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Den virkelige historie om Sixten Sparre og Elvira Madigan.Den 20. juli 1889 skød den svenske løjtnant Sixten Sparre først sin unge elskerinde Elvira Madigan, inden han rettede revolveren mod sig selv.Kærlighedsforholdet og den dramatiske afslutning er skildret i teaterstykker, romaner og på film som en romantisk historie om umulig kærlighed. Den dag i dag lægger nygifte brudebuketten på Elviras grav ved Landet Kirke på Tåsinge.Men sandheden om tragedien er ikke romantisk. I 1889 var Sixten Sparre en dybt falleret adelsmand, som ikke kunne leve op til omverdenens forventninger, og han så Elvira som muligheden for at iscenesætte sit eget selvmord. Hændelsen er gået over i historien, som om de to havde aftalt at gå i døden sammen. Men det var overlagt mord. Elvira vidste ikke, at hun skulle dø. Og hun vidste slet ikke, at det var en plan, Sixten havde haft i månedsvis.Kathinka Lindhe (f. 1950) er fil.dr., radiojournalist, bibliotekar og oldebarn til Sixten Sparre. Hun har tidligere udgivet Sixtens familiehistorie i Sverige.
I sommeren 1981 forsvinder 23-årige Else Marie fra den lille jyske by Ry. To måneder senere bliver hendes skelet fundet i et krat.Drabet på Else Marie er blot et af mange på unge kvinder og piger i slutningen af 1970’erne og begyndelsen af 80’erne, der stadig er uopklarede. Og noget tyder på, at samme gerningsmand står bag flere af dem.Den nyere danmarkshistorie er fuld af mystiske mord. Pårørende, der mangler svar. Vidner, der ikke føler sig hørt. Mistænkte, der hverken er renset eller straffet. Og mærkværdige spor, der ikke giver mening.I en faktabaseret, spændingsmættet true crime-fortælling går journalist og forfatter Søren Baastrup bag mysteriet om Else Marie og 11 andre drabssager uden opklaring.
Jeg troede, at min kæreste ville fri til mig på min fødselsdag, men i stedet slog han op. Værste. Fødselsdag. Nogensinde.For at distrahere mig selv tager jeg hjem til min bedstemor, og jeg opdager hurtigt, at hun har lagt planer om at gøre en ende på min singlestatus. Og at den søde nabodreng, hun har fortalt om, i virkeligheden er en mand. Af typen høj, mystisk og sexet, som får mit hjerte til at slå lidt hurtigere.Der er noget ved den forhenværende marinesoldat … Jeg kan ikke få ham ud af hovedet. Heller ikke selvom han gør det klart, at han efter en opslidende udstationering og et kuldsejlet kærlighedsforhold ikke er interesseret i nogen former for forhold. Og slet ikke kærlighed. Men han får mig også til at ønske, at jeg kunne slippe fornuften lidt, følge mit hjerte og for én gangs skyld tage en chance.Måske er det på tide, at vi begge gør det?Kun kærlighed er tredje, fritstående bind i Kun dig-serien af Melanie Harlow. "Kun kærlighed er Melanie Harlow, når hun er bedst."– New York Times-bestsellerforfatter Corinne Michaels "Fuldstændig hjertevarmende!!"– The Overflowing Bookcase
The Things We Leave Unfinished is a captivating novel written by the talented author, Rebecca Yarros. Published by Transworld Publ. Ltd UK on November 24, 2022, this book is a must-read for all book lovers. The narrative unfolds a mesmerizing story that keeps the reader hooked till the very end. Yarros, known for her unique storytelling style, has once again outdone herself in this latest offering. The genre of the book is a mix of mystery, romance, and drama, making it an engaging read for a wide range of audiences. The Things We Leave Unfinished is a testament to Yarros's literary prowess and is sure to leave a lasting impression on its readers. So, don't miss out on this literary gem from Transworld Publ. Ltd UK.
