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Aldersgrupper: ældre

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  • af Nancy Nelson
    177,95 kr.

    Confirmation that I was to follow in my father's footsteps jarred me in ways I never imagined. Since hearing the news, I awaken between 3 and 5 in the morning. Zero dark thirty is when my eyes fly open and I'm full-on aware. The words that normally tumble off my tongue now flow feverishly by pencil over a yellow-lined pad-as though I am possessed. And I write. Poetry. It is through my stepping up, speaking out, and sharing my own very personal thoughts and feelings that will emancipate the stigma attached to the growing numbers of those of us relegated to a diminishing memory. It gives purpose to feelings of less than and bolsters a roguish stubborn ruggedness in me for a worthwhile fight-to maintain dignity, honor and respect.

  • af Satya Brink
    1.288,95 kr.

  • af Carol Harkavy
    192,95 kr.

    In her new memoir, Vignettes on Life: Reflections of a Septuagenarian, Carol Harkavy has combined her love of writing, her journal entries spanning forty-five years, and her timeless wisdom to create a book of reflections and life lessons. She invites readers to take a peek into her humor, hopes, dreams, frustrations, fears, and anxieties that are openly revealed in this no-holds-barred, coming-of-old-age memoir. The author's goal is to impress upon younger readers the importance of not being late for the dance and to encourage older readers to realize that it is never too late to follow your heart. Nelson Mandela's quote, "It always seems impossible until it's done" is a constant reminder of what we can achieve if we are determined and motivated to persevere. Self-doubt, uncertainty, and negativity are our own self-imposed enemies and must be recognized and overcome before they paralyze us in such a way that prevents us from following our passion. Vignettes on Life will not only inspire readers of all ages to follow their dreams but will also share ageless wisdom with them to help guide them through this complicated maze we call "life."

  • af Sabrina Mesko
    292,95 kr.

    This book is the definitive guide to help improve the quality of life for your loved one who suffers from Alzheimer's and dementia, as well as yourself - the family caregiver. Included are detailed instructions and a Step by Step guide for: Preparing Your HomeSupplies and SafetyKeeping logsHiring CaregiversCaregiving on your ownHolistic Solutions for Common Ailments: Nervousness, Pain management, Digestive IssuesNatural Remedies & HerbsBody & SkincareIncontinence CareHealthy Diet, Weekly MenuObserving and Communicating with loved ones with Cognitive DisordersSpiritual WellnessSelf-care for CaregiversBody Care in the Last StageHealing the Caregivers Heart With Holistic Caregiving we care for the human body as a whole, integrated unit and strive to maintain it in optimal balance and harmony. It will help alleviate suffering and prevent new ailments. This principle applies to your loved one and the caregiver. Holistic Caregiving is an optimal approach to long-term caregiving. In addition to greatly improving the loved one's overall condition, the method in this book is an essential guide for preserving the overall health of the family caregiver. Holistic Caregiving can be used by family caregivers and applied by professional caregivers in facilities. It is an excellent method to help increase the quality level of care in nursing homes, as well as protect professional caregivers from long term burn out. The healthy lifestyle principles, organic diet, natural supplements and remedies will support both the caregiver and the loved one. As a caregiver, you need to endure this demanding journey without damaging consequences to your health. By learning to offer high quality care to your loved one, you can preserve your own valuable health as well. In addition, Holistic Caregiving introduces detailed observation and communication tools, to help you understand your loved one. Learn how to establish a resilient mindset and find answers to difficult spiritual questions that arise through caregiving. SABRINA MESKO Ph.D.H. is an International and Los Angeles Times bestselling author of the timeless classic Healing Mudras - Yoga for your Hands, translated into 14 languages. She authored over twenty books on Mudras, Mudra Therapy, Astrology, Spirituality and Meditation techniques. Sabrina holds a Bachelors Degree in Sensory Approaches to Healing, a Masters in Holistic Science, and a Doctorate in Ancient and Modern Approaches to Healing from the American Institute of Holistic Theology. She is board certified from the American Alternative medical Association and American Holistic Health Association. Sabrina is also a Certified RCFE -Residential Care Facility for the Elderly - Administrator. She has been featured in media outlets such as The Los Angeles Times, CNBC News, Cosmopolitan, the cover of London Times Lifestyle, The Discovery Channel, W magazine, First for Women, Health, Web-MD, Daily News, Focus, Yoga Journal, Australian Women's weekly, Blend, Daily Breeze, New Age and various international live television programs. Sabrina is a motivational keynote speaker addressing large audiences all over the world. She is the founder of world's only online Mudra Therapy Education program, with certified therapists in over 26 countries worldwide. Sabrina has created special programs for Holistic Caregiving, has spoken at caregiver support organizations such as Lezza Gibbon's Care Connection in Los Angeles, and to large international audiences of nurses, hospice and healthcare workers who truly appreciate the Holistic Caregiving techniques to help prevent burnout and maintain highest level of caregiving.Visit Author website at

