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Satire og parodier

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  • - Eventyr
    af Anders Vægter Nielsen
    218,95 kr.

    Der var engang en pige der ikke vidste hvor smuk hun var, og hende kan De læse om i denne samling samtidseventyr for voksne. Læs også om tatoveringer og balance, møbelpolstreren og datteren, manden midt i krigen og en kvindes drøm om tårnværelser.En samling moderne eventyr, en række rappe, humoristiske, satiriske eventyr med hang til kærlig behandling af samtidsproblematikker, bl.a. om klima og om køn.Der optræder skam også prinsesser og drager.

  • af Finn Ole Boller
    199,95 kr.

    Was Sie gerade in der Hand halten oder aber auf dem Bildschirm des technischen Geräts Ihrer Wahl sehen, ist ein Buch. Wenn Sie wissen wollen, worum es geht, nun, fangen Sie an zu lesen!

  • af Flora Casal
    172,95 kr.

    No dejas de reír porque te haces mayor. Te haces mayor porque dejas de reír. Siguiendo el sabio consejo de Maurice Chevalier, "Cuentos divertidos para personas mayores" te invita a reír sin límites y redescubrir la magia de la vida a través de 25 historias cortas cargadas de positividad.Estos cuentos, diseñados para mantener activa la mente, son perfectos para regalar momentos de diversión y estímulos a esa persona especial que ya ha cumplido muchos años. Con párrafos cortos y una letra adaptada para quienes tienen baja visión, cada historia se convierte en un viaje fácil de disfrutar, incluso para aquellos con demencia, alzhéimer, párkinson o en procesos de rehabilitación.No solo te embarcarás en aventuras divertidas, sino que también encontrarás simpáticas ilustraciones que facilitan la comprensión y añaden un toque de encanto a cada relato. ¡Regala risas, alegría y estimulación con este libro que despierta la mente y llena el corazón de positivismo! ¡Es el regalo perfecto para mantener viva la llama de la felicidad en las personas mayores!EL LIBRO INCLUYE:-25 Cuentos divertidos cargados de mensajes positivos y estimulantes.-Cuentos escritos en párrafos cortos, fáciles de leer, incluso para personas mayores con demencia, alzhéimer, párkinson, en rehabilitación tras un ictus o con problemas de memoria y concentración. Sin palabras difíciles.-Tamaño Fuente de 16 puntos, letra grande, ideal para personas con pérdida de visión.-Simpáticas ilustraciones que hacen más fáciles y comprensibles los textos

  • af Ilya Ilf
    162,95 kr.

    The Twelve Chairs is a classic satirical picaresque novel by the Soviet authors Ilf and Petrov, published in 1928. Its plot follows characters attempting to obtain jewelry hidden in a chair. A sequel was published in 1931. The novel has been adapted to other media, primarily film.Ilf and Petrov gained a high profile for their two satirical novels: The Twelve Chairs (1928) and its sequel, The Little Golden Calf (1931). The two texts are connected by their main character, Ostap Bender, a con man in pursuit of elusive riches. Both books follow the exploits of Bender and his associates looking for treasure amidst contemporary Soviet reality. They were written and are set in the relatively liberal era in Soviet history, the New Economic Policy of the 1920s. The main characters generally avoid contact with lax law enforcement. Their position outside the organized, goal-driven, productive Soviet society is emphasized. It also gives the authors a convenient platform from which to look at this society and to make fun of its less attractive and less socialist aspects. These are among the most widely read and quoted books in Russian culture. The Twelve Chairs was adapted for ca. twenty movies; in the Soviet Union (by Leonid Gaidai and by Mark Zakharov), in the US (in particular by Mel Brooks), and in other countries.The two writers also traveled across the Great Depression-era United States. Ilf took many pictures throughout the journey, and the authors produced a photo essay entitled "American Photographs," published in Ogoniok magazine.

  • af Félipé Caceres Munoz S.
    149,95 kr.

