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The movement of policy is a core feature of contemporary education reform. Many different concepts, including policy transfer, borrowing and lending, travelling, diffusion and mobility, have been deployed to study how and why policy moves across jurisdictions, scales of governance, policy sectors or organisations. However, the underlying theoretical perspectives and the foundational assumptions of different approaches to policy movement remain insufficiently discussed. To address this gap, this book places front and center questions of theory, ontology, epistemology and method related to policy movement. It explores a wide diversity of approaches to help understand the policy movement phenomena, providing a useful guide on global studies in education, as well as insights into the future of this dynamic area of work.
Mit Anlauf der ersten COVID-19-Impfprogramme stellte sich schnell heraus, dass Teile der Welt einen leichteren Zugang zu den unter Hochdruck entwickelten Impfstoffen erhielten als andere. Trotz der globalen Impfinitiative COVAX, die es sich zum Ziel gesetzt hatte, eine gerechte Verteilung für alle zu erreichen, bildete sich ein ausgeprägtes Nord-Süd-Gefälle. Eine derart ungerechte Verteilung der Impfstoffe wirft nicht nur Fragen internationaler Gerechtigkeit auf, sondern gefährdet die Sicherheit aller Menschen weltweit, indem sie für alle Länder eine effektive Bekämpfung der Pandemie erschwert oder gar verhindert. Das Buch untersucht daher Faktoren, die zur beobachteten ungleichen Verteilung geführt haben und zeigt auf, wo Ansprüche an Gerechtigkeit noch nicht erfüllt wurden. Angelehnt an die Forschungserkenntnisse endet die Autorin mit Empfehlungen für die Politik, um bei zukünftigen pandemischen Lagen effektivere und gerechtere Maßnahmen treffen zu können. Für die Analyse wurden sechs Expertenpanels des Harvard Global Health Institute anhand der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring (2015) theoriegeleitet ausgewertet. Eingang finden alle Phasen ¿ von der Entwicklung, Produktion und Verteilung bis zur Impfung vor Ort.
Globalization and regionalism are two theories in International Relations which are now abuzz. These two terms have impacted the East African Community as a regional integration unit within the African continent. Originally, the EAC only had three member nations and they encountered political turbulence, which disrupted its cohesion in the 1960s and 1970s. The Mediation Agreement gave it a lifeline. Upon its revival, globalization and regionalism implicitly and explicitly became the guiding factors which guided and still guide the ¿new¿ EAC. It now has an expanded membership of seven neighboring nations. The EAC is one of the fastest growing sub-regional economic integration units in Africa and in the world. The analysis extrapolates how globalization and regionalism have impacted the globe and corroborates some factors with what is happening in the EAC sub- region in recent times.
This book aims to theoretically and empirically enrich the GVC accounting framework with statistical physics and complex network theory from the perspective of econophysics, thus adding up to the existing theories. Besides, it also aims at capturing the essences of network models such as topological complexity, hierarchy, transmissibility, interaction, and causality and reflecting the objective interrelations among economies or between economies and economic systems on the GVC, so as to reveal the inherent evolution of the cross-regional and even global economic systems.
Multinational enterprises have become a main engine of the global economy, technical advancement, and product innovation, playing a pivotal role in the world economy and the global technological revolution. However, MNEs are also often embroiled in financial fraud and corporate scandal which show that MNEs should improve their corporate governance. Meanwhile, as COVID- 19 runs rampant across the world, populism and deglobalisation have resurged, and protectionism and unilateralism are exerting negative impacts on the world economy. Achieving sustainable development in this context is a test of a company's management and governance abilities. How should they be governed? This book will be a useful tool for university research-led teaching and fundamental research in corporate governance theories of MNEs in general, as well as using Chinese case studies as evidence to support our theoretical arguments.
This book presents a post-COVID glimpse at how top Chinese policymakers and intellectuals understand China's future in global international relations, reviewing the global economy, Chinäs economy, society and diplomacy, and the international situation. Ten researchers review Chinäs diplomacy and give their outlooks in the book. Topics discussed include: the new round of technological revolution and Industrial Revolution, the role of WTO in developing countries, the ups and downs of the Sino-US and Sino-American rivalry, the functioning of the UN General Assembly from a Chinese perspective, Chinäs role in restoring the world after COVID-19 pandemic, and the Beijing-led Belt and Road Initiative. This book will be of interest to development economists, scholars of politics and international relations, and scholars of comparative politics.
