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  • af Nikolaj Bøgh
    137,95 - 277,95 kr.

    Fortællingerne om 100 af de mest interessante bygninger, monumenter, statuer og steder af særlig betydning for Frederiksbergs historie. Om Frederiksberg Have, Bakkehuset, K.B. Hallen, teatre, kirkegårde, gadebelysning, lindetræer, bænke og meget mere. Siden 2016 har forfatter og politiker Nikolaj Bøgh jævnligt skrevet historiske klummer for Lokalavisen Frederiksberg og Frederiksberg Bladet. I denne bog har han udvidet de første 100 historier, som der er taget helt nye billeder til af fotograf Thomas Howalt Andersen. Bogen indeholder også et kort over Frederiksberg med markering af de 100 steder .

  • - Venligboere, nærvarme og trivselstanter - hvordan lokale fællesskaber genskaber velfærden
    af Jacob Bundsgaard, Johannes Lundsfryd & Vibe Klarup
    72,95 - 206,95 kr.

    Lokale fællesskaber kan løse komplekse problemer som klima, social arv og sundhed. I Rodskud kan man læse om en lang række eksempler på, at borgere, foreninger, virksomheder og kommuner samarbejder på kryds og tværs for at løse komplekse samfundsproblemer som fx at forebygge sundhed, bryde den sociale arv, forbedre klimaet eller at få flere tilflyttere til en ellers hensygnende landsdel. Løsningerne er flyttet ud af rådhusene – og især ud af centraladministrationen. Forfatterne fremhæver, at og hvordan de bedste kommuner evner at give plads til borgernes handlekraft og sætte sig i spidsen for forandringerne. Johannes Lundsfryd, Vibe Klarup og Jacob Bundsgaard argumenterer for, at vi får brug for politikere, der kan sætte retning og identificere, hvilke enkeltsager som kan skaleres op, og som især kan udvikle eller understøtte de lokale løsninger på længere sigt – med perspektiv til hele landet.

  • af Marc Auge
    147,95 kr.

    A provocative study of the ‘non-space’ which defines our age’s love for excess of information and space

  • - Fællesskaber i Danmark
    af Jane Sandberg
    197,95 kr.

    Come Together handler om de mange frivillige fællesskaber, der pibler frem i Danmark. Mennesker fra både land og by mødes for at løfte mange af de almennyttige opgaver, som velfærdsstaten tidligere har taget sig af. Når systemerne kollapser, griber vi fat i hinanden – uden om de etablerede kommandoveje. Forfatter Jane Sandberg stiller de relevante spørgsmål om, hvilke opgaver vi i fremtiden vil kunne forvente, at velfærdssamfundet stadig løfter, og hvilke der kan kun løftes, hvis frivillige hænder griber?Come Together går tæt på 24 udvalgte fællesskaber i hele landet. Fællesskaber, hvor mennesker mødes for at gøre noget sammen, fordi de kender værdien af at løfte i flok. De spiser eller motionerer sammen; de dyrker deres grøntsager i fællesskab, de hjælper hinanden med at reparere ting, der er gået i stykker, eller skabe rammer, som afhjælper ensomhed. Det er det almenmenneskelige og relationerne, der er det vigtigste. Mødet og samtalen mellem mennesker skaber kontakt på tværs af kulturelle, sociale, politiske og generationsmæssige skel. I Come Together beskrives de enkelte initiativer. Der er interviews med dem, der fik idéerne – og gode råd til andre, som gerne selv vil i gang med at skabe nye fællesskaber. Bogen skildrer også udviklingen af fællesskabs-Danmark fra andelsbevægelsen over brugsforeninger og frivillige i sportsforeninger til Folkehuset Absalon på Vesterbro. De udvalgte fællesskaber er best-practice, og de kan fungere som en guide for kommende fællesskabsinitiativer ud fra en betragtning om, at vi kan noget helt særligt med fællesskaber i Danmark.Jane Sandberg har siden 2015 været direktør for Enigma – Museum for post, tele og kommunikation. Hun er cand.phil. i kunsthistorie, journalist og har desuden en master i kommunikation. Hun har tidligere bl.a. været direktør i Akademisk Arkitektforening samt museumsdirektør på Trapholt og Øregaard Museum. Jane Sandberg har skrevet flere bøger, senest Bornholm, Bornholm, Bornholm (sammen med Pernille Gjede).

  • af Dipo Faloyin
    105,95 kr.

  • - Udvalgte gravmæler fra 2. Verdenskrig på Aarhus Nordre og Vestre Kirkegård
    af Klaus Bertelsen
    165,95 kr.