    Parmi ces trois nouvelles, lisez d'abord La Duchesse de Planoise, récit impitoyable du naufrage de deux personnages rongés par les ombres de leurs sombres histoires familiales prêts à sacrifier toute moralité sous les projecteurs du vice et des jeux de pouvoir. Dans un Besançon aux multiples visages, chacun cherche une échappatoire, un prétexte, une excuse à sa condition. Mais le jeu est truqué, et lorsque des destins tragiques se croisent, la détonation de deux mondes en collision devient inévitable. Embarquez pour une virée glaçante dans l'âme humaine avec cette nouvelle incisive qui dépeint sans fard la réalité d'individus pathétiques dont les vies se consument au nom d'une liberté illusoire. Laissez-vous guider ensuite par Catherine, un GPS qui propulse Thibault Lemoine, employé d'une société royannaise douteuse, au beau milieu d'une aventure charentaise totalement rocambolesque. Une odyssée moderne où chaque virage est synonyme d'imprévu et chaque sens interdit d'absurde. Enfin, grimpez à bord du voilier Aurora avec le capitaine Alain qui vous ouvre une fenêtre sur l'univers impitoyable de la navigation, où superstitions et réalités se mêlent en un ballet déchaîné de malheurs aussi invraisemblables qu'implacables. Portée par une plume à la précision chirurgicale et à l'humour noir, cette histoire vous emportera au grès des flots, entre éclats de rire et palpitations angoissées. Tenez bon la barre et le vent, suivez le cap de Félipé Caceres Munoz S. qui vous entraîne, tout au long de ce triptyque littéraire résolument déroutant, vers une réflexion sur la fragilité des certitudes dans une société où le contrôle est souvent une illusion.

  • af Robert Lott
    194,95 kr.

    "Geschichte ist einfach scheißlangweilig, Alter. Tausend blöde Namen und Zahlen, die sich kein Schwein merken kann."So oder so ähnlich kommentieren Schüler oft Geschichte, wie sie in der Schule gelehrt wird. Die "wundersame Geschichte der Menschheit" ist dagegen in einer Sprache geschrieben, die auch für junge Menschen verständlich ist und will kein brottrockener Ballast für ein überfordertes menschliches Gehirn sein. Diese Geschichte soll Jugendlichen und geistig Junggebliebenen Spaß machen und wirft daher ein ironisch-satirischen Blick auf die Entwicklung der Menschheit und auf die offizielle, einseitige Geschichtsdarstellung, die Fakten geflissentlich ignoriert und oft nur der Aufrechterhaltung des gegenwärtigen Wirtschaftssystems dient. Hochtrabende Geschichtsmythen werden in diesem Buch von ihrem Sockel gestoßen und der Lächerlichkeit preisgegeben, der Unsinn vieler geschichtswissenschaftlicher Begriffe und Behauptungen drastisch vor Augen geführt.

  • af Steffen Lukas
    169,95 kr.

    Hier kommt Band 5 mit den witzigsten Märchen aus dem sächsischen Märchenwald!Weil der Fachkräftemangel auch an den Gebrüdern Grimm nicht spurlos vorübergeht, ist das Märchenpersonal im sächsischen Märchenwald chronisch unterqualifiziert und kann sich einfach nicht benehmen.Kein Wunder, dass die Gebrüder Grimm da ihre liebe Not haben, die Märchenmatrix am Laufen zu halten...Wird Zauberer Horstus Pokus dem Aladin die Energiesparlampe wegschnappen? Wie schnell sind Siebenmeilensneakers? Und warum riecht das singende, klingende Duftbäumchen nach Limburger-Latschenkiefer?Das fünfte Buch zu Sachsens lustigstem Podcast von Steffen Lukas und Maximilian Reeg ist wieder randvoll mit den verrücktesten Geschichten aus dem sächsischen Märchenwald.Unterbelichtete Prinzen und unerträglich liebliche Prinzessinnen stolpern durch rasant erzählte Abenteuer voll witziger Wendungen und abstruser Pointen. Im Sinnlos-Märchenbuch Vol.5 sind die neuesten Geschichten aus dem "RADIO PSR Sinnlos Märchen Podcast" versammelt. Zum Lachen, Lesen und auch ideal zum Verschenken!Enthaltene Märchen:Aladin und die EnergiesparlampeDie goldene BockwurstDas BimssteinzimmerDie Mumie des BuspharaoDrei Schweinchen für ein HallelujaAgent Rotkäppchen und die 007 ZwergeJurassic MärchenwaldHerrn Kaisers neue KleiderEin Schweinchen namens HokuspokusDer Werwolf, der Wiewolf und der WaswolfDer Name der Dose

  • af Emma Rosenblum
    198,95 kr.

