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Satire og parodier

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  • af Morten Ellemose & Søren
    97,95 kr.

    Halløj på Christiansborg afslører aktørerne fra magtens korridorer på Christiansborg og erhvervslivets bonede gulve i et omfattende komplot efter statens salg af DONG til den amerikanske kapitalhaj Gold, Digger & Saxman.Det er en samfundsrevsende og stærkt satirisk bog om politisk grådighed og finanskrisens finurligheder båret af urealisme, humor og slap-stick komedie, hvor kammerateri, politiske rævekager, kønsskifteoperationer og attentatforsøg er hverdag.Bogen udstiller uhæmmet grådighed, magtbegær, politisk dekadence og forretningslivets bagside med intriger, sex og lyssky aftaler, der efterlader den almindelige dansker med regningen.

  • af Lone Aburas
    43,94 - 157,95 kr.

    Robert er tandlæge. Rebecca underviser i geografi på VUC. De mødtes under en rodbehandling. En måned efter flyttede de sammen med deres sure teenagebørn i hans store lejlighed. De har jævnligt en form for samleje.En dag har Robert fået sig en badge. ”Jeg skjuler en flygtning”, står der. Derefter begynder han at sige: ”Handling giver forvandling”, og så skal den illegale Amir pludselig bo der. Rebecca er ikke begejstret for det pludselige engagement. Og slet ikke for Roberts gamle ven, Mark, der råber paroler fra 80’erne og drikker deres rødvin og bager på Roberts datter. Eller for Amir, der ryger og er depressiv og hele tiden er der. Faktisk er hun slet ikke rigtig begejstret eller engageret i noget som helst. Og hvad med hendes egen kronragede søn. Hvad har han gang i? Og hvorfor er Roberts datter pludselig blevet så tynd?   Måske er det tid til at engagere sig?

  • af Bjarne Reuter
    43,94 - 117,95 kr.

    Politikommissær Stelman og hans assistent Rasmus Larsen, kendt fra Den iranske gartner (2008) er på banen igen i en ny vild og grotesk morsom krimifarce.En morgen forsvinder en højtanskrevet syrisk fredsmægler under sit besøg på Nationalmuseet. Han er i København for at deltage i en fredskonference. Kort efter bliver hans lig, uden hoved, fundet i Tamdrup Kirke i Jylland. Hvordan er det havnet der? Opklaringsarbejdet fører Stelman og Larsen vidt omkring og implicerer også begivenheder og personer fra dansk nutidsvirkelighed og politik.Læs mere om forfatteren, Bjarne Reuter:

  • af D. Olesen
    144,95 - 152,95 kr.

    På en solskinsdag får Henrik stukket en seddel i hånden af en pige der skal vise sig at vende op og ned på hans liv og ægteskab. Et profilnavn står sirligt skrevet med en invitation til at installere appen SUGAR. Han skulle egentlig bare jage nogle uvorne unger væk fra Rosenbakkens perfekte asfalt for at sikre freden i det rige nordsjællandske kvarter, men mødet med hende ændrer alting.Pigens navn er Frida, og hun kommer til at vække noget i Henrik der længe har ligget i dvale. For alderen har sat sine spor hos Henrik, og ægteskabet med Birgitte har set bedre dage. Med Frida på appen kan Henrik føle sig ung igen og nyde en opmærksomhed han ikke længere får fra Birgitte. Men hvad kan han tillade sig? Han betaler for begge, så hvorfor skulle han ikke få lov til at have Birgitte i køkkenet og Frida i sengen?Sukkerpigen er en tragikomisk roman om sugardating, klasseskel, magtbalancer og hvor nemt en situation kan komme fuldstændig ud af kontrol.

  • af Jonathan Swift
    185,95 kr.

    ""Gulliver's Travels"" is a timeless satirical novel written by Jonathan Swift, celebrated for its wit, imagination, and biting social commentary. The story follows Lemuel Gulliver, a ship's surgeon, who embarks on a series of extraordinary voyages to distant lands. In each of these lands, Gulliver encounters fantastical creatures, peculiar customs, and absurd societies, offering Swift a platform to critique various aspects of 18th-century European society, politics, and human nature. From the miniature inhabitants of Lilliput to the towering Brobdingnagians, and from the rational Houyhnhnms to the savage Yahoos, Gulliver's encounters reveal the follies, vices, and hypocrisies of humanity. Through its engaging narrative and thought-provoking allegory, ""Gulliver's Travels"" offers readers a profound exploration of power, corruption, morality, and the essence of humanity itself, making it a timeless classic that continues to resonate with readers of all ages.

