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Drawing on ethnographic research conducted with the Thai migrant community in Hong Kong between 2016 and 2020, this book provides original insights into the complexity and diversity of identity negotiation, ethnicity navigation, and womanhood reinvention of Thai migrant women in Hong Kong. Allowing research to move beyond standard stories of victimized migrants and domestic workers by focusing on the increasing number of Southeast Asians moving into the middle-class, this ethnographic study of the everyday lived experience of Thai migrant women in Hong Kong will advance a new understanding of transnational migration and mobility at the intersections of gender, ethnicity, class, generation, and religion. This book illustrates the influence of transnationalism and multiculturalism on migrant women's meaning-making and accentuates the importance of diversity within a migrant population ¿ in particular, the importance of maintaining an intersectional perspective to understand the broader phenomenon of contemporary middle-class and professional migration within Southeast Asia.
This edited volume explores the principle of solidarity in international and EU law. Although the concept is regularly invoked in international and EU legal and policy debates alike, its meaning, nature and functions, as well as normative contours still remain nebulous.The contributions in this volume reflect on the legal trajectory of solidarity in international and EU law and offer unique insights into the evolution and status of the principle in different fields of international and EU law. By doing so, the book also serves as a springboard for answering broader questions pertaining to what the stage of development of this principle may imply for the two legal orders and their interaction.As the chapters of this book show, the debate on solidarity is premised on conflicting visions regarding the values underpinning the international legal order as well as the self-interest or community-oriented driving forces behind States' action at the international level. The regional (EU law) perspective offers a new lens through which to revisit classic questions pertaining to the nature of modern international law and to assess its continuing relevance in a world of regional organizations presenting different visions (and levels) of co-operation.This book, the second volume to appear in the Global Europe Series, will appeal to international and EU law researchers and policy-makers alike with an interest in the nature and function of the principle of solidarity in international and EU law.Eva Kassoti is Senior researcher in EU and International Law at the T.M.C. Asser Institute in The Hague, The Netherlands and the Academic Co-ordinator of CLEER.Narin Idriz is Researcher in EU Law at the T.M.C. Asser Institute in The Hague, The Netherlands.
This volume covers Kenyäs history, society, culture, economics, politics, and environment from precolonial times through the first years of independence. The book comprises twenty-one chapters divided into two parts. Part I focuses on the long precolonial moment, detailing the nature of precolonial Kenyan societies and their economics, politics, gender dynamics, and social organization. Part II examines Kenyan societies¿ encounters with British colonialism, critically outlining the impact and implications of these encounters. The volume concludes with an examination of political consolidation after the country¿s attainment of political independence and the subsequent foundations for political authoritarianism.
Misinformation and disinformation have emerged as paramount societal challenges, affecting areas from public health to climate change and eroding both social understanding and democratic values. Enter the political fact-checkers: stalwart defenders of accurate public information and guardians of robust public discourse. What began as an endeavor to verify political claims in the U.S. has transformed into a global movement addressing diverse forms of public information, harnessing innovative tech tools, championing media literacy, and exploring governance solutions. Who are these fact-checkers, and how have they become such a versatile force against misinformation? While united by very similar verification practices, the community of fact-checkers is remarkably diverse. Reflecting the media-political landscapes they navigate, these initiatives bring together a spectrum of professional expertise, visions, and strategies. This book delves into this fascinating world, exploring how theconcept of fact-checking has proliferated globally. Spotlighting efforts in Argentina, Georgia, Italy, and the U.S., it offers an in-depth understanding of fact-checkers' approaches, their alignment with distinct environments, and their potential impact on modern public discourse.