New York, 1938: Martha pulled the door of her Fifth Avenue apartment closed, her heart thumping, re-reading the telegram she'd been dreading. Her beloved sister Charlotte needed her help. She was alone in Paris, and the threat of Nazi invasion was growing ever stronger. The time had come for Martha to make the bravest decision of her life. She needed to bring Charlotte home. As Martha looks out of her bedroom window at the blossom-covered trees in Central Park, she is a world away from Europe and the threat of war. But when a telegram arrives from her sister Charlotte telling of the death of their Jewish friend Anita, Martha's quiet life changes in an instant. With the threat of the Nazi invasion growing, Martha knows she must travel to Paris to convince Charlotte to return home. When Martha arrives, she finds a city preparing for war. Soldiers patrol Paris' cobbled streets and families talk of packing up and fleeing with whatever they can carry. Clutching her sister tightly, Martha knows that Charlotte has already decided to stay. Charlotte's heart is in France, and as an American in Paris she believes she will be safe. When the Nazis march through Paris' streets and raise their flags over the city's most beautiful buildings, Charlotte is determined not to give in. She works for the Resistance with a Frenchman named Louis, carrying messages, and hiding Anita's family's precious art collection from the Nazis. Meanwhile, Martha vows to help a female Jewish professor to safety in America, only to be faced with impossible odds. But as the war rages, Martha and Charlotte's determination will be tested like never before. And when Charlotte uncovers a shocking secret about her family which threatens her own life, can she find the strength to protect those she loves the most? From top ten bestselling author Ella Carey comes an utterly heartbreaking novel about the strength of sisterly love and the courage of the women of the Resistance. Perfect for fans of The Nightingale, All The Light We Cannot See and Fiona Valpy. What readers are saying about Ella Carey: "This is a MUST READ!... Heartbreaking story will move you to tears... Exceptional!" Goodreads reviewer, ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "This phenomenal story will touch your heart in so many ways... An amazing escape that you are sure to cherish long after you finish reading... I absolutely loved this." Page Turners, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Wonderful... It gripped me from the first page until the last. The characters are so amazing... This story kept me glued all the way through... Phenomenal... Outstanding." @rubie_reads, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Izzy Astor forventer sig intet af turen, da hun boarder flyet på den sædvanlige rejse hjem i anledning af højtiden. Lige indtil hun får øje på sin sidekammerat, der bestemt er ganske ud over det sædvanlige. Nate Phelan har mørkt hår, blå øjne og en attraktivt upoleret charme, som Izzy finder uimodståelig. Deres tiltrækning er øjeblikkelig, og selvom Izzy ikke plejer at tro på skæbnen, er hun nu svært overbevist.Men bare halvfems sekunder efter take-off går deres fly ned i Missourifloden, og på et splitsekund forandres deres liv. De forandrer sig.Nate kaster sig ud i en militær karriere, mens Izzy går ind i politik, og til trods for et par tilfældige møder hen over årene, føles deres timing aldrig rigtig.Indtil de genforenes under højspændte forhold, da Nate i Afghanistan får til opgave at beskytte Izzy. Han vil gøre hvad som helst for at passe på hende. Og give alt for at vinde hendes hjerte.I BEDSTE FALD er en uimodståeligt hed kærlighedsfortælling fra Rebecca Yarros, bestsellerforfatteren bag romantasy-fænomenet Fourth Wing.
From the author of Rohini & Panch Phoron, an epic story of love and romance originating from the hot and humid plains of Gangetic Bengal, through the cloud caressed Himalayan foothills of Assam, the torrid jungles of Myanmar to the cool temperate climes of England and America. The story of a Bengali girl, her dreams, aspirations and passion in the backdrop of the generation of archetypical Bengali families torn by the ravages of the second world war.
Fierce, sassy rival re-meets her match in gruff, hardened ex-SEAL.I'm Callie, art lover with a flair for the provocative and a past tangled in pleasing others. These days, I'm reclaiming my passion and determined to make my mark.He's Hunter "Razor" James, a cocky, intense alpha male who's as dangerously captivating--and as ridiculously infuriating--as ever.We were almost something in college. A tumultuous not-quite-relationship fueled by our love-hate "whatevernis." Then he bailed and disappeared from my life. Good riddance.Now, years later, I'm staging a comeback exhibit at The Kill Zone, of all places. The kicker? My old nemesis just happens to co-own it.Sucked in by his cocky grin and unpredictable, possessive nature, Hunter still challenges me in ways no one else ever has. So, here I am, drawn to him like a moth to a flame, all over again.A storm I saw coming, and walked right into.This is a hot, standalone, enemies to lovers, second chance at love tale with all the feels and a sticky, sugary, satisfying HEA you'll never get over. You've been warned.