  • af Ditte Steensballe
    287,95 kr.

    Før var det:A som Altid.L som Leg.T som To der elsker hinanden.I som Ingen som dig.D som dejlig.Gravhunden Freddis historie handler om kærlighed og om at give sig selv lov til at stave med savnets alfabet. Og om at gøre sig klar til at finde ud af at leve med, at noget ikke er, som det var før.Rytmisk-nænsomt fortalt af danske Ditte Steensballe og ekspressionistisk-humoristisk, grafisk illustreret af norske Iben Sandemose.

  • af Alejandro Klein
    1.273,95 - 1.282,95 kr.

    This book documents, verifies and brings to life the issues and debates that are created around the aging society. It carefully offers a series of opinions that attempt to illuminate the fact that the aging society goes beyond aging and includes a series of changes in terms of family, social ties, relationships, and the way human beings perceive society. The book contributes substantially to the discussion of this new type of aging, the new types of families, and the new types of relationships, as well as in the application of cutting-edge analytical strategies to understand the trends and patterns of these new modes of social structures.The book includes detailed perspectives on how decisions need to be made, mindsets need to be changed, and precautions need to be taken to positively deal with these new realities. The evidence presented in this book suggests that if this does not happen, the danger of thanato-politics appears, which, denying reality, will lead humanity into difficult labyrinths, perhaps without any "e;Ariadne's thread"e; that will allow a glimpse of the way out.The translation from Spanish to English was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content.

  • af Annie Reichardt
    232,95 - 377,95 kr.

  • af Krystal Nandini Ghisyawan
    887,95 kr.

    Literature on sex, intimacy and sexuality in later life has been heavily influenced by perspectives from more affluent regions, perpetuating the belief that the West is more sexually progressive and liberal than other cultures. This book challenges this belief by exploring diverse cultures and perspectives from the majority world, which are often overlooked. It highlights the importance of learning from cultures in the global South and East, dismantling stereotypes that frame them as sexually conservative or inferior. Variously drawing on structuralist, postcolonial and decolonial theory as well as social anthropology, the book critically examines binaries related to culture, age, sex and intimacy, highlighting the need to decentre Western perspectives as the benchmark while other cultures and practices are misunderstood.

  • - - om kunsten at blive ældre og skabe mening og glæde
    af Anette Ravn
    227,95 kr.

    Du er på vej på pension. Eller du kender en, der er. Du er måske allerede gået på pension eller efterløn og har brug for inspiration til at redefinere dit liv. Du og jeg og alle andre pensionister har glæde af inspiration til vores nye tilværelse. Vi er nødt til at finde eller genfinde en måde at leve vores liv på ny. Vi får foræret en eventuelt lang periode, livets sensommer, hvor vi har mulighed for at nyde høsten af alt, hvad vi har plantet og sået gennem livet. En periode, hvor vi også har pligten til at deltage og bidrage til fællesskabet med det, vi har lyst til, interesserer os for og er gode til, så vi får et meningsfyldt liv. Forskellen mellem før og nu ligger i, at bidraget ikke længere nødvendigvis består af et lønnet arbejde, men i højere grad af nærvær, kærlighed, visdom og erfaringer.Måske blev livet ikke lige det, vi havde forventet. Vi kan vælge at læne os tilbage og tale om vores krops dårligdomme og forfald - og alle de muligheder, vi gik og går glip af. Men hvor sjovt er det lige? Denne bog handler om at vælge noget andet: At byde livets sensommer velkommen. At gribe livet og forsone sig med det, der er nu, og det, der var. At lægge nogle planer for, hvad vi gerne vil bruge al den frie tid, vi nu får foræret. Vi kan få mulighed for at følge nogle passioner, knytte nye bånd til andre eller styrke dem, der allerede er. Læs mere om hvordan.