    You loved BAD SUMMER PEOPLE. Now, get ready for something even more delicious...*****One weekend in paradise.Ten dysfunctional colleagues.A billion dollar deal.The Aurora management team are so close to their wildest dreams. Yes, there are tensions. Bitter grudges. Illicit affairs. But if they can just hold it together for a few days at a corporate retreat in Miami, the sale of the company will go through, and each of them will be set for life.But after one night out, they wake up to discover one of the group is missing.They knew they couldn't trust each other. But they never suspected anyone might be capable of murder...

  • af Jessie Gaynor
    188,95 kr.

    A desperate young publicist tries to save her career by turning the charismatic leader of a grungy retreat center into the hot new self-care brand in this “wryly funny [and] fabulous debut novel” (The New York Times Book Review).“A satire both cutting and careful in its approach, The Glow is a triumph.”—ElleA GLAMOUR AND LIT HUB BEST BOOK OF THE YEARJane Dorner has two modes: PR Jane, twenty-five, chummy, and eager to sell you a feminist vibrator or a self-care/bereavement subscription box; and Actual Jane, twenty-nine, drifting through mediocre workdays and lackluster dates while paralyzed by her crushing mountain of overdue medical bills. When her job performance is called into question, Jane’s last-ditch effort to preserve her livelihood and pay off her debt is to land a white whale of a client.Enter the impossibly gorgeous Cass—whom Jane discovers scrolling through Instagram—and her unassuming husband, Tom, proprietors of a “wellness retreat” based out of a ramshackle country house that may or may not be giving off cult vibes. Suddenly Jane realizes she might have found the one ladder she can climb—if she can convince them that transforming Cass herself into a high-end wellness brand is the key to all three of their futures. Magnetic yet mysterious, Cass is primed to be an influencer: She speaks in a mix of inspirational quotes and Zen koans, eats only zucchini (the most spiritually nourishing vegetable), and has baby-perfect skin. Despite Tom’s reticence about selling out, Jane sets out to mold Cass into the kind of guru who can offer inner peace and make your skin glow—all at a hefty price, of course. As Jane reckons with her own long-dormant ambitions, she wonders: Can a person really “do good” for others while profiting off them? And what parts of our selves do we lose when we trade power, influence, and beauty?Sparklingly plotted, deliciously deadpan, and irresistibly entertaining, The Glow is a razor-sharp sendup of an industry built on the peculiar intersection of money and wellness, where health is a commodity and self-care a luxury.

  • af Beatriz Williams
    247,95 kr.

    "There's been a sensational murder at historic Castle Kinloch, a gothic fantasy of grey granite on a remote island in the Highlands of Scotland. Literary superstar Brett Saffron Presley has been found dead--under bizarre circumstances--in the castle tower's book-lined study. Years ago, Presley purchased the castle as a showpiece for his brand and to lure paying guests with a taste for writerly glamour. Now it seems, the castle has done him in--or possibly, one of the castle's guests has. Detective Chief Inspector Euan McIntosh, a local with no love for literary Americans, finds himself with the unenviable task of extracting statements from three American lady novelists"--

  • af Martin M. Huber
    353,95 kr.

