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  • af Ida (Royal Danish Academy Engholm
    283,95 - 1.029,95 kr.

  • - ny opdateret 2023 udgave
    af Lev livet uden bekymringer
    238,95 kr.

    Ny opdateret 2023 udgave: Vi mennesker lever ofte med bekymringer og har vaner der understøtter disse i dagligdagen. Det hæmmer vores evne til at tænke positivt, i muligheder - og i konkrete mål.... men sådan behøver det ikke være."Lev livet uden bekymringer" - giver hjælp og råd til, hvordan du kan eliminere dårlige vaner såsom, angst og frygt - og i stedet opleve en bekymringsfri tilværelse ved at tænke anderledes.Bogen giver råd, vejledninger og praktiske lektioner i forhold til, hvordan du ændrer en dagligdag med søvnløshed, melankoli og træthedsfølelse til i stedet at tænke positivt og styre herimod ønsker og mål. Med enkle teknikker får læseren hjælp og anvisninger til ændre sit mindset, som bl.a. giver en evnen til at tænke positivt, fjerne bekymringer, sikrer bedre relationer til dine omgivelser får dig til at arbejde mere effektivt i dit professionelle og private liv.Dale Carnegies er internationelt anderkendt for sine bøger, som er udgivet i mere end 40 lande verden over, anvendes bredt inden for personlig udvikling og kommunikation og ledelsesudvikling.Blandt Dale Carnegies bøger, som også er udgivet på Paludans forlag, findes andre store klassiske bestsellere som ”Vind Venner – indflydelse og fremgang ”, og ”Hvordan du bliver en effektiv taler”.

  • af Mark P Khurana
    402,95 kr.

    "Exploring the forces that determine the rate and direction of medical progress, this book brings together the worlds of scientific policy, economics, sociology, and innovation to describe the medical research landscape. Covers how issues, including incentive structures and lack of novelty in drug development, influence and impede progress"--

  • - En udlægning af Rudolf Steiners landbrugskursus
    af Nanna Juliussen
    263,95 kr.

    Velkommen til det moderne landbrugskursus og en indføring i Rudolf Steiners tanker, som stadig er lige aktuelle.Den filosofi, der ligger bag den biodynamiske dyrkningsmetode, blev udviklet af Rudolf Steiner. Steiners landbrugskursus fra 1924 består af otte foredrag om biodynamisk jordbrug, og netop det kursus har dannet grundlag for al snak om biodynamik i jordbrug lige siden.I denne bog bliver principperne gjort tilgængelige og forståelige for alle med interesse for den biodynamiske jordbrugs oprindelige principper. Steiner er evig aktuel, og aldrig har der været et større behov for, at vi tager vare på naturen, end der er nu.Hvorfor graver man kohorn ned i jorden, og hvilken indflydelse har planeterne på planternes vækst? Her får du masser af inspiration og svar på de store spørgsmål. Læs også om naturens fascinerende rytmer, det evige kredsløb og de mest intime sammenhænge.Bogen er relevant uanset om du blot har en lille have, er selvforsynende eller ligefrem landmand. Faktisk behøver du slet ikke selv at have fingrene i mulden for at interessere dig for naturen og dens dybere sammenhænge.

  • af Maja Göpel
    126,95 kr.

    A radical vision for a better future: an economy that works for us, rather than the other way around.As this major German bestseller reports, our world is at a tipping point, and we feel it every day. Costs are rising, the gap between the rich and poor is increasing, natural resources are depleted, and the effects of climate change are starting to take hold. We are under increasing social and environmental stress. But, as leading economist Maja Göpel argues here, there is another path forward.She invites us to imagine what we want our future to look like, and offers solutions that will help us to get there. It's time to question our principles, set new goals, and re-evaluate our priorities. Time to rethink our world and find new ways of living that don't drain our planet any further. We need a fair distribution of wealth, and a way to reconcile the social with the ecological. We need to work smarter, not harder.Critical, yet full of encouragement, Maja Göpel chooses surprising and enlightening examples to illustrate how we can leave behind our familiar ways of living to achieve a better future.

  • af Katherine Boo
    188,95 kr.