  • af Finn Ole Boller
    191,95 kr.

    Was Sie gerade in der Hand halten oder aber auf dem Bildschirm des technischen Geräts Ihrer Wahl sehen, ist ein Buch. Wenn Sie wissen wollen, worum es geht, nun, fangen Sie an zu lesen!

  • af Flora Casal
    173,95 kr.

    No dejas de reír porque te haces mayor. Te haces mayor porque dejas de reír. Siguiendo el sabio consejo de Maurice Chevalier, "Cuentos divertidos para personas mayores" te invita a reír sin límites y redescubrir la magia de la vida a través de 25 historias cortas cargadas de positividad.Estos cuentos, diseñados para mantener activa la mente, son perfectos para regalar momentos de diversión y estímulos a esa persona especial que ya ha cumplido muchos años. Con párrafos cortos y una letra adaptada para quienes tienen baja visión, cada historia se convierte en un viaje fácil de disfrutar, incluso para aquellos con demencia, alzhéimer, párkinson o en procesos de rehabilitación.No solo te embarcarás en aventuras divertidas, sino que también encontrarás simpáticas ilustraciones que facilitan la comprensión y añaden un toque de encanto a cada relato. ¡Regala risas, alegría y estimulación con este libro que despierta la mente y llena el corazón de positivismo! ¡Es el regalo perfecto para mantener viva la llama de la felicidad en las personas mayores!EL LIBRO INCLUYE:-25 Cuentos divertidos cargados de mensajes positivos y estimulantes.-Cuentos escritos en párrafos cortos, fáciles de leer, incluso para personas mayores con demencia, alzhéimer, párkinson, en rehabilitación tras un ictus o con problemas de memoria y concentración. Sin palabras difíciles.-Tamaño Fuente de 16 puntos, letra grande, ideal para personas con pérdida de visión.-Simpáticas ilustraciones que hacen más fáciles y comprensibles los textos

  • af Andrew Hobgood
    142,95 - 200,95 kr.

  • af Hunter Macculloch
    173,95 - 197,95 kr.

  • af Yan Lianke
    152,95 kr.

    "A paperback original imprint of Grove/Atlantic, Inc."

  • af Alexander McCall Smith
    162,95 kr.

    Welcome to the insane and rarified world of Professor Dr Moritz-Maria von Igelfeld of the Institute of Romance Philology. Von Igelfeld is engaged in a never-ending quest to win the respect he feels certain he is due-a quest which has the tendency to go hilariously astray. In Unusual Uses for Olive Oil, von Igelfeld experiences a series of new adventures. First, he finds that his academic rival Detlev-Amadeus Unterholzer has been winning undeserved recognition, a situation that must be addressed. Then von Igelfeld stumbles toward a romance with Frau Benz, a charming widow who owns her very own Schloss and a fleet of handsome cars-that is, until a faux pas lands him on the curb. Later, while on the annual student study retreat in the Alps, von Igelfeld fearlessly plunges 3000 feet into mountaineering history, and turns his survival into the subject of inspirational lectures. Finally, at a dinner party, he is the only kind soul who can aid an unfortunate dachshund whose sticky wheels are in need of lubrication. Alexander McCall Smith's Professor von Igelfeld is his most wonderfully maddening, ridiculous, and utterly inspired comic creation.

  • af Ilya Ilf
    163,95 kr.

    The Twelve Chairs is a classic satirical picaresque novel by the Soviet authors Ilf and Petrov, published in 1928. Its plot follows characters attempting to obtain jewelry hidden in a chair. A sequel was published in 1931. The novel has been adapted to other media, primarily film.Ilf and Petrov gained a high profile for their two satirical novels: The Twelve Chairs (1928) and its sequel, The Little Golden Calf (1931). The two texts are connected by their main character, Ostap Bender, a con man in pursuit of elusive riches. Both books follow the exploits of Bender and his associates looking for treasure amidst contemporary Soviet reality. They were written and are set in the relatively liberal era in Soviet history, the New Economic Policy of the 1920s. The main characters generally avoid contact with lax law enforcement. Their position outside the organized, goal-driven, productive Soviet society is emphasized. It also gives the authors a convenient platform from which to look at this society and to make fun of its less attractive and less socialist aspects. These are among the most widely read and quoted books in Russian culture. The Twelve Chairs was adapted for ca. twenty movies; in the Soviet Union (by Leonid Gaidai and by Mark Zakharov), in the US (in particular by Mel Brooks), and in other countries.The two writers also traveled across the Great Depression-era United States. Ilf took many pictures throughout the journey, and the authors produced a photo essay entitled "American Photographs," published in Ogoniok magazine.

