'm great. He's great.Except I've also been texting with Liam about this blasted roof, and my invite for dinner in a slinky black dress goes to him instead of Mr. Hottie...Before I can correct and explain myself, he responds with, What time should I pick you up?That very terrible text may haunt me for the rest of my life...or change it completely.

  • af Elana Johnson
    208,95 kr.

    Sometimes a wager only makes things more fun...She's got seniority over the obnoxious grump next door, and she's determined to beat him out for the top job in their charming hometown. But a bold bet spins their rivalry into a flirty attraction that could change everything.Claudia:I was born to be the Cider Cove City Planner. But Beckett Fletcher-the hothead who works next door to me-wants the job too. We can hardly stand each other on a good day, much less compete for the same promotion.So I make him a bet: Whoever proves they best know the citizens' needs and submits the top proposal for the Christmas Festival gets to apply first.I've got seniority and a solid plan. What can go wrong?Well, this bet also means talking to Beckett daily. I can't believe I've done myself dirty like this.Not only that, but the more we're together, the more I see he's not just a competitive grump. Suddenly I'm noticing things like his cute dogs, and how he cares for his sick aunt.Do we have more in common than I thought? And why does my pulse do cartwheels when he walks in the room?But I refuse to be distracted by my insane attraction to the man trying to steal my dream job. I set out to win the bet-and the job-but keep losing focus thanks to Beckett's handsome face and extraordinary kisses.Can our rivalry and this very bad bet spark something very right?Sometimes the worst wagers have the sweetest outcomes.

  • af Robin E L Disney
    101,95 kr.

    The Cry of the Curlew tells the harrowing tale of Marnie, an Albanian refugee whose life is marked by constant upheaval and danger. The story begins with her dramatic rescue from an Essex Marsh by an elderly woman, setting the stage for a life perpetually shadowed by misfortune. Marnie's journey is a tumultuous one. Just as she begins to find solace with a new family, the intrusion of the council upends her life once more. Her situation grows even more perilous when an inheritance draws the attention of the Albanian Mafia, demanding repayment for her father's debts to people smugglers. Faced with overwhelming threats, Marnie is forced into slavery. Yet, her indomitable spirit leads her to escape and find refuge with another family, hoping for a life far removed from her turbulent past. However, the shadows of her debt loom large, and the sense of danger is ever-present. This novel delves deep into themes of love, loss, and the devaluation of human life at the hands of people smugglers. It portrays the desperate struggle of individuals trying to escape poverty and their relentless search for love and belonging. The story oscillates between moments of humor and profound sadness, highlighting the resilience and kindness of people even in the face of the harsh realities of the modern world. Through Marnie's eyes, The Cry of the Curlew offers a poignant reflection on the immense challenges faced by refugees. It is a moving narrative that calls for empathy and understanding towards those who endure unimaginable hardships in their quest for a better life.

  • af Holly Cassidy
    188,95 kr.

    "A charming holiday rom-com about a young, recently heartbroken woman who is tasked by her sister to complete Advent calendar challenges in the lead up to Christmas to reignite her belief in herself, the holidays, and love again"--

  • af Ilana Long
    198,95 kr.

    "A pickleball newbie looking to recover from life's swings and misses crosses paddles with love in this debut romantic comedy. Meg Bloomberg is in a pickle. When Meg's ex turns out to be a total dink, her bestie suggests a mood-lifting pickleball excursion to Bainbridge Island. It's supposed to be an easy lob, a way to heal-not the opening serve to a new courtside romance that's doomed to spin out. But no matter how Meg tries, she can't shake her feelings for Ethan Fine. A charismatic environmental consultant and Bainbridge local, Ethan is eager to play with her on-and off-the court. But when Meg discovers that Ethan's pickleball promises are not the real dill, she decides the match is over. It's time for Meg to take control of her own game. And maybe, just maybe ... love will bounce back."--

  • af Mhairi McFarlane
    198,95 kr.