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • NATIONAL BOOK AWARD WINNER • NAMED ONE OF TIME'S TEN BEST NONFICTION BOOKS OF THE DECADE"Inspiring . . . extraordinary . . . [Katherine Boo] shows us how people in the most desperate circumstances can find the resilience to hang on to their humanity. Just as important, she makes us care."-PeopleNAMED ONE OF THE TEN BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY The New York Times • The Washington Post • O: The Oprah Magazine • USA Today • New York • The Miami Herald • San Francisco Chronicle • NewsdayIn this brilliant, breathtaking book by Pulitzer Prize winner Katherine Boo, a bewildering age of global change and inequality is made human through the dramatic story of families striving toward a better life in Annawadi, a makeshift settlement in the shadow of luxury hotels near the Mumbai airport.As India starts to prosper, the residents of Annawadi are electric with hope. Abdul, an enterprising teenager, sees "a fortune beyond counting" in the recyclable garbage that richer people throw away. Meanwhile Asha, a woman of formidable ambition, has identified a shadier route to the middle class. With a little luck, her beautiful daughter, Annawadi's "most-everything girl," might become its first female college graduate. And even the poorest children, like the young thief Kalu, feel themselves inching closer to their dreams. But then Abdul is falsely accused in a shocking tragedy; terror and global recession rock the city; and suppressed tensions over religion, caste, sex, power, and economic envy turn brutal. With intelligence, humor, and deep insight into what connects people to one another in an era of tumultuous change, Behind the Beautiful Forevers, based on years of uncompromising reporting, carries the reader headlong into one of the twenty-first century's hidden worlds-and into the hearts of families impossible to forget. WINNER OF: The PEN/John Kenneth Galbraith Award • The Los Angeles Times Book Prize • The American Academy of Arts and Letters Award • The New York Public Library's Helen Bernstein Book AwardNAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY The New Yorker • People • Entertainment Weekly • The Wall Street Journal • The Boston Globe • The Economist • Financial Times • Newsweek/The Daily Beast • Foreign Policy • The Seattle Times • The Nation • St. Louis Post-Dispatch • The Denver Post • Minneapolis Star Tribune • Salon • The Plain Dealer • The Week • Kansas City Star • Slate • Time Out New York • Publishers Weekly

  • af Abhijit Banerjee
    163,95 kr.

    From the award-winning founders of the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab at MIT: A transformative reappraisal of the world of the extreme poor, their lives, desires, and frustrations

  • - Om at få åbnet sit hjerte til mere kærlighed.
    af Joy Scheef
    299,50 kr.

    Stol på at der er en grund til at denne bog fangede din opmærksomhed, for det er der, noget i dig blev draget mod kunsten. Underbevidstheden kan nemlig føre os hen imod noget, vi har brug for, længe før vores bevidste sind er klar over hvorfor. De hverdagsroller og hverdagsmasker vi alle har, kan spænde ben for åbenheden i vores udvikling, fordi vi dømmer ting lidt for hurtigt baseret på tidligere erfaringer. Inden du begynder at læse denne bog, vil jeg derfor opfordre dig til at giv slip på behovet for at vide, hvor denne bog vil føre dig hen. Lad dit hjertes lyst styre din beslutning om at ville lytte til bogen. Træd ud af komfortzonen og ind i det uvisse, for det er dét, selvudvikling kræver, at man kan, ellers sidder man forsat fast i sine gamle vaner.For hver solgte bog doneres 33kr.ubeskåret til 5 Skoler. De bygger skoler til børn på flugt, der vokser op i krigsramte lande uden nogen adgang til uddannelse. Deres mål er at få flest mulige børn i skole, for hvis ikke de sikre børnenes fremtid, ja så er der ingen andre, der gør. De bygger ikke "bare" skoler, de skaber samtidig livsglæde , åbner børnehjerter, og giver dem lidt af deres barndom tilbage.- Alle som køber min lydbog tilbyder jeg 45 min.´s skrive-session med i købet (til en værdi af 333 kr.) Disse samtaler handler om adfærdsmønstre og selvindsigt. Når du har læst bogen kan du indløse din gave ved at kontakte mig via min hjemmeside: og lige vise mig et screenshot af bon/bevis for at have købt bogen. - I bogen er der mange kunstværker og illustrationer designet til at forstærke læserens forståelse. Derfor, når du køber bogen, får du e-bogen gratis. Hvis den ikke automatisk bliver sendt til dig ved køb, bedes du kontakte mig direkte, så jeg kan sende den til dig

  • Spar 18%
    - 10 grunde til at vi misforstår verden - og hvorfor den er bedre end vi tror
    af Hans Rosling, Ola Rosling & Anna Rosling Rönnlund
    164,95 - 273,95 kr.

