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  • Spar 30%
    - Fra vild teenager til businesskvinde og mor
    af Katrine Memborg & Stephanie Karma Salvarli
    188,95 kr.

    En fantastisk selvbiografi om en af landets største influencers Stephanie Karma, bedst kendt som Geggo. Geggo som er datter til Linse kessler og niece til Mikkel Kessler, er nærmest vokset op for rullende kameraer som yngste medlem af Familien fra Bryggen. Udadtil ser det ud til at Stephanie har levet det perfekte liv, men det har ikke altid været uden problemer. I bogen fortæller hun ærligt ud om den hårde barndom med en mor i fængsel, om de vilde og udfordrende teenageår, hvad det har betydet at være mor for første gang, og hvorfor Cengiz er den rette mand for hende. I bogen beretter Stephanie også om, hvordan det har været at blive et så kendt ansigt i så tidlig en alder, og hvilke udfordringer det har medført, ved at have arbejdet så tæt sammen med hendes familie på åbent tv hele livet. Hvordan hun har skulle finde sig selv og skabe sin egen karriere som influencer, hvordan hun har skulle forholde sig til pressen, haters og fans og hvordan hun har måtte arbejde ekstra hårdt for at bevise sit værd. De kampe og udfordringer Stephanie har stået over for som teenager er blevet vendt til noget positivt, og har i dag udviklet sig til en inspirationskilde for mange unge kvinder, er underholdende og utrolig spændende for Bryggen-fans, har over en halv million følgere på Instagram og er mor med stort M.  

  • af Glenn Boozan
    163,95 kr.

    "This book highlights the foibles and failures of fictional and historical dads. Written in verse with humorous illustrations throughout"--

  • af Ramin Zahed
    297,95 kr.

    Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: The Art of the Movie is an enthralling book by Ramin Zahed. Published by Abrams & Chronicle Books in 2023, this book provides a deep dive into the artistry and creativity behind the hit movie. The genre of the book is art and film, and it is a must-read for all Spider-Man and movie art enthusiasts. Zahed, known for his insightful and detailed approach, brings the Spider-Verse to life through this book. He takes the readers on a journey across the multiverse, showcasing the unique art styles and techniques used to create different Spider-Man universes. Published in 2023, this book is a testament to the evolution of film art over the years. Abrams & Chronicle Books, renowned for their high-quality publications, have ensured that the art and insights in this book are beautifully presented, making it a perfect addition to any fan's collection.

  • Spar 30%
    af Jacob Wendt Jensen & Christian Monggaard
    208,95 kr.

    Matador er verdens bedste tv-serie. Det er vi mange danskere, som ikke er et sekund i tvivl om. I denne bog mødes fire af seriens store stjerner – Ghita Nørby, Malene Schwartz, Kirsten Olesen og Sonja Oppenhagen – i en række spændende, morsomme og åbenhjertige samtaler.Sammen fortæller de om deres liv med Matador, om arbejdet med de stærke karakterer, Ingeborg Skjern, Maude Varnæs, Agnes Jensen og Vicki Arnesen, og om hvordan indspilningerne af serien forløb. De beskriver samarbejdet med de to skabere, Lise Nørgaard og Erik Balling, og arbejdet med at finde ind til kernen af deres figurer.Bogen er et unikt møde mellem de fire store skuespillerinder og giver et sjældent indblik i arbejdet bag kulisserne på den legendariske serie. Ikke mindst beretter de fire om, hvad Matador har betydet for dem hver især og deres øvrige og yderst flotte karrierer på scene, film og tv.

  • af Anne Kirstine Cramon
    248,95 kr.

    ”HUN VIL JO BARE HAVE OPMÆRKSOMHED”Der findes lige så mange fordomme om kvinder, som der findes anledninger til dårlig stemning, og debattør Anne Kirstine Cramon er blevet konfronteret med dem alle. Så nu tager hun til genmæle.For hvad svarer man egentlig, når ens kollega til frokosten siger: ”Kvinder vil ikke avancere på arbejdsmarkedet, fordi de hellere vil være sammen med familien.” Ingenting. Man kigger ned på sin tallerken, og så går man hjem og står i badet næste morgen og tænker på alle de ting, man burde have sagt.MANUAL TIL DÅRLIG STEMNING er bogen til dig, som er klar til at kaste den gode stemning over bord for at sige det, alle tænker.ANNE KIRSTINE CRAMON (f. 1985) er uddannet cand.mag fra Københavns Universitet og lever et kludetæppeliv, der gør, at hendes far ligger søvnløs og spekulerer på, hvordan hun mon skal tjene til pensionen. Hun laver podcasts, skriver klummer, rådgiver i kommunikation og holder foredrag for folk, der gider at høre på hende. Det er primært kvinder.