I thought waking up hungover with no recollection of the previous twenty-four hours would be the worst thing I'd encounter during my whirlwind trip to Vegas.It wasn't... not even close.Not only did I wake up in a strange room with a platinum band wrapped around my finger, I witnessed something no woman should ever see: a gruesome murder. If that wasn't unscrupulous enough, the unspeakable act was done by my husband: the stranger I married.With freshly signed alimony papers and a guilt-riddled heart, I left Vegas praying what happens in Vegas truly does stay in Vegas. My hope was left for dust when the fragment of my life I tried to forget collided into the present.Can the guarded, tortured man I married keep me safe when he is the one I need protecting from the most?
So I hired an "exotic dancer" for a baby shower. Just a little fun for us girls, okay? But when a silver Hummer skates up the driveway and this big, long-haired fireman stomps out, it's my body that starts heating up.It's an eventful night. I try to drown him (accidentally), kiss him (deliberately), and have to cut him out of his leather thong (long story).When my favorite male model gets run over by a Pamplona bull, I find myself in need of a stunning bit of man-candy to come with me to Nice, France, to model my designs.He's not crazy about the idea, because there's someone in Nice he'd like to avoid. Let's just say I talk him into it.But when he's on stage, will he remember he's a model, not a stripper, or will he start tossing my designs to a bunch of screaming women?
Battered and bruised, Teegan wakes up in the training camp struggling to remember the details of his last few weeks. But along with not knowing what happened to him, he also doesn't recognize the woman caring for him back in the camp. According to this Sandrine, he'd once asked her to marry him. Yet, he has no idea who she is...He didn't remember much about what happened, nor did he remember the woman looking after him. Sandrine that is. That information rolls through his confused brain along with the other disjointed bits of information he can't place, leaving him distrustful of everyone around him.Sandrine can't believe the injured sick man in front of her is Teegan. They had a history together but she'd not in any way thought she'd see him like this. He'd always been so fit and strong. All she wants is to get him back on his feet and be the man she used to know. But someone isn't done with him yet...Teegan knows his brother is doing everything possible to solve these mysteries and to make sure no one gets a second chance to hurt him. But sometimes betrayal doesn't come from the outside... sometimes it comes from the inside... inside... and not outside...
Delta is always eager to help animals in need, especially when the request comes from Kat and Badger. Learning the animal is a retired K9 dog, now serving as a comfort animal for other injured dogs, Delta's determination only increases. However, arriving in town, Delta's contact has now vanished, and Delta discovers the War Dog is missing as well. Although Delta had looked forward to dinner with the woman he'd spoken to frequently on the phone, he now finds himself entangled in a disconcerting theory that extends beyond just one War Dog.Rebecca has always had a soft spot for animals, and retired War Dog Gracie has effortlessly found a place in her heart. However, Rebecca's attempts to adopt her from the center are consistently thwarted. As Rebecca seeks a solution, she stumbles upon something far more sinister, and soon realizes she is out of her depth.All she can do is hope that Delta comes through for both her and Gracie ... before it is too late.
Nestled on the banks of the Willow River, just to the east of the Cherokee Mountains, the idyllic little city of Harper Falls was quintessential small town America. Nothing bad had ever happened there . . . until 1961, that is.It was in the wee hours of May 8, when firefighter Jack Troy responded with his ladder company to a major fire in a residence hall at the College of Saint Brigid where he proceeded to smash his way into a smoke-filled third floor apartment in an attempt to save a young woman who appeared to be trapped. Jack knew this high-wire heroic act would put him in grave danger, but a life hung in the balance. This is what he had trained for. This was his job.What Jack could not know, however, was that the danger he faced in the choking smoke and intense heat at the college that day would pale in comparison to the peril he would soon face as he was drawn into a gripping tale of love, romance, and murder, the likes of which had never been seen in the little city of Harper Falls.Jack's brave rescue effort at the end of his aerial ladder that morning ultimately led him to a beautiful young woman who quickly became the love of his life. Together, they made a picture-perfect couple and began to carry on a close and touching romance. But it wasn't long before Jack started to suspect that not all was well, and that someone was trying to kill his new love. Was the fire really an accident or just the sinister beginning of a slowly escalating effort to eliminate her? Jack had his doubts.The police were deeply involved, but sometimes distracted, going in the wrong direction, or pursuing a dead end. There were many suspects identified who had credible motive and adequate opportunity. Old boyfriends, former employers, an art professor, a jealous classmate, even an old girlfriend of Jack all made the list. Throughout it all, the murders and murder attempts, the frequent twists and turns, the many conflicting clues, and the multiple suspects, Jack was consistently worried that the police were getting things wrong, misreading things, and making incorrect judgments.Working closely with his old friend, Detective Sergeant Charlie O'Hanlon, Jack was determined to stay vigilant and make his own effort to find and stop the person who was responsible for the attempts made on the life of his newfound love. In the end, when circumstances forced him to take matters into his own hands, this determination brought him and his lover face-to-face with the would-be murderer and almost certain death.