    FACTFULNESS handler om verden, og hvordan vi kan blive bedre til at forstå den, som den virkelig er. Når man stiller folk simple spørgsmål om globale tendenser, giver de altid de forkerte svar. Hvor mange piger går for eksempel i skole? Hvor stor vil Jordens befolkning være i 2050? Og lever størstedelen i rige eller fattige lande? I FACTFULNESS viser Hans Rosling sammen med Ola Rosling og Anna Rosling Rönnlund, hvorfor misforståelserne sker. De beskriver 10 fundamentale menneskelige instinkter, som konsekvent forhindrer os i at have et faktabaseret verdenssyn. Læs denne bog, og dit syn på verden vil blive forandret for altid. "En af de vigtigste bøger jeg nogensinde har læst - en uundværlig vejledning i at tænke klart om verden." Bill Gates

  • af Dan Slater
    281,95 - 309,95 kr.

    Why some of Asia's authoritarian regimes have democratized as they have grown richer-and why others haven'tOver the past century, Asia has been transformed by rapid economic growth, industrialization, and urbanization-a spectacular record of development that has turned one of the world's poorest regions into one of its richest. Yet Asia's record of democratization has been much more uneven, despite the global correlation between development and democracy. Why have some Asian countries become more democratic as they have grown richer, while others-most notably China-haven't? In From Development to Democracy, Dan Slater and Joseph Wong offer a sweeping and original answer to this crucial question.Slater and Wong demonstrate that Asia defies the conventional expectation that authoritarian regimes concede democratization only as a last resort, during times of weakness. Instead, Asian dictators have pursued democratic reforms as a proactive strategy to revitalize their power from a position of strength. Of central importance is whether authoritarians are confident of victory and stability. In Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan these factors fostered democracy through strength, while democratic experiments in Indonesia, Thailand, and Myanmar were less successful and more reversible. At the same time, resistance to democratic reforms has proven intractable in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, China, Vietnam, and Cambodia. Reconsidering China's 1989 crackdown, Slater and Wong argue that it was the action of a regime too weak to concede, not too strong to fail, and they explain why China can allow democracy without inviting instability.The result is a comprehensive regional history that offers important new insights about when and how democratic transitions happen-and what the future of Asia might be.

  • af Xavier Moyet
    1.270,95 kr.

    Ce livre propose la monographie comparée de deux Églises d¿Afrique de l¿Ouest, Christ Embassy, du Nigeria, et Lighthouse Chapel International, au Ghana. Une première partie est dévolue à la bibliographie consacrée au pentecôtisme et à la présentation des contextes nationaux. Cette première approche externe est ensuite complétée par une deuxième partie lors de laquelle la comparaison est menée du triple point de vue de l¿itinéraire des fondateurs, de l¿organisation des Églises et de celui de leurs croyances et de leurs pratiques. Ces trois chapitres sont orientés par le souci de comprendre la communication et le rapport à la richesse, afin de permettre dans une troisième partie l¿analyse du message de la prospérité. Elle est accomplie durant les deux derniers chapitres, l¿un sensible aux aspects médiatiques, l¿autre à l¿ethnographie du message et à sa portée pratique. Notre hypothèse en la matière est que le message de la prospérité possède une fonction économique, de maximisation des profits, une dimension médiatique, qui consiste à fournir un argument d¿image à la théologie, et une finalité religieuse de sélection des leaders.

  • af Zakaria Fouad
    1.123,95 kr.