Transnational Broadcasting in the Indo-Pacific brings together research spanning journalism, broadcast and political science to interrogate the issues arising from a rapidly changing global political and broadcast environment. This book asks: Why is there increasing interest in the provision of English-language media in the Indo-Pacific from countries like China? What are the implications for the traditional providers of foreign-produced news such as the Australia Broadcasting Corporation and the British Broadcasting Corporation? What now is the role of social media in the creation of broadcast journalism, and why is there panic in diplomatic circles about some of the journalism that originates from broadcasters in China and Russia? The result is a book that offers an insight into a rapidly transforming media landscape, the changing state of international relations, and the rise of new powers.
Lo sviluppo è la crescita e i cambiamenti con la giustizia, l'uso corretto delle risorse naturali, l'equa distribuzione dei benefici tra le parti interessate. Se gestito in modo corretto, ha un grande contributo nell'aumentare il PIL dei Paesi, può creare opportunità di lavoro per migliaia di disoccupati e accelerare lo sviluppo infrastrutturale e la trasformazione tecnologica. L'uguaglianza e l'equità sono le componenti principali dello sviluppo, ma principalmente mancano di particolare attenzione e peso durante l'attuazione dei programmi di sviluppo. Al contrario, lo sviluppo a spese dei contadini e delle comunità povere equivale a una punizione. I programmi di sviluppo che non sono di proprietà delle comunità non possono essere sostenibili, sono causa di molte lamentele, reclami, movimenti e, in generale, diventano un grosso problema politico. Quindi, per risolvere le strozzature, le autorità influenti e potenti, i principali stakeholder e gli organismi interessati dovrebbero aprire le orecchie per ascoltare e gli occhi per vedere i problemi e le sfide legate all'espansione e all'esternalizzazione della produzione di canna da zucchero sui terreni degli agricoltori. La lezione non vale solo per il caso dell'Etiopia, ma anche per i paesi vicini che hanno strategie simili.
Entwicklung ist Wachstum und Wandel mit Gerechtigkeit, angemessener Nutzung der natürlichen Ressourcen und gerechter Verteilung der Vorteile unter den Beteiligten. Wenn sie richtig verwaltet wird, kann sie einen großen Beitrag zur Steigerung des BIP der Länder leisten, Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten für Tausende von Arbeitslosen schaffen und auch die infrastrukturelle Entwicklung sowie den technologischen Wandel beschleunigen. Gleichheit und Gleichberechtigung sind die wichtigsten Komponenten der Entwicklung, denen jedoch bei der Umsetzung der Entwicklungspläne keine besondere Aufmerksamkeit und Bedeutung beigemessen wird. Im Gegenteil, Entwicklung auf Kosten der armen Bauern und Gemeinden kommt einer Bestrafung gleich. Entwicklungsprogramme, die nicht von den Gemeinden mitgetragen werden, können nicht nachhaltig sein, führen zu vielen Beschwerden, Klagen und Bewegungen und werden zu einem großen politischen Problem. Um die Engpässe zu lösen, sollten die einflussreichen und mächtigen Behörden, die wichtigsten Interessengruppen und die betroffenen Gremien ihre Ohren öffnen, um zuzuhören, und ihre Augen öffnen, um die Probleme und Herausforderungen im Zusammenhang mit der Ausweitung und Auslagerung der Zuckerrohrproduktion auf das Land der Bauern zu sehen. Die Lektion gilt nicht nur für Äthiopien, sondern auch für andere Länder mit ähnlichen Strategien.
O desenvolvimento é o crescimento e as mudanças com justiça, a utilização correcta dos recursos naturais, a distribuição justa dos benefícios entre as partes interessadas. Se for corretamente gerido, tem um grande contributo para o aumento do PIB dos países, pode criar oportunidades de emprego para milhares de desempregados e acelerar o desenvolvimento das infra-estruturas e a transformação tecnológica. A igualdade e a equidade são os principais componentes do desenvolvimento, mas carecem de atenção e peso especiais durante a implementação dos esquemas de desenvolvimento. Os esquemas de desenvolvimento que não pertencem às comunidades não podem ser sustentáveis, causam muitas queixas, reclamações, movimentos e, em geral, tornam-se grandes questões políticas. Portanto, para resolver os gargalos, as autoridades influentes e poderosas, as principais partes interessadas e os órgãos interessados devem abrir os ouvidos para ouvir, os olhos para ver os problemas e desafios relacionados à expansão e terceirização da produção de cana-de-açúcar nas terras dos agricultores. A lição não se aplica apenas ao caso da Etiópia, mas também aos países da corte com estratégias semelhantes.