    Faillalot hat es nicht leicht. Eine Prophezeiung besagt, dass er der ganzen Welt den Untergang bringen wird. Von seinem Vater, dem Herzog von Midringham, daher zu seiner eigenen Sicherheit im Schloss eingesperrt, flüchtet er sich mangels Alternativen bis zum Erwachsenwerden in Abenteuerbücher. Zum Glück weiß Faillalot nichts von seinem Schicksal, daher ist er begeistert, als sein Vater ihn schließlich auf eine Reise durch das Herzogtum ziehen lässt. Er hofft auf echte Abenteuer wie im geliebten Ritter-Roman. Percy, sein stummer und ewig hungriger Knappe begleitet ihn dabei. Doch die Reise läuft nicht wie geplant ... Feen, Trolle, Auftragskiller und ein unerwarteter Verfolger machen ihm und Percy das Leben schwer. Wird Faillalot es schaffen, den Häschern und seinem Schicksal zu entkommen? Erlebe eine actionreiche und humorvolle Reise quer durch die Funtasy-Welt Pendolumium. Faillalots und Percys Abenteuer sind der Beginn von folgenschweren Ereignissen, welche die Welt für immer verändern werden.

  • af Kerstin Schweiger
    133,95 kr.

    Ob in den sozialen Medien, Talkshows oder den Nachrichten: Im letzten Jahr schien es kein Entrinnen zu geben: Hubert Aiwanger war dauerpräsent. Ob man nun wollte oder nicht. Nun, ich wollte meistens nicht.

  • af Jesse Ball
    238,95 kr.

    Franz Kafka meets Yorgos Lanthimos in this provocative new novel from one of America’s most brilliant and distinctive writersIn a speculative future, Abel, a menial worker, is called to serve in a secretive and fabled jury system. At the heart of this system is the repeat room, where a single juror, selected from hundreds of candidates, is able to inhabit the defendant’s lived experience, to see as if through their eyes.The case to which Abel is assigned is revealed in the novel’s shocking second act. We receive a record of a boy's broken and constrained life, a tale that reveals an illicit and passionate psycho-sexual relationship, its end as tragic as the circumstances of its conception.Artful in its suspense, and sharp in its evocation of a byzantine and cruel bureaucracy, The Repeat Room is an exciting and pointed critique of the nature of knowledge and judgment, and a vivid framing of Ball's absurd and nihilistic philosophy of love.

  • af Rachel Kushner
    146,95 kr.

    **SHORTLISTED FOR THE BOOKER PRIZE 2024****INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER**'Imagine Slow Horses' Jackson Lamb in the body of Jodie Comer's character in Killing Eve' SUNDAY TIMES'Compulsively readable... Kill Bill written by John le Carré' OBSERVERSeductive and cunning American spy-for-hire Sadie Smith has been sent by her mysterious but powerful employers to a remote corner of France.Her mission: to infiltrate a commune of radical eco-activists influenced by the beliefs of an enigmatic elder, Bruno Lacombe, who has rejected civilisation, lives in a Neanderthal cave, and believes the path to enlightenment is a return to primitivism.Sadie casts her cynical eye over this region of ancient farms and sleepy villages, and finds Bruno's idealism laughable, but just as she is certain she's the seductress and puppet master of those she surveils, Bruno Lacombe is seducing her with his ingenious counter-histories, his artful laments, his own tragic story.Beneath this a taut, dazzling story of espionage and intrigue lies one of a woman caught in the crossfire between the past and the future, and a profound treatise on human history.'The most exciting writer of her generation' BRET EASTON ELLIS'Reinvents the spy novel in one cool, erudite gesture' HERNAN DIAZ

  • af Rana Siddharth
    153,95 kr.

    In the book 'HOW TO EXPLAIN TIME TRAVEL TO YOUR GRANDKIDS?', the author has explained the intriguing concept of time travel in a very understandable manner such that it can easily be grasped by a wide variety of readers, including kids. The author, with his unique approaches to defining time, has presented multiple ways to visualize time travel in a very unique way. The author has explained time travel from the very basics so that every reader can hold on to the experience from the very beginning. The author has chosen a unique approach to make the reader capable of not only visualizing time travel by himself or herself but also being able to explain time travel to anyone. The author has provided his multiple theories on time travel and actual possible methods to time travel into the far future, and he has explained not only why time travel to the past is not possible but how it can be at least visualized by using the concept of dimensions. The author, with his theories, has presented multiple methods to visualize time as a fourth dimension and many more methods where time may not be a dimension. The author has literally time traveled to explain time travel in the book 'HOW TO EXPLAIN TIME TRAVEL TO YOUR GRANDKIDS?'.