    Bogen tager læseren med på en vandring på aarhusianske kirkegårde blandt udvalgte gravminder fra 2. verdenskrig. Den kan også læses som bidrag til historien om Aarhus under 2. Verdenskrig. Indimellem hører man vendingen “tavs som graven”. Men kan vi overhovedet få de døde i tale? Bogen sætter sig for at give stemme til danskere og mange andre, som mistede livet under 2. Verdenskrig 1939-1945 og blev begravet på kirkegårdene i Aarhus: modstandsmænd, tyske soldater, RAF-flyvere, flygtninge og krigsfanger. Tavs som graven fortæller en række personlige historier gennem nyt kildemateriale og hidtil ukendte fotografier. Om forfatterenKlaus Bertelsen har vist rundt på kirkegårde i Aarhus og Østjylland siden 2010 og er desuden rundviser på Besættelsesmuseet, Den Gamle By. Cand.mag. i dramaturgi og historie fra Aarhus Universitet.

  • af Ben Wilson
    152,95 - 227,95 kr.

  • af Natasha Stagg
    162,95 kr.

    Composed of stories, fragmentary essays, and even press releases Stagg has been commissioned to write, Artless captures the media landscape lived and generated in New York during the past half decade. Since the 2016 publication of her debut novel Surveys, Stagg has positioned herself as an in-demand expert on--and critic of--the psychic experience of self-mythology within the cruelly optimistic metaverse of infinite branding. Part voyeur and part participant, Stagg continues her exploration of the branded identity and its elusive, bottomless desire for authenticity.

  • af Marc Angélil, Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, Julian Schubert, mfl.
    409,95 kr.

  • af Jacob A. Riis
    177,95 - 282,95 kr.

  • - Democracy and Inequality in São Paulo and Johannesburg
    af Benjamin H Bradlow
    293,95 - 796,95 kr.

    Why some cities are more effective than others at reducing inequalities in the built environment: urban governance in São Paulo and Johannesburg For the first time in history, most people live in cities. One in seven are living in slums, the most excluded parts of cities, in which the basics of urban life--including adequate housing, accessible sanitation, and reliable transportation--are largely unavailable. Why are some cities more successful than others in reducing inequalities in the built environment? In Urban Power, Benjamin Bradlow explores this question, examining the effectiveness of urban governance in two "megacities" in young democracies: São Paulo, Brazil, and Johannesburg, South Africa. Both cities came out of periods of authoritarian rule with similarly high inequalities and similar policy priorities to lower them. And yet São Paulo has been far more successful than Johannesburg in improving access to basic urban goods. Bradlow examines the relationships between local government bureaucracies and urban social movements that have shaped these outcomes. Drawing on sixteen months of fieldwork in both cities, including interviews with informants from government agencies, political leadership, social movements, private developers, bus companies, and water and sanitation companies, Bradlow details the political and professional conflicts between and within movements, governments, private corporations, and political parties. He proposes a bold theoretical approach for a new global urban sociology that focuses on variations in the coordination of local governing power, arguing that the concepts of "embeddedness" and "cohesion" explain processes of change that bridge external social mobilization and the internal coordinating capacity of local government to implement policy changes.

  • af Roshan Raman
    1.138,95 kr.

    Smart Cities and Sustainable Manufacturing: Innovations for a Greener Future explores the intersection of these two essential disciplines, underscoring the transformative potential of their integration in sculpting sustainable urban landscapes. By providing cutting-edge research, case studies, success stories, and practical guidance, this book facilitates knowledge sharing and collaboration and inspires stakeholders to implement sustainable and innovative solutions. Further, it illustrates how integrating smart cities and sustainable manufacturing can contribute to a greener future by investigating the role of emergent technologies, policy frameworks, business models, and more.This essential resource covers a range of topics related to smart cities and sustainable manufacturing, including technologies for smart cities, such as IoT, AI, big data analytics, and sensor networks; sustainable infrastructure design, such as green buildings, energy-efficient transportation systems, and renewable energy integration; circular economy and waste management strategies; sustainable transportation initiatives such as intelligent transportation systems, electric mobility solutions, and shared mobility services, and much more.

  • af Rafael Aibar Ortiz
    157,95 kr.

    Se baja la bandera y se sube el telón. Todo un repaso a las anécdotas, vivencias y reflexiones acerca de lo que ocurre en el interior de un taxi, contado en primera persona por el taxista y de una forma amena, directa y concisa. Drama, humor, romance, acción y suspense, todo a pie de calle y a manos de un volante.

  • af Sampson Obeng
    147,95 kr.