This edited book draws on an international cohort of authors, all working towards sustainable, decolonizing human development for more just futures in a variety of learning spaces. Integrating sustainable human development with ¿reparative futures¿, the chapters present diverse examples of how transformative learning spaces can be created through different participatory methodologies and with different stakeholders. The book will be of interest to researchers, graduate students, practitioners and policymakers in the areas of higher education, development studies and transformative innovation.
Late Hirschman: Theoretical exercises in "Self-Subversion" draws from the Colorni-Hirschman intellectual tradition the author has developed with close colleagues: recalls and rationalizes personal memoires that come from the long collaboration of the author with Albert Hirschman; learns ¿ once again ¿ in depth from his work; desires, if possible, to make progress on some vexed questions; and breaks away from all forms of ritualism. Hirschman, homme libre, did not like orthodoxies or intellectual boundaries and the like. He certainly would not have liked to be now pigeon-holed by a part of the Academia. Gradually exploring alternative directions, Meldolesi proposes, therefore, in this book a group of exercises. They have been suggested by the late Hirschman¿s self-subverting phase of intellectual elaboration that, starting from the "interpretive social science" point of view elaborated in the late ¿70s of last century together with Clifford Geertz and other leading intellectuals at the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton N.J.), touched later on numerous aspects of the long experience of Hirschman developed in three continents, and mirrored cautiously in his extraordinary work. The ambition of these exercises lies in helping the "triggering off" the cultural, economic and political potential that might be stemmed from late Hirschman: for understanding some key aspects of the past, exploring hand in glove the world we live in, and acting accordingly.
O Programa de Floresta Comunitária é um dos programas de maior sucesso no Nepal. Este programa contribui para a conservação das florestas e para o desenvolvimento local. Este livro mostra a situação atual da silvicultura comunitária no Nepal e o seu efeito no desenvolvimento a nível local. (Individualmente, é um estudo de caso da floresta comunitária de BHIMBALI) Área da zona tampão Padampur Village Development Committee Chitwan Nepal (Parque Nacional de Chitwan Nepal, local de origem do rinoceronte).
This book explores modern approaches to sustainability and its measurement. It thoroughly reviews a wide range of existing sustainability measurement systems. Accordingly, the book documents the state of progress toward sustainability measurement by first assessing the past development of wellbeing measurement going beyond GDP and synthesizing the various conceptual approaches to sustainability and its dimensions. It then explores crucial methodological aspects that stay at the core of constructing a sound index system. In the main part of the book, we map the available indices or index systems, their conceptual and methodological backgrounds as well as approaches, which have not yet resulted in an index, but have the potential to contribute to a better understanding of sustainability. More specifically, the book assesses the scope, motivation, and potential usage of each index. It also documents their limitations and drawbacks. This mapping exercise is useful for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners as it offers a detailed and compact overview of where we are and what we still need to account for when measuring sustainability.
This textbook presents a detailed insight into the structures and processes of preparing students for Model United Nations (MUN) conferences and for attending Model United Nations conferences, subsequently. It serves as a handbook and practical guide for the implementation of MUN into courses and classes in educational institutions.Written by a Faculty Advisor, and offering additional insights from an experienced award-winning MUN delegate, the book provides a particularly exceptional insightful, and well-rounded approach. The author explains how a MUN course can be taught, presents exercises to prepare students for the conference, and discusses how the MUN delegation and trip to the conference can be organized. This comprehensive guide offers insights into a broad range of topics, including debates with peers, diplomacy to solve international crises, and learning about the system of the United Nations (UN) organization through simulation. Further, it covers the development of soft skills and communication at the conferences and building international friendships, while it additionally allows learning more about the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the process.With tips, tricks, and bonus material this book will serve as an anchor throughout the students' first MUN experience, as well as provide valuable help for more advanced participants. The book, therefore, is a must-read for both academic staff teaching MUN, as well as students attending MUN courses and planning to attend MUN conferences.