The current coronavirus pandemic fundamentally reshapes existing debates and processes in international development. The unprecedented (and rapidly evolving) crisis is generating a number of substantial challenges for developing economies. Governments in low-income nations often find it extremely hard to cope with the increased demand for health services, make prompt decisions and put them into action, protect vulnerable segments of society and offer immediate relief to affected economic sectors. This book provides a series of reflective chapters that demonstrate how several areas of international development have been severely affected by the Covid-19 outbreak. It provides an in-depth critical discussion on how the current pandemic influences several development outcomes (in the domains of poverty/inequality, health, education, migration, formal/informal employment, (de)globalisation, the extractive sector, climate change, water and the global financial system). Each chapter draws policy recommendations on relevant interventions that can alleviate the identified negative repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic, especially for the most vulnerable communities in the Global South.
This concise introduction to social and cultural anthropology has become a modern classic, revealing the rich global variation in social life and culture. The text provides a clear overview of anthropology, focusing on central topics such as kinship, ethnicity, ritual and political systems, offering a wealth of examples that demonstrate the enormous scope of anthropology and the importance of a comparative perspective. Unlike other texts on the subject, Small Places, Large Issues incorporates the anthropology of complex modern societies. Using reviews of key monographs to illustrate his argument, Eriksen's lucid and accessible text remains an established introductory text in anthropology.This new edition is updated throughout and increases the emphasis on the interdependence of human worlds. There is a new discussion of the new influence cultural studies and natural science on anthropology. Effortless bridging the perceived gap between "e;classic"e; and "e;contemporary"e; anthropology, Small Places, Large Issues is as essential to anthropology undergraduates as ever.
Volume I examines the history of the European Union from an outside-in perspective, asking the following questions: how does the European Union look from the outside, and which outside forces shaped and guided the process of European integration? Split into three parts, the first addresses the main external events that have steered the European integration process, with emphasis placed on critical junctures following the Second World War, such as the division and reunification of Germany and the Eastern enlargement. Part II considers the various international trends that have shaped European integration, with particular focus on globalisation and geopolitics. While the first two parts pay special attention to institutions, countries, international organisations and the main actors, Part III focuses on the role of ideas, networks, public opinion and memory that influenced the development of the European Union.
Volume II examines the history of the European Union from an inside-out perspective, focusing on the internal developments that shaped the European integration process. Split into three parts, Part I covers the principles that have defined European integration, exploring the treaties and their changes through time, with Brexit being a core milestone. Part II considers the different instruments within the architecture of European integration, with special focus on the development of policies, the euro and enlargement. Part III concentrates on the various narratives surrounding European integration, in particular the concepts, goals and ideas that both spoke and failed to speak to the hearts and minds of Europeans. This includes the 'longue durée' concept, peace, European culture, (the absence of) religion, prosperity and (a lack of) solidarity and democracy.
This book explores how globalization and ubiquity of digital technology combine to create specific global impacts, challenges and opportunities. Although globalization is already associated with the speeding up of interactions and change, digital globalization is characterized by immediacy. The utter pervasiveness opens new global vulnerabilities at international, national, social and personal levels. The Digital Global Condition examines the nature of digital globalization, enabling us to not only inhabit a digital world, but also to understand it, even to live well in it.
The book is investigating the developments after the 2008 crisis. The incompatible tone among the populist leaders with a liberal trade system led nations to disintegrate in the fields of economy and to protect their countries under the shadow of populism which is caused trade wars between world-leading economies.
Mit diesem Buch erscheint die erste Publikation, die sich dem Textilen und seiner unterschiedlichsten Formen in der Kunst annimmt. Warum es bis 2023 dauern musste, damit eine solche Publikation vorliegt, hängt mit dem ambivalenten Stellenwert des Materials und der Techniken zusammen: Baumwolle oder Nylon sowie Weberei und Stickerei wurden seit jeher im Kunsthandwerk angesiedelt und von der bildenden Kunst als eher minderwertig betrachtet. Inzwischen hat sich die Kunstwelt aber so stark ausdifferenziert und globalisiert, dass man dem Textilen in der Kunst international häufig begegnet und dies kaum noch in Frage stellt. Diese Publikation verspricht, eine breite regionale, nationale sowie globale Perspektive auf die Mannigfaltigkeit textiler Erscheinungsformen zu bieten. Anhand von 18 sorgfältig ausgewählten Künstler:innen, reich bebildert und mit neuen Interviews mit Produ-zent:innen aus der Schweiz, den USA und dem Kongo lernen wir ein überaus originelles aber noch wenig bekanntes Feld der Kunst kennen.Mit Werken von: Ernest Neto, Heidi Bucher, Sinzo Aanza, Andrea Zittel, Martin Soto Climént, Jakup Ferri, Jonathan Baldock, Malgorzata Mirga-Tas, Tobias Kaspar, Magdalena Abakanowicz, Ghada Amer, Jeanne Vicérial, Nives Widauer, Mrinalini Mukherjee, Reto Pulfer, Serge Mouangue, Talaya Schmid und Yinka Shonibare.