  • af Robert Lott
    194,95 kr.

    "Geschichte ist einfach scheißlangweilig, Alter. Tausend blöde Namen und Zahlen, die sich kein Schwein merken kann."So oder so ähnlich kommentieren Schüler oft Geschichte, wie sie in der Schule gelehrt wird. Die "wundersame Geschichte der Menschheit" ist dagegen in einer Sprache geschrieben, die auch für junge Menschen verständlich ist und will kein brottrockener Ballast für ein überfordertes menschliches Gehirn sein. Diese Geschichte soll Jugendlichen und geistig Junggebliebenen Spaß machen und wirft daher ein ironisch-satirischen Blick auf die Entwicklung der Menschheit und auf die offizielle, einseitige Geschichtsdarstellung, die Fakten geflissentlich ignoriert und oft nur der Aufrechterhaltung des gegenwärtigen Wirtschaftssystems dient. Hochtrabende Geschichtsmythen werden in diesem Buch von ihrem Sockel gestoßen und der Lächerlichkeit preisgegeben, der Unsinn vieler geschichtswissenschaftlicher Begriffe und Behauptungen drastisch vor Augen geführt.

  • af R.F. Kuang
    219,95 kr.

    Athena Liu er en litterær darling og June Hayward er en nobody.Da Athena dør i et vildt uheld, stjæler June hendes manuskript og udgiver under det racemæssigt tvetydige pseudonym Juniper Song.Men Junes stjålne succes trues af beviser for hendes forbrydelse, og hun opdager hvor langt hun er villig til at gå for at få, hvad hun mener, at hun fortjener. Og hvad der så sker, er jo udelukkende andres skyld.Yellowface er en sorthumoristisk syngende lussing til forlagsbranchen og sociale medier; en roman om racisme, kulturel appropriation og opportunisme og kunsten at omskrive historien – bogstaveligt talt.

  • af Hans-Henning Jacobsen
    87,95 - 142,95 kr.

    De forgjorte komedianter er blandt meget andet et forsøg på at give en humoristisk stemme til de af os, der måske ikke ved første alarm gør knæfald for al den politiske finpudsethed, der regimeagtigt trækkes ned over hovedet på befolkningen for tiden. Jeg får kvælningsfornemmelser af al den komiske korrekthed og står i klar opposition til alle de håbløst konstruerede moderniteter, der kun må menes noget om, når meningen er rigtig, woke-fähig og godkendt af flagesaltsegmentet. Forskrækkelsen har sat sig så dybt, at vi, de mange, på det nærmeste er blevet håndsky og handlingslammede. Det er skræmmende, når vi i rusen af mangfoldighedsfejringen oplever, at diversiteten samtidig skrumper. Var det meningen? Hvad er egentlig meningen?

  • af Plum Sykes
    297,95 kr.

    Take a grand English country house, one (heartbroken) American divorcee, three rich wives, two tycoons, a pair of miniature sausage dogs and one (bereaved) butler; put them all into the blender and out comes the impossibly funny Wives Like Us, the new novel from the best-selling author of Bergdorf Blondes and Party Girls Die In Pearls, Plum Sykes.If you think the English countryside is all green wellies, muddy Land Rovers, and grey-haired ladies in tweed, then you've never visited The Bottoms.Welcome to the rose-strewn county of Oxfordshire, and the tony Cotswold villages of Little Bottom, Middle Bottom, Great Bottom, and Monkton Bottom, recently annexed by a glittering new breed of female: the Country Princess.Following a ghastly row about a missing suite of diamonds, Tata Hawkins has flounced out of Monkton Bottom Manor with her daughter, Minty, and Executive Butler Ian Palmer in tow, decamping to The Old Coach House to teach her husband, Bryan, a lesson.But things don't go to plan. Bryan disappears to Venice with a bikini designer; Selby Fairfax, the glamorous American divorcée who has inherited the beautiful estate next door--Great Bottom Park--is refusing Tata's overtures at friendship; Tata's two best friends, Sophie Thompson and Fernanda Ovington-Williams, are distracted by their own problems; worst of all, Ian has nowhere to store his collection of vintage Gucci loafers.Will Tata ever return to the comforts of the Manor? Will Sophie's husband start appreciating her? Will Fernanda ever find a replacement Manny for her friendless son, Luca? Will Selby find her Prince Charming? With the help of a pig farmer-ess moonlighting as a Personal Assistant, a male model moonlighting as a stable hand, a London barrister moonlighting as a gentleman farmer, and a hypochondriac American tech mogul lying in a hospital bed, is there any hope that Ian can restore harmony to The Bottoms?