  • af Patricia Fitzmaurice
    187,95 kr.

  • af Max Teran
    132,95 kr.

  • af Christopher Westley
    242,95 - 347,95 kr.

  • af A. D. Wolf
    162,95 kr.

    It warms your heart to hear them running across the house as you walk through the door after a long day at work to your kid screaming with glee, "Daddy's home!" From chasing a speedy toddler around the house as you try to wrangle her into a bath, to the insistent wiggling as then you try to fight her to go to sleep next to you at bedtime, this small glimpse of the working-dad life will warm your heart and have you cherish the little crazy moments that children bring to you as they grow from the little babies that you've held in your arms since birth to the young adult that takes on life like a boss and flirts with boys and beyond.

  • af Dorte Karrebæk
    267,95 kr.

    En ældre kunstner befinder sig i et kreativt dødvande og undgår tegnebordet for i stedet at søge efter fossiler ved havet. Hun foragter de andre stensamlere, dem der samler på hulsten og navnlig dem, der maler på sten. Men alle har lov til at blive klogere.Stensamleren / Evige gentagelser er en bog fortalt i ord og billeder, såvel som en karrebæksk poetik. En humoristisk, smuk og klog beretning om nødvendighed, koncentration og vedholdenhed, som alle udøvere og kendere af de forskellige kunstformer vil nyde at læse, betragte og spejle sig i.Dorte Karrebæk (f. 1946) er uddannet fra Kunsthåndværkerskolen i 1968 og har bl.a. illustreret et utal af bøger samt selv skrevet en hel del. Hun er bl.a. tildelt Statens Kunstfonds livsvarige hædersydelse og Holbergmedaljen. Det meste af sit liv har hun boet ved havet, både i Spanien og Danmark. I dag ved stranden i Juelsminde.

  • af Jodi Walsh
    197,95 - 347,95 kr.

  • af Gail Anne Mountain
    1.157,95 kr.

    There has been significant societal and global change in recent years with accompanying shifts in how older people are perceived by societies across the world. Different treatment and care possibilities are emerging but concerns about the implications of our longevity also continue to be raised. The value of occupational therapy is greater than ever before, given its work across health and social care boundaries.Occupational Therapy with Older People Into the 21st Century demonstrates the ways in which occupational therapists can maximise this potential to the benefit of older people. Using best evidence as well as professional and personal perspectives, Mountain explores the realities of later life, ageing in place, the implication of the technological age, meeting needs for rehabilitation, revisiting and valuing the core principles of occupational therapy, and more.In contrast to other works in this space, Occupational Therapy with Older People Into the 21st Century appraises the totality of interdisciplinary evidence in light of policy and global and national trends, highlighting how evidence generated by other disciplines as well as that created by occupational therapists can be harnessed by the profession.

  • af Scott Simon
    192,95 kr.

    I'm getting a life's lesson about grace from my mother in the ICU. We never stop learning from our mothers, do we? Scott Simon sat beside his once gorgeous and vivacious mother, holding her hand, comforting her, and reminiscing about good times and bad as she faced her final days. The result of those hours spent in the hospital is Unforgettable-a deeply moving, at times laugh-out-loud funny memoir about the colorful life of this mother and son. An instant New York Times bestseller, Unforgettable is a spirited, affecting, and personal tribute, and it is a testament to the universal bond between all parents and children. "In a return to the bighearted storytelling that made him a star NPR correspondent, [Simon] pays full tribute to the ex-showgirl who...taught her only son to be honest, kind, and entertaining. Be assured, tears will fall."--People Magazine"With UNFORGETTABLE, Simon reveals not the possibilities of social media but its limits. Those 140-character bursts...seem inadequate compared with the skilled unspooling of this memoir."-The Washington Post

  • af Richard Isaacs
    267,95 kr.