  • af Alex Garmee
    138,95 kr.

    Sex wird Thema Numero Uno auf einer bunten italienischen Insel, nachdem Alberto eine spektakuläre Liebesnacht mit der Schauspielerin Aurelia nachgesagt wird. Aurelia soll dabei unzählige Male lautstark gekommen sein. Dabei ist an diesem Gerücht nichts dran. Schade für Alberto. Dennoch beginnen die Inselbewohnerinnen, den vorher so unscheinbaren Alberto mit ganz anderen Augen zu sehen...Mit unterhaltsamer Leichtigkeit nimmt die humorvolle und clevere Gesellschaftssatire die vorherrschenden Geschlechterrollen und Klischees unserer übersexualisierten Gesellschaft aufs Korn und thematisiert nebenbei die Macht der vorschnellen Meinung und Gerüchte. Natürlich auf zugespitzte, absurde und frivole Art und Weise. (S)explizite Inhalte hat diese frivole Satire jedoch nicht zu bieten. Auch wenn es immer nur um das eine geht...

  • af Evelyn Waugh
    218,95 kr.

    Evelyn Waugh, an English author, first published his novel Decline and Fall in 1928. Decline and Fall was Waugh's first published novel; his previous attempt, The Temple at Thatch, was destroyed while still in manuscript form. Waugh's schooling at Lancing College, undergraduate years at Hertford College in Oxford, and experience as a teacher at Arnold House in north Wales all play a role in Decline and Fall. It is a social satire that uses the author's distinctive black humor to mock various aspects of British society in the 1920s. The novel's title is a shortened version of Edward Gibbon's The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. In addition, Spengler's The Decline of the West (1918-1922), which argued that the rise of nations and cultures is inevitably followed by their eclipse, also serves as an allusion in the novel's title.Waugh read Gibbon and Spengler while writing his debut novel. Waugh's satire is unmistakably hostile to much that was popular in the late 1920s, with "themes of cultural confusion, moral disorientation, and social bedlam...both drive the novel forward and fuel its humor." According to Waugh, the "undertow of moral seriousness provides a crucial tension within [Waugh's novels], but it does not dominate them."In his 'Author's Note' to the first edition, Waugh stated, 'Please bear in mind throughout that IT IS MEANT TO BE FUNNY.'

  • af Terry Pratchett
    156,95 kr.

  • af Sophie Brickman
    109,95 - 218,95 kr.

    In the vein of Where'd You Go, Bernadette and Fleishman Is in Trouble, a wickedly funny and incisive epistolary debut novel following a mother trapped in the rat race of NYC parenting as her life unravels.It takes a village...just not this one. Annie Lewin is at the end of her rope. She's a mother of three young children, her crypto-VC husband is never around, and the vicious competition for spots in New York City's kindergartens is heating up. A New York Times journalist-turned-parenting-advice-columnist for an internet start-up, Annie can't help but judge the insanity of it all--even as she finds herself going to impossible lengths to secure the best spot for her own gifted and precocious son, Sam.As Annie comes to terms with the infinitesimal odds of success, her intensifying rivalry with hotshot divorce lawyer Belinda Brenner--a deliciously hateful nemesis, what with her perfectly curated bento box lunches, effortless Instagram chic, and expertly coiffed son Brando, who's been studying Suzuki violin seemingly from birth--pushes her to the brink. Of course, this newly raw and unhinged version of Annie is great for the advice column: the more she spins out, the more clicks and comments she gets.But when she commits a ghastly social faux pas that goes viral, she's forced to confront a single question: is she really any better than the cutthroat preschool parents she always judged?A shimmering epistolary novel incorporating emails, group texts, advice columns, newspaper profiles, and more, Plays Well with Others is a whip-smart, genuinely funny romp through the minefield of modern motherhood. But beneath its fast-paced, satirical veneer, Brickman gives us a fresh, open-hearted, all-too-real take on what it means to be a parent--fierce love, craziness, and all.