¿America is back¿, kündigte Joe Biden in seiner ersten Grundsatzrede zur US-amerikanischen Außenpolitik kurz nach seinem Einzug in das Weiße Haus an und bekannte sich zur Führungsrolle der USA auf der Weltbühne. Gerade diese Führungsrolle war von seinem Amtsvorgänger Donald J. Trump zurückgewiesen worden, der zudem einen antiliberalen Kurs im Inneren wie Äußeren verfolgt und somit die Krise der internationalen Ordnung verschärft hatte. Etwa zwei Jahre nach der Amtsübernahme Bidens nimmt diese Ausgabe der Edition ZfAS die Weltordnungspolitik seiner Administration unter die Lupe und untersucht, ob und wie sich die Weltordnungspolitik der USA von Trump zu Biden verändert hat, was den Revisionismus von Russland und China begründet und wie es um die internationale Ordnung und ihre Zukunft bestellt ist. Die Analysen fokussieren dabei sowohl auf die systemische als auch die subsystemische Ebene, tragen politischen, wirtschaftlichen wie normativen Einflussfaktoren Rechnung und haben globale wie regionale Herausforderungen zum Gegenstand.
This book examines the role of the African Union in relation to African agency in international politics. It examines the manner and extent to which the African Union exercises two forms of agency¿shirking and slippage¿in its strategic and collaborative partnerships. The author focuses on four major AU partnerships with the European Union, NATO, the United Nations and US AFRICOM. The books examines African agency in each partnership by exploring the politics and dynamics of each partnership in different aspects: the multilevel engagement, institutionalization, resource contribution and disbursement, as well as preference linkage. It specifically does that by examining African ownership and leadership in all of these aspects. The book highlights the role of agency slack as a survival strategy to escape from the AU¿s subaltern position in international politics. It designates the partnership with the European Union as emblematic of African agency; while the others exhibit different formsof agency slack. Partnerships with NATO and the United Nations exhibit shirking, while that with the US AFRICOM exhibits slippage.
Die hybride Kriegsführung entwickelt sich zu einer langfristigen strategischen Herausforderung für die NATO und die EU. In diesem Buch werden ihre konzeptionellen Grundlagen, Akteure und Technologien aus einer ganzheitlichen, systemischen Perspektive untersucht. Insbesondere die neuen, disruptiven Technologien haben eine katalytische Wirkung auf die hybriden Methoden und Instrumente. 19 Technologien erweisen sich als besonders relevant. Sie verbessern die Ausgangsbedingungen für hybrides Handeln, erweitern das Arsenal hybrider Akteure und verbessern die Reichweite und Erfolgsaussichten ihrer Aktivitäten.