This book provides contributions in international law, development, and international relations from a cross section of jurists and scholars including a justice of the Supreme Court of Nigeria and a former Judge of the International Court of Justice at The Hague. The project, conceived as a festschrift in honor of Professor Christian Okeke, aims to amplify the voices and perspectives that are not often accorded the limelight in international legal discourse. Additionally, the contributors discuss such relevant issues as frozen conflicts in Eastern Europe, counter-terrorism and cyber-security in Central Asia, and judicial contrivance in African countries. Bridging the gap between political science and legal scholarship, the book presents an interdisciplinary perspective on the emergence of an international rule of law and development. It also provides much needed empirical research on the implications of multi-level governance and global legal pluralism for the rule of law beyond the nation state. This book will be highly relevant to scholars, academics, researchers, and students in the fields of international relations, law, and development.
This book focuses on Arab youth marginalization along intersectional lines of gender, ethnicity and social class in four cities: Jerusalem, Amman, Cairo, and Tunis. The author explores how the political and economic climates in each city influence the life prospects of youth and uncovers their narratives around their aspirations, disappointments and life choices. Providing an interdisciplinary approach, the project will interest a wide range of audiences including graduate students, scholars, and policy makers in the fields of the Middle Eastern studies, political science, urban studies, and education.
As young people constitute the future development of Cuba, constant analysis of their diverse life experiences is necessary in new and diverse publications by a variety of researchers. This book examines how youth practices intersect with and are influenced by development ¿ economic, human, psychological, social ¿ and how young people negotiate and influence development trends in Cuba. The point of departure for Youth and Development in Cuba is a pluralistic understanding of youth(s) ¿ that is, juventud(es) in Spanish ¿ seen as an active generational subject, influenced sociohistorically, as a kind of collective identity. The collection of chapters from international scholars addresses issues relevant to young people, their experiences and participation in a variety of contexts and explores the diversity of factors that intervene in and shape the current problématiques of young people in Cubäs eastern province of Holguín
This book is an exploration of one of the world¿s largest man-made reservoirs, Lake Kariba, created along the Zambezi River in central Africa. Originally built for electricity generation, as the lake reached its full capacity in 1963 it attracted other socioeconomic activities such as tourism, recreation, fisheries, and conservation. The material properties of the waterscape (including waves, strong winds, water volumes, deities and aquatic species) have shaped these socioeconomic activities since its creation. Community interpretations of the reservoir feature stories of fear, death, income generation, livelihoods, illegal cross-border trade, religion and everyday conflicts with wild animals. Drawing on extended ethnographic research and the author¿s personal experience growing up around Lake Kariba, this empirically-rich book provides a nuanced discussion of the ways in which the waterscape shapes people¿s lives and livelihoods. Additionally, the book explores the challenges of sustaining and preserving Lake Kariba's unique ecosystem amidst environmental pressures and competing demands for resources. Readers will gain a nuanced perspective of the significance of the lake, its relationship with neighboring communities, and its evolution over time.
This book summarises the evolution of the higher education system in post-Soviet Georgia, amidst democratisation, economic liberalisation and European integration. The author gives an overview of the recent political history in Georgia, paying particular attention to both the collapse of the Soviet Union as well as the Rose Revolution, and their roles in transforming the education system. The book seeks out national and international perspectives to understand how higher education in Georgia can be further developed to meet the needs of all Georgians, while also further advancing Euro-Atlantic integration. It will be of interest to students and scholars of comparative education, as well as the related fields of international development, political science and history.
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