    "Elliot Owen is handsome, charming, and basically Hollywood royalty. And, he insists, madly in love with Edie Thompson: an ordinary citizen with tomato soup stains on her coat. It's going to be complicated. Edie will have to learn how to live in the limelight, but they're just too good together not to try. Edie discovers it's not easy when the press is the third person in your relationship, or when stories start leaking that force you to mistrust the motives of those around you. It's tricky when you're separated by an ocean and gorgeous co-stars and charismatic new colleagues are closer by. It's harder still when your past is raked up by envious people determined to destroy your present"--

  • af Jaliah J.
    255,95 kr.

    »Kein Scarano wird jemals Gnade von mir erwarten können.«Elisa ist zurück in ihrem normalen Leben, doch nichts ist wie vorher. Diese paar Tage haben alles geändert und tiefe Spuren in ihr hinterlassen. Wird es ihr gelingen, zurück in ihren Alltag zu finden, oder wird sich ihr Leben für immer verändern?Alea hat gedacht, die schlimmsten Tage hinter sich zu haben, doch ein Blick in Natales hasserfüllte Augen prophezeit ihr, dass ihr das wahre Grauen erst noch bevorsteht.

  • af Jessica Bailey
    125,95 kr.

    Confident and career-driven, Tamara has a checklist longer than her to-do list for the qualities of her dream man. But a dating disaster causes her to question her ideals, her values, and her outlook on life. Vulnerable and heartbroken, she decides to hit the reset button on her love life. Will she find her soulmate, or will she end up with just a frog in a suit? The One tells the story of a woman getting in touch with her inner self, while challenging our preconceived opinions and ideals about love.

  • af Cassandra Featherstone
    227,95 kr.

    It is neither intelligent nor polite to tell a true Southern woman with a gun she can't do something.But after I was informed my career with the F.B.I. was dead in the water, I packed up what little pride i had left and returned to my hometown. The one I never thought I'd ever set foot in again. Whistler's Hollow.When I left the Hollow 14 years ago, I never intended to return. But now I'm living in my childhood home, surrounded by hot guys, mischievous animals, and enough mystery for me to put my considerable talents to good use.Nothing is what it seems in this small Southern town, but I'm determined to unravel the tangled web of my past--before it destroys my future.

  • af Oscar Wilde
    193,95 kr.

    "The Importance of Being Earnest: A Trivial Comedy for Serious People" by Oscar Wilde is a timeless masterpiece that effortlessly blends razor-sharp wit with social satire, creating a scintillating commentary on the conventions of Victorian society. Wilde's comedic genius takes center stage in this satirical play, where the art of deception becomes a whimsical dance, and trivial matters evolve into profound reflections on identity, love, and societal expectations.Set against the backdrop of London's high society, the play follows the exploits of two charming bachelors, Jack Worthing and Algernon Moncrieff, who lead double lives to escape the constraints of their respective social obligations. The narrative unfolds with uproarious dialogues, mistaken identities, and clever wordplay, as Wilde masterfully crafts a world where trivialities are elevated to an art form.Through the lens of humor and satire, Wilde exposes the absurdities of social norms and the superficiality of the upper echelons of society. Beneath the sparkling repartee and comedic situations lies a profound exploration of the importance of sincerity and the farcical nature of societal expectations."The Importance of Being Earnest" stands as a comedic tour de force, celebrated for its sparkling dialogue, delightful characters, and incisive critique of the hypocrisies embedded in the veneer of respectability. Wilde's enduring wit and keen observations make this play a classic that continues to captivate audiences, offering a delightful blend of laughter, insight, and timeless relevance.

  • af Laurie Gilmore
    96,95 kr.

    From the author of the viral TikTok sensations, The Pumpkin Spice Cafeand The Cinnamon Bun Book Store, comes the No. 1 Sunday Times bestselling grumpy x sunshine Christmas romcom to curl up with this winter!'A charming break from reality' Publishers WeeklyEvery book in the Dream Harbor series can be read as a standalone.

  • af Ellie K. Wilde
    213,95 kr.

