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Dialogbilleder er et redskab, der benytter billeder som udgangspunkt for en anderledes professionel samtale. Når der tages afsæt i noget visuelt, kan nogle mennesker opleve, at de bliver inspireret til nye tanker og ideer. Samtidig kan dialogen med udgangspunkt i billeder åbne for andre måder at opfatte virkeligheden på og gøre os bedre til at tolke og forstå os selv og andre. Bogen er opdelt i to dele. Første del giver et teoretisk fundament for brugen af dialogbilleder. Derudover indeholder den en lettilgængelig gennemgang af narrative grundtanker og en præsentation af forskellige spørgsmålstyper, som er et uundværligt redskab i alle professionelle sammenhænge. I bogens anden del bindes teorierne sammen med praksis. Ved hjælp af 12 cases med børn, unge og voksne bliver der her vist eksempler på, hvordan dialogbilleder kan anvendes. Dialogbilleder henvender sig til den studerende, som har brug for en enkel indføring i den narrative metode og forskellige spørgsmålstyper, til den erfarne praktiker, som ønsker at udfordre sin egen praksis, og til den nysgerrige, som blot ønsker at tilegne sig endnu et redskab.
Når vi taler sammen, oplever vi ofte at vi taler forbi hinanden, misforstår hinanden, eller at modparten har en helt anden opfattelse af den fælles beslutning vi troede vi var enige om. Andre gange oplever vi at dét der startede som en saglig diskussion, udvikler sig til en indædt magtkamp på ord – uden at vi rigtig kan forklare hvorfor.
Hvordan går man fra kommunikationsmodel til praktisk kommunikation, der rammer målgruppen på ord, vinkel og budskab? Hvordan arbejder man systematisk med en model i kommunikationsfaget? Og hvad skal der til for at lave et godt eksamensprojekt og levere ved den mundtlige eksamen?Kompendium til faget Kommunikation i praksis er en model- og casesamling, der udfolder de grundlæggende modeller inden for kommunikation. Gennem inspirerende cases får læseren kompetencerne til at analysere og eksekvere kommunikation inden for følgende områder:Dialogbaseret kommunikationKonflikter og samtalerKommunikation i organisationerKommunikation på skriftMundtlige præsentationerOnlinekommunikationKompendium til faget Kommunikation i praksis henvender sig især til studerende på akademiuddannelsen i kommunikation og formidling og til førsteårsstuderende på professionsbachelor- og universitetsuddannelser i kommunikation. Kompendiet er relevant for alle, der ønsker indsigt i de grundlæggende kommunikationsmodeller og gerne vil træne, hvordan man anvender dem til en analyse og til at udforme praktiske kommunikationsløsninger. Desuden giver kompendiet indsigt i eksamensarbejdet til faget Kommunikation i praksis på akademiuddannelsen i kommunikation og formidling – fra projekt til mundtlig eksamen.
The Science of Gaining Compliance provides readers with an examination of key compliance-gaining techniques with the goal of making sense of their form, effects, mediators, and moderators. Readers learn how compliance-gaining differs from other forms of social influence, such as persuasion, because it takes place in the active communication context of interpersonal encounters. The text emphasizes how compliance-gaining techniques don't rely on applying pressure and also focus on changing behavior, rendering them a unique form of interpersonal communication. Opening chapters introduce the concept of compliance-gaining and investigate multimessage techniques, including foot-in-the-door, door-in-the-face, and temptation techniques such as lowballing, bait-and-switch, and the lure. Later chapters present a set of single-message techniques, including pregiving, instilling guilt, direct requests, and confusion strategies. The final chapter summarizes each of the techniques as well as their similarities and differences. The Science of Gaining Compliance is an exceptional text for courses and programs in communication and social influence. Franklin J. Boster (Ph.D., Michigan State University) is an internationally recognized expert among scholars and researchers of social influence, persuasion, and communication research. He is professor emeritus in the Department of Communication at Michigan State University. Christopher J. Carpenter (Ph.D., Michigan State University) is a professor in the Department of Communication at Western Illinois University. His research focuses on social influence and close relationships in online and offline contexts via computer-mediated and face-to-face channels. Michael R. Kotowski (Ph.D., Michigan State University) is an associate professor in the School of Communication Studies at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. His research interests include developing and testing social influence theory. Allison Z. Shaw (Ph.D., Michigan State University) is the director of student success and retention for the College of Communication Arts and Sciences at Michigan State University. She works closely with students, faculty, and staff to advocate for and provide guidance on policy and procedure related to improving student success outcomes.