    To the best of my knowledge understandably when I first saw the New Yorkers, I was in a state of euphoria concerning the awesome lifestyles of the great people on earth. I choked out a few words the first time I interacted with them. I immediately realized there is so much more to explore about their characteristics and to create a highly readable book about them to the world's profundity of their lifestyles.Reading this book will be more than ecstatic to add more time to your readings, and have you on the edge of your seat or bed, making you want to stay in one place to turn the last pages or finish the book. So sweet without honey.Ecstatically, a great way to spend your ample time due to any action they take is complex and interesting scenario characters that deliver good reading attention, and an impressive array of characteristics.Writing about New Yorkers' lifestyles is entertaining and blends them all beautifully together, never letting the book drop, keeping the reading flawlessly intact, and riveting. Reading about New Yorkers has no stopping, especially about their insatiable educational background that refutes the imbued from their respective parents.They are talented, expressive, sophisticated, sexy, beautiful, courageous, and controversial, tending to conform to societal norms when it comes to dress codes and celebrating their beauty with clothes that accentuate their style and look dreary and bereft and elegant.New Yorkers' food IQ refrain from binging nonstop on an appalling diet of fried potato chips, jumbo sausages, fried eggs, and heavily salted bacon. They fix the holiday period especially a scheduled period during which their activities in schools or other regular business are suspended.New Yorkers' lifestyles in sports are phenomenal especially when it comes to the Super Bowl, with a giant appetite that stands as a record breaker every year.Music first originated in Africa, but the transformation of its quality digital sound has long been transferred to New York and America as a whole in decades.

  • - Harnessing the Power of the Natural World to Survive a Changing Planet
    af Nadina Galle
    252,95 kr.

    In the tradition of Elizabeth Kolbert and Jonathan Doerr, The Nature of Our Cities is a stirring exploration of how scientists from around the world are harnessing local ecology and innovative technology to protect the planet's cities from the effects of climate change.When it comes to nature, most people romanticize bucolic mountain scenery and verdant pine forests, but anyone who's ever lived in a city can tell you that nature has just as vital a role to play in urban landscapes. And with climate change altering life and mental health everywhere, nature can do more to aid and protect our cities, offering the potential to solve problems as diverse as flood preparation and wildfire management. As ecological engineer Dr. Nadina Galle argues, nature is our most critical infrastructure for tackling the climate crisis. It just needs a little help.A fellow at MIT's Senseble City Lab and selected for Forbes' 30 under 30 list, Galle has been at the forefront of the growing movement to use nature and technology together to prepare urban life for the climate challenges upon us. Now, in The Nature of Our Cities, she embarks on a journey as fascinating as it is pressing, showing how scientists and engineers from around the world are harnessing the power of technology and the natural world to save their cities, a phenomenon she calls the "Internet of Nature." Traveling the globe, Galle examines how urban nature, long an afterthought for many, actually points the way toward a livable future for cities. She reveals how technology can help nature navigate this precarious moment with advances such as: firefighting robots inspired by ancient forest wisdom, sensors that achieve 99% tree survival in increasingly dry, hot summers, and innovative smart ponds that collect and manage water surges from extreme weather.Optimistic in spirit yet pragmatic in approach, Galle writes persuasively that the future of urban life depends on balancing the natural world with the technology that can help sustain it. By turns clear-eyed and lyrical, The Nature of Our Cities marks the emergence of an invigorating, prescient new talent in nature writing.

  • af Toshio Mizuuchi
    1.221,95 kr.

  • af Herman Portocarero
    197,95 kr.

  • af Valerie Steiker
    247,95 kr.

  • af Dorina Pojani
    493,95 - 1.464,95 kr.

    This book includes twelve newly commissioned and carefully curated chapters each of which presents an alternative planning history and theory written from the perspective of groups that have been historically marginalized or neglected.

  • af Langtone Maunganidze
    1.338,95 kr.

    This volume is an empirical study examining the extent to which historic and iconic architecture and spaces in Zimbabwe - particularly in urban areas - have been mobilized to construct and reconstruct identities. The author explores the question of traditional and political architecture through analysis of a variety of structures, including monuments, museums, and indigenous and state buildings. Special attention is paid to the soapstone-carved Zimbabwe Bird, which for years has served as the national emblem. Overall, this book argues that while the production and use of architectural products and spaces have been regarded symbols of collective identity, they have also served as expressions of power and control.

  • af Daniel Saldana Paris
    219,95 kr.

    From one of Mexico’s most exciting young writers, a cosmopolitan and candid essay collection exploring life in cities across the world and reflecting on the transformative importance of literature in understanding ourselvesIn ten intimate essays, Daniel Saldaña París explores the cities he has lived in, each one home to a new iteration of himself. In Mexico City he’s a young poet eager to prove himself. In Montreal—an opioid addict desperate for relief. In Madrid—a lonely student seeking pleasure in grotesque extremes. These now diverging, now coalescing selves raise questions: Where can we find authenticity? How do we construct the stories that define us? What if our formative memories are closer to fiction than truth? Saldaña París turns to literature and film, poetry and philosophy for answers. The result is a hybrid of memoir and criticism, "a sensory work, full of soundscapes, filth, planes, closed spaces, open vastness" (El País).