  • af Randall Munroe
    133,95 kr.

    What If? 2 is the highly anticipated sequel from the acclaimed author, Randall Munroe. Published in 2023 by Hodder And Stoughton Ltd., this book continues to explore the intriguing and often hilarious outcomes of hypothetical scenarios. Munroe, renowned for his unique blend of humor and scientific insight, once again captivates readers with his imaginative inquiries into the world of 'what ifs'. This book, like its predecessor, belongs to a genre all its own, combining elements of science, humor, and sheer unpredictability. Readers will find themselves laughing, pondering, and marveling at the endless possibilities of the universe. What If? 2 confirms Munroe's status as a master of imaginative storytelling and reaffirms Hodder And Stoughton Ltd.'s commitment to publishing thought-provoking literature. This book is a must-read for anyone who enjoys a good laugh while learning about the fascinating complexities of our world.

  • af Meik Wiking
    178,95 kr.

    Danmark er kendt som verdens lykkeligste land. Det skyldes i bund og grund én ting: Vi hygger.”Hygge er blevet beskrevet som alt lige fra ‘kunsten at skabe intimitet’, ‘følelsesmæssigt velbehag’ til ‘at nyde tilstedeværelsen af beroligende ting’, ‘behageligt samvær’ og − min personlige favorit − ‘kakao i skæret af levende lys’.Men hygge er svært at beskrive. Det er noget, man føler. Hygge er, når man putter sig i sofaen med en, man holder af, eller at spise god mad med nære venner. Hygge er, når morgenlyset falder helt rigtigt ind gennem dit vindue. Forfatteren Meik Wiking er direktør for Institut for  Lykkeforskning i København, og han ved alt om hygge. Han har nemlig brugt mange år på at studere det helt særlige ved danskernes måde at leve på. Meiks inspirerende  og smukke bog hjælper dig med at finde ind til hyggens mange facetter, lige fra at vælge den helt rette belysning, planlægge et hyggeligt middagsselskab til at lave dit eget hyggeførstehjælpssæt!

  • af Jeremy Clarkson
    106,95 kr.

  • - alt det, du havde glemt, du kunne huske
    af Dorthe Chakravarty
    238,95 kr.

    Irma har sat sit præg på dagligvarehandlen siden 1886. Snart er historien, som vi kender den, slut. Her er bogen, der gennem udvalgte ikoniske genstande fortæller Irmas historie: Irma-kaffen, rødvinen, Maries medister, Irma-dukker, engangstrusser, kunstdåser, Kina-sko og meget mere.Få den nostalgiske historie om dengang Irma åbnede sin første selvbetjeningsbutik efter amerikansk forbillede. Læs om tiden, hvor Irma også var et rejsebureau, der fragtede eventyrlystne danskere til eksotiske egne. Om hvordan kunderne kunne ringe og bestille frisklavet kolbekaffe på Irma-fonen og om kaffe-sporvognene, der kørte rundt i de københavnske gader. Det er en fortælling om kampen for fødevarernes kvalitet, økologi, godt købmandskab og små producenter. Ikke mindst er det Irma-historie flettet sammen med danmarkshistorie.Dorthe Chakravarty er historiker, forfatter og forhenværende radiovært på DR P1. Hun har skrevet flere kulturhistoriske bøger.

  • af Charles Bramesco
    186,95 kr.

    Colours of Film is a captivating book by Charles Bramesco, a renowned author in the literary world. Published by QUARTO in 2023, this book delves into the intricate relationship between cinema and color. Bramesco, with his eloquent writing style, explores how filmmakers use color to evoke emotions, tell stories, and bring their visions to life. The genre of this book can be best described as a blend of Film Studies and Visual Arts, offering a unique perspective on the use of color in films. This book is a must-read for movie enthusiasts, film students, and anyone with an interest in visual storytelling. Published by the esteemed QUARTO, Colours of Film is a testament to Bramesco's deep understanding and love for cinema. Immerse yourself in the vibrant world of film and discover the magic of color with Colours of Film.

  • af NBC Universal
    143,95 kr.

    "An illustrated guide to embracing your inner ogre and living your truth, mud, farts, and all"--

    179,95 kr.