The eighth edition of Interpersonal Communication continues the tradition of excellence established by this theory-driven text. Its unique learning model, which emphasizes communication competence, stands at the forefront of the discipline. The goal of this text is to make students aware of the impact of communication on their lives and that interpersonal communication has real significance. Comprising 13 chapters, the book is divided into four sections: Introductory Perspectives; Interpretive and Message Competence; Process Competence; and Relational and Cultural Contexts. The authors present basic theories and principles that can be used to analyze and understand human interaction, providing examples to show students how these principles play out in actual interaction. Helpful Interdisciplinary Connections boxes throughout focus on unusual applications of communication principles, demonstrating the connections between Communication and other fields such as anthropology, neuroscience, history, psychology, and popular culture. Key updates to this edition include the introduction of an interpersonal neurobiology perspective on interpersonal communication; new ways of understanding emotional communication; greater incorporation of social media examples and research; more research on the "dark side" of interpersonal communication; updated research and theory in every chapter overall; and an expanded chapter on cultural influences on communication and relationships. Designed to help students become more competent communicators, this edition combines the best of what made the text a success in previous editions with the latest scholarship in the field.
Copyright is everywhere. Your smartphone incorporates thousands of items of intellectual property. Someone owns the reproduction rights to photographs of your dining table. At this very moment, battles are raging over copyright in the output of artificial intelligence programs. Not only books but wallpaper, computer programs and cuddly toys are now deemed to be intellectual properties - making copyright a labyrinthine construction of laws covering almost all products of human creativity.Copyright has its roots in eighteenth-century London, where it was first established to limit printers' control of books. Principled arguments against copyright arose from the start and nearly abolished it in the nineteenth century. But a handful of little-noticed changes in the late twentieth century concentrated ownership of immaterial goods into very few hands.Who Owns This Sentence? is an often-humorous and always-enlightening cultural, legal, and global history of the idea that intangible things can be owned, and makes a persuasive case for seeing copyright as an engine of inequality in the twenty-first century.
This open access book demonstrates the necessity, feasibility, and effectiveness of cultural adaptation in the translation of mental health scales into Chinese. It illustrates the key principles of culturally effective mental health translation, through offering in-depth discussions of the methods and techniques used to translate mental health materials into Chinese. This SpringerBrief title provides an essential reading for academics, researchers, students from language studies, public health and health communication who are interested to develop more advanced skills of translating and adapting mental health instruments for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
This contributed volume identifies how the information processes of public institutions and citizens have changed throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, within a new context that emerged: the infodemic disorder. Public debate is largely characterized today by a crisis of the legitimacy of institutions, accompanied by a crisis of authority in public communication, leading to the emergency of a state of information disorder due specifically to the need to find information related to the coping of the pandemic. This condition is characterized by growing attention to issues related to ¿fake news¿, ¿misinformation¿, and ¿media manipulation¿, that are intertwined in digital platform ecosystems, and the effects of which on democracy, public communication and research, and the sharing of information in the civic sphere are broad and far-reaching. This volume analyzes the links between communication strategies of public institutions, and the resulting citizen communication, in an attempt to tease out how communication processes have changed during the pandemic. It was decided to investigate this infodemic disorder as it appeared in three different geographical contexts: Europe, Canada and Mexico and, at the same time, to bring out the formal and informal coping strategies implemented by public institutions and citizens. Beginning with an introduction to the crisis of information created by the pandemic, the contributors build a theoretical framework, provide contagion data, and subsequently, for each of the geographical contexts analyzed, explore the public communication strategies and those activated by citizens seeking to share information.
¿Dieses essential bietet in komprimierter Form die wesentlichen Erkenntnisse zu Wahlverhalten bei Kommunalwahlen und gibt einen Einblick in die Planung und Durchführung von Wahlkämpfen. Dazu werden Wahlkampfmethoden und -maßnahmen vorgestellt, die auch mit geringen finanziellen und/oder personellen Ressourcen genutzt werden können. Ein wesentlicher Schwerpunkt liegt auf der zielgerichteten Planung und Durchführung von Haustürwahlkämpfen. Ihnen kann gerade für Kommunalwahlen eine besondere Wirkmacht zugeschrieben werden.
¿Der Medienjournalismus als fachjournalistische Disziplin ist landläufig mit einem Nischenstempel behaftet. Seit seinen Anfängen als klassische Medienseite in (überregionalen) Tageszeitungen hat er sich stark ausdifferenziert und tritt mit neuen Angebotsformen inzwischen verstärkt im Social Web auf. Die Forschungsarbeit systematisiert und reflektiert erstmals Innovationsstrukturen im öffentlich-rechtlichen Medienjournalismus. In Leitfadeninterviews gewähren Medienjournalist*innen von ARD und Deutschlandradio Einblicke in ihre (innovative) Programmgestaltung und formateigenen Zielgruppenvorstellungen. Als Forschungsgegenstand werden neun genuine Medienmagazine betrachtet, darunter ¿ZAPP¿ (Norddeutscher Rundfunk), ¿@mediasres¿ (Deutschlandfunk) oder ¿Töne, Texte, Bilder¿ (Westdeutscher Rundfunk). Mit Blick auf den öffentlich-rechtlichen Auftrag messen die Befragten dem Medienjournalismus in öffentlich-rechtlicher Verantwortung eine große Bedeutung bei ¿ sowohl im Lichte einer kritischenBegleitung von journalismus- bzw. medienspezifischen Themen und Spannungsfeldern als auch bei der Wandelbarkeit von tradierten Programmmustern.