  • af Henry Grabar
    187,95 kr.

    Shortlisted for the Zócalo Book PrizeNamed one of the best books of the year by The New Yorker and The New Republic“Consistently entertaining and often downright funny.” —The New Yorker“Wry and revelatory.” —The New York Times"A romp, packed with tales of anger, violence, theft, lust, greed, political chicanery and transportation policy gone wrong . . . highly entertaining." —The Los Angeles TimesAn entertaining, enlightening, and utterly original investigation into one of the most quietly influential forces in modern American life—the humble parking spotParking, quite literally, has a death grip on America: each year a shocking number of Americans kill one another over parking spots, and we routinely do ri­diculous things for parking, contorting our professional, social, and financial lives to get a spot. Since the advent of the car, we have deformed our cities in a Sisyphean quest for car storage, and as a result, much of the nation’s most valuable real estate is now devoted to empty vehicles. Parking determines the design of new buildings and the fate of old ones, traffic patterns and the viability of transit, neighborhood politics and municipal finance, and the overall quality of public space. Is this really the best use of our finite resources? Is parking really more important than everything else?   In a beguiling and absurdly hilarious mix of history, politics, and reportage, Slate staff writer Henry Grabar brilliantly surveys the nation’s parking crisis, revealing how the compulsion for car storage has exacerbated some of our most acute problems— from housing affordability to the accelerating global climate disaster—and, ultimately, how we can free our cities from park­ing’s cruel yoke.

  • af Brandon Harris
    197,95 kr.

    Fresh out of college, Brandon Harris needs an affordable place to live?a search that leads him to the neighborhood of Bedford-Stuyvesant. Making Rent in Bed-Stuy explores the history and cultural importance of Brooklyn's largest historically black community as it illuminates the experiences of one young man at the dawn of an era in which urban class warfare is politely referred to as gentrification. Bookended by two different breakups, a roommate and a lover, both from the white American elite, the memoir interweaves Harris's story with a serious look at some of Bed-Stuy's most salient legacies. From the childhood of Jay-Z to the disappointing late career of Spike Lee, Making Rent in Bed-Stuy takes account of the famous heart of black Brooklyn's cultural scene. Recounting Harris's own encounters with figures as far-flung as Lena Dunham, doyenne of the Brooklyn zeitgeist who would never take the J train into Bed-Stuy to catch a house party, to Paul MacLeod, a gun-toting Mississippi man who makes a living charging $5 for a tour of his extensive Elvis collection?Making Rent in Bed-Stuy poignantly captures what happens when youthful idealism clashes head-on with adult reality.Blending in-depth reportage and personal narrative, Making Rent in Bed-Stuy investigates the disappointments and ironies of millennial life, revealing Harris's radicalization and the things he lost, and gained, along the way.

  • af Eddie Tay
    491,95 kr.

    In this book, Hong Kong is seen as a labyrinth, a postmodern site of capitalist desires, and a panoptic space both homely and unhomely. The author maps out various specific locations of the city through the intertwined disciplines of street photography, autoethnography and psychogeography. By meandering through the urban landscape and taking street photographs, this form of practice is open to the various metaphors, atmospheres and visual discourses offered up by the street scenes. The result is a practice-led research project informed by both documentary and creative writing that seeks to articulate thinking via the process of art-making. As a research project on the affective mapping of places in the city, the book examines what Hong Kong is, as thought and felt by the person on the street. It explores the everyday experiences afforded by the city through the figure of the flâneur wandering in shopping districts and street markets. Through hisown street photographs and drawing from the writings of Byung-Chul Han, Walter Benjamin and Michel de Certeau, the author explores feelings, affects, and states of mind as he explores the city and its social life.

  • af Nathan Holmes
    1.012,95 kr.

    Analyzes how location-shot crime films of the 1970s reflected and influenced understandings of urban crisis.

  • af Paul Clemens
    187,95 kr.

    An elegy-angry, funny, and powerfully detailed-about the slow death of a Detroit auto plant and an American way of life. How does a country dismantle a century's worth of its industrial heritage? To answer that question, Paul Clemens investigates the 2006 closing of one of America's most potent symbols: a Detroit auto plant. Prior to its closing, the Budd Company stamping plant on Detroit's East Side, built in 1919, was one of the oldest active auto plants in America's foremost industrial city-one whose history includes the nation's proudest moments and those of its working class. Its closing also reflects the character of the country in a new era-the sad, brutal process of picking it apart and sending it, piece by piece, to the countries that now have use for its machines. Punching Out is an up-close report, at once tender and angry, from the meanest, sharpest edge of America's deindustrializa­tion, and a lament for a working-class culture that once defined a prosperous America-and that is now on the verge of eco­nomic extinction.

  • af William Julius Wilson
    197,95 kr.

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