    Broke, jaded and unceremoniously dumped by her doting boyfriend. That's the state in which Melody Woods returns to the place she spent a decade avoiding: her small hometown of Oakwood Bay.Things go from bad to worse when Melody's twin brother talks her into a catastrophic end-of-summer camping trip. She finds herself stranded in the woods, awaiting rescue with only her brother's best friend for warmth-the very person she fled her hometown to avoid.Years ago, a mistake cost him his chance with Melody, and college football coach Zac Porter can't blame her for wanting nothing to do with him now. While Melody hopes for a cut-and-dry see you never once they make it back to town, Zac-who's been quietly in love with her for years-becomes determined to prove they're meant to be.Given their track record, Melody isn't convinced he's for real. Never mind that her brother would break Zac's nose if they ever got together, and that she's only in town long enough to get back on her feet after her break-up.As for Zac, he's already facing an uphill battle trying to coach his team to its first winning game in years, or risk being forced into early retirement. Getting Melody to fall for him...What's one more challenge, right?

  • af Susan Page Davis
    167,95 kr.

    A collection of three novellas inspired by Shakespearean romantic comedies.The Marry Wives of Sweetheart by Shannon Sue Dunlap-Mrs. Augusta Page knows best-for her daughter, Anne, and the whole town of Sweetheart, Texas. When Anne's former boyfriend, Conner Fenton, returns after many years of absence, it's a rocky road to reconciliation. Joshua attempts to rekindle their romance, but Anne's wounded heart never forgave him when he left her behind for the big city.Augusta enlists the help of her longtime buddy Veronica "Ronnie" Ford to do a little matchmaking, but obstacles abound. Her husband is against the romance, and foolish friend-of-the-family John Falstaff has taken a shine to Anne and asked for assistance. But the biggest obstacle is her daughter's stubborn heart. Mrs. Page and Mrs. Ford have their work cut out to inspire Anne Page to join the ranks of the "marry" wives of Sweetheart.The Tempest in the Bay by Susan Page Davis-A famous writer has retreated to an island home with only his daughter. For ten years, he's hidden away and not sent his publisher any new manuscripts. His daughter Violet is now 20 and wondering if it's time for her to see more of the world since her contact with the mainland is only through Darrell, a rather sluggish man from the shore community who brings out supplies once a month.Paul's brother Barney and the CEO of his publisher's company set out on a yacht to track him down. But a storm intervenes, and when the sailing party lands on his island, Paul isn't sure he wants to go back.Much Ado about Matrimony by Linda Fulkerson-Tricia Waters has resigned herself to the fact she'll never have a happily ever after, so she focuses on making her cousin's upcoming wedding a memorable one. But when she discovers her ex-fiancé is the best man, she vows to evade him. That is, until the two must work together to prevent the happy couple from breaking up.Reeling from a personal tragedy, Dr. Ben McIntyre travels to serve as his buddy's best man only to discover the maid of honor is the love of his life. Or she was, until she ended their engagement six years earlier. He plans to keep his distance from Tricia. When circumstances keep pushing them to work together, Ben learns that avoidance is futile.

  • af Jill Valentine
    208,95 kr.

    Bee Bloom is a respected modern leader who wholeheartedly believes in kindness. So when a conniving new chairman arrives at the company where she is CEO, she has a fight on her hands. Lucy Love, once a vivacious TV presenter, now finds herself a depressed, binge-drinking suburban wife. To make matters worse, her husband is facing accusations of harassment.Rosie Reid has earned a reputation as Sydney's "fixer," skilfully managing crises through her successful PR firm. However, she's growing increasingly tired of covering up for her misbehaving clients.When their worlds intertwine, the trio forge a pact to support one another. But as their dilemmas intensify, there is one looming question: can they throw the knockout punch and bring down the scheming, controlling men in their lives?High Heels and Low Blows is Jill Valentine's debut novel which also delves into themes of self-worth, identity, and friendship. With unforgettable characters, dramatic twists and sassy comedy, it is a story that is highly relatable to the modern woman and will leave you asking - which of these fabulous females do I admire the most?

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