Azmeera Srinivas ha ricevuto la sua laurea B.Tech in Ingegneria Elettronica e delle Comunicazioni dalla J.N.T. University - Hyderabad nel 2005. Ha ricevuto la sua laurea M.Tech in Comunicazioni Digitali da KITS, Warangal, affiliato alla Kakatiya University, Warangal nell'anno 2007. Attualmente, è uno studioso di ricerca nel dipartimento di Elettronica e Ingegneria delle Comunicazioni, JNTUK - Kakinada ed è un professore assistente senior nel dipartimento di ECE, kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science, Warangal-15. La sua esperienza totale di insegnamento è di 15 anni. I suoi interessi di ricerca sono l'elaborazione dei segnali e l'elaborazione delle immagini mediche. È membro di organismi professionali come IETE, ISTE ecc.
This book is a treasure trove of practical techniques to empower individuals with captivating communication skills. It unveils an array of strategies and tangible tools for honing interpersonal communication prowess. Within its pages, this compelling guide unleashes two transformative exercises: the art of public speaking and the dynamic realm of group discussions, both instrumental in fortifying language aptitude. These enchanting tasks immerse learners in a language-rich environment, measuring their progress through meticulous "before" and "after" assessments, yielding remarkable strides in effective communication. Drawing from illuminating interviews with seasoned experts and consummate professionals, the book underscores the pressing need for communication enhancement through insightful needs analysis. Furthermore, it presents a riveting analysis of a highly sought-after questionnaire, capturing the demands and desires of diverse respondents.
¿This book follows a Goffmanian approach to self-presentation to focus on the different strategies Spanish users employ to construct their digital identity in profiles, biographies, pictures, and statuses on platforms such WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. The author presents a functioning taxonomy of self-presentation strategies along the front-stage/back-stage continuum, including common strategies such as eudaimonic (or inspirational) messages and the use of humour. Special attention is paid to the effects of social variables such as the users' gender and age, and the perceived purposes of the different platforms (e.g. LinkedIn is often intended as a professional market for job hunting, whereas Facebook is rarely used in this context). The book will be of interest to students and scholars of Technologically Mediated Communication (traditionally known as Computer-Mediated Communication or CMC), media communication, internet pragmatics, digital discourse analysis, and related fields.
This book shines a light on novel and less familiar domains of early English language education for children aged 3 to 12, in mainstream and out-of-school settings. Enveloping the volume is the making of creative connections to wider educational philosophies which extend beyond the confines of a narrow linguistic lens. In reconciling the theory-practice divide in English language education, each chapter presents a synthesis of research issues leading to a practical showcase of ideas. Organised in two main parts, the first focuses on innovations within classroom practice, curriculum development, and child-centred assessment, exploring areas which have either received insufficient attention and/or have been reimagined through fresh perspectives. The second part explores innovations in pre- and in-service teacher education contexts and focuses on lesser-known and/or underexplored topics, including bridging general and language education, multilingualism, in-depth learning, metacognition,and pragmatics. This is a timely publication for teacher educators and practitioners alike.
Mediatisiertes Fahrerleben, bei dem Autofahrende ihre Fahrt durch mediale Inhalte anreichern, veranschaulicht die Verschmelzung von kommunikativer und physischer Mobilität. Das Mediatized Drive Experiences (MDX)-Modell, ein Ergebnis der integrativen Verbindung von Kommunikationswissenschaft und Verkehrspsychologie, betrachtet die Medieninteraktion im Fahrzeug aus einer Erlebnisperspektive. Es berücksichtigt Faktoren wie Persönlichkeitseigenschaften, Fahrsituation, Medieninhalte und soziale Kontexte. Zentrale Dimensionen sind Enjoyment, Agency und Perceived Safety, beeinflusst durch Selbstregulierung sowie kognitive und emotionale Prozesse der Fahrenden. Eine Online-Studie untersucht die Mediennutzung in verschiedenen Fahrsituationen und deren Auswirkungen auf das Fahrerleben. Das Fahrzeug wird als neuer Raum für Medienerlebnisse betrachtet, was einen interdisziplinären Beitrag zur Erforschung der Mediennutzung im Automobilbereich leistet.