    Use this deluxe, faux-leather Lord of the Rings™–inspired journal to record the experiences of your next adventure or write your life’s story. This notebook is the perfect companion, no matter where your path takes you in Middle-earth™.184 RULED PAGES: Includes 184 pages of high-quality paper to give you plenty of space to record your notes and thoughts or to chart a course back to the Shire™. STAY-CLOSED ELASTIC BAND WITH CHARM: Keep your thoughts secure with the elastic band closure, accented with a metal and enamel Leaf of Lórien™ charm to inspire bravery and Elvish honor. HIGH QUALITY AND ETHICAL: The journal has a durable, vegan faux-leather cover featuring a golden design of the One Ring™’s inscription in the Dark Tongue of Mordor™. CONVENIENT SIZE: This 5.75 x 8.25-inch journal is a comfortable size to journal anywhere and easily fits in a bag or backpack to take with you on the road. PERFECT FOR STUDENTS AND ADULTS: Whether you are new to the world of Lord of the Rings™ or a seasoned fan, this hardcover journal is perfect for any admirer of the books or films. COMPLETE YOUR COLLECTION / COLLECT THEM ALL: Collect more great stationery products from Insights inspired by The Lord of the Rings™, including The Lord of the Rings: One Ring Traveler's Notebook Set, The Lord of the Rings: Stationery Set, and The Lord of the Rings: The One Ring Glass Candle. The Insights Lord of the Rings™ stationery line makes a thoughtful gift for any Middle-earth™ fan or budding, avid reader.

  • af Liv Stromquist
    198,95 kr.

    Hvem er historiens allermest provokerende boyfriend? Er Sting en lidt creepy fyr? Er alle børn højreorienterede royalister? Hvem er det, der skriger på Edvard Munchs maleri? Hvorfor skal man aldrig stole på en smilende hippie? Hvor er alle gudinderne blevet af? Var Einstein virkelig hjernen bag relativitetsteorien? Hvad skete der egentlig lige for Britney Spears? Hvad har kristendommens grundlæggere til fælles med en flok 13-årige drenge? Hvordan hænger homoseksuelle ænder sammen med Ikea? Hvorfor var det, hele verden blev så splitterravende tossede på Yoko Ono? Og hvor passer Elvis ind i alt det her? Find alle svarene i I’m every woman, hvor Liv Strömquist retter sin skarpladte satirepen mod mænd, kvinder og børn, og de forestillinger og fordomme der underkaster os alle. Mød skurke såvel som heltinder. Mød dig selv. Liv Strömquist har tidligere udgivet den prisvindende Kundskabens frugt som begejstrede både anmeldere og læsere verden

  • - Kærlighedens sommer
    af Jens Rasmussen
    248,95 kr.

    I løbet af sommeren 1967 valfartede 100.000 unge mennesker til byen, hvor de dyrkede kærligheden og sommeren ... og nu'et, friheden, fællesskabet, sex, stoffer, østlig spiritualitet, teater, happenings og masser af pop- og beatmusik. Den samme ånd og livsstil forplantede sig hurtigt til andre byer som London og København og mange andre steder.Bogen 1967 – Kærlighedens Sommer portrætterer kærlighedsåret 1967 med både tilbageblik og perspektiv primært via en række vidner, både danske og udenlandske nøglepersoner fra datidens hippie-, kunstner-, musik- og studentermiljøer samt de ældre beat-forfattere, der alle oplevede det skelsættende 1967, hvor også The Beatles blev stærkt påvirket af den indiske yogi Maharishi og af hårde bevidsthedsudvidende stoffer – og udgiver Sgt. Peppers Lonely Heart Club Band.Udviklingen i Brøndby Pop Club går i 1967 fra pigtråd til blues- og syre-rock, Danske vidner er bl.a.: Hans-Otto Bisgaard, Peder Bundgaard, Carsten Grolin, Peter Belli, Anisette, Stig Møller, Beefeaters, Peter Ingemann, Preben Devantier, Ole Grünbaum, Kim Larsen, Wili Jønsson, Franz Beckerlee m.fl.

  • af Jarvis Cocker
    126,95 kr.

  • af Dolly Alderton
    128,95 kr.

  • af Thomas Pavitte
    163,95 kr.

  • af Linda Sunshine
    493,95 kr.

    Here is a look behind the frozen fjords and ice caves of Berk at the making of the sequel to a beloved animated classic. This full-color, lavishly illustrated book features more than 650 paintings, drawings, sketches, models, film stills, lighting studies, color keys, story boards, and photographs. Along with quotes from all the principal filmmakers there is also an introduction by the writer/director Dean DeBlois and a foreword by Gerard Butler, the voice of Stoick.In this brilliantly conceived sequel, we are on a journey of exploration to new lands, four-winged dragons, long-lost love, vicious and powerful enemies, and ginormous Bewilderbeasts.How does a movie of such imagination and magnitude come into creation? Well, you begin with an incredibly talented team of artists, writers, engineers, animators, modelers, and tech wizards and you let their creativity soar. The result is a stunning, original vision—bigger, better, and fiercer than ever—of an earth-shattering, fire-breathing sequel to the legendary story of Vikings and dragons in the frozen north.Hold on to your dragons, fans and friends, you're in for the ride of a lifetime!