  • af Terry Pratchett
    108,95 - 156,95 kr.

  • af Terry Pratchett
    96,95 - 156,95 kr.

  • af Terry Pratchett
    118,95 - 156,95 kr.

  • af Terry Pratchett
    198,95 kr.

    "These rediscovered tales were written by Terry Pratchett under a pseudonym for British newspapers during the 1970s and 1980s. The stories have never been attributed to him until now, and might never have been found, were it not for the efforts of a few dedicated fans. As Neil Gaiman writes in his introduction, 'through all of these stories we watch Terry Pratchett becoming Terry Pratchett.' Though none of the short works are set in the Discworld, all are infused with Pratchett's trademark wit, satirical wisdom, and brilliant imagination, hinting at the magical universe he would go on to create"--

  • af Terry Pratchett
    96,95 - 188,95 kr.

  • af Hans-Henning Jacobsen
    88,95 - 158,95 kr.

    De forgjorte komedianter er blandt meget andet et forsøg på at give en humoristisk stemme til de af os, der måske ikke ved første alarm gør knæfald for al den politiske finpudsethed, der regimeagtigt trækkes ned over hovedet på befolkningen for tiden. Jeg får kvælningsfornemmelser af al den komiske korrekthed og står i klar opposition til alle de håbløst konstruerede moderniteter, der kun må menes noget om, når meningen er rigtig, woke-fähig og godkendt af flagesaltsegmentet. Forskrækkelsen har sat sig så dybt, at vi, de mange, på det nærmeste er blevet håndsky og handlingslammede. Det er skræmmende, når vi i rusen af mangfoldighedsfejringen oplever, at diversiteten samtidig skrumper. Var det meningen? Hvad er egentlig meningen?

  • af Günter Leitenbauer
    328,95 kr.

    Wer mir auf Facebook folgt, kennt die Geschichten über meinen besten Freund Karli, die ich seit 2018 in unregelmäßigen Abständen poste. Ich glaube sogar, die meisten amüsieren sich tatsächlich darüber. Jedenfalls ist es nur so erklärbar, dass mehrfach der Wunsch an mich herangetragen wurde, diese Geschichten zu sammeln und in Buchform herauszugeben. Ich habe das stets abgelehnt oder verschoben, weil ich das meinem Karli einfach nicht antun will. Aber meine Kinder studieren jetzt, und ich bin alt und brauche das Geld. Sorry, Karli!Natürlich heißt Karli in Wahrheit nicht Karli. So gemein bin ich auch wieder nicht. Ich habe einfach einen Namen genommen, der weit verbreitet ist, um die Spur zu Karl-Heinz S. zu verwischen. Außerdem sagt sowieso niemand "Karl-Heinz" zu ihm, alle nennen ihn seit unserer gemeinsamen Schulzeit immer nur "Karli", sogar seine besseren Hälften. Karli hatte über die Jahre nämlich verschiedene bessere Hälften, lediglich seine schlechtere Hälfte blieb immer gleich, und von der lest ihr in diesem Werk, denn mit ihr (grammatikalisches Geschlecht, nicht physisches!) bin ich ja befreundet.

  • af Evelyn Waugh
    188,95 kr.