    Discover the transformative power of informed care and nourishing meals with "Brain-Boosting Bites & Guide: Alzheimer's & Dementia - A 2-in-1 Recipe & Care Manual for Families and Caregivers". Penned by the reputable Richard Isaacs, this insightful guide serves as your comprehensive companion to managing the challenging journey of dementia and Alzheimer's.Richard's expert knowledge unfolds in an easily accessible format, helping you understand the nuances of aging, memory loss, and dementia. Learn about early detection, diagnosis, and the latest medical treatment options. Empower yourself to provide informed care for your loved ones.But the journey doesn't end there...Richard seamlessly pairs his guide with a brain-boosting cookbook, filled with delicious and nutritious recipes specifically designed to improve memory and cognitive function. Easy to prepare and wonderful to taste, these meals serve as a testament to the saying, "Good for the body, good for the brain."This meticulously curated book is packed with resources, from chapters on emotional support, legal and financial planning, caregiver care, and much more. It's more than just a guide; it's a beacon of hope, a source of comfort, and an indispensable resource for anyone navigating the reality of dementia and Alzheimer's.Let "Brain-Boosting Bites & Guide" be your first step towards a proactive approach to dementia and Alzheimer's care. Richard Isaacs brings the expertise; all you need to bring is your commitment to making a meaningful difference. Act today!Make every bite count. Invest in a brighter, healthier future for you and your loved ones, with Richard Isaacs' "Brain-Boosting Bites & Guide".

  • af Jecenia Vidal Martinez
    322,95 kr.

    El envejecimiento humano es y será siempre un tema de interés para todos y más aún si se habla de la vejez, la última etapa de este proceso. Este proceso de envejecer implica cambios biológicos y psicológicos que interactúan con la vida en sus diferentes facetas, social, económica y cultural de las comunidades. Pero no solo envejecen las personas, también envejece la sociedad que evidencia, por tanto, un aumento significativo de las personas adultas mayores frente a las demás edades.

  • af Rose Irwin-Zwicker
    357,95 kr.

    Alli Smith is a girl who always has been a rebel without a cause.That is, until her friends become her cause and gets her into too much trouble with the law. While she is forced to give up the rich comfortable lifestyle she is grew up with, she has to focus on her college studies, and find a way to stand on her own financially.

  • af C. P. Kumar
    112,95 kr.

    "Roots Apart: Navigating Life When Children Settle Abroad" is a comprehensive guidebook that delves into the profound challenges faced by aging parents when their children settle abroad. In this thought-provoking book, each chapter tackles a different aspect of this complex issue, providing valuable insights, and practical advice. From exploring the emotional impact of separation to managing financial struggles, navigating communication barriers, and addressing health and caregiving concerns, the book offers a holistic perspective on the unique circumstances faced by elderly parents left behind. It also delves into the cultural, legal, and administrative challenges that arise, while providing coping strategies, resilience-building techniques, and information about support systems and resources available to help both parents and their adult children thrive despite the distance. "Roots Apart" is an indispensable resource for families facing the complexities of life when children settle abroad, offering guidance and reassurance for a fulfilling and connected future.

  • af Ruth Baird Pollard
    182,95 kr.

  • af Karen Pallesgaard Munk
    302,95 - 327,95 kr.

    Old men – especially those who live alone – remain an understudied group in the gerontological literature, despite their significance to the demographic development. Among the elderly, the proportion of old men living alone is rapidly rising. This book is an anthology of different perspectives on The Old Man. It contains a personal account of becoming an old man, treats ideas about the old man throughout Western cultural history, and presents the first studies on the very old man. It also discusses a wide variety of topics – including alcohol as a prism for male aging; the old man and sexuality, digitization, and masculinities; and the single old man as lonely or just living alone – paying much-needed attention to this long overlooked group.The contributing researchers come from disciplines as different as psychology, philosophy, theology, anthropology, health, and gender studies.