  • af Max Barry
    222,95 kr.

  • af Kurt Vonnegut
    192,95 kr.

  • - Forskellige slags mennesker - samme smag. En antiracistisk og bæredygtig kogebog
    af Finn Lykke Schmidt
    177,95 kr.

    Bogen problematiserer på en utraditionel og sjov måde – og med et glimt i øjet – vores spisevaner og sætter fokus på vores selvoptagede forvaltning af naturen på planeten Jorden. Mennesket (Homo sapiens) er langt fra en sjælden eller truet dyreart. Lige nu er der næsten 8 milliarder af os, og statistikere anslår, at vi i 2050 vil være ca. 10 mia. Vi ved, at det ikke er naturen, der truer vores eksistens, men mængden af mennesker, der truer naturens eksistens. Konklusionen er, at en af de bedste måder at gøre noget godt for naturen og planeten på er at reducere antallet af mennesker. En oplagt metode er at genindføre en sund, afbalanceret og naturlig kannibalisme. At tilberede og indtage føde af menneskekød er en tradition, der går over en million år tilbage i tiden. Det viser fund i klippehuler af knoglerester fra måltider, der var tilberedt af kød fra en tidlig menneskeart. På trods af denne ældgamle tradition viser erfaringen imidlertid, at det kan være svært at finde mennesker, der frivilligt lader sig spise. Derfor giver bogen dig nogle tips til, hvilke andre dyr du kan bruge i stedet, for eksempel køer, grise, får og geder. Flere videnskabelige undersøgelser tyder dog på, at heller ikke disse dyrearter umiddelbart udviser nogen positiv form for forståelse eller begejstring over at være alternativet til menneskelig kannibalisme, men nogen skal kødretter jo laves af.Alle opskrifter er beregnet til fire personer.

  • af Mohammed Hanif
    172,95 kr.

    From the prize-winning author hailed as "Pakistan's brightest voice" (Guardian), comes a powerful and darkly satirical novel about the the harsh, absurd hypocrisies of American intervention in the Muslim world

  • af Christopher Beha
    162,95 kr.

    Handsome Eddie Hartley was once a golden boy poised for the kind of success promised by good looks and a modicum of talent. Now thirty-three, he has abandoned his dream of an acting career and accepted the reality of life as a drama teacher at the boys' prep school he once attended. But when Eddie and his wife, Susan, discover they cannot have children, it's one disappointment too many.Weighted down with debt, Susan's mounting unhappiness, and his own deepening sense of failure, Eddie is confronted with an alluring solution when an old friend-turned-Web-impresario suggests Eddie sell a sex tape he made with an ex-girlfriend, now a wildly popular television star. In an era when any publicity is good publicity, Eddie imagines that the tape won't cause any harm?a mistake that will have disastrous consequences and propel him straight into the glaring spotlight he once thought he craved.A hilariously biting and incisive takedown of our culture's monstrous obsession with fame, Arts & Entertainments is also a poignant and humane portrait of a young man's belated coming-of-age, the complications of love, and the surprising ways in which the most meaningful lives often turn out to be the ones we least expected to lead.

  • af Kurt Vonnegut
    192,95 kr.

  • af Alexander Pope
    67,95 - 162,95 kr.

    Transposing English aristocratic society onto the world of the gods, Alexander Pope¿s The Rape of the Lock is the story of a grave offence against the natural order of the universe: the theft of a lock of hair.

  • af Freeman Tilden
    282,95 - 325,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • - More Or Less A Vital Satire (1916)
    af Percival Wright Wells
    237,95 - 275,95 kr.

    The Great Corrector: More Or Less A Vital Satire is a book written by Percival Wright Wells and published in 1916. The book is a collection of satirical essays that critique various aspects of society, including politics, religion, and education. Wells uses humor and irony to expose the flaws and absurdities of these institutions, and to offer his own perspective on how they could be improved. The essays are written in a lively and engaging style, and are filled with witty observations and insightful commentary. Overall, The Great Corrector is a thought-provoking and entertaining read that offers a unique perspective on the social and political issues of its time.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Tungyn Cheque
    132,95 kr.