Angie is op zoek naar de ware, maar al haar afspraakjes lopen uit op de verkeerde. Totdat ze de baas van haar nieuwe buurman ontmoet - lang, donker, en heerlijk dominant.Ian, eigenaar van een privé beveiligingsbedrijf en een elite BDSM club, heeft zijn oog laten vallen op de knappe blondine sinds de dag dat ze aan elkaar werden voorgesteld. Hij overtuigt zichzelf ervan dat hij uit haar buurt moet blijven, totdat een geheim hem een reden geeft om dichter bij haar te komen.Wanneer er problemen op Angies voordeur kloppen, legt ze haar leven in Ians handen. Zijn beveiligingsteam is vastbesloten haar koste wat kost in leven te houden. Zal Angie voorgoed uit Ians leven weglopen als de rook is opgetrokken?
Tristan Donnelly has been my far away support system since he became the soldier my family "adopted" years ago. I've written to him about everything from my hopes for my future to my grief during deep loss. He's secretly been my rock from afar, but now I'm calling in a favor.I've given up everything to keep my family from falling apart, but my brother's debts have caught up with him and now I'm in danger, too. If I marry, I can access my trust and gain some protection, but the only man I can imagine asking to do this favor is the one I've always loved and have never actually met.Tristan's a retired special ops soldier and he's the most honorable man I know. When he agrees to marry me, we plan to live separately, until he insists I come stay with him so he can protect me. Now I'm face to face with a man who is not only the most important person in my life, he's also so ridiculously handsome it hurts. He's capable and gentle and I'm hard pressed to remember this marriage isn't meant to last.I'd planned to go home when the money comes through, and that's when we'd end things.But now I've had a glimpse of what life could be, and I want something permanent with Tristan. Plus, I'm finding that backbone I lost track of years ago and I've realized I don't want to return to my old life. The problem is, I don't know how I can stay when this was only supposed to be a temporary favor.
Dedicated patriot Jo Fitzgerald and ambitious journalist Toni James collide during a British Army assignment. Sparks fly between stoic Jo and spirited Toni, but can love survive duty and desire?
Major Thomas Harrison Smith is critically wounded while escaping from a POW camp deep inside LAOS during the Vietnam War. Stabilized by medical personnel, he is flown to Oahu, Hawaii for surgery and rehabilitation. Emaciated, dehydrated, and half-dead from torture and constant beatings, he meets Lt. Marla Bristol, a nurse-therapist assigned to his case. During Major Smith's recovery, he and Lt. Bristol fall in love and marry. The military wants Major Smith to do another tour of duty. Major Smith agrees to return to Vietnam. Will he see his beloved Marla again? Who is Lt. Anthony Lambello and what part does he play in whether Major Smith returns from NAM? Thomas and Marla are scared but each waits for the time they will be reunited. Major Smith's faith is strong. Marla has doubts. Both look for the day they will be permanently together again. God answers their prayers, but is it the way that they hoped for?
He's a seasoned cowboy on a delivery mission. She's a resilient hobby farm owner braving the winter storm. Can Keith and Lindsay forge a bond in the heart of a tempest and find love in the calm that follows?Keith Whettstein is no stranger to life's challenges - a seasoned cowboy from the renowned Hammond Family Farm, he's weathered his fair share of trials. Yet, as he finds himself caught in the thick of a snowstorm, delivering a horse to the remote Lewis farm just days before Christmas, life takes an unexpected turn.When an unfortunate slip leads to Keith's injury and the horse falls atop him, it's Lindsay Lewis who comes to his rescue. Born and bred in cattle country in Texas, Lindsay is as tough as the weather that lashes her land, yet she nurses Keith with a gentleness that belies her exterior.Bound by circumstance and the fury of nature, Keith and Lindsay are forced to hunker down together just days before his sister's wedding, weathering the storm that rages outside. Confined within the cozy warmth of Lindsay's home, a hot bond begins to form between them, forged in adversity and kindled by shared experience.But Keith's best friend and co-worker is Lindsay's older brother, and they both wonder if they're starting something they can't finish.Then Keith decides to take Lindsay to his sister's wedding. There, she'll have to meet everyone important to him, and that's not a small number when it comes to the farm where Keith was raised...Will they find the courage to explore the growing connection between them? Can their faith carry them through the trials they face, leading them toward a happily-ever-after they never expected?