    Celi ustojchiwogo razwitiqNa istoricheskom sammite General'noj Assamblei OON w sentqbre 2015 goda 193 gosudarstwa-chlena OON prinqli Powestku dnq w oblasti ustojchiwogo razwitiq na period do 2030 goda. Osnowu ätoj powestki sostawlqüt 17 Celej ustojchiwogo razwitiq (CUR) i ih 169 zadach. Celi ustojchiwogo razwitiq - äto chetkoe, uniwersal'noe soglashenie o tom, chtoby pokonchit' s bednost'ü i wsemi ee proqwleniqmi i sozdat' rawnoprawnyj, sprawedliwyj i bezopasnyj mir - dlq lüdej, planety i procwetaniq. Koncepciq ustojchiwogo razwitiq byla prinqta Vsemirnoj komissiej po okruzhaüschej srede i razwitiü, i wse soglasny s tem, chto ustojchiwoe razwitie wklüchaet w sebq wseob#emlüschij i komplexnyj podhod k äkonomicheskim, social'nym i äkologicheskim processam. Odnako diskussii ob ustojchiwom razwitii byli sosredotocheny w osnownom na äkologicheskih i äkonomicheskih aspektah.

  • af Zakaria Fouad
    932,95 kr.

    Os Objectivos de Desenvolvimento SustentávelAtravés da histórica Cimeira da Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas, em setembro de 2015, a Agenda 2030 para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável foi adoptada pelos 193 Estados membros da ONU. Os 17 Objectivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) e as suas 169 metas são o núcleo principal desta agenda. Os Objectivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável são um acordo claro e universal para acabar com a pobreza e todas as suas facetas e estabelecer um mundo igualitário, justo e seguro - para as pessoas, o planeta e a prosperidade. Os ODS foram desenvolvidos através de um extenso processo consultivo que reuniu governos nacionais e milhões de cidadãos de todo o mundo para negociar e adotar esta ambiciosa agenda. O conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável foi adotado pela Comissão Mundial sobre o Ambiente e o Desenvolvimento, e existe um consenso de que o desenvolvimento sustentável engloba uma abordagem abrangente e integrada dos processos económicos, sociais e ambientais. No entanto, os debates sobre o desenvolvimento sustentável têm-se centrado principalmente nas dimensões ambiental e económica.

  • af Oxana Onilov
    1.412,95 - 1.419,95 kr.

  • af Marie-Pierre Smets
    469,95 kr.

    Warum die Landwirtschaft entwickeln? Der industrielle Aufschwung in Europa im 18. Jahrhundert war mit der landwirtschaftlichen Revolution verbunden, und auch die Beispiele südostasiatischer Länder wie Taiwan zeigen, wie die landwirtschaftliche Entwicklung eine treibende Kraft für ein Land sein kann. Auch in Ländern mit niedrigem Einkommen scheint die landwirtschaftliche Entwicklung für die langfristige wirtschaftliche Entwicklung, die Ernährungssicherheit, die ländliche Entwicklung und die Armutsbekämpfung von wesentlicher Bedeutung zu sein. Heute ist das Wachstum der Landwirtschaft aufgrund des zunehmenden Bevölkerungsdrucks notwendig. Es geht darum, die Existenz von 6 Milliarden Menschen zu sichern. Die langfristige Sicherung der Welternährung hängt vor allem davon ab, dass die landwirtschaftlichen Erträge gesteigert werden und gleichzeitig die Umwelt und die Kleinbauern geschont werden. Wachstum und die Verteilung von Ressourcen und Einkommen müssen Hand in Hand gehen, was bei weitem nicht der Fall ist. Darüber hinaus wird die Umweltdimension nur allzu oft als zweitrangiges Thema behandelt. Obwohl die Agrarfrage in den meisten Entwicklungsländern von entscheidender Bedeutung ist, wird sie nicht ausreichend berücksichtigt.

  • af Elsy González González
    703,95 kr.