  • af Sabine Hossenfelder
    128,95 kr.

    Do we have free will? Is the universe compatible with God? Do we live in a computer simulation? Does the universe think?Physicists are great at complicated research, but they are less good at telling us why it matters. In this entertaining and groundbreaking book, theoretical physicist Sabine Hossenfelder breaks down why we should care. Drawing on the latest research in quantum mechanics, black holes, string theory and particle physics, Existential Physics explains what modern physics can tell us about the big questions.Filled with counterintuitive insights and including interviews with other leading scientists, this clear and yet profound book will reshape your understanding of science and the limits of what we can know.

  • af Michelle Morgan
    173,95 kr.

    Where are the friends? Are they hiding in Monica’s apartment? Drinking coffee at Central Perk? Maybe at the beach house? Find all your favorite friends in fifteen unique settings—plus additional items and accessories—within this original and officially licensed search-and-find activity book. Search for the beloved cast of Friends in more than a dozen fun scenes within this original officially licensed search-and-find activity book inspired by the most iconic settings from the show, including Central Perk, all the friends' apartments, Estelle's office, Joey's TV studio set, and more. This book also invites you to look for additional items and accessories within each illustration. Can you spot Ross’s keyboards? The Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E. robot? Or Marcel the monkey? Good luck! Copyright © 2023 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. FRIENDS and all related characters and elements © & ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

  • af Willie Nelson
    453,95 kr.

  • af Kerby Rosanes
    132,95 kr.

    From the internationally bestselling artist Kerby Rosanes, this essential coloring book includes ninety-six double-sided pages of pure imagination and is the latest entry in Kerby’s astounding Worlds series.   Illustrator extraordinaire Kerby Rosanes is here with his most far-out book yet, Alien Worlds, the third installment in his brilliant, internationally bestselling Worlds series, in which he transports colorists back into the Kerby-verse, dreaming up new alien worlds drawn in his signature super-detailed style. Welcome to the next astounding stop in Kerby's vast universe: extraterrestrial worlds full of alien creatures and lush landscapes, Martian atmospheres, and lunar terrains. Vast worlds and encounters with creatures big and small.

  • af LEGO
    146,95 kr.

    "This intricately illustrated compendium of flowers and plants has a LEGOª twist-the blooms are built of bricks!"--

  • af Åse Balko
    158,95 kr.

    Color in this intricate collection of patterns with a creature hidden in each detailed page, getting more difficult to spot as the book goes on.Get lost in detailed patterns in this complex, beautiful, and playful coloring book. Each page has a creature hidden amid the linework, leaving both beginner and expert coloring fans guessing. By the end of the book, the creatures may even be too well hidden to spot!    Color them to blend and have your friends try to spot them, or make them stand out in the swirls, shapes, and leaves. However you choose to color them in, The Hidden Creatures Coloring Book will provide a fun spin on your typical coloring book!

  • af Ben Smith
    265,95 kr.

    "The candid inside tale of two online media rivals, Jonah Peretti of HuffPost and Buzzfeed and Nick Denton of Gawker Media, whose delirious pursuit of attention at scale in the first two decades of the 21st century helped release the dark forces that would overtake the Internet and American society... The curtain opens in Soho in the early 2000's, in that brief moment after the first dotcom crash and before Google, Apple, and Facebook exploded, when it seemed that New York City rather than Silicon Valley might become tech's center of gravity. There, within a few square blocks, Nick Denton's merry band of nihilists at his growing Gawker empire and Jonah Peretti's sunnier crew at HuffPost and Buzzfeed were building the foundations of click-bait media. It was tech's age of innocence: the old establishment might have been discredited by the Iraq War, but digital news would facilitate the spread of truth. Progressive activists were first to the scene, and for a while it seemed they were the scene... Ben Smith, who would go on to earn a controversial reputation as Buzzfeed's editor-in-chief, was either there or talked to everyone who was, and in his trademark fashion, he chronicles it all with marvelous lucidity scored with dark wit, sparing no one--and certainly not himself... At the heart of Traffic is one of the great ironies of our time: the Internet, which was going to help the left remake the world in its image, has become the motive force of right populism. As Smith and his colleagues and rivals thought they were inventing digital media, other figures, flickering around the margins of their story, had different designs. People like Steve Bannon and Andrew Breitbart and Gavin McInnes and Chris Poole, the creator of 4chan, all seemed like minor characters in the narrative in which Nick and Jonah and crew were the stars. By 2020, any reasonable observer might wonder if the opposite wasn't the case"--

  • af Rainn Wilson
    226,95 kr.