Sorrel Bitter Thyme seems destined to spend her entire life at the Children of Nature compound. Not an ideal situation. She dreams of so much more-a better future, one outside the cult where she can experience freedom. After working long hours, she's close to achieving her secret goal. She's perfected the Dream Cream, which enhances orgasmic pleasure, and it's time to approach Fancy Free management with her invention. Easier said than done! Sneaking around the cult leader who will steal her idea if he learns of the financial potential is tricky and rife with problems. Jake Ramsey, a Special Air Services soldier on sick leave, agrees to go undercover in the cult to help local police close a case against the leader. Fun times when a beach holiday with a sexy babe would suit him better. Plain and dumpy Sorrel is his inside contact and not what he expects. Their partnership works well. A rapport blooms, and kisses meant to cement their cover take on new possibilities. Jake uncovers secrets, and their loving heats up, passion coalescing into more than camaraderie. Then danger stalks Sorrel. What began as a favor is now deadly serious-a game Jake must win to keep Sorrel safe. Contains an alpha male soldier intent on protection, a determined ugly duckling heroine who dreams of freedom, and a cult leader with his eye on financial security and revenge.
"Dwyer's experiences as a West Point graduate, Army spouse, and mother of two combat Veterans shines through in her authentic and empathetic portrayal of military life. Highly recommended." -Bob Mayer, NYT bestselling author, West Point graduate and former Green Beret2003. The War on Terror rocks the world, but Kelly McGowan dreams only of the exciting adventures ahead with her fiancé Matt, a new Army lieutenant from West Point.When Matt deploys to Iraq, reality hits. Kelly, coping with her loneliness, questions if their love will endure. Matt returns from war aloof and sullen, forcing Kelly to deal with her emotions - and a secret from his past that could destroy their future. She seeks solace at her aunt's beach house, only to be walloped by a catastrophic hurricane.The Roof Above is the story of a young woman's journey through war, storms, and secrets to find her tribe and the love she deserves.
"No one does Alpha heroes like Samantha A. Cole!"-New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author Susan StokerThis novelist takes research to the next level...Kristen is a divorcée writing a book that depicts the darkest bedroom desires but needs personal experience to inspire the sequel to her unexpected and titillating bestseller. Retired Navy SEAL and private club owner Devon is all too happy to help. After a weekend of alluring, hands-on education, their temporary relationship shifts into something deeper. But while fighting their unexpected connection, a killer sets Devon in his sights, and Kristen is caught in the crossfire.Will they survive with their hearts and lives intact?***The Trident Security series contains passionate romance, nail-biting suspense, and happily-ever-afters.
Langdon hasn't been in a good place for a long time, but it was time enough to chase away the woman he'd loved since forever. Unable to reach her to make it right, he realizes she's disappeared-and not by choice. He then finds out why Molly was kidnapped and by whom.Molly would do just about anything for Langdon, yet being used as leverage to force him to act wasn't part of the plan. But escaping would take more than her special energy skills, abilities her captors are unaware of. She needs to keep it that way.Now if only she could open the psychic door she'd slammed shut between her and Langdon to let him know what was happening-before he was forced to do something that could kill them both ...
Tout le monde a un secret bien gardé, mais Chase en a plusieurs. Son passé s'apprête à éclater au grand jour quand le terrible cauchemar qu'il a longtemps essayé de tenir à distance reprend vie.Chargée de douloureux souvenirs qui la marqueront à jamais, Vanessa s'est jurée de toujours aller de l'avant sans rien regretter. Mais quand elle se retrouve mêlée aux turpitudes de Chase, ses problèmes s'imposent à elle.Pour s'assurer un présent serein, tous deux vont devoir affronter leurs passés... sous peine d'être privés d'avenir.
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