    Esta obra emerge de la cotidianidad de los docentes quienes viven a diario la inquietud relacionada con la urgencia de continuar fortaleciendo los valores de ciudanía en los estudiantes. Ciertamente, durante siglos ha sido una constante el recordarle a la humanidad nuestros lazos comunes, para lo cual los valores destinados a construir la paz, la convivencia y el reconocimiento del otro a través de la educación, es la vía más pertinente para invocar en los educandos su contribución positiva con sus comunidades locales y globales. La idea es prepararlos cognitivamente, emocional y conductual para enfrentar proactivamente los desafíos transversales actuales y futuros, así como mediar sus actividades destinadas al respeto a los derechos humanos, la conservación del planeta y la convivencia pacífica. Aspectos que integran el presente estudio proyectivo que culmina con la presentación de un programa dirigido a los docentes de las escuelas básicas venezolanas y del mundo.

  • af Giuseppe T. Cirella
    1.812,95 - 1.822,95 kr.

  • af Herbary Cheung
    1.310,95 kr.

    Drawing on ethnographic research conducted with the Thai migrant community in Hong Kong between 2016 and 2020, this book provides original insights into the complexity and diversity of identity negotiation, ethnicity navigation, and womanhood reinvention of Thai migrant women in Hong Kong. Allowing research to move beyond standard stories of victimized migrants and domestic workers by focusing on the increasing number of Southeast Asians moving into the middle-class, this ethnographic study of the everyday lived experience of Thai migrant women in Hong Kong will advance a new understanding of transnational migration and mobility at the intersections of gender, ethnicity, class, generation, and religion. This book illustrates the influence of transnationalism and multiculturalism on migrant women's meaning-making and accentuates the importance of diversity within a migrant population ¿ in particular, the importance of maintaining an intersectional perspective to understand the broader phenomenon of contemporary middle-class and professional migration within Southeast Asia.

  • af Satveer Kaur-Gill
    1.612,95 - 1.618,95 kr.

  • af Narin Idriz
    1.719,95 - 1.728,95 kr.

    This edited volume explores the principle of solidarity in international and EU law. Although the concept is regularly invoked in international and EU legal and policy debates alike, its meaning, nature and functions, as well as normative contours still remain nebulous.The contributions in this volume reflect on the legal trajectory of solidarity in international and EU law and offer unique insights into the evolution and status of the principle in different fields of international and EU law. By doing so, the book also serves as a springboard for answering broader questions pertaining to what the stage of development of this principle may imply for the two legal orders and their interaction.As the chapters of this book show, the debate on solidarity is premised on conflicting visions regarding the values underpinning the international legal order as well as the self-interest or community-oriented driving forces behind States' action at the international level. The regional (EU law) perspective offers a new lens through which to revisit classic questions pertaining to the nature of modern international law and to assess its continuing relevance in a world of regional organizations presenting different visions (and levels) of co-operation.This book, the second volume to appear in the Global Europe Series, will appeal to international and EU law researchers and policy-makers alike with an interest in the nature and function of the principle of solidarity in international and EU law.Eva Kassoti is Senior researcher in EU and International Law at the T.M.C. Asser Institute in The Hague, The Netherlands and the Academic Co-ordinator of CLEER.Narin Idriz is Researcher in EU Law at the T.M.C. Asser Institute in The Hague, The Netherlands.

  • af Susan Fairley Murray
    250,95 - 721,95 kr.

  • af Wanjala S. Nasong'o
    2.209,95 kr.

    This volume covers Kenyäs history, society, culture, economics, politics, and environment from precolonial times through the first years of independence. The book comprises twenty-one chapters divided into two parts. Part I focuses on the long precolonial moment, detailing the nature of precolonial Kenyan societies and their economics, politics, gender dynamics, and social organization. Part II examines Kenyan societies¿ encounters with British colonialism, critically outlining the impact and implications of these encounters. The volume concludes with an examination of political consolidation after the country¿s attainment of political independence and the subsequent foundations for political authoritarianism.

  • af Laurens Lauer
    1.018,95 kr.