Die in Mittel-, Ost- und Südosteuropa wahrnehmbaren arbeitsmarktorientierten Anforderungen verweisen auf den Mehrwert von Deutsch als Berufs- und Fachsprache in dieser Region. Der Band verdeutlicht aus der Sicht eines dynamischen Arbeitsmarktes und der gesteigerten Nachfrage nach deutschsprechenden Fachkräften, wie fach- und berufsbezogenes (Sprach-)Wissen in der universitären Ausbildung in den vertretenen Ländern trainiert werden kann und welche Herausforderungen länderübergreifend auftreten. Die einzelnen Beiträge beschäftigen sich mit den Besonderheiten berufsorientierter und fachspezifischer Kommunikation und deren Vermittlung und Übertragung, wobei auch praxisbezogene Überlegungen zum professionellen Dolmetschen angestellt und interkulturelle Ansätze vorgestellt werden.
¿Dieses Buch hilft Führungskräften und Mitarbeitenden in Redaktionen, digitale Werkzeuge erfolgreich anzuwenden. Es richtet sich an erfahrene und neu einsteigende Journalistinnen und Journalisten. Im Fokus stehen dringende Fragen der digitalen Transformation: Wie erreichen lokale Medien mehr und jüngere Menschen? Wie gewinnen und halten regionale Verlage Abonnentinnen und Abonnenten online?Die Leserinnen und Leser lernen, welche Strategien eine digitale Arbeitsweise befördern. Der Leitfaden erläutert datenorientiertes Planen und Produzieren sowie die Arbeit mit Zielgruppen und deren Bedürfnissen (User Needs). Checklisten, Grafiken und Tabellen sorgen für Übersicht. Es gibt viele Praxisbeispiele; Interviews mit Fachleuten bieten zusätzliche Einblicke. Der Autor geht auf Trends wie konstruktiven Journalismus ein und zeigt, wie journalistische Qualität mit dem Einsatz generativer Künstlicher Intelligenz vereinbar ist.Ein Schwerpunkt liegt auf Karrierechancen und Ausbildung. Dabei berücksichtigt der Autor sowohl die Perspektive journalistischer Talente als auch die veränderten Anforderungen an Volontariate und ausbildende Medienunternehmen. Ziel ist es zu zeigen, wie vielfältig Journalismus als Beruf in der digitalisierten Gesellschaft wirken kann.Per App: einfach die SN More Media App kostenfrei herunterladen, ein Bild oder einen Link mit dem Play-Button scannen und sofort die Videos auf Smartphone oder Tablet ausspielen.
Embark on a transformative journey through the intricacies of English verb usage with "Common Verb Usage Mistakes in English." In this comprehensive guide, we unravel the perplexities surrounding verbs, offering invaluable insights to elevate your communication skills.Explore the nuances of verb conjugation, tense, and usage that often elude even the most proficient English speakers. Through engaging examples and practical explanations, this book becomes your trusted companion in navigating the often tricky terrain of verb-related pitfalls.Discover how to effortlessly distinguish between commonly confused verbs, demystify irregular verb forms, and master the art of maintaining verb consistency in your writing. Whether you're a seasoned writer, a student striving for academic excellence, or a professional looking to refine your communication, this book is tailored to meet your linguistic needs.
This volume examines the potentially deleterious impact of place branding on the social fabric, ecosystems and local economies of the places concerned. As the different essays show, place branding is a fundamentally political practice, often driven by hidden agendas that marginalize certain groups within society. Contributors explore place branding from a wide variety of angles, including: the role played by the visual arts in city branding; the applied arts, and speci cally the fashion industry¿s potential for shaping perceptions of a particular place; the different ways in which sport has been exploited by the political elites; the role of design in place branding, including the architectural design of sports stadia; and the potentially insidious economic and societal consequences of excessive consumption of branded places.
This anthology of studies is a follow-up to Political Humor Worldwide: The Cultural Context of Political Comedy, Satire, and Parody. It further examines political humor as a distinct sub-discipline of political communication, influenced and shaped by a country¿s culture. The book¿s contributors, experts drawn from the academic fields of political science, communication, linguistics, sociology, culture studies, political psychology, and others, offer an assortment of studies from multiple disciplinary perspectives. Focusing on political humor in the media, the authors offer a panorama of political humor¿including political satire, parody, and cartooning¿in Spain, Poland, Montenegro, Turkey, Japan, Australia, Iran, Brazil, Argentina, Malaysia, and Indonesia, among others. They detail political humor¿s multifaceted and versatile nature, suggesting that national culture and political humor expressed in the news media are intertwined; thus, understanding political humor requires looking at the cultural landscape of a given country or society. The book helps readers to better understand the factors that shape political humor across the globe in a variety of political and media systems.
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