  • af Ronald Ferenchak
    165,95 kr.

    Most of us dread the incursion of "Cognitive Decline" into our lives. However, it happens. If our exposure to cognitive decline is through a loved one, we feel the weight of a substantially changed lifestyle and the overwhelming responsibility of fulltime caregiving. "Called to Care for Rosemary" details one couple's struggle through this life changing ordeal and the lessons learned. In the end, you can answer this special call to ministry. This book discusses common errors and the lessons learned from these errors. If you are challenged with the daunting task of full time caregiving, this book is for you! The Author is a senior citizen, happily married and on a lifelong faith journey. In 2013 a convergence of his age, his marriage and his faith culminated when his wife was diagnosed with "mild cognitive decline". The author's journey through his wife's, mild cognitive decline, dementia and finally full blown Alzheimer's inspired him to share what he has learned with others. This book is the good fruit germinated by his journey.

  • af Claire Robson
    1.284,95 kr.

    This book describes and analyzes the lived experience of elder abuse from the queer community. It discusses the experiences by transwomen, gay men and lesbians of financial abuse, physical and sexual abuse, homophobic abuse, and neglect within partner relationships, residential care, in home care, and religious organizations. Queer and trans elders have been described as ¿The Silent Generation¿, since they have lived through times when their sexual and gender identities were criminalized and pathologized. The book shows that they are far more at risk to suffer abuse and neglect by those they should be able to trust, since they are more likely to have encountered all key risk factors, such as isolation, previous abuse and trauma, and mistrust of the health care system. Their vulnerability has been overlooked and this book addresses that gap. As such, this book provides a great resource to anyone working with elders, including medical professionals, care providers, police, counsellors, and policy makers.

  • af Grete Garrido
    157,95 kr.

    Un libro para personas mayores súper completo para ejercitar la memoria, mejorar la creatividad y potenciar el positivismo.

  • af Rick Rude
    137,95 kr.

    A strong woman going through health issues and the impacts of those who love her. Purpose of this documented journey is to help others via raw and intimate insight.

  • af Barbara Hunt
    116,95 kr.

    The Young One: Short Storis of My Nursing Home Experiences is about time I spent in nursing homes recovering from a serious car accident. The road to recovery was long and arduous yet rewarding. Time spent with the residents in these homes led to stories that touched my heart and even brought a smile to my face when I needed it badly. It touches on the resident's frailty and needs, as well as stories of full and well lived lives. It changed me in so many ways as to how I perceive the elderly in my life. My heart is to capture the essence of these residents and bring attention to their importance in our society. Barbara Hunt is a New Englander at her core, having resided in Connecticut all her life. She loves to read, sew counted cross stitch and spend time with her family. She serves in a local church as an altar minister and Bible Study Teacher. Her heart is one of prayer and ministering to those in need. She has always had a love for the elderly even during her professional Dental Hygiene career and was very close with her grandparents. This book will reveal that heart in these short stories

  • af Aimee McCrory
    443,95 kr.

    In ihrer Serie "Roller Coaster. Scenes from a Marriage" beschreibt die US-Fotografin Aimee McCrory zahlreiche Momente einer Langzeitbeziehung radikal ehrlich, aber auch humorvoll und intim. In unserer westlichen Kultur wird das Älterwerden oft von Schamgefühlen begleitet. Die geistige Leistungsfähigkeit zu verlieren, gesellschaftlich unbedeutend oder vernachlässigt zu sein, beschäftigt viele ältere Menschen. Wie es ist, gemeinsam zu altern, beschreibt die vom Theater kommende McCrory in ihren inszenierten Fotografien, die sie selbst pseudo-dokumentarisch nennt. Die Bilder zeigen alltägliche Szenen aus dem Leben mit ihrem Ehemann Don, mit dem sie seit 42 Jahren verheiratet ist. Als Fotografin legt McCrory zwar ihre eigenen Erfahrungen zugrunde, manipuliert die gezeigten Szenen jedoch so, dass die Betrachtenden ganz eigene Antworten auf die komplexen Beziehungsmuster finden können.

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