    Misinformation and disinformation have emerged as paramount societal challenges, affecting areas from public health to climate change and eroding both social understanding and democratic values. Enter the political fact-checkers: stalwart defenders of accurate public information and guardians of robust public discourse. What began as an endeavor to verify political claims in the U.S. has transformed into a global movement addressing diverse forms of public information, harnessing innovative tech tools, championing media literacy, and exploring governance solutions. Who are these fact-checkers, and how have they become such a versatile force against misinformation? While united by very similar verification practices, the community of fact-checkers is remarkably diverse. Reflecting the media-political landscapes they navigate, these initiatives bring together a spectrum of professional expertise, visions, and strategies. This book delves into this fascinating world, exploring how theconcept of fact-checking has proliferated globally. Spotlighting efforts in Argentina, Georgia, Italy, and the U.S., it offers an in-depth understanding of fact-checkers' approaches, their alignment with distinct environments, and their potential impact on modern public discourse.

  • af Alexandra Wake
    1.125,95 kr.

    Transnational Broadcasting in the Indo-Pacific brings together research spanning journalism, broadcast and political science to interrogate the issues arising from a rapidly changing global political and broadcast environment. This book asks: Why is there increasing interest in the provision of English-language media in the Indo-Pacific from countries like China? What are the implications for the traditional providers of foreign-produced news such as the Australia Broadcasting Corporation and the British Broadcasting Corporation? What now is the role of social media in the creation of broadcast journalism, and why is there panic in diplomatic circles about some of the journalism that originates from broadcasters in China and Russia? The result is a book that offers an insight into a rapidly transforming media landscape, the changing state of international relations, and the rise of new powers.

  • af Kennedy Mbeva
    1.420,95 kr.

    This book examines how Africa can secure a ¿just transition¿ to low-carbon, climate-resilient economies.

  • af Melanie Walker
    1.720,95 kr.

    This edited book draws on an international cohort of authors, all working towards sustainable, decolonizing human development for more just futures in a variety of learning spaces. Integrating sustainable human development with ¿reparative futures¿, the chapters present diverse examples of how transformative learning spaces can be created through different participatory methodologies and with different stakeholders. The book will be of interest to researchers, graduate students, practitioners and policymakers in the areas of higher education, development studies and transformative innovation.

  • af Jannatul Ferdous
    1.227,95 kr.

    This book delves into the multifaceted interplay between gender, migration, and development. It challenges conventional theories by sharing the unique experiences of migrants, particularly women, and their profound impact on development in the global South. It contributes significantly to the theory of intersectionality, which illuminates how various forms of oppression and privilege intertwine to shape individuals' experiences. It ventures beyond traditional boundaries, recognizing migration and development as transnational processes that transcend singular actors and spaces. It highlights the interconnectedness of people, cultures, and economies across national borders, unraveling the complex tapestry of migration and development. It provides invaluable feminist perspectives, illuminating pathways toward inclusivity and equity in development. Through its nuanced analysis, this book paves the way for a more inclusive, equitable, and empowering future for individuals and communities. It is a valuable resource for policymakers, practitioners, and scholars seeking to promote social justice and gender equality in migration and development contexts.

  • af Luca Meldolesi
    1.130,95 kr.

    Late Hirschman: Theoretical exercises in "Self-Subversion" draws from the Colorni-Hirschman intellectual tradition the author has developed with close colleagues: recalls and rationalizes personal memoires that come from the long collaboration of the author with Albert Hirschman; learns ¿ once again ¿ in depth from his work; desires, if possible, to make progress on some vexed questions; and breaks away from all forms of ritualism. Hirschman, homme libre, did not like orthodoxies or intellectual boundaries and the like. He certainly would not have liked to be now pigeon-holed by a part of the Academia. Gradually exploring alternative directions, Meldolesi proposes, therefore, in this book a group of exercises. They have been suggested by the late Hirschman¿s self-subverting phase of intellectual elaboration that, starting from the "interpretive social science" point of view elaborated in the late ¿70s of last century together with Clifford Geertz and other leading intellectuals at the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton N.J.), touched later on numerous aspects of the long experience of Hirschman developed in three continents, and mirrored cautiously in his extraordinary work. The ambition of these exercises lies in helping the "triggering off" the cultural, economic and political potential that might be stemmed from late Hirschman: for understanding some key aspects of the past, exploring hand in glove the world we live in, and acting accordingly.

  • af Sileshi Bedasie Hirko
    1.613,95 - 1.620,95 kr.

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