    "Decline and Fall" is a satirical novel written by the English author Evelyn Waugh. It was first published in 1928 and is Waugh's first novel. The book is widely regarded as one of the classic works of 20th-century British literature and is known for its sharp wit, dark humor, and satirical take on various aspects of society.Plot Summary:The novel follows the misadventures of its protagonist, Paul Pennyfeather, a quiet and unassuming Oxford student. Paul is mistakenly sent down (expelled) from Oxford after being the victim of a prank involving a group of drunken students. This incident sets the stage for a series of absurd and comedic events that lead Paul into a variety of unconventional situations.After leaving Oxford, Paul finds himself teaching at a second-rate boarding school, encountering eccentric characters and navigating the complexities of British society between the wars. The narrative takes a satirical look at education, social class, wealth, and morality.Themes:Satire and Social Commentary: "Decline and Fall" is a satirical novel that offers a sharp critique of various aspects of British society, including the educational system, the aristocracy, and the values of the time.Eccentric Characters: The novel is populated by a cast of eccentric and memorable characters who contribute to the humor and satire. Waugh uses these characters to lampoon different facets of society.Morality and Hypocrisy: The book explores themes of morality and exposes the hypocrisy of societal norms. It satirizes the gap between the appearance of respectability and the often morally questionable behavior of the characters.Style and Humor:Evelyn Waugh's writing in "Decline and Fall" is characterized by its clever and often dark humor. The novel is known for its witty dialogue, sharp observations, and ironic tone. Waugh's style combines satire with a sense of absurdity, creating a comedic yet biting portrayal of the world he satirizes.Legacy:"Decline and Fall" marked the beginning of Evelyn Waugh's successful literary career. It set the tone for his subsequent novels, many of which also explore themes of societal decline, satire, and the absurdity of human behavior.Overall, "Decline and Fall" is a classic work of English literature that continues to be studied and enjoyed for its humor, social commentary, and timeless exploration of human folly.

  • af Karl Schafer
    323,95 kr.

    Mord vor der WahlUm das Regenbogenhotel vor der Schließung zu bewahren, kurbeln die Spitzenpolitiker an der Werbemaschine, indem sie die Nacht vor der Wahl im Hotel mit Medienvertretern und anderen Gästen verbringen.Unglücklicherweise passiert aber gerade in dieser Nacht ein Mord.Zufall?Die mutigen Politiker nehmen die Ermittlungen beherzt selbst in die Hand, doch die gestalten sich nicht als einfach, da alle Anwesenden auf die eine oder andere Weise verdächtig sind! Können sie den Mörder rechtzeitig identifizieren und fassen, bevor dieser verschwindet oder gar noch einen Menschen tötet?

  • af Virginia Woolf
    198,95 kr.

    "Orlando: A Biography" is a novel written by Virginia Woolf and was first published in 1928. The book is a unique and imaginative work that defies easy categorization. It is often considered a blend of historical fiction, fantasy, and satire. "Orlando" is notable for its exploration of gender, identity, and the passage of time.Plot Summary:The novel follows the life and adventures of Orlando, a young nobleman in Elizabethan England who lives for several centuries, experiencing a variety of historical and cultural changes. Early in the story, Orlando is granted the gift of immortality by Queen Elizabeth I, and the narrative takes the reader through different periods of English history, from the 16th century to the 20th century.As the centuries pass, Orlando undergoes a remarkable transformation from male to female without aging, providing a unique exploration of gender identity and fluidity. The novel combines historical events and characters with elements of fantasy and satire.Themes:Gender and Identity: One of the central themes of "Orlando" is the exploration of gender identity. The character of Orlando undergoes a sex change, and Woolf uses this transformation to comment on the fluidity of gender and challenge societal expectations.Time and Change: The novel spans several centuries, providing a commentary on the passage of time and the changing nature of society, culture, and politics. Through Orlando's experiences, Woolf explores the mutability of historical and social constructs.Literary Satire: Virginia Woolf uses "Orlando" to satirize various aspects of literature, including the conventions of historical biographies and the treatment of gender roles in literature. The novel is often seen as a playful and subversive take on traditional literary forms.Style and Narrative Experimentation:Virginia Woolf is known for her innovative narrative techniques, and "Orlando" is no exception. The novel employs a stream-of-consciousness style, and its structure is both experimental and non-linear. The narrative blends historical events with Woolf's own imaginative and fantastical elements.Legacy:"Orlando" has become a landmark work in the exploration of gender and identity in literature. Its experimental narrative techniques and themes of transformation have made it a subject of study and discussion in academic and literary circles. The novel's influence extends to discussions of feminism, LGBTQ+ literature, and the broader understanding of identity and time in literature. "Orlando" remains a significant and influential work in Virginia Woolf's body of writing.

  • af Kelsey Rae Dimberg
    223,95 - 264,95 kr.

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