    The perfect antidote for Boomer, Millennial, and GenXYZ angst! Rectum Leviticus is an avowed nihilist. His name and unusual backstory propelled him to adopt an approach to life best characterized as, "I don't care because nothing really matters." This attitude has served him exceedingly well. His nihilism, paired with his astute observational skills, give him an edge in navigating all the challenges of modern life. Rectum shares his wisdom in The Nihilist's Pocket Survival Guide to Modern Society.Tungyn Cheque blends the humor of late-night comedy shows and cartoon favorites like The Simpsons, the absurdity and wit of Douglas Adams, Dave Barry, and Jerry Seinfeld (with a splash of Monty Python) into an intoxicating cocktail of humorous light-hearted criticism of the times we live in. This handbook is a must read for anyone trying to figure out and negotiate the landscape of work, home, family relationships, debt, dating and all that modern life offers. How best to tackle these challenges? The nihilist offers readers his well-honed suggestions.

  • af Beatriz Williams
    159,95 kr.

    Agatha Christie meets Murder, She Wrote in this witty locked room mystery and literary satire by New York Times bestselling team of novelists: Beatriz Williams, Lauren Willig, and Karen White.There's been a sensational murder at historic Castle Kinloch, a gothic fantasy of grey granite on a remote island in the Highlands of Scotland. Literary superstar Brett Saffron Presley has been found dead--under bizarre circumstances--in the castle tower's book-lined study. Years ago, Presley purchased the castle as a showpiece for his brand and to lure paying guests with a taste for writerly glamour. Now it seems, the castle has done him in...or, possibly, one of the castle's guests has. Detective Chief Inspector Euan McIntosh, a local with no love for this literary American show-off (or Americans in general), finds himself with the unenviable task of extracting statements from three American lady novelists. The prime suspects are Kat de Noir, a slinky, sexy erotica writer; Cassie Pringle, a Southern mom of six juggling multiple cozy mystery series; and Emma Endicott, a New England blue blood and author of critically acclaimed historical fiction. The women claim to be best friends writing a book together: a historical novel about the castle's lurid past and its debauched laird, who himself ended up creatively murdered. But the authors' stories about how they know Brett Saffron Presley don't quite line up, and the detective is getting increasingly suspicious. Why did the authors really come to Castle Kinloch? Is the murder of the long-ago laird somehow connected with the playboy author's unfortunate demise? And what really happened the night of the great Kinloch ceilidh, when Brett Saffron Presley skipped the folk dancing for a rendezvous with death? A crafty locked-room mystery, a pointed satire about the literary world, and a tale of unexpected friendship and romance--this novel has it all, as only three bestselling authors can tell it!

  • af Bret Easton Ellis
    192,95 kr.

    Bret Ellis, the narrator of Lunar Park, is the bestselling writer whose first novel Less Than Zero catapulted him to international stardom while he was still in college. In the years that followed he found himself adrift in a world of wealth, drugs, and fame, as well as dealing with the unexpected death of his abusive father. After a decade of decadence a chance for salvation arrives; the chance to reconnect with an actress he was once involved with, and their son. But almost immediately his new life is threatened by a freak sequence of events and a bizarre series of murders that all seem to connect to Ellis's past. His attempts to save his new world from his own demons makes Lunar Park Ellis's most suspenseful novel. In this chilling tale reality, memoir, and fantasy combine to create not only a fascinating version of this most controversial writer but also a deeply moving novel about love and loss, parents and children, and ultimately forgiveness.

  • af Zona Gale
    222,95 kr.

    Lulu Bett lives in a small town with her sister Ina and Ina's husband Dwight-a dentist who rules his household with self-righteous smugness. The unmarried Lulu has learned that she cannot question her role as chief cook, housekeeper, and gracious presence. But when Dwight's sophisticated brother Ninian comes to visit, Lulu finds in herself a surprising wit-and the boldness to accept his playful proposal of marriage. Through her appealing, determined heroine, Zona Gale satirically dispatches a sheaf of the social assumptions of her day, from male supremacy to the security of marriage. First published in 1920, Miss Lulu Bett was immediately acclaimed, and went on to become one of two bestselling novels of the year. Together with four of Gale's short stories-including the O. Henry award-winning "Bridal Pond”-Miss Lulu Bett reflects Gale's broad progressive interests and the fast-paced, affecting prose which made her one of the most popular writers of her time and a classic American storteller."A great book . . . the telling is almost incomparable” —Robert Benchley, The World"Eloquent. . . . Miss Lulu Bett is without flaw” —The Atlantic Monthly"It has a narrowly limned beauty. . . . The book stands as a signal accomplishment in American letters” —The New Republic

  • af Vladimir Nabokov
    172,95 kr.

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