確かに、私たちの多くは、政府を動かす人々が、国内外の政治・経済問題を本当にコントロールしているわけではないことを認識しています。そのため、私たちの多くは、オルタナティブ・プレスや、私と同じように、米国がこれほど深刻な病気になっている理由を調査し、しかし必ずしも発見できないでいるニュースレター執筆者たちに真実を求めるようになったのです。このグループは、「求めよ、さらば与えられん」という戒めを常に守ってきたわけではない。私たちが発見したのは、人々は一種の暗い霧の中を移動し、自分の国がどこへ行こうとしているのかを気にすることもなく、常に自分たちのために存在すると固く信じていることです。これは、最大多数の人々が操られた反応であり、その態度はまさに秘密政府の手中にあるのだ。よく、「彼らは」あれやこれやとやっていることを耳にします。"彼ら "は文字通り、殺人罪から逃れることができるようです。「彼ら」は税金を上げ、私たちの息子や娘を国のためにならない戦争に送り込んで死なせているのです。「彼ら」は、私たちの手の届かないところにいるように見え、視界から消え、もどかしく、彼らに対して行動することが適切であるかどうかは漠然としています。誰も「彼ら」が誰であるかを明確に特定することができないようです。このような状況が何十年も続いているのです。本書の中で、この謎めいた「彼ら」を特定し、その状況を改善するのは人々であることを明らかにする。1981年4月30日、私はローマクラブの存在を明らかにし、それが300人委員会の破壊的組織であることを指摘するモノグラフを書いた。 このサイトは、この二つの組織について米国で最初に言及したものである。私は、この記事が奇想天外なものであると読者に騙されないよう警告し、私の記事と、イルミナティの秘密計画がその手に落ちたときにバイエルン政府が発した警告とを並列に並べたのである。ローマクラブと300人委員会のアメリカでの役割については、後ほど詳しく説明します。1981年に発表されたこの記事は、その後、無名のフェリペ・ゴンザレスがスペインの首相になり、フランスではミッテランが政権に復帰するなど、多くの予言が現実のものとなっている。ジスカール・デスタンとヘルムート・シュミットの失脚、スウェーデンの貴族で300人委員会メンバーのオロフ・パルメの政権復帰(その後謎の死を遂げた)、レーガン大統領の逆転劇、300人委員会が目指すポスト工業化ゼロ成長のもとでの鉄鋼、自動車、住宅産業の破壊。
Uniquely informed by a sociological perspective, this major new textbook introduces the underlying origins and consequences of international migration, placing individuals within a broader social, cultural and historical context. This comprehensive introduction analyses international migration and its effects on those who migrate, their families, and their places of origin and destination. Drawing on illustrative examples from around the world, the book covers the major theories concerning the origins of international migration and the manner, degree and consequences of migrants' incorporation into the societies to which they move. It also includes in-depth discussion of how international migration is relevant to key issues - gender, the family, and religion; the so-called refugee 'crisis' in much of the developed world; and offers insights throughout into cutting-edge research from emotions and lifestyle migration to the proliferation of digital communication technologies. This text expertly offers students the necessary skills to unpack common myths that are used to inform policy and media discourse, including abstract distinctions between 'refugee' and 'economic migrant', the complex and ambiguous nature of migrant national identity, and that while many richer countries of the world are characterized by a perceived refugee 'crisis', it is in fact poorer and developing countries that see the vast majority of the world's refugees and displaced persons.
Dr. Han S. Park is University Professor Emeritus of International Affairs and Founding Director of the Center for the Study of Global Issues (GLOBIS) at the University of Georgia. Born in China (Manchuria) to immigrant Korean parents, Dr. Park received his education in China, Korea, and the United States, with degrees in Political Science from Seoul National University (B.A.), the American University (M.A.) and the University of Minnesota (Ph.D.).Dr. Park is the thirteenth recipient of the Gandhi-King-Ikeda Community Builder's Prize in 2010 for his commitment to finding peaceful solutions to challenges arising from the Korean peninsula. This international award is designed to promote peace and positive social transformation by honoring those demonstrating extraordinary global leadership through nonviolent means. Previous recipients include Nelson Mandela, Mikhail Gorbachev, John Hume, Desmond Tutu, and Yitzhak Rabin.He has worked tirelessly to persuade officials from different countries to improve their relations with the US for denuclearization. He was instrumental in President Jimmy Carter's visit to North Korea in 1994 for averting a certain military confrontation and President Bill Clinton's visit to Pyongyang to free detained American journalists in 2009.Dr. Park's extensive list of published books include Globalization: Blessing or Curse (2017), North Korea Demystified (2012), North Korea" Politics of Unconventional Wisdom (2002), as well as foreign language books.. To honor Dr. Park's scholarship, teaching and service, the University of Georgia created a professorship in his name, Han S. Park Professor of Peace Studies. He has consistently been interviewed by major media around the world including CNN, ABC, BBC, Aljazeera, as well as TRT (Turkey), Japan, and Korea.
This book provides a historical review of the transformation of Chinäs image around the world since the 1978 Reform and Opening Up. Based on a synthetic model that the author constructs for evaluating national images, together with a historical review and quantitative analysis, it discusses the issues and challenges confronting Chinäs image around the world since the Opening Up. To help rectify the situation that most of the research on Chinäs reform efforts focuses on hard power (esp. economic power), this book, which mainly focuses on Chinäs soft power, reviews and assesses its global image from the three perspectives of politics, economy and culture. In the process, it sheds valuable new light on the presentation of Chinäs image and the world¿s perceptions of China.
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