    "The trauma that our world experienced in recent years--as result of both the pandemic and societal tensions that threaten to overwhelm us-has been unprecedented and is not going away anytime soon. It is clear that existing political and economic systems are not enough to bring the change that the world needs. In this book, Rainn Wilson explores the possibility and hope for a spiritual revolution, a 'Soul Boom' in order to address today's greatest issues--mental health, racism and sexism, climate change, and economic injustice. For Wilson, this is very serious and essential pursuit, but he brings great humor and his own unique perspective to the conversation. He feels that, culturally, we've thrown the baby out with the bathwater--and that bathwater is spirituality, Faith and the Sacred. The baby is us, and we are in need of profound healing and a unifying understanding of the world that religion provides. Sharing his experience of losing his father during the summer of 2020 as well as his personal struggles with addiction and mental health, Wilson is an empathetic narrator and thinker who readers will appreciate and trust. Wilson's approach to spirituality--the non-physical, eternal aspects of ourselves--is relatable and will apply to people of all beliefs, even the skeptics. Filled with genuine insight--not to mention enlightening Kung Fu and Star Trek references--the book offers the keys to delving into ancient wisdom and seeking out practical, transformative answers to life's biggest questions"--

  • af Paul Davies
    295,95 kr.

    With 73 million units sold worldwide, Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed franchise is established as one of the best-selling game series ever. Recognized for having some of the richest, most-engrossing art and storytelling in the industry, Assassin's Creed transcends video games, branching into other entertainment experiences including comic books, novels, short films and an impressive merchandise line-up. The recently announced Assassin's Creed Unity takes players into the heart of the French Revolution. Marrying intricately detailed environments and next-gen capabilities, Paris comes to life around you and immerses you in the grit and grime of a city in turmoil. Continuing in the footsteps of this already world-renowned franchise, Assassin's Creed Unity brings to life a time of unrest and disorder in one of the greatest cities in the world, promising to be the biggest and best experience yet. Highlights in the game, and in the book, include the different areas of Paris, each with their own identity and population, towering buildings bigger than any Assassin's Creed game so far and an amazing range of locations and action. (c) 2014 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Assassin's Creed, Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft in the U.S. and/or other countries.

  • af Ian Livingstone
    295,95 kr.

    A full-colour illustrated history of the store that changed gaming for ever, as told by its founders.Games Workshop, Warhammer, White Dwarf, Citadel Miniatures and Fighting Fantasy are names which trigger powerful memories for millions of people around the world. The cultural impact of Games Workshop and Fighting Fantasy has been remarkable. But how did it all begin? Since starting out in 1975 as a part-time mail-order business in a modest third-floor flat in West London, Games Workshop has grown from its humble beginnings to become a FTSE 250 company listed on the London Stock Exchange. From distributing Dungeons & Dragons, to living in the back of a van, to opening Games Workshop stores, to creating Fighting Fantasy, to launching Warhammer, co-founders Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson tell their remarkable story for the first time. Dice Men is the fascinating, never-before-told story of an iconic company which changed the world of tabletop gaming for ever. It's an insight into the rollercoaster first year of Games Workshop and the birth of the industry.

  • af Insight Editions
    133,95 kr.

    Relaxation, creativity, and joy collide in coloring activities for advanced artists and Minecraft fans seeking a fun challenge!Creepers got you down? Pickaxe constantly breaking? Illagers raiding your hard-won homestead? Sometimes even the hardiest adventurer just needs a break. Based on Minecraft, the best-selling video game of all time, this deluxe adult coloring book lets you slow down, destress, and color your way through over sixty epic pages of original art inspired by the expansive, wondrous, and never-ending Minecraft world. RELAX AND ESCAPE: No need to craft a Nether portal. Just grab your pencils, crayons, or markers and create your own colorful Minecraft scenes, no pickaxe required. STUNNING ORIGINAL ART: With over 64 pages of beautiful, never-before-seen art, relive your Minecraft adventurers. We promise the creepers won’t explode. IGNITE YOUR CREATIVITY: Put your own spin on iconic characters, places, and items while exercising your creative spark.

  • af Paulina Porizkova
    255,95 kr.

    "Writer and former model Paulina Porizkova pens a series of intimate, introspective, and enlightening essays about the complexities of womanhood at every age, pulling back the glossy magazine cover and